18-ASTM E2174-14b

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: E2174 − 14b

Standard Practice for

On-Site Inspection of Installed Firestops1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2174; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope E176 Terminology of Fire Standards

1.1 This practice covers the establishing of procedures to E631 Terminology of Building Constructions
inspect firestop products and firestop systems, including meth- E699 Practice for Evaluation of Agencies Involved in
ods for field verification and inspection. This practice is Testing, Quality Assurance, and Evaluating of Building
referenced in the International Building Code, Chapter 17, Components
Special Inspections. E814 Test Method for Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop
1.2 This practice addresses all types of firestop products that 2.2 Other Standards:3
become firestop systems once installed to the tested and listed UL 1479-94 Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops
system or judgment into fire resistive assemblies. 2.3 Other Documents:4
NOTE 1—Firestop System is defined in Test Method E814. Firestop International Building Code
products are the products used in constructing a firestop system.
3. Terminology
1.3 This practice provides methods by which qualified
inspectors verify that required firestops on a project have been 3.1 Definitions—Terms defined in Terminology E631, Ter-
installed and that their installations are in accordance with the minology E176, and Practice E699 will prevail for terms not
inspection documents. defined in this document.
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical 3.2.1 accredited testing laboratory—a company engaged in
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only conducting testing and possesses a valid evaluation report for
and are not considered standard. testing services and is recognized by the AHJ.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.2.2 authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)—the designated
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the authority, or their duly authorized representative, charged with
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- the administration and enforcement of the local fire code or
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- building code, or both.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.2.3 authorizing authority (AA)—the designated person, or
1.6 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes organization, or their duly authorized representative, charged
that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of
(excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered this inspection document.
as requirements of the standard.
NOTE 2—Examples of the AA include the responsible architect,
2. Referenced Documents engineer, building owner, or their representative.
3.2.4 evaluation report—an approved document issued by
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
the Model Code Body Evaluation Service or by the AHJ.
C1241 Test Method for Volume Shrinkage of Latex Sealants
During Cure 3.2.5 inspection document—any information provided to the
inspector by the AA that is to be used as the basis for the
inspection process. This information shall include, but is not
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Perfor-
limited to, project specifications, contract drawings, Listed
mance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.21 on
Serviceability. Designs, judgments, manufacturer’s instructions and designs,
Current edition approved Oct. 15, 2014. Published January 2015. Originally building codes, and other documentation.
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as E2174 – 14a. DOI:
2 3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or Available from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 2600 N.W. Lake Rd., Camas,
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM WA 98607-8542, http://www.ul.com.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from International Code Council (ICC), 500 New Jersey Ave., NW,
the ASTM website. 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20001, http://www.iccsafe.org.

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E2174 − 14b
NOTE 3—The approved firestop submittal typically includes the firestop 5.4 This practice is not intended to establish any perfor-
manufacturer’s product data, a design listing of the tested firestop system mance criteria of the inspected firestop systems.
or the engineering judgment design with illustrated drawings or descrip-
tive text or both for the purpose of verifying each installation and
conducting the field-inspection procedures. 6. Inspector
3.2.6 inspection form—the document contained in this stan- 6.1 Qualifications—An inspector shall be acceptable to the
dard practice that is used to record information obtained during AHJ and shall meet at least one of the following requirements:
the inspection(s). 6.1.1 Meet the criteria contained in Practice E699 for
agencies involved in quality assurance; or
3.2.7 inspector—an individual meeting the qualifications set
6.1.2 Have a minimum of two years experience in construc-
forth in this document and who performs the inspection.
tion field inspections and have education, credentials, and
3.2.8 judgment—an evaluation of a field condition which experience acceptable to the AA; or
does not conform to an existing tested and listed system. 6.1.3 Be a quality assurance agency accredited by the AHJ. Discussion—Judgments are expected to be issued by 6.2 Conflicts of Interest:
a manufacturer or an accredited testing laboratory on the basis 6.2.1 The inspector shall be completely independent of, and
of an appropriate combination of engineering principles and divested from, the installer, contractor, manufacturer, or sup-
testing. plier of any material being inspected.
NOTE 4—The judgment is commonly referred to as an “Engineering 6.2.2 The inspector shall not be a competitor of the installer,
Judgment” in the firestopping industry. These judgments are not always contractor, manufacturer, or supplier of any material being
issued by engineers. inspected.
NOTE 5—Some AHJs allow a judgment by the manufacturer if there is
no tested and listed system for the non-typical condition, others do not. 6.3 The inspector shall submit notarized statements to the
Most AHJs will allow judgments by accredited testing laboratories. AA assuring compliance with 6.2.
3.2.9 listing label—identification applied to the product that 6.4 The inspector shall make a written submission to the AA
includes the name of a quality assurance agency indicating that requesting acceptance. If accepted, the AA shall present the
a representative sample of the product or material has been inspector with written confirmation of acceptance.
tested and evaluated by the quality assurance agency.
3.2.10 quality assurance agency—a company that is en- 7. Inspection Documents
gaged in conducting inspections, or certification, or listing and 7.1 The inspection documents shall be reviewed by and
labeling services, or any combination, and possessing a valid acceptable to the AA and AHJ.
evaluation report for quality assurance and is recognized by the 7.2 The AA shall be responsible for ensuring that the
AHJ. inspection documents do not contain conflicting information.
4. Summary of Practice 7.3 The AA shall provide the inspector with a complete set
of inspection documents at least ten working days prior to the
4.1 This practice sets forth the minimum requirements to inspection. The inspector shall review all inspection documents
qualify an inspector to use this practice. prior to conducting any inspection. When the inspector be-
4.2 This practice identifies the types of firestops subject to lieves that the inspection documents contain conflicting infor-
the inspection procedures outlined in this practice. mation or documentation that the inspector believes is insuffi-
cient to perform the inspection, the inspector shall submit
4.3 This practice provides the minimum information re-
written notification of the potential conflict and obtain written
quired to verify compliance of installed firestops with inspec-
clarification from the AA before conducting any inspection.
tion documents.
7.4 As part of the inspection documents, Listed Designs
4.4 This practice provides a standard inspection form that is shall be provided for every firestop, as a reference against
to be used when inspecting firestop products and firestop which to compare the installation. As an alternative for every
systems. case where a Listed Design does not exist for a particular
4.5 This practice provides a standard report format that is to application, a judgment issued by the firestop product manu-
be used when reporting the inspection results. facturer or an accredited testing laboratory, and acceptable to
the AHJ, shall be provided as a reference against which to
5. Significance and Use compare and inspect the installation.
5.1 This practice is intended to provide a standard set of 8. Materials
guidelines that are to be followed when conducting and
reporting on inspections of installed firestop systems. 8.1 The inspector shall verify that the materials and systems
used for firestopping have been tested in accordance with Test
5.2 This practice is intended to provide a means to verify Method E814 or UL 1479-94, and are listed and labeled for the
compliance of the installed firestop systems to the inspection use intended.
NOTE 6—Listed and labeled refers to materials, devices or assemblies
5.3 This practice is not intended to provide a basis for that have been tested by an accredited testing laboratory after which the
selecting installers or products or both. test results and description of the materials, devices or assemblies are

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E2174 − 14b
published by an accredited quality assurance agency and the materials, completed work shall take place within two working days from
devices or assemblies bear a Listing Label. notification by the installer.
8.2 All materials shall bear a Listing Label as defined in 10.8 The inspector shall verify and document that the
3.2.9. Manufacturer’s container labels shall include the manu- firestop systems required in the inspection documents have
facturer’s name, product name and product description. Other been installed.
components of the firestop shall also be identifiable by labeling
or other method approved by the AHJ. 10.9 The inspector shall verify that every firestop system
inspected as required by 10.12.2 is in accordance with one of
8.3 All materials shall be exactly as identified on the
the documents specified in 7.4.
inspection documents.
8.4 All materials used in firestop systems shall have been 10.10 The inspector shall verify that every firestop system
tested or evaluated as part of the system in accordance with inspected as required by 10.12.2 is in accordance with the
Test Method E814 or UL 1479-94 as required by the building manufacturers instructions.
code or fire code, or both. 10.11 The inspector shall verify compliance of the firestop
system by observing the installation process and by taking and
9. Inspection Schedule recording measurements of the substrates and materials being
9.1 The inspector and installer shall mutually agree upon a installed or by destructive examination of completed installa-
schedule for the notification of the following: tions.
9.1.1 Inspection of firestop materials, 10.12 Inspection frequency shall depend on the method of
9.1.2 Start of installation, and inspection and the scope of the project. The method of
9.1.3 Anticipated completion of inspection. inspection shall be one of the following:
9.2 The inspection schedule shall not interfere with the 10.12.1 The inspector shall be on site during installation and
installation process. randomly witness a minimum of 10 % of each type of firestop
9.3 The installer shall notify the inspector within one system being installed, or
working day when any item agreed to on the schedule must be 10.12.2 The inspector shall conduct a post installation
changed due to unforeseen circumstances, such as material inspection, which shall require destructive type verification of
delays, project change orders, or other installation conflicts. the firestop system and repair of the firestop system. A
minimum of 2 %, but not less than one, of each type of firestop
10. Inspection system shall be inspected per floor or for each area of a floor
10.1 The inspector shall be permitted to enter the premises when a floor is larger than 10 000 ft2 (946.7 m2). An area
to review the applicable inspection documents, to observe the consists of 10 000 ft2 or less.
installation in progress, to inspect completed work and to NOTE 7—The AA may determine the types of firestop systems and
perform overall functions relative to their duty as inspector. subsequently the number of each type that is to be inspected, in addition
to the minimum required by this standard. The determination of a “type”
10.2 The inspector shall use the inspection documents in 7.3 will typically be a function of a unique combination of parameters,
to identify and locate fire rated assemblies on the project that including penetrant type (for example, metal pipe, plastic pipe, cabling),
are subject to the installation of firestops. firestop material or device (for example, intumescent caulk, collar,
sealant), and penetrated substrate (for example, gypsum wall, concrete
10.3 The installer shall notify the inspector of the arrival of floor, composite floor deck).
the materials (described in 8.1 – 8.4 inclusive) as agreed to in
10.13 Any type of firestop system noted in 10.12.2 that does
not comply with the inspection documents will require repair
10.4 Prior to installation, the inspector shall verify that all or replacement and re-inspection of that firestop system plus
materials received for the installation of the firestop meet the one full additional inspection, of the number specified in
requirements of 8.1 – 8.4 inclusive and record this information 10.12.2, of that type firestop system. If non-compliance occurs
on the inspection form. on 10 % or more of the quantity of firestop products or firestop
10.5 Prior to installation, the inspector shall verify any systems within 10.12.1 or 10.12.2, then inspection of those
construction detail on the inspection documents that will not be particular type firestop systems shall cease. The installer shall
visible after the firestop installation and record this information inspect their own work, repair or replace those like firestops
on the inspection form. within the area prior to re-commencement of inspections by the
10.6 The inspector shall not supervise or in any manner
direct any aspect of the installation process. This includes, but 10.14 All observed deficiencies shall be documented and
is not limited to, the following: marked on the inspection forms. In addition, the inspector shall
10.6.1 Handling and storage of materials, physically identify the location where a required firestop
10.6.2 The mixing of materials, system has been omitted or where the inspection results
10.6.3 The cutting or fastening of materials, and indicate that the installed firestop system does not comply with
10.6.4 The preparation of substrates. the inspection documents.
10.7 When work is started or completed per the schedule in 10.15 The inspector shall advise the contractor of any
Section 9, the installer shall notify the inspector. Inspection of deficiencies noted within one working day.

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E2174 − 14b
10.16 Repair of firestops damaged during inspection shall 11. Inspection Forms
be conducted according to the manufacturers recommended 11.1 Inspection forms, as defined in 3.2.6, shall be submit-
procedures and methods. The repaired firestop product that was ted to the AA and installer within one working day after an area
damaged shall comply with the inspection documents. is inspected.
10.17 When repairs have been made to firestop systems NOTE 8—The delivery of inspection reports in a timely manner helps to
ensure that project construction schedules are not delayed and that the
with documented deficiencies, the installer shall notify the installer has an adequate opportunity to repair all deficiencies prior to the
inspector. Follow up inspections of firestop systems with work of other trades (for example, installation of gypsum wallboard,
repaired deficiencies shall take place within two working days ceilings, ductwork, and so forth) impairing or obstructing proper instal-
from notification by the installer. The repaired firestop system lation.
that contained deficiencies shall comply with the inspection 11.2 An inspection form shall be written, and clearly de-
documents. scribe the results of the inspection and any deficiencies.
10.18 Inspection forms, as defined in 3.2.6, shall be submit- 11.3 Example of inspection form is shown in Fig. 1.
ted to the AA and installer within one working day after an area 11.4 Inspection forms shall be sequentially numbered, start-
is inspected. ing with 1, and only contain information about one type of

FIG. 1 Inspection Form

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E2174 − 14b
firestop system. Use a new inspection form for each type of 12.3.1 Types and quantity of each firestop system on the
firestop system. Use as many inspection forms as needed. project according to the inspection documents.
Attach drawings and additional pages if needed. 12.3.2 Which verification method from 10.12 was used to
11.5 When deficiencies or repairs are made to a firestop ascertain compliance with the inspection documents.
system, the inspection form number shall be cited on the 12.3.3 The quantity of each firestop system inspected on the
inspection form in 11.4 for cross reference. project and a notarized written statement by the inspector that
the number of firestop systems inspected comply with 10.12.
12. Report 12.3.4 The summary page shall also contain percentages of
12.1 At the end of the installation and inspection process, deficiencies for each type of firestop system referenced in the
the inspector shall submit a final report. inspection documents.
12.3.5 A total number of deficiencies shall be expressed as
12.2 The final report shall contain a cover page with the a percentage of the total number of firestop systems inspected.
12.2.1 The project name, location, and reference number; 12.4 The final report shall also contain copies of all infor-
12.2.2 The name and address of the inspector; mation submitted by the inspector to the AA.
12.2.3 The name and address of the installer, as well as the 12.5 The final report shall also contain copies of all inspec-
prime contractor if different; tion forms submitted during the inspection process. They shall
12.2.4 The name and address of the AA; and be arranged chronologically.
12.2.5 The name and address of the AHJ.
12.3 The final report shall also contain a summary page with 13. Keywords
the following: 13.1 firestop; inspection; inspector


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Inspector ule should be sufficient for identifying and locating all fire
X1.1.1 The inspector is responsible for the verification and resistance rated assemblies on the project, as well as the
inspection of all the firestop systems on the inspection docu- penetrating items, and openings relative to the construction
ments. trades involved (mechanical, plumbing, masonry, etc.).

X1.1.2 Therefore, it is possible that in addition to meeting X1.4 A current design listing of a firestop system generated
the requirements set forth in this practice that the inspector is by an approved quality assurance agency should be deemed to
also one of the following: be adequate information for reference in contracts,
X1.1.2.1 A code official, specifications, drawings, submittals, and reports. Published
X1.1.2.2 An architect, firestop system design listings are used if available. Judgments
X1.1.2.3 An engineer, from manufacturers or accredited testing laboratories are then
X1.1.2.4 A representative of a quality assurance agency or submitted for acceptance by the AHJ.
NOTE X1.1—Examples of listing and testing agencies that produce
an accredited testing laboratory, or
design listings are Factory Mutual, Omega Point Laboratories, Underwrit-
X1.1.2.5 A licensed professional in the construction indus- ers Laboratories, Underwriters Laboratories of Canada and Warnock
try. Hersey/Intertek Testing Services.

X1.2 The procedures discussed in this practice should be X1.5 Prior to the establishment of the inspection
established at a mandatory pre-construction meeting attended documents, the firestop installer makes a submittal through the
by representatives of the owner, general contractor, the sub- proper construction document established communication
contractors responsible for creating penetrations or openings, channels, which is submitted, possibly by others, to the AA.
the firestop installer and the inspector. The name of the firestop product manufacturer, a description of
the products and systems that will be installed, and the
X1.3 In order to facilitate cooperation between all parties manufacturer’s installation instructions should be part of this
during the installation of firestop products and inspection of the submission.
firestop systems, the AA should make the following documents
available: project specifications, drawings, penetration sched- X1.6 The inspector uses the following as a guide during
ule and the approved firestop product and firestop system inspections:
submittals. Project drawings should include, but not be limited X1.6.1 The inspector brings any tools needed to examine
to, architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical the firestop products or firestop system for compliance. These
and fire protection. These drawings and the penetration sched- tools include, but are not limited to, the following:

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E2174 − 14b
X1.6.1.1 A razor knife to cut into the firestop, X1.8.2 The degree of shrinkage for a given product may
X1.6.1.2 A tape measure to verify dimensions, even vary for the same product when cured in dramatically
X1.6.1.3 A thickness gauge to verify sealant thickness, and different environments, such as very cold, very hot, very humid
X1.6.1.4 An outside caliper to measure penetrating item or very dry environments, or combinations thereof. Some
diameters. products will shrink more than others.
X1.6.2 The following are types of penetrating items that X1.8.3 The geometry of the resulting seal will also impact
may be encountered by the installer and inspector: the observed degree of shrinkage, since surface tension effects
X1.6.2.1 Plastic pipe,
will tend to produce a greater sealant thickness at points of
X1.6.2.2 Cables,
adhesion (also known as the “bond line”), and a minimum
X1.6.2.3 Metal pipe,
thickness halfway between the points of adhesion. The obser-
X1.6.2.4 Cable trays,
X1.6.2.5 Ducts, and vation of a thicker sealant thickness at the point of the bond
X1.6.2.6 Multiple items. line can also be due to the installer smoothing the material into
the bond line with pressure.
X1.6.3 The thickness and construction of the fire rated
assembly into which the firestop is installed is also critical. X1.8.4 When performing a destructive examination, only
the dry thickness will be measurable. The correctness of the
X1.7 Examples of Firestop Systems (See Fig. X1.1)
installation is being evaluated against the inspection documents
X1.7.1 Item 1 is the fire-resistive assembly. The thickness (for example, listed systems, Judgments), which provide the
and construction may be critical to performance. wet firestop sealant thicknesses required at installation.
X1.7.2 Item 2 is the materials placed into an annular space. X1.8.5 If an attempt is made to determine whether or not the
The thickness of the sealant may be critical, as well as the
firestop sealant was installed correctly based on a fully-cured
thickness and density of the backing material. The shape of the
sealant measurement against the listed system or judgment,
annular space is typically rectangular or circular.
proper consideration should be given to shrinkage of the
X1.7.3 Item 3 is the penetrating item. The material and sealant during curing. To compare measurements of dry to wet
diameter may be critical components. firestop sealant thicknesses, the effect of shrinkage must be
X1.8 Product Shrinkage accounted for in the comparison.
X1.8.1 When conducting destructive inspection of cured X1.8.6 Product shrinkage information can usually be ob-
latex, elastomeric or other firestop sealants, it should be tained from the firestop sealant manufacturer in resources such
recognized that liquid-applied sealants, and particularly all as the manufacturer’s product data sheets or listing laboratory
water-based sealants, will exhibit some degree of shrinkage. classification card. Manufacturers published firestop product
The degree of shrinkage will vary from product to product, and shrinkage may be evaluated in accordance with Test Method
from manufacturer to manufacturer, even for seemingly similar C1241.

FIG. X1.1 Typical Floor Firestop

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E2174 − 14b
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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