Department of Education: Weekly Prototype Plan For Grade 7 COOKERY
Department of Education: Weekly Prototype Plan For Grade 7 COOKERY
Department of Education: Weekly Prototype Plan For Grade 7 COOKERY
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
C. Attitude/Values Follow steps needed to clean Perform the activity with spirit
and sanitize kitchen utensils of cooperation
with interest
IV. Procedure
A. Preparation Routinary Activities. Recall the topic discussed last
(Introductory Activity, Drill, Establishing rapport with the meeting
Review of Past Lesson, students. Ask the learners to
Motivation) recapitulate the previous
lessons from last week
B. Presentation Film Viewing on the steps Show pictures of different
(Activity, Analysis) needed to effectively clean equipment. The students will
and sanitize kitchen utensils share their experiences on
equipment to be sanitized
D. Practice Each student will give their Pantomime. Each group will
(Application) own idea about the be given a specific equipment
importance of identifying to sanitize and they will do
steps to effectively clean & this through pantomime
sanitize kitchen tools and
V. Evaluation (Assessment) Pen and Paper test. Let the student answer the
assessment prepared by the
teacher in a 1/2 crosswise
VI. Assignment/Enrichment Let the students list down Let the students list down
things that they need in things that they need in
cleaning kitchen premises cleaning kitchen premises
Display the value of Give appropriate measures on Follow the given instructions
responsibility maintaning kitchen tools and of each type of test
equipment with accountability
Preliminaries. Review Preliminaries Activities. Recall Give the students time to scan
the previous lesson their notes before the start of
the exam
Show actual tools & materials Asks students if they have Activity:
used in clenaing kitchen kitchen tools and equipment 1. Orient them on the
premises. Let the students at home and if how did they different instructions of the
describe and give their maintain it and let them share test.
corresponding uses. The it in class 2. Give them enough time to
teacher must ensure that all finish per test items.
the students are participating 3. Ask them to review their
answers before submitting
their test papers
Group Activity. Each group will Each student will give their The teacher must examine the
be given a specific area to own idea about the test results
clean kitchen premises. They importance of maintaining
will make their own versatile kitchen tools & equipment
solution used in cleaning with
the guide of the teacher