Adolescent Reading Skill and Engagement With Digital and Traditional Literacies As Predictors of Reading Comprehension
Adolescent Reading Skill and Engagement With Digital and Traditional Literacies As Predictors of Reading Comprehension
Adolescent Reading Skill and Engagement With Digital and Traditional Literacies As Predictors of Reading Comprehension
*Correspondence should be addressed to Lynne G. Duncan, School of Psychology, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, UK
2 Lynne G. Duncan et al.
appears to undermine any strict independence between the SVR components (see also
Ouellette and Beers, 2010; Protopapas, Simos, Sideridis, & Mouzaki, 2012).
Therefore, as the cognitive components of adolescent reading are still under debate,
this study will examine the concurrent contribution of word identification, vocabulary
and text reading fluency to adolescent reading comprehension. Text rather than word
reading fluency is included as text reading fluency may draw upon similar processes to
listening comprehension and therefore be more relevant in later reading comprehension
(Jenkins et al., 2003).
strategies, reading vocabulary, and word reading on secondary school reading compre-
hension. Using data from 14- to 15-year-old adolescents (Cromley & Azevedo, 2007), the
direct predictors that were identified were reading vocabulary and background
knowledge followed by weaker influences of inference and word reading (identification
plus fluency). Reading vocabulary and background knowledge exerted additional indirect
effects mediated by inference.
Some modifications were necessary in order to generalize from this original
investigation of adolescent domain-general text comprehension, to undergraduate
students’ comprehension of scientific texts (Cromley, Snyder-Hogan, & Luciw-Dubas,
2010). Background knowledge, inference, and reading strategy assumed stronger roles
with expository than with domain-general texts, for which reading vocabulary had been
most predictive. However, word reading, measured by Cromley et al. (2010) using text
reading fluency alone, no longer featured as a direct predictor of comprehension. This
may be due to the greater proficiency and uniformity of undergraduate cognitive skills or
else it may indicate that the measure of word reading (word identification plus text
reading fluency) used in the earlier study by Cromley and Azevedo (2007) is more
predictive of reading comprehension. Alterations to the predictive value of the other
components may have been due to the contrasting demands of different text genres. This
is consistent with previous observations that narrative texts draw heavily on word
identification skills while expository texts require higher levels of world knowledge (Best,
Floyd, & Mcnamara, 2008; Garcıa & Cain, 2014). In Eason, Goldberg, Young, Geist, and
Cutting’s (2012) study of 10- to 14-year-olds, the contribution of word identification was
relatively constant across text genres, although inference contributed more to expository
than to narrative text comprehension.
Thus, the SVR provides a valuable starting point, but the remaining unexplained
variance in reading comprehension warrants a wider examination of variables (Ouellette &
Beers, 2010; Tilstra et al., 2009). Indeed, with the aim of designing effective interventions
for poor readers, Aaron, Joshi, Gooden, and Bentum (2008) formulated the component
model of reading to acknowledge that the influences on reading comprehension stretch
beyond the cognitive domain (e.g., word identification, listening comprehension) to
encompass the psychological domain (e.g., motivation, gender differences) and the
ecological domain (e.g., home environment, parental involvement). The literature on the
influence of the psychological factor, gender, and the ecological factor, prior knowledge in
the form of print exposure, will be considered in the next sections.
of these adolescents had social networking profiles with on average 286 ‘friends’.
Therefore, digital texts are now among adolescents’ more typical reading habits although
interestingly, many students do not recognize these as ‘literacy’ activities (Pitcher et al.,
Preliminary investigations of the interaction between digital texts and literacy are
encouraging such as the positive association between knowledge of text message
abbreviations and spelling performance (Wood et al., 2011). Prior knowledge in terms of
formal schemas about the structure of internet search engines enabled 12-year-olds to
gather useful knowledge for reading comprehension, and the incidence of complex
forward inferences (i.e., predictions) was higher online than with traditional forms of
expository text (Coiro & Dobler, 2007). Struggling readers implemented comprehension
strategies better online than with traditional texts, possibly because digital texts were
shorter (Castek, Zawilinski, McVerry, O’Byrne, & Leu, 2011). Nevertheless, notes of
caution have been sounded with some authors arguing that adolescents are much more
adept at social networking and texting than at online information comprehension
(Bennett, Maton, & Kervin, 2008).
A sample of 1,230 British secondary school students from years 7 to 111 who were taking
part in the standardization of the YARC Secondary test (Stothard et al., 2010) were asked
to complete a reading habits questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 312
students (25.4% of the standardization sample), and all further information relates solely to
this group. The students who responded to the reading habits questionnaire were a
representative sample on the basis of age, gender, ethnic background, and school status
(see Stothard et al. (2010) for details of the full standardization sample).
Students were from 29 state-supported and two fee-paying schools located in
suburban, rural, and inner-city areas across the UK: Northern England (31.3%), southern
England (34.3%), Northern Ireland (3.2%), Scotland (24%), and Wales (7.1%). Note that in
the full standardization sample, slightly fewer children came from Scotland (11%) and
southern England (18%). Female students made up 55.4% of the present sample, which
was predominantly White British (86.9%) with the remaining students from a range of
ethnic backgrounds. Students were distributed across the school years: Year 7 (23.7%),
Year 8 (24.4%), Year 9 (19.6%), Year 10 (17.3%), and Year 11 (15.1%).
Socio-economic status (SES) was derived for 220 pupils (70.5% of the sample) from the
Index of Multiple Deprivation for England (2010),2 Northern Ireland (2010),3 Scotland
(2009),4 and Wales (2011).5 Student postcodes were ranked in equal 10% bands such that
Rank 1 represented the most deprived 10% of postcodes and Rank 10, the least deprived:
Low SES (ranks 1–3 = 17.7%), average SES (ranks 4–7 = 48.2%), and high SES (ranks
8–10 = 34.1%).
Reading ability
The assessments are from the standardization of the YARC Secondary test (Stothard et al.,
2010). Reliabilities (Cronbach’s alpha) for the two forms and two levels of difficulty of this
The school years 7–11 are given in relation to the educational system in England and Wales. In Scotland, the equivalent
designations would be S1–5 and in Northern Ireland, years 8–12.
8 Lynne G. Duncan et al.
assessment range between .85 and .90 (see Stothard et al., 2010 for full details). In all three
reading assessments (single word reading, reading fluency, reading comprehension), raw
scores were converted into standardized scores (Mean = 100; SD = 15) based on the
entire standardization sample.
Word identification. The Single Word Reading Test (SWRT 6-16; Foster, 2007) was
extended by adding 10 low frequency words to increase the difficulty level. Students read
aloud a list of 70 words of increasing complexity, and accuracy was recorded.
Reading fluency. The number of words correctly read aloud per second was averaged
across reading fluency passages at difficulty levels 1 (137 words) and 2 (129 words).
Students completed the YARC Secondary test individually with an assessor as part of the
standardization process. This session lasted approximately 1 hr and took place between
Adolescent reading comprehension 9
September and November. Afterwards, all students were asked to spend 15 min
completing either an online or a paper-and-pencil version of the reading habits
questionnaire and a prize draw was offered as an incentive. Children were told that
responses would remain confidential and were given the following instructions: ‘We
would like to know how you honestly feel about your reading. This is not a test and there
are no right or wrong answers’.
The sample was divided according to age: Early adolescence (school years 7, 8, and 9;
mean age = 12.66 years [SD = 0.89]); middle adolescence (school years 10 and 11; mean
age = 15.09 years [SD = 0.53]). This made sense from an educational perspective as the
National Curriculums of England, Wales and Northern Ireland distinguish between these
groups as Key Stages 3 and 4. Scotland has a different educational system, although school
leaving exams are also taken in the equivalent of years 10 and 11.
Group data can be inspected in Table 1. A two-way ANOVA confirmed the age
difference between early and middle adolescence, F(1, 307) = 625.71, p < .001,
g2p = .67, and indicated that gender groups did not differ in age at either level (Fs < 1).
In a similar analysis of SES, sample size was reduced (early adolescence: N = 156; middle
adolescence: N = 64), but no significant differences emerged for adolescent group or
gender (all Fs < 1).
Reading skills
All mean standardized scores for the YARC Secondary test in Table 1 were average for age
(standardized mean = 100 [SD = 15]). Two-way between-participants ANOVAs showed
no gender or age differences in any YARC test except for reading comprehension, where
performance was better in early than in middle adolescence, F(1, 308) = 10.07, p = .002,
g2p = .03. Introducing SES as a covariate did not alter the outcomes reported above. SES
exerted only a marginal effect on reading comprehension and reading fluency (p = .05).
Reading habits
Within our sample, 79% completed the questionnaire online and 21% completed the
paper-and-pencil version, the medium reflecting their school’s preference for adminis-
tration rather than self-selection.
Table 2 contains means for time spent on reading habits and two-way between-
participants ANOVA outcomes for the effects of gender and adolescent group. No
interactions were significant. Male students spent more time than female students with
comics/graphic novels and computer games, whereas females engaged more than males
with song lyrics, text/e-mail messages, social networking websites, and poetry.
More time was spent in middle than in early adolescence on reading magazines,
newspapers, school text books, texts or e-mails, social networking websites, online
searching, and factual websites. Students reported spending longer on digital than on
traditional literacies, and engagement with digital literacies was more common in middle
than in early adolescence. Controlling for SES using the reduced sample made little
difference except that fiction book reading became more frequent among females than
among males and age differences in factual website reading disappeared.
Table 1. Means and standard deviations for chronological age, reading comprehension, word identification (SWRT), reading fluency, and SES for male and female
students in early and middle adolescence
Lynne G. Duncan et al.
YARC secondary
comprehension SWRT Reading fluency SESa
age (years) Standardized scores IMD postcode rank
Early adolescence
Female 122 12.63 0.92 103.54 11.32 103.21 12.33 102.00 13.63 6.23 2.63 93
Male 89 12.70 0.85 102.53 12.77 103.36 15.80 100.35 16.07 6.25 2.56 63
Total 211 12.66 0.89 103.11 11.94 103.27 13.86 101.31 14.69 6.24 2.60 156
Middle adolescence
Female 51 15.08 0.56 99.08 11.86 99.55 12.64 102.59 12.75 5.76 2.37 37
Male 50 15.09 0.51 97.86 11.35 102.53 13.76 101.46 13.65 6.41 2.65 27
Total 101 15.09 0.53 98.47 11.57 101.02 13.23 102.03 13.15 6.03 2.49 64
Note. IMD = Index of Multiple Deprivation; SWRT = Single Word Reading Test; YARC = York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension.
SES data were only available for a reduced sample of 156 younger and 64 older adolescents.
Adolescent reading comprehension 11
Table 2. Medians, means, and standard deviations for timea spent reading each type of material and
reported reading frequencyb for males and females in early and middle adolescence
Early adolescence adolescence
Reading material Female Male Female Male F (Gender)c F (Age group)c
Traditional literacies
Mean 1.88 1.87 2.34 2.02 2.15 n.s. 7.72**
SD 0.77 0.88 1.00 1.08
Median 2 2 2 2
Instructions or manual
Mean 1.39 1.48 1.50 1.58 1.28 n.s. 1.83 n.s.
SD 0.62 0.61 0.71 0.65
Median 1 1 1 1.5
Comic or graphic novel
Mean 1.28 1.79 1.31 1.48 12.65*** 2.30 n.s.
SD 0.55 0.85 1.00 0.85
Median 1 2 1 1
Mean 1.48 1.29 1.62 1.31 7.47** <1 n.s.
SD 0.76 0.53 1.03 0.59
Median 1 1 1 1
Non-fiction book
Mean 1.69 1.73 1.58 1.68 <1 n.s. <1 n.s.
SD 0.85 0.91 0.95 0.84
Median 1 1 1 1
School text book
Mean 2.19 2.08 2.67 2.42 2.21 n.s. 11.08**
SD 0.85 0.99 1.13 1.16
Median 2 2 3 2
Fiction book
Mean 2.63 2.32 2.56 2.28 2.90† <1 n.s.
SD 1.38 1.28 1.54 1.36
Median 2 2 2 2
Mean 1.59 1.78 1.96 1.92 <1 n.s. 7.88**
SD 0.59 0.79 0.86 0.90
Median 2 2 2 2
Song lyrics
Mean 2.07 1.33 2.02 1.48 33.86*** <1 n.s.
SD 1.07 0.54 1.08 0.65
Median 2 1 2 1
Digital literacies
Factual website or blog
Mean 1.92 1.76 2.04 2.21 <1 n.s. 5.91*
SD 0.82 0.87 1.15 1.15
Median 2 2 2 2
12 Lynne G. Duncan et al.
Table 2. (Continued)
Early adolescence adolescence
Reading material Female Male Female Male F (Gender)c F (Age group)c
Online searching
Mean 2.54 2.51 2.85 3.23 1.71 n.s. 16.01***
SD 1.00 1.02 1.07 1.13
Median 2 2 3 3
Text or e-mail messages
Mean 2.58 2.28 3.46 2.81 10.99** 24.80***
SD 1.18 1.02 1.28 1.21
Median 2 2 3 2.5
Social networking website
Mean 2.90 2.44 3.80 3.33 6.98** 26.18***
SD 1.46 1.42 1.46 1.34
Median 3 2 4 3
Mean 1.32 1.33 1.20 1.21 <1 n.s. 2.28 n.s.
SD 0.75 0.66 0.63 0.50
Median 1 1 1 1
Computer game
Mean 2.22 3.13 1.88 3.29 55.25*** <1 n.s.
SD 1.08 1.42 1.18 1.43
Median 2 3 1.5 3
Reading frequency
Mean 11.34 10.16 10.12 8.66 15.82*** 16.79***
SD 2.86 3.00 2.33 2.22
Median 12 11 11 9
Note. aReading habits ratings: 1 = didn’t read this; 2 = 30 min or less; 3 = 1 hr; 4 = 2 hr; 5 = 3 hr or
Reading frequency ratings: 1 (low)–16 (high).
F for main effect.
***p < .001; **p < .01; *p < .05; †p < .09.
The total score from the reading frequency items in our reading habits questionnaire
indicated that female students read more frequently than male students (M = 10.98
[SD = 2.76] vs. M = 9.62 [SD = 2.83], respectively), F(1, 308) = 15.82, p < .001,
g2p = .05. Reading frequency was lower in middle (M = 9.40, SD = 2.38) than in early
adolescence (M = 10.84, SD = 2.97), F(1, 308) = 16.79, p < .001, g2p = .05. No gender
differences in text genre preference emerged from the questionnaire, but mean scores
tended to be higher than a neutral score of 2.50 indicating a general preference for fiction.
Pearson product moment correlations (used throughout) confirmed the expressed
preference by showing negative correlations between preference scores and reading non-
fiction books, r(301) = .14, p = .01, and (marginally) school textbooks, r(298) = .11,
p = .07, and positive correlations with reading fiction books, r(299) = .24, p < .001.
Correlations also examined the relations between reading habits and YARC reading
measures. The strongest correlates were the extended traditional texts (early adolescence
– fiction book reading correlated with comprehension, r(203) = .48, p < .001, SWRT, r
(203) = .36, p < .001, and fluency, r(202) = .40, p < .001; middle adolescence – school
Adolescent reading comprehension 13
textbooks correlated with SWRT, r(95) = .25, p < .05, and fiction books with compre-
hension, r(94) = .47, p < .001).
Multiple regressions
Table 4 summarizes the analyses to investigate the predictors of reading compre-
hension. In early adolescence, SWRT (b = .47, p < .001) and reading fluency
(b = .28, p < .001) were significant predictors and reading frequency was marginal
(b = .09, p = .07). The model explained 53% of the variance in reading compre-
hension, F(4, 205) = 58.20, p < .001. In middle adolescence, only SWRT (b = .55,
p < .001) was significant, but the model explained 41% of the variance, F(4,
94) = 16.53, p < .001.
Table 3. Pearson product moment correlations between standardized scores in the reading
comprehension, word identification (SWRT), and reading fluency components of the YARC Secondary
test and SES (upper quadrant = early adolescence [n = 211]; lower quadrant = middle adolescence
[n = 101])
Note. SWRT = Single Word Reading Test; YARC = York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension.
SES data were only available for a reduced sample of 156 younger adolescents and 64 older adolescents.
***p < .001 level, **p < .01 level, *p < .05 level (all two-tailed).
14 Lynne G. Duncan et al.
Table 4. Multiple regression analyses to investigate the contribution of gender, word identification
(SWRT), reading fluency and reading frequency to reading comprehension in early and middle
b SE b b R2
Early adolescence
Gender 0.14 1.17 .01
SWRT 0.41 0.06 .47***
Reading fluency 0.23 0.06 .28***
Reading frequency 0.36 0.20 .09†
Middle adolescence
Gender 3.15 1.93 .14
SWRT 0.48 0.09 .55***
Reading fluency 0.13 0.09 .14
Reading frequency 0.06 0.41 .01
Table 5. Male and female student mean percentage accuracy in response to comprehension questions
assessing vocabulary, literal comprehension, and inference-making skill for fiction and non-fiction
passages of text according to adolescent group (standard deviations in parentheses)
Fiction Non-fiction
Early adolescence
Female 117 40.95 (27.29) 72.56 (23.97) 42.76 (23.61) 45.15 (28.29) 63.87 (26.05) 36.49 (26.88)
Male 84 39.29 (30.82) 66.15 (26.10) 39.68 (25.47) 49.12 (34.07) 63.73 (29.01) 36.41 (25.81)
Total 201 40.26 (28.75) 69.88 (25.02) 41.47 (24.39) 46.81 (30.82) 63.82 (27.25) 36.46 (26.37)
Middle adolescence
Female 51 50.33 (28.39) 77.98 (21.01) 45.68 (23.87) 55.42 (35.90) 72.49 (26.40) 46.32 (33.27)
Male 48 50.95 (27.24) 72.40 (23.64) 46.71 (24.77) 48.39 (31.56) 71.62 (23.85) 41.24 (35.11)
Total 99 50.63 (27.70) 75.28 (22.39) 46.18 (24.19) 52.01 (33.88) 72.07 (25.07) 43.85 (34.09)
Whole group 300 43.68 (28.78) 71.66 (24.28) 43.03 (24.39) 48.53 (31.90) 66.54 (26.79) 38.90 (29.30)
296) = 4.20, p = .04, g2p = .01, simple effects showed that text type interacted with
gender in early adolescence, F(1, 199) = 4.94, p = .03, with females scoring
significantly better for fiction than for non-fiction, F(1, 116) = 7.30, p = .008, but
males showing no difference between text types, F < 1. Text type did not interact
with gender in middle adolescence, F < 1.
Early adolescence. At Step 1, two reading skills emerged as significant (or marginal)
predictors in each analysis: SWRT (all bs ≥ .18); and reading vocabulary (all bs ≥ .26).
Reading fluency only contributed significantly to non-fiction literal comprehension,
b = .21, p = .004. Gender entered at Step 2 was not significant in any analysis. At Step 3,
reading habits explained additional variance for fiction inferential skills, ΔR2 = 4%,
F change (4, 181) = 3.33, p = .01, and non-fiction literal comprehension, ΔR2 = 4%,
F change (4, 181) = 4.23, p = .003. Fiction books predicted both (b = .21, p = .001,
and b = .15, p = .01, respectively), and text/e-mail predicted only non-fiction literal
comprehension (b = .15, p = .003).
Middle adolescence. At Step 1, SWRT was significant for fiction and (marginally) non-
fiction inferential skills (b = .25, p = .03, and b = .23, p = .08, respectively). Reading
vocabulary was a significant (or marginal) predictor in each analysis (all bs ≥ .23). At Step
2, gender was a significant predictor of non-fiction literal comprehension, favouring male
students (b = .19, p = .04). The entry of reading habits at Step 3 explained significant
Table 6. Pearson product moment correlations between reading habits, reading skills and the vocabulary, literal and inferential components of reading
comprehension in early (n = 201) and middle adolescence (n = 99)
Voc. Lit. Inf. Voc. Lit. Inf. Voc. Lit. Inf. Voc. Lit. Inf.
Reading habits
Traditional literacies
Magazine .07 .04 .04 .04 .01 .05 .11 .06 .04 .03 .18 .10
Newspaper .09 .08 .06 .07 .02 .13 .14 .11 .14 .02 .06 .08
Song lyrics .05 .08 .01 .06 .10 .01 .12 .08 .08 .15 .14 .11
Non-fiction book .12 .13‡ .07 .03 .14* .07 .10 .13 .11 .08 .09 .03
School text book .11 .04 .11 .08 .06 .11 .21* .04 .13 .29** .18 .13
Fiction book .31*** .32*** .42*** .36*** .44*** .26*** .41*** .17 .45*** .37*** .36*** .23*
Digital literacies
Factual website .04 .11 .01 .10 .03 .00 .03 .10 .07 .07 .04 .06
Online searching .10 .15* .16* .07 .16* .12 .05 .18 .11 .07 .06 .01
Text or e-mail .02 .09 .07 .07 .15* .05 .09 .12 .00 .06 .13 .09
Social networking .06 .04 .06 .13‡ .06 .01 .13 .04 .08 .11 .08 .05
Computer game .01 .03 .09 .07 .06 .09 .12 .28** .08 .02 .12 .08
Reading skills
SWRT .50*** .54*** .56*** .50*** .62*** .45*** .59*** .42*** .55*** .55*** .59*** .48***
Reading fluency .47*** .46*** .54*** .41*** .59*** .37*** .42*** .32** .42*** .44*** .46*** .41***
SESa .08 .13 .08 .05 .08 .01 .18 .02 .06 .05 .16 .18
B SE b b DR2 B SE b b DR2
DV = Literal
Step 1 Step 1
SWRT 0.55 0.17 .30** SWRT 0.31 0.22 .19
Reading fluency 0.15 0.16 .09 Reading fluency 0.03 0.20 .02
Fiction reading vocab 0.22 0.06 .26*** Fiction Reading vocab 0.18 0.10 .23‡
.34*** .18**
Step 2 Step 2
Gender 4.35 3.06 .09 Gender 0.62 4.96 .02
.01 .02
Step 3 Step 3
Non-fiction book 1.03 1.84 .04 School textbook 0.66 1.91 .04
Fiction book 1.44 1.32 .08 Fiction book 0.73 1.49 .05
Online searching 0.36 1.62 .02 Computer game 4.59 1.68 .33**
Text/E-mail 1.34 1.46 .06
.01 0.07*
DV = Inferential
Step 1 Step 1
SWRT 0.31 0.14 .18* SWRT 0.45 0.21 .25*
Reading fluency 0.20 0.13 .12 Reading fluency 0.02 0.19 .01
Fiction reading vocab 0.36 0.05 .44*** Fiction reading vocab 0.30 0.09 .35**
.49*** .42***
Step 2 Step 2
Gender 0.46 2.51 .01 Gender 2.50 4.67 .06
.00 .00
Adolescent reading comprehension
Table 7. (Continued)
Step 3 Step 3
Non-fiction book 2.30 1.51 .08 School textbook 0.37 1.80 .02
Fiction book 3.65 1.08 .21** Fiction book 4.17 1.40 .27**
Lynne G. Duncan et al.
Online searching 0.27 1.33 .01 Computer game 1.89 1.58 .12
Text/E-mail 1.70 1.20 .08
.04* .06*
DV = Literal
Step 1 Step 1
SWRT 0.40 0.15 .20** SWRT 0.22 0.19 .12
Reading fluency 0.39 0.13 .21** Reading fluency 0.15 0.17 .08
Non-fictionReading vocab 0.35 0.05 .40*** Non-fictionReading vocab 0.41 0.06 .59***
.56*** .55***
Step 2 Step 2
Gender 1.52 2.65 .03 Gender 8.95 4.20 .19*
.00 .00
Step 3 Step 3
Non-fiction book 1.88 1.57 .06 School textbook 0.90 1.61 .05
Fiction book 3.03 1.16 .15* Fiction book 1.55 1.23 .10
Online searching 0.61 1.40 .02 Computer game 3.74 1.37 .24**
Text/E-mail 3.79 1.27 .15**
.04** .05*
DV = Inferential
Step 1 Step 1
SWRT 0.37 0.20 .19‡ SWRT 0.58 0.33 .23‡
Reading fluency 0.06 0.18 .03 Reading fluency 0.10 0.30 .04
Non-fictionReading vocab 0.31 0.07 .36*** Non-fictionReading vocab 0.38 0.11 .39**
Table 7. (Continued)
.27*** .34***
Step 2 Step 2
Gender 0.90 3.48 .02 Gender 2.13 7.37 .03
.00 .01
Step 3 Step 3
Non-fiction book 0.04 2.06 .00 School textbook 0.56 2.83 .02
Fiction book 0.75 1.53 .04 Fiction book 1.20 2.16 .05
Online searching 1.15 1.84 .04 Computer game 2.76 2.40 .13
Text/E-mail 0.00 1.66 .00
.00 .02
additional variance for each comprehension skill except non-fiction inference (fiction
literal: ΔR2 = 7%, F change (3, 81) = 2.69, p = .05; fiction inference: ΔR2 = 6%, F change
(3, 81) = 3.21, p = .03; non-fiction literal: ΔR2 = 5%, F change (3, 81) = 3.02, p = .03).
Fiction books emerged as a significant predictor of fiction inference (b = .27, p = .004).
Computer gaming was a significant but negative predictor of literal comprehension
(fiction: b = .33, p = .008; non-fiction: b = .24, p = .008).
Table 8. Means and standard deviations for chronological age, reading comprehension, word
identification (SWRT), reading fluency, and reading frequency for skilled and less skilled comprehenders
comprehenders, but the reverse was true for skilled comprehenders. For reading fluency,
the discrepancy between skilled and less skilled comprehenders was larger for male than
for female students. Subsequent ANCOVAs showed that SES was not significant as a
Reading comprehension was associated with both reading frequency and fluency for
skilled but not for less skilled comprehenders (see Table 9). SWRT correlated significantly
with reading fluency and marginally with reading comprehension in both comprehender
groups. Performance for the reading comprehension subskills revealed tendencies to
ceiling effects among skilled comprehenders and floor effects among less skilled
comprehenders, so no further analysis of these data was attempted.
Two-way between-participants ANOVAs examined comprehender group and gender
in relation to reading habits. Gender was not significant, but the effect of comprehender
group is noteworthy as the groups differed only in time spent reading extended traditional
texts: Non-fiction books (skilled: M = 1.90, SD = 0.80; less skilled: M = 1.53, SD = 0.68;
F(1, 67) = 3.95, p = .05, g2p = .06) and fiction books (skilled: M = 3.63, SD = 1.37; less
skilled: M = 1.55, SD = 0.68; F(1, 65) = 52.70, p < .001, g2p = .45).
This study makes an important contribution to the relatively sparse literature on
adolescent reading comprehension. The students who participated were a representative
sample of British secondary school students in terms of age, gender, ability, SES, ethnicity,
and geographic location. The outcome therefore provides an insight into what would be
regarded as current and typical among British adolescents.
Table 9. Pearson product moment correlations between standardized scores in the reading
comprehension, word identification (SWRT), and reading fluency components of the YARC Secondary
test and reading frequency (upper quadrant = skilled comprehenders [n = 41]; lower quadrant = less
skilled comprehenders [n = 33])
Note. SWRT = Single Word Reading Test; YARC = York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension.
***p < .001 level, **p < .01 level, *p < .05 level, †p ≤ .07 (all two-tailed).
22 Lynne G. Duncan et al.
did the influence of reading fluency increase. Only word identification was significant in
middle adolescence, explaining 41% of the variance.
SES correlated positively with word identification in middle adolescence but did not
mediate the regression results. While the outcome suggests that word identification
continues to make a strong contribution to reading comprehension during adolescence
(Cunningham et al., 1990; Perfetti & Hart, 2001), it should be noted that listening
comprehension was not measured in the present study. Nonetheless, the lexical quality
hypothesis predicts this type of continuing influence as the richness of the phonological,
orthographic, and semantic information stored in lexical representations is seen as a stable
predictor of reading comprehension due to the resulting efficiencies in lexical access
(Perfetti & Hart, 2001).
difficult to establish global coherence and forcing reliance on a textbase rather than on a
situational model, which in turn may restrict inference-making (Diakidoy, Mouskounti, &
Ioannides, 2011; Kintsch, 1998).
Text-specific vocabulary knowledge was the strongest and most consistent predictor
of comprehension subskills across adolescence. This measure was part of the YARC
Secondary test, so the vocabulary measured was directly related to the text being read,
making this a particularly strong control variable. Across adolescence, reading vocabulary
was a reliable predictor of inferential comprehension for both text genres but a stronger
predictor of non-fiction than of fiction literal comprehension. This appears consistent
with the importance of background knowledge in making elaborative inferences to form
the situational model and the increased reliance on topic knowledge in expository text
even for literal comprehension (Cromley et al., 2010; Graesser et al., 1994, 2002).
Awareness of the importance of vocabulary is increasing either as an index of lexical
quality (Perfetti & Hart, 2001) or as a component of both listening comprehension and
word identification (e.g., Tunmer & Chapman, 2012). Word identification also predicted
unique variance in comprehension subskills, but evidence that this effect was stronger for
fiction was mixed (cf. Best et al., 2008). While word identification was only a marginal
predictor of non-fiction inference-making, the regression coefficients were very similar in
scale to their fiction counterparts, and it was a moderate predictor of non-fiction literal
comprehension in early adolescence. By middle adolescence, word identification was no
longer a significant predictor of literal comprehension for non-fiction or fiction. Reading
fluency was only a predictor in early adolescence and then only for non-fiction literal
Reading habits
Fiction book reading contributed unique variance to fiction inference-making across
adolescence and non-fiction literal comprehension in early adolescence. These are robust
findings as they survived controls for word identification, reading fluency, and text-
specific vocabulary. As the only reading habit to be a predictor of inference-making, the
narrative elements of fiction books may be well suited to the development of formal
schemas to support inference. Narratives are similar in structure to events in our daily lives
and may easily engage the episodic memory system that monitors our personal experience
(Tulving, 1984), with the links to specific episodes forming a basis for inference
(Eichenbaum, 2004).
The negative contribution of computer gaming to literal comprehension across text
genres was a striking finding among older students. It is assumed that this outcome does
not reflect a negative contribution of some aspect of gaming itself but rather that gaming
could reduce time for activities that might increase background knowledge (e.g., Perfetti
et al., 1996) or that weaker reading skills may lead to increased frequency of gaming (e.g.,
Willoughby, 2008). Using the PISA 2009 data set from 22 OECD countries, Drummond and
Sauer (2014) found only a trend for reduced reading achievement among 15-year-olds who
were daily users of multiplayer computer games compared to those who never played.
Therefore, the influence of gaming is a key outcome of the present study, which suggests
that longitudinal examination of this issue within individual OECD countries is warranted
using a measure like ours that is sensitive to the number of hours spent gaming over set
time periods.
Overall, limited evidence emerged of genre-specific predictors except for younger
adolescents’ text/e-mail time which predicted non-fiction literal comprehension.
24 Lynne G. Duncan et al.
In contrast, text genre interacted with gender in early adolescence as females scored
better on fiction than on non-fiction, but male comprehension was unaffected by text
genre. In middle adolescence, non-fiction literal comprehension was better among males
than among females.
While the scarcity of gender effects stands in contrast to the OECD-PISA outcome
(OECD, 2010), Logan and Johnston (2009) note that effect sizes among English speakers
are often small and gender differences in ability are much less pronounced than those for
attitudes to reading. If so, gender effects may be closely related to societal norms as
reading is known to be a gender-typed activity (Hall & Coles, 1999; Jacobs, Lanza, Osgood,
Eccles, & Wigfield, 2002; McGeown, Goodwin, Henderson, & Wright, 2012), which may
link to our finding that reading frequency is consistently higher among females.
The study has a number of limitations. First, the cross-sectional nature of the research
limits conclusions about the extent to which differences between early and middle
adolescence should be regarded as developmental or participant effects, and a
longitudinal follow-up is necessary. Second, the study is correlational and so experimental
manipulations of the variables identified here are necessary to establish causation. Third,
SES information was only available for a subset of the sample which may have reduced the
number of effects reaching significance due to low power. A fourth limitation is the lack of
data about listening comprehension as our information about language skills was limited
to reading vocabulary.
Theoretically, the results document the strong contribution from the cognitive domain
to adolescent reading comprehension with the influence of word identification
No such gender differences were observed for decoding in middle adolescence or for comprehension at either age (all v2s ≤ 1).
Adolescent reading comprehension 25
spanning adolescent groups and text genres, consistent with the predictions of the
SVR. Nevertheless, variables from the psychological domain (gender) and ecological
domain (print exposure) were found to have an additional impact, reinforcing the need
to extend the range of variables used to build models of reading comprehension in
In terms of print exposure, gender differences were evident in reading habits,
coinciding with better female than male comprehension of fiction in early adolescence
and better male than female literal comprehension of non-fiction in middle adolescence.
Shorter traditional and digital texts did not appear to have the same explanatory value as
traditional extended texts. Indeed, fiction book reading was the only reading habit to
make a robust, unique contribution to the higher-level comprehension skill of inference-
making. Equally striking was the finding that the only difference in reading habits
between skilled and less skilled comprehenders concerned the reading of traditional
extended texts. Future longitudinal research should examine the causality of this
association and explore how key features of extended text structure such as the
indexing of time or understanding sequences of related events may foster component
comprehension skills.
Evidence of the importance of reading frequency also warrants further research as
this correlated extensively with reading measures in early adolescence and remained a
predictor, albeit marginal, of reading comprehension even after controlling for gender
and cognitive reading skills (word identification, reading fluency). Both reading
frequency and reading comprehension were lower and unrelated in middle adoles-
cence, although comprehension was still well within average levels. Reading frequency
also distinguished skilled from less skilled comprehenders, and males generally read less
frequently than females. Reading frequency may be linked to the observed predictive
value of background knowledge in the form of text-specific reading vocabulary, as
vocabulary development and reading are thought to have a reciprocal relationship. It
will be important to test the direction of any such relationships as it remains possible
that the associations with reading frequency arise because less skilled readers are
simply reluctant readers since reading is very effortful for them. Nevertheless, a recent
UK report suggests that societal norms, which gender-type reading as ‘feminine’, are a
key factor in male underachievement in reading (National Literacy Trust, 2012), and the
present data indicate that reading frequency tends to be lower among males than
among females even when both genders have equally low levels of reading
comprehension. Future challenges for educators appear to lie in combatting adolescent
attitudes about the gender-typed nature of reading and in motivating extended text
reading habits.
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