Active Noise Control

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Active noise control: A tutorial review

Article  in  Proceedings of the IEEE · July 1999

DOI: 10.1109/5.763310 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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2 authors, including:

Sen M. Kuo
Northern Illinois University


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Active Noise Control: A Tutorial Review

Active noise control (ANC) is achieved by introducing a cancel- opposite phase is generated and combined with the primary
ing “antinoise” wave through an appropriate array of secondary noise, thus resulting in the cancellation of both noises.
sources. These secondary sources are interconnected through an
The ANC system efficiently attenuates low-frequency noise
electronic system using a specific signal processing algorithm for
the particular cancellation scheme. ANC has application to a wide where passive methods are either ineffective or tend to
variety of problems in manufacturing, industrial operations, and be very expensive or bulky. ANC is developing rapidly
consumer products. The emphasis of this paper is on the practical because it permits improvements in noise control, often
aspects of ANC systems in terms of adaptive signal processing with potential benefits in size, weight, volume, and cost.
and digital signal processing (DSP) implementation for real-world
applications. The design of acoustic ANC utilizing a microphone and
In this paper, the basic adaptive algorithm for ANC is developed an electronically driven loudspeaker to generate a canceling
and analyzed based on single-channel broad-band feedforward sound was first proposed in a 1936 patent by Lueg [7].
control. This algorithm is then modified for narrow-band feedfor- Since the characteristics of the acoustic noise source and
ward and adaptive feedback control. In turn, these single-channel
the environment are time varying, the frequency content,
ANC algorithms are expanded to multiple-channel cases. Various
online secondary-path modeling techniques and special adap- amplitude, phase, and sound velocity of the undesired
tive algorithms, such as lattice, frequency-domain, subband, and noise are nonstationary. An ANC system must therefore
recursive-least-squares, are also introduced. Applications of these be adaptive in order to cope with these variations. Adaptive
techniques to actual problems are highlighted by several examples. filters [8]–[16] adjust their coefficients to minimize an error
Keywords—Active noise control, active vibration control, adap- signal and can be realized as (transversal) finite impulse
tive noise cancellation, adaptive systems, digital signal processing response (FIR), (recursive) infinite impulse response (IIR),
(DSP) applications.
lattice, and transform-domain filters. The most common
form of adaptive filter is the transversal filter using the least-
I. INTRODUCTION mean-square (LMS) algorithm. An early duct cancellation
system based on adaptive filter theory was developed in
A. Overview [17] and [18].
Acoustic noise problems become more and more evident It is desirable for the noise canceler to be digital [19],
as increased numbers of industrial equipment such as [20], where signals from electroacoustic or electromechani-
engines, blowers, fans, transformers, and compressors are cal transducers are sampled and processed in real time using
in use. The traditional approach to acoustic noise control digital signal processing (DSP) systems. In the 1980’s, de-
uses passive techniques such as enclosures, barriers, and velopment of DSP chips enabled low-cost implementation
silencers to attenuate the undesired noise [1], [2]. These of powerful adaptive algorithms [21] and encouraged wide-
passive silencers are valued for their high attenuation over spread development and application of ANC systems [22].
a broad frequency range; however, they are relatively The continuous progress of ANC involves the development
large, costly, and ineffective at low frequencies. Mechanical of improved adaptive signal processing algorithms, trans-
vibration is another related type of noise that commonly ducers, and DSP hardware. More sophisticated algorithms
creates problems in all areas of transportation and manu- allow faster convergence and greater noise attenuation
facturing, as well as with many household appliances. and are more robust to interference. The development of
Active noise control (ANC) [3]–[6] involves an elec- improved DSP hardware allows these more sophisticated
troacoustic or electromechanical system that cancels the algorithms to be implemented in real time to improve
primary (unwanted) noise based on the principle of super- system performance.
position; specifically, an antinoise of equal amplitude and In this paper, noise is defined as any kind of undesirable
Manuscript received June 1, 1997; revised December 18, 1998.
disturbance, whether it is borne by electrical, acoustic,
S. M. Kuo is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Northern vibration, or any other kind of media. Therefore, ANC
Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115 USA. algorithms introduced in this paper can be applied to
D. R. Morgan is with Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray
Hill, NJ 07974-0636 USA. different types of noise using appropriate sensors and
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(99)04043-8. secondary sources. For electrical engineers involved in the

0018–9219/99$10.00  1999 IEEE


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development of ANC systems, [3], [5], and [6] provide
excellent introduction to acoustics and vibration.

B. Current Applications
ANC is an attractive means to achieve large amounts
of noise reduction in a small package, particularly at low
frequencies. Many applications of ANC involving real
and simulated experiments are introduced in [4]. Current Fig. 1. Single-channel broad-band feedforward ANC system in
applications for ANC include attenuation of unavoidable a duct.
noise in the following end equipment.
1) Automotive: Including electronic mufflers for exhaust noise without the benefit of an “upstream” reference input.
and induction systems, noise attenuation inside vehicle Structures for feedforward ANC are classified into 1) broad-
passenger compartments, active engine mounts, and so on. band adaptive feedforward control with a reference sensor,
2) Appliances: Including air-conditioning ducts, air which will be discussed in Section II, and 2) narrow-band
conditioners, refrigerators, kitchen exhaust fans, washing adaptive feedforward control with a reference sensor that is
machines, furnaces, dehumidifiers, lawn mowers, vacuum not influenced by the control field (e.g., tachometer), which
cleaners, headboards, room isolation, and so on. will be presented in Section III. In Section IV, the concept
3) Industrial: Fans, air ducts, chimneys, transformers, of adaptive feedback ANC will be developed from the
power generators, blowers, compressors, pumps, chain standpoint of reference signal synthesis, thereby providing
saws, wind tunnels, noisy plants (at noise sources or many a link to the feedforward systems in previous sections.
local quiet zones), public phone booths, office cubicle In Section V, these single-channel ANC systems will be
partitions, ear protectors, headphones, and so on. expanded to multiple-channel cases. Section VI will intro-
4) Transportation: Airplanes, ships, boats, pleasure mo- duce various online secondary-path modeling techniques.
torboats, helicopters, snowmobiles, motorcycles, diesel lo- Section VII will introduce various special ANC algorithms
comotives, and so on. such as lattice ANC, frequency-domain ANC, subband
ANC, and recursive-least-squares (RLS). Finally, several
C. Performance Evaluation and Practical Considerations examples applying ANC to real-world problems will be
When ANC is deployed in real applications, many prac- highlighted in Section VIII.
tical problems arise and need to be addressed [23]. An ap-
proach to adaptive ANC performance analysis that involves II. BROAD-BAND FEEDFORWARD ANC
a hierarchy of techniques, starting with an ideal simplified This section considers broad-band feedforward ANC
problem and progressively adding practical constraints and systems that have a single reference sensor, single sec-
other complexities, is essential [24]. Performance analysis ondary source, and single error sensor. This genre will
resolves the following issues: 1) the fundamental perfor- be exemplified by the single-channel duct-acoustic ANC
mance limitations; 2) the practical constraints that limit system shown in Fig. 1, where the reference input is picked
performance; 3) performance balanced against complexity; up by a microphone. The reference signal is processed by
and 4) how to determine a practical design architecture. At the ANC system to generate the control signal to drive
each step, a degree of confidence is gained and a benchmark a loudspeaker. The error microphone is used to monitor
is established for comparison and cross checking with the the performance of the ANC system. The objective of the
next level of complexity. controller is to minimize the measured acoustic noise. Note
In order to be suitable for industrial use, the ANC that this setup is only used as an example of broad-band
system must have certain properties [25]: 1) maximum ANC; the general techniques are widely applicable to a
efficiency over the largest frequency band possible to cancel variety of acoustic and vibration problems.
a wide range of noise; 2) autonomy with regard to the
installation, so that the system could be built and preset A. Basic Principles
in the manufacturing area and then inserted on site; 3) The basic broad-band ANC system shown in Fig. 1 is
self adaptability of the system in order to deal with any described in an adaptive system identification framework
variations in the physical parameters (temperature, airflow illustrated in Fig. 2, in which an adaptive filter is
speed, etc.); and 4) robustness and reliability of the different used to estimate an unknown plant The primary path
elements of the system and simplification of the control consists of the acoustic response from the reference
electronics. sensor to the error sensor where the noise attenuation is to
be realized. If the plant is dynamic, the adaptive algorithm
D. Paper Outline then has the task of continuously tracking time variations of
ANC is based on either feedforward control, where a the plant dynamics. The most important difference between
coherent reference noise input is sensed before it propagates Fig. 2 and the traditional system identification scheme is
past the secondary source, or feedback control [26], [27], the use of an acoustic summing junction instead of the
where the active noise controller attempts to cancel the subtraction of electrical signals. However, for consistency


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Fig. 2. System identification viewpoint of ANC.
Fig. 3. Simplified block diagram of ANC system.

we will continue to represent the summing junction by a

subtraction; it is really arbitrary anyway because it can be from the canceling loudspeaker to the error microphone,
implemented with a sign change of the secondary signal [4]. where the primary noise is combined with the output of
The objective of the adaptive filter is to minimize the adaptive filter. Therefore, it is necessary to compensate
the residual error signal From Fig. 2, for the secondary-path transfer function from
after the adaptive filter converges. We then have to which includes the digital-to-analog (D/A) con-
for which implies that verter, reconstruction filter, power amplifier, loudspeaker,
Therefore, the adaptive filter output is identical acoustic path from loudspeaker to error microphone, error
to the primary disturbance When and microphone, preamplifier, antialiasing filter, and analog-to-
are acoustically combined, the residual error is digital (A/D) converter. For purposes of analysis, we shall
which results in perfect cancellation of represent the actual system in Fig. 2 by the block diagram
both sounds based on the principle of superposition. of Fig. 3.
The performance of ANC can be determined by From Fig. 3, the -transform of the error signal is
frequency-domain analysis of the residual error signal (2)
The autopower spectrum of is given by [4]
As discussed with respect to (1), the residual error is limited
by the coherence of the reference signal. However, for
where is the magnitude-squared coherence function purposes gaining insight, we shall make the simplifying
[28] between two wide-sense stationary random processes assumption here that after convergence of the adaptive
and and is the autopower spectrum of filter, the residual error is ideally zero [i.e., ].
This equation indicates that the performance of the This requires to realize the optimal transfer function
ANC system is dependent on the coherence, which is a
measure of noise and the relative linearity of the two (3)
processes and In order to realize a small residual
error, it is necessary to have very high coherence In other words, the adaptive filter has to simulta-
at frequencies for which there is significant disturbance neously model and inversely model A key
energy. The maximum noise reduction of an ANC system at advantage of this approach is that with a proper model of the
frequency in decibels is given by plant, the system can respond instantaneously to changes in
As illustrated in Fig. 1, after the reference signal is the input signal caused by changes in the noise sources.
picked up by the reference sensor, the controller will have However, the performance of an ANC system depends
some time to calculate the right output to the canceling largely upon the transfer function of the secondary path.
loudspeaker. If this electrical delay becomes longer than By introducing an equalizer, a more uniform secondary path
the acoustic delay from the reference microphone to the frequency response is achieved. In this way, the amount of
canceling loudspeaker, the performance of the system will noise reduction can often be increased significantly [29].
be substantially degraded. That is because the controller In addition, a sufficiently high-order adaptive FIR filter is
response is noncausal when the electrical delay is longer required to approximate a rational function shown
than the acoustic delay. When the causality condition is met, in (3). It is impossible to compensate for the inherent delay
the ANC system is capable of canceling broad-band random due to if the primary path does not contain a
noise. Note that if causality is not possible, the system can delay of at least equal length.
effectively control only narrow-band or periodic noise.
C. Filtered-X LMS Algorithm
B. Secondary-Path Effects The introduction of the secondary-path transfer function
The use of the adaptive filter for ANC application shown into a controller using the standard LMS algorithm shown in
in Fig. 1 is complicated by the fact that the summing junc- Fig. 3 will generally cause instability [30]. This is because
tion in Fig. 2 represents acoustic superposition in the space the error signal is not correctly “aligned” in time with


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the reference signal, due to the presence of There
are a number of possible schemes that can be used to
compensate for the effect of Morgan [31] suggested
two approaches to solving this problem. The first solution
is to place an inverse filter, in series with
to remove its effect. The second solution is to place an
identical filter in the reference signal path to the weight
update of the LMS algorithm, which realizes the so-called
filtered-X LMS (FXLMS) algorithm [9]. Since an inverse
does not necessarily exist for the FXLMS algorithm
is generally the most effective approach. The FXLMS
algorithm was independently derived by Widrow [32] in Fig. 4. Block diagram of ANC system using the FXLMS algo-
the context of adaptive control and Burgess [17] for ANC rithm.
1) Derivation of the FXLMS Algorithm: The placement
of the secondary-path transfer function following the digital
filter controlled by the LMS algorithm is shown in
Fig. 3. The residual signal is expressed as


where is the time index, is the impulse response of

secondary path denotes linear convolution,
are the coefficient and signal vectors
of respectively, and is the filter order. The filter Fig. 5. Equivalent diagram of Fig. 4 for slow adaptation and
^(z )
S = S (z ):
must be of sufficient order to accurately model the
response of the physical system.
Assuming a mean square cost function where is the estimated impulse response of the
the adaptive filter minimizes the instantaneous squared error secondary-path filter The block diagram of ANC
system using the FXLMS algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 4.
(5) The FXLMS algorithm appears to be very tolerant of
errors made in the estimation of by the filter As
using the steepest descent algorithm, which updates the shown by Morgan [31], within the limit of slow adaptation,
coefficient vector in the negative gradient direction with the algorithm will converge with nearly 90 of phase
step size error between and Therefore, offline modeling
can be used to estimate during an initial training
(6) stage for most ANC applications. The detailed experimental
setup and procedure for offline secondary-path modeling is
where is an instantaneous estimate of the mean- summarized in [4]. The topic of adaptive online secondary-
square-error (MSE) gradient at time and is expressed path modeling will be discussed later in Section VI.
as From (4), we 2) Analysis of the FXLMS Algorithm: Consider the case
have , where in which the control filter is changing slowly, so
and that the order of and in Fig. 4 can be commuted
Therefore, the gradient estimate becomes [9], [31]. If Fig. 4 is then simplified to Fig. 5.
Since the output of the adaptive filter now carries through
(7) directly to the error signal, the traditional LMS algorithm
analysis method can be used, although the relevant refer-
Substituting (7) into (6), we have the FXLMS algorithm ence signal is now which is produced by filtering
through This method gives accurate results if
(8) adaptation is slow, that is, if the step size is small.
The maximum step size that can be used in the FXLMS
In practical ANC applications, is unknown and algorithm is approximately [33]
must be estimated by an additional filter Therefore,
the filtered reference signal is generated by passing the (10)
reference signal through this estimate of the secondary path
where is the power of the filtered reference
(9) signal and is the number of samples corresponding


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to the overall delay in the secondary path. Therefore, the [39]
delay in the secondary path influences the dynamic response
of the ANC system by reducing the maximum step size in
the FXLMS algorithm. where is a weighting on the control effort. Following the
Boucher and coworkers [34], [35] discuss the effects derivation of the FXLMS algorithm, the update algorithm
of secondary path modeling phase errors on the optimum can be derived as
step size and convergence time. The analysis applies to
the special case when the reference signal is narrow- (13)
band but the disturbance is still broad band. Numeric where is the leakage factor and This
results suggest that phase errors of 40 hardly affect the leaky FXLMS algorithm also reduces numeric error in the
convergence speed of the algorithm. However, convergence finite-precision implementation [4], [40]. The introduction
will slow appreciably as the phase difference approaches of a leakage factor has a considerable stabilizing effect on
90 because the poles come closer to the unit circle. the adaptive algorithm, especially when very large source
For narrow-band signals, errors in the estimation of the strengths are used [39], [41].
secondary path transfer function can be considered in As shown in [4], the leakage has the effect of modifying
two parts: amplitude errors and phase errors [36]. Any the diagonalized correlation matrix of the input process. All
magnitude estimation error will proportionally change the eigenvalues are positive even if some of the original input
power of and hence will simply scale the ideal eigenvalues are zero. This guarantees a unique solution
stability bound accordingly. However, there is no simple and a bounded time constant for all modes. The price
relationship between phase modeling error and stability in of leakage is increased complexity of the weight update
the range of 90 equation and the introduction of a bias into the converged
Another complication that often arises in the broad-band solution [13]. The choice of thus represents a compromise
case is that measurement noises and are present between biasing the convergence weight vector away from
in the reference and error signals, respectively. The optimal the optimum solution and moderating the control effort.
unconstrained transfer function is [4]
D. Feedback Effects and Solutions
The acoustic ANC system shown in Fig. 1 uses a ref-
erence microphone to pick up the reference noise and
processes this input with an adaptive filter to generate an
antisound to cancel primary noise acoustically in the
This equation shows that is independent of the duct. Unfortunately, the antisound output to the loudspeaker
measurement noise associated with the error sensor. also radiates upstream to the reference microphone, result-
However, the measurement noise associated with the ing in a corrupted reference signal The coupling of
reference sensor does affect the optimum weight and hence the acoustic wave from the canceling loudspeaker to the
reduces the cancellation performance. The best frequency reference microphone is called acoustic feedback. Similar
response of the controller is a compromise between can- effects take place in vibration ANC systems due to feedback
cellation of the primary noise and amplification of from the control actuator to reference sensor.
the measurement noise through the controller [25]. Some A more general block diagram of an ANC system that
practical considerations to reduce undesired measurement includes feedback from the secondary source to the refer-
noise are given in [4]. ence sensor is shown in Fig. 6, where is the primary
In Fig. 4, if the secondary-path transfer function is noise, is the signal picked up by the reference sensor,
modeled as a pure delay then is replaced by a and is the feedback path transfer function from the
delay This special case of the FXLMS algorithm is also output of adaptive filter to the reference sensor. The
known as the delayed LMS algorithm [37], [38]. The upper steady-state transfer function of the adaptive filter is [4]
bound for the step size [38] depends on the delay and
is in close agreement with Elliott’s approximation given in (14)
(10). Therefore, efforts should be made to keep the delay
small, such as decreasing the distance between the error From Fig. 6, the open-loop transfer function associated
sensor and the secondary source and reducing the delay in with the feedback loop is given as
electrical components. If the adaptive filter has converged to the noiseless
3) Leaky FXLMS Algorithm: In an ANC system, the di- optimal solution (14), then
rect application of the FXLMS algorithm sometimes leads
to another problem: high noise levels associated with low- (15)
frequency resonances, which may cause nonlinear distortion
by overloading the secondary source. An obvious solution This open-loop transfer function can be used to test the
to this problem is the introduction of output power con- stability of the system [42]. Instability will occur if the
straints. Similar results can be obtained by constraining the open-loop phase lag reaches 180 while the open-loop gain
adaptive filter weights by modifying the cost function as is greater than unity.


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Fig. 6. Block diagram of ANC system with feedback.

Fig. 8. ANC system using the filtered-U recursive LMS algo-


operations [41]. However, the disadvantages of adaptive

IIR filters are: 1) IIR filters are not unconditionally stable
because of the possibility that some pole(s) of the filter
will move outside of the unit circle during the adaptive
process, causing instability; 2) the adaptation may converge
to a local minimum because the MSE function of adaptive
IIR filters is generally nonquadratic; and 3) IIR adaptive
algorithms can have a relatively slow convergence rate
in comparison with that of FIR filters. A comprehensive
discussion of adaptive IIR filters can be found in the
Fig. 7. ANC with acoustic feedback neutralization. literature [45], [46].
A block diagram of an adaptive IIR ANC system [47]
1) Feedback Neutralization: The simplest approach to is illustrated in Fig. 8. The output signal of the IIR filter
solving the feedback problem is to use a separate feedback is computed as
cancellation, or “neutralization,” filter within the controller, (16)
which is exactly the same technique as used in acoustic echo
cancellation [43]. This electrical model of the feedback where is the weight
path is driven by the secondary signal, and its output vector of is the reference signal vector,
is subtracted from the reference sensor signal [44]. A is the weight vector of and
duct-acoustic ANC system using the FXLMS algorithm is the output signal vector delayed by one sample.
with feedback neutralization is illustrated in Fig. 7. The Many algorithms can be employed to find the optimal set
feedback component of the reference microphone signal of coefficients and to minimize the error signal
is canceled electronically using a feedback neutralization In 1976, Feintuch [48] suggested that the recursion based
filter which models the feedback path on the old output gradients is negligible. Based on this
Since the primary noise is highly correlated with the suggestion, the “filtered-U recursive LMS algorithm” [49]
antinoise, the adaptation of the feedback neutralization filter for ANC is derived as [4]
must be inhibited when the ANC system is in operation, (17)
similar to adaptive echo cancellation during periods of
double talk. Thus, feedback neutralization is achieved, in
effect, by using an offline adaptive method for determining where is the filtered version
the transfer function of the feedback path. The models of the canceling signal vector at time In practice, it
and can be estimated simultaneously by using the is reasonable to use a higher order for than for
offline modeling technique [4]. [50]. Real-time experiments have been conducted to test
2) Adaptive IIR Filter: Equation (14) shows that when the system performance for various reference microphone
feedback is present, the optimal solution of the adaptive locations, error microphone locations, and different time-
filter is generally an IIR function with poles and zeros. This varying sources, such as a centrifugal fan and diesel engine
rational function can be approximated by an FIR function [51].
of sufficient order, but a smaller step size then has to Given the complexities associated with the pole-zero
be used for stability reasons. The poles of an IIR filter structure of and one cannot predict the
make it possible to obtain well-matched characteristics with values to which and will converge. Also, global
a lower order structure, thus requiring fewer arithmetic convergence and stability of the filtered-U recursive LMS


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be canceled. The first technique is called the waveform
synthesis method, which was proposed by Chaplin [55].
The second technique embodies the adaptive notch filter,
which was originally developed for the cancellation of tonal
interference [56] and applied to periodic ANC [57].
The waveform synthesis method discussed next in
Section III-B employs synchronous sampling. However,
for some applications, the actual period will vary from
the nominal value as a function of loading conditions.
Therefore, it is sometimes desirable to operate asynchro-
nously with a fixed sampling rate so that the secondary-path
estimate filter coefficients do not have to be changed as
Fig. 9. Basic configuration of narrow-band ANC system.
a function of actual machine rotation rate. Also, some
digital signal processors cannot be efficiently utilized on
algorithm have never been proven formally. A modified a synchronous signal-driven basis. Asynchronous ANC
leaky version of the simplified hyperstable adaptive re- systems using the FXLMS algorithm eliminate the problem
cursive filter (SHARF) algorithm [52] has been developed of having to change as the sampling rate varies and
for ANC applications to improve the stability of the IIR are implicit in the later formulations of Sections III-C and
adaptive filter [53]. In that algorithm, a lowpass filter is III-D.
used to smooth the error signal for the filtered-U recursive
LMS algorithm, thereby providing a higher stability margin.
B. Waveform Synthesis Method
1) Structures and Algorithms: The waveform synthesizer
[55] stores canceling noise waveform samples
Many noises are periodic, such as those generated by in unique contiguous memory addresses,
engines, compressors, motors, fans, and propellers. Direct where is the number of samples over one cycle of the
observation of the mechanical motion of such sources waveform and is the current time index. These samples
generally is possible by using an appropriate sensor, which represent the required waveform to be generated and are
provides an electrical reference signal that contains the sequentially sent to a D/A converter to produce the actual
fundamental frequency and all the harmonics of the primary canceling noise waveform for the secondary loudspeaker.
noise. However, this technique is only effective for periodic Thus
noise because the fundamental driving frequency is the only
reference information available. (19)

A. Introduction represents the th element of waveform samples, where

A basic block diagram of narrow-band ANC for reducing mod and can be implemented as a pointer
periodic acoustic noise in a duct is illustrated in Fig. 9. This incremented in a circular fashion between zero and
system controls harmonic sources by adaptively filtering a for each sampling period, controlled by interrupts generated
synthesized reference signal internally generated by from the synchronization signal.
the ANC system. This technique has the following advan- The residual noise picked up by the error microphone
tages: 1) undesired acoustic feedback from the canceling is synchronously sampled with the reference signal timing
loudspeaker back to the reference microphone is avoided; pulses. In a practical system, there is a delay between the
2) nonlinearities and aging problems associated with the time the signal is fed to the loudspeaker
reference microphone are avoided; 3) the periodicity of the and the time it is received at the error microphone. This
noise removes the causality constraint; 4) the use of an delay can be accommodated by subtracting a time offset
internally generated reference signal results in the ability from the circular pointer Thus, the adaptation unit
to control each harmonic independently; and 5) it is only adjusts the values of the waveform samples using a variant
necessary to model the acoustic plant transfer function over of the LMS algorithm
frequencies in the vicinity of the harmonic tones; thus, an
FIR filter with substantially lower order may be used. (20)
The reference signal generator is triggered by a syn- otherwise
chronization pulse from a nonacoustic sensor, such as a
tachometer signal from an automotive engine. In general, where and is the time delay, which is
two types of reference signals are commonly used in constant for a given loudspeaker-microphone arrangement,
narrow-band ANC systems: 1) an impulse train with a is the sampling period, and greatest integer less
period equal to the inverse of the fundamental frequency than or equal to This offset number must be updated
of the periodic noise [54] and 2) sinewaves that have the as the sampling rate varies, since it is synchronized with
same frequencies as the corresponding harmonic tones to the noise source.


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computed as


where is the th coefficient of the filter

mod is the same circular pointer as that used in
(19). Therefore, the FXLMS algorithm for synchronous
waveform synthesis ANC systems becomes [4]
Fig. 10. Equivalent diagram of waveform synthesis method using
impulse train input and neglecting secondary path effects.
2) Principle and Analysis: The waveform synthesis where mod
method is equivalent to an adaptive FIR filter of order The transfer function of the synchronous periodic con-
excited by a Kronecker impulse train of period troller in the ideal environment [without ] is specified
samples [4] by (22). The presence of modifies the transfer function
of the controller to [58]
where is the discrete Kronecker delta function and
The detailed dynamic stability limits are analyzed elsewhere
is the period of the noise with fundamental
angular frequency Temporarily neglecting secondary
4) Delayed LMS Algorithm: If the case of a single sinu-
path effects, Fig. 10 shows how the periodic noise is
soid is considered, then the steady-state response of the
canceled by the output of an adaptive filter using the
secondary path can be modeled by a pure delay. Therefore,
periodic impulse train as the reference input
the compensator can be approximated as
For reference signal (21) and an adaptive filter with order
where is the number of samples of delay from
the transfer function between the primary
to If the delay value is small compared to the
input and the error output is derived as [54]
filter length the convergence behavior of the delayed
LMS algorithm is not significantly impaired from that of
(22) the conventional LMS algorithm [37]–[39].
The steady-state transfer function from to
The zeros have constant amplitude and are equally for the delayed LMS algorithm is [59]
spaced on the unit circle of the plane to create
nulls in the frequency response at harmonic frequencies (26)
Therefore, the tonal components of the periodic noise
at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies are attenuated
This transfer function shows that the delayed coefficient
by this multiple-notch filter. The poles have the same
adaptation changes the pole structure. In addition to re-
frequency as the zeros but are equally spaced on a circle
ducing the bandwidth of the notch, the inclusion of delay
at distance from the origin. The effect of the poles
shifts the angle of the poles away from and accord-
is to introduce a resonance in the vicinity of the null, thus
ingly increases the out-of-band overshoot of the frequency
reducing the bandwidth of the notch.
response [59], [60]. As the step size and/or the delay
Equation (22) also gives a practical limitation on the
in the secondary path is increased, these out-of-band peaks
value of from stability considerations; that is,
become larger until the system finally becomes unstable.
for an impulse train of unit amplitude. The 3-dB bandwidth
of each notch for is approximated as
(Hz) [54]. This shows that the bandwidth of the notch C. Adaptive Notch Filters
filter is proportional to the step size In the general 1) Narrow-Band Adaptive Noise Canceler: An adaptive
case, the time constant of the response envelope decay notch filter can be realized by using an adaptive noise
is approximately (second). Therefore, there is canceler [56] with a sinusoidal reference signal. The
tradeoff between the notch bandwidth and the duration of advantages of the adaptive notch filter are that it offers easy
the transient response, which is determined by the step size control of bandwidth, an infinite null, and the capability to
and the sampling rate of the narrow-band ANC system. adaptively track the exact frequency of the interference. A
3) FXLMS Algorithm: As discussed in Section II, the single-frequency adaptive noise canceler with two adaptive
effects of the secondary path must be compensated weights is illustrated in Fig. 11. The reference input is a
for by using the FXLMS algorithm. Assuming a secondary- cosine wave , where and
path estimate of order the output of is are the amplitude and frequency, respectively, of the


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Fig. 12. Single-frequency ANC system using the FXLMS algo-

2) Single-Frequency ANC: The application of the adap-

tive notch filter to periodic ANC has been developed by
Fig. 11. Single-frequency adaptive notch filter. Ziegler [57]. A recursive quadratic oscillator provides two
orthogonal components and which are used
as reference inputs for the adaptive filter. These two signals
reference signal. A 90 phase shifter is used to produce the are separately weighted and then summed to produce the
quadrature reference signal canceling signal The delayed LMS algorithm updates
The steady-state transfer function from the primary the filter weights to minimize the residual error . Thus
input to the noise canceler output is [56]


(27) where is used to compensate for the secondary-path

transfer function.
The zeros of are located in the plane at Alternatively, the above delay unit can be replaced by a
being precisely on the unit circle at angle The adaptive secondary-path estimate as in the FXLMS algorithm
noise canceler therefore acts as a tunable notch filter, with illustrated in Fig. 12. The adaptive weights are updated as
a notch located at the reference frequency For a general (32)
th order adaptive filter, (27) becomes [61]
where and are the filtered versions of
and respectively, obtained through the secondary-
path estimate
In the limit of slow adaptation, the transfer function of
the narrow-band ANC system then becomes [4]
Therefore, the poles are dependent on the number of taps
and that will affect the shape of the notch.
The sharpness of the notch is determined by the closeness
of the poles to the zeros. The 3-dB bandwidth of the notch
filter is estimated as [61] where is the amplitude of at fre-
quency and is the phase difference
Hz (29) between and at For small has
complex conjugate poles at radius
Since all the terms composing are positive, the radius of
When the interfering sinusoid frequency changes rapidly or
the pole can be greater than one only if is negative.
jitters around, the notch width must cover a wider frequency
Accordingly, the stability condition is
range. This can be accomplished by using a larger
which has the effect of providing faster tracking and of or (34)
producing a wider notch. For the system has very
fast convergence and the time constant of the adaptation and the convergence time constant is slowed down by a
is approximated as [4] factor of [31].
Another method for analyzing the stability and transient
response of the adaptive notch filter using the FXLMS
s (30) algorithm is to formulate the problem in the complex
weight domain and apply standard control theory [62].
which is determined by the power of the reference sinewave Application of this analysis technique showed that large
and the step size out-of-band gain can lead to instability. One solution to


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the out-of-band gain problem is to equalize the secondary- 3) Direct/Parallel Form: A configuration of multiple ref-
path transfer function in phase and amplitude over erence signal generators and corresponding adaptive filters
the entire band. An alternative solution is to control the has been developed [66] to improve the performance of
out-of-band response by either employing a bandpass filter ANC systems for automotive applications. The idea is to
in the secondary path before demodulation or a lowpass separate a collection of many harmonically related sinu-
filter after demodulation [62]. However, there is an inherent soids into mutually exclusive sets that individually have
tradeoff here because in addition to attenuating out-of-band frequencies spaced out as far as possible. In general, if
gain, a bandpass filter will also introduce delay. Another there are harmonics to be canceled and
solution consists of two interconnected adaptive filters using signal generators are used, each reference signal
the same internally generated reference signal [63]. contains staggered sinusoidal frequencies of
3) Simplified Single-Frequency ANC: Ziegler’s technique every other th harmonic. These reference signals are
requires either two tables (cosine and sine) in the waveform processed by their corresponding adaptive filters. By par-
generator to generate and or uses only one titioning signal component frequencies in this fashion,
cosine table and a 90 phase shift unit to generate the sine the accuracy and rate of convergence of each adaptive
waveform. In a simplified single-frequency ANC system filter can be significantly improved. This is because the
[64], a single-cosine-wave generator is used to generate a frequency difference between any two successive sinusoidal
reference input which is then fed to a simple second- components in is effectively increased, as compared
order FIR filter, where both weights are updated by the to the direct implementation technique.
FXLMS algorithm. (See [4] for details.) In this case, the 4) Cascade Form: Ideally, multiple-sinusoid references
fastest convergence can be achieved by choosing a sampling are more effectively employed in a cascade of second-
rate equal to four times the frequency of the sinewave. order single-frequency notch filters. The overall response
of such an arrangement is given by [60]
D. Multiple-Frequency ANC
In practical applications, periodic noise usually contains (37)
multiple tones at the fundamental frequency and at several
harmonic frequencies. This type of noise can be attenuated
where is the th section adaptive filter. Each
by a filter with multiple notches. In general, realization of
produces a pole at frequency and so each
multiple notches requires higher order filters, which can be
produces a notch at If an estimate of the
implemented by direct, parallel, direct/parallel, or cascade
secondary-path transfer function is available, it is possi-
ble to configure a “pseudocascade” arrangement [60] that
1) Direct Form: A method for eliminating multiple si-
ideally performs as a true cascade but requires only one
nusoidals or other periodic interference was proposed by
secondary path estimate The pseudocascade FXLMS
Glover [61]. The reference input is a sum of sinusoids
notch filters are expandable to any number of stages and
can theoretically cover an arbitrarily wide bandwidth.
(35) 5) Rectangular-Wave Reference Signal: The rectangular-
wave potentially contains the fundamental and all
where and are, respectively, the amplitude and harmonic components of the periodic noise. The shape
the frequency of the th sinusoid. When the frequencies of the spectrum of is dependent on the duty-cycle
of the reference sinusoids are close together, a long filter ratio where and are the pulse width and the
is required to give good resolution between fundamental period of the rectangular wave. (See [4], [67],
adjacent frequencies. This is an undesired solution since and [68] for details.)
a higher order adaptive LMS filter results in slower con-
vergence, higher excess MSE, and higher numeric errors. E. Active Noise Equalizers
An application of Glover’s method for actively attenuating
The design of an ANC system usually pursues maximal
engine-generated noise has been proposed [65].
attenuation of the incoming noise. However, in some ap-
2) Parallel Form: For the case in which the undesired
plications, it is desirable to retain a small residual error
primary noise contains sinusoids, two-weight adap-
with specified spectral shape. For example, in a car, truck,
tive filters can be connected in parallel to attenuate these
or earth-moving machine, the driver needs some audible
narrow-band components. The canceling signal is a sum of
information about engine speed to be able to control the
adaptive filter outputs
vehicle safely. The equalization system is called an active
noise equalizer [69] and is implemented in the frequency
(36) domain [70]. The principle of narrow-band active noise
equalization also applies to broad-band noise [71].
where each output is derived as in the single- A block diagram of the general narrow-band active
frequency case. Since only one error sensor is used, there noise equalizer system for controlling periodic noise is
is only one error signal which is used to update all shown in Fig. 13. The output of the two-weight filter,
adaptive filters based on the FXLMS algorithm. is split into two branches, the canceling branch


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Fig. 15. Wideband adaptive feedback ANC system using the
FXLMS algorithm.
Fig. 13. Block diagram of single-frequency active noise equal-
Fig. 14, the primary noise is expressed in the -domain
as , where is the signal
obtained from the error sensor and is the secondary
signal generated by the adaptive filter. If
we can estimate the primary noise and use this as a
synthesized reference signal That is


This is the reference signal synthesis (regeneration) tech-

Fig. 14. Single-channel feedback ANC system. nique, whereby the secondary signal is filtered by the
secondary-path estimate and then combined with
and the balancing branch. The gains and are to regenerate the primary noise.
inserted in these two branches to enable adjustment of the The complete single-channel adaptive feedback ANC
residual noise. If the secondary-path estimate is perfect [i.e., system using the FXLMS algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 15,
], the pseudo-error can be expressed as where is also required to compensate for the secondary
, which is the residual noise of the path. The reference signal is synthesized as
conventional ANC system. The adaptive filter minimizes
the pseudoerror signal using the FXLMS algorithm. After (39)
the filter has converged, the system output is
Thus, the system
output contains a residual component of the narrow- where are the coefficients of the
band noise whose amplitude is continuously, linearly, and th order FIR filter used to estimate the secondary
totally controlled by adjusting the gain value [4], [69]. path.
2) Algorithm Analysis: From Fig. 15, we have
if If the step size of the LMS
algorithm is small (slow convergence), the adaptive filter
A block diagram for a single-channel feedback ANC can be commuted with [9]. If we further
system is presented in Fig. 14. The error sensor output is assume that the secondary path can be modeled by
processed by an ANC system to generate the secondary a pure delay, that is, Fig. 15 is identical
signal. Several nonadaptive feedback ANC systems have to the standard adaptive prediction scheme shown Fig. 16
been described [3]. In this section, adaptive feedback ANC [74]. The system response from to is called the
systems are presented. prediction error filter The adaptive filter acts as
an adaptive predictor of the primary noise to minimize
A. Adaptive Feedback ANC Systems the residual noise so the performance of the adaptive
A single-channel adaptive feedback ANC system was feedback ANC system depends on the predictability of the
proposed in [72] and extended to the multiple-channel case primary noise
in [73]. We view this technique as an adaptive feedforward If the overall transfer function of
system that, in effect, synthesizes, or regenerates, its own feedback ANC from to is [4]
reference signal, based only on the adaptive filter output
and error signal. (40)
1) Structure and Algorithm: The basic idea of an adap-
tive feedback ANC is to estimate the primary noise and Thus, under ideal conditions, the adaptive feedback ANC
use it as a reference signal for the ANC filter. In system shown in Fig. 15 is equivalent to the feedforward


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Fig. 17. Hybrid ANC system with combination of feedback ANC
and feedforward ANC.

Fig. 16. Block diagram of adaptive predictor. of the primary noise at the error sensor than the output
of the reference sensor, which is located away from the
control point. This is particularly true whenever the noise
ANC system discussed in Section II. The stability robust-
field is isotropic and the reference sensor is no longer fully
ness of the adaptive feedback controller to changes in the
coherent with the noise at the error sensor location.
plant response can be separately assessed using a general-
ization of the complementary sensitivity function [75]. The
stability robustness is improved by incorporating various B. Hybrid ANC Systems
forms of effort weighting into the cost function, resulting The feedforward ANC systems discussed in Section II
in the leaky FXLMS algorithm used in feedforward ANC use two sensors: a reference sensor and an error sensor.
systems. The reference sensor measures the primary noise to be
3) Other Feedback ANC Algorithms: The output-whitening canceled while the error sensor monitors the performance
feedback ANC method [76] assumes that the primary noise of the ANC system. The adaptive feedback ANC system
is formed by passing white noise through a moving- uses only an error sensor and cancels only the predictable
average (MA) filter The secondary source is assumed noise components of the primary noise. A combination of
to be placed close enough to the primary source so that the the feedforward and feedback control structures is called
secondary-path transfer function is minimum phase. a hybrid ANC system, as illustrated in Fig. 17 [80]. The
Then, from linear estimation theory, the optimal controller reference sensor is kept close to the noise source and
is expressed as provides a coherent reference signal for the feedforward
ANC system. The error sensor is placed downstream and
(41) senses the residual noise, which is used to synthesize the
reference signal for the adaptive feedback ANC filter, as
This optimal filter will result in a minimum error sig- well as to adapt the coefficients of both the feedforward
nal that is spectrally white; in other words, all the and feedback ANC filters. The feedforward ANC attenuates
energy that is predictable from the MA model has primary noise that is correlated with the reference signal,
been removed. (See [4] and [33] for further details.) The while the feedback ANC cancels the predictable compo-
output-whitening approach is extensible to multiple-channel nents of the primary noise that are not observed by the
feedback ANC by utilizing multiple independent controllers reference sensor.
with weighted combining [77]. The hybrid ANC system using the FIR feedforward ANC
By a somewhat different approach, we first employ and the adaptive feedback ANC is illustrated in Fig. 18,
secondary-path neutralization similar to the adaptive feed- where the secondary signal is generated using the
back ANC concept, but then, instead of using the FXLMS outputs of both the feedforward ANC filter and the
algorithm to adapt we use an open-loop method to feedback ANC filter The combined controller
estimate the parameters of the primary source model has two reference inputs: from the reference sensor
and predict the next value of through the secondary and the estimated primary signal. Filtered versions
path Oppenheim and coworkers [78] developed an of the reference signals and are used to adapt
estimation and prediction method for the special case when the coefficients of the filters and respectively.
the secondary path is a pure delay. They postulate an AR A similar hybrid ANC system using the adaptive IIR
model for and develop a procedure for estimating its feedforward ANC and the adaptive feedback ANC can be
parameters. The prediction part is then formulated using the found in [4]. The advantage of hybrid ANC over other
standard Kalman filter setup. ANC systems is that a lower order filter can be used to
The performance of the Kalman algorithm was com- achieve the same performance. The hybrid systems also
pared with the feedforward ANC algorithm discussed in clearly demonstrate an advantage over either the simple
Section II by Zangi [79]. The output of the error sensor feedforward ANC or adaptive feedback ANC system alone
contains much more information about the future values when there is significant plant noise.


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Fig. 18. Hybrid ANC system using the FIR feedforward ANC
with the FXLMS algorithm.

V. MULTIPLE-CHANNEL ANC Fig. 19. Structure of a multiple-channel acoustic ANC system

Since the noise field in an enclosure or a large-dimension with J reference inputs, K secondary sources, and M error
duct is more complicated than in a narrow duct, it is
generally necessary to use a multiple-channel ANC system
with several secondary sources, error sensors, and perhaps enclosure since all modes have a pressure maximum there.
even several reference sensors. Some of the best-known The secondary sources should be located in positions where
applications are the control of exhaust “boom” noise in they can couple well to the acoustic modes of the enclosure,
automobiles [81]–[84], earth-moving machines [85], and or if possible, couple directly to the primary noise source. In
the control of propeller-induced noise in flight cabin interi- the later case, to improve the performance of the system, the
ors [86]–[88]. Other ANC applications, such as vibration distance from the primary to the secondary sources must be
control in complex mechanical structures, also require less than a quarter-wavelength at the highest frequency [93].
multiple channels. Subtle physical attributes of the multiple-channel ANC
system that affect convergence are the placement of the
A. Principles error sensors and the location of the secondary sources [94].
Theoretical predictions, computer simulations, and lab- As any two or more channels approach linear dependence at
oratory experiments on harmonic ANC in a shallow en- some particular frequency, convergence slows significantly.
closure were presented in a trilogy of papers by Nelson The remedy for this problem is to move physically or
et al. [89]–[91]. The total potential acoustic energy is remove one or more of the secondary sources or error
approximated by the sum of the squares of the outputs of sensors.
many error sensors distributed throughout the enclosure.
This suggests that the multiple-channel ANC system should B. Multiple-Channel FXLMS Algorithms
minimize a cost function
A multiple-channel acoustic ANC system is illustrated
in Fig. 19 as an example of a general multiple-channel
(42) ANC system. For narrow-band feedforward multiple-
channel ANC systems, a nonacoustic sensor can be used
where is the density of the acoustic medium, is the as the reference sensor to generate a reference signal. For
propagation velocity, and is the sound pressure at the broad-band feedforward ANC, the multiple-channel system
th error sensor position in the enclosure with a total of employs reference sensors to form the reference signal
error microphones. The significance of (42) is that is a vector. For adaptive feedback ANC, the reference signals
quadratic function, and thus allows the efficient gradient are internally synthesized based on the secondary and error
descent method to be employed in the multiple-channel signals. The multiple-channel ANC system generates
ANC algorithm. canceling signals to drive the corresponding secondary
Under low frequency conditions, surprisingly few error sources, and error sensors are distributed over desired
sensors are needed to achieve substantial reductions in total locations to measure the residual noise components.
noise energy [92]. The location of these error sensors is A block diagram of a multiple-channel ANC system
very important to obtain the best estimate of the total that includes feedback paths from the secondary sources
acoustic potential energy. For a rectangular enclosure, a to the reference sensors is illustrated in Fig. 20. The wide
good choice is to put an error sensor in each corner of the arrows represent an array of signals (acoustic or electrical)


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for and are the filtered
reference signal vectors, which are formed by filtering
by the secondary-path estimates from the th
secondary source to the th error sensor. In (46),
represents the impulse response of an FIR filter that
is used to estimate The single-reference/multiple-
output FXLMS algorithm is expressed in detail for a 1 2
2 example in [4]. Similar to the derivation of the leaky
FXLMS algorithm given in Section II-C, the cost function
(44) can be modified to including a weighting factor. The
multiple-channel leaky FXLMS algorithm is similar to (45),
except that is used to replace
Fig. 20. Block diagram of an adaptive multiple-channel feedfor-
ward ANC system with feedback paths.
In some cases, it is advantageous to locally minimize
the sum of the squared signals from only a few error sen-
sors. This concept is formalized by employing independent
that are symbolically expressed as vectors. The matrix weighting factors to control the influence of the
represents primary path transfer functions, error signals on each of the adaptive filters [85]. The
from the primary source to each error sensor output extreme case of this approach, only if
The matrix represents secondary-path transfer with has been examined [95] for a 1 2 2
functions, from secondary sources to error system. The stability of such a decentralized ANC system
sensors. Also, the matrix represents feedback in a free field is achieved by positioning each error sensor
paths from secondary sources to reference closer to its associated secondary source than to the other
sensors. There are possible feedforward chan- secondary source.
nels, each demanding a separate adaptive filter, and these 2) Frequency-Domain Convergence Analysis: The con-
adaptive filters are represented by the matrix vergence behavior of a multiple-channel ANC system
A complete set of multiple-channel FXLMS algorithms can be analyzed in the frequency domain in terms of the
for broad-band feedforward, narrow-band feedforward, and convergence of the individual secondary signals, the cost
adaptive feedback ANC systems are introduced in [4]. function, and the control effort [92]. This frequency-domain
1) Single-Reference/Multiple-Output Algorithm: The sin- analysis applies to narrow-band ANC systems that control
gle-reference/multiple-output ANC system aims to control one or more harmonics of periodic noise and provides
a multidimensional noise field produced by rotating ma- insight into the physical process involved.
chinery such as engines [39]. As discussed in Section III, For controlling a narrow-band noise component of known
a nonacoustic reference sensor is used to avoid feedback. frequency, the reference signal is a pure sinusoid, which in
The th secondary signal is obtained by filtering the the frequency domain can be considered a constant of value
reference signal through the corresponding adaptive Thus from Fig. 20, by expressing the quantities
FIR filter in the frequency domain and omitting the frequency index
(43) for simplicity, we have Therefore, the error
signal is expressed as The multiple-channel
where is frequency-domain FXLMS algorithm is expressed as [92]
the weight vector of the th adaptive filter and
is the common reference (47)
signal vector for all adaptive filters.
The cost function of the adaptive filters is approximated where the superscript (Hermitian) denotes conjugate
by the sum of the instantaneous squared errors as transpose. Therefore, the matrix plays the same role
as the reference signal autocorrelation matrix in the single-
(44) channel case. The eigenvalues of determine the con-
vergence characteristics of the multiple-channel frequency-
Following a derivation similar to the single-channel case domain FXLMS algorithm. It is noteworthy that disparate
discussed in Section II, the single-reference/multiple-output eigenvalues arise here because of the spatial nature of the
FXLMS algorithm is derived and partitioned into equa- secondary-path matrix Thus, the convergence of the
tions [4] general broad-band multiple-channel FXLMS algorithm is
limited by both the spatial and temporal characteristics of
the system.
As with the single-channel leaky FXLMS algorithm, the
(45) cost function can be modified to include the control effort,
written as
(46) (48)


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where is a real constant that determines the balance for and where the vectors
between reducing the total MSE and moderating the
control effort The convergence of the multiple- (52)
channel frequency-domain leaky FXLMS algorithm is guar- are the filtered reference signal vectors.
anteed if [92] A practical application of multiple-reference/multiple-
output active control for propeller blade-passage noise
(49) inside a 50-seat aircraft has been reported [33]. That system
uses three reference signals (internally generated sinusoids)
where is the th eigenvalue of The effect of for the fundamental frequency and its first two harmonics,
on the convergence of the ANC system is to speed up the 16 secondary sources, and 32 error sensors, resulting in a 3
very slow modes of convergence, which are associated with 16 32 multiple-reference/multiple-output ANC system.
small values of by adding a constant factor (See [4]
for further details.) C. Multiple-Channel IIR Algorithm
A suitably chosen value of will not only speed up The purpose of the broad-band feedforward multiple-
convergence but can also prevent physically unreasonable reference/multiple-output adaptive IIR controller [41], [73],
values of control effort. The value of is selected to give [96] is to provide multiple-channel ANC capability with
the best tradeoff between controlling significantly excited longer impulse responses and feedback compensation using
modes and moderating the control effort expended on a low-order recursive section. As illustrated in Fig. 21,
insignificant modes. Moderating the control effort also con- the controller contains two filter sections. The first section
siderably reduces the risk of instability due to errors in the is a block of all-zero FIR filters from each reference
secondary-path models [34]. Furthermore, the constrained sensor to each secondary source, while the second section
algorithm is equivalent to the leaky FXLMS algorithm, implements a matrix-IIR structure of all-pole filters. The
which has the additional benefit of reducing the effects of feedforward section of the controller is represented by
numerical errors and preventing algorithm stalling. the transfer function matrix which is composed of
3) Feedback Reduction: As illustrated in Fig. 20, there elements from input to the th summing node
is generally feedback from the secondary sources to to produce the th component of the output vector
the reference sensors. Therefore, the problems of ref- Likewise, the transfer function matrix repre-
erence signal contamination and possible system instability sents the recursive section of the controller with element
necessitate a modification of the multiple-channel FXLMS from to Therefore, the secondary
algorithm. Acoustic arrangements to reduce feedback are signal , which drives the th secondary source, is
discussed in [4]. Another technique to reduce feedback from expressed as
secondary actuators to the reference sensor in the broad-
band multiple-channel ANC system is to use feedback
for (53)
D. Multiple-Reference/Multiple-Output FXLMS Algorithm
where and
The general multiple-reference/multiple-output ANC sys-
are the feed-
tem using the FXLMS algorithm is shown in Fig. 20, where
forward and feedback filter coefficients, respectively, and
the ANC filter has reference input signals that
are, respectively, the reference input signal
are elements of the signal vector Each controller in
vectors and output signal vectors.
the matrix is represented by where is the
A multiple-reference/multiple-output filtered-U recursive
reference input index and is the secondary source index.
LMS algorithm [41], [96] for the IIR filter structure mini-
The secondary signal output to the th secondary source is
mizes the sum of the MSE signals

(50) (54)

where (55)
are the reference signal vectors. There are
different secondary paths between the
secondary sources and error sensors, which are modeled where and
by to generate an array of filtered reference signals are, respectively, the filtered reference and output
for the multiple-channel FXLMS algorithm signal vectors.
Multiple-channel adaptive IIR filtering has been success-
fully applied to the active control of random noise in a small
(51) reverberant room [41]. In that work, the performance of
adaptive multiple-channel FIR and IIR filters was compared


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Fig. 21. Block diagram of multiple-channel ANC system using an IIR adaptive filter.

experimentally for an ANC system with four secondary

sources and eight error sensors. The matrix-IIR structure
results in a more stable configuration in the presence of
feedback, especially if a small leakage factor is included.
The experimental results also show that far better perfor-
mance is achieved by using IIR filters rather than FIR
filters when the primary noise source has a lightly damped
dynamic behavior.

D. Multiple-Channel Adaptive Feedback ANC Systems

The single-channel feedback ANC system shown in
Fig. 15 is easily extended to a system that has
secondary sources and one error sensor. The reference
signal of the feedback ANC system is synthesized as
an estimate of the primary noise

(56) Fig. 22. Block diagram of K 2 M feedback ANC system.

where is the impulse responses of filter , which reference signals for the corresponding
models the secondary path from the th secondary adaptive filters, The synthesized reference signals
source to the error sensor and are the secondary are expressed as
signals obtained from the adaptive filters
The FXLMS algorithm is used to minimize the error
signal by adjusting the weight vector for each adaptive
filter according to

where is the impulse response of the secondary-

path estimate The coefficients are updated by the
where multiple-channel FXLMS algorithm discussed
in Section V-C for the special case The multiple-
(58) channel adaptive feedback ANC system was applied to
reduce noise in the operator cabin of a tractor [97] and
is the reference signal vector filtered by the secondary-path
in a large dimension duct [98].
A more general adaptive feedback ANC system
is illustrated in Fig. 22. In this system, there are VI. ONLINE SECONDARY-PATH MODELING
secondary paths from the th secondary source to As discussed in previous sections, the secondary path is
the th error sensor, which are estimated by the corre- estimated offline prior to the operation of the ANC system.
sponding filters The reference signal synthesizer For some applications the secondary path may be time
uses the secondary signals error signals varying, and it is desirable to estimate the secondary path
and secondary-path estimates to generate online when the ANC is in operation.


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Fig. 24. Block diagram of ANC system with online sec-
ondary-path modeling using additive random noise.
Fig. 23. Block diagram of online secondary-path modeling tech-
nique proposed in [9].
for the to be unobtrusive, it should observe only
A. Fundamental Problem the signals already in the system. Consequently, in a
practical ANC system, a tradeoff between independence
An ANC system using the FXLMS algorithm with adap-
and intrusion has to be resolved.
tive online secondary-path modeling [9] is illustrated in
Fig. 23. The adaptive filter generates a secondary
noise that passes through the secondary path B. Additive Random Noise Technique
which is modeled by the adaptive filter connected 1) Basic Technique and Convergence Analysis: An online
in parallel with the secondary path. In this scheme, the secondary path modeling technique using additive random
secondary signal also serves as an excitation signal for noise [99] is illustrated in Fig. 24. A zero-mean white noise
secondary-path modeling. The coefficients of the adaptive is internally generated and is added to the secondary
filter are adjusted online to model continuously the signal to drive the secondary source. The adaptive
secondary path during the operation of ANC filter filter is connected in parallel with the secondary path
Assuming that is of sufficient order, that however, the input signal used for is the random
is a persistent excitation signal, and that and are noise only.
time-invariant systems, the steady-state solution of is It is useful to define the component of the error due to
[4] the original noise as

This equation shows that the estimate obtained by where and are the impulse responses of
the online modeling algorithm of Fig. 23 is biased by and at time Since is uncorrelated
The adaptive filter can correctly identify with is also uncorrelated with Therefore,
only if [or equivalently, ]. the LMS solution is unaffected by the presence of the
Equation (60) also shows that is affected by the interference However, will have an effect on
adaptive filter From (3), the optimum solution of the convergence of the adaptive algorithm.
is that is, an inverse model of As illustrated in Fig. 24, the coefficients of the adaptive
the secondary-path transfer function Therefore, the filter are updated by the LMS algorithm, which is
interaction between adaptive filters and is very expressed as [4]
complicated. For example, by substituting into (60),
we have , which is an undesired solution and
should be avoided.
There are two important requirements of secondary-path (62)
modeling. The first is that an accurate estimate of
should be produced, regardless of the controller transfer where is the coefficient vector of and is
function This independence property will ensure that the reference signal vector. The expected value of in
the overall ANC system is robust. The second requirement (62) converges to its optimal solution provided
is that the adaptive filter should not intrude on the and are uncorrelated. However, this does not mean
operation of the ANC system. These two properties appear that instantaneous values of will be equal to It
to be mutually exclusive because in order to obtain an is obvious that the undesired term in (62) is
accurate and independent estimation of it would a disturbance that is frustrating convergence of the LMS
be preferable for the modeling filter to manipulate algorithm and will therefore degrade the performance of
the excitation (secondary) signal directly. However, the adaptive filter


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For online modeling, acts like an uncorrelated plant
noise of power After convergence, this residual noise
due to will perturb the adaptive weights of
resulting in a misalignment, or mean-square modeling error,
that is given by [9]


where and are the

impulse responses of the filters and respectively.
For offline modeling, and (62) will converge
for sufficiently small step size The step size bound for
fastest convergence is where is the
order of the adaptive filter and is the variance
of the white noise [4]. As an example, suppose that
an online normalized modeling error ( 20 dB) Fig. 25. ANC system using overall modeling technique.
was specified. Then the step size is limited to the value
[4]. Therefore, it would take 100 times The complete ANC system using this secondary-path
as long for to converge online as it would to converge modeling algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 25. The secondary
offline. In most ANC applications, the interference signal is switched between the outputs of and
is much larger than the excitation signal and the The delay is used during the initialization stage or
convergence rate of filter is therefore very slow, or it if significant changes in and/or are detected, at
may fail to converge because of finite-wordlength effects. which times only and are updated. Otherwise the
2) Methods for Improvement: To improve the conver- system updates and to perform ANC and
gence of in the presence of the interference the online secondary-path modeling simultaneously using the
adaptive noise cancellation technique [56] can be used to secondary signal from as the excitation signal. The
cancel the component of that is correlated with the implementation of costs only one delay unit because
primary source [100], [101]. An additional adaptive delay units are already included in
filter with as the reference signal is used to cancel the After and have converged, we have [4]
undesired component in error signal picked up by
the error sensor. The convergence rate of the modeling filter (64)
has been shown to improve by a factor of 30 using
this technique. A limitation of this technique is its inability assuming that provides sufficient excitation at all
to cancel any interference that is uncorrelated with frequencies. Therefore, the corresponding
This problem can be solved by using an adaptive prediction and The accuracy of this overall modeling
error filter to reduce the interference in error signal algorithm depends on the order of and and the
[102]. The optimum delay for the adaptive predictor length of the impulse response of and Since
is equal to the length of the impulse response of the the impulse responses of stable physical systems exhibit
secondary path being modeled. exponential decay, the modeling errors may be neglected if
the order of and are large. Adaptive filters
C. Overall Modeling Algorithm and are able to track and respectively, if
An overall online secondary-path modeling algorithm only one is changing at a time. Extensive simulations using
[49], [103]–[105] tries to eliminate the biasing term measured transfer functions from a real experimental setup
in (60) by introducing another adaptive filter show that and are able to track “slow” changes
in both and online when is used [107].
to model The output of is then used to
cancel the disturbance that is the output signal of
Altogether, the complete ANC system uses three D. Multiple-Channel Modeling Algorithms
adaptive filters— and —to perform noise 1) Interchannel Coupling Effect: Online modeling of
control and secondary-path modeling simultaneously. This secondary paths is more difficult than for a
algorithm has the capability to model the secondary path single-channel case, since the error signal from
without using an additional excitation signal. However, the the th error sensor is a mixture of signals coming from
convergence of this algorithm depends on the secondary the primary path and secondary paths for
signal, and there is no unique solution for both adaptive To explain the effect of interchannel
filters and An offline initialization procedure coupling, consider the 1 2 2 ANC system illustrated
[106] uses delay to decorrelate the primary and in Fig. 26. The secondary signals and are
secondary signals so that and will converge generated by adaptive filters and are combined with additive
to and respectively. random noise to drive the secondary sources. The error


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allows simultaneous off-line or online modeling of
secondary paths using a single random noise generator.
The overall modeling algorithm discussed in Section VI-
C can also be extended to multiple-channel ANC systems
with error signals and adaptive filters for each
error signal, where is the number of secondary sources.
For each error signal, adaptive filters
are used to model the corresponding secondary
paths and combined with an adaptive filter
to cancel the highly correlated disturbance from
the primary noise source. This multiple-channel ANC al-
gorithm was applied to control structural vibration [109].
3) Audio Interference Cancellation: An integrated ANC-
audio system enhances a desired audio signal by utilizing
ANC to reduce unwanted acoustic noise. This integrated
Fig. 26. Secondary-path modeling for a 1 2 2 2 2 ANC system system uses shared analog components such as mixers,
using one random noise generator. amplifiers, and loudspeakers so that multiple-channel ANC
may be applied in a variety of applications, such as au-
tomobiles, without the expense of system redundancies.
signal is measured by the first error sensor, which is
In this integrated system, the audio signal picked up by
the residual error of the primary noise canceled by
the error sensors in an enclosure becomes an interference
the noises from both secondary sources. Adaptive filters
to the ANC system. The audio interference to the ANC
and are used to model the secondary paths
filter can be reduced using an adaptive noise canceler with
and respectively.
the desired audio signal as the reference signal [110]. As-
Assuming that the excitation signal is zero mean and
suming that the audio signal is of persistent excitation and
is uncorrelated with and the adaptive
uncorrelated with the primary noise, the adaptive filter used
filter will converge to [4]
for the audio interference cancellation will converge to the
(65) secondary path, and thus also performs online secondary-
path modeling. In addition, music would be more enjoyable
This equation shows that when random noise components than random noise, both in the initial training stage and
are picked up by the first error sensor through multiple for online operation. This integrated system is expanded to
secondary paths [ and in this case], the incorporate hands-free cellular phone operation [111].
estimate is biased by the cross-coupled secondary Interference cancellation and online modeling are inher-
paths and Furthermore, since is ently more difficult for the multiple-channel case. First, the
adapted at the same time as there is no unique left and right audio signals may be partially correlated and
solution for either filter. Note that this cross-coupling effect that would cause problems in uniquely identifying the cross-
occurs for both online and offline modeling. coupled secondary paths. Furthermore, the interchannel
2) Multiple-Channel Online Modeling Algorithms: If only decoupling delay technique cannot be used here because
one random noise generator is used, only secondary that would destroy the stereo effect of the desired signals.
paths from one of the secondary sources to the error Consequently, offline techniques or some combination of
sensors can be estimated at a time, since each of the online and offline techniques would have to be employed
secondary sources couples to each error sensor. This for multiple-channel systems.
process is repeated times by injecting a random noise
sequentially into one secondary source at a time, thereby
obtaining estimates of the secondary path transfer VII. OTHER ANC STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS
functions. A shortcoming of this solution is the total time The adaptive transversal filter using the FXLMS algo-
required to model all the secondary paths (both offline and rithm is the most widely used technique for ANC sys-
online), which may be too long for some ANC applications. tems, owing to its simplicity and robustness. However, the
An alternative solution is to use, for example, two random LMS algorithm has the disadvantage of relatively slow
noise generators [4] for a 1 2 2 system. The random and signal-dependent convergence. This may be only a
noises and are mutually uncorrelated and also minor problem for ANC systems with stationary noise
uncorrelated with other signals. This technique can be sources such as transformers, electric power generators,
generalized to solve the interchannel coupling problem of diesel-powered boats, locomotives, and compressors. For
a ANC system using independent random nonstationary noise sources such as automobiles, slow
noise generators. However, the cost may be too high for convergence is a critical problem when attempting to cancel
some ANC applications. An interchannel decoupling algo- transient noise, which occurs at vehicle startups, stops, or
rithm [108] uses a single noise generator with interchannel gearshifts, or with sudden changes of engine speeds or road
delay to decorrelate the excitation signals. This technique noise from tires.


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Fig. 27. Overall structure of lattice predictor and multiple regression filter.

An adaptive system involves two basic parts: a filtering The reflection coefficients of adaptive filter are
operation that produces an output signal and an adaptation updated by the gradient lattice algorithm to minimize the
algorithm that adjusts the coefficients of the filter. If a mean square of the sum of forward and backward prediction
transversal filter is used, the convergence rate can be errors at each stage [118], [119]
improved by using more advanced algorithms such as
adjustable-step-size LMS algorithms and recursive-least-
squares (RLS) algorithm. The other approach is to condition (68)
the reference signal by employing different filter structures
such as the lattice filter, subband filter, or orthogonal where is the step size of the th stage. The steady-state
transform. reflection coefficients of the lattice predictor have a mag-
The simplest approach for improving the convergence of nitude less than one [15]. This property is very important
the LMS algorithm is to use adaptive step sizes [112]–[115]. and convenient for a fixed-point hardware implementation.
The selection of step size can be based on the magnitude Another important property of the lattice structure is that the
of the error signal, polarity of successive samples of the backward prediction errors are mutually uncorrelated
error signal, measurement of the correlation of the error [15]. Thus, the lattice predictor transforms the correlated
signal with the reference signal, and other features. The reference signals into a cor-
performance of these techniques is highly dependent on the responding sequence of uncorrelated backward prediction
selection of certain parameters in the algorithms, and the errors The multiple regression
optimal choice is highly signal dependent. A variable-step- filter with coefficients then
size LMS algorithm was used to improve convergence for operates on the backward prediction errors to produce a
an air-conditioning duct ANC application [116], [117]. filter output
As shown in Fig. 27, the regression filter is formed as
A. Lattice ANC
1) Lattice Structures and Algorithms: The adaptive lat-
tice predictor is a modular structure that consists of a
number of cascaded stages with two input and two output where is the primary signal and
channels. The lattice structure enjoys the advantages of The output signal is formed as
a simple test for filter stability, good performance in
finite-wordlength hardware implementations, and greatly
reduced sensitivity to the eigenvalue spread of the reference (70)
signal [15]. The recursive equations that describe the lattice
structure are expressed as [4] The coefficients of the regression filter are updated by the
LMS algorithm, expressed as
2) Lattice ANC Systems: A lattice ANC system using the
where is the forward prediction error, is the FXLMS algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 28. The placement
backward prediction error, is the reflection coeffi- of the secondary path following the adaptive regres-
cient, is the time index, is the stage (order) index, and sion filter results in the FXLMS algorithm, expressed as
is the total number of cascaded stages. The reference [4]
signal is used as the input signal for stage one, as
shown in Fig. 27 and expressed by (72)


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Fig. 28. ANC system using a lattice filter and the FXLMS

Fig. 29. Frequency-domain FXLMS algorithm for ANC.

where is the filtered
backward prediction error vector with elements
signals The output signals in the data buffer are
sequentially output to the secondary source, one at each
sampling period. In Fig. 29, is also filtered by
(73) to yield which is stored in an -point data buffer.
This filtered reference signal vector is then transformed into
The lattice ANC system converges significantly faster than the frequency domain using the FFT. The residual
the traditional transversal filter ANC when the primary error measured by the error sensor is also stored in an
noise consists of sinusoidal components with widely dif- -point data buffer and transformed to obtain
fering power [120]. Since the reference signal has been split into
The computation of for ex- frequency bins, considerable improvement in convergence
pressed in (73) requires intensive computation and storage is achieved by using an individual step size for
since each is filtered by the each frequency bin that is inversely proportional to the
secondary-path estimate In order to reduce the com- signal power at that bin. This results in the normalized
putation and memory requirements, the algorithm shown frequency-domain FXLMS algorithm expressed as
in Fig. 28 is modified in [121], where the reference signal
is first filtered by yielding This filtered
signal is then passed through a second lattice filter with (74)
input and the reflection coefficients
are copied from the adaptive lattice predictor shown where is the complex conjugate of
in Fig. 28. This slaved lattice filter then generates signals
which are used for the FXLMS algorithm in (72) to
update the regression weights.
is the normalized step size at frequency bin and
B. Frequency-Domain ANC (76)
The frequency-domain adaptive filter [122], [123] trans-
forms the primary and reference signals into the frequency is a lowpass-filtered estimate of the power of Note
domain using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and pro- that this power estimate is also updated every block of
cesses these signals by an adaptive filter. This frequency- samples.
domain technique saves computations by replacing the Instead of filtering the signal sample by sample, the
time-domain linear convolution by multiplication in the frequency-domain FXLMS algorithm processes the signal
frequency domain. In this section, we use the FFT to il- block by block. Thus, there are samples of delay between
lustrate the basic idea of frequency-domain adaptive filters. the input of the reference signal and the output of the
However, in most practical ANC applications, the physical secondary signal. This problem would be a shortcoming
signals are real-valued. Therefore, the real-valued discrete for the frequency-domain ANC system in controlling broad-
cosine or discrete Hartley transforms [124], [125] may be band random noise because of the causality constraint. A
more convenient from an implementational point of view. frequency-domain implementation of the FXLMS algorithm
A frequency-domain FXLMS algorithm for ANC is illus- has been developed [126], [127] and was extended to the
trated in Fig. 29. The reference signal, is stored in an multiple-channel case in [128].
-point data buffer and then transformed to the frequency-
domain signals using the FFT. These frequency- C. Subband ANC
domain reference signals are filtered by the corresponding Broad-band ANC can often involve adaptive filter lengths
adaptive weights to produce the frequency-domain with hundreds of taps [3]. A related problem occurs in the
output signals These output signals are then pro- field of acoustic echo cancellation, where room acoustics
cessed by an inverse FFT to obtain the time-domain output involve long impulse responses [129]. One technique that


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Fig. 30. Delayless subband ANC system.

has been recently advanced for that application involves The filtered reference signal and error signal
the use of subbands [129], [130]. Processing the signals are decomposed into sets of subband signals using the
in subbands has a twofold advantage: 1) the computational bandpass filters In each subband, the
burden is reduced by approximately the number of sub- signals are decimated by a factor (possibly after ap-
bands, since both the number of taps and weight update rate propriate band shifting) and the subband adaptive weights
can be decimated in each subband and 2) faster convergence are computed by the complex LMS algorithm. The adap-
is possible because the spectral dynamic range is greatly tive weights in each subband are then transformed into
reduced in each subband. Unfortunately, the bandpass filters the frequency domain, appropriately stacked, and inverse-
used in subband processing will introduce a substantial transformed to obtain the wideband filter coefficients. One
delay in the secondary path. way to implement the delayless subband adaptive filter is
A modification of the subband technique eliminates delay to employ the polyphase FFT technique [123]. A general
in the secondary path [131], [132]. The basic idea is that formulation of the computational requirements in terms
the adaptive weights are computed in subbands but are then of the adaptive filter length, number of subbands, and
collectively transformed into an equivalent set of wideband polyphase filter length can be found elsewhere [132].
filter coefficients. Fig. 30 shows the basic configuration
of the delayless subband ANC technique. The disturbance D. RLS Algorithm for ANC
and reference are assumed to be derived from a common The RLS algorithm can be used with an adaptive
noise source through the linear transfer functions transversal filter to provide faster convergence and smaller
and respectively. The wideband weight is steady-state error than the LMS algorithm. The “fast
developed as a transformation of filtered-X derived subband transversal filter” [133] is an efficient version of the
weights, thereby eliminating any delay associated with the RLS algorithm, which reduces the required operations to
cancellation signal. approximately Haykin has given a detailed treatment of


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RLS algorithms and the fast transversal filter [15]. We now
show how the RLS algorithm can be modified for ANC
applications, which incorporates a secondary path following
the transversal filter. This method can also be applied to
modify the fast transversal filter for ANC applications.
The least-squares method assumes a cost function at
time that consists of the sum of weighted error squares
expressed by where
is a forgetting (weighting) factor, which weights recent
data more heavily in order to accommodate nonstation-
ary signals. The fast RLS algorithm is developed by ap-
plying a time-recursive approach to computing
from the previous instead of esti-
mating and then inverting it to obtain where
the sample autocorrelation matrix is defined as
Fig. 31. ANC system for motor/blower (adapted from [139]).

The filtered-X RLS (FXRLS) algorithm for ANC is

summarized as [4] VIII. ANC APPLICATIONS
Many commercial applications of ANC have been de-
(77) veloped in reducing noise for both industrial and domestic
applications. General applications of air-acoustic, hydroa-
(78) coustic, and vibrational ANC systems were introduced in
Section I-B. In this section, we focus on some particular
(79) applications.
A. Single-Channel Broad-Band Feedforward Systems
where is Most successful ANC applications at present are single-
the filtered reference signal vector with elements channel systems for controlling low-frequency acoustic
noise in narrow ducts or small cavities. Several design
issues, such as coherence and causality, are critical for the
success of broad-band ANC systems in practical applica-
E. Modal ANC tions.
Modal decomposition for active control problems [134] 1) Duct-Acoustic Noise: Single-channel broad-band feed-
offers a number of practical advantages. First, if an active forward ANC systems are ideal for one-dimensional ducts
control problem is known to involve only a few significant or pipework used in heating, ventilation, and air condi-
modes, then independent modal control can minimize the tioning (HVAC). Because ANC system components are
number of secondary sources, sensors, and corresponding located outside the duct without inhibiting the airflow, there
dimensionality of the controller, as well as minimize the is no adverse effect on the fan speed or capacity. The
control energy [135]. Second, it is also known that modal ANC system can be installed quickly, even in tight places,
control offers advantages of robustness to system parameter and does not require major modifications to the existing
uncertainty and errors arising from spatial discretization ductwork. Typically, these ANC systems use an adaptive
[136], [137]. Finally, if the LMS algorithm is employed, IIR filter with the filtered-U recursive LMS algorithm, as
the convergence time problem is minimized by uncoupling discussed in Section II-D2. An example of a single-channel
the modal responses. broad-band ANC system is shown in Fig. 31, where the
The major topics to be addressed in a narrow-band modal reference sensor is located in the duct at a position close
ANC system deal with modal filters, secondary prefilters, to the motor/blower, while the error sensor is located near
spatial sampling effects, and design methodology [138]. the discharge of the duct [139]. A secondary loudspeaker is
Modal filters are intended to obtain from sensor measure- mounted on the duct wall near the error sensor. This ANC
ments a best estimate of the coefficients, or participation system is based on the single-channel FXLMS algorithm
factors, of certain desired modes, while rejecting as nearly discussed in Section II-C1. Other applications are discussed
as possible interference from other modes. Least-square in [4].
prefilters are used with a set of mode-coupled secondary 2) Room-Acoustic Noise: Consider the acoustic ANC
sources to synthesize desired modal amplitudes. Spatial problem diagrammed in Fig. 32. A primary noise source
sampling effects refer to the performance degradation that on the right generates acoustic noise in an enclosed room. It
results from using a finite number of sensors. Finally, the is desired to create a “quiet zone” on the left side by sending
design methodology develops a systematic approach to a control signal to a secondary loudspeaker that produces
realize the most efficient modal ANC system. a canceling acoustic signal. A microphone on the left


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Fig. 32. Schematic diagram of acoustic ANC experiment in a Fig. 33. Block diagram of electronic muffler (adapted from
reverberant room (adapted from [132]). [141]).

obtains the error signal which is to be minimized. The

reference signal is derived from another microphone
on the right, which is in close proximity to the primary
The application of ANC to the cancellation of broad-
band acoustic noise in a reverberant room requires a large
number of taps. In order to minimize the computational
Fig. 34. Active headset for canceling narrow-band periodic noise
rate and to enable the realization of this technique using a (adapted from [142]).
single low-cost DSP chip, the subband technique shown in
Fig. 30 can be used. Application of this technique using a
512-tap wideband filter has achieved more than 15 dB of vehicle, 10 in from the end pipe. The system consists of
cancellation over a band of 100–500 Hz [132]. three major subsystems discussed in Section III-C. The first
is the waveform generator, which converts the pulse train
from the engine tachometer into a set of sinewaves having
B. Single-Channel Narrow-Band Feedforward Systems frequencies that are multiples of the engine rotation rate. In
1) Engine Exhaust Noise: The characteristics of engine- the next subsystem, these sine waves are adaptively filtered
generated noise can vary rapidly with abrupt changes (to adjust amplitude and phase) and then mixed to drive
in engine loading, such as when the engine is quickly the canceling loudspeaker. The third subsystem monitors
accelerated or decelerated. In addition, engine-generated the residual noise at the control location and adapts the
noise is dominated by harmonically related components filter coefficients.
having frequencies that vary as a function of the engine 2) ANC Headsets: The purpose of hearing protectors is
rotational speed. The dominant harmonic components will to protect the ear from harmful noise. The application of
depend on the number of cylinders, due to the differing feedforward ANC using the waveform synthesis method
firing patterns. has been developed [142] to cancel repetitive background
An example of electronic muffler performance [140] noise at the ears of a person while retaining the ability to
was obtained for a 450-horsepower, six-cylinder, two-cycle hear other ambient sounds, as illustrated in Fig. 34. The
diesel engine used to power an auxiliary electrical power synchronization signals can be obtained by either optical,
generator. The multiple-frequency parallel FXLMS algo- ultrasonic, or electrical means (e.g., wire or radio). The
rithm of Section III-D2 was used for this application. The synchronization system can be common to a number of
electronic muffler eliminates the backpressure associated ANC headsets, such as in the case of a vehicle carrying
with a conventional passive muffler, even while reducing multiple passengers. Because the cancellation only affects
the noise level. The ANC system is normally limited to low- noise synchronized to the source of the repetitive back-
frequency operation; however, it can be combined with a ground noise, most of the low-frequency sound that is not
low-pressure-drop passive silencer to attenuate the residual synchronized remains unaffected.
noise at higher frequencies. Thus, the combination is able 3) Fan Noise: A single-channel narrow-band ANC sys-
to achieve both aims of low pressure drop and low noise, tem can be used to cancel noise radiated from small axial
simultaneously. flow fans. One such application appears in [143], which
The block diagram of the electronic muffler developed in uses an infrared detector placed over the fan to derive
[141] is shown in Fig. 33. Two 4.5-in low-frequency, high- blade passage rate. Experiments showed that the radiation
temperature loudspeakers are used. The canceling noise of blade passage tones could be attenuated by 12 dB using
is ported around the pipe in a coaxial arrangement, and this method. The development of an ANC system for ducted
cancellation takes place in the open air at the end of the fans using the waveform synthesis method has also been
pipe. The error microphone was mounted on the rear of the reported [144], [145].


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C. Multiple-Channel Feedforward Systems sensors for maximum coherence with respect to the interior
Multiple-channel feedforward ANC applications have noise to be canceled and the time delay of the reference
been demonstrated for vibration ANC on mechanical struc- signals.
tures, acoustic ANC in enclosures such as automobile and Vibrational ANC in automobiles is a simple extension
aircraft cabins, free-field transformer noise, and acoustic of acoustic ANC [82]. Accelerometers and actuators are
ANC in large-dimensional ducts with high-order modes. located on the chassis side of active engine mounts. The
1) Vehicle Enclosures: Most midsize four-cylinder vehi- potential benefits of active engine mounts are very dramatic,
cles suffer from engine noise, particularly the low frequency not only reducing acoustic noise and mechanical vibration
“boom” at the engine firing frequency, which is the domi- within the cabin but also improving the control and ride
nant source of internal noise at higher engine speeds [82]. qualities of the vehicle.
With respect to the interior space of automobiles, three 2) Aircraft Cabins: The interior noise of propeller-driven
aspects can be considered beneficial for the success of aircraft was found to be dominated by tones at the funda-
ANC: 1) the periodicity of engine-related noise; 2) the mental and harmonic frequencies of the propeller. Feed-
forward ANC systems with 16 loudspeakers and 32 mi-
relatively small volume of the cabin, which leads to a small
crophones have been developed for noise control in the
overlap of the resonant modes in the lower frequency range;
passenger cabin of a propeller aircraft [88]. The 32 mi-
and 3) the fact that ANC is only required in the space where
crophones are located at seated head height throughout the
the heads of the driver and passenger are typically located.
passenger cabin. An alternative technique for controlling
Therefore, a low-cost solution is to provide a quiet zone
aircraft interior noise is to use lightweight vibrational
inside the cabin around the driver’s and passengers’ head
secondary sources on the fuselage [147], [148].
3) Free-Field Radiation: In many situations, undesired
Engine-related narrow-band noise components can be
noise is radiated into the far field. If the noise source is fixed
canceled either by the waveform synthesis method or
and well defined, it is possible to suppress the radiation
by the adaptive notch filter technique. The engine speed
scattered by the primary noise source by surrounding the
is measured by an electrical sensor, providing a pulse
noise source with a layer of secondary sources. This concept
sequence from which a reference signal is synthesized. The
is known as an active noise barrier. The ANC technique
canceling signal is generated by an adaptive filter that feeds can be combined with a passive barrier in order to improve
secondary loudspeakers serving as control sources. A fast the noise attenuation at low frequencies. The location and
algorithm to adapt the adaptive filter coefficients is essential separation of the error sensors and secondary sources can
to provide a canceling signal that tracks under rapidly be optimized to get large noise attenuation over a wide
changing ride conditions. Therefore, an ANC system in area. A configuration of two independent 1 4 4
a cabin will continue to function even when windows or systems was tested in [149] using the narrow-band multiple-
hatches are opened, and therefore enables external warning channel FXLMS algorithm. A cancellation of 6–30 dB was
sounds to be heard. demonstrated over a wide area. To obtain greater spatial
Elliott and coworkers developed an ANC system for the coverage, it is necessary to deploy a system with more
reduction of engine noise in a car [33], [81]. In this system, channels. Potential applications of this technique are reduc-
a reference signal was obtained from the ignition circuit and ing environmental noise in local areas, such as quieting the
six loudspeakers in the car were used. These loudspeakers position of a machine operator in a noisy factory, providing
and their associated power amplifiers can be shared with the a noise screen for a bed at an airport hotel, creating a noise
in-car entertainment system. Up to eight error microphones barrier at airports, highways, and so on.
were used to monitor the performance of the ANC system. 4) Transformer Noise: ANC also offers an alternative
A reduction of 10–15 dB at the engine firing frequency was to large passive barriers for attenuating transformer noise
achieved by this ANC system. [150]. This noise is composed of even-numbered harmonics
Active control of low-frequency road noise presents a of the 60-Hz power frequency. Experiments using four
greater challenge than controlling engine noise. In that secondary loudspeakers and six error microphones with the
application, multiple broad-band primary noises require 1 4 6 narrow-band FXLMS algorithm have shown
higher-order adaptive filters, thus considerably increasing that sparse arrays of cancelers are effective in providing
the convergence time and computational burden. In one attenuation over significant angles of azimuth. Cancellation
application [146], six accelerometers were placed close to values of 15–20 dB were obtained over 35–40 of azimuth
the front wheels. Two secondary loudspeakers were placed at 120 Hz, and 12–15 dB over 15–35 of azimuth at 240 Hz
in the doors adjacent to the driver and front passenger, and [150]. A similar system composed of three controllers, three
two error microphone were placed on the front headrests microphones, and three loudspeakers has been developed
at the outer ear positions. The multiple-channel FXLMS [151], and more than 10-dB sound pressure level reduction
algorithm discussed in Section V-B was used for this was achieved.
application. A broad-band reduction of about 7 dB (A- 5) Integration with Audio and Communication Systems: As
weighted) in the sound pressure level was measured when ANC continues to progress, the need for successful in-
driving on a typical road surface. In this application, the tegration with existing systems becomes apparent. This
important design issues are the placement of reference expectation of a unified digital solution is exemplified


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cellation notch frequencies were selected at 13.38, 14.38,
and 15.38 Hz, corresponding to the first modal resonance
frequency flanked by two adjacent frequencies 1 Hz away.
The three notches are able to carve out a relatively wide
cancellation bandwidth to effectively suppress the distur-
8) Earth-Moving Machine: Experiments of multiple-
channel acoustic ANC systems were conducted [153]–[155]
for a typical earth-moving machine cabin. A 1
2 2 system (one reference signal, two secondary
sources, two error sensors) was implemented on a Texas
Instruments TMS320C30 floating-point DSP chip for
Fig. 35. Experimental structure for two-channel vibration ANC real-time experiments. The experimental setup of this
experiment (from [152]). multiple-channel ANC system consists of a real earth-
moving machine cabin, as illustrated in Fig. 36. The
setup utilizes two 10-in secondary loudspeakers mounted
in modern automotive electronics. A unified approach to
overhead. A reference microphone is located off the front
combine ANC, in-car entertainment, and communication
wall, outside the cabin, centered laterally 35 cm above
(cellular phone) systems has been proposed [111] using
the floor plane. A multiple-channel ANC is implemented
an adaptive noise canceler to attenuate noise picked up
using the multiple-channel FXLMS algorithm discussed in
by the microphone before transmission, an acoustic echo
Section V-B1. Two cardioid error microphones enhance the
canceler to reduce acoustic echo from the loudspeaker to
cancellation zone spatially by aiming the lobes of maximum
the microphone for hands-free full-duplex cellular phones,
sensitivity toward the quiet zone. Real engine noise was
and a multiple-channel ANC system to reduce the acoustic
recorded at a position outside the cabin of an actual wheel
noise inside an automobile passenger compartment. loader. This noise was then reproduced outside of the test
It has been found that the standard in-car entertainment cabin through 15-in loudspeakers, at the location of the
loudspeaker positions are often quite acceptable for ANC original recording, using a 300-W power amplifier. The
applications, while the error microphones can be distributed sound pressure level of the reproduced noise was closely
at positions determined by acoustic mode analysis of the matched to that of the observed real engine noise.
vehicle [82]. Production vehicles will utilize the same The multiple-channel ANC system was operated to can-
loudspeakers as used by the in-car entertainment system, cel noise inside the cabin in the vicinity of a normal
sharing the same power amplifier. The in-car entertainment operator’s head position for several static test conditions.
system is moving to a completely digital system, in which It was determined that the adaptive filter order
case ANC may ultimately become a software addition to is near optimal not only for cancellation reasons, but also
the digital audio system. for achieving robust multiple-channel ANC performance.
6) Modal ANC for a Vibrating Beam: The modal ANC Filters of shorter length are not as robust against movements
concept introduced in Section VII-B is exemplified by the of people inside the enclosure or other factors, such as the
control of a vibrating cantilever beam [138]. The modes opening or closing of the door or windows.
were calculated, and driving frequencies up to the sixth The FXLMS algorithm (Section V-B1), the FXLMS al-
modal frequency were considered. For each frequency, gorithm with feedback neutralization (Section V-B3), and
four equally-spaced secondary sources were employed the filtered-U recursive LMS algorithm (Section V-C) were
for cancellation. The resulting maximum achievable MSE implemented [154] using a TMS320C30 DSP chip. These
reduction decreases as the frequency increases due to the ANC systems were tested with two different primary noises.
presence of a greater number of contributing modes at First, a single sinewave was used as the primary noise.
higher frequencies. Next, the real engine noise recorded from the running diesel
7) Vibrating-Plate ANC: A single-channel pseudocas- engine of an earth-moving machine was used as the primary
cade FXLMS adaptive notch filter discussed in Section III- noise for the ANC systems. The best sinusoidal noise
D4 was extended to the multiple-channel case [60]. Fig. 35 cancellation is achieved using the filtered-U recursive LMS
shows a sketch of a mechanical test structure that was algorithm. However, when the primary noise is the actual
assembled to study the effectiveness of the pseudocascade recorded engine noise, the multiple-channel ANC system
FXLMS algorithm for vibration ANC [152]. The structure has about 20-dB attenuation for all three algorithms. This
consists of a 1/8-in steel plate mounted on vertical rubber outcome stresses the importance of using real-world data.
isolators along two edges. Sensors and actuators are
attached to the plate surface at optimum locations to D. Adaptive Feedback ANC Systems
monitor and counteract residual structural vibrations from 1) Single-Channel Systems: Experiments were conducted
the first and third vibrational modes. in [97] for the single-channel feedback ANC system dis-
A three-stage, two-channel pseudocascade FXLMS algo- cussed in Section IV-A1, which uses one secondary source
rithm was implemented to control the actuators. The can- and one error sensor. The adaptive feedback ANC algorithm


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Fig. 36. Experimental setup for 1 2 2 2 2 multiple-channel broad-band feedforward ANC system
(adapted from [154]).

was implemented on a Texas Instruments TMS320C30- the average, about 20 dB attenuation was obtained for most
based system. The microphone that senses the residual error of the significant harmonics present in the primary noise.
signal was placed on the axis of the pipe at various locations The experimental setup for the 2 2 case is similar to
from the pipe exit. The convergence of the system depends that for the 2 1 case except that two error microphones
on adjustment of the microphone preamplifier gain because are used. The secondary loudspeakers were again mounted
the microphone signal is used to synthesize the reference on the roof of the cabin and the two error microphones
signal. The adaptive feedback ANC system was tested using were placed below and facing the two loudspeakers. The
real noise recorded from a running tractor engine and about performance of the 2 2 adaptive feedback ANC system
30 dB of reduction of the harmonic components is achieved is similar to that of the 2 1 system.
2) Multiple-Channel Systems: The multiple-channel feed- IX. CONCLUSIONS
back ANC algorithm was tested for a system with two ANC cancels the unwanted noise by generating antinoise
secondary loudspeakers and one error microphone, the 2 of equal amplitude and opposite phase through the sec-
1 case [97]. For such an arrangement, there are two ondary sources. This paper has emphasized the practical
secondary paths from the secondary loudspeakers to the aspects of ANC systems in terms of adaptive algorithms and
error microphone. An experimental setup of the multiple- DSP implementations for real-world applications. The most
channel adaptive feedback ANC system utilized a wooden widely used ANC system with the adaptive transversal filter
model of an open-rollover-protection tractor. The error and the FXLMS algorithm was first developed and analyzed
microphone was positioned between and facing the two based on single-channel cases for broad-band feedforward,
secondary loudspeakers mounted on the roof of the cabin. narrow-band feedforward, and adaptive feedback control.
The noise source was a loudspeaker placed on the floor These single-channel ANC algorithms were then expanded
about 2 ft in front of the seat. The experimental setup to multiple-channel cases for controlling the noise field in
is similar to Fig. 36, except that there is no reference an enclosure or a large-dimension duct. Various adaptive
microphone in the adaptive feedback ANC system. algorithms such as the lattice, frequency-domain, subband,
The performance of the 2 1 adaptive feedback ANC and RLS algorithms were also modified for ANC appli-
system was tested using recorded tractor engine noise. On cations. The fundamental problems and several solutions


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Univ. Southampton, U.K., Tech. Rep. 136, Sept. 1985.
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world problems. loops with a filter in the auxiliary path,” IEEE Trans. Acoust.,
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[156] D. Vijayan, Feedback active noise control systems, M.S. thesis, Dennis R. Morgan (Senior Member, IEEE)
Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb, IL, May 1994. was born in Cincinnati, OH, on February 19,
1942. He received the B.S. degree in 1965 from
the University of Cincinnati, OH, and the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees from Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY, in 1968 and 1970, respectively,
Sen M. Kuo received the B.S. degree from all in electrical engineering.
National Taiwan Normal University, Teipei, From 1965 to 1984, he was with the Gen-
Taiwan, in 1976 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees eral Electric Company, Electronics Laboratory,
from University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Syracuse, NY, specializing in the analysis and
in 1983 and 1985, respectively. design of signal processing systems used in
In 1993, he was with Texas Instruments, radar, sonar, and communications. He is now a Distinguished Member
Houston, TX. He is currently an Associate of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies (formerly
Professor at the Department of Electrical AT&T), Murray Hill, NJ, where he has been employed since 1984. From
Engineering, Northern Illinois University, 1984 to 1990, he was with the Special Systems Analysis Department,
DeKalb, IL. He has served as a consultant in the Whippany, NJ, where he was involved in the analysis and development of
areas of digital signal processing applications advanced signal processing techniques associated with communications,
to General Motors, Texas Instruments, Motorola, Tellabs, and others. array processing, detection and estimation, and adaptive systems. Since
He is the author of Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP 1990, he has been with the Acoustics Research Department, where he is
Implementations (New York: Wiley, 1996) and of numerous technical engaged in research on adaptive signal processing techniques applied to
papers. He has been awarded two patents. His research focuses on active electroacoustic systems. He has authored numerous journal publications
noise control, adaptive echo cancellation, digital audio applications, and and is co-athor of Active Noise Control Systems: Algorithms and DSP
digital communications. Implementations (New York: Wiley, 1996).
In 1993, Dr. Kuo received the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Dr. Morgan has served as Associate Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
Chester Sall Award for the First Place Transactions Paper Award. He is SPEECH AND AUDIO PROCESSING since 1995.
a member of Eta Kappa Nu.


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publication stats use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. Downloaded on August 6, 2009 at 09:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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