Science 9 Reviewer
Science 9 Reviewer
Science 9 Reviewer
Latitude – the specific north and south grid 1.water vapor 4.nitrous oxide
positions on earth ranging from 0 degrees at the 2.ozone 5.Methane
equator to 90 degrees at the poles
3.carbon dioxide 6.Chlorofluorocarbons
Factors affecting climate:
Scientists are worried that human
1. Altitude – height of an area above sea activities are adding too much of these
level .it affect the place’s air gases to the atmosphere.
temperature. 1.water vapor – this is water in gas form.
- It stands 5895 above sea level
2. carbon dioxide – made up of carbon and
As the altitude increases, the air temp oxygen
3.methane – second most important
For every 1000m/1km , there is a contributor to human caused global
drop of 6.5 degree celcius warming.
Air become light and cant absorb
4.ozone – helps protect us from powerful
much heat. Ultimately, the decrease rays.
in air temperature.
2. Topography 5.nitrous oxide- natural part of the nitrogen
-is another factor that affects the cycle
climate of a certain place. 6.chlorofluoro carbons – fluorinated gases
aren’t created in nature.
3.Ocean Currents -Act much like a
conveyor belt transporting warm water and EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE:
precipitation from the equator. 1.TEMPERATURE WILL CONTINUE TO
Loops or gyres –
*in the northern hemisphere , the 2.FROST FREE SEASON
currents flows in a clockwise 3.EXTREME WEATHER
direction 4.RISING OF SEAS
*in the southern hemisphere, the
current flows counterclockwise 5.WARMER, MORE ACIDIC OCEAN
These clockwise and 6. EL NINO AND LA NINA
counterclockwise are caused by the
El Nino – warm phase
CORIOLIS EFFECT La Nina – cold phase
4.Latitude – The specific north and
El Nino – means little boy or
south grid positions on earth from 0
Christ Child in Spanish.
degrees to 90 degrees at the poles.
- Was originally recognized by
Most of the sun’s rays strike
fishermen off the coast of
vertically in places near the
south America.
equator , this makes the
temperature higher in these areas , La Nina- Means little girl in
resulting in warm climate Spanish.
5.Surrounding bodies of water
-Is one of the most current worldwide
-is the global phenomenon of climate
transformation characterized by the
changes in the usual climate.