Vlsi Design Unit4 PDF
Vlsi Design Unit4 PDF
Vlsi Design Unit4 PDF
CMOS system design consists of partitioning the system into subsystems of the types listed above.
Many options exist that make trade-of between speed, density, programmability, ease of design, and
other variables. This chapter addresses design options for common data path operators, arrays,
especially those used for memory. Control structures are most commonly coded in a hardware
description language and synthesized.
Data path operators benefit from the structured design principles of hierarchy, regularity,
modularity, and locality. They may use N identical circuits to process N-bit data. Related data
operators are placed physically adjacent to each other to reduce wire length and delay. Generally,
data is arranged to ow in one direction, while control signals are introduced in a direction orthogonal
to the data ow.
Common data path operators considered in this chapter include adders, one/zero detectors,
comparators, counters, shifters, ALUs, and multipliers.
4.1 Shifters
Consider a direct MOS switch implementation of a 4X4 crossbar switch as shown in Fig. 4.1. The
arrangement is quit general and may be readily expanded to accommodate n-bit inputs/outputs. In
fact, this arrangement is an overkill in that any input line can be connected to any or all output lines-
if all switches are closed, then all inputs are connected to all outputs in one glorious short circuit.
Furthermore, 16 control signals (sw00)-sw15, one for each transistor switch, must be provided to
drive the crossbar switch, and such complexity is highly undesirable.
Figure 4.1: 4 x 4 crossbar switch.
An adaption of this arrangement) recognizes the fact that we can couple the switch gates together in
groups of four (in this case) and also form four separate groups corresponding to shifts of zero, one,
two, and three bits. The arrangement is readily adapted so that the in lines also run horizontally (to
confirm the required strategy). The resulting arrangement is known as barrel shifter and a 4X4-bit
barrel shifter circuit diagram is given in Fig. 4.2. The inter bus switches have their gate inputs
connected in staircase fashion in group of four and there are now four shift control inputs which
must be mutually exclusive in active state. CMOS transmission gates may be used in place of the
simple pass transistor switches if appropriate.
Addition is one of the basic operation perform in various processing like counting, multiplication
and altering. Adders can be implemented in various forms to suit different speed and density
The truth table of a binary full adder is shown in Figure 4.3, along with some functions that will
be of use during the discussion of adders. Adder inputs: A, B, Carry input
Output: SUM, Carry output: CARRY Generate signal: G (A B); occurs when CARRY is internally
generated within adder.
Propagate signal: P (A + B); when it is 1, C is passed to CARRY.
In some adders A, B is used as the P term because it may be reused to generate the sum term.
The direct implementation of the above equations is shown in Fig. 4.4 using the gate
schematic and the transistors is shown in Fig. 4.5.
Figure 4.4: Logic gate implementation of 1-Bit adder
Where tc is the delay through the carry stage of a full adder, and ts is the delay to compute the sum
of the last stage. The delay of ripple carry adder is linearly proportional to n, the number of bits,
therefore the performance of the RCA is limited when n grows bigger. The advantages of the RCA
are lower power consumption as well as a compact layout giving smaller chip area.
Logic gate and transistor level implementation of carry bits are shown in Figure 4.10.
The disadvantage of CLA is that the carry logic block gets very complicated for more than 4- bits.
For that reason, CLAs are usually implemented as 4-bit modules and are used in a hierarchical
structure to realize adders that have multiples of 4-bits.
(a) Logic network for 4-bit CLA carry bits (b) Sum calculation using CLA network
4.3.4 Carry Skip Adder:
As the name indicates, Carry Skip Adder (CSkA) uses skip logic in the propagation of carry . It is
designed to speed up the addition operation by adding a propagation of carry bit around a portion of
entire adder. The carry-in bit designated as Ci. The output of RCA (the last stage) is Ci+4. The
Carry Skip circuitry consists of two logic gates. AND gate accepts the carry-in bit and compares it
with the group of propagated signals.
Carry Select Adder (CSlA) architecture consists of independent generation of sum and carry i.e.,
Cin=1 and Cin=0 are executed parallelly [4]. Depending upon C in, the external multiplexers select
the carry to be propagated to next stage. Further, based on the carry input, the sum will be selected.
Hence, the delay is reduced. However, the structure is increased due to the complexity of
multiplexers [4].The architecture of CSlA is illustrated in Fig .
Fig. Carry Select Adder (CSlA)
In Carry Bypass Adder (CBA), RCA is used to add 4-bits at a time and the carry generated will be
propagated to next stage with help of multiplexer using select input as Bypass logic. By pass logic is
formed from the product values as it is calculated in the CLA. Depending on the carry value and by
pass logic, the carry is propagated to the next stage.
If the carry path is precharged to VDD, the transmission gate is then reduced to a simple NMOS
transistor. In the same way the PMOS transistors of the carry generation is removed. One gets a
Manchester cell.
4.4 Multipliers
In many digital signal processing operations - such as correlations, convolution, filtering, and
frequency analysis - one needs to perform multiplication. The most basic form of multiplication
consists of forming the product of two positive binary numbers. This may be accomplished through
the traditional technique of successive additions and shifts, in which each addition is conditional on
one of the multiplier bits. Here is an example.
Thus Pk are the partial product terms called summands. There are mn summands, which are
produced in parallel by a set of mn AND gates.
For 4-bit numbers, the expression above may be expanded as in the table below.
The worst-case delay associated with such a multiplier is (2n + l)t g, where tg is the worst-case
adder delay.
Cell shown in Figure 4.16 is a cell that may be used to construct a parallel multiplier.
The Xi term is propagated diagonally from top right to bottom left, while the yj term is propagated
horizontally. Incoming partial products enter at the top. Incoming CARRY IN values enter at the top
right of the cell. The bit-wise AND is performed in the cell, and the SUM
is passed to the next cell below. The CARRY 0UT is passed to the bottom left of the cell.
Figure 4.17 depicts the multiplier array with the partial products enumerated. The Multiplier can be
drawn as a square array, as shown here, Figure 4.18 is the most convenient for implementation.
In this version the degeneration of the first two rows of the multiplier are shown. The first row of
the multiplier adders has been replaced with AND gates while the second row employs half-adders
rather than full adders.
This optimization might not be done if a completely regular multiplier were required (i.e. one
array cell). In this case the appropriate inputs to the first and second row would be connected to
ground, as shown in the previous slide. An adder with equal carry and sum propagation times is
advantageous, because the worst-case multiply time depends on both paths.
Considering the product P3, it may be seen that it requires the summation of four partial
products and a possible column carry from the summation of P2.
Example for implementation of 6X6 multiplier (4-bit) using Wallace Tree Multi-plication
Consider the 6 x 6 multiplication table shown below. Considering the product P5, it may be seen
that it requires the summation of six partial products and a possible column carry from the
summation of P4. Here we can see the adders required in a multiplier based on this style of addition.
The adders have been arranged vertically into ranks that indicate the time at which the adder
output becomes available. While this small example shows the general Wallace addition technique,
it does not show the real speed advantage of a Wallace tree. There is an identity table \array part",
and a CPA part, which is at the top right. While this has been shown as a ripple-carry adder, any fast
CPA can be used here.
Figure 4.22: 6 x 6 multiplication table
The delay through the array addition (not including the CPA) is proportional to log1.5(n),
where n is the width of the Wallace tree.
4.4.3 Baugh-Wooley multiplier:
In signed multiplication the length of the partial products and the number of partial products will be
very high. So an algorithm was introduced for signed multiplication called as Baugh- Wooley
algorithm. The Baugh-Wooley multiplication is one amongst the cost-effective ways to handle the
sign bits. This method has been developed so as to style regular multipliers, suited to 2's
compliment numbers.
Let two n-bit numbers, number (A) and number (B), A and B are often pictured as
Where 𝑎𝑖 and 𝑏𝑖 area unit the bits during A and B, severally and 𝑎𝑛−1 and 𝑏𝑛−1 area unit the sign
bits. The full precision product, P = A × B, is provided by the equation:
The first two terms of above equation are positive and last two terms are negative. In order to
calculate the product, instead of subtracting the last two terms, it is possible to add the opposite
values. The above equation signifies the Baugh-Wooley algorithm for multiplication process in
two’s compliment form.
Baugh-Wooley Multiplier provides a high speed, signed multiplication algorithm. It uses parallel
products to complement multiplication and adjusts the partial products to maximize the regularity of
multiplication array. When number is represented in two’s complement form, sign of the number is
embedded in Baugh-Wooley multiplier. This algorithm has the advantage that the sign of the partial
product bits are always kept positive so that array addition techniques can be directly employed. In
the two’s complement multiplication, each partial product bit is the AND of a multiplier bit and a
multiplicand bit, and the sign of the partial product bits are positive.
BOOTH ENCODER Booth multiplier reduce the number of iteration step to perform
multiplication as compare to conventional steps. Booth Algorithm Scans the multiplier operand and
spikes chains of this algorithm can. This algorithm can reduce the number of addition required to
produce the result compare to conventional multiplication method. With the help of this algorithm
reduce the number of partially product generated in multiplication process by using the modified
booth algorithm. Based on the multiplier bits, the process of encoding the multiplicand is performed
by radix-4 booth encoder. This recoding algorithm is used to generate efficient partial product.
RADIX-4 BOOTH MULTIPLIER The Radix-4 modified Booth algorithm overcomes all these
limitations of Radix-2 algorithm. For operands equal to or greater than 16 bits, the modified Radix-4
Booth algorithm has been widely used. It is based on encoding the two’s complement multiplier in
order to reduce the number of partial products to be added to n/2.
In Radix-4 Modified Booth algorithm, the number of partial products reduced by half. For
multiplication of 2’s complement numbers, the two bit encoding using this algorithm scans a triplet
of bits. To Booth recode the multiplier term, consider the bits in blocks of three, such that each
block overlaps the previous block by one bit. Grouping starts from the LSB, and the first block only
uses two bits of the multiplier.
Booth’s Algorithm for Binary Multiplication Example
Multiply 14 times -5 using 5-bit numbers (10-
Ste Multiplica Action upper 5-bits 0,
p nd
lower 5-bits multiplier,
1 “Booth bit” initially 0
0 01110 Initialization 00000 11011 0
10: Subtract Multiplicand
1 01110 10010 11011 0
01: Add Multiplicand (Carry ignored because adding a
3 01110 positive and negative number cannot
01010 10110 1
Shift Right Arithmetic
4 01110
10111 01011 0
Shift Right Arithmetic
11101 11010 1
4.5 Parity generator :
1. Parity is a very useful tool in information processing in digital computers to indicate any
presence of error in bit information.
2. External noise and loss of signal strength causes loss of data bit information while
transporting data from one device to other device, located inside the computer or externally.
3. To indicate any occurrence of error, an extra bit is included with the message according to the
total number of 1s in a set of data, which is called parity.
4. If the extra bit is considered 0 if the total number of 1s is even and 1 for odd quantities of 1s
in a set of data, then it is called even parity.
5. On the other hand, if the extra bit is 1 for even quantities of 1s and 0 for an odd number of 1s,
then it is called odd parity
A parity generator is a combination logic system to generate the parity bit at the
transmitting side.
D0 Po =(D3 D2 D1
The above illustration is given for a message with four bits of information. However, the logic
Figure 4.24: Even parity generator using logic gates
Detecting all ones or zeros on wide N-bit words requires large fan-in AND or NOR gates. Recall
that by DeMorgan's law, AND, OR, NAND, and NOR are funda-mentally the same operation
except for possible inversions of the inputs and/or outputs. You can build a tree of AND gates, as
shown in Figure 4.26(b). Here, alternate NAND and NOR gates have been used. The path has log N
Figure 4.26: One/zero detectors (a) All one detector (b) All zero detector (c) All zero detector transistor level
4.7 Comparators :
Another common and very useful combinational logic circuit is that of the Digital Comparator circuit.
Digital or Binary Comparators are made up from standard AND, NOR and NOT gates that compare
the digital signals present at their input terminals and produce an output depending upon the condition
of those inputs.
For example, along with being able to add and subtract binary numbers we need to be able to
compare them and determine whether the value of input A is greater than, smaller than or equal to the
value at input B etc. The digital comparator accomplishes this using several logic gates that operate
on the principles of Boolean Algebra. There are two main types of Digital Comparator available and
these are.
1. Identity Comparator an Identity Comparator is a digital comparator that has only one output
terminal for when A = B either HIGH" A = B = 1or LOW" A = B = 0
2. Magnitude Comparator : a Magnitude Comparator is a type of digital com-parator that has three
output terminals, one each for equality, A = B greater than,A > B and less than A < B
The purpose of a Digital Comparator is to compare a set of variables or unknown numbers, for
example A (A1, A2, A3, . An, etc) against that of a constant or unknown value such as B (B1, B2,
B3, . Bn, etc) and produce an output condition or ag depending upon the result of the comparison. For
example, a magnitude comparator of two 1-bits, (A and B) inputs would produce the following three
output conditions when compared to each other.
A > B; A + B; A < B
For A > B : E = AB The logic diagram of 1-bit comparator using basic gates is shown below in
Figure 4.24.
*** Draw separate diagrams for grater, equality and less than expressions.
Equality Comparator:
Check if each bit is equal (XNOR, aka equality gate)
1’s detect on bitwise equality
A[2] A=B
Signed comparison:
For signed numbers, comparison is harder
– C: carry out
– Z: zero (all bits of A-B are 0)
– N: negative (MSB of result)
– V: overflow (inputs had different signs, output sign B)
4.8 Counters :
Counters can be implemented using the adder/subtractor circuits and registers (or equivalently, D
ip- ops)
The simplest counter circuits can be built using T ip- ops because the tog-gle feature is naturally
suited for the implementation of the counting operation. Counters are available in two categories
The ip- op output transition serves as a source for triggering other ip- ops i.e the C input
(clock input) of some or all ip- ops are triggered NOT by the common clock pulses
Eg:- Binary ripple counters, BCD ripple counters
2. Synchronous counters A synchronous counter however, has an internal clock, and the external
event is used to produce a pulse which is synchronized with this internal clock.
C input (clock input) of all ip- ops receive the common clock pulses
E.g.:- Binary counter, Up-down Binary counter, BCD Binary counter, Ring counter, Johnson
4.8.1 Asynchronous Up-Counter with T Flip-Flops
Figure 4.28 shows a 3-bit counter capable of counting from 0 to 7. The clock inputs of the three ip-
ops are connected in cascade. The T input of each ip-op is connected to a constant 1, which means
that the state of the ip- op will be toggled at each active edge (here, it is positive edge) of its clock.
We assume that the purpose of this circuit is to count the number of pulses that occur on the primary
input called Clock. Thus the clock input of the rst ip- op is connected to the Clock line. The other
two ip- ops have their clock inputs driven by the Q output of the preceding ip- op. Therefore, they
toggle their states whenever the preceding ip- op changes its state from Q = 1 to Q = 0, which
results in a positive edge of the Q signal.
Figure 4.28: A 3-bit up-counter.
Note here the value of the count is the indicated by the 3-bit binary number Q2Q1Q0. Since the
second ip- op is clocked by Q0 , the value of Q1 changes
shortly after the change of the Q0 signal. Similarly, the value of Q2 changes shortly
after the change of the Q1 signal. This circuit is a modulo-8 counter. Because it counts in the
upward direction, we call it an up-counter. This behavior is similar to the rippling of carries in a
ripple-carry adder. The circuit is therefore called an asynchronous counter, or a ripple counter.
4.8.2 Asynchronous Down-Counter with T Flip-Flops
Some modifications of the circuit in Figure 4.29 lead to a down-counter which counts in the
sequence 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, and so on. The modified circuit is shown in Figure 3. Here the
clock inputs of the second and third ip- ops are driven by the Q outputs of the preceding stages,
rather than by the Q outputs.
pattern of bits in each row of the table, it is apparent that bit Q0 changes on each clock cycle.
Bit QQ1 changes only when Q0 = 1. Bit Q2 changes only when both Q1 and Q0 are equal to
1. Bit
In Figure 5, instead of using AND gates of increased size for each stage, we use a factored
arrangement. This arrangement does not slow down the response of the
counter, because all ip- ops change their states after a propagation delay from the positive edge of the
clock. Note that a change in the value of Q0 may have to propagate through several AND gates to
reach the ip- ops in the higher stages of the counter, which requires a certain amount of time. This
time must not exceed the clock period. Actually, it must be 3less than the clock period minus the
setup time of the ip- ops. It shows that the circuit behaves as a modulo-16 up- counter. Because all
changes take place with the same delay after the active edge of the Clock signal, the circuit is called a
synchronous counter.
4.9 Shifters
4.9.1 Shifters :
Logical Shift:
Shifts number left or right and fills with 0’s
o 1011 LSR 1 = 0101 1011 LSL1 = 0110
Arithmetic Shift:
Shifts number left or right. Rt shift sign extends
o 1011 ASR1 = 1101 1011 ASL1 = 0110
Shifts number left or right and fills with lost bits
o 1011 ROR1 = 1101 1011 ROL1 = 0111
An ALU is a Arithmetic Logic Unit that requires Arithmetic operations and Boolean operations.
Basically arithmetic operations are addition and subtraction. one may either multiplex between an
adder and a Boolean unit or merge the Boolean unit into the adder as in tha classic transistor-
transistor logic.
The heart of the ALU is a 4-bit adder circuit. A 4-bit adder must take sum of two 4-bit numbers, and
there is an assumption that all 4-bit quantities are presented in parallel form and that the shifter circuit
is designed to accept and shift a 4-bit parallel sum from the ALU. The sum is to be stored in parallel
at the output of the adder from where it is fed through the shifter and back to the register array.
Therefore, a single 4-bit data bus is needed from the adder to the shifter and another 4-bit bus is
required from the shifted output back to the register
Memory Array
The memory array is classified into 3 types - Random Access memory (RAM), Serial access memory
and content addressable memory (CAM). We will discuss each type in detail.
The basic idea of the memory that can only be read and never altered is called Read only memories.
There are vast and variety of potential applications for these kind of memories. Programs for
processors with fixed applications such as washing machines, calculators and game machines, once
developed and debugged, need only reading. Fixing the contents at manufacturing time leads to small
and fast implementation.
There are different ways to implement the logic of ROM cells, the fact that the contents of a ROM
cell are permanently fixed considerably simplifies its design. The cell should be designed so that a
„0‟ or „1‟ is presented to the bitline upon activation of its”wordline. The different approaches for
implementing the ROM cells are Diode ROM, MOS ROM 1 and MOS ROM 2. These are the main
approaches for designing a larger density ROMs.
4.12.1 Mask ROM :
The ROM memories which we have seen earlier are application specific ROMs where the memory
module is part of a larger custom design and programmed for that particular application only. The
ROMs which we are going to discuss in this section are commodity ROMs, where a vendor mass-
produces memory modules that are later customized according to customer specifications. Under
these circumstances, it is essential that the number of process steps involved in programming be
minimal and that they can be performed as a last phase of the manufacturing process. In this way
large amounts of programmed dies can be preprocessed.
This mask-programmable approach preferably uses the contact mask to personalize or program the
memory. The programming of a ROM module involves the manufacturer, which introduces an
unwelcome delay in product development. The major usage of this ROM was in system-on-a-chip
where the majority of the chip is preprocessed, only the minor part of the die is mask programmed.
The other usages of this ROM are to program the microcontroller, embedded on the chip, for a variety
of applications.
NOR-based ROM
The building block of this ROM is a pseudo-nMOS NOR gate as in Figure 4.33
Each memory cell is represented by one nMOS transistor and a binary information is stored by
connecting or not the drain terminal of such a transistor to the bit line.
For every row address only one word line is activated by applying a high signal to the gates of
nMOS transistors in a row.
If a selected transistor in the i-th column is connected to a bit line then the logic ‘0’ is stored in
this memory cell. if the transistor is not connected, then the logic ‘1’ is stored. NAND-based
A NAND-based ROM consists of m n-input pseudo-nMOS NAND gates, one n-input
NAND per column as shown in Figure 4.35. In this case, we have up to n serially connected
nMOS transistors in each column.
Figure 4.35: A 3-by-4 NAND-based ROM array
For every row address only one word line is activated by applying a low signal to the gates of
nMOS transistors in a row. When no word line is activated, all nMOS transistors are on and the
line signals, Ci are all low.
When a word line is activated all transistors in the row are switched off and the respective Ci
signals are high. If a transistor in the selected row is short-circuited, then the respective Ci signal
is low.
In other words, the logic ‘0’ is stored when a transistor is replaced with a wire, whereas
the logic ‘1’ is stored by an nMOS transistor being present.
4.12.2 Programmable ROM (PROM) :
The technology that offers its users to program the memory one time is called Programmable
ROM. It is also called as WRITE ONCE device. This is most often accomplished by introducing
fuses (implemented in nichrome, polysilicon, or other conductors) in the memory cell. During
the programming phase, some of these fuses are blown by applying a high current, which
disables the connected transistor.
While PROMs have the advantage of being “customer programmable,” the single write phase
makes them unattractive. For instance, a single error in the programming process or application
makes the device unstable. This explains the current preference for devices that can be
programmed several times.
The Floating-Gate transistor is the device at the heart of the majority of reprogrammable
memories. Various attempts have made to create a device with electrically alterable
characteristics and enough reliability to support a multitude of write cycles. The floating gate
structure is similar to a traditional MOS device, except that an extra polysilicon strip is inserted
between the gate and channel.
This strip is not connected to anything and is called a floating gate. The most obvious impact of
inserting this extra gate is to double the gate oxide thickness tox, which results in a reduced
device transconductance as well as an increased threshold voltage. Though
these properties are not desirable but from other point of view this device acts as a
normal transistor.
The most important property of this device is that the threshold voltage of this device is
programmable. By applying a high voltage (above 10V) between the source and the gate-drain
terminals creates a high electric field and causes avalanche injection to occur. Electrons acquire
sufficient energy to become “hot” and traverse through the first oxide insulator, so that they get
trapped on the floating gate. In reference to the programming mechanism, the floating-gate
transistor is often called a floating-gate avalanche- injection MOS.
The trapping of electrons on the floating gate effectively drops the voltage on the gate. This
process is self-limiting – the negative charge accumulated on the floating gate reduces the
electrical field over the oxide so that ultimately it becomes incapable of accelerating any more
hot electrons. Virtually all nonvolatile memories are currently based on the floating-gate
mechanism. Different classes can be identified, based on the erasure mechanism.
The main advantage of this programming approach is that it is reversible; that is, erasing is
simply achieved by reversing the voltage applied during the writing process. The electrons
injection on floating-gate raises the threshold, while the reverse operation lowers the VT. When a
voltage of approximately 10V (equivalent to 109 V/m) is applied over the thin insulator,
electrons travel to and from the floating gate through a mechanism called Fowler – Nordheim
The monitoring control hardware on the memory chip regularly checks the value of the threshold
during erasure, and adjusts the erasure time dynamically. This approach is only practical when
erasing large chunks of memory at a time; hence the flash concept. One of the many existing
alternatives for Flash EEPROMs memories are ETOX devices. It resembles a FAMOS gate
except that a very thin tunneling gate oxide is utilized (10 nm). Different areas of the gate oxide
are used for programming and erasure. Programming is performed by applying a high voltage
(12V) on the gate and drain terminals for a grounded source, while erasure occurs with the gate
rounded and the source at 12V.
The Programming cycle starts with an erase operation. In erase operation, A 0V gate voltage is
applied and a 12V supply is given at source. Electrons, if any, are ejected to the source by
tunneling. All cells are erased simultaneously. The variations caused in the threshold voltage at
the end of erase operation are due to different initial values of cell threshold voltage and
variations in oxide thickness. This can be solved in two methods:
1. The array cells are programmed before applying the erase pulse so that the entire threshold
starts at approximately same time.
2. An erase pulse of controlled width is applied. Subsequently the whole array is read to ensure
that all the cells are erased. If not another erase pulse is applied followed by the read cycle.
For write (programming) operation, a high voltage is applied to the gate of the selected device. If
a „1‟ is applied to the drain at that time, hot electrons are generated and injected onto the floating
gate, raising the threshold. Read operation corresponds as the wordline is raised to 5V; it causes
a conditional discharge of bitline.
It thus typically takes six MOSFETs to store one memory bit. Access to the cell is enabled by the
word line WL which controls the two access transistors N1 and N2 which, in turn, control
whether the cell should be connected to the bitlines BL and /BL.
They are used to transfer data for both read and write operations. The bitlines are
complementary as it improves the noise margin. Chapter 2 explains more about SRAMs and its
Read/Write operations.
Figure 4.38: A CMOS static memory cell with column pull-up transistors and
parasitic column capacitances
When none of the word lines is selected, that is, all S signals are ‘0’, the pass transistors n3, n4
are turned off and the data is retained in all memory cells. The column capacitances are charged
by the drain currents of the pull-up pMOS transistors, p3, p4. The column voltages VC and V c¯
both reach the level just below VDD − VT p, say 3.5V for VDD = 5V and the threshold voltage
VT p = 1V.
For the read or write operations we select the cell asserting the word line signal S=‘1’.For the
write operation we apply a low voltage to one of the bit line, holding the other one high. To write
‘0’ in the cell, the column voltage VC is forced to low(C = 0). This low voltage acts through a
related pass transistor (n3) on the gates of the corresponding inverter (n2, p2) so that its input
goes high. This sets the signal at the other inverter Q = 0.
Similarly, to write ‘1’ in the cell, the opposite column voltage VC¯ is forced to low (C¯ =
0) which sets the signal Q = 1.During the read ‘1’ operation, when the stored bit is Q = 1,
transistors n3, p1 and n4, n2 are turned on. This maintains the column voltage VC at its steady-
state high level (say 3.5V) while the opposite column voltage VC¯ is being pulled down
discharging the column capacitance CC¯ through transistors n4, n2 so that VC > VC¯. Similarly,
during the read ‘0’ operation we have VC < VC¯. The difference between the column voltages is
small, say 0.5V, and must be detected by the sense amplifiers from data-read circuitry.
Figure 4.39: The structure of the write circuitry associated with one column of the memory cells.
The principle of the write operation is to assert voltage on one of the columns to a low level.
This is achieved by connecting either C or C ¯ to the ground through the transistor M3 and either
M1 or M2.
The transistor M3 is driven by the signal from the column decoder selecting the specified
column. The transistor M1 is on only in the presence of the write enable signal.(W = 0) when the
data bit to be written is ‘0’. The transistor M2 is on only in the presence of the write signal ¯(W
= 0) when the data bit to be written is ‘1’.
Figure 4.40: The structure of the write circuitry associated with one column of the memory cells.
During the read operation the voltage level on one of the bit lines drops slightly after the pass
transistors in the memory cell are turned on.
The read circuitry must properly sense this small voltage difference and form a proper output bit:
‘0? If VC <
VC¯ ‘1? If VC
> VC¯
The read circuitry consists of two level sense amplifiers:
• One simple cross-coupled sense amplifier per column of memory cells,
• One current-mirror differential sense amplifier per the memory chip.
The cross-coupled sense amplifier works as a latch. Assume that the voltage on the bit line C
start to drop slightly when the memory access pass transistors are activated by the word line
signal S, and that the clk signal is high so that the transistor M3 is turned on. Now, higher
voltage on the gate of M1 transistor than on the gate of M2 starts the latching operation which
pulls the VC voltage further down switching the transistor M2 off. As a result the parasitic
capacitance, CC is discharged through M1 and M3. In this way a small difference between
column voltages is amplified.
The amplified (discriminated) column voltages are passed through transistors M4 and M5 to the
main sense amplifier.
The schematic of a typical differential current-mirror sense amplifier is shown in Figure 4.41.
need for additional refreshing circuitry SRAM has two fundamental features which have
determined is enormous popularity:
• The DRAM cell occupies much smaller silicon area than the SRAM cell. The size of a DRAM
cell is in the order of 8F2, where F is the smallest feature size in a given technology. For F =
0.2μm the size is 0.32μm2
• No static power is dissipated for storing charge in a capacitance. The storage capacitance CS,
which is connected between the drain of the access transistor (the storage node) and the ground,
is formed as a trench or stacked Capacitor.
The stacked capacitor is created between a second polysilicon layer and a metal plate covering
the whole array area. The plate is effectively connected to the ground terminal.To consider
read/write operations we have to take into account a significant
parasitic capacitance CC associated with each column, as shown in Figure 4.43.
Figure 4.43: A single SRAM cells with a column capacitance shown.
Typically, before any operation is performed each column capacitance b is precharged high.
The cell is selected for a read/write operation by asserting its word line high (S = 1). This
connects the storage capacitance to the bit line. The write operation is performed by applying
either high or low voltage to the bit line thus charging (write ‘1’) or discharging (write ‘0’) the
storage capacitance through the access transistor.
During read operation there is a flow of charges between the storage capacitance C1 and the
column capacitance, CC. As a result the column voltage either increases (read ‘1’) or decreases
(read ‘0’) slightly. This difference can then be amplified by the sense amplifier. Note that the
read operation destroys the charge stored on the storage capacitance C1 (“destructive readout”).
Therefore the data must be restored (refreshed) each time the read operation is performed.
Sys Clock
DRAM cannot be read as fast (or as easy) as SRAM
4.16 Serial Access Memories (Serial Memories):
Unlike RAMs which are randomly write the data, serial memories restrict the order of access,
which results in either faster access times, smaller area, or a memory with a special functionality.
4.17.1 Shift Registers
Shift registers are a type of sequential logic circuit, mainly for storage of digital data. They are a
group of flip-flops connected in a chain so that the output from one flip-flop becomes the input
of the next flip-flop. Most of the registers possess no characteristic internal sequence of states.
All the flip-flops are driven by a common clock, and all are set or reset simultaneously. There are
two types of shift registers; Serial-in-parallel-out and Parallel-in-serial-out.
4.17.2 Serial-In-Parallel-Out: In this kind of register, data bits are entered serially. The
difference is the way in which the data bits are taken out of the register. Once the data are
stored, each bit appears on its respective output line, and all bits are available
simultaneously. A construction of a four-bit serial in - parallel out register is shown
clk Input
P0 P1 P2 P3
Figure 1.4 Serial-in-parallel-out Shift Register
4.17.3 Parallel-In-Serial-Out: The figure shown below is an example of Parallel-In- Serial-Out
shift register. P0, P1, P2 and P3 are the parallel inputs to the shift register. When Shift = „0‟
the shift register loads all the inputs. When Shift = „1‟ the inputs are shifted to right. This
shift register shift one bit per cycle.
P0 P1 P2 P3
Shift/load clk
4.17.4 Queues:A queue is a pile in which items are added a one end and removed from the
other. In this respect, a queue is like the line of customers waiting to be served by a bank
teller. As customers arrive, they join the end of the queue while the teller serves the customer
at the head of the queue. The major advantage of queue is that they allow data to be written at
different rates. The read and write use their own clock and data. There is an indication in
queue when it is full or empty. These kind of queues usually built with SRAM and counters.
There are two types of queues they are First-In-First-Out and Last-In First-Out.
Figure 1.6 Queue
4.17.5 First-In-First-Out: In this method initialize the read and write pointers to the first
element. Check whether the queue is empty. In write mode we will assign the write pointer
and increment the write pointer. If the write almost catches read then queue is full. In read
mode we will increment the read pointer.
4.17.6 Last-In-First-Out: It is also called as stack; objects which are stored in a stack are kept
in a pile. The last item put into the stack is at the top. When an item is pushed into a stack, it
is placed at the top of the pile. When an item popped, it is always the top item which is
removed. Since it is always the last item to be put into the stack that is the first item to be
removed, it is last-in, first-out.
The Figure 1.7 is an example of 512-word CAM architecture. It supports three modes of
operation read, write and match. The read and write modes access and manipulate the data same
as in an ordinary memory. The match mode is a special function of associative memory. The data
patterns are stored in the comparand block which are needed to match and the mask word
indicated which bits are significant. Every row that matches the pattern is passed to the validity
Figure 1.7 Architecture of 512-word CAM
The valid rows that match are passed to the priority encoder leaving the rows that contain invalid data.
In the event that two or more rows match the pattern, the address of the row in the CAM is used to
break the tie. In order to do that priority encoder considers all the 512 match lines from the CAM array,
selects the one with the highest address, and encodes it in binary. Since there are 512 rows in CAM
array, it needs 9 bits to indicate the row that matched. There is a possibility that none of the rows
matches the pattern so there is one additional match found‟ bit provided.
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