Amma 502 08

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AAMA 502-08

Voluntary Specification for

Field Testing of Newly
Installed Fenestration

HOW TO USE THE SHORT FORM SPECIFICATION ........................... 1
1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE................................................................... 2
2.0 TEST METHODS .............................................................................. 2
3.0 SAMPLING........................................................................................ 3
4.0 TEST PROCEDURES ....................................................................... 4
5.0 TEST REPORTS ............................................................................... 6
6.0 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .......................................................... 6

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AAMA 502-08

American Architectural Manufacturers Association

1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550, Schaumburg, IL 60173
PHONE (847) 303-5664 FAX (847) 303-5774
To simplify the writing of field testing specifications for fenestration products, AAMA has prepared the following "Short Form
Specification" for use by architects/specifiers. It may be used by merely inserting the following paragraph(s) into the project
specifications. Please note that Specifier Notes in italics are not to be inserted into the project specifications.


1. Newly installed fenestration product(s) shall be field tested in accordance with AAMA 502, "Voluntary Specification for
Field Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Products."

SPECIFIER NOTE 1: See Section 2.0 for a description of the test method. AAMA 502 specifies air leakage resistance and
water penetration resistance field testing of fenestration product specimens during construction and prior to issuance of the
building occupancy permit.

2. Test three (unless otherwise specified) of the fenestration product specimens after the products have been completely installed
for air leakage resistance and water penetration resistance as specified.

SPECIFIER NOTE 2: The number of specimens to be selected for testing on a project should be determined after careful
consideration of the following factors:
• What will be the cost impact of the quantity and location of specimens selected for testing? (See Section 3.5.3).
• Selecting a large number of specimens on a small project (fewer than 50 fenestration products) is normally not cost
effective, and as few as one specimen may provide the information needed.
• On all projects, regardless of size, the specifier should determine how many specimens are required in order to
establish a reasonable measure of quality for the entire project. ASTM E 122 provides guidance on how to establish the
number of test specimens in order to estimate a measure of quality of a production lot with prescribed precision.
• The specifier must carefully balance the cost of specimen or specimen preparation, as well as the cost of testing and the
restoration of the project surrounding components and finishes to their original condition, before determining the
number and location of specimens to be tested. On larger projects, a formal cost-benefit analysis is appropriate. On
smaller projects, the specifier should avoid a situation where the cost of testing and building restoration approaches
the cost of the fenestration products. If any of the tested fenestration products fail to comply with the project
requirements, consideration should be given to the selection and testing of additional products.
• If water leakage is observed and the source of the leakage cannot be determined, a forensic evaluation using the
procedures outlined in AAMA 511 shall be performed while maintaining the test pressures and methods defined in
AAMA 502.

3. Air leakage resistance tests shall be conducted at a uniform static test pressure of ___ Pa (___ psf). The maximum allowable
rate of air leakage shall not exceed L/s•m2 (___ cfm/ft2).

SPECIFIER NOTE 3: The field test pressure for air leakage resistance shall be equivalent to the test pressure originally used in
the laboratory to test the product or achieve a laboratory performance rating. The allowable rates for field air leakage testing
shall be a minimum of 1.5 times the tested or rated laboratory performance (see Section 4.2.4 for default performance

4. Water penetration resistance tests shall be conducted at a static test pressure of ___Pa (____ psf). No water penetration
shall occur as defined in Section 4.3.4 of AAMA 502.

SPECIFIER NOTE 4: When selecting static water test pressure to be tested at the job site, in no case shall the specified test
pressure exceed 2/3 of the tested or rated laboratory performance (see Section 4.3.2 for default performance requirements).

AAMA 502-08 Page 1

1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE produces water infiltration that cannot be solely attributed
to the fenestration product, forensic testing shall be initiated
by using AAMA 511 and ASTM E 2128. The
1.1 This specification establishes the requirements for field
determination of the sources of water penetration from
test specimens, apparatus, sampling, test procedures and
other than the fenestration product requires forensic
test reports to be used in verifying the air infiltration
investigation and testing outside the scope of this
resistance performance and water penetration resistance
performance of newly installed fenestration products. This
specification is applicable during construction, prior to
1.2 The purpose of this specification is to provide a method
issuance of the building occupancy permit but no later than
which can be used to evaluate the installed performance of
six months after installation of the fenestration product. For
fenestration products for air leakage resistance and water
the purpose of this document, fenestration products are
penetration resistance under controllable, reproducible and
defined in AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S. 2/A440.
appropriate conditions.
Specifically excluded are curtain walls, sloped glazing and
storefront systems; these systems shall be tested per
1.3 The primary units of measure in this document are
AAMA 503 as required. Verifying the structural loading
metric. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
resistance performance of fenestration products is beyond
the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
the scope of this specification.
reference only.
If field testing of fenestration products is required after the
building occupancy permit has been issued or more than six 2.0 TEST METHODS
months after product installation, AAMA 511 shall be
used. Additionally, in the event that water penetration 2.1 The field procedure and test apparatus shall meet the
testing using the test methods outlined in this specification requirements of ASTM E 783 and ASTM E 1105.











AAMA 502-08 Page 2

2.2 TEST CHAMBER ARRANGEMENT be tested for air leakage resistance and water penetration
The test chamber shall be attached and sealed to the resistance as specified in Section 4.0.
wall/roof construction in such a manner as to create a
pressure differential across the entire specimen (including NOTE 2: Performing the field test as soon as practical
subframe/receptor and/or panning) and the perimeter seals may be beneficial in determining if manufacturing,
(see Figure 1). installation and/or perimeter sealing problems are present
before a substantial portion of the project is completed. If
NOTE 1: Wind and other environmental conditions the initial testing is performed early in the project
(barometric pressure, rain and temperature changes) can installation process, necessary corrections can be made
have an adverse impact on field testing performance; without significant financial impact on any of the
therefore the specimen should be isolated from adverse responsible parties. On large projects, tighter construction
ambient conditions with a barrier and conditioned if monitoring may be performed by testing at approximate
necessary to protect it from any environmental condition intervals of 5%, 50% and 90% completion of the
which may affect the test results. If testing must be installation. Three field test specimens as specified above is
performed under conditions that would affect the test the default quantity. If more than, or less than, three
results, such as extreme temperatures, high winds or other specimens are to be tested, the number of specimens and
adverse environmental conditions, these conditions shall be intervals of testing shall be stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the
noted in the report. Any test performed without Short Form Field Testing Specification.
appropriate consideration and adjustment for ambient
conditions shall render the test results invalid. 3.2 If any of the specimens do not conform to the
prescribed air leakage resistance and water penetration
2.2.1 Testing shall be performed as soon as possible after resistance requirements, the manufacturer and/or the
the fenestration product(s) is installed, and prior to the installer shall be afforded the opportunity to perform a site
installation of drywall or interior finish wall/roof materials. inspection and determine the reason for non-compliance.
If interior finish wall/roof materials have been installed, Non-compliant specimens shall be repaired as required and
they shall be removed at the test area to allow visual access retested. The remedial work shall be recorded and approved
to these areas to check for water penetration, or other by the specifying authority, architect and/or owner. Upon
means of visual access shall be provided. satisfactorily passing a retest, the remedial work performed
shall become punch list items to randomly check for similar
2.2.2 The test chamber shall be applied to the wall/roof conditions on the remainder of the project.
system in such a manner as to apply a pressure differential
to all joinery conditions and minimize extraneous air If water leakage is observed and the source of the leakage
leakage (see Section 4.2.2 for a detailed description of cannot be determined, a forensic evaluation using the
extraneous air leakage). procedures outlined in AAMA 511 shall be performed
while maintaining the test pressures defined in the field In the case of a stud wall/roof system, the test testing specifications, and employing the test methods
chamber perimeter line, if installed on the building interior, defined in AAMA 502.
would normally be attached to studs on both sides of the
specimen and at the head and sill framing. 3.3 The project specifications and/or the contract
documents shall clearly identify the party responsible for On a precast wall/roof system, a chamber installed the costs associated with the initial field testing, retesting
on the interior can be sealed directly to the back of the and forensic testing (if necessary).
precast panel.
3.4 Testing shall be performed by an AAMA accredited Special sealing consideration shall be given to the independent testing agency.
testing of continuous strip windows. Tests on a segment of
continuous horizontal strip fenestration products shall NOTE 3: AAMA accredited laboratories are required to
include adequate measures to properly seal horizontal head comply with AAMA 204, "Guidelines for AAMA
receptors and sill starters so that extraneous air leakage and Accreditation of Independent Laboratories Performing On-
water control is maintained. site Testing of Fenestration Products." The requirement of
AAMA accreditation assures the specifier that the
3.0 SAMPLING laboratory has the staff, training, experience and
calibrated equipment to properly perform field testing.
3.1 As soon as practical after installation has begun, and a
3.4.1 The sponsor of the field testing shall notify the
representative number of fenestration products have been
fenestration product installer and manufacturer of the test
completely installed, adjusted, cleaned and perimeter
schedule. The advance notice shall be a minimum of one
sealed, three installed fenestration product specimens shall
week in advance of the testing in order for the installation
contractor to notify all fenestration product trades (i.e.,

AAMA 502-08 Page 3

erector, glazier, perimeter caulk contractor, etc.) of the 3.5.4 Upon completion of the testing, the designated
scheduled test date. responsible contractor shall replace or repair items removed
as specified in Section 3.5.3.
3.5 Fenestration product specimen(s) selected for testing
shall conform to the following:
3.5.1 Specimen location shall be selected by the architect or
owner's representative unless delegated to the AAMA 4.1 Air leakage resistance and water penetration resistance
accredited independent testing agency or building envelope tests shall be performed at pressures specified in Sections
consultant. 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 unless otherwise stipulated in the Short
Form Field Testing Specification. Where both tests are to
3.5.2 The fenestration product(s) shall be representative be conducted in sequence, the test for air leakage resistance
specimens of typical installations as specified for the shall be conducted before the test for water penetration
project. The specimen(s) shall have no outstanding punch resistance. If there is reason to believe that residual water
list items, visible damage or irregularities, nor be singled from rain or other sources may be located in the specimen,
out because of obvious performance problems. If problems a two-minute negative (outward) pressure test followed by
with a specimen installation are observed, they shall be a two-minute positive (inward) pressure test shall be
brought to the responsible contractor's and/or manufacturer conducted at the same pressure differential used for the
representative’s attention and added to the project punch performance test to purge the specimen of any residual
list. If exterior screens are specified, they shall be in place water. The specimen gaskets or weatherstrips shall be
(closed) during testing. examined and shall be dry before proceeding with the air
leakage resistance test.
3.5.3 After the specimen(s) locations have been selected,
the owner's representative shall direct the responsible 4.2 Air leakage resistance shall be determined per ASTM E
contractor and/or manufacturer representative to remove 783.
interior finishes (if necessary) to clean the specimen(s) and
check for proper operation. Care shall be taken not to 4.2.1 The field air leakage resistance test consists of
disturb the interior side air seal, if present. Interior or supplying air to or exhausting air from the field erected test
exterior components that are required for product chamber at a rate required to maintain the specified test
performance shall not be removed as some product pressure difference across the specimen, and measuring the
installations require an interior air seal to perform as resultant air flow through the specimen.
4.2.2 Extraneous Air Test (only required if initial air
The designated specimen(s) shall be inspected by the leakage value exceeds the allowable value)
testing agency. The pretest inspection shall include the Extraneous air leakage shall be determined by applying a
checking and recording of the following in the test report: "blank" (usually thin plastic sheeting) taped to the exterior
• The plumb, level and square of the specimen. side of the frame if only the specimen is being tested, or
taped to the surrounding building weather resistive barrier
• The operation of the specimen.
if both the specimen assembly and its installation are being
• The designed drainage path of the specimen.
tested. The net air passing through the specimen shall be
• The pre-test condition of all surfaces to confirm that calculated by subtracting the measured air leakage with the
they were in a condition where a judgment can be blank from the measured air leakage without the blank
made as to whether or not water penetration is a result (gross air). All extraneous air leakage shall thereby be
of this testing. accounted for and mathematically removed by this
procedure. However, it is not always feasible to blank the
If the selected test locations are not easily accessible from exterior of the specimen due to height above the ground or
both the inside and outside, significant additional cost may weather conditions. An accepted practice shall be to
arise for scaffolding, swing stage, electrical and water measure air leakage without the blank on the exterior. If the
sources. If identical products are installed at more measured value (with extraneous air leakage included) is
accessible locations, these locations shall be selected for less than allowed, no test with an exterior blank shall be
testing. Whenever possible, the architect/specifier shall required. If, however, the measured value is greater than
define the field testing requirements in the project allowed, then the extraneous air leakage shall be measured
specifications, including the number of tests and their and used to calculate the net air leakage rate.
location. This will provide some assurance that
consideration has been given to the complexity of the field 4.2.3 An air leakage resistance test shall be conducted at a
testing prior to bidding, and further communicate the minimum uniform static test pressure of 75 Pa (1.6 psf) or
requirements to those who will be responsible for, or as specified for the project, but not to exceed 300 Pa (6.2
involved in, the field testing. psf).

AAMA 502-08 Page 4

4.2.4 Unless otherwise specified, allowable rates of air Type and Performance Class, rounded down to one decimal
leakage for the specimen shall be 1.5 times the applicable place. Examples of allowable air leakage rates are shown in
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S. 2/A440 rate for the Product Table 1 below:

AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 AAMA 502
Allowable Air Leakage Allowable Air Leakage
Test Pressure Maximum Rate Test Pressure Maximum Rate
H-R15 75 Pa (1.6 psf) 1.5 L/s•m2 (0.3 cfm/ft2) 75 Pa (1.6 psf) 2.2 L/s•m2 (0.45 cfm/ft2)
SD-LC25 75 Pa (1.6 psf) 1.5 L/s•m2 (0.3 cfm/ft2) 75 Pa (1.6 psf) 2.2 L/s•m2 (0.45 cfm/ft2)
C-C30 75 Pa (1.6 psf) 1.5 L/s•m2 (0.3 cfm/ft2) 75 Pa (1.6 psf) 2.2 L/s•m2 (0.45 cfm/ft2)
AP-HC40 300 Pa (6.2 psf) 1.5 L/s•m2 (0.3 cfm/ft2) 300 Pa (6.2 psf) 2.2 L/s•m2 (0.45 cfm/ft2)
F-AW40 300 Pa (6.2 psf) 0.5 L/s•m2 (0.1 cfm/ft2) 300 Pa (6.2 psf) 0.7 L/s•m2 (0.15 cfm/ft2)


NOTE 4: The above information is for example only and is not a complete list of all fenestration product designations. Refer to
Table 25 in AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05 or Table 27 in AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 for a complete listing
of all designations and maximum allowable air leakage rates.

4.3 Water penetration resistance performance shall be perfectly plumb, level and square in a precision opening.
determined per ASTM E 1105 using Procedure B “cyclic Field test specimens, although installed within acceptable
static air pressure difference,” except for AW windows industry tolerances, are rarely perfectly plumb, level and
which shall be tested using Procedure A, “uniform static air square. Shipping, handling, acts of subsequent trades,
pressure difference.” The test pressure shall not be less than aging and other environmental conditions all may have an
91 Pa (1.9 psf). adverse effect upon the performance of the installed
specimen. A 1/3 reduction of the test pressure for field
4.3.1 The ASTM E 1105 test consists of sealing a chamber testing is specified as a reasonable adjustment for the
to the surrounding conditions adjacent to the specimen to differences between a laboratory test environment and a
be tested, and supplying or exhausting air to the chamber at field test environment.
the rate required to maintain the desired air pressure
difference across the specimen. Simultaneous to the 4.3.3 With all operable portions of the specimen closed and
application of air pressure difference, water shall be applied locked, the specimen shall be subjected to a water
to the exterior face of the specimen at the required rate penetration test in accordance with ASTM E 1105
while observing for any water penetration at the interior. procedure “A” or “B” in accordance with Section 4.3.
Procedure “A” shall consist of a 15-minute test with
4.3.2 Water penetration resistance tests shall be conducted continuous pressure and water application. When using
at a static test pressure equal to 2/3 of the tested and rated procedure “B” each of the four cycles shall consist of five
laboratory performance test pressure as indicated by the minutes with pressure applied and one minute with the
applicable product designation in AAMA/WDMA/CSA pressure released during which the water spray is
101/I.S. 2/A440. For example, a product tested or rated as continuously applied. Observe and note all points of water
H-C50 shall be field tested at a pressure differential of penetration, if any, that occur during the test. If the origin
0.667 x 360 Pa (7.5 psf) = 240 Pa (5.0 psf). of the water leakage cannot be definitively attributed to
either the fenestration product specimen or the joint
NOTE 5: The default pressures used for water penetration between the fenestration product specimen and the
resistance tests conducted in the field are not the same as surrounding condition, a forensic evaluation shall be
the laboratory test pressure to allow for field conditions performed using the procedures outlined in AAMA 511
and test methods that vary from the laboratory test while maintaining the test pressures defined in the field
conditions and test methods. These conditions are testing specifications, and employing the test methods
primarily related to the ambient environmental conditions defined in AAMA 502.
and the installation. The certified and labeled product
performance is based on laboratory testing performed 4.3.4 Water penetration attributable to the surrounding
under controlled laboratory conditions. The temperature, condition shall be defined as the presence of uncontrolled
wind and barometric pressure conditions during a field test water which did not originate from the fenestration product
will typically vary from the standard laboratory conditions. or the joint between the fenestration product specimen and
the wall/roof. Water penetration attributable to the
The field installation conditions also influence the product fenestration product specimen shall be defined as the
performance. Products tested in the laboratory are penetration of uncontrolled water beyond a plane parallel to

AAMA 502-08 Page 5

the innermost edges of the product and that indisputably 5.1.6 Compliance Statement
originates from the fenestration product. Water penetration Make a statement that the tests were conducted in
attributable to the perimeter joint shall be defined as accordance with this specification or completely describe
uncontrolled water that indisputably originates at the joint any deviation. Also, state whether or not the results indicate
(see Figure 1). compliance with the field testing specification
5.1 The report shall include enough information to
reproduce the test. The following information shall be 6.1 References to the standards listed below shall be to the
included, at a minimum: edition indicated. Any undated reference to a code or
standard appearing in the requirements of this specification
5.1.1 General shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that
The testing agency, name of the individual(s) performing code or standard.
the tests, date and time of test, date of report, identification
and location of the building shall be identified. The date of 6.2 American Architectural Manufacturers Association
the last equipment calibration and the location of (AAMA)
calibration records shall be included in the report.
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-05, Standard
5.1.2 Fenestration Product Description Specification for Windows, Doors, and Unit Skylights
The manufacturer, model, operation type, dimensions,
materials, etc; identification and location of specimen(s) AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08, North
within the building; physical condition of specimen; American Fenestration Standard/Specification for
description of any modifications made to the specimen; windows, doors, and skylights
number of retests, etc. The test agency shall report the
plumb, level and square condition of the tested specimen. AAMA 204-98, Guidelines for AAMA Accreditation of
Independent Laboratories Performing On-site Testing of
5.1.3 Sampling Procedures Fenestration Products
If applicable, describe or list the procedures established
from Section 3.0. AAMA 511-08, Voluntary Guideline for Forensic Water
Penetration Testing of Fenestration Products
5.1.4 Test Parameters
List or describe the specified cyclic and/or static pressure 6.3 ASTM International (ASTM)
differential(s) used in the test, whether the chamber was
affixed to the interior or exterior of the wall/roof, and ASTM E 122-07, Standard Practice for Calculating
provide a detailed description (to include sketches showing Sample Size to Estimate, With Specified Precision, the
location, if appropriate) of the chamber attachment to the Average for a Characteristic of a Lot or Process
specimen. Provide a written description of any measures
that were taken to control ambient conditions. Clearly ASTM E 783-02, Standard Test Method for Field
identify any elements of the specimen that were not tested. Measurement of Air Leakage through Installed Exterior
Verify in a statement that the sample was inspected Windows and Doors
immediately prior to the test or installation of the chamber
if it conceals portions of the window, that the original ASTM E 1105-00, Standard Test Method for Field
conditions were observed and documented, and that all Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior
surfaces were dry, such that water observed during or after Windows, Skylights, Doors and Curtain Walls by
testing was produced by the test itself and no other possible Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference
ASTM E 2128-01a, Standard Guide for Evaluating Water
5.1.5 Test Results Leakage of Building Walls
Record the following:
• Actual and allowable air leakage for the window or
• Actual water penetration for the window or door.
• Actual water penetration for the perimeter condition.
• Environmental conditions as measured at the time of
the test: wind, speed, wind direction, precipitation,
barometric pressure and ambient temperature.

AAMA 502-08 Page 6

Changes from AAMA 502-02 to AAMA 502-08
- Various editorial changes were made
- Added “Specifier Notes” to the “Short Form Specification”
- Added reference to 101/I.S. 2/A440 in Section 1.1 and throughout the document
- Added that “establishes the requirements for their installation during construction, prior to issuance of the building occupancy
permit but no later than six months after installation” to Section 1.1
- Added reference to forensic testing in AAMA 511 and ASTM E 2128 in Section 1.1
- Revised Figure 1
- Added new Section 2.2, Test Chamber Arrangement
- Removed Figures 2a, 2b, 2c and 3
- Added a new “Note 1”
- Added “roof” to the previous “wall system”
- Added need for three test specimens for field testing (deleted a minimum of 100 products) in “Note 2”
- Added new information regarding water leakage in Section
- Added that advance notice of one week (minimum) shall be required for testing to Section 3.4.1
- Added new Section 3.5.3
- Deleted old Sections 4.2 and 4.3
- Added new Section 4.2.1
- Deleted notes in Section 4.2.2
- Added new Section 4.3 (including all sub-sections and notes)
- Deleted Sections 4.10 and 4.11
American Architectural Manufacturers Association
1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550
Schaumburg, IL 60173
PHONE (847)303-5664 FAX (847)303-5774



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