Time Management
Time Management
Time Management
Time management, everyone talks about it, not everyone is good at it. How important is
it? Time management is vital for achieving goals in your studies, your works. So, what is
exactly time management?
1. Reducing, the first and the most important step, because in order to do what’s most
important to you, you have to avoid wasting your time on what not really vital. The
practical way is being picky about how we are spend time, don’t cram everything (cho
ảnh ghi “DON’T CRAM”)
Cramming is one of the few things that you will resort to assuming it will make you ace
an exam or get better grades in an assignment. It is actually a sign of poor time
management. While it might work once or twice, your brain can’t function well with too
much information. Our brains are like a glass of water, if you fill it too much, it will
overflow and nothing will remain. Cramming without giving yourself a break is like
calling for a mess the next morning. (vid hải anh cố nhồi làm bài trong đếm trước
kiểm tra, sáng mai đi học thì đến muộn, ngủ gật trong lớp)
Another concept that might guide what you decide you want to spend your time on which
comes from economics, which is the principle of diminishing returns. The basic idea is
that you can keep investing more and more time and energy that other resources into a
project, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that your output will continue increasing in
proportion with the number of resources you pour in
2. Prioritize your list
So we’ve come up with this revised version of the eisenhower matrix as a method for
prioritizing. Just considering these factors will help you decide the things that really
matter to you, you want to get done first instead of rushing.
-Learn to say “no”: (vid t với hải anh say no) One of the challenges that you might face
in college is committing to too much. If you struggle with rejecting, you must learn when
to say “No”. Only accept what you can handle and refuse what you can’t. Don’t
participate in a lot of activities or offer to help without proper planning. Student activities
offer a good experience, but taking it too far is wrong. The time is yours; do whatever
you want, but make sure to prioritize.
Every single task in this video is just like a whole beat in and of itself, but planning is the
massive one that can be tackled in the most possible ways. We want to introduce you to
our favourite planning method which is scheduling your tasks. First, make a list of
everything you want to get done in a day or a week or whatever unit. We’re gonna do the
day as the example (VID T NGỒI PLANNING TRÊN NOTION)
Secondly, estimate how long each task is going to take. This method, it makes me feel a
lot less anxious to know how the day will go and be fairly certain that I will be able to
finish everything that I need to get done, or if I see that I can’t finish it then I know that I
need to go back to step one which is reducing my workload.
4. Execute
Yeah we can’t really tell you how to do the specific things you’re doing, but here are
some general tips how to get things done more efficiently.
Let’s talk with our top two favourite methods for avoiding procrastination. When people
procrastinate, they generally fail to manage their time properly. An example of this is
someone who should be working on an assignment, but instead wastes their time
browsing social media until right before the deadline (vid hải anh chơi đth, ngủ, phân
tâm làm nhóm). The reason of procrastination is our brain is anticipating the pain of
doing work, so it wants to delay that potential pain as long as possible. Alternate
consistently between work and rest is the main method for this problem. For example,
you can use the Pomodoro technique, by working on your tasks for 25-minute long
stretches, with 5-minute breaks in between, and taking a longer 30-minute break after
every 4 work sets.
And those are the tips we had for today’s video, we hope you found this helpful. Go out
there and kill it, manage your time