Karaman 1995
Karaman 1995
Karaman 1995
Abstract— Multi-element synthetic aperture imaging methods this work is that the same digital technology developed for
suitable for applications with severe cost and size limitations high channel count systems can be used to dramatically reduce
are explored. Array apertures are synthesized using an active the size and cost of low channel count systems capable of
multi-element receive subaperture and a multi-element trans-
mit subaperture defocused to emulate a single-element spatial reasonable image quality.
response with high acoustic power. Echo signals are recorded Personal computer based and pocket size hand-held imaging
independently by individual elements of the receive subaperture. devices may have widespread applications in medicine. In
Each method uses different spatial frequencies and acquisition particular, a hand-held scanner may complement a stethoscope
strategies for imaging, and therefore different sets of active trans- as a general diagnostic device. Achieving the physical size
mit/receive element combinations. Following acquisition, image
points are reconstructed using the complete data set with full and reduced power consumption of such a device requires a
dynamic focus on both transmit and receive. Various factors relatively low channel count system. In this paper we explore
affecting image quality have been evaluated and compared to synthetic aperture imaging methods producing reasonable im-
conventional imagers through measurements with a 3.5 MHz, age quality with a very small active channel count. These
128-element transducer array on different gel phantoms. Multi- methods should be directly applicable to hand-held system
element synthetic aperture methods achieve higher electronic
signal to noise ratio and better contrast resolution than conven- design.
tional synthetic aperture techniques, approaching conventional A conventional phased array (PA) imager excites all array
phased array performance. channels to form a transmit beam [9]. Similarly, every channel
contributes to receive beam forming. For an -element phased
array, the -scan signal, , and continuous wave angular
I. INTRODUCTION point spread function, , are
where and , respectively, are the echo signal and ods are based on aperture synthesis using an active multi-
beam forming delay for the th element. Synthetic aperture element receive subaperture and single element transmit syn-
methods are used in many applications such as radar [13], thesis using an appropriately phased subaperture. A specific
[14], sonar [15], [16], and ultrasonic imaging [17]–[25]. They multi-element approach is presented producing significantly
are very effective for special applications such as catheter higher electronic signal to noise ratio and contrast resolu-
based imaging where both system and probe simplicity are tion compared to conventional synthetic aperture imaging.
mandatory [26], [27]. SAF is attractive for a hand-held device Although not rivaling the overall performance of a full phased
because: 1) cost and power consumption are low since the array operating over the same total aperture, this system may
active channel count is low; and 2) higher spatial resolution represent a reasonable approach for hand-held applications.
is possible since full dynamic focusing is performed on both In the next section the complete multi-element system,
transmit and receive. Unfortunately, synthetic aperture imag- along with a slight variant on the basic approach, is presented
ing has some serious flaws for real-time medical applications, together with phasing of a multi-element transmitter to emulate
including: 1) low electronic signal to noise ratio due to the a single element radiation pattern with increased acoustic
small active transmit aperture; 2) poor contrast resolution power. Section III covers the experimental investigation of
due to significantly higher side lobes compared to a phased multi-element synthetic aperture methods including a compar-
array system; 3) susceptibility to motion artifacts since an ison to conventional imagers. Limitations of the experimental
aperture must be reconstructed from multiple firings; and 4) studies and further possible improvements in the performance
increased data storage since multiple rf -Scans must be of multi-element synthetic aperture methods are discussed in
buffered prior to beam forming. In the remainder of this paper Section IV.
we explore variations on traditional synthetic aperture methods
to minimize these problems without a major sacrifice in system II. MULTI-ELEMENT SYNTHETIC APERTURE
A major constraint on all ultrasound systems is frame rate. As an alternative to conventional SAF and phased array
High frame rates must be maintained for a wide range of imaging, we have explored multi-element synthetic aperture
medical applications. In a conventional phased array imaging methods with small active element count but with image
system there is a simple trade-off between frame rate and the quality approaching phased array systems. Two methods have
number of beam lines per frame. For each beam, the time been investigated: multi-element synthetic aperture focusing
needed to acquire all acoustic echoes to a depth is simply (M-SAF) and multi-element synthetic phased array (M-SPA).
, where is the sound velocity. If a particular frame rate Each method uses a defocused active transmit subaperture
is required, then the number of beams per frame is determined. of elements to emulate a high power, single element
That is, the number of beams per frame is simply transmitter. Echoes are recorded by individual elements of
a element receive subaperture. These subapertures are
(Frame period) (5) stepped across an -element array. To synthesize the complete
aperture, similar to SAF, image points are reconstructed with
To adequately characterize the sound field produced by an
full dynamic focus on both transmit and receive. Each method
array aperture, beams must be spaced at intervals satisfying
uses different spatial frequencies and acquisition strategies for
the spatial Nyquist criterion. For example, an array with
imaging, and therefore different sets of active transmit/receive
half wavelength elements needs independent pulse-
echo beams to satisfy the Nyquist sampling criterion over
a conventional 90 sector, where is the number of array
elements. Therefore, there is a direct trade-off between active A. Element Synthesis
aperture size (i.e., spatial resolution) and frame period. Using The acoustic power transmitted from a single array element
this analysis, the maximum numerical aperture for a 90 sector limits the electronic signal to noise ratio (SNR) of SAF.
imaged at 20 frames per second to a depth of 200 mm is 68 Although beam forming from multiple transmissions increases
(i.e., 136 for half wavelength element spacing), assuming SNR, it is still not acceptable for many applications, especially
no parallel beam forming. for medical imaging. To improve SNR, multiple elements can
For synthetic imaging, a similar constraint on aperture size be fired simultaneously with or without aperture apodization
exists. Again, the number of array firings is restricted by (Fig. 1). Simultaneously firing multiple elements limits the
the expression given in (5). For synthetic aperture imaging, angular response and can be efficiently used only for linear
however, a firing corresponds to excitation of a sub-array scanning and imaging with circular arrays; is not very effective
usually emulating the radiation pattern from a single element for sector scanning with linear arrays. Although aperture
and reception by a single element, or a small subset of apodization, such as with a “sinc” type window, results in
elements. Consequently, for conventional synthetic aperture a transmit beam similar to a single element response, the
imaging with a single active element, a numerical aperture of acoustic power capacity of each firing element is not fully
96 (i.e., 192 for half wavelength element spacing) can utilized and the total transmitted power, as expected, is very
be synthesized for imaging to a depth of 200 mm at 20 frames close to that of a single element.
per second. We synthesize a single element response with relatively
In this study we propose synthetic aperture imaging tech- high acoustic power by properly phasing the active transmit
niques consistent with these frame rate restrictions. All meth- elements without introducing any amplitude scaling. This
Fig. 2. Simulated one-way pulsed response of the subaperture. The magnitude and phase distributions have 60 dB and 2 dynamic display ranges, where
white and black gray levels correspond to the maximum and minimum values, respectively. (a) Kt = 1, (b) Kt = 12 with simultaneous excitation,
and (c) Kt = 4 and (d) Kt = 20 with defocusing.
transmit subaperture because they synthesize a single element The first term in is due to the full element
located at the subaperture center. The summation over transmit aperture. The second term results from the element receive
subaperture (over index ) is realized in transmission, and subaperture with processing to suppress grating and side lobes
hence is not explicitly performed in synthesis. due to the first term (see Fig. 6(a)). The equivalent aperture
(firings/frame) (10)
The effective aperture size of the synthesized phased array
is . The for a particular set of
Fig. 4. Active transmit/receive element combinations contributing to the parameters is plotted in Fig. 6(a) and the equivalent aperture
beam sum. domain function is given in Fig. 6(b).
For real-time imaging, the number of active elements in
domain function, corresponding to the Fourier transform of receive must be chosen properly to maximize such that
, is symbolically illustrated in Fig. 6(b), where PA and
SAF patterns are also shown for comparison. In the limiting (14)
(frames/s) (range/firing)
case, M-SAF with 1 is identical to SAF.
For real-time operation, the synthesized aperture size and For 20 frames/s, 200 mm range, and 1540 m/s, the
the active element count of M-SAF must be chosen such that firings/frame must be less than or equal to 192, and thus the
corresponding combinations are (3, 32), ( 7, 48),
(9) (11, 64), (21, 80), and (25, 96). These particular combinations
(frames/s) (range/firing)
satisfy the above constraint and minimize the number of idle
For example, at 20 frames/s and 200 mm range, active channels. Note that to synthesize an -element phased
must be less than or equal to 192. array the actual array size must be 1.
Fig. 5. Data acquisition strategies: (a) and (b) active transmit and receive subapertures, and the acquisition steps of (c) M-SAF and (d) M-SPA.
D. Outline of System Parameters where SNR is the SNR of a single element synthetic aperture
Table I outlines some of the factors affecting overall per- recording. An SNR improvement of 10 dB is expected
formance for the different techniques. The SNR is computed for a multi-element transmitter, but the defocusing reduces
assuming uncorrelated additive electronic noise on receive, this gain to about 10 dB (estimated experimentally).
Transmit Channel Complexity N Kt Kt 1
Receive Channel Complexity N Kr Kr 1
SNR/SNR0 (dB) 10 log N3 10 log (Kt Ne (Ne + 1)=2) 10 log (Kt Kr Ne ) 10 log (N)
Transmit Focusing fixed dynamic dynamic dynamic
Storage __ __ Ne (Ne + 1)=2 Kr N e N
Ne (Ne + 1)=2 Kr N e
Beam Sums
p2N B
Ne B
Maximum Aperature Size Ne j N2K+2 j B N≤B
Motion Compensation —— required required required
A. Data Acquisition
(b) Complete rf data sets from each phantom are acquired
Fig. 6. (a) Simulated point spread functions for continuous wave excitation with an experimental system using a 3.5 MHz, 128-element
with d = =2 at a steering angle of =4. (b) Equivalent aperture functions transducer array with 0.22 mm inter-element spacing (Acu-
corresponding to the point spread functions shown in (a). son, Model #: V328). All possible rf -scans from every
transmit/receive element combination, a total of 16 K records,
System complexity, defined as the number of active channels, are collected, where only a single element is active both
for multi-element imaging is reduced by a factor of in transmit and receive. Each -scan is sampled at 13.89
and , respectively in transmit and receive, compared MHz with 12-bits, and has 2 K samples corresponding to a
to phased array imaging. Synthetic aperture imaging enables spatial range of about 120 mm. To reduce noise imposed by
Fig. 7. B -scan images of wire phantom: (a) GS-PA, (b) PA, (c) M-SPA, (d) Fig. 8. B -scan images of cyst phantom: (a) GS-PA, (b) PA, (c) M-SPA, (d)
SAF and (e) M-SAF. SAF and (e) M-SAF.
C. -Scan Images
the data acquisition system, signal averaging over successive
Wire Phantom: Fig. 7 shows -scan sector images of the
acquisitions was employed with the final data stored as 16-
Wire Phantom displayed over a 50 dB display dynamic range
bit words. All beam forming and image reconstruction are
where each image corresponds to a different technique. The
carried out digitally to emulate a digital imaging system. Also,
sampled rf data were filtered with a digital bandpass filter for image of each point target represents the point spread func-
additional noise removal. tion of the imaging system at that location. All side lobes
above 50 dB are visible. A comparison of GS-PA and PA
images illustrates the effects of fixed/dynamic transmit focus,
B. Image Reconstruction especially in the near field. Although the aperture size of
Although any arbitrary scan format can be used for syn- -SPA is approximately one half that of PA, its image
thetic aperture processing, all images presented here were quality approaches that of PA because of dynamic transmit
reconstructed on a standard sector scan grid with 200 beam focusing. -SAF and SAF have higher side lobes and finer
lines positioned at constant increments of over a 90 main lobes and phased array imagers. Large grating lobe
sector. Each rf -scan is digitally mixed with a complex artifacts are present in SAF images whereas grating lobes are
carrier followed by low pass filtering to obtain the complex virtually eliminated in -SAF. -SAF also exhibits reduced
baseband representation of the signal. Beams are formed by side lobes compared to conventional synthetic aperture. In
time delaying, phase rotating and summing these complex general, measured beam patterns closely match theoretical and
baseband signals using a standard dynamic aperture approach simulated predictions in previous sections.
with a minimum /number of 2. The output of the beam former Cyst Phantom: Fig. 8 shows -scan images of the Cyst
is a complex valued image in - format. -scan images Phantom over a 50 dB display dynamic range. The phantom
are produced from these data through envelope detection, gain was constructed from gelatin with nylon particles used as
compensation and scan conversion, followed by logarithmic ultrasonic scatterers at a concentration sufficient to produce
compression. fully developed speckle. Each cyst region does not contain
Fig. 10. Mean intensity of six wire echoes as a function of transmit sub-
aperture size.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 11. Expected and measured relative SNR: a) GS-PA and PA, b) SAF, c) M-SPA, and d) M-SAF.
figure also shows the expected SNR based on the functional TABLE II
In general, measured SNR results match expected values
within the standard deviation for all imagers. The measured
Effective Aperture Size, 128 64 117 128
SNR of GS-PA matches expectations where the relatively K
Active Transmit Elements, t 128 11 12 1
small standard deviation indicates less spatial variation com- K
Active Receive Elements, r 128 11 12 1
pared to other schemes. The SNR of PA shows a different Expected Relative SNR (dB) 0 -20 -21 -42
characteristic with the standard deviation increasing with in- Measured Relative CNR 1 0.9 0.8 0.3
creasing aperture size. This variation is primarily due to the
fixed transmit focus and the fixed minimum f/number of 2.0.
of 3 elements from even to odd values. For example, CNR
The SNR of M-SPA increases with array size and subaperture
values for 8, 11, and 12 element subaperture are 0.708,
size up to 64 with 11, and stays almost
0.711, and 0.755, respectively. Even valued results in
constant thereafter. SNR improvement for M-SAF with
better suppression of grating and side lobes compared to odd
12 is not as significant as with 3 12. The SNR of
valued subapertures, since the cw radiation pattern from an
SAF has an almost constant standard deviation for different
even valued is exactly 0 at grating lobe positions. The
array sizes.
CNR of SAF is the worst of all schemes in terms of both
mean and standard deviation: the mean varies between 0.23
F. CNR Results
and 0.29 for array sizes between 16 and 128 elements while
To quantitatively test detectability of a low contrast lesion the standard deviation is within 23 to 35 percent of the
within a speckle generating object, the CNR of each method mean.
is investigated using the experimental data acquired from
the Cyst Phantom. Sufficient signal averaging was used for
these studies to insure that contrast measurements were not
influenced by electronic noise. CNR is calculated by dividing Multi-element synthetic aperture methods were investigated
the image contrast by the speckle standard deviation. All com- both theoretically and experimentally. The overall performance
putations are performed on a logarithmic scale, as discussed in of each method was evaluated quantitatively in terms of SNR
[28], where the contrast is defined as the logarithmic difference and CNR and qualitatively with -scan phantom images.
between mean values of image kernels fully within and outside Table I and Figs. 7–9 show that reasonable image quality can
the cysts. That is, be obtained for a system with about 10 active channels in both
transmit and receive. Such a system, integrated with an LCD
(15) display, can be produced in a small package appropriate for
personal computer based and hand-held scanners.
where is the mean intensity in dB of the cyst, and and Theoretical SNR and measured CNR for typical combi-
are the mean and standard deviation of the intensity in nations of array size and active element count are given in
dB within the speckle. The CNR is computed for each of the Table II, where the frame rates of M-SPA and M-SAF are
four cysts within the phantom using a 60 dB display dynamic about 20 and 30, respectively, for a 200 mm imaging depth.
range. The computed CNR for each method is normalized CNR results are normalized to the CNR of the 128-element
to that of the 128-element GS-PA. The mean and standard PA. Multi-element synthetic aperture imaging methods show
deviation of CNR over the four cysts are computed to include better performance than SAF in terms of SNR and CNR,
any spatial dependence. Fig. 12 presents the CNR for different and produce better images than standard synthetic aperture
array and/or subaperture sizes. imaging, approaching phased array quality.
Normalized CNR values of GS-PA and PA vary within 0.66 Another variable in synthetic aperture imaging not explicitly
to 1.0 with array size between 16 and 128, where considered in this manuscript is element spacing. Element
the dependence on array size is almost logarithmic for this spacing can be manipulated to change both spatial and contrast
particular cyst size. The standard deviation of CNR for GS- resolution. For example, the grating lobes present in a classic
PA increases with array size whereas that of PA increases with SAF image can be completely removed if spacing is used
array size up to 64 and then slightly decreases. The mean CNR instead of the spacing assumed here. Unfortunately, such
of M-SPA, as expected, is less than that of PA, especially for a system would have twice the number of elements. Generally,
small array sizes. For example, the CNR’s of M-SPA and PA element dimension must also be considered in optimizing
for an array size of 64 elements are 0.89 and 0.91, respectively. overall performance.
Spatial variation of CNR for M-SPA increases significantly All synthetic aperture imaging techniques, including the
with array/subaperture size. multi-element aperture methods discussed in this paper, move
The mean CNR of M-SAF varies between 0.40 to 0.88 system complexity from channel electronics to data processing.
for a subaperture size from 3 to 24. M-SAF shows a near Digital beam forming ASIC’s can be used effectively for
logarithmic CNR behavior with subaperture size. This figure real-time processing of synthetic aperture data. Multi-element
illustrates that differential CNR improvements achieved by synthetic aperture methods can also be implemented in various
a one element increase in the subaperture size, from odd alternate forms with different tradeoffs between complexity
to even values, is more significant compared to an increase and quality. To decrease complexity further, the active receive
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 12. Measured relative CNR: (a) GS-PA and PA, (b) SAF, (c) M-SPA, and (d) M-SAF.
subaperture and/or synthesized array can be undersampled defocused composite pulse can be accurately measured for
[14]. This results in reduced active channel count and data image reconstruction points [30], and thus deviation from a
size while maintaining subaperture and/or synthesized array cylindrical phase front can be compensated by choosing the
sizes. However, image quality will be reduced due to grating beam forming delays accordingly. Recent studies on synthetic
lobes produced by undersampling. Furthermore, multi-element aperture imaging [26], [31] have demonstrated the efficiency of
synthetic aperture methods can also be realized with random such techniques. Consequently, spatial domain inverse filtering
array techniques [29]. In particular, active receive channels of multi-element synthetic aperture baseband data can be
can be distributed randomly over the array by reorganizing the effective to further suppress side lobes [26], [32].
active transmit/receive element combinations shown in Fig. 4. In general, contrast resolution is a function of main lobe
In this case, the point spread function for the multi-element to side lobe energies. Thus, detectability of a low contrast
synthetic focusing technique will be different than that given lesion depends on its size relative to the main lobe width.
in (8) while (12) still holds for the multi-element synthetic Measurements on the Cyst Phantom were based on fixed size
phased array. cysts and therefore do not include CNR variations due to cyst
The quality of multi-element synthetic aperture images can size. Measurements on the Wire Phantom produce the point
be improved further by minimizing the effects of imper- spread function of each system and therefore can be used to
fect transmit defocusing through beam pattern optimization predict the CNR for different sized cysts. Future studies will
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Biomed. Eng., vol. 38, pp. 280–286, Mar. 1991. Ann Arbor, in 1990 and 1994, respectively, both
[41] J. Meunier, “Ultrasonic texture motion analysis: Theory and simulation,” in electrical engineering systems.
in Proc. of SPIE, Medical Imaging, vol. 1896, pp. 381–396, 1993. From 1987 to 1989 he served as a Signal Officer
[42] L. K. Ryan, G. R. Lockwood, T. S. Bloomfield, and F. S. Foster, with the R.O.C. Army. He was a Research Assistant
“Speckle tracking in high frequency ultrasound images with application with the Department of Electrical Engineering and
to intervascular imaging,” in Proc. IEEE Ultrason. Symp., 1993, vol. 2, Computer Science from 1990 to 1994. He joined
pp. 889–892. Acuson Corporation, Moutain View, CA, as a Mem-
ber of the Technical Staff in June 1994. His current research interests include
ultrasonic imaging and signal processing.
Dr. Li was the recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award in
Mustafa Karaman (M’89) received the B.S. degree Electrical Engineering Systems for his outstanding academic achievement at
from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, the University of Michigan.
Turkey, in 1986, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from
Bilkent University, Ankara, in 1988 and 1992, re-
spectively, all in electrical and electronics engineer-
ing. Matthew O’Donnell (M’79–SM’84–F’93), for photograph and biography, see
He is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the p. 82 of the January issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
Bioengineering Department of the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. His research interests are
in VLSI signal processing and medical ultrasound