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Hello sir,

My name is Aswan from UPBJJ Makassar. Today I would like to tell you about my favorite
person, the one whom I admire and very love which is my father. His name is Tajuddin. he is 61 years
old with black hair, black eyes and brown skin, his height is almost the same as me which is about
178cm and his weight maybe around 65kg.

My father is not very talkative but he is so kind and sometimes funny. He loves playing with
kids, that’s probably why he has 9 kids lol. But most importantly He the strongest and most patient
human being that I have ever seen in my life, he is also never complaining about anything. It doesn’t
matter how life brings him down, he always get back on his feet and fight for his family.

He always found a way to support his family even during the thoughest times of our lives He
always provide us with anything to make us healthy and without concern. eventhough I am not so
close with him but I am sure he loves me and all my brothers and sisters equally. He would do
anything to make us happy.

There will be not enough words to describe how amazing my father is for me, my mother
and my siblings but the only thing I can say is that I love him so much, I admire him as figure and I
want to make him proud of me.

Thank you,
To my knowledge after reading some articels and summerize it

previewing is one of the strategies in quick reading activities that aims to find out the essence of a
reading text or paragraph on the story. by doing this we will be trained to be able to take the gist of
a reading text without having to read the words and help us to be able to increase the level of
reading speed which later can help us predict what is in a book or media that we will read without us
having to read the entire contents.

As for predicting according to a source, predicting is also an important strategy of reading. It is a

strategy that allows you to guest what is going to happen on the reading text by utilizing instructions
that are grammatical, logical and cultural.

Source: https://www.adeishak.com/2020/10/cara-cepat-memahami-bacaan-dengan.html

Both reviewing and predicting are connected for example, when you are previewing you tend to
find an information and then you can make a guesses about what is on the reading text so when you
are making a guesses like that, you are predicting.
Autumn is traditionally harvest time when the farmers would cut their crops to prepare them for
storage or to sell. When I was a kid we lived on a dairy farm and this was always a busy time of year
as we cut harvested our crops and prepared the farm for winter. Farmers use many pieces of large
and small equipment to take care of their farm. Before winter they make sure everything is working
like it should and they repair anything that needs it. A lot of farmers plow their fields in the fall so it
will give them a head start for the spring. September is also the time that farmers plant winter
wheat. It grows until it gets cold and then it goes dormant, which means it stops growing, until
spring when it starts growing again. Most farm animals love corn, but it has to picked at just the right
time so the farmers can have a supply all winter long. Most corn today is picked with a picker-sheller
or a combine, both machines shell the corn off the cob and then the farmer dumps it in a gas batch
dryer which dries it to a certain hardness, otherwise it will get moldy in storage.Some farmers still
just pick the whole ear with a regular corn picker and store it in a corn crib, if they are going to just
pick it, they leave it in the field longer so it will dry. They test the moisture by shelling the corn off
the cob and putting a handful into a moisture tester.


1. Autumn = Autumn becomes a successful businesswoman by working at a store

and a bar.
2. Time = it’s time for lunch
3. Farmers = Many of those who work in the area are farmers
4. Crops = The storm also damaged crops in the region
5. Kid = the officer has found the missing kid
6. Dairy = most of village residents either work in the dairy farms or in rice fields.
7. Farm = the greys family has managed their own farm since the beginning.
8. Year = And the project soon grew from five to 50 weavers in about a year.
9. Winter = all the village residents have been prepared for winter
10. Pieces = rob is eating the last pieces of the cake.
11. Equipment = Ask about what kind of protective equipment is available.
12. Fields = i want to be in the forefront fields, and i want to do it differently.
13. Fall = That fall of 2020, everything changed and people started new ways to
14. Spring = this is what happen every spring
15. September = he was born on September fifth
16. Wheat = Well, the foods that are produced are, more or less, corn, soy and wheat.
17. Cold = it,s very cold outside, you have to wear jacket
18. Animals = this zoo has a lot of animals but most it are rescued animal
19. Corn = the cake is made of corn
20. Supply = they don’t Have enough supply to survive next week
21. Machines = the car doesn’t work anymore, all the mechines are already worn
22. Gas = we have to stop to the gas station, we need more gas.
23. Cob = There will be enough drinks, corn on the cob, salad bar for 30 people.
24. Batch = It can also be used for batch editing.
25. Dryer = we found yor wedding ring underneaththe dryer.
26. Ear = she has some trouble hearing on her left ear
27. Regular = She decides to attend regular university
28. Dry = on summer time, all the fields in this village looks dry.
29. Moisture = I cleanse, tone, and moisturize twice a day, every day.
30. Tester = they provide the customers with tester, so it lets them try before they buy
the product.


1. Their = the greys family has managed their own farm since the beginning.
2. I = I think we should go to the library and search the book.
3. We = we will go camping tomorrow.
4. Our = We had a good friend of ours pass away since the last record.
5. They = they went to hospital to visit him after the surgery.
6. It = the doctor told him to staying out of junkfood, it is good for his recovery
7. Them = they will do everything to push their sales.
8. Anything = the doctor told him not to worry about anything.


1. Harvest = We harvest the wheat, and in harvesting it.

2. Cut = I went to barbershop this morning to cut my hair.
3. Prepare = the doctor is checking his patient while the nurses preparing the OR
4. Storage = I couldn’t save another picture on my phone due to limited storage
5. Sell = mrs. jhonson went to the mr. robb store and asks him to sell her
homemade cake.
6. Lived = my grandparents lived in this city for a very long time.
7. Harvested = The mushrooms are harvested
8. Prepared = after he prepared the new cot then his wife went inside and put their child
on it.
9. Use = we are not allowed to use phone when we are working.
10. Take = It took some person years, and we have produced animations.
11. Care = I can tell how much she loves her husband just by looking at her eyes
when she is talking about him.
12. Make = I couldn’t make any plans for tomorrow’s dinner because there so many
things to do at work.
13. Working = after working whole night on this project, we finally make it this morning
14. Repair = we've had the television repaired
15. Give = my lecturer gives us a test to make sure we understand the topic.
16. Start = he started to seeing the doctor since the early stage of his cancer.
17. Plant = mrs. Hannah loves to plant herbs in her backyard
18. Grows = the plants grows faster and healthier with an organic fertilizer.
19. Gets = I'll get it out of the ark before anybody finds it
20. Goes = she goes to school with her mom
21. Stops = the police officer stops the robber before he managed to get out of the
22. Growing = after the chemotherapy and recovered from cancer, his hair starts to
23. Starts = after the chemotherapy and recovered from cancer, his hair starts to
24. Picked = It is so novel to see this, that somebody actually picked up an analog
device and has written to me.
25. Shell = But still, that is a lot of dough to shell out for something that may not fit
the bill.
26. Dumps = she's dumped another boyfriend
27. Dries = after he dries his clothes, he went to his room and put it into the
28. Pick = she is hesitate whether to pick the black or the white gown
29. Leave = jhonny locks the door when he leaves the house.
30. Test = There's space to experiment and to weld and to test things
31. Putting = And quite frankly, we're putting our heads in the sand.
32. Combine = we combine both mechine to make a better one.
1. Pengertian iman:
Iman adalah kepercayaan yang dipercayai oleh seseorang yang berkenaan dengan
agama, keyakinan maupun kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, nabi, kitab dan sebagainya.
Dalam ajaran agama Islam, iman berarti kepercayaan, keyakinan kepada Allah, nabi-
nabi-NYA serta kitab yaitu Al-Quran dan lain sebagainya.

Nilai positif dan negative keimanan:

-iman yang dirangkaikan dengan yang positif, Orang-orang yangberiman kepada (Al-
quran) yang diturunkan kepadamu, juga beriman kepada(kitab-kitab Allah) yang
diturunkan sebelummu serta mereka yakin akan adanyaakhirat. QS. Al-Baqarah (2):

-iman yang negatif disebut kufur. Pelakunya disebut kafir. Apakah engkau
tidakmemperhatikan orang-orang yang diberi bahagian dari Alkitab, mereka percaya
kepada jibt (sesembahan selain Allah) dan thagut (berhala) dan mereka berkata
kepada orang orang kafir bahwa mereka lebih benar jalannya daripada orang-orang
yang beriman QS. An-Nisaa’ (4): 51. Kata iman pada ayat tersebut dirangkaikan
dengan kata jibti dan taghut, syaithandan apa saja yang disembah selain Allah. Kata
iman dikaitkan dengan kata batil(yang tidak benar menurut Allah). QS. Al-Ankabut
(29): 51..

2. ciri-ciri keimanan tersebut diatas, dilengkapi dengan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang sesuai.
 Orang tawakal dan ikhlas pada setiap ketetapan dan takdir yang diberikan
AllahSWT. (QS. Al-Maidah : 23).
 mawas diri dan bersikap ilmiah(Bersikap kritis dalam menerima informasi,
terutama dalam memahami nilai nilaidasar keislaman QS. Ali imran (3): 7 )
 optimis dalam menghadapi masa depan. Surat Al-Insyirah(94) ayat 5-6. )
 Konsisten dan menepati janji (Janji adalah hutang. Menepati janji
berartimembayar utang. QS Almaidah (5):1).
3. Tidak Sombong. surat AlLuqman (31) ayat A. Animisme/Dinamisme, Politeisme dan
 Animisme (dari bahasa Latin anima atau "roh") adalah kepercayaan kepada makhluk
halus dan roh
 Dinamisme Kepercayaan kepada benda-benda mempunyai makna (supra natural)
disebut paham dinamisme.
 Henoteisme adalah suatu pemahaman bahwa hanya ada satu dewa yang berkuasa
di dalam dunia tanpa memungkiri akan keberadaan dewa-dewa lainnya.
B. Monoteisme, yang terbagi pada; Deisme, Panteisme dan Eklektisme
Monoteisme adalah kepercayaan hanya pada satu tuhan yang menciptakan dunia,
yang mahakuasa, mahahada dan mahatahu, dan campur tangan terhadap dunia.
Deisme yaitu paham yang mempercayai Tuhan Maha Esa, mengagumi dan
mendengarkan-Nya, namun tidak memerankan ajaran Tuhan.
Panteisme adalah keyakinan bahwa segala sesuatu yang ada dan segala
peristiwa yang terjadi di dalam kehidupan merupakan kehendak dari alam.
Eklektisisme adalah sikap berfilsafat dengan mengganbungkan teori
deisme dan panteisme dan memilah mana yang disetujui dan mana yang tidak
sehingga dapat selaras dengan semua teori itu.

4. Bahasa ada hakikatnya adalah kumpulan bunyi ujar atau lisan yang tersusun secara
sistematis dan telah disetujui dalam kelompok masyarakat tertentu yang disampaikan guna
mengungkapkan pikiran dan perasaan kepada orang lain.
5. Adapun fungsi utama Bahasa ialah menjadi alat komunikasi seseorang kepada diri mereka
sendiri maupun komunikasi terhadap orang lain.
Adapun fungsi fungsi lainnya yaitu
- mengungkapkan atau menyatukan diri.
- Bereaksi atau menanggapi dan menjawab
- memberi gambaran atau mendeskripsikan secara rinci sebuah pernyataan
- memberikan alasan atau argument.
6. Bahasa melayu merupakan cikal bakal atau biasa disebut sebagai embrio lahirnya Bahasa
Indonesia. Bahasa melayu sudah digunakan dikawasan asia tenggara sejak abad ke 7. Di
buktikan dengan ditemukannya prasasti kedukan bukit dan prasasti talang tuwo di
Palembang, prasasti kota kapur di bangka barat dan prasasti karang berahi di jambi. Prasasti
prasasti tersebut bertuliskan huruf pranagari berbahsa melayu kuno.
Pada zaman sriwijaya, Bahasa melayu digunakan sebagai Bahasa kebudayaan, yaitu Bahasa
buku pelajaran agama budha. Bahasa melayu juga digunakan sebagai Bahasa perhubungan
antar suku di nusantara dan sebagai Bahasa perdagangan.
7. Fungsi Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa nasional
 Bahasaa Indonesia sebagai lambang kebanggaan nasional
 Bahasa Indonesia sebagai lambang identitas nasional
 Bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat komunikasi antarektnik
 Bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat pemersatu bangsa

Fungsi Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa negara

 Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa resmi negara

 Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa pengantar dalam dunia Pendidikan
 Bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat perhubungan tingkat nasional
 Bahasa indlonesia sebagai alat pengembang kebudayaan nasional, ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi.
1. The difference between informal and formal English language.
a) Informal
 instinctive, direct and personal.
 usually improvised and unprepared
 this type of language tends to be simpler and short.
 it shows a close and authentic feeling.
b). Formal
 Formal language is more organized and polite.
 Formal language avoids slangs, shorten words, qolloquialisms and cliché.
 Following the standard grammar rules in English
 The sentences are longer and complex.

In conclusion to my statement, both informal and formal language are equally

important for us to learn because they are connected with each other in terms
of daily life use. For example, we are tend to talk to our loved once, friend and
colleague using informal language because When using this type of language, it
will show a close and authentic feeling to them to which later make them feel
comfortable. On the other hand, using formal language would be very useful
when we are in the work environment such us, meeting, doing presentation,
sending emails to superior, or even writing an application because how
organized and complex it is it will shows how intelligent and professional you are
at the things that you do.

2. A) Sorry, but we can’t meet this deadline.

B) We regret to inform you that we will not be able to meet this deadline.
The two sentences above basically have the same meaning and purpose, but the
difference is in the choice of words. Sentence A uses a simple, direct and tends to be
personal words, it also contains a shorten and trimmed word that is the word "CAN” and
“NOT” becomes “CAN’T”. and in the sentence B it uses more organized and grammatically
correct words and also more polite.
3. the difference between slang and Colloquialism is that Slang is more informal than colloquial
language. Slang is predominantly used by certain groups of people while colloquial language
is used in every day speech by ordinary people.
Example :
 slangs
Veg (Vegetables) = We will have a roast chicken with meat and veg for lunch.
 Colloquialism
Gotta (going to) = we gotta go to the police station and report you missing purce.

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