Male Genital Organs in The Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Macroanatomic and Three-Dimentional Reconstruction Aspect

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MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.

2019, 7(2): 89-98

doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University

Journal of Health Sciences Institute Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article

Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes); Macroanatomic and Three-dimentional
Reconstruction Aspect

Erkek Kızıl Tilki Genital Organları (Vulpes vulpes); Makroanatomik ve Üç Boyutlu Rekonstrüksiyon Görünüşü


1Cukurova University, Faculty of Ceyhan Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Ceyhan-Adana, Turkey

Abstract: In this study, it was aimed to describe to the genital organs, the macroanatomical aspect and three-
dimentional (3D) reconstruction of penis and os penis using multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) images
in the male red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Six dead male red foxes were used as material. After MDCT images of the penis
were obtained, they were reconstructed using a 3D modeling program (Mimics) by overlapping the images.
Morphometric measurements were taken from reconstructed model of the penis and os penis. Dissections of foxes
were carefully carried out under the loupes. Testis, epididymis and penis were measured from different places. In
terms of anatomical aspect, in the red foxes were determined to ovoid testis and extend horizontally into the scrotum.
The accessory genital glands were only prostate. The prostate was located to surround the urethra. The spongios body
of penis had os penis which the urethra was pass through. The length of the penis obtained by mimics program and
digital calliper were not difference. These results may contribute to the lack of the literature about male genital
anatomy of the fed fox. It is thought that this study, using 3D reconsruction techniques could make anatomical studies
easier to do without harming on wild animals.
Keywords: Genital organs, Anatomy, 3D imaging, Red fox.

Öz: Bu çalışmada, erkek kızıl tilkide (Vulpes vulpes) genital organların, makroanatomik görünüşü ve multidedektör
bilgisayarlı tomografi (MDBT) görüntülerini kullanarak penis ve os penisin üç boyutlu (3B) rekonstrüksiyonunu ortaya
koymak amaçlanmıştır. Materyal olarak altı adet ölü erkek kızıl tilki kullanıldı. Penisin MDBT görüntüleri elde
edildikten sonra, görüntüler üst üste bindirilerek bir 3B modelleme programı (Mimics) kullanılarak rekonstrüksiyonu
yapıldı. Penis ve os penisin yeniden yapılandırılmış modelinden morfometrik ölçümler alındı. Tilkilerin diseksiyonu,
lupların altında dikkatlice yapıldı. Testis, epididimis ve penis farklı yerlerden ölçüldü. Anatomik açıdan, kızıl tilkilerde
testis ovalliği ve skrotuma yatay olarak uzandığı tespit edildi. Genital aksesuar bez olarak sadece prostat tespit edildi.
Prostat uretrayı çevreleyecek şekilde yerleştiği görüldü. Pars spongiosa penisde, uretranın içinden geçtiği os penisine
sahipti. Mimiks programı ve dijital kumpas ile elde edilen penisin uzunluğu farklılık göstermedi Bu sonuçlar, literatürde
tilki erkek genital anatomisi hakkındaki eksikliğin giderilmesine katkıda bulunabilir. Bu çalışmada, 3B rekonstrüksiyon
teknikleri kullanarak vahşi hayvanlara zarar vermeden anatomik çalışmaları yapmayı kolaylaştıracağı düşünülmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Genital organlar, Anatomi, 3B görüntüleme, Kızıl tilki.
*Corresponding author : Sema ÖZKADİF e-mail :
Geliş tarihi / Received : 20.09.2019 Kabul tarihi / Accepted: 26.11.2019

Introduction carnivore and has some characteristic properties

such as a slender, like pointed muzzle, prominent
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) has widest distributions
of widespread mammals, (Sibirya, Indian, Europe, erect ears, long slender legs, and relatively small
Asia, North Africa, America, North Pole etc.) feet. The foxes are generally categorized according
(MacDonald, 2005). The fox is a member of the to color in three phase as red (red-brawn), across
(ashen-gray) and silver (silver-white). The fox is a


To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

very popular animal in carnivores, some of the Water Affairs (Permission number: 38002405-
foxes is feed for post (Demirsoy, 2003). 445.05-177733).

Reproductive organs are not absolute in each of This study was carried out on six death male red
the animals. However, they have a vital important foxes. These materials were collected at different
role in terms of reproduction of species (Massanyi times as a result of traffic accidents on the road.
et al., 2003). In most male mammals, reproductive The body weights of male red foxes were in the
system is studied as histological or reproductive range of 6 to 9 kg. The lengths of bodies were
macroanatomy; such as; testis, epididymis, ductus measured among 45-50 cm. The animals were kept
deferens, funiculus spermaticus, accessory glands, in the freezer until the obtaining the MDCT
penis and preputium: European beaver images and dissection.
(Doboszynska and Zurowski, 1981), Anatolian
souslik (Spermophilus xanthoprymnus) (Cakır and Imaging and 3D reconstruction
Karatas, 2004), dog and cat (Mantis, 2008),
MDCT images of animals in prone position were
Viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus) (Chaves et
obtained. The parameters of MDCT (Somatom
al., 2011), Arabian oryx (Eljarah et al., 2012);
Sensation 64; Siemens Medical Solutions,
pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) (Perez et al.,
Germany) device were adjusted as follows:
2013), dog (Souza et al., 2014). In addition, 3D
physical detector collimation, 32× 0,6 mm; final
reconstruction of penis and clitoris on the mice is
section collimation 64× 0,6 mm; section thickness,
studied (Weiss et al., 2012). However, the anatomy
1 mm; gantry rotation time, 330 ms; kVp, 120; mA,
of genital system of wild animals, is lacking.
300; resolution, 512×512 pixel; and resolution
According to literature, just one study was
range, 0,92×0,92. Dosage parameters and
encountered related with the development of
scanning were performed on the basis of standard
external genital organs of hyena. (Cunha et al.,
protocols and literature (Prokop, 2003; Kalra et al.,
2014). Although fox is one of the animal on which
2004). By this way, we tried to obtain radiometric
there are quite many anatomic and morphometric
resolution at the lowest radiation level and with
studies but there is very limited study on genital
optimum image quality (MONOCHROME2; 16
system. In literature; a study related with internal
bit). High resolution MDCT images of pelvic
organs (Cavallini, 1997), on skeleton (Onar et al.,
cavity were obtained. After stocking obtained axial
2005; Jurgelenas, 2015), about vomeronasal organs
images as DICOM format, they transferred to a
(Karimi, 2016), physiology of reproductive system
computer loaded with 3D modeling program
(Joffre, 1977; Forsberg and Madej, 1990) and there (Mimics 13.1 Materialise Group, Belgium).
are only morphometric studies about os penis in
The limits of the penis and os penis were
literature studies (Gultiken et al., 2004; Canady,
determined (Figure1). In the places except the
2013). But no studies related to macroanatomy of
limits of the penis and os penis the erasing process
other genital organs and 3D reconstruction
was applied section by section with the computer
techniques have been found in the red fox. For
mouse and these places were cleaned. The images
this reason, it was aimed in this study to describe
whose limits were determined were overlapped
the macroanatomical aspect of the genital organs
and then reconstruction was performed with 3D
and produce a 3D reconstruction of the penis and
translator component of Mimics 13.1 program
os penis in the male red fox.
(Figure 2).
Materials and Methods
In this study, the length of the os penis, width of
This study was performed with permission from the os penis, length of the sulcus urethralis, width
the General Directorate of Nature Conservation of the sulcus urethralis and dorsoventral thickness
and National Parks of the Ministry of Forestry and (middle) were measured (Figure 3). And also
length of the penis were measured. After

To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

determining the limits of morphometric

measurements of penis and os penis they were
automatically calculated by the program.

Figure 1: Limitation of penis and os penis on sagittal section. P: penis, OP: os penis.

Figure 2: a. Limitation of os penis on transversal section. b. 3D reconsruction of os penis.

(^): sulcus urethralis.

To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

Figure 3: Measurements on facies ventralis of os penis. 1: length of the os penis, 2: width of the os penis,
3: length of sulcus urethralis, 4: width of sulcus urethralis.

Dissection 1 and 2). Scrotum was located in the inguinal

region near the body and established on it. The
After obtaining the MDCT images of animals, the scrotum of red foxes were found to be oval and
simple dissection was performed under loupes. extend horizontally to scrotum. The left testis was
The ventral abdominal wall was removed for each determined as larger than the other side (Table 1).
animal. Before, the organs of animals were
examined to localization and position. Epididymis was attached along the testis and
located on the upper side of testis. Epididymis was
Width and length of the testis, width of the divided into three parts. These parts were caput,
epididymis, widest of the cauda and corpus corpus and cauda epididymis, similar the other
epididymis, length of the penis, bulbus glandis, animals. For epididymis measures, it was observed
corpus penis and pars libera penis (between pars that the right side was shorter than the left side
libera and ostium urethra externum) were (Table 1). Ductus deferens originated from the
measured with digital calliper. The male genital cauda epididymis. Ductus deferens, musculus
organs were removed to pelvic cavity. cremaster, arteria and vena testicularis was formed
Photographs were taken with Canon digital to funiculus spermaticus. Funiculus spermaticus
camera. Terms used are in agreement with the was entered to abdomen trough the canalis
Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (2017). inguinalis and then separated from each other.
Results Each other elements of funiculus spermaticus was
turn to caudal and toward to pelvic cavity.
Accessory genital gland was only prostate in the
The genital organs belonging to male red foxes
red fox. It was observed that the shape of the
were investigated in terms of macroanatomic point
prostate was circular and it surrounded the whole
of view (Figure 3 and 6). Testis, epididymis and
penis were measured from different places (Table


To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): xx-xx.
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.495679

Fig. 4: Dorsal aspect of excised genital organs of the Red fox. GLP: prostate, LT: left testis, RT: right
testis, P: penis, VU: vesica urinaria.

Figure 5: Right aspect of external male genital organs. A: anulus inguinalis, F: funiculus spermaticus, LT:
left testis, P: penis, RT: right testis.

Figure 6: Lateral aspect of the penis. CP: corpus penis, GP: glans penis, PR: prepitium (internal lamina),
RP: radix penis.

To cite this article: Beydilli Y, Gökce Hİ. (2019). Sepsisli Neonatal Buzağılarda Bazı Hematolojik ve Biyokimyasal Parametrelerin Araştırılması. M AKU J. Health
Sci. Inst., 6(2), xx-xx.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

Table 1: Morphometry of the testis and epididymis.

Number Width of the Lenght of the Width of the Widest of Widest of
of foxes testis testis epididymis cauda corpus
(mm) (mm) (mm) epididymis epididymis
(mm) (mm)
Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left
1 19.78 20.12 31.17 32.83 4.32 4.89 10.10 11.77 31.41 31.83
2 18.70 19.05 30.98 31.45 4.27 4.38 10.02 10.98 30.02 30.44
3 19.02 19.22 32.15 32.88 3.99 4.25 9.89 10.38 30.28 30.75
4 19.65 19.97 32.11 32.79 4.21 4.76 10.08 11.12 31.06 31.86
5 19.20 19.86 31.29 31.92 4.29 4.45 10.12 10.92 31.35 31.72
6 18.82 20.01 31.03 31.47 4.30 4.42 10.35 11.07 30.52 30.86

Table 2: Morphometry of penis and part of the penis.

Number of Length of bulbus Length of corpus penis Length of pars libera
foxes glandis (mm) (mm) penis (mm)
Latero- Dorso- Latero- Dorso- Latero- Dorso-
medial ventral medial ventral medial ventral
1 9.32 7.42 5.49 6.41 7.71 6.02
2 9.17 7.15 5.30 6.15 7.60 5.97
3 9.20 8.01 5.42 6.33 7.46 5.81
4 8.67 7.35 5.18 6.20 7.29 5.88
5 8.98 7.28 5.11 5.89 6.98 5.67
6 9.14 7.24 5.17 6.24 7.32 5.76

It was determined that the structure of penis which urethra can pass. In this channeled bone, it
consisted of both muscular and cavernous was determined that urethra was present and a
structures. It was observed that this muscular layer spongious structure surrounded the urethra. It was
started from arcus ischiadicus. It was stated that also stated that, it shaped the tip of glans penis,
penis consisted of three sections which are called had a circular structure and moreover consisted of
radix, corpus and glans penis. It was observed that two different structures (pars longa glandis and
among these sections, radix penis started from
arcus ischiadicus as muscular and then shaped the bulbus glandis). The measurements of pars longa
corpus penis. It was determined that penis glandis and bulbus glandis are given in Table 2.
consisted of both cavernous and spongious layers.
Preputium was observed as a skin fold covering
It was observed that the cavernous structure of the the penis. It was determined that this skin fold
penis consisted of an os penis having bony consisted of two layers such as internal and
proximal section and gristly distal section through external.


To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

of the measurements as shown in Table 3 and 4.

The length of the penis obtained by mimics
3D reconstruction program and digital calliper were not difference
(Table 3).
Three dimentional reconstruction of the penis and
os penis was performed. The measurement values

Table 3: Morphometric measurements of red fox penis obtained by digital calliper and mimics program.

Length of the penis

Number of foxes Digital Calliper (mm) Mimics programme (mm)
1 94.98 94.86
2 93.45 93.39
3 94.72 94.60
4 95.16 95.02
5 94.78 94.67
6 94.56 94.48

Table 4: Morphometric measurements of os penis obtained by mimics program.

Number of Length of the Width of the Length of the Width of the Dorsoventral
foxes os penis os penis sulcus sulcus thickness
(mm) (mm) urethralis urethralis (middle)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
1 66.94 6.02 3.15 45.26 3.63
2 65.32 5.71 2.97 43.86 3.48
3 66.84 5.89 3.09 44.78 3.54
4 67.53 6.25 3.37 45.59 3.74
5 66.85 5.87 3.01 45.41 3.61
6 66.76 5.83 3.08 45.35 3.58

Discussion Testis volume of dog is significantly larger in the

left side than the right side (Souza et al., 2014).
Scrotum of carnivore was in inguinal region which Right testis of deer among ruminants (Ozotoceros
was parallel to planum medianum (König and bezoarticus) was heavier than the left one (Perez et
Liebich, 2015). It was determined that scrotum of al, 2013). Contrary to deer, it was determined the
the fox was like the ones in other carnivores and left testis of fox was larger than the right one as in
its raphe scroti was not so clear. Scrotum was the case of dog.
joined to the body wall through a narrow neck in
oryx of ruminants and in a floppily position Just prostate is present in carnivores as accessory
(Eljarah et al., 2012). Moreover, it was observed gland. Prostate is quite big and constitutes corpus
that scrotum was not in a floppily position. prostatae as a single lobe (Dursun, 2010). Prostate

To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

gland might differ due to its structure and position and distal. Distal section has a structure of
(Cakır and Karatas, 2004). Prostate gland of a dog fibrocartilaginous whereas proximal section has a
has an oval shape dorsal face of which is flattened bony structure (Weiss et al., 2012). In the study of
and is in the caudal of urinary bladder. Urethra Canady (2013), it was stated that a cartilaginous
passes through a little dorsal in the middle of structure was not observed on the distal tip of os
prostate (Mantis, 2008). For deer and oryx, penis belonging to the fox. The absence of
ampullary glands, vesicular glands and prostate as cartilaginous structure might be attributed to the
rarely spread were observed as glandular glands fact that the materials were brought from a
(Perez et al., 2013; Eljaraha et al., 2012). For museum. In this study, as similar to mouse and
Anatolian souslik, on the other hand, vesicular according to Gultiken et al. (2004), it was
gland, prostate and bulbourethral gland are placed determined that the os penis of the fox has a bony
at the beginning of urethra (Cakır and Karatas, proximal section and cartilaginous distal section.
2004). Prostate in Anatolian souslik is on the In this study os penis was measured from 3D
dorsal face of begining of urethra and as a single reconstruction images, length of it 65.32-67.53
lobe on the ventral face of rectum (Cakır and mm, widht of it 5.71-6.25 mm, and dorsoventral
Karatas, 2004). Prostate gland of monkey is like a thickness 3.48-3.74 mm. The sulcus urethralis was
cone (Prakash et al., 2009). Prostate of a fox, on measured from 3D reconstruction images, length
the other hand, is circular and it was observed that of it 2.97-3.37 mm, width of it 43.86-45.59 mm.
it was in the caudal of urinary bladder as similar to Canady (2013) measured with digital calliper as
dogs. Moreover, it was stated that urethra passed length of the os penis 47.01-63.41 mm,
through the middle of prostate. dorsoventral thickness 2.64-4.60 mm, length of
the sulcus urethralis 31.02-46.41 mm, width of
Epididymis position and location was seen to sulcus urethralis 1.70-3.59 mm, in red fox. In this
similar to other carnivore (Dursun, 2010). While study morphometric measurement was similar to
the measurement values belonging to epididymis literature (Canady, 2013).
of deer did not differ for right and left sides (Perez
et al, 2013), the measurement values belonging to In this study, macroanatomic and morphometric
left epididymis of fox were higher than those of measurements of male genital organs in red fox
right side. were performed. In addition, 3D reconstruction of
the penis and os penis was performed and
Glans penis in carnivors is quite long and it morphometric measurements were taken from the
elongates on the whole length of os penis (Sisson images. The measurements taken from 3D
and Grossman, 1975). It was determined that the reconstruction images were similar to digital
same properties were observed for the foxes as in calliper measurements. So it is thought that this
the case of other carnivores. Glans penis carries study, using 3D reconsruction techniques could
ostium urethra externum in all mammalian pets make anatomical studies easier to do without
except little ruminant (König and Liebich, 2015). harming on wild animals.
Glans penis of fox, which is a wild animal, was
observed as coming out with ostium urehtra Acknowledgement
externum. Glans penis of a monkey, on the other
hand, is triangular in shape or like a button This paper is based on the poster presentation at
(Prakash et al., 2009). Penis of a hyena, a wild the 3rd International VetIstanbul group Congress,
carnivore, is chisel-shaped (Cunha et al, 2014). It 17-20 May, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
was observed that penis and penis glans of a fox The authors thanks to Cukurova University.
are circular.

Mouse which is a rodentia has an os penis. Os

penis constitutes of two sections such as proximal


To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

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To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst. 2019, 7(2): 89-98
doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.622737

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To cite this article: Halıgür A, Özkadif S. (2019). Male Genital Organs in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes): Macroanatomic and Thtee-dimensional Reconstruction Aspect.
MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst., 7(2), 89-98.
ISSN: 2148-2837/ MAKU J. Health Sci. Inst.

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