An Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant To Ef

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The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant

to Effective Technique Teaching English

in Integrated Vocational Schools

Heli Agustin, Leff Noviyenti, Henny Septia Utami

Institut Agama Islam Neger (IAIN) Curup, Indonesia


The objective of this research are to describe classroom activities

pursuant to effective techniques teaching English in integrated
vocational schools, and to investigate classroom activities pursuant to
effective techniques teaching English in integrated vocational schools
at Islamic integrated Rabbi Radhiyyahand vocational high school Islamic
integrated KhoiruUmmah in Curup RejangLebong. The design of this
research is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this research were two
teachers who teach English in Islamic integrated vocational schools. In
collecting the date, the researcher used the following techniques: checklist
observation and interview. There are some instruments which the
researcher used forcollecting the data, consist of: notes and interview
guidance. The notes was used to find the techniques the teachers used, the
classroom activities the teacher used, and identify the classroom activities
that pursuant to techniques suit the elements of effective teaching, and the
interview guidelines was used to find the technique the teachers used based
on the theory of elements of effective teaching. In analyzing the data,the
steps were data managing, description, and interpreting. Theresult from
notes and interview showed that the techniques and classroom activities the
teacher used and all techniques and classroom activities pursuant with
element of effective teaching. The elements of effective teaching consisted
of academic learning time, use of positive reinforcement, cues and
feedback, cooperative learning activities, classroom atmosphere, high
order questioning, direct instruction, and indirect teaching.
Keywords: technique teaching, classroom activities, elements of effective
Teaching is concern with the cognitive and psychomotor aspect
of children to be more acquainted more competent of critical thinking,
systematic, objective, and skilled of doing something. The purpose of
teaching is more easily determined than educational purpose [1] and the

ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education

Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019, IAIN Curup
P-ISSN 2580-3670, E-ISSN 2580-3689
150 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

teaching has activities based on the techniques the teacher used. As the
mention by Usman (1993:P.5).
“Teaching is important for learning because when someone learning
something they can get knowledge and some experience.”
Though, this basic definition of teaching also applies to the regular
classroom setting intechnical and integrated vocational schools programme.
But, in the teaching of practical skills, there are various teaching techniques
available to be adopted, just as in all other fields and to all teachers: the most
appropriate teaching teqhniqueto adopt in teaching technical and vocational
skills should be that which can motivate the students and sustain theirinterest
in the course of instruction.
The effectiveness of teaching process have impact for the students
understanding in leaning process. According to Marland and states (1996:
P.68)“students in Australian school describe a good teacher in the following
form: help you with your work, explain well so you can understand, is
friendly and easy to get on with, make lesson enjoyable,cares about you, has
a sense of humor, control the class well, and knows what he or she is talking
about.”At the same time, there has been much debate among teachers
educators concerning how teacher education can best foster effective
teaching taking account of the governments views on teacher training, the
teacher educators’ own professional views of how training is best conducted,
and the findings of research studies looking at aspect of effective teaching
and the impact of training.
Integrated vocational high school, which provides individuals with
the knowledge, skills and competencies and improvingtheir abilities in a
variety of ways, good religion, puts forward its function and qualitative
power according to country’seconomic situation. Therefore, the reason of
vocational schools is labor market, and its main goal is to meetthe demands
of business world and workforce for it. This aim is not against the political
stance of vocationaleducation: on the contrary, a common purpose supported
by public. In integrated vocational high school actually their really need
English for understanding the `tools of their department, because the
basic of vocatioanal high school is seldom uses classroom English. That
is way, we compolsory know about English language.Vocational school
is one of the component of education most directly concerned with the
acquisition of the knowledge and skills that required by workplace.Refer
to the education system structure of Indonesia, theterm of vocational school
has spitted into two meanings, in highereducation level and in secondary
education level. The vocational education inhigher education levels are
usually conducted at a universities or a polytechnics,whereas the vocational
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |151

education in secondary education levels are implementedat school that

known as ‘Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)’ (VocationalSecondary
High School).
In vocational high school Islamic integrated Rabbi Radhiyyahand
vocational high school Islamic integrated Khoiru Ummah in Curup Rejang
Lebong, it is found different techniques were employed when the teachers
taught the students in the class. Based on my first observation, students from
both schools were greatly interested when the teachers used teaching
technique. It is also found in the class the teachers presented some English
videos for brainstorming after that the teachers divided students in two
several groups it is for make students more active in the class, on the
teaching process teacher given some questions and the students directly
answered the question. Sometimes, on the teaching learning process the
teachers used picture as a media in learning process, so the students and the
teachers got feedback.
Then, based on the second observation from the teachers they used
different techniques too in teaching learning process. In vocational high
school Islamic integrated KhoiruUmmah the techniques the teachers used
some techniques such as a group discussion, a short written exercise, explain
picture. When the teachers used creative techniques the students reaction is
really good, their apply the techniques that the teachers has given. From
vocational high school Islamic integrated Rabbi Radhiyyah the teachers also
used different techniques in the class. The teacher used students debate
technique and class games, presentation stage, practice stage, and production
stage and extra. From that techniques the students directly gave more
participant and make communication with their friends in learning process.
Therefore, the schools and the students got good achievement in
English and another subject in both school based on the data when the
researcher did pre-observation in both school. In vocational high school
Islamic integrated KhoiruUmmah the score in their report is good almost
completed, and then some of students follow some national competitions like
a speech, write short stories in English, debate and swimming. That
nationality champions related with eight techniques used by teachers.
Vocational high school Islamic integrated Rabbi Radhiyyah their
achievement is good, although so many activity they did. The good
achievement such as the score of the students is higher average by used the
creative techniques from the teachers and the students followed some
competitions. It means the techniques used by teacher in the schools and
class is very good achievement for the students in the class and in their life.
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The researcher is really interested to delve what techniques and what

classroom activities the teachers used for the students and the effectiveness
of techniques in teaching English used by the teachers in vocational high
school Islamic integrated KhoiruUmmah and vocational high school Islamic
integrated Rabbi Radhiyyah. Based on the reason above the researcher
interested to investigate about “An Analysis of Classroom Activities
pursuant to Effective Techniques Teaching English in Integrated
Vocational Schools”.
Research Questions
Based on the background above, the researcher questions were
formulated as follows :
1. What are the techniques used by teachers in teaching English in
integrated vocational schools?
2. What are the classroom activities used by teachers in the implementation
of techniques teaching ?
1. How the classroom activities pursuant or not with techniques based on
the effective teaching theory?
Objectives of the Research
The purposes of this research are :
3. Identify teaching techniquesused by teachers in teaching practical
4. Identify the classroom activities in implementation techniques teaching in
5. Identify the classroom activities that pursuant or not with the technique
teaching based on the theory of effective teaching in integrated vocational
Definition of the Key Terms
The following discussion would provide the description on the
key terms of the research. The explanation would cover three items;
effective teaching, teaching techniques, and integrated vocational school.
Teaching Technique. Based on Jerome’s statement “Teaching is the
supply the idea, the problems or the knowledge as sample, so that the
students can understand”. Brown(2001) the technique is specific activities
manifested in the classroom that is consistent with a method and
therefore is in harmony with an approach as well.
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |153

Classroom activity is several activities that the students show their

educations’ activity used team work or individual, if the classroom does not
have real some activities, so the learning process can not effectively and the
students could be a passive. The purpose of classroom activities is to give
students exposure to context before they complete a related performance task
such as reflects students knowledge of the construct, rather than context.
Vocational school is one of secondary school with a specialty to
prepare graduates to be ready to work. Integrated vocational school.
Suyanto(2013) where part of school include Islamic religions in subject,
lesson, or activities. Integrated vocational school medify and deveoped their
curriculum to reach the min goals of the establishment of school is among:
make the students be islamic personality, have smart think and intelegent
Based on the theory from Anthony’s “Technique is the level at
which classroom procedures are described. It is implementation that
which actually takes placein a classroom. It is the particulartrick,
stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate
objective.”Technique must be consistent with a method, and therefore in
harmony with anapproach as well. Technique teaching is step or activity that
the teachers used in teaching English. Another definition, technique is a way
of achieving one purpose skillfully a knack (Anthony, 2004). There are kind
of techniques in teaching as follows (Keachie, 2006):
A class Discussion
A class discussion is one activity could be suitable for any class in
size, even thought class discussion more effectively for small group. A
discussions invited the students and learners to think critically on their
subject and sometimes used logic to evaluate their position. A class
discussion is really good for classroom activity to given the unit has been
sufficiently covered already(Keachie, 2006).
A think-pair-share
A think pair activity is the time for learners and students for ponder
the previous lesson, than discuss with one students or more of their peers, the
last for share it with the class as part of formal discussion. It is during this
formaldiscussion that the instructor should clarifymisconceptions. However
students need a background in the subject matter to converse in ameaningful
way. Therefore, a "think-pair-share" exercise is useful in situations
wherelearners can identify and relate what they already know to others. So
preparation is key.
A learning cell
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A learning cell is an effective way for a pair of students to

study and learn together. A learning cell a process where there are two
students should asking and answering questions on commonly read
materials, to think and prepare for assignment, and then they write down the
questions after they read. At the next class meeting, the teacher randomly
puts students inpairs. The process begins by designating one student from
each group to begin by asking
one of their questions to the other. Once the two students discuss the
question, the otherstudent ask a question and they alternate accordingly.
During this time, the teacher goesfrom group to group giving feedback and
answering questions. This system is also called astudent dyad.
A short written exercise
The students make a review materials and provide feedback, it
is used one minute paper, however one minute paper it is does not take one
minute for make summarize, but they have ten minutes to work their
exercise. Teachers should employ a role-PracticeReflect approach during
writing instructionand classroom activities, gradually transitioning
responsibility until students are usingwriting strategies independently.
A collaborative learning group
This way good for learn in different material and different
classes. This technique where teacher assign students in group three until six
people and they are given an assignment or task to work together. This is
good example of active learning because it causes the students to review the
work that is being required at an earlier time to participant(McKinney, 2010)
A student debate
Debate make students to learn because they allow students to
chance to take a position and gather information to support their view and
explain it to others. These debates not only give the student a chance to
participant in a fun activity but also lets them gain some experience with
giving a verbal presentation(Babara, 2003)
A reaction to a video
The video help the students to understanding what they are
learning at the time in presentation mode. It is also more active for the
students because almost the students loved watch video or movies.

A class game
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |155

When the students hears about the games, automatically they

are very happy because it’s not only help the students to review the course
material before a big exam, but the games can helps them to enjoy in
learning process.
From several techniques, the techniques have some roles
for the teacher used in their class that make the situations in the class
and students active, fun in the class, enjoyable and easier to understand
the materials by use that techniques.
The Classroom activities involves interactions between the teacher
and students. It means the classroom activity is some activities that the
students show their educations’ performance in team work or individual, if
the classroom does not have real some activities, so the learning process does
not effectively and the students could be a passive. Therefore, according to
Masita(2017)“teacher needs to provide an authentic material
andinteractive activity to engage learners’ attention and
createcommunicative classroomatmosphere.Moreover, teachers must
dealwith time and the material stated by the curriculum.There are some
examples classroom activities that can be use by schools in the
classroom activities:
6. Small Groups
7. Whole class involvement
8. Reading & Writing Exercises
In summarizing, the teacher select the most pertinent element
from the material and restate them in their own words. Students also
can describe the aspect of the material for the day they find most
confusing. How these written exercises are used in the course will
depend upon the type of class, the instructors objectives, the subject
matter, and a variety of other factors. They could be collected and
graded, kept in a journal(graded or ungraded), or simply used by the
students themselves. From the theory above, the researcher conclude s
many activities and the techniques the teachers used for make active and
effective class. That techniques make enjoyable class, make the students feel
happy they did not feel bored, and the important thing is the students easy to
understood the materials by used some techniques.
According to welberg(1990) in Herna “Most of comprehensive
review of effectiveness of teaching has been made by Welberg. He
collected more than 3000 studies, and then carefully analyzed them to
establish how important the element of effective teaching in students
learning. From Welberg’s result, he gather a list of weighted factors
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selected from his overall list of elements that are very related to teacher
behavior in the classroom.” The techniques to see the effective of
effective teaching for teacher in learning process and teaching process in
the classroom. The elements of effective teaching consist of academic
learning time, use of positive reinforcement, cues and feedback,
cooperative learning activities, classroom atmosphere, high order
questioning, direct instruction, and indirect teaching.
Academic Learning Time
Academic learning time in the classroom has important variable
how efficiently lesson are planned and how get started, how teachers
handles discipline, digressions, off-task behavior, and the teacher
handles transition will have an effect on students learning. Usually, in
classroom, Indonesian’s country has different rule of academic learning
time each meeting has 45 minutes and the teachers in two times
meeting(90 minutes).
Use of Positive Reinforcement
Based on the theory of reinforcement B.F Skinner in Hernas’
Thesis reinforcement is the specialist term in operant conditioning for
the stamping of stimulus associations and response habits that follows
the experience of reward. Skinner’s theory, as well as other
reinforcement technique was later applied to classroom settings with
the idea that using reinforces could increase the frequency of productive
behaviors and decrease the frequency of disruptive behaviors.
There are two kinds of reinforcement; positive and negative
reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is presenting a reward after a
desired behavior, whereas negative reinforcement is taking away and
aversive stimulus after a desired behavior.Basically, in classroom
situation, positive reinforcement is when teachers praise and reward
student for correct behavior. Negative reinforcement is when
punishment is coupled with positive experiences for correct behavior.
Studies have shown that specific praise is very effective, while general
praise is hot. In other words, saying, “ johnny, excellent job adding those
numbers,” “is much better than saying,” “great job, class.”
Cues and feedback
The use cues and feedback is connected for process questioning.
Through cueing, the teacher provides some helps to students for
answering question. While the feedback does not only correcting
students, but also offering them an assessment of how well when they
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |157

have done.(Harmer, J. 2001)Then, feedback is conceptualized

information provided by an agent, such as parents, teachers, book.
Regarding aspect of one’s performance or understanding.(hattie, 2003)
Co-operative Learning
The effective of cooperative learning is a most interesting new
finding. The main point here is the importance in the classroom of
employing small-group technique with cooperative objectives. Such a
procedure encourages student participation and also result in improved
academic performance.
The most direct way to create classroom interaction is to adopt
the principles of collaborative learning. In collaborative learning, the
teacher designs a learning problem or task, and the assigns small groups
of student to address the problem collaboratively. Student are typically
instructed to reach a consensus on an issue, or to create a group
product. The purpose of the collaborative learning is to enhance
learning and achievement by encouraging peer-to-peer interaction and
cooperation.(Bishop, 2000)
Classroom atmosphere
Main element of effective teaching is the need to create a
relatively relaxed learning environment within teaching-learning
process. The arrangement of classroom facilitation also gives an effect to
the students desire to study. A positive atmosphere can make a
classroom a more pleasant place to be and, in turn, a more effective,
motivating place to learn. It’s simple to do, and it can have positive
result on the achievement of students.(Emily, 2017) Moreover, when
teacher creates a positive classroom atmosphere, students learn better.
Every student must feel safe and important in the class in order for
maximum learning to take place. A positive classroom environment does
not just happen; the teacher creates it.
Higher Order Question
A higher order question is basically a query that requires the
student to analyze and produce a reasoned response, not the teacher’s
word. On the other hand no one an already prescribed factual answer to
the question.
Direct instruction
Essentially, direct instruction is good structured. The teacher
explain the lesson and material step by steps, uses advance organizers,
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checks for understanding, has students answer turn by turn in ordered

style and get feedback on their answers.
Indirect Teaching
Indirect teaching there are several aspect in effectiveness
teaching that is have been strongly advocated. Usually in indirect
teaching including stress on independent students learning, inclusion of
students ideas in discussion, and frequent students to interaction with
another students.
Based on the theories above, researcher conclude that many
elements of effective teaching that is very related to teacher behavior in
the classroom. From the elements of effective teaching make sure the
teacher can teach the students more effectively.
Vocational high school is one of the secondary educations with a
specialty to prepare graduates to be ready to work. Based on (Evans in
Djojonegoro, 2016) statement: “Defined that vocational school was part of
educational system that prepared a person to be more capable of working at
a job or a group of occupations than other fields of work.” fortunately, there
are integrated vocational school. Integrated vocational school is some
schools includes Islamic religion in their activity, in their lesson plan. Their
Islamic religion activities is really effective for students it is because the
students got the knowledge about Islamic too not just about the general
Integrated vocational school medify and deveoped their curriculum to
reach the min goals of the establishment of school is among : make the
students be islamic personality, have smart think and intelegent
faith(Suyanto, 2013). There are five principles that characterize the
curriculumof the integrated islamic school.
 Islamic based education nd learning in all subject in the school
 Competency based learning
 Mater of Qur’an
 Know about Arabic and English language in order be able to compete
in global lifes
 The actulization of student’s abilities and telents
On the other hand, the purpose of integrated islamic school
curriculum is not only providing knowledge and completing their vocation
skill but also instiling religious values. That is why the institude said tobe
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |159

integrated in school system, which is believed to be the foundation for

forming muslim leadership.
Research Methodology
This research used qualitative methods. A qualitative case study
research design was considered appropriate ininvestigating this research
inquiry. The aim was to examine the teaching process in-depth and
thestudents’ learning activity at schools within an organizational context.
The title ofthe research project indicated a qualitative research method due to
its nature to explore anddiscover the factors affecting teaching effectiveness.
The study investigated the view of chefinstructors teaching in culinary arts at
vocational high school Islamic integrated in RejangLebong. According to
Hancock “Qualitative research is concerned with developing explanation of
social phenomena. It described social phenomena as they occur
naturally(Bverly, 1998). This research usedthere were two instruments, the
checklist observation and interview guidance. Both of instruments see the
techniques and classroom activities the teachers used in the class and to see
the techniques pursuant with element of effective teaching. Finally, the result
of checklist observation are:
Table 1
The result of Observation the techniques teaching used by teachers

Teaching The Techniques implemented

NO Techniques Used
by Teachers SMK IT KU SMK IT RR
The teacher B
The teacher A splitting into some
splitting into groups
some groups
really fair.
1 A Class Discussion The teacher mix the
The teacher invite students for make
the students to good group.
think critically.
The teacher ask the
students to think

2 Think Pair Share The teacher A ask The teacher B ask

the students
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about the lesson the students.

last meeting. The teacher B ask
The teachers A the students one by
invite the student one about previous
who can answer lesson
the question The teacher invite
about previous the student who
can answer the
The teacher A ask The teacher B ask
the students the students
sharing each sharing
other about the
3 A learning Cell material.
The students must
prepare for the
The teacher A The teacher B
instruct the instruct the
students to make students to make a
a resume after resume after
Short Written learned material. learned material.
The students
received the
instruct from the
The teacher B
The teacher A become the
Collaborative students in some
5 instruct the
Learning Group groups.

The teacher A give

big chance for the
6 Students Debate -
students to
convey they idea.

7 Reaction To A Video The teacher A The teacher B show

show the video or the based on the
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |161

movie. material the

students learn.
Teacher A give the the teacher B give
8 Class Game
students games the students games

Based on the finding of the observations, it can be seen that the

teacher almost implemented all the techniques. For the teacher A in
integrated vocational school khoiruummah used 8 Techniques 8
techniques and the teacher B from integrated vocational school Rabbi
raddiyah used 7 techniques indicators from 8 techniques
Table 2
The result of Observation the classroom activities used by teachers


NO The Classroom
Unsuitable activities Used by
Suitable techniqes
techniques Teacher
The teacher A The teacher
used classroom implemented
activity pair- debate class in
share. the activities

1 The teacher Small Group

divided the
students in 4-5

The teacher A The teacher used

deliver a material the class debate
for 15 to 20.
2 The teacher
assigns students Whole
assume the roes of classinvolvement
162 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

individuals or
group in real
The teachers
instructs students
3 - Reading and writing
to write short Exercises

Based on the finding of observations, it can be seen that the

teacher almost implemented all classroom activities. From the table it
can be seen the teacher A from KHOIRU UMMAH implemented 5
indicators in classroom activities.
Table 3
The result of Observation the classroom activities used by teacher


NO The Classroom
Unsuitable activities Used by
Suitable techniqes
techniques Teacher
The teacher The teachers used
divided the debate class for
1 Small Group
students in 3-5 ask and answer
groups. each other.
The teacher B The teacher used Whole
used class the class debate classinvolvement
discussion for
2 whole class
The teacher
assigns the
students to write
some topics. Reading and
3 - writing Exercises
The teachers
instructs students
to write short
assignment to
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |163

assess the extent

to which students.

Based on the finding of observations, it can be seen that the

teacher almost implemented all classroom activities in classroom and
the classroom activities is different with techniques but the classroom
activities that reflect with technique teaching. From the table it ca be
seen the teacher B in RABBY RADDIYAH implemented 4 indicators in
classroom activities.
To know the classroom activities pursuant to techniques suit with the
effective teaching theory , the researcher used Observation Checklist field
notes. The checklist observation consist from several indicators which based
on the theoryand the field notes based on 8 meetings for the teacher.The
result finding of observation Checklist for the Analysis of the Techniques
and classroom activities pursuant to techniques suit the effective (based on
Welberg’s theory) as follow:
Table 4
The result Observation Checklist for the Analysis of the Techniques and
classroom activities pursuant to techniques suit the effective (based on
Welberg’s theory)

Elements of SMK IT KU SMK IT RR

NO Effective observation
Teaching Teacher A Teacher B
The teacher A The teacher B
almost almost
manages the manages the
time for time for
learning learning
activities in the activities in
Academic class the class
Learning Time Teacher Teacher
manage the manage the
classroom. classroom.
The teacher The teacher
manage the handle
time really learning time
good with the focus on
164 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

technique technique
teaching she reaction to a
used and video.
The teacher
handling the
8 students’ task
behavior time
by time.
The teacher
handle learning
2 The teacher A Teacher B
gave rewards always gave
when students score for
The Use of
have a good students
score and gave because
punishment students.
when students
got bad score.
3 The teacher A The teacher
given the given the
students cues students cues
just in CD, TPS, just in CD,
Cues and techniques. CLGs’
Feedback techniques.
The teacher
give the clue for The teacher
answer right give the clue
question. for answer
right question.
4 The teacher A The teacher B
designs a designs a
Co-operative learning learning
Learning problem or problem or
task and task and
further assigns further
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |165

students to assigns
make some students to
small groups in make some
order to small groups
address the in order to
problem or address the
task problem or
collaboratively task
in elements CD, collaboratively
LC, and CLG. in elements
CD, LC, and
5 The teacher A The teacher B
manages the manages the
classroom classroom
almost all the almost all the
techniques. techniques.
6 The teacher A The teacher B
used higher used higher
Higher Order order question and order
Question in elements CD, question in
TPS, and SD. elements CD
and TPS.
b The teacher A The teacher B
used direct used direct
Direct instruction in instruction in
Instruction elements TPS, elements CD,
and RV. CLG, and RV.
8 The teacher A The teacher B
make the make the
students more students more
enthusiastic if enthusiastic.
Indirect the teacher.
The teacher
Teaching The teacher manages the
manages the learning
learning activities
activities which which trigger
trigger high high
166 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

frequency of frequency of
interactions interactions
among students among
in class students in
discussion and class
collaborative discussion and
learning group collaborative

Based on the result of finding observation it can be conclude there

was difference among the result of the teacher A and Teacher B. From the
data above, several techniques that implemented by teachers pursuant with
effective teaching. The teacher A and teacher B in elements of effective
teaching when they implemented the technique teaching English, that
technique pursuant but Sometime teacher A and teacher B when they
implemented the technique in indicators of elements effective teaching does
not pursuant.
To know the classroom activities pursuant to techniques suit with the
effective teaching theory. The researcher had done interview with two
English teachers as the respondents. The researcher gave the questions based
on the theory about the techniques the teachers used in the classroom
activities. The data obtained from interview were concluded by the
researcher as below:
Teacher A
From the interview with teacher A, teacher A use various
technique and classroom activities. The teacher apply class discussion
technique and teacher A drive her students to think critically and lead
her students to use their logic so that they evaluate their position in a
class discussion:
“yes, of course I use the class discussions’ technique. Actually in the
class there are learning groups, it is finished make when the class
wants to start a lesson in the early semester but every meeting the
group must change the students. In every group the students must
combine it is mean there are smart student, there are diligent
students and there are slowly student, so they can help each other,
usually to lead the students I usually show some videos to the
students and play a game, because the students really like watch
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |167

and play a game. So they can use their logic in the learning
Based on the statement above, the teacher use some techniques
as a indicators to make the students to think critically in the class
discussion. Various techniques can make the students active.
When the researcher ask about the think air shares’ techniques,
the teacher use that techniques before start new material. She ask the
students about the material last meeting. The teacher give a reward for
the students whose can remember the material last meeting by use
technique think pair share. The teacher make sure the students
remember about the material last meeting before start new material.
When the students sharing about the lesson each other, they will getting
new information from friends, the teacher used learning cells’ technique
for make the students among two students sharing about the material
the teacher gave. She used learning cells’ technique in grade one about
text recount. When the researcher ask the teacher about the short
written exercise, the teacher answered as follow:
“Yes, of course every students must resume about the material they
had done learn, but not all the students can convey that resume,
around two or three students get a chance to convey their task to
the students and teacher.
Based on the teacher answer, the researcher conclude the teacher
called on the students randomly every the teacher gives the task to
make sure all the students brave and accustomed for convey their
Collaborative learning group is one of the techniques the teacher
A used, when the researcher ask the teacher about collaborative
learning group the teacher statement is:
“Yes, in collaborative learning group there are three until five
students. Every students have a job each other, before start
discussion class the students choose who the leader from that group.
The leader can manage the group to be a solid group, so they can do
their jobs very well”
From the statement from the teacher, the researcher conclude
the teacher make the students work each other in the group. The next
question from the researcher is about student debate. She is the answer
The statement above indicates that the teacher give task for every
168 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

students but they learn together with the group, so their group get score
until final examination.
The researcher ask about reacting a video’s technique. Based on
the statement, the teacher gave a treatment for the students. That
treatment for make a students do not feel bored with the subject.
The last question of interview is the class games’ technique the
teacher used in the classroom activities. She said game is really
important in learning process.The answer of the teacher can, the teacher
gave the games based on the mood the students, and the students can
play that games very well.
Teacher B
From the interview with teacher B, it is found that the teacher B
also used various kind of techniques teaching English in activities class.
From the result of interview with the teacher B, she said that:
“ yes, of course. I used class discussion technique when discuss
about text narrative, so I give task to the students to make a group
then they are I instruct to search generic structure in the text,
search the characteristics, all the items about the text. Usually I
force the students to write their opinion, so I know whose the
students work or not usually the weakness in class discussion
technique is just smart students have opinion in the group. The
reason why I instruct the students to write their opinion they can
get individuals’ score and groups’ score”
From that statement, the teacher used the class discussion
technique and the teacher invite all the students to give their aspiration
in the group. So, the students can get the information from the friends.
When the researcher ask about the think pair share technique, the
answer of the teacherthe researcher concluded the teacher is really
good to used this technique, the teacher used the technique very well by
her own and the teacher become the students more active. researcher
about learning cell technique, the teacher said yes but seldom I used
that. The teacher used learning cell technique for certain material. The
answer of the teacher can be seen as follow:
“Actually I seldom used learning cell technique but when I used
learning cell technique, I instruct the students to write short
conversation. If the time is long I can used learning cell technique
and I can test the students’ speaking by tell about short
conversation their had done write.
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |169

Based on the statement above, the researcher concludes that the

teacher used learning cell technique based on the material and the time,
the teacher also can take students score by used learning cell technique.
Used short written exercise technique is one of strategy that become the
students know how to write well and how to put grammatically. From
that statement from the teacher, if the teacher want to take score the
students she did not used short written exercise but she instruct the
students to spoken in front of their friends.
The next question is about collaborative learning group. The
teacher answer she have not used collaborative learning group. Based
on the teachers’ statement, the researcher conclude the teacher did not
used collaborative group in classroom activities.
When the researcher asked about student debate, the teacher
gave the statement, the researcher concludes that she have not used the
student debate technique. The researcher asked the teacher about
reacting to a video. From the statement above, the teacher have not used
a reaction to a video in classroom activities, the teacher instruct the
students to spoken.The last question of interview is A class game
technique. The statement of the teacher can concludes, the teacher gave
the students games for make students more active in the classroom
activities, every the students gave aspirations in the class the teacher
always gave feedback for the students le a score.
The techniques used by teachers in teaching English in integrated
vocational schools.
In this step, the researcher used checklist observation to get the
result of the question about the technique used the teachers in teaching
English in integrated vocational schools. The explanation is a follow:
Base on the finding of the teacher A and teacher B technique they
used in classroom. Teacher A used A class discussion in active class. The
teacher splitting into some groups that really fair, the students combine
and sharing together, teacher B is same with teacher A, teacher B used a
class discussion and make group for become the students sharing the
material each other. Teacher A and teacher B in class discussion does
not instruct the student to use logic to evaluate their position but both of
the teachers focus on team work in the group. Next technique about
think pair share, teacher A and teacher B used think pair share group
technique in classroom activities, teacher A and teacher B review the
170 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

materials last meeting before start new material but teacher A and
teacher B invite all students to give their participations in think pair
share technique.
The next technique is a learning cell, teacher A used learning cell
technique and teacher B used learning cell technique sometimes, by
used this technique teacher A and teacher B ask the students to work
together about the materials and the students prepare for the
assignment. Next short written exercise, teacher A always used this
technique after learn but teacher B very seldom used this technique,
teacher B instruct the students to spoken in front of friends and teacher
A instruct the students to write the material based on the students’
opinion. The next about collaborative learning group technique, teacher
A used this technique for become the students discuss each other in the
class about the material, same with teacher A teacher B used this
technique but very seldom. Next, student debate technique, teacher A
used this technique for make the students give their participations in the
group and teacher B does not used this technique. Then, reaction to a
video, teacher A and teacher B used video in classroom activities and the
student more active in the class when the teacher used this technique.
Last, class game technique, every meetings teacher A and teacher B used
games in the classroom activities.
The students very interest with the material when the teacher
include the game in learning process. In technique teaching the teachers
A and B not implemented all the indicators of teaching technique.
Teacher A just not implemented one indicator from teaching technique.
The indicator from the technique is the teacher A does not ask the
students to use logic to evaluate their position. There some reason why
the teacher does not implemented this indicators because the teacher A
became the students to evaluate their position in process of discussion.
In discussion technique the teacher make sure all students gave the
participant so the teacher can see the evaluate their position.
Teacher B does not implemented the indicators from the
technique in two indicators. The indicators are the teacher does not ask
the students to use logic to evaluate their position and the teacher B
does not implemented student debate technique. The reason from the
teacher B why dose not implemented the use logic to evaluate because
the teacher B saw the evaluate from the students when the students
discussion in their class. The second reason why the teacher does not
implemented students debate in the learning process because the
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |171

teacher just teach the grade one and there is no the material that
support to implemented student debate.
According to HisyamZaini student debate and debate method is
method that can help the students for convey their idea and opinions.
There are some excess from debate method, the excess are to make the
students brave to talk each other and to be responsible for the
knowledge obtained in the debate process.
From the finding and the theories above, it can be said almost all
the techniques of the teaching implemented by both of teachers. How
ever there is one technique that one of the teacher does not
implemented in learning process, the technique is student debate.
The classroom activities used by teachers in implementation techniques
Based on the finding of the teachers A and teacher B In this step,
the researcher used checklist observation and notes to get the result of
the question about the classroom activities used by teachers in
implementation technique teaching in integrated vocational school. The
explanation is a follow:
Based on the data of checklist observation and notes the
researcher got in implementation classroom activities used small groups
in classroom activities. There are three classroom activities in small
group technique such as pair-share, buzz groups, and three steps
interview. Teacher A and Teacher B used this classroom activities.
Teacher A used pair-share technique by instruct the students to think
what the students want to write around 30 second, one minute to make
a abstract what they want to write, next the teacher gave the time 3 until
5 minutes for the students to explain the result in front of their friend in
theclass. teacher A implemented this classroom activity for become the
students more active in the class and the students connect each other
and for classroom activities buzz groups the teacher implemented and
the teacher divided the students in 4-5 students in one group. Teacher A
does not implemented three steps interviews’ classroom activities in her
classroom activities because teacher A used debate class for become the
students ask and answer each other.
Teacher B same with teacher A, she implemented two classroom
activities in technique small group. Techer B implemented that
classroom activities pair-share to became the students connect each
other by discuss about the result of the students’ write before that the
172 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

teacher gave the students time to write and chose the material, and
teacher B implemented buzz groups in classroom activities, teacher B
divided the students in 3-5 students in one group and the teacher gave
the participant in large classes. The teacher make sure the students talk
about the issue, the teacher calls on some of the groups to report and
ask other group to convey the conclusion by raise hands. Same with
teacher A teacher B does not used three steps interview because the
teacher got the information from the report of discussion in the buzz
groups .
According to Jhones, there is strong empirical evidence that
active involvement in the learning process in vitally important in two
areas: for the mastery of the skills, such as critical thinking and problem
solving that got from discussion in the group discussion.
Based on statement above the researcher concluded that the
teacher A and teacher B in classroom need pair share and become the
students some groups for make the students more active and the
classroom activities will be good in the classroom.
From the data of checklist observation and notes the researcher
got in implementation classroom activities whole class involvement.
Whole class involvement there are three classroom activities. First, the
teacher check, whole class debate, and role play and debates. From that
classroom activities teacher A implemented all off classroom activities
and teacher B does not implemented all of classroom activities in her
classroom activities. teacher A deliver material to the students around
15 until 20 minutes to clearly the material next continue the next
project, and the teacher A used the class debate to become the students
more active to convey their opinions, the teacher A assign the students
to write short assignment to assess the extent to which students
understanding the material. The students make short assignment to
show they understand about the material. The teacher A instruct the
students to gave the arguments each other in debate, for the ending the
teacher instruct the students to summary arguments for each other.
Based on the statement from Frederic, taking advantage from
debate class. The advantages of the dividing aisle in large teacher halls,
the instructor assigns sides of debate to the two halves of the class or by
prearrangement, students sit on the side of the room representing the
point of view of debate.
The researcher can conclude that the teachers used whole class
involvement And students debate in classroom activities based on the
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |173

materials, if the materials needs to use debate class the teachers used
whole class involvement activities.
The data of checklist observation and notes the researcher got in
implementation classroom activities Reading and writing exercise have
two indicators classroom activities. First, close reading and second
classroom assessment. From both of classroom activities teacher A and
teacher B used reading and writing exercise. Teacher A just
implemented classroom assessment in her classroom activities, teacher
A instruct the students to write short assignment to assess the extent to
which students understanding the material. The students make short
assignment to show they understand about the material. Teacher B
implementation both of classroom activities, teacher B implemented
close reading, teacher assigns the students to write some topics after
that the students read the result of the write the topics and teacher B
implemented classroom assessment, teachers B instructs students to
write short assignment to assess the extent to which students
understanding the material. The students make short assignment to
show they understand about the material.
Based on the data above the researcher concludes that the
teacher A and teacher B gave the students activities in the class based on
the skills of the students.
The classroom activities pursuant to techniques suit the effective teaching
After managing the data, the researcher found that the teacher A used
all techniques teaching and teacher B used five techniques teaching English.
Theresearcher got some information about it. The description about the data
isdescribed as follow:
Class Discussion
The teacher apply class discussion technique and teacher A and
Teacher B drive her students to think critically and lead her students to
use their logic so that they evaluate their position in a class discussion,
teachers said actually in the class there are learning groups, it is finished
make when the class wants to start a lesson in the early semester but
every meeting the group must change the students. In every group the
students must combine it is mean there are smart student, there are
diligent students and there are slowly student, so they can help each
other, usually to lead the students the teachers usually show some
videos to the students and play a game, because the students really like
174 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

watch and play a game. So from the technique the teachers used can
used can become the students used logic in the learning activities.
Based on that statement, teachers use some techniques as a
indicators to make the students to think critically in the class discussion.
Various techniques can make the students active. Teacher B and teacher
A invite all students to give aspiration in the group become the students
get information from their friends.
Think Pair Share
When the researcher ask about the think air shares’ techniques,
the teacher A and teacher B use that techniques before start new
material. Researcher the students about the material last meeting. In the
classroom before the teacher start the classroom activities in learning
process the students get ice breaking from the teachers. Ice breaking
like a review the material last meeting. For remember the students
about the material last week the teacher gave the games and who
remember the material by use game that student get reward like a score
or point. From that techniques the teacher A give a reward for the
students whose can remember the material last meeting apply
technique think pair share. Teacher make sure the students remember
about the material last meeting before start new material. Teacher B
used this technique for make the students more active and the students
implemented this technique very well, the students can remember all
material start from small things until big things.
Learning Cell
When the students sharing about the lesson each other, they will
getting new information from friends, the teacher A used learning cells’
technique for make the students among two students sharing about the
material the teacher gave. She used learning cells’ technique in grade
one about text recount. Teacher A really clearly implemented this
technique to the students. Teacher A always instruct the students
become more active in the class. That class no one student can silent, all
the students talk about the topic with their partner. The teacher A used
learning cells’ technique for increase the students’ reading ability.
Short written exercise
When the researcher ask the teacher about the short written exercise,
the teacher A used this technique, but teacher B does not used this technique.
Teacher A make sure every students make a resume about the material they
had done learn. From that technique all the students make a resume but who
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |175

can answer the questions from the teachers they get a chance to convey their
task. That classroom activity can make the students active and want to be
winner to get a score from the teacher.
Based on the teacher A answer, the researcher conclude the
teacher called on the students randomly every the teacher gives the task
to make sure all the students brave and accustomed for convey their
Collaborative Learning Group
Collaborative learning group is one of the techniques the teacher
A used, when the researcher ask the teacher about collaborative
learning group. From the statement from the teacher, the researcher
conclude the teacher make the students work each other in the group.
The teacher become the students in several groups, each group there are
for until five students. Every groups have jobs. That technique really
effective for students because the students can work together in the
group and have a leader for manage every works.
Student debate
The next question from the researcher is about student debate.
Teacher A used student debate technique and teacher A used student
debates’ technique just for several material not all material, for example
talk about narrative text between first group and second group different
assumption about text narrative. Every groups responsibility with their
group until final examination so the score is same so the smarts’
students and generals’ students responsibility with their friends so they
know about their job each other. From that activity the researcher
indicates that the teacher give task for every students but they learn
together with the group, so their group get score until final examination.
Reacting A Video
The researcher also ask about reacting a video’s technique. From
that technique the teacher A and B become the students spirit again in
learning process. From kinds of techniques the teachers always showed
the videos that have connect with the material they learn. The teacher
gave a treatment for the students. That treatment for make a students
do not feel bored with the subject.
Class Game
The last question of interview is the class games’ technique the
teacher A and teacher B used in the classroom activities. The teachers
176 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

said game is really important in learning process.The teachers gave the

games based on the mood the students,and the students can play that
games very well. The teacher B become the students got score if the
students gave aspiration every activities in the class. Although the game
does have connecting with the material but there are dedications in that
Based on the data above, the most teachers implemented all the
technique of effective teaching English. From the interview, the researcher
has gotten to the respondents, the researcher got the conclusion thatthe
classroom activities pursuant to techniques suit the effective teaching
theory, the teachers used various technique and classroom activities in
the learning process in classroom such as small group, whole class
involvement, and reading and writing exercise. The techniques such as a
class discussion, second a think pair share, third technique a learning
cell, fourth a short written exercise, fifth collaborative learning group,
sixth a student debate, seventh a reaction to a video, and eighth is class
game. That technique and classroom activities really help the teacher to
become the students more active and that classroom activities become
pursuant of elements of effective teaching.
As mentioned before, based on the finding and discussion in chapter
IV can be conclude:
The first, the techniques the teachers used in teaching English at
vocational high school Islamic integrated KhoiruUmmah and vocational high
school Islamic integrated Rabbi Radhiyyah. Based on the result of this
research the researcher concludes that the teachers have implemented all the
techniques in teaching English such as a class discussion, think pair share, a
learning cell short written exercise, collaborative learning group, student
debate, and class game. The teachers implemented that technique in
classroom activities. Every meeting the teachers change the technique for
make sure the process learning of the students very well by used that
techniques. Second, the classroom activities the teachers used in
implementation the technique teaching already good activities in teaching
English by used several activities such as small group, whole involvement,
reading and writing exercise. The classroom activities reflect the technique
teaching English in the classroom, every classroom activities the teachers
gives the students technique and activities based on the material they
learn.Last the classroom activities pursuant to techniques suit the
effective teaching theory. The teachers used the techniques and the
classroom activities already pursuant with the elements of effective
Heli Agustin, The Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant |177

teaching such as about academic learning time, the use of positive

reinforcement, cues and feedback, co-operative learning, classroom
atmosphere, high order question, direct Instruction, and indirect
teaching. From above teacher’s techniques, activities that the teachers
implemented very well by follow the elements of effective teaching.
After did the observation in the classroom and interview the
teachers as the respondents, the researcher would like to give some
suggestions which may useful for:
The schools
The school can use the techniques and classroom activities in
English class, but also the school can be use in other subject that
techniques and classroom activities, it is so easy to implement in
learning process in the classroom.
The teachers
Technique teaching and classroom activities is two of important
keys that the teachers can use to make a good and active students in
learning process the classroom. The teachers can used one or more the
techniques teaching based on the theory and the teacher can pursuant
the technique with elements of effective teaching based on the theory
from Welbergs’ to make sure the technique suit with the effective
teaching. So, the teachers can used that techniques and classroom
activities in the classroom.
Future researcher
The future researchers have to make the other researcher which is
better than this one. The researcher hopes that the other time the other
researcher investigate about how effective the technique based on the theory
from Welbergs’ andthis research can be used as the related finding.
178 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2019

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