65b7476d4e543f0018ae9ba2 - ## - Kinematics DPP 06
65b7476d4e543f0018ae9ba2 - ## - Kinematics DPP 06
65b7476d4e543f0018ae9ba2 - ## - Kinematics DPP 06
Kinematics DPP-06
1. The relation t = x + 3 describes the position of a 6. Starting from rest, the acceleration of a particle is
particle where x is in meters and t is in seconds. a = 2 ( t − 1) . The velocity of the particle at t = 5 s
5. The intial velocity of a particle is u ( at = 0 ) and the 10. Position of particle is given by –
acceleration is given by f = a. Which of the (A) 3t 2 − 6t + 2 (B) t 3 − 3t 2 + 2t
following relations is valid? (C) 3t 2 − 6t (D) 3t 2 − 6t + 5
at 2
(A) v = u + at 2 (B) v = u + 11. Particle comes at x = 0 at –
(A) t = 1 s (B) t = 2 s
(C) v = u + at (D) v = u (C) t = 3s (D) t = 4s
12. A particle located at x = 0 at time t = 0 , starts 18. Equation of a particle moving along the x axis is :
moving along the positive x -direction with a x = u ( t − 2 ) + a(t − 2) 2
velocity 'v' which varies as v = x , then velocity (A) the initial velocity of the particle is u
of particle varies with time as : ( is a constant) (B) the acceleration of the particle is a
(C) the acceleration of the particle is 2a
(A) v t (B) v t 2 (D) at t = 2 particle is at origin
(C) v t (D) v = constant
19. The position of particle travelling along x -axis is
13. A particle moves along a straight line such that its given by x t = t 3 − 9t 2 + 6t where x t is in cm and
displacement at any time t is given by t is in second. Then-
s = t 3 − 6t 2 + 3t + 4 metres. The velocity when the (A) the body comes to rest firstly at 3 − ( )
7 s
acceleration is zero is :
(A) 3 m / s (B) −12 m / s and then at 3 +( )
7 s
(C) 42 m / s (D) −9 m / s (B) the total displacement of the particle in
travelling from the first zero of velocity to the
14. for a body moving on a straight line - second zero of velocity is zero
(A) Average speed can be less than the minimum (C) the total displacement of the particle in
speed attained by the body. travelling from the first zero of the velocity to
(B) Average speed cannot be less than the the second zero of velocity is −74 cm
minimum speed attained by the body (D) the particle reverses its velocity at 3 − ( )
7 s
( )
(C) Magnitude of average velocity can be less than
and then at 3 + 7 s and has a negative
the minimum speed attained
(D) Magnitude of average velocity cannot be less (
velocity for 3 − )
7 s t 3+ ( )
7 s
than minimum speed attained.
16. If the velocity of a body is constant - 21. Average speed from t = 0 to t = 8sec is –
(A) |Velocity| = speed (A) 4 m / s (B) 5 m / s
(B) Velocity = average velocity (C) 6 m / s (D) 8 m / s
(C) |Average velocity| = speed
(D) Speed = average speed 22. Average acceleration from t = 0sec to t = 8sec is-
1 1
(A) − m / s2 (B) + m / s2
17. A body moves so that it follows the following 4 4
dv 1
relation = − v + 2v − 1 where v is speed in
(C) − m / s2 (D) −2 m / s 2
dt 2
m / s and t is time in second. If at t = 0, v = 0 then
(A) Terminal velocity is 1 m / s 23. The velocity of a particle is zero at t = 0 , then -
(A) the acceleration at t = 0 must be zero
(B) The magnitude of initial acceleration is 1 m / s2
(B) the acceleration at t = 0 may be zero
(C) Instantaneous speed is v = (C) if the acceleration is zero from t = 0 to
1+ t
t = 10 s . the speed is also zero in this interval.
(D) The speed is 1.5 m / s when acceleration is (D) if the speed is zero from t = 0 to t = 10sec ,
one fourth of its initial value then the acceleration is also zero in the interval
24. Let v and a denote the velocity and acceleration 27. The motion of a particle moving along the y -axis
respectively of a body in one-dimensional motion - is represented as y = 3 ( t − 2 ) + 5(t − 2) 2 . Identify the
(A) v must decrease when a 0
correct statement -
(B) Speed must increase when a 0 (A) The initial ( t = 0 ) velocity of the particle is
(C) Speed will increase when both v and a are
0 3 ms −1
(D) Speed will decrease when v 0 and a 0 (B) The acceleration of the particle is 5 ms −2
(C) The particle is at the origin at t = 2 s
25. Pick the correct statements - (D) All of the above
(A) Average speed of a particle in a given time is
never less than the magnitude of the average Passage for Ques. 28 to 30
velocity A particle is moving along a straight line and
(B) It is possible to have a situation in which position of particle is given by
dv d
0 but v =0 1 m 1 m 2
dt dt x= t − 2 t
s s
(C) The average velocity of a particle is zero in a
Where x is meter and t is in second.
time interval. It is possible that the
instantaneous velocity is never zero in the
interval 28. Distance travelled by the particle in 2 second is -
(D) The average velocity of a particle moving on a (A) 2 m
straight line is zero in a time interval. It is (B) 2.5 m
possible that the instantaneous velocity is (C) 1.25 m
never zero in the interval (Infinite (D) 2.25 m
accelerations are not allowed)
29. Velocity of particle at t = 2sec is –
26. The displacement ( x ) of a particle depends on (A) −3 m / s
time ( t ) as : (B) −2 m / s
x = t 2 − t 3 (C) 1 m / s
(D) −1 m / s
(A) The particle will return to its starting point
after time /
(B) The particle will come to rest after time 30. Acceleration of particle at t = 4 s is –
2 / 3 (A) zero
(C) The initial velocity of the particle was zero but (B) −1 m / s2
its initial acceleration was not zero. (C) −2 m / s 2
(D) No net force will act on the particle at
(D) −3 m / s 2
t = / 3
Answer Key
1. D 16. ABCD
2. C 17. ABD
3. C 18. CD
4. CD 19. ACD
5. B 20. A
6. A 21. B
7. AB 22. D
8. A 23. BCD
9. B 24. CD
10. B 25. ABC
11. AB 26. ABCD
12. A 27. C
13. D 28. B
14. BC 29. A
15. BD 30. C
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