Ilham Oktora Rahadian - 2316011004 - FISIP H
Ilham Oktora Rahadian - 2316011004 - FISIP H
Ilham Oktora Rahadian - 2316011004 - FISIP H
NPM : 2316011004
Kelas : FISIP H
Tugas Matrikulasi Bahasa Inggris
I. Noun (Kata Kerja)
1. Camera = kamera
My job is Fotographer and I used camera for my work.
2. Computer = computer
I’m a designer graphic and having a cool computer for set at my desk is really my
wish this year.
3. Cinema = bioskop
Holidays is arrive, and it’s time to go to cinema with my friend’s.
4. Armchair = Kursi yang memiliki sandaran lengan
My office is use armchair that make comfortable while sitting.
5. Bulldozer = buldozer (kendaraan berat yang dapat digunakan untuk
My uncle is contractor, and he can driving a bulldozer.
6. Clam = kerang
I really like seafood but I have allergic clam.
7. Antelope = kijang
We can go out to garden that near at governor official residence, they have
antelope at there.
8. Cloudy = berawan
The sky is littly cloudy and that make it beautiful.
9. Cabbage = kubis
The restaurant have a new menu that’s a fried cabbage.
10. Couch = sofa
I invited you to come my house and try the new couch.
II. Verb (kata kerja)
1. Abolish = menghapuskan
The teacher abolish some write in white board after class.
2. Achive = meraih
Rahmad has achive new skill because lot of train that he does.
3. Align = meluruskan
The detective have to solve the case with use the clues that he have and align all.
4. Avoid = menghindari
For avoid the deadly virus, the citizen must be following the rules to work from
5. Clarify = menjelaskan
That clarify why we must work from home, because the deadly virus have been
6. Clobber = mengkritik
Rocky gerung, the one of another people that assessed as individu that always
clobber the elite politics with his argument.
7. Convert = mengubah
I always use this website to convert my files to file type PDF.
8. Define = mendefinisikan
The teachers told that we have to define this verb without spelling this verb in the
9. Diagnose = mendiagnosis
The doctor has diagnose that i’m have disease.
10. Make certain of = memastikan
Your mam outtalk to you just for make certain of that you just fine in another city.
III. Adjective
1. Adaptable = mudah beradaptasi
While interview, the candidat 1 said that he adaptable that can placed anywhere.
2. Affectionate
My mom is always give affectionate with his own way.
3. Courteous = sopan
His dad always tell him to courteous with people.
4. Philosophical = filosofis
Adit known as individu philosophical.
5. Rational = memiliki cara pikir dan tingkah laku yang masuk akal
The chief of political parties is always have rational thinking.
6. Resourceful = banyak akal
The thief is always resourceful to stole the diamond.
7. Unassuming = sederhana
Arwin use fasions minimalist and simple that make him unassuming but still
8. Reliable = dapat diandalkan
He achive new position in office because his reliable.
9. Adventurous = suka berpetualang
The pirate’s known as adventurous while they sail in the sea.
10. Exuberant = riang
The people like him because she is exuberant.