AAI Intership and Major Project Proposal
AAI Intership and Major Project Proposal
AAI Intership and Major Project Proposal
Proposal For
Summer Internship and Major Project
(Foreign Object Detection System)
O/o Airports Authority of India, Nagpur
Chapter 1
selection of detector best suitable for detection of animals on runway
and other operating surfaces.
Chapter 2
Literature review and Analysis
cause the landing gear or tail section to separate from the rest of
the aircraft, ejecting passengers and flight attendants.
Even when used effectively, barbed wire and electric fences both pose
the issue of being potentially inhumane or damaging to potential
invasive wildlife. Most airports are willing to avoid maiming local
wildlife if it’s not necessary, which causes many airport managers to
wish for an easier, cleaner solution.
The pilot of the aircraft reported the matter to the Air Traffic Control
immediately after the incident, the third instance within a month of an
animal straying into the runway of the airport. Earlier this month, an
Indian Air Force transport aircraft IL-76 and a Jet Airways’ Delhi-
bound flight was obstructed by stray animals, sources said.
In October last year, a bird-hit had forced a Jet flight carrying the
Australian and Indian cricket teams to Mumbai, to land minutes after
take-off, giving a minor scare to the passengers. The authorities
cleared the wild grass around the operational area after that incident.
“It’s a crime to kill these animals; we can’t do that, but they pose
threat to the flights,” said an official in the Air Traffic Control.
Senior officials revealed that animals straying into the runway had
delayed take-off and landing of aircraft in the past. “We take every
precaution: we check the runway round the clock to avert any
untoward incident. But flights can be safe only if the area is cleared of
the animals,” an official said.
Chapter 3
Proposed System
I.1 Objectives: -
● The system will give an output as, marking the location of the
object by bounding the object inside a box.
● The system will also generate the class of the object that is it
will identify the object that it belongs to which class (Object
recognition) and display on the monitor.
● The system will also be available with the airport security,
which can access the location of the object and remove the
threat from the runway.
The above images show us the Need of the FOD Detection System.
Chapter 4
● The basic FOD Detection system can be implemented by using
TensorFlow API and OpenCV.
● The IP cameras will be connected through cables to the main
control centre.
● Whenever any foreign object enters the runway it gets
captured through camera and signal gets transmitted through
cable and the object gets displayed on the screen at
controlling centre.
● Thus, the ATCOs get to know about the foreign object on the
runway and then they communicate likewise with the
respective responsible person.
● The aim of object detection is to detect all instances of
objects on the runway from a known class, such as people,
cars, animals or faces in a real time video.