Hogan Cattsand Little 2005
Hogan Cattsand Little 2005
Hogan Cattsand Little 2005
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3 authors:
Todd D. Little
Texas Tech University
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Clinical Forum
ABSTRACT: Purpose: Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) information to the prediction of 4th-grade reading. Addi-
use phonological awareness assessments in many ways. tionally, a reciprocal relationship was found between
This study examines the usefulness of these assessments in phonological awareness and word reading, with kindergar-
kindergarten and 2nd grade. ten phonological awareness predicting 2nd-grade word
Method: Measures of phonological awareness and letter reading and, conversely, 2nd-grade word reading predicting
identification were administered in kindergarten, and 4th-grade phonological awareness.
measures of phonological awareness, phonetic decoding Clinical Implications: Phonological awareness assessment
(i.e., nonword reading), and word reading were adminis- provides information about reading in kindergarten but
tered in 2nd and 4th grades to a sample of 570 children loses its predictive power at 2nd grade. At that time,
participating in a longitudinal study of reading and phonological awareness and word reading become so
language impairments. highly correlated that phonological awareness does not add
Results: A path analysis indicated that kindergarten information to the prediction of 4th-grade reading.
measures of phonological awareness and letter identification
provided information to the prediction of 2nd-grade KEY WORDS: phonological awareness, assessment,
reading. In 2nd grade, measures of reading offered reciprocal relationship, prediction, early reading
October 2005 Assessment
© American of Phonological Awareness
Speech-Language-Hearing Association 285
documented the robust relationship between early phono- predict word reading in second grade beyond a measure of
logical awareness and subsequent reading achievement letter identification. Because most kindergarten children
(Calfee, Lindamood, & Lindamood, 1973; Lonigan, et al., cannot decode words, a measure of letter identification was
2000; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1994; Wagner et al., used in this grade as an indication of literacy experience.
1997). Indeed, letter identification has been found to be highly
Once children begin reading, however, the best indicator predictive of later word reading (see Scarborough, 1998,
of current and future reading may simply be reading itself for a review). We hypothesized that both letter identifica-
(Bell, McCallum, & Cox, 2003). This possibility has led tion and phonological awareness would be significant
reading researchers to question the usefulness of phonologi- predictors of second-grade word recognition.
cal awareness assessments once a certain level of reading Second, we sought to determine if phonological aware-
achievement has been attained. Wagner and his colleagues ness, measured in second grade, would predict word
(Wagner et al., 1997) considered this issue using a large, reading in fourth grade beyond a measure of second-grade
longitudinal data set. They examined the amount of word reading. We predicted that second-grade phonological
information that a measure of phonological awareness could awareness would provide very little or no significant
add to the prediction of reading once a measure of current information toward the prediction of fourth-grade word
word reading and vocabulary was considered. Results reading once second-grade word reading was known.
indicated that from kindergarten to second grade, phono- Related to this question, we also determined if a measure
logical awareness predicted 23% unique variance in later of second-grade nonword reading (i.e., phonetic decoding)
word reading; from first to third, 8%; and from second to would predict fourth-grade word reading beyond a measure
fourth, only 4%. The authors concluded that phonological of second-grade word reading. Similar to a measure of
awareness measures in the primary grades offered a small phonological awareness in kindergarten, phonetic decoding
but statistically significant amount of information to the provides insight into the skills that children use to read
prediction of future word reading beyond that provided by words (Adams, 1990; Bell et al., 2003). We predicted that a
a measure of current word reading. However, in a later second-grade measure of phonetic decoding would predict
review of this work, Torgesen (1999) concluded that the fourth-grade word reading beyond a measure of second-
limited amount of information gained from the assessment grade word reading.
of phonological awareness beyond second grade may not Finally, this study extends the work of Wagner et al.
warrant the use of a phonological awareness assessment (1997) and others in several ways. First, we used a large,
given the amount of time needed to administer, score, and well-selected sample of children. Data from such a study
interpret such an assessment. add to the generalizability of findings to the population at
The reduction in the amount of information offered by large. Second, in our study, we evaluated the unique
phonological awareness assessments once reading is variance associated with phonetic decoding and phonologi-
underway may be explained, at least in part, by the cal awareness in word reading. Previous studies have
reciprocal relationship between phonological awareness and combined phonetic decoding with other word reading skills
reading. Initially, phonological awareness influences and have not allowed for the comparison of the unique
reading; but, once reading is underway, the process of contribution of phonetic decoding and phonological
learning to read influences phonological awareness. In awareness to word reading.
support of the reciprocity between reading and phonological
awareness, research has shown that reading instruction with
an emphasis on decoding printed words highlights the
sound structure of language and facilitates children’s METHOD
performance on tests of phonological awareness (Lundberg
& Hoien, 1991; McGuinness, McGuinness, & Donohue, Participants
1995; Perfetti, Beck, Bell, & Hughes, 1987). Because of
The participants in this investigation were a subsample
this relationship, phonological awareness may become so
of children who had taken part in an epidemiologic study
highly correlated with word reading that it may offer little
of language impairments in kindergarten children (Tomblin,
unique information to the prediction of reading once a
1995). The epidemiologic study used a stratified cluster
measure of reading is available. At such time, tests of word
sample of more than 7,000 children, stratified by residential
reading may provide a majority of the information when
setting (i.e., rural, urban, suburban) and cluster sampled by
predicting future reading, leaving no information to be
school building. Out of this sample, 328 children with
accounted for by phonological awareness.
language impairment and/or nonverbal impairments in
kindergarten consented to participate in a follow-up
longitudinal investigation of language and reading develop-
ment (Tomblin, 1995).1 Additionally, a random sample of
The present study investigated the usefulness of phono- Of the 328 children, 123 children had language impairment only (i.e.,
specific language impairment), 103 children evidenced nonverbal impair-
logical awareness assessments in the prediction of reading
ments only, and 102 children showed language and nonverbal impairments
in the early school grades. First, we sought to determine if (i.e., nonspecific language impairment). For a detailed account of criteria for
phonological awareness, measured in kindergarten, would classification of these impairments, see Tomblin et al. (1997).
286 L ANGUAGE, SPEECH, AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS • Vol. 36 • 285–293 • October 2005
those children without language impairments was recruited. deletion of the first sound in a one-syllable word (e.g.,
The final longitudinal sample included 604 children (328 “Say fat without the /f/”). In second and fourth grades,
with language impairment; 276 unimpaired). All of the nine items were added to increase the task difficulty to a
participants, regardless of language or nonverbal abilities, grade-appropriate level. Four of these new items required
were monolingual English speakers with normal hearing deletion of the final sound in a one-syllable word (e.g.,
and no history of significant emotional or neurological “Say find without the /d/”), and five required deletion of
disorders. Furthermore, no child had been diagnosed with a middle sound from a one-syllable word (e.g., “Say
autism or mental retardation at the beginning of the wives without the /v/”). In each grade, the task was
longitudinal study. Over the course of the longitudinal discontinued after six consecutive errors. To quantify each
study, 34 children left the study, leaving 570 children with participant’s performance on the phonological awareness
complete data sets through fourth grade. task in kindergarten, raw scores were converted to z
These 570 children comprised the sample for the present scores based on the mean and standard deviation from the
study.2 Due to the participant selection procedure previously original study sample (N = 604). This procedure was also
described, the sample contained higher percentages of used in second and fourth grade (N = 570). The kinder-
children with language and nonverbal impairments than garten version of this task may be found in its entirety in
those found in the original epidemiologic study. Therefore, Catts et al. (2001).
we employed a weighting procedure, described in the Letter identification. Because relatively few kindergarten
analysis section below, to ensure that our results were children can decode nonwords (Wagner et al., 1997), the
representative of the original epidemiologic sample. Letter Identification subtest of the Woodcock Reading
Mastery Tests—Revised (WRMT–R; Woodcock, 1987) was
used in kindergarten as an early estimate of alphabetic
Materials knowledge and literacy experience. In this task, the
In kindergarten, participants were administered tests of participants were asked to name upper and lower case
phonological awareness and letter identification, and in letters printed in various fonts. Standard scores were
second and fourth grades, participants were administered assigned using the grade-based assessment norms from the
tests of phonological awareness, phonetic decoding, and test manual because letter-name knowledge is largely
word reading. Table 1 provides a summary of the assess- dependent on instruction (Adams, 1990).
ments described below and the grades at which these Word reading. To assess word reading in second and
assessments were administered. fourth grades, the Word Identification subtest of the
Phonological awareness. The phonological awareness WRMT–R was administered to each of the participants. In
task was a measure of syllable/phoneme deletion (Catts et this task, the participants orally read real words, decreasing
al., 2001) that was adapted from Rosner’s Auditory in frequency of occurrence from highly frequent words
Analysis Test (Rosner & Simon, 1971). In this task, such as “go” to increasingly less frequent words such as
participants are asked to delete a syllable or phoneme from “quench.” Again, because of reliance on instruction,
a word and say the remaining sound sequence. In kinder- standard scores were assigned using the grade-based
garten, the task consisted of 3 practice items and 21 test assessment norms from the test manual.
items. Thirteen of the items required deletion of the initial Phonetic decoding. In second and fourth grades, the
syllable in either a compound word (e.g., “Say baseball Word Attack subtest of the WRMT–R was administered to
without the ‘base’”) or a two-syllable word (e.g., “Say measure phonetic decoding. This task required participants
baby without the ‘ba’”). The remaining eight items required to orally decode nonwords increasing in length and
complexity. The first and least complex item on the subtest
requires the child to read the nonword “ree.” An example
Although our sample included missing data for 34 children due to attrition of a more complex item is “untroikest.” Standard scores
from kindergarten to second grade, a multiple EM imputation procedure was
also employed as a secondary analysis to estimate these missing data. The
were assigned using the grade-based assessment norms
results of the study were unchanged when using the data set containing the from the test manual because instruction plays a major part
full sample of 604 children. in learning to phonetically decode words (Adams, 1990).
K, 2nd, 4th Phonological awareness Catts Deletion Task (Catts et al., 2001)
K Letter identification Letter Identification subtest of the Woodcock Reading
Mastery Tests—Revised (WRMT–R; Woodcock, 1987)
2nd, 4th Phonetic decoding Word Attack subtest of the WRMT–R
2nd, 4th Word reading Word Identification subtest of the WRMT–R
288 L ANGUAGE, SPEECH, AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS • Vol. 36 • 285–293 • October 2005
Figure 1. Path analysis of sample (N = 570).
.19 .15
.69 .43
.37 ns
.39 .09
added to a model if they are found to be significant. In our freedom (p = 0.17). This statistic indicated that the data did
model, no paths were added beyond the ones initially not significantly deviate from the proposed model and that
specified. an excellent to outstanding fit of the model to the data was
found (Joreskog & Sorbom, 2003).
Model Statistics
Study Questions
The path model was tested using the covariance matrix
associated with our measurements employing the LISREL The results for each study question will be described
8.54 (Joreskog & Sorbom, 2003) program with maximum using a simplification of the model shown in Figure 1 (see
likelihood estimation. The correlations are shown in Table Figure 2). First, we sought to determine if phonological
3, with the split-half reliability for each measure shown on awareness, measured in kindergarten, would predict word
the diagonal. These reliabilities served as an estimate of reading in second grade beyond a measure of letter
measurement error. Model fit was assessed using the identification. In line with our hypothesis, we found that a
minimum fit function chi-square statistic (Joreskog & kindergarten measure of phonological awareness accounted
Sorbom, 2003). The chi-square statistic is the most familiar for unique variance in second-grade word reading (β = .37;
and stringent model statistic. Our final model (i.e., Figure path 2) beyond that accounted for by letter identification
1) had a chi-square value of 10.34, with 7 degrees of (β = .44; path 1).
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note. Split-half reliabilities for each measure are in parentheses on the diagonal; all correlations are significant at p < .05.
11 .37
Letter Phonetic Phonetic
Identification Decoding Decoding
Second, we examined whether phonological awareness, reading. This finding would shed light on the limited
measured in second grade, would predict word reading in information offered by second-grade phonological aware-
fourth grade beyond a measure of second-grade word ness to the prediction of fourth-grade word reading by
reading. As predicted, a second-grade measure of phono- indicating that initially, phonological awareness influenced
logical awareness added no information (β = ns; path 5) to word reading and then, word reading influenced phonologi-
the prediction of fourth-grade word reading beyond that cal awareness. Figure 3 contains data pertinent to this
provided by the second-grade measure of word reading question. The results show that our hypothesis was con-
(β = .77; path 3). firmed. Kindergarten phonological awareness and second-
Next, we determined if a measure of second-grade grade word reading were more strongly correlated (β = .37;
phonetic decoding would predict fourth-grade word reading path 1) than kindergarten letter identification and second- AQ
beyond a measure of second-grade word reading. We grade word reading (β = .19; path 2; ∆χ2(1, n = 570) = 14.52,
predicted that a measure of phonetic decoding would p < .05). In contrast, second-grade word reading and
provide significant information to the prediction of fourth- fourth-grade phonological awareness were correlated (β =
grade word reading beyond that provided by a second-grade .21; path 3), whereas second-grade phonological awareness
measure and this prediction was validated. Second-grade and fourth-grade word reading were not significantly
phonetic decoding predicted a small but significant amount correlated (β = ns; path 4).
of variance in fourth-grade reading (β = .15; path 4) Finally, SLPs assess and treat children who have, or are
beyond second-grade word reading (β = .77; path 3). suspected to have, deficient speech, language, and/or
Considering that phonological awareness contributed reading skills. In this study, we examined our questions
significant information to the prediction of word reading using a sample of children with a wide range of skills,
from kindergarten to second grade but not from second to from high to low language functioning. We acknowledge
fourth, we examined the potential reciprocity between that the majority of the children in our sample will not
phonological awareness and word reading across these likely be evaluated by an SLP because the majority of our
grades to better understand our results. We hypothesized sample exhibited typical reading/language development. In
that kindergarten phonological awareness would be more an attempt to better approximate the children most likely to
strongly related to second-grade word reading than kinder- be seen by an SLP, we reexamined our study questions in
garten letter identification would be to second-grade two subsamples of below-average readers; one subsample
phonological awareness. We expected that the inverse included those who scored below the 40th percentile on the
would be shown from second to fourth grade; that is, Oral Reading Accuracy Index of the Gray Oral Reading
second-grade word reading would be more strongly related Tests—Third Edition (Wiederholt & Bryant, 1994), a
to fourth-grade phonological awareness than second-grade measure of word reading, and the other subsample included
phonological awareness would be to fourth-grade word a more impaired group who scored below the 25th
290 L ANGUAGE, SPEECH, AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS • Vol. 36 • 285–293 • October 2005
Figure 3. Path coefficients for kindergarten phonological awareness and letter identification and
second- and fourth-grade phonological awareness and word reading extracted from our path analysis
shown in Figure 1.
Word Word
Reading Reading
.37 ns
Phonological Phonological Phonological
Awareness Awareness Awareness
percentile on the same measure. The results from these phonological awareness predicted word reading from
subsamples were essentially the same as those obtained kindergarten to second grade, whereas from second to
using our full sample. Only one difference was apparent in fourth grade, this relationship reversed; second-grade word
the analyses using the subsamples: Kindergarten phonologi- reading predicted fourth-grade phonological awareness. This
cal awareness and second-grade word reading were no finding was consistent with a reciprocal relationship
longer more strongly correlated than kindergarten letter between phonological awareness and word reading. These
identification and second-grade word reading. Overall, these results have several clinical implications.
findings indicate that our results are consistent with those First, our findings converge with a large body of research
of children at the lower end of the normal distribution (i.e., indicating that the measurement of phonological awareness in
those likely to be seen by an SLP); although these findings kindergarten adds useful information to the prediction of
do not directly determine if there is a level of word word reading (Ehri et al., 2001). This information is beyond
reading at which phonological awareness may still contrib- that which can be gained from other strong kindergarten
ute unique variance to its prediction. literacy predictors such as letter identification. Therefore,
measures of phonological awareness should be included
when assessing kindergarten children to determine future
reading outcomes and/or risk for reading disability. SLPs
DISCUSSION have the skills needed to assess and interpret measures of
phonological awareness in kindergarten and should play a
This study investigated the usefulness of phonological significant role in this process.
awareness assessments in the prediction of word reading Second, our results indicate that beyond kindergarten (at
during the early school grades. We found that a measure of least by second grade), a measure of phonological aware-
phonological awareness in kindergarten predicted second- ness may offer little unique information to the prediction of
grade word reading beyond a measure of letter identifica- word reading. We found that by second grade, the best
tion. This pattern was not the case from second to fourth predictor of word reading is word reading itself. Therefore,
grade, when a second-grade measure of phonological rather than use a measure of phonological awareness at this
awareness did not provide unique information to the time, a measure of word reading should be used to make
prediction of fourth-grade word reading beyond that predictions about future reading outcomes. Because we also
provided by second-grade measures of word reading and found that phonetic decoding provided unique information
phonetic decoding. In an attempt to understand the loss of beyond that obtained from word reading, a measure of this
unique information gained from phonological awareness in ability might also be included in assessments of reading
second grade, we examined the relationship between outcome. Such a measure provides useful information
phonological awareness and word reading. We found that concerning how children are using their orthographic
292 L ANGUAGE, SPEECH, AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS • Vol. 36 • 285–293 • October 2005
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