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Department of Physical Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Celautte, India
(Received0 October1060)
Chemicals and Matheson Coleman and Bell and these were used without further
Absorption spectra were recorded on a Cary Model 16 spectrophotometer with
fused silica cells of 1-O cm optical path length.
In Fig. 1 are shown the spectra of mixed solutions with a fixed concentration of
iodine and varying concentrations of benzene in cycclohexanesolvent at 24°C. These
Wovelength, mp
spectrophotometric data were employed to calculate the equilibrium constant for the
benzene-iodine complex in different solvents using the SCOTT modification [lo] of the
BENESI-HILDEBRAND equation [ll]. This equation can be written
~lYI[~l~ =- rm 1
d % +K,e,
[lo] R. L. SCOTT,Rec. Traw. China. 75, 787 (1960).
[l l] H. A. BENEPI and J. H. HILDEBRAND, J. Am. Chem. Sot. 71,2703 (1949).
Solvent effeot on the charge transfer intensity of benzene-iodine complex 323
where [A] and [I)] are the initial concentrations of the acceptor and the donor,
respectively; I is the cell length ; d the optical density of the complex, K, the equilib-
rium constant (in l/mole) and a, is the molar extinction coefficient. If [A][DJZ/d is
plotted against [D], a straight line with slope l/g, and with intercept l/&q, should
result for a 1: 1 complex. However, it is a prerequisite for the equation in the present
form that [D] > [A] and that the complex absorbs at a wave length where A and D
are completely transparent. In the present case the small absorption due to iodine in
K, Charge-transferband
(l/mole) -AH’ AP -@ LX %lllIU
Solvent (24%) (kcal) (keel) (e-u.) (mp) x 10-b f
Cyclohexane 0.260 1.72 0.80 8.62 289 1.114 O-271
Methylcyclohexane 0.262 169 0.81 8.46 289 l-169 0.276
n-Heptane 0.246 1.62 0.83 9.26 288 l-200 0.280
Carbon tetrachloride 0.184 1.41 I.00 8.14 291 1.346 o-319
1,2-Dichloroethane 0.116 0.99 1.28 7.66 290 1.294 O-348
where ~i/z is the band width for half-intensity in cm-l. The spectrophotometric
properties of the benzene-iodine complex are also shown in Table 1.
The experimental results (Table 1) of the bermem+iodine complex in different
solvents show that the stability of the complex (-AHO) inoreases with the decrease
of the charge transfer intensity i.e. the oscillator strength of the complex cf). For the
weak charge transfer complexes, the use of Benesi-Hildebrand equation for the
determination of the equilibrium constants and molar extinction ooeffioients is
criticised by different authors [3-6, 10, 14-201, primarily from the stand points of
thermodynamic non-ideality and of solvent competition with molecular complexing
CARTERet al. [S] have introduced a model consisting of a single equilibrium between
solvated species in which A, D and AD are each assumed to have a well-defined
solvation shell. In deriving their equations Carter et al. have used units of molarity
for all concentrations except that of the solvent which is in mole fraction units.
TROTTER and HANNA [7] have simplified their equations by assuming that D is not
specially solvated and using same units for all concentrations. In molar units this
equation is
where 9, and V, are molar volumes of solvents and donor, respectively. The equa-
tion (3) is derived for the conditions that [D] I 1 and q 5 3. When q = 0, it is
nothing but the Benesi-Hildebrand equation. On the other hand, when the donor
and the acceptor are both solvated and considering the equilibrium between solvated
components as
AS,, + DS, + ADS,, + qS (9
the equation (3) can be written in the form,
CAI[DP 1000 Q 1 q(m + 1)(1000)+1
d ( v, > a.K,+F Cl--
( v$)a-1&
where A = V,/ V,. The equation (5) does not differ from the equation deduced by
Carter et aL, if molar concentration of the solvent is considered instead of mole
fraction in the latter case.
Suppose the data which have been analyzed by means of the equation (1)
[Benesi-Hildebrand equation] are used for the equation (6). Then
obtained for the bensene-iodine complex in different solvents. As for example, the
values obtained by using equation (3) [when q = l] for the benzene-iodine complex
in cyclohexane are 9, (24%) = 3.23, -AH0 = 1.24 kcal and E, (24’C) = 8275. The
molar extinction ooefficient is not found constant at different temperatures. The
values at different temperatures are 8430, 8275 and 7980 at 14,24 and 40% respec-
tively. On the other hand, a constant value of molar extinction coefficient at different
temperatures leads us to believe that the density of the solvent should increase with
the increase of temperature. Higher values of Q give very high value of equilibrium
constant without giving too low molar extinction coefficient value. Taking different
values of m, this relation is not improved, e.g. when nz = 2, and q = 1, the values
found for the benzene-iodine complex in cycZohexaneare K, (24’C) = 6.24, - AH0 =
O-925kcal and E, = 5100. Again different values of E, are found at different tem-
peratures. Thus using single equilibrium between solvated species in the charge
transfer interaction of benzen+iodine complex in different solvents, it has been
found that the relation between the stability and the intensity of the complex is not
improved from the B - H treatment. Considering second equilibrium between
iodine and the solvent in addition to the normal benzene+iodine interaction, an
equation can be developed. This type of equation has been deduced previously by
different authors [3,4], but in all cases, it is expressed in mole fraction unit. Suppose
the reactions
K1 = Wl{PU - IX41- CGI)
Ks = tSl(t4 - VJ,l - K%
where [C,] and [C’s] are the molar concentrations of iodine complexes of benzene and
the solvent respectively. For the experimental conditions employed, [D] > [C,] and
~&mat~o~J. Then an analysis similar to the derivation of equation (1) yields the
- = IDI 1 + ~@I
d Jwl + KBWI (8)
” + ” &ID] & % + ‘8 K,[D]
( )
Since iodine in the vapour state haa no absorbance at the region of charge transfer
spectra of iodine with benzene, the little absorbance of iodine in other solvents such
;t8 cyclohexane or n-heptane at this region is taken into account due to the contact
charge transfer complexes [14, 211 of iodine with these solvents. The term s&[S]/
RJD]) appears when absorbance due to the contact charge transfer interaction of
iodine with the solvents is considered. s, is the molar extinction ooeffioient of the
iodine-solvent contact charge transfer complex at that wavelength region. Com-
paring equation (8) with equation (l), one obtains the relation
Rc= 1 + RJS]
Visible bend
(E) -AH0 of iodine
Solvent (24%) (kcal) A(mA
This equation shows that the K, calculated from equation (1) is function of K,, the
interaction with the solvent. To get correct value of K,, the equilibrium constant
of the benzene-iodine complex free from solvent, the correct value of K,, the equilib-
rium constant of the iodine+solvent i&era&ion free from other solvent is needed.
Unfortunately, no value of equilibrium constant of the iodin-olvent interaction ie
Solvent effect on the charge transfer intensity of benzene-iodine complex 327
reported free from other solvent. The value of the equilibrium constant of the iodine-
cyclohexane complex is reported in heptane solvent [22, 231. Taking this value from
the latter and also knowing equilibrium constant of the iodine-benzene in cyclo-
hexane and heptane separately, the equilibrium constant of the iodine-heptane free
from other solvent can be computed which, in turn, allows to determine K, from
equcttion (9). The equilibrium constants of iodine complexes with other solvents are
calculated from this equation. The same procedure is followed to determine these
values in other temperatures. The results are reported in Table 2. The Fig. 2 shows
the absorption spectra. of iodine in benzene. With the help of the equilibrium con-
stant of the iodine-benzene complex, the molar extinction coefficient and oscillator
strength of the iodine-benzene complex are determined from these spectra of iodine
in benzene. The results are: E, = 11,600 and f = 0.262. The oscillator strength of
the benzene-iodine complex in different solvents (Table 1) is higher than this value
and the difference of these two values increases with the increase of the stability
of the iodine-solvent interaction. On the other hand, the stability of the iodine-
solvent interaction is relsted with the blue shift of the visible iodine band 1241.
Moreover, it has been seen that iodine solutions in these solvents except l,l-dichloro-
ethane chsnge the regular violet colour when these solutions are cooled at liquid
nitrogen temperature. As for example, iodine solution in methylcyclohexane forms
wine coloured glass at liquid nitrogen temperature, on warming it turns to violet
through pink. This is another evidence of forming iodine-solvent interaction. Thus
the iodine-solvent interaction plays an important role on the charge transfer complex
of benzene-iodine by increasing the charge transfer intensity with decrease of the
stability of the complex.
[22] 5. H. HASTINUS,J. L. FBANKLIN, J. C. SCEI- and F. A. MATSEN, J. Am. Clmn. Sot. 75,
2900 (1963).
[23] S. N. BEAT, K. R. BEWKAR and C. N. R. RAO, Proc. Indian Ad. Sci. 66A, 97 (1967).
[24] J. HABX,J. Am. Chem. Sot. 76, 3876 (1964).