ADLG-R v4 Rules December 2021

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ADLG Renaissance

L’Art del la Guerre v4 – Rules by

Hervé Caille
Renaissance Supplement by
Simon LeRay-Meyer

December 2021

Title: Rocroi, el ultimo Tercio

Artist: Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau
Date: 2011

This is an unofficial supplement that Hervé, the author of L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG), has allowed me
to publish to the internet while he develops the official version. This supplement builds upon
Hervé’s initial draft I found on the ADLG forum and other fan versions from “Chris6”, Thierry and a
big thank you to Bruno Dejoux for your work on the army lists.

Thank you to Hervé for allowing me to extend his great set of rules, L’Art de la Guerre, which has
brought me and my club mates much pleasure, meeting new friends from around the world and
spending money on too many new miniatures**.

Thank you to everyone in the Central London Wargames Club who helped in developing and play
testing this supplement. A massive thank you to Andy Finkel, “Glitchfinder-General”, whose
assistance and dreaded red pen has been integral to the development and clarification of the rules!

Designer’s Notes
The inspiration to write this supplement came from a draft of ADLG-R from Hervé that I found on
the ADLG forum. The arrival of ADLG in my club reinvigorated interest in the ancient and medieval
period. The ADLG mechanics provided for a smaller, quicker and more decisive game and made me
think “Could these be adapted to cover the renaissance period”?

One of my key objectives in writing the ADLG-R supplement was to introduce as few changes as
possible to the core ADLG mechanics to allow you to play in the Renaissance period.

Trying to extend the ADLG rules to cover the Renaissance period came with one key challenge; how
to capture the foot formations such as the Pike & Shot or the iconic Tercio on the ADLG sized table.
These large, mixed foot formations don’t translate well to the single based unit that ADLG uses.
During the initial draft phase, several ideas were tried and rejected as they made the game too clumsy
or required multiple additional rules, and having a Tercio or Pike & Shot represented by a single base
1UD wide just looked wrong.

The simplest way to cover the mixed foot formations of the period using the ADLG mechanics was to
create a new inseparable group called a “Battle Unit”. The Battle Unit comprises two standard ADLG
units, in a permanent 2UD wide group. The new Battle Unit moves as a single integrated “group”. It
takes cohesion as a single group, but shoots and melees as individual units. For the deeper formations
of the Tercio, Later Tercio, Keil and Colunela, we have created a subcategory called the Deep Order

By adopting this new formation, the core rules of ADLG do not change and the visual impact of the
larger foot formations of the period is created with little to no rebasing. Mounted units are able to
manoeuvre on the table as they would in the period, attempting to exploit the flanks or holes in a line,
but would need to be very bold to charge a steady Pike & Shot or Tercio formation in the open.

This document contains proposed rules to extend L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG) to the Renaissance
period. This is a supplement to ADLG; to play the game you must have the 2021 Version (v4) of the
ADLG rule book.

This supplement covers the period from the start of the Italian Wars in 1500CE until the end of the
seventeenth century, when the pike was mostly abandoned and the infantry were armed with musket
and bayonet.

Only a few differences are presented here to reflect new weapons and tactics in use at the time. The
objective is to allow the player to easily switch from one period to another without having to relearn
the rules.

A new quick reference sheet (QRS) has been developed to include all of the relevant factors. In
practice, after a couple of games, if you are familiar with ADLG, you can play this period with just the

To help you, a summary of new troop types and points costs is presented at the end of this document
and there is an army list supplement covering Western and Eastern European, Middle Eastern and
Asian conflicts from 1500 to 1699.

**I was unaware of the concept of “too many miniature figures” until I googled it. This woefully
unscientific doctrine seems to have originated from a baseless assertion made by the partners of

CONTENTS Deep Order Units ......................................... 26
Deep Order unit flank attacks .................... 26
Acknowledgements ............................................ 2
Flank attack examples .................................. 27
Designer’s Notes ............................................ 2
Rout and Pursuit ............................................... 30
Overview.............................................................. 2
Army cohesion and rout .............................. 30
ADLG vs ADLG-R Rules, which takes
precedence? ..................................................... 5 Terrain ................................................................ 31
Introduction ......................................................... 5 Cover from Shooting .................................... 31
Basing .............................................................. 6 Enclosed Fields ............................................. 31
Battle Unit ....................................................... 6 Setting Up ........................................................... 32
How units are represented ........................... 6 Deploying of Army Corps........................... 32
Unit Status ....................................................... 6 Budget ................................................................. 33
Unit Orientation ............................................. 7 Army Budget ................................................. 33
Groups of Units .............................................. 7 Points Formula .................................................. 35
Troop categories.................................................. 8 Battle Unit Formula ...................................... 35
Troop Description .......................................... 8 Mounted Unit Formula ................................ 35
Foot .................................................................. 8 Troop Glossary .................................................. 37
Mounted ........................................................ 12 Optional Rules ................................................... 39
Special Abilities ............................................ 13 Reserves ......................................................... 39
Dismounted Troops ..................................... 16 Smoke ............................................................. 39
Unit Characteristics Tables ......................... 17 Ships ............................................................... 39
Command .......................................................... 18 My troops are based on different sized
bases to ADLG-R, can I use my troops? .... 39
Giving orders ................................................ 18
Can I play ADLG-R on a FoGR sized table
Commander in Combat ............................... 18
and army? ...................................................... 39
Movement .......................................................... 18
Using DBX Basing ............................................. 40
Manoeuvrability ........................................... 18 References & Reading ....................................... 41
Special Movements ........................................... 20 Books .............................................................. 41
Charge ........................................................... 20
Websites & Articles ...................................... 41
Rallying .............................................................. 21
Procedure ...................................................... 21
Rally Test ....................................................... 21
Rear Support ................................................. 21
Examples of Rear Support .......................... 22
Shooting ............................................................. 23
Shooting Units .............................................. 23
Target Selection ............................................ 23
Shooting Resolution ..................................... 24
Melee .................................................................. 26
Melee Resolution .......................................... 26
Melee Modifiers ........................................... 26
Flank or Rear Attacks on a Battle Unit ...... 26
ADLG vs ADLG-R Rules, which takes The Gendarme, the most devastating unit of
precedence? the medieval battlefield, finds itself relegated
ADLG-R is built upon ADLG and is a to the side lines when it can no longer charge
down pike-protected foot units. Their
supplement. If a rule is not covered here, the
ADLG rules apply. expensive armour no longer offers much
protection against firearms or crossbows.
Mounted units evolve over the period, starting
Introduction with the ¾ armoured cuirassiers in deep
In the late 15th century, European warfare was caracole formations armed with pistols to
undergoing a dramatic change. Armies were shoot at very short range, and developing into
evolving from raised/levied forces to larger, shallower formations that discharge their
quasi-professional and mercenary armies that pistols before charging home. Eastern
fought and operated together for many years. mounted troops don’t evolve substantially
Mounted gendarmes were still the most potent from their medieval form, retaining their bows
weapon on the battlefield, now heavily and lances and only adopting firearms much
armoured in an attempt to protect the wearer later.
from bow and other infantry weapons.
Infantry formations changed and adapted, Representing the new mounted units and
with larger spear or pike units being used to tactics and their evolution from the Ancient
hold off the devastating gendarme charge. and Medieval rules set presents a number of
The Swiss used an 18 to 22 foot length pike to challenges, such as how to reflect mounted
great effect, keeping mounted at bay and trained to caracole in deeper formations while
allowing infantry armed with halberds and keeping ADLG’s single based units. We have
large two handed swords to break the “push sought to balance playability against accuracy,
of pike” or unmount gendarmes from their so the function of the deeper formations has
horses. Over the period, the length of pike been incorporated into the Support shooting
was reduced from 18 to 12 foot, allowing for a bonus and other relevant Special Abilities.
more flexible use.
Battles changed from confrontations where
Firearms had been available for many years mounted shock was the decisive element and
but with improvements to gunpowder, better fire a supporting element, to events in which
casting quality and reduction in cost, they the use of ranged weapons was decisive in its
started to appear in greater numbers on the own right. Most Eastern European, Middle
battlefield. Firearms could now be given to Eastern and Asian forces took longer to adopt
infantry with minimal training and when used firearms due for cultural reasons and
effectively, could defeat the gendarme’s heavy remained mostly bow based until the late
armour. 1660s.

Suggested number of Base dimensions

figures for 15mm-28mm width and depth
6-15mm 20-28mm
Light Infantry 2 40x20mm 60x30mm
Medium Infantry (inc LMI) 12 to 16 80x40mm 120x60mm
Heavy Infantry 14 to 18 80x40mm 120x60mm
Keil 28 to 32 80x60mm 120x100mm
Colunela 20 to 28 80x60mm 120x100mm
Tercio 30 to 34 80x80mm 120x120mm
Later Tercio 28 to 32 80x60mm 120x100mm
Pike & Shot 12 to 18 80x40mm 120x60mm
Dragoons 3 to 5 40x40mm 60x60mm
Caracole cavalry 4 to 6 40x40mm 60x60mm
Cavalry and Gendarmes 3 to 4 40x30mm 60x40mm
Light Cavalry 2 40x30mm 60x40mm
Levy 4+ 40x30mm 60x40mm
Artillery 1 gun + crew 40x40mm 60x60mm
Camp Variable 40x80mm 60x120mm
Basing moves as a single integrated “group” which
In order to allow a better visual representation shoots and melees as two individual units but
of the large mixed infantry units of the period takes cohesion losses and rallies as a single
and the changes to mounted forces, several unit.
new troop types are introduced. The iconic
early Tercio could comprise up to 3,000
infantry at its theoretical maximum strength,
whereas the later, shallower formations of
Pike & Shot would be composed of 400-600
infantry. Foot battle troops are now a double
unit wide frontage, called the Battle Unit, that
fights and shoots as two standard ADLG units How units are represented
but moves and takes cohesion tests as one These images show how different types of
unit. units and Battle Units are represented on the
tabletop and in various diagrams throughout
This provides for a better visual representation the rules.
of the period and reflects the way units
operated and more importantly, involves
Unit Status
minimal rebasing. It is not necessary to rebase
A unit is always in one of the following states:
figures if the depth of the base does not match
what is indicated here. Just tell your opponent
what type of troop is represented. Feel free to Good order
have more that the suggested number of All units are in Good Order at the beginning of
figures on the base. Just make it clear what the battle. They are in combat-ready
type of unit it is. formation and have their full cohesion (from 1
to 8 points)
The depth of some Battle Units is deeper
than heavy foot in ADLG. Disordered
The depth of Battle Units is greater than heavy After being shot at or fighting, a melee, a unit
foot bases (other than Pikes) in ADLG. The or Battle Unit may lose one or more cohesion
“standard” Battle Units of have a depth of 1 points and find itself Disordered. A Disordered
UD, in line with the ADLG convention. To unit is penalised in melee and shooting, but
represent the larger formations of the period, this penalty is the same regardless of the
specifically the Tercio, Later Tercio, Colunela number of cohesion points lost. The
and Keil, these need to be portrayed on even Protection of a unit is not changed if it
deeper bases. Battle Units with a base depth Disordered. A Disordered unit can regain
of more than 1 UD are defined as Deep Order cohesion points by rallying. Disordered is best
units. There are some special rules which indicted by placing a marker behind the unit,
apply to Deep Order units, reflecting their bearing the number of lost cohesion points, i.e:
vulnerability to artillery fire and their lack of 1 to 7. Coloured markers or tokens can be
vulnerability to flank attacks until heavily used with the following meaning:
disordered. If your troops are deeper than the
defined base, the extra depth is ignored and Green = 1 cohesion point loss,
the standard base size is used when there is an Yellow = 2 cohesion points loss,
issue. This allows you to have a diorama if you Red = 3 cohesion points loss,
are so inclined or have a greater model depth. Green and Red = 4 cohesion points loss,
My 15mm artillery bases are 60mm deep! Yellow and Red = 5 cohesion points loss,
Red and Red = 6 cohesion points loss,
Red, Red and Green = 7 cohesion points loss,
Battle Unit Blue or Black = rout
The Battle Unit comprises two standard ADLG
units, in a permanent group. The Battle Unit

Routed A Battle Unit group moves EITHER in a
When a unit or Battle Unit has lost all of its checkerboard formation OR separated by a 1
cohesion points, it is Routed. It no longer able UD wide gap (see note on Light Artillery).
to fight and will flee the battlefield. The rout The checkerboard formation has the front
is indicated by the placement of a “rout” corner of the rear unit touching the rear corner
maker behind the unit or Battle Unit. A Routed of the front unit as per the diagram below.
unit or Battle Unit can no longer be rallied. It
is eliminated and removed from the battlefield Checkerboard formation
at the end of the current phase.

Unit Orientation
Each unit has an orientation that defines a
front (or front edge), a rear and two flanks. By
convention, in all of the diagrams in these
rules, the unit’s front is indicated by a small Separated by 1 UD gap
triangle in the middle of its front edge. A “+”
or cross symbol in a Battle Unit represents a
miniature heavy swordsmen/spearman or
pikeman figure, and a circle or bullet-point
symbol represents a figure armed with OR
arquebus, bow or musket.

Groups of Units
ADLG-R follows the standard ALDG rules
with one change covering Battle Units.

To represent the checkerboard movement

formation or troop friction in this period of
time (and risk of explosions due to
gunpowder!), a group of Battle Unit move in a
different manner to the standard ADLG group A Battle Unit group move may include:
move. No changes are made to mounted or  Light Foot
skirmisher group moves.  Light Artillery

Light artillery is able to move with infantry as manoeuvre more easily than other troops. All
part of a normal group or checkerboard other troops are called “heavy troops”.
formation. It must be placed in side edge to
side edge contact with units of the group Battle Units: All LMI, MI and HI units are
aligned with them by a front corner and facing Battle Units. Levy civilians were combatants
the same direction. You must choose one of little value or motivation and were bought
formation for the group move, you cannot mix together in haste and do not count as battle
formations. troops, so remain on the standard 1 UD wide
Examples of Light Artillery group moves
Deep Order Units: These are HI units that are
based on deeper than 1 UD bases, specifically
the Tercio, Later Tercio, Colunela and Keil.

Troop Description

A commander is able to group move:
Light infantry (LI)
 6 UD wide frontage of adjoining mounted
These troops are unprotected, fight in open
and/or skirmishers units.
order and are equipped with missile weapons
 8 UD wide frontage of Battle Unit,
(bows, crossbows or firearms). Their main
including gaps.
functions are to harass the enemy and to
occupy areas of rough or difficult terrain. In
The commander must be in range of all units
open terrain, they must evade the charge of
in the group.
heavy troops or be destroyed if contacted.

 Combat factor of zero against all.

 Destroyed if in melee with LMI, MI, HI,
CV or Kn in open terrain.

Loose Medium infantry (LMI)

These are troops in loose formation that
mainly use shooting. They are not effective in
close combat and are at a particular
Troop categories disadvantage when it comes to fighting heavy
Foot and mounted units are divided into infantry or heavy mounted units such as
several categories (Light Infantry, Cavalry, Gendarmes.
etc). This allows troops to be differentiated
according to their manoeuvrability and their Bowmen, Crossbowmen, Arquebusiers or
relative effectiveness compared with other Musketeers: These troops have little or no
troop categories. The following categories are armour and are equipped with bows,
used: longbows, crossbows or firearms and a small
melee weapon. They shoot at long range in
Foot: Light Infantry, (LI), Loose Medium concentrated volleys rather than shooting to
Infantry (LMI), Medium Infantry (MI), Heavy harass.
Infantry (HI), War wagons (WWg) and
Artillery (Art).  Combat factor of zero against all except
+1 against LI, Drag and LH.
Mounted: Light Cavalry (LH), Dragoons
 Bonus of +1 in the first round of melee
(Drag), Cavalry (Cv), Gendarmes (Kn), and
against mounted units if the unit receives
Elephants (El).
the charge on the front edge. This
represents a volley of missiles or firearms
Light troops: This included Light Infantry (LI),
before the charge.
Light Cavalry (LH) and Dragoons (Drag) that

 Some Musketeer units may have the Elephants, if they receive the charge on
Bayonet ability. the front edge.
 They cancel the Impact, Pistol or Shock
Medium infantry (MI) ability (but not Furious Charge) of
These troops typically have light or partial mounted troops, except Elephants, if they
armour and sometimes a shield. They fight in receive the charge on the front edge.
a loose formation that allows them to move
more quickly and not be penalised in rough Bayonet: The development of the socket
terrain. However, their loose formation makes bayonet towards the end of this period spells
them more vulnerable against heavy mounted the end of the pike as an infantry support
troops. In this period, most foot troops are weapon. Troops armed with a bayonet could
armed with some ranged weapon, unlike in now hold off mounted in the open, although,
the ancient and medieval period. not as effectively as a Pike & Shot unit. The
introduction of flintlock firing mechanisms for
Medium Swordsmen: Troops primarily muskets allows more shooters to be added to a
equipped with a hand weapon such as an axe, unit with a reduced risk of the accidental
sword or polearm. Troops armed with axes or explosions among dense groups of matchlock
halberds can be treated as Swordsmen Two men, previously caused by loose gunpower or
Handed Weapon. Turkish Janissaries or Russian lit match-cords. These changes allow infantry
Streltsy are examples of swordsmen armed units to deploy a higher proportion of muskets
with bows or firearms in this period. while still having some protection from
Janissaries could be Medium Swordsmen mounted and being able to operate in rough
Impact Bow or Musket, while the Russian terrain with little or no adverse effect.
Streltsy could be Medium Swordsmen 2HW
Musket. Some armies in this period arm their troops
both with pike and bayonet. These units, they
 Combat factor of +1 against all except remain classified as Pike & Shot units type as
Gendarmes. the pike provided the main protection.

Polish Swordsmen Bayonet Musketeers in MI formation

Medium Spearmen: Troops primarily Option for Bayonet Battle Units

equipped with a long spear who would close At the start of the game, before deployment, a
ranks for fighting. Their formation is flexible Bayonet Battle Unit MUST be classed as either
enough to not be penalised in rough terrain. MI or HI. This represents the commander’s
Their spears combined with their flexible choice of using a looser or tighter formation,
formation gives them an advantage when they depending on the terrain.
face the charge of mounted units. Examples
are Japanese Ashigaru or Chinese infantry.  Combat factor of +1 against all except
 Combat factor of +1 against all except  If in HI formation, bonus of +1 in the first
Gendarmes round of a melee against mounted troops,
 Bonus of +1 in the first round of a melee except Elephants, if they receive the
against mounted troops, except charge of the front edge.

 They cancel the Impact, Pistol or Shock Keil: The Keil is a Deep Order formation of
ability (but not Furious charge) of mounted trained pikemen. It can hold off a mounted
troops, except Elephants, if they receive charge in the open and can aggressively
the charge on the front edge. charge mounted. The Swiss used this
formation to devastating effect and were only
Heavy infantry (HI) halted by artillery and massed gun fire. The
These troops represent those trained to fight in German Landsknechts used a similar
a deep, close formation. They may be formation but were not as aggressive as the
equipped with sturdy armour but, over the Swiss
period, infantry gave up wearing armour due
its weight and ineffectiveness against firearms. Landsknecht Keil
Their tight formation puts them at a
disadvantage in rough or difficult terrain.

Heavy Swordsmen: These troops are

equipped with hand weapons but could also
have heavy Two-Handed Weapons or Polearms.
Typical examples of Heavy Swordsmen are

 Combat factor of +1 against all, except +2

against LMI in open terrain or against

Foot Knights: This represents the heavy

dismounted gendarmes of the late Middle Colunela: The Colunela is Spanish Deep
Ages. They fight as Heavy Swordsmen but Order heavy foot formation of the early Italian
they have the Heavy armour and Two-Handed Wars and was replaced by the Tercio. It was
Weapon abilities. the first of the integrated units comprising of
pike, swordsmen and arquebus or crossbow.
 Combat factor +1 against all, except +2
against LMI in open terrain or against LH

Heavy Spearmen: These troops are equipped

with a long spear and fight shoulder to
shoulder in a tight formation. They are at a
great disadvantage in rough or difficult
terrain. Their spears combined with their
close formation gives them an advantage
when they face the charge of mounted units
although they are not as effective as Pikemen.

 Combat factor of +1 against all, except +2 Tercio: The Tercio is the iconic Spanish
against LMI in open terrain or against formation of the period. It is an integrated
LH. Deep Order formation comprising pike in the
 Bonus of +1 in the first round of a melee centre with shooters on the edges of the pike
against mounted troops, except square, forming the “horns”. The shooters are
Elephants, if they receive the charge of protected from mounted and heavy infantry
the front edge. by the pikemen and would retreat into the
 They cancel the Impact, Pistol or Shock pike block when at risk of being charged
ability (but not the Furious Charge of
mounted troops, except Elephants, if they
receive the charge on the front edge.

Spanish Tercio  Combat factor of +1 against all, except +2
against LMI in open terrain or against
 Bonus of +1 in the first round of a melee
against mounted troops, except
Elephants, if they receive the charge on
the front edge.
 They cancel the Impact, Pistol or Shock
ability (but not the Furious Charge of
mounted troops, except Elephants, if they
receive the charge on the front edge.

Pike & Shot

The Later Tercio has a slighter shallower depth

due to changes in formation and troop
availability. It is still treated as a Deep Order
formation due the depth of troops. Pike form
up in the centre with shooters on both flanks,
but now in more consistent lines.

Keil, Colunela, Tercio and Later Tercio:

These troops are equipped with long pikes,
over five meters in length and fight in very
deep formations. They are powerful in frontal
combat, especially against mounted troops. Later Pike & Shot: From the 1660s,
Due to their deep formation, they were able to innovations such as flintlock firing
shrug off flank and sometimes rear charges mechanisms and pre-prepared cartridges
unless they become heavily disordered. Keil, allow armies to increase the number of
Colunela, Tercio and Later Tercio all share the shooters in units, while reducing the risks of
same combat factors. They are more injury. Groups of pikemen are still required to
vulnerable than other troops to artillery fire, provide protection against mounted, but their
but less vulnerable to flank attacks. number continues to fall while the ratio of
shooters increases.
 Combat factor of +2 against all
 Bonus of +1 in the first round of a melee A Later Pike & Shot unit is represented by a
against mounted troops, except shallower pike formation in the centre and
Elephants, if they receive the charge on shooters on the flanks and in front of or
the front edge behind the pikemen
 They cancel the Impact, Pistol or Shock
ability (but not the Furious Charge) of  Combat factor of +1 against all, except +2
mounted troops, except Elephants, if they against LMI in open terrain or against
receive the charge on the front edge LH.
 They cancel the Impact, Pistol or Shock
Pike & Shot: The Pike & Shot formation ability (but not the Furious Charge of
represents the textbook formation of the pike- mounted troops), except Elephants, if
supported infantry units of the English Civil they receive the charge on the front edge.
War and 30 Years War. These smaller
formations were more tactically flexible and Bayonet: Bayonet Musketeers may deploy as
were cheaper and quicker to train and field. A HI (see MI section).
Pike & Shot unit is represented by a shallow
pike formation in the centre and shooters on
the flanks.

Later Pike & Shot with regimental gun
Medium Cavalry: These are unarmoured or
lightly armoured cavalry who fight in a
compact formation. Often unarmoured or
wearing a buff coat, Later Louis XI Kings
Guard, British Cavalry or Finnish Hakkapeliita
are typical examples of Medium Cavalry

Heavy Cavalry: They are well protected, the

riders wearing a chest cuirass, often over a
buff coat or eastern style of chain and light
plate armour. Heavy Cavalry automatically
has the Armour ability. Ottoman Sipahis,
Polish Winged Hussars or later 30 Years War
Mounted German Cuirassiers are typical examples of
heavy cavalry.
The Gendarme, the most devastating unit of
the medieval battlefield, finds itself relegated Heavily Armoured Cavalry: They are cavalry
to the side lines when it can no longer charge with the riders wearing ¾ cuirass armour who
down pike-protected foot units. Their fight in a tight combat formation but lack the
expensive armour no longer offers much devastating shock power of the Gendarmes.
protection against firearms or crossbows. Over Heavily Armoured Cavalry has the Heavy
time, Gendarmes adapt to the large foot Armour ability. Early 30 Years War German
formations, transitioning into ¾ armoured cuirassiers or English Civil War
cuirassiers, replacing their devastating initial Parliamentarian “Lobsters” are typical
impact with deep formations of pistoleers who examples of Heavily Armoured Cavalry
could deliver a continuous barrage of pistol
fire, each firing in turn then moving off to the Gendarme (Kn)
rear to reload. Gendarmes continue to adapt,
slowly losing their armour and replacing the Gendarmes are heavily armoured and move
deep caracole formations with shallower more slowly than cavalry. They have
formations who discharge their pistol in their tremendous shock power and almost all of
initial charge. them have Mounted Impact ability. Some
Gendarmes, unaccustomed to the use of the
lance, do not have the Impact ability.
Cavalry (Cv)
Cavalry units are very fast and manoeuvrable
 Combat factor of +2 against LMI, LH,
but are as at disadvantage in terrain and in
Drag and Cv.
frontal combat against heavy infantry or
 Combat factor of +1 against other troops
Gendarmes. Most horsemen are equipped
except WWg
with a hand-weapon and a lance or a light
spear. Some horsemen are equipped with a
Dragoons: Dragoons are mounted skirmisher
bow, a crossbow or carbine to harass the
infantry who generally dismount to shoot and
enemy while others favour the charge with a
are represented by a mixture of one or two
lance, pistol or sabre and have the Mounted
mounted and two to four armed dismounted
Impact, Pistol or Shock ability.
shooter figures with arquebus or musket.
 Combat factor of +1 against Mounted, LI,
 Combat factor of zero against all, except
Drag, LMI, MI and Levy
+1 against LI and LH.
 Combat factor of +1 against HI only if
attacking them on the flank or rear
 Bonus of +1 on the first round of a melee
against LMI and Medium Swordsmen
unless the Cavalry has Mounted Impact,
Pistol or Shock or is penalised by the

Dragoons Arquebus units this characteristic when

 Arquebus inflict one hit if their shooting

total is tied with their target. The tie result
is determined after applying quality
modifier (elite or mediocre).

Battle units
Special Abilities The rules for how different types of Battle
Units shoot are listed below. They are not
Keil Swordsmen classified as mixed units and do not have the
Generals adopted different tactics to help Missile support ability.
break the "push of pike". The Spanish had the  The unit moves at the rate of the slowest
Sword and Buckler units and the troop type involved.
Landsknechts had their iconic Doppelsöldner  The unit shoots as a Bowmen,
or Zweihänder, armed with a large two- Crossbowmen, Arquebusier, Musketeer
handed sword. Once the "push of pike" had or Flintlock, depending on its type.
started, these soldiers would move forward to  The unit fights in melee as the close
start engaging the pikemen who were now combat unit type represented
locked in combat. (Swordsmen, Spearmen or Pike).

 In the case of a tie in combat against spear Keil

or pike, a unit with the Keil Swordsmen  Does not shoot.
ability adds +1 to the die roll and so wins
the melee.
 The tie result is determined after applying Colunela
quality modifiers (elite or mediocre) but  Shoot as Light Foot Arquebus due to the
before applying the effect of Armour relatively low number of shooters.
ability of the unit with Keil Swordsmen
ability. Tercio and Later Tercio
 Shoot as Arquebusier or Musketeer.
Missile Weapons
Most troops in this period are equipped with a Pike & Shot
missile weapon, either bow, crossbow or  Shoot as Arquebusier or Musketeer.
firearm. Their range and effectiveness
depends on both the weapon and the type of Pike & Shot Salvo
unit.  Shoot as Musketeer.
LMI with bow, crossbow or firearms: in
addition to their shooting capability, these Later Pike & Shot
units receive a specific melee bonus against  Shoot as Flintlock.
mounted units.
 Bonus of +1 against mounted in the first Bayonet
round of a melee if the unit receives the  Shoot as Flintlock.
charge on the front edge.
Reduced Shooter
Non Skirmisher Arquebus Some armies were unable to fully equip their
In the early 16th century, the early arquebus infantry units with ranged weapons due to
began to be adopted by many nations with cost, supply or training constraints resulting in
Western European armies leading the way. less effective longer-range shooting.
The "shock" value of massed arquebus fire and
the low cost of training soldiers in their use  The unit shoots as Light Foot.
precipitated the end of the bow and crossbow.
To reflect their impact, we give Non Skirmisher

Salvo • Regimental gun can never be added to a
Swedish musketeers were drilled to maintain a mediocre Battle Unit.
continuous fire by the use of the counter
march but, with the doubling of files when the Bayonet with Regimental Gun
enemy drew near, transforming the six-rank
formation into three ranks of shooters.

To simulate the devastating effect of short-

range shooting just before the impact, Salvo
Battle Units have:
 Impact and Furious Charge against foot
opponents in the 1st round of melee if the
unit charges or receives a charge on its
front edge.

Swedish Salvo with Regimental gun Carbine

To represent the carbine or arquebus armed
horsemen (LH or Cv):
 Shoot up to 2 UD.
 Can evade.
 No 1st round melee bonus.

Commanded Shot
Musket-armed foot, trained to operate with
friendly cavalry and tasked with disrupting
enemy cavalry before a charge. The
Commanded Shot ability is represented by a
marker attached to the unit.
 Cavalry units with Commanded Shot
Regimental gun ability shoot as Musketeer (ordinary).
Light 3-pounder guns were used by some  Cavalry units with Commanded Shot
armies to provide additional firepower to their ability can group move with Cavalry but
foot units. They are included directly in a lose 1UD of movement
Battle Unit, represented by small artillery  Cavalry units with Commanded Shot who
pieces or some other marker in front of, or evade or move further than 3UD lose the
within the unit. Commanded Shot marker and ability.
 Commanded Shot can never be added to an
• Regimental Gun results are applied to both Elite unit.
units of a Battle Unit.
• Units equipped with a Regimental Gun Reiter with commanded shot
inflict one hit if their shooting total is tied
with their target. The tie result is
determined after applying quality
modifier (elite or mediocre).
• In the event of a tie in the first round of
melee, the unit with a Regimental Gun
inflicts one hit if their melee total is tied
with their target. The tie result is
determined after applying quality
modifier (elite or mediocre).
• Regimental gun effects do not apply if the
Battle Unit is charged in the flank or rear
or is in terrain which adversely affects its
shooting or combat factors.

This ability represents the tactic of early 16th Cuirassier with Pistol
century mounted to deal with the large pike
formations which were nearly impenetrable by
a charge. Cavalry in a deep formation would
trot up to foot, shoot their pistols at close
range and retire to the rear to reload rather
than use the pistol for melee. If not properly
executed, the caracole formation could
collapse, resulting in chaos and disorder.
More aggressive mounted units, like the
Gendarme, could sweep them away. To
reflect the deeper formation used by Caracole
mounted, these rules apply:

 Cohesion increased to 4 Shock

 Represented by a 1UD square or 2 To represent mounted charging furiously with
standard cavalry units in a permanent a light spear, sword and / or a pistol used in
column. Any depth deeper than a melee by the likes of Finnish Hakkapeliitta,
standard 1UD base is ignored for melee, Polish Hussars or French Cavalry under Louis
shooting or movement. XIV, we introduce the new characteristic of
 Can evade. Shock.
 Shoot 1 UD.
 The unit has a +1 in the 1st round of
Caracole heavy cav on a double sized base combat if it charges or receives the charge
on the front edge (except Elephant).
 Shock cancels the Mounted Impact (except
Elephant) or Pistol ability.
 Shock units have Furious charge in the first
round of melee vs foot.
 Shock units must pursue if they win the
combat in their round.

Polish Winged Hussars

Mounted units equipped with pistols and
trained to discharge them during the initial
charge and then use their sword or additional
pistol. They do not shoot their pistols at range,
saving their shots for close combat.

 The unit has a +1 in the 1st round of

combat if it charges or receives the charge
on the front edge (except Elephants).
 Pistol cancels Mounted Impact.
Armour and Heavy Armour
 The Pistol ability is cancelled if the unit is
Some troops are better protected by armour,
fighting in rough or difficult terrain.
either buff coats, a cuirass or full cuirassier
armour and/or a shield. The Armour ability
gives a +1 bonus to the unit’s protection value
against shooting while the Heavy Armour

ability gives a +2 bonus. This bonus is added • Scottish Highlanders.
to the base value of protection: 0 for mounted, • Irish Redshanks.
1 for foot. This means that foot units with the • Ming Chinese Tribal foot.
Armour ability have a protection of 2 and those
with Heavy Armour a protection of 3. Impact
Louis XIV French infantry, Scottish
The protection bonus for Foot knight and Highlanders, Ottoman Janissaries or other
Gendarme units is already included in the troops trained for close combat who use their
unit characteristics table. muskets or other ranged weapons just before
charging. To simulate the devastating effect of
A unit with heavier armour than its opponent a short-range volley just before the contact,
also has an advantage in combat. If it loses a they are given the Impact ability. Cavalry
combat, add one point to its die roll before armed with lances, which represent “Mounted
determining the outcome of the combat. The Impact” in ADLG are less effective in the 17th
advantage goes to the unit with the Heavier century, due to the rise of cavalry armed with
Armour. pistols. Some European and many Middle
Eastern armies kept using these less effective
Without armour > Armour > Heavy armour. weapons late into the 1650s for cultural
reasons. While ineffective against pistol-armed
In combat, Armour and Heavy Armour abilities mounted, they were still effective against
are cancelled in the following cases: unprotected foot in the open. To reflect this,
• During the first round of melee if the Mounted Impact is used to cover cavalry armed
enemy has Furious Charge (even if losing with lances in this period, as employed in
the melee). Polish, Ottoman Turks and other eastern
• During the first round of melee vs non LI armies.
enemy armed with arquebus, musket or
flintlock. • The unit has a +1 bonus in the first round
• If the enemy is an Elephant. of a melee if it charges or receives the
• If the enemy has the Shock ability. charge on the front edge.
• If both opponents have the same armour • The Impact ability of foot troops does not
ability (after accounting for the above apply against mounted troops if the foot
points). unit charges the mounted unit.
• The Impact ability of foot troops does not
Headstrong apply against mounted troops with
Some units are undisciplined or Mounted Impact, Pistol or Shock ability
aggressive and likely to charge without orders when the mounted unit charges the foot
at any enemy within range to engage in close unit.
combat. The undisciplined or • Medium and Heavy spearmen, Bayonet
aggressive nature of such troops also has an and Pikemen cancel the Mounted Impact,
adverse effect on their manoeuvrability when Pistol or Shock ability of mounted troops if
in close range to the enemy. To represent this, they receive a charge on the front edge.
we add the new characteristic • The Impact and Mounted Impact ability
Headstrong. Headstrong does not provide for never applies against Elephants.
any combat bonus, it represents the troop’s • The Mounted Impact ability of mounted
desire to charge into combat without orders or troops is cancelled if they are fighting in
unwillingness to follow complex orders when rough or difficult terrain.
in close range of enemy units.
Dismounted Troops
 Headstrong troops are Unmanoeuverable.
In this period, mounted troops did not
dismount in response to Elephants, War
Examples of units and Battle Units with this
Wagons, fortifications or obstacles.
• Swiss Keils.
• English Civil War Cavaliers.
• Swedish Hakkapeliitta.

Unit Characteristics Tables
Foot Category Protection Cohesion Basic melee factor and modifiers
Light Infantry LI 1 2 0 vs all. Destroyed in open terrain by
LMI, MI, HI, Cav and Kn
Bowmen, LMI 0 5 +1 vs LI, Drag and LH. +1 in first phase
Crossbowmen or vs mounted if received charge on the
Shot front
Medium MI 1 5 +1 vs all except Kn
Medium Spearmen MI 1 5 +1 vs all except Kn
Bayonet* MI 1 5 +1 vs all except Kn
Bayonet* @ HI 1 5 +1 vs all
Heavy Swordsmen HI 1 6 +2 vs LMI in open terrain or vs LH
Foot Knight 3 6 Otherwise, +1 vs all
Heavy Armour and 2HW if Foot Knight
Heavy Spearmen * HI 1 6 +2 vs LMI in open terrain or vs LH
@ Otherwise, +1 vs all
Colunela * @ HI 1 6
Tercio * @ HI 1 8 Deep Order units
Later Tercio * @ HI 1 7 +2 vs all
Keil * @ HI 1 7
Pike & Shot * @ HI 1 6 +2 vs LMI in open terrain or vs LH,
otherwise +1 vs all
Later Pike & Shot* HI 1 6 +2 vs LMI in open terrain or vs LH,
otherwise +1 vs all
Levy HI 1 3 +1 vs LI, LMI, Dragoon and LH
War Wagons # WWg 2 4 +2 vs mounted except El and +1 vs LI
and Drag
Bonus of +1 vs all if Battle-ready unless
Artillery Art 1 2 +1 if shooting vs El and WWg
+1 in melee for the enemy except if LI,
Drag or LH
* Cancels Mounted Impact, Pistol or Shock (except Elephant) if receiving the charge on its front. Furious
Charge is still applicable.
@ +1 in 1st round vs mounted (except Elephant) if receiving the charge on its front.
#Cancels Mounted Impact, Pistol, Shock and Furious charge, except if attacked by Elephants
Mounted Category Protection Cohesion Basic factor and modifiers
Light Cav LH 1 2 +1 vs LI if LI is in the open
Dragoon Drag 1 3 +1 vs LI and LH if in open.
Medium Cavalry 0 3 +1 against mounted, LI, Drag, LMI,
Heavy Cavalry (with [1] 3 MI and Levy, +1 against HI only if
Armour) Cv attacking them on the flank or rear,
Heavy Armoured [2] 3 Bonus of +1 in 1st round vs LMI and
Cavalry (with Heavy Medium swordsmen unless cavalry
Armour) already has Impact, Pistol or Shock or
is penalised by terrain
Gendarme (with Kn 2 3 +2 vs LMI, LH, Drag and Cv, +1 vs
Heavy Armour) others, 0 vs WWg
Elephant (1) El 0 3 +2 vs mounted and +1 vs foot
Impact except vs LI or LH
[x] The protection value already takes into account the Armour or Heavy Armour abilities for these troops
(1) Panic on mounted units
Command  The unit within a Battle Unit that has the
commander included must be easily
recognisable by using an appropriate
Giving orders figure, a standard bearer or flag.
Each CP allows one move order to be given to
a unit, Battle Unit or a group of units or Battle Movement
Units. A commander can only give orders to
units or Battle Units under his command (i.e.
those which belong to his army corps). A Half-turn or quarter-turn
commander can issue up to three move orders This manoeuvre is used to reorient a unit,
per game-turn to the same unit, Battle Unit or Battle Unit or a group of units.
group of units or Battle Units.  Performing a ¼ turn or ½ turn costs 1 UD
of movement allowance for most units.
Below is the list of the CP costs for the various  It costs 2 UD for Unmanoeuvrable units,
orders: WWg, or Deep Order Battle units.
 0 CP for a spontaneous charge or
uncontrolled charge. Battle Units making a quarter-turn
 0 CP to rally a unit or Battle Unit if the A Battle Unit performing a ¼ turn rotates 90°
enemy is greater than 4UDs away. so that its front edge ends up occupying the
 1 CP to charge or move a unit or Battle position of the side edge before the
Unit within command range. manoeuvre.
 1 CP to rally a unit or Battle Unit in
Simple Support or if the enemy is less  Battle Units cannot make a group quarter-
than 4 UDs away. turn.
 2 CP to rally a unit or Battle Unit in melee
or in melee support. Example: Battle Unit making ¼ turn
 2 CP to enter or exit Square formation. Battle Unit A wants to make a ¼ turn to its left
 3 CPs to prevent an uncontrolled charge.
 +1 CP for a unit or Battle Unit out of
command range at the moment the order
is given.
 +1 CP for a Difficult Manoeuvre.
 +1 CP if the commander is engaged in
combat except to rally the unit to which
The BU turns 90° left so that it’s front edge
he is attached or included.
now occupies the position of the side edge.
All other relative positions are the same.
Commander in Combat

Commanders engaged in combat

As in ADLG, a commander attached to a unit
or to a unit within a Battle Unit can be
engaged in melee. The commander only
counts as being with one unit, not both units
of the Battle Unit. A commander engaged in
melee gives a +1 bonus to his attached unit for
combat but takes the risk of being lost.

Commanders Included in a Battle Unit Unmanoeuvrable units

As in ADLG, it is possible to include a Not all units perform equally well when
commander permanently in a Battle Unit manoeuvring. Some will have difficulty
instead of having it based separately. performing manoeuvres more complex than a
simple advance. These units are referred to as
 The commander only counts as being
Unmanoeuvrable. This applies to the following
with one unit, not both units of the Battle
 Headstrong units

 Elephants Square Formation
 Levy It costs 2 CP for Tercio/Later Tercio,
 Heavy Artillery Keil, Colunela or Pike & Shot Battle Units
to form or exit Square formation.
Difficult manoeuvres
Manoeuvres can be Easy or Difficult. A When in this formation, the unit does not;
Difficult manoeuvre requires the commander • Move.
to spend one additional CP. If several causes • Exert a ZoC.
make a manoeuvre difficult, the total expense • Have any 1st round bonus vs mounted or
is still only one additional CP. Furious Charge abilities.
• Suffer from flank/rear charge or fighting
The following are difficult manoeuvres for all in two directions even if in contact with
units: multiple enemy units or suffering any
 A third movement in the same phase level of cohesion loss.
except if the movement is performed by • It shoots from its original front.
light troops or non-headstrong cavalry.
 To exit an enemy’s zone of control except Prince Rupert of the Rhine and Boy
when performed by troops that can

The following are difficult manoeuvres only

for unmanoevuerable units:
 Any manoeuvre that includes a quarter-
turn, a half-turn, an extension or a
contraction, whether the unit ends in
contact with the enemy or not.
 An advance of less than the unit’s full
movement allowance (excluding any road
bonus) unless the unit ends in contact
with the enemy. An advance of full
movement allowance, with a wheel
and/or a slide is still an easy manoeuvre.

Specific cases
Tecio, Keil and Colunela: Keil, Colunela and
Tercio (not the Later Tercio) operate in very
compact and tight formations. Thus, they
consider a quarter or half-turn a Difficult

Headstrong: When a Headstrong unit or group

is within charge range of an enemy, any
manoeuvre other than a charge, or movement
that ends in support of a friend in melee costs
3 CP. Preventing a Headstrong unit, Battle Unit
or group of Battle Units from charging the
enemy also costs 3 CP.

Dragoons: Dragoons are mounted skirmisher

infantry who generally dismount to shoot.
 Move as LMI at or within 4 UD of any
enemy unit or camp.
 Move as Medium Cavalry if outside of 4
UD of any enemy units or camp.

Special Movements Uncontrolled Charge
Some troops are very eager to fight and tend
to attack even if they do not receive orders to
Charge do so. All Headstrong troops have the potential
to make uncontrolled charges against the
Contact restrictions enemy in certain circumstances (see
Most troops can freely contact enemy units. exceptions)
Some troops however were not primarily
intended to engage in combat, and such units When any individual or group of Headstrong
can only contact enemy units under certain units or Battle Units is within charge range of
conditions: an enemy (ignoring intervening friends), the
following rules apply:
Dragoons  Any manoeuvre other than a charge or a
• In open terrain, dragoons can only charge movement to give support to a friend in
an enemy if, after conformation, they melee costs 3 CP. This represents the
would be in melee with light infantry, difficult of restraining troops that want to
light cavalry, artillery, or the enemy camp charge.
or they would be in a support position.  Staying in place and/or rallying one unit
• In rough or difficult terrain, dragoons or Battle Unit of the group also costs 3 CP
may charge any enemy who is penalised  A charge or a move to give support to a
in combat in that terrain, is in Disorder, or friendly unit or Battle Unit already in
to contact them on their flank or rear. If melee costs 1 CP, or 2 CP if it is a difficult
the enemy being charged is a heavy troop manoeuvre.
which would destroy dragoons in open  If the unit or group receives no orders, all
terrain, the entire front edge of the Headstrong units that are within charge
dragoons must end in the terrain after range of any enemy must make an
conformation for the charge to be uncontrolled charge
• If, during a charge move, a dragoon Exceptions to an uncontrolled charge
would enter melee with a unit it is not A Headstrong unit or Battle Unit is not required
allowed to, the charge move stops just to make an uncontrolled charge in the
before (i.e. a few millimetres) contact. following cases:
• Dragoons can always contact enemy  If the unit is already in melee or
(even heavy troops) already in melee to providing support to a friendly unit or
provide simple or melee support. Battle Unit in melee.
 If the unit or Battle Unit is restricted by
Gustavus Adolphus
the ZoC of an enemy unit or Battle Unit
on its rear or flank and no other enemy is
more threatening.
 If the unit or Battle Unit is in ambush.
 If the unit or Battle Unit or its target is
behind a fortification, an obstacle (or
Stakes if the charging unit is a mounted
unit) or a river or in a village.
 If the only target unit is an Elephant or a
 If the charge would cause a mounted unit
to become subject to Panic.
 If the target enemy unit is light troops
and the unit or Battle Unit would need to
interpenetrate or burst through friendly
troops to reach them.
 If the charging Battle Unit’s target is the
front edge of enemy mounted troops.

 If the charging unit is a Cavalry unit and Rear Support
the target is the front edge of an enemy Rear support was important in this era, with
Heavy Infantry unit (except levy) that is armies fighting in multiple lines for reserves
not Disordered (see note). However, these and support. To represent this, we add an
enemy units remain valid targets for additional die roll modifier of Rear Support in
Knight units. rally tests.
 If, as a result of its charge, the unit or
Battle Unit would find itself, after  Any Battle Unit or unit with Rear Support
conformation, with an enemy front edge gets an additional +1 when attempting to
in contact with its flank or rear edge. rally.
 If, as a result of its charge, the unit or  Battle Units and mounted units can
Battle Unit would find itself in terrain provide Rear Support to each other.
that penalises it in combat.  Skirmishers cannot provide but can
receive Rear Support.
Note. If the target of the uncontrolled charge
can evade, any other enemy unit or Battle Unit If the roll to rally succeeds by +2 AND the
or terrain behind the target unit or Battle Unit score benefited from with Rear Support and a
up to the movement allowance of the charging General attached, remove 2 cohesion markers.
unit or Battle Unit plus 1 UD must be
considered before proceeding with the One Unit or Battle Unit can provide Rear
uncontrolled charge. Support for any number of eligible friendly
units within range.
Example: A Headstrong HI unit facing LI
units will not have to make an uncontrolled To claim Rear Support, the Unit or Battle Unit
charge if there is a mounted unit or a must have the supporting unit;
difficult or rough terrain behind the LI,  Facing the Battle Unit/unit it is
within 3UD. supporting and
 Either:
o Touching the rear corner of the
Rallying supported unit with its front corner or
o Be entirely behind the rear edge of
Battle Unit or unit claiming Rear
Procedure Support and within range.
Units or Battle Units in Disorder can try to
regain one or two cohesion points by rallying Support Ranges are;
during the movement phase. A unit or Battle  Battle Units providing Rear Support must
Unit that attempts to rally cannot voluntarily be within 2UD of the supported unit.
move or conform but can still shoot or fight in  A mounted unit providing Rear Support
melee. Only Light troops that have been must be within 4UD of the supported
shifted as a result of interpenetration or Battle Unit or unit.
conformation are still able to move and
attempt to rally, others cannot. To provide Rear Support, a Battle Unit or Unit
Rally Test  Not in be in melee or providing simple or
ADLG-R rallies are dealt with in the same way melee support.
as ADLG with the addition of Rear Support  Have no enemy units in its ZoC.
 Not have 2 or more cohesion markers for
Special Cases a Unit or 4 cohesion markers for a Battle
When a group with Headstrong troops is held Unit.
by spending 3 CPs, one rally attempt for one
unit in the group is permitted at no extra CP
cost. Other units in the group can also attempt
to rally for one additional CP for each rally

To determine Rear Support, draw a straight line
from the front edge of the Battle Unit or Unit -------------------
providing Rear Support.
Unit is within 4 UD of an enemy and has 3
cohesion markers.
Has no Rear Support but a general is with the

A unit whose rear corner is touching the front Required score is 4+

corner of the supporting unit or entirely in The roll is a 5
front of the line is counted as having Rear Add +1 for General
Support. End result is 6, remove 1 cohesion marker.

Examples of Rear Support
Unit is in combat and has 3 cohesion markers.
Has Rear Support and a general is with the

Required score is 5+
The roll is a 5
Battle Unit B is providing Rear Support to both
Add +1 for Rear Support, +1 for general
Battle Units A and C
End result is 7, remove 2 cohesion markers

Landsknecht heavy artillery

Battle Unit B is providing Rear Support to both

Battle Unit A and C. Battle Unit C has Rear
Support as it is within 2UD of the front corner
of Battle Unit B

Battle Unit A is able to claim Rear Support as it

is in front of Battle Unit B. Battle Unit C is not
able to claim Rear Support as its rear corner is
not in front of the line extending from the
front edge of Battle Unit B

Examples of determining Rally result:

Unit is within 4 UD of an enemy and has 3
cohesion markers
Has Rear Support.

Required score is 4+
The roll is a 5
Add +1 for Rear Support
End result is 6, remove 1 cohesion marker.

Shooting Target Selection
ADLG-R follows the standard shooting rules
with these minor changes. Target priority

If several targets are eligible, the player selects

Shooting Units the target using following priorities:
In the renaissance period, nearly all units can  Firstly, the nearest target directly in front
shoot. Battle Units that can shoot will display of the shooter or the most in front if
the relevant weapon in the description, eg Pike several targets are equally close.
& Shot musket  If no target is directly in front, the nearest
target in its shooting zone.
Shooting ranges  If several targets have the same priority,
Missile Weapon Range the player chooses, but must keep the
(UD) same target in subsequent turns, unless
LI or LH with Bow, 2 the relative positions of the shooter or
Crossbow, Arquebus or target change.
CV with Caracole 1 Special cases:
CV with Bow, Crossbows or 2  As Light Cavalry shoot with an arc of
Carbine/Arquebus 360’, they always shoot at the nearest
Drag with Arquebus 2 target.
Drag with Musket 3  Medium or Heavy Artillery:
Any other foot with 2 o Short range is 2UD
Arquebus o Follow standard target priority if they
Any other foot with Musket 3 have targets at 4 UD or less. If they do
Flintlock, Bow or Crossbow 4 not have a target at 4 UD or less, they
War Wagon or Light 4 can freely choose any target over 4 UD
Artillery in their extended shooting zone.
Medium Artillery 8 o When firing at long range, their
Heavy Artillery 10 shooting zone is extended to 2UD on
either side of the artillery base.
Shooting Limitations
 Medium and Heavy Artillery that have Shooting zone for Battle Units
moved or wheeled during a player’s
sequence cannot shoot during the same
 Other units (including Light Artillery) can
shoot after they have moved as long as
they have not made a second or third
 A unit which charges, evades, disengages
or retreats out of an enemy ZOC cannot
shoot during the same player sequence.
 A unit engaged in melee or supporting a
Ottoman Janissaries
friend in melee cannot shoot.
 A unit cannot shoot at an enemy engaged
in melee or one supporting another unit in
melee even if the unit is not in contact with
the enemy because full conformation was
not possible.
 Other units in contact with an enemy but
not providing support in a combat can still
shoot and be targeted.

Shooting Resolution of two units, it could lose 2 cohesion points in
Circumstance Mod the one shooting phase.
Light troops or Reduced Shooter -1 Protection modifiers
Target in cover or behind a fortification -1 Weapon Protection Modifiers
Shooter is disordered -1 Carbine or Bow
Shooting from cover or in difficult -1 Longbow All units except WWg, Art and
terrain except if shooter is LI skirmishers, protection
Tercio shooting from the side/rear -1 reduced by one, protection
Dragoon, LI, LMI or MI shooting from +0 cannot be reduced below zero.
Enclosed Field Caracole,
LMI, MI or HI with Bows or Crossbows +1 Crossbow,
shooting at mounted (see Note) Arquebus Protection is 1 for all except if
For each supporter unit (max +3, LI/LH +1 Musket/Comman WWg or elephant.
counts as ½) ded Shot,
Artillery if shooting at El or WWg +1 Flintlock
Medium or Heavy Artillery shooting at +1 Light Artillery
short range, flank or Deep Order Battle Medium Artillery No Protection except if the
Units Heavy Artillery target is skirmishers.

Note: Battle Units of LMI, MI or HI armed

with Bows or Crossbows and shooting at a Tercio flank or rear shooting
mounted unit have +1 bonus. This simulates The Tercio had shooters on each corner of the
the greater vulnerability of mounted troops to formation and is able to fire all around, albeit
massed volleys of infantry units. Light troops less effectively to the flank or rear
and WWg do not get this bonus. • Tercio (not Later Tercio) can shoot to its
flank or rear with a -1
Shooting Results
• If the adjusted score of the shooter is Reduced Shooter
higher than that of the target, the target • Shoots as light troops to represent the
loses one cohesion point. Battle Unit’s reducing shooting ability.
• Target loses two cohesion points if the
primary shooter is Medium or Heavy
Artillery and:
Non Skirmisher Arquebus
• Non Skirmisher Arquebus inflict one hit if
o Within short range.
o Score of shooter is three or more their shooting total is tied with their
higher than the target. target. The tie result is determined after
applying quality modifier (elite or
• The cohesion loss from shooting is limited
to just one or two points per phase. A mediocre).
Battle Unit can lose up to four cohesion
points due to shooting as it is treated as Regimental Artillery
• Regimental Artillery results are applied to
two separate units for the purpose of
shooting. both units of a Battle Unit.
• Regimental Artillery inflict one hit if their
• If the shooter’s score is equal to or less
than the result of the target, then there is shooting total is tied with their target. The
no effect, unless the shooter is: tie result is determined after applying
o Non Skirmisher Arquebus; OR quality modifier (elite or mediocre).
o Has the Regimental Gun ability

When two units shoot at each other, shooting

is resolved in two steps: A shoots at B and
then B shoots at A. The results are applied
simultaneously after the two steps are
resolved. Both units can therefore lose one
point of cohesion or both can Rout during the
same shooting phase. As a Battle Unit consists


Deep Order Battle Units

Keil, Colunela, Tercio or Later Tercio Battle
Units are treated as Deep Order to reflect their
deep formations and vulnerability to artillery
• +1 bonus for Medium or Heavy Artillery
shooting at the front or rear of a Keil,
Colunela, Tercio or Later Tercio

Shooting example

All units are Pike & Shot musket and are

within 3 UD
 Unit A shoots at unit E
 Unit A gets +0 for shooting, unit E gets +1
for protection vs Musket
 The factors remain the same until we get
to unit H firing.
 Unit H is +0, +1 support from unit I and
unit D is protection +1

Melee (bonus limited to +1 per side). Units in
flank to flank contact cannot provide
ADLG-R follows the ADLG Melee rules with
these minor changes. support.
 Unit(s) in contact with their front edge
against the flank edge of a Deep Order
Melee Resolution unit must align its front corner to the
The standard ADLG rules apply other than
front corner of the enemy. This may
replacing the results table with this
result in the unit(s) conforming further
Difference Loser
than 1UD due to the depth of a Deep
Tie No cohesion loss Order Unit.
1 or 2 pts -1 cohesion point
3 or 4 pts -2 cohesion points Once a Deep Order unit has four or more
5 or 6 pts -3 cohesion points disrupted markers, the normal flank or rear
7 or 8 pts -4 cohesion points contact rules apply.
9 or 10 pts -5 cohesion points
11 pts and Automatic rout
Deep Order unit flank attacks

Flank charge on a Deep Order unit

Melee Modifiers Unit C is a Cuirassier (Heavy Cav Pistol) and
charges a Tercio Arquebus in the flank.
Flank or Rear Attacks on a Battle Unit
Flank attacks work a little differently to ADLG Initial charge
when involving Battle Units. The key
principle in resolving flank attacks on the
larger Battle Units is that a Battle Unit is a two-
unit wide group. So, if the BU takes a
cohesion marker due to a flank attack, the
cohesion marker applies to both units.
Conformation after the initial contact can
result in some odd conformations but it After confirmation
removes the need for complicated rules.

Deep Order Units

Deep Order units were able to defend
themselves from flank or rear attacks until
they were badly disrupted. Once heavily
disrupted, a well-timed flank or rear charge
could break the formation.
As the Tercio is a Deep Order unit and has not
Until the Deep Order Battle Unit has four or
taken any cohesion markers, the contact is
more disrupted markers, it follows these rules
treated as a Frontal Contact.
for melee:
The factors are:
 A Deep Order unit attacked on its flank
 Unit B +2 (Pike) +1 in 1st round vs
fights as if attacked from its front, because
mounted as it received charge on the
its flank edges are considered as a front
edge for combat purposes until the Deep
 Unit C +0 (Cav contacting Heavy Foot
Order Unit has suffered 4 or more
frontally), +0 for Pistol as it is cancelled
cohesion hits.
by Pike in 1st round as it received charge
 Until it has suffered 4 or more cohesion
on the front edge.
hits, all of a Tercio’s edges are considered
as a front edge for combat purposes.
 Units in contact with their front edge
against the flank of the Deep Order unit
provide simple support to the main unit

Offset charge
Unit C & D are cuirassiers (Heavy Cav Pistol)
and charge a Tercio Arquebus in the flank.

Initial Charge

After conforming.

After contact and direction of conformation

The combat is worked as
Unit A fights unit C frontally
Unit B fights unit D frontally

Flank attack examples

Example of Simple Flank Attack

It is the Germans turn. The English P&S has a
German P&S to its front and on its flank.
Both German units charge

After conformation

Deep Order unit engaged frontally and

charged on a flank
A Keil, (units A & B) is in front contact with a
Cuirassier, unit C. The Keil has not suffered
any cohesion losses
Cuirassier unit D charges the Keil in the flank

After contact

Working out the melee

After contact, the two units line up like this.

Both units would have a +1 for an overlap.

Units C fights as normal, but unit A fights at 0

as the English P&S has acquired a cohesion
marker as a result of being charged in the The fight continues and the Germans are able
flank while engaged to its front. (Spearmen +1, to get another P&S unit to charge the English
cohesion marker -1). flank.

Unit B fights at -1 as it has been contacted on

the flank and disordered.
Unit D fights at +3 (+1 for Heavy Spearmen
for unit D, +1 for Melee Support and +1 for
Heavy Spearmen for unit F).

Example of an off-set initial combat then a

flank attack
It is the Germans turn. The English P&S has a
German P&S to its front but they are not lined
up so only one base will make legal contact

Units after contact  -2 in rough terrain.
 -3 in difficult terrain
 Mounted units that are in terrain that
penalises them in melee do not have the
Mounted Impact, Pistol, Shock or Furious
Charge abilities.
 Mounted units do not automatically
destroy LI in rough and difficult terrain.

Special cases
 Elephants count fields and brush as open
terrain and are not penalised in such
 Dragoons count fields, enclosed fields
Unit B does not take a cohesion marker. Even
and brush as open terrain and are not
though contacted in the flank, unit B is not
penalised in such terrain.
already engaged to its front, so it does not
drop. It does fight at 0, while unit F fights at
+3 (+1 for P&S, +1 for simple support, from E, Landsknecht Doppelsöldner
+1 for flank attack)

In the English player’s turn, unit B “turns” to

face German P&S unit B. It would fight at +1,
whereas Unit F would now fight at +2 (+1
P&S, +1 simple support for E)

Terrain modifier
Troops that are penalised in rough or difficult
terrain have a negative modifier during the
 A unit or Battle Unit receives the penalty
if any part of its base is situated in the
 If the unit’s base is deeper than normal, a
standard-sized base (as per the table on
page 5) should be used to judge whether
or not the unit is in the terrain.
 If a unit attacks an enemy situated inside
and just at the edge of a terrain piece, the
attacking unit is considered to partially
enter the enemy’s terrain piece. The most
penalising terrain modifier is that applied
to that unit, until the end of the combat.

Medium Infantry (MI and LMI)

• -1 in difficult terrain

Heavy Infantry (HI) units and WWg

 -1 in rough terrain or -2 if Heavy Spear or
 -2 in difficult terrain for all types.
 Units that are in terrain that penalises
them in combat do not have Impact, Salvo
or Furious Charge abilities

Mounted Units

Rout and Pursuit

Army cohesion and rout

ADLG-R follows the standard ADLG rout
rules: the demoralisation value of an army is
equal to the number of units of which is made
up, with each foot Battle Unit counting as two

Battle Units count as double units due to their

size, hence their higher cohesion. They fight
as two individual units, with cohesion
markers applied to the unit as a whole.

Losses are counted as follows:

Situation Losses
Per disordered unit/Battle Unit 1 pt
Per unit that has fled the table 1 pt
Per routed unit 2 pts
Per Battle Unit with four or 2 pts
more cohesion counters
Per routed Battle Unit 4 pts
Per lost commander 1 pt + value *
Lost camp 4 pts
Lost fortified camp 6 pts
* Command Value (0, +1, +2 or +3)

Losses for Battle Units are not cumulative: So,

a Battle Unit with one to three markers is 1 pt.
If the same Battle Unit then takes another
marker, it is now 2 pts.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Terrain • Dragoons, LMI and MI are not penalised
if shooting from inside an Enclosed Field.
ADLG-R follows the ADLG terrain rules with
these changes.
Enclosed Fields
Cover from Shooting In this period, fields have become more
formally cultivated and divided by walls,
Terrain can provide cover but also penalises
hedges or deep irrigation. They are considered
units when shooting. For example, trees can
rough terrain and offer cover to the units
stop or deflect missiles.
located in them. Light Foot and Dragoons can
• A target unit benefits from cover if the
ambush in an Enclosed Field. A unit, except LI
line of sight of the shooter passes through
or MI, that shoots from an Enclosed Field does
the terrain.
so with a penalty of -1
• A unit, except Light Infantry, is penalised
when shooting if part of its shooting edge
# of Fields can be replaced by an Enclosed
is inside terrain that gives cover.
Field, included the free field covering a Gentle
• A unit located just on the edge of a terrain
is considered to be inside the terrain: it
Before 1600 AD, 0-1
gains protection from cover but suffers a
After 1600 AD, 0-2
shooting penalty.

Terrain Table
Terrain Category Ambush Cover
River Variable Not possible
Coastal zone Impassable Not possible
Hill Variable Behind the horizon line Variable
Steep hill Difficult Behind the horizon line or Variable
crest line
Brush Rough Only LI
Field Rough Only LI
Enclosed Field Rough Only LI or Dragoons Yes, -1 if shooting
Plantation Rough All except elephants Yes, -1 if shooting
Wood Difficult All Yes, -1 if shooting
Marsh Difficult Only LI
Sand dune Difficult Only LI
Gully Rough All except elephants
Road Same as the terrain Not possible
Village Difficult All except elephants Yes, -1 if shooting
Impassable Impassable Not possible

Setting Up

Initiative  +1 if the commander-in-chief is a

ADLG-R follows the standard ADLG with one strategist.
change to calculating the initiative with the  Scouting: +1 if the army contains 2 LH
introduction of Dragoons. or Dragoons or +2 if it contains 6LH or
Dragoons. Each 3 LI count as one LH
The initiative value of an army corresponds to or Dragoon. Thus, an army with 2 LH
the quality of its command and its number of and 12 LI adds +2 to its initiative for
scouts. Army initiative is calculated as below: scouting.
 Total value of all commanders divided
by two and rounded down.
to the short table edges. Light troops can be
Deploying of Army Corps deployed up to 7 UD from the long table edge.
Medium and Heavy artillery can be deployed
up to 7 UD from the long table edge and no
Sequence of deployment
closer than 4 UD to the flank edges of the
ADLG-R follows the standard ADLG
table. Units in ambush have a larger area to
deployment with two key changes; horse-
mounted can deploy in the wings and
Medium and Heavy artillery can deploy up to
Heavy artillery must be deployed at the same
7 UD from the long table edge.
time as the camp.

Deployment Zone
For a standard table of 120 x 80cm, light troops
and horse-mounted can be deployed right up

Terrain by Zone
Terrain Plain Forest Mountain Desert Steppes (*)
River or coastal zone 1 1 1 - 1 River only
Gentle hill (G) or Steep hill (S) 1G 2 4 (1) S 2 4 (1) G
Field or Enclosed field 4 (1) (@) - - - -
Brush - 3 2 2 3
Plantation 2 - - 1 -
Wood - 4 (1) 2 - -
Marsh 1 2 1 - 1
Sand dune - - - 4 (1) -
Gully 1 1 2 1 1
Road 1 1 1 1 1
Village 1 1 1 - -
Impassable - 1 1 1 -

(*) In steppes, only a single hill may be completely covered with brush and rough terrain.
(@) # of Fields can be replaced by an Enclosed Field, included the free field covering a Gentle hill.
Before 1600, 0-1
After 1600, 0-2


Army Budget
Commander and camp Budget
In a standard format game, the budget for an 110 220 330
army is 220 points and its units are organised Strategist +5 +10 +15
into three corps, each led by a commander. Brilliant +3 +6 +10
Allied or unreliable commanders, as well as Competent +2 +3 +5
those included in a unit, are less expensive. Ordinary +0 +0 +0
Refer to the army list for the number of Allied or unreliable -2 -3 -5
command points and the types of troops Commander included -2 -3 -5
available. Fortifications 1 1 1
Fortified Camp 3 6 9

M = Mediocre, O = Ordinary, E = Elite

Foot Units Cost of units
Type M O E Options and abilities
Light Infantry LI - 4 5
Arquebusier, LMI 9 12 15 +2 if Crossbow, Bow or Musket,
Bowmen, +3 if Flintlock or Longbow
Medium Swordsmen MI 10 13 16 +2 if Arquebus, +3 if Crossbow,
Bow or Musket, +4 if Longbow,
+1 if 2HW, +0 if Headstrong, -1 if
Reduced Shooter, +1 if Impact
Medium Spearmen MI 11 14 17 +2 if Arquebus, +3 if Crossbow,
Bow or Musket, -1 if Reduced
Bayonet MI or HI 13 16 19 +4 if Regimental Artillery
Heavy Spearmen HI 12 15 18
Heavy Swordsmen HI 12 15 18 +1 if 2HW
Keil HI 16 19 22 +1 if Keil Swordsmen, +0 if
Colunela HI 17 20 23
Tercio Arquebus HI 21 24 27 +1 if Musket
Later Tercio Arquebus HI 19 22 25
Pike & Shot Arquebus HI 12 15 18 +1 if Musket, +1 if Impact, +3 if
Salvo, -1 if Reduced Shooting, +4 if
Regimental Gun
Later Pike & Shot HI 13 16 19 +1 if Impact, +4 if Regimental Gun
Levy HI 2 3 - +0 if Headstrong
War Wagons WWg 8 12 - +2 if Light Artillery
Light Artillery Art - 6 -
Medium Artillery Art 8 10 12
Heavy Artillery Art 8 10 12

Mounted Units Cost of units
Type M O E Options and abilities
Light Cavalry LH 4 6 7
Dragoon Drag 4 5 6 +1 if Musket
Medium Cavalry CV 5 7 9 +0 if Headstrong, +1 if Medium
Heavy Cavalry CV 7 9 11 Camel, +1 if Pistol, +1 if
Heavily Armoured CV 9 11 13 Mounted Impact, +2 if Caracole,
Cavalry +2 if Shock, +2 if
Gendarme Kn - 11 13 +2 if Mounted Impact
Elephants El 10 13 16 +3 if Armour or Light Artillery

Points Formula
Below are the formulas and points cost used to create all the units. If you want to design your own
army lists or unit types, have fun!

Battle Unit Formula

If unit has single weapon
Base + Foot Formation + Cohesion x 1.5 (rnd up) + Primary Weapon x 1.5 (rnd up)+ Armour +

If unit has dual weapons (ie Swordsmen Musket)

Base + Foot Formation + Cohesion x 1.5 (rnd up) + Primary Weapon + 2nd Weapon + Armour +

Mounted Unit Formula

Base + Cohesion + Base Weapon + Armour + Expansion(s)

Item Cost as Note

Base Foot/Mounted 1 Knight requires Armour or
Heavy Armour
Weapon Med Sword 2 If primary and secondary weapon
Weapon Heavy Sword/any Spear 3 are the same, the primary
Weapon Pike 6 weapon cost is multiplied by 1.5
Weapon Bayonet (requires Flintlock) 3 (ie, Keil primary and secondary
Weapon Arquebus 2 weapon is Pike, weapon cost is 6
Weapon Bow/Crossbow/Musket 3 (pike) x 1.5 = 9). A unit with
Weapon Flintlock 4 spear/sword/pike and range
weapons treats the
Weapon Longbow 4
spear/sword/pike as the primary
weapon. A Tercio Arquebus
would pay Pike 6 + Arquebus 2,
so, cost of 8
Weapon Mounted 3
Weapon Mounted Missile 2
Foot Formation Keil 1 You need to add to Base
Foot Formation Later Tercio 2
Foot Formation Tercio 3
Expansion Mounted Pistol 1
Expansion Mounted Shock 2 Includes Pistol & Furious
Expansion Mounted Impact 1
Expansion Knight Impact 2 Only for Knights
Expansion Medium Camel 1 Only for medium cav to make
into Camels
Expansion Mounted Caracole 2 Includes extra cohesion
Expansion Javelin 1
Expansion Reduced Shooting -1
Expansion Commanded Shot 3
Expansion Foot Impact 1
Expansion Headstrong 0
Expansion 2HW 1

Expansion Polearm 1
Expansion Keil Swordsmen 1
Expansion Regimental Artillery 4
Expansion Foot Furious Charge 1
Armour Armour 2 Covers both foot and mounted.
Armour Heavy Armour 4
Armour Foot Knight Armour 3

Dragoon Arquebus 5
Dragoon musket 6

War wagon
10 points
If light artillery +2
If no shooting -2

13 points
If artillery +2
Elite/Mediocre +/- 3

Mediocre -2
Elite +1

Mounted & non battle units

Mediocre -2
Elite +2

Battle Units
Mediocre -3
Elite +3

Troop Glossary
The below chart is a glossary of the different troop types in the Renaissance period and how they
would translate to ADLG-R. This isn’t an exhaustive list and is subject to a degree of subjectivity.

Period Troop Type ADLG-R troop type Notes

Italian Swiss Pikemen Keil Elite Headstrong The Swiss are given the Headstrong
Wars ability to reflect their habit of ignoring
orders and charging the enemy.
Italian Landsknecht Keil The German pike formation of the
Wars period, not as aggressive as the Swiss,
hence no Headstrong ability
Italian Reiter Heavily Armoured Heavily armoured riders, in ¾
Wars Cavalry Caracole armour, armed with pistols and
trained to trot up to foot formations,
discharge their pistols and then
“retreat” to the back of the formation
to reload. Ineffective vs aggressive
mounted but could result in a
continual barrage of pistol shooting vs
a target.
Italian Colunela Colunela The Colunela formation was a pike
Wars formation, with the generals replacing
some pike with arquebus as method
to deal with the Reiters of the period
who would trot up and discharge
their pistols before retiring to the back
of the formation to reload.
Italian Tercio Tercio Arquebus The iconic Spanish formation of the
Wars period. Considered a mobile infantry
fortress comprising of a dense pike
centre to protect the arquebus units on
each of the “horns” of the formation.
30 Years Reiter Medium or Heavy Reiters evolved over the period, losing
War Cavalry Carbine their heavier armour and
transforming into mounted more
focused on shooting than melee
30 Years Cuirassier Heavy Cav Pistol Heavy cavalry, armed with 2 or 3
War pistols, who would discharge 1 or 2
pistols just before contact and then
charge in using a sword or the
pummel of their pistol. Cuirassiers
generally wore a Cuirass or chest
plate to protect their torso over a buff
coat and wore a helmet or hat.
30 Years Swedish Pike & Shot Musket Salvo The elite formations of Gustavus
War Colour Adolphus Swedish army, named after
brigades their coloured banners. These highly
trained formations would discharge
their muskets en masse before
charging into combat. They are given
the Salvo ability to reflect their
aggression and the effect of a massed
salvo of shot just before melee.

Janissaries Medium Swordsmen The Janissaries evolved over the
Bow/Arquebus/Musket period, first retaining the bow and
Impact slowly moving to being armed with
musket. They are given the Impact
ability to reflect their aggression in the
initial contact.

Pirate Ship in Action
Optional Rules

Up to two Battle Units and/or non-
skirmishers units can be nominated as a
• A reserve is allocated command pips as
normal and these can be saved up over
successive turns. On the turn it activates,
it can spend all of the command pips it
has saved. There is no maximum number
of moves it can make:
• Multiple march moves, even within 4 UD
of enemy units
• If a general is attached, does not take My troops are based on different sized
penalties for 3rd and subsequent moves bases to ADLG-R, can I use my troops?
• Reserves can be marched into contact
with enemy with a maximum of three Yes! ADLG can be played with different
moves if the final move ends in contact frontages, the only requirement is to have a
with the enemy. consistent frontage. It is not necessary to
rebase figures if the depth of the base does not
Smoke match what is indicated here. Just tell your
Arquebus and muskets could generate a lot of opponent what type of troop is represented.
smoke when firing which could affect Feel free to have more that the suggested
visibility. To simulate this: number of figures on the base. Just make it
• If a non-skirmisher firing an arquebus or clear what type of unit it is.
musket does not move after two
consecutive player bounds of shooting, Can I play ADLG-R on a FoGR sized
the unit shoots with a -1 penalty and
table and army?
receives a +1 protection bonus.
Yes! With some minor tweaking of the
Ships standard UD dimensions, and the use of
Some armies in this period were influenced sabots for mounted, you can use armies based
and supported by naval action, particularly up for FoGR.
near the English Channel or other large
waterways. To simulate this, armies that For 15mm armies, change the UD to 60mm
successfully select the Coastal Zone terrain square and for 28mm armies, change the UD
piece are able to deploy a previously to 80mm square. Upsize the table accordingly
purchased Ship. and you can play ADLG-R on a larger table
• A Ship has three non-flank light artillery with units based up for FoGR.
shots at any enemy units within 4 UD of
the Coastal zone. This simple modification allows you to use the
• A Ship costs 10 points and its loss does majority of your foot units with little to no
not count towards the break point. modifications. Mounted will still need some
• Points are lost if the Coastal Zone is not basing changes or a sabot to get the basing
placed. correct.

Using DBX Basing
To play ADLG-R, you do not need to rebase
your foot to make a Battle Unit. If your troops
are based for DBX games like DBR or FoGR,
you can use this alternative basing.

2 bases of pike in the front rank
4 bases of pike in the middle two ranks

2 bases of musket in the front rank
4 bases of pike in the middle two ranks
2 bases of musket in the rear rank

Later Tercio
2 bases of musket in the front rank
4 bases of pike in the middle two ranks

Pike & Shot or Later Pike & Shot

2 bases of musket in the front rank
2 bases of pike in the rear rank

References & Reading

The History of the Art of War in the Sixteenth Century by Sir Charles Oman
Field of Glory Renaissance, Slitherine/Osprey Publishing
Renaissance Armies 1480 – 1650 by George Gush
Pike & Shot by Donald Featherstone
Matches to Flintlocks by William Urban
Armies and Warfare in the Pike and Shot Era by Donald Featherstone
De Bellis Renationis by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott
Fighting Techniques of the Early Modern World AD1500 – AD1763 by Christer Jorgensen, Michael F.
Pavkovic, Rob S. Rice, Frederick C. Schneid, Chris L. Scott
Pike and Shot Tactics, Keith Roberts, Osprey Publishing
The Military Revolution in Sixteenth Century Europe by David Eltis
Warfare in the Seventeen Century by John Childs
The Thirty Years War 2nd Ed by Geoffrey Parker

Websites & Articles

Military Science in Western Europe in the Sixteenth Century, unknown author
Pike Square
The Rise of the Swiss Battle Square
Battle of Rocroi,
The Wheel Lock: Birth of the Combat Pistol
Pike & Shot Tactics
The Italian Wars and the Rise of the Spanish Tercio


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