Empirical Research
Empirical Research
Empirical Research
Conduct empirical
Empirical research is research that is based on observation and measurement of
phenomena, as directly experienced by the researcher. The data thus gathered
may be compared against a theory or hypothesis, but the results are still based
on real life experience. The data gathered is all primary data, although secondary
data from a literature review may form the theoretical background.
On this page
What is empirical research?
The research question
The theoretical framework
Sampling techniques
Design of the research
Methods of empirical research
Techniques of data collection & analysis
Reporting the findings of empirical research
Further information
1. The RQ should arise from your research stream, or topic of interest. This
may come from:
o your doctoral thesis;
o reading the relevant literature in journals, especially literature
reviews which are good at giving an overview, and spotting
interesting conceptual developments;
o looking at research priorities of funding bodies, professional
institutes etc.;
o going to conferences;
o looking out for calls for papers;
o developing a dialogue with other researchers in your area.
2. To narrow down your research topic, brainstorm ideas around it, possibly
with your colleagues if you have decided to collaborate, noting all the
questions down.
3. Come up with a "general focus" question; then develop some other more
specific ones.
4. Having come up with your RQs, check that:
o they are not too broad;
o they are not so narrow as to yield uninteresting results;
o will the research entailed be covered by your resources, i.e. will
you have sufficient time and money;
o there is sufficient background literature on the topic;
o you can carry out appropriate field research;
o you have stated your question in the simplest possible way.
Note, the above two examples state the RQs very explicitly; sometimes the RQ is
Qun G. Jiao, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie are library researchers who examined the
question: "What is the relationship between library anxiety and social
interdependence?" in a number of articles, see Dimensions of library anxiety and
social interdependence: implications for library services (Library Review, Volume
51 Number 2).
The main objective of the research was to explore the two key areas in the
outsourcing process, namely:
or as a proposition:
P1. Female and male members of TMTs exercise different types of power in the
strategic decision making process.
P2. Female and male members of TMTs differ in the extent in which they employ
political savvy in the strategic decision making process.
P3. Male and female members of TMTs manage conflict in strategic decision
making situations differently.
P4. Female and male members of TMTs utilise different types of trust in the
decision making process.
Sometimes, the theoretical underpinning (see next section) of the research leads
you to formulate a hypothesis rather than a question:
Martin et al. explored the effect of fast-forwarding of ads (called zipping)
in Remote control marketing: how ad fast-forwarding and ad repetition affect
consumers (Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Volume 20 Number 1) and his
research explores the following hypotheses:
The influence of zipping
H1. Individuals viewing advertisements played at normal speed will exhibit higher
ad recall and recognition than those who view zipped advertisements.
Ad repetition effects
H2. Individuals viewing a repeated advertisement will exhibit higher ad recall and
recognition than those who see an advertisement once.
Zipping and ad repetition
H3. Individuals viewing zipped, repeated advertisements will exhibit higher ad
recall and recognition than those who see a normal speed advertisement that is
played once.
There are a number of different theoretical perspectives; if you are unfamiliar with
them, we suggest that you look at any good research methods textbook for a full
account (see Further information), but this page will contain notes on the
This is the approach of the natural sciences, emphasising total objectivity and
independence on the part of the researcher, a highly scientific methodology, with
data being collected in a value-free manner and using quantitative techniques
with some statistical measures of analysis. Assumes that there are 'independent
facts' in the social world as in the natural world. The object is to generalise from
what has been observed and hence add to the body of theory.
Very similar to positivism in that it has a strong reliance on objectivity and
quantitative methods of data collection, but with less of a reliance on theory.
There is emphasis on data and facts in their own right; they do not need to be
linked to theory.
This view criticises positivism as being inappropriate for the social world of
business and management which is dominated by people rather than the laws of
nature and hence has an inevitable subjective element as people will have
different interpretations of situations and events. The business world can only be
understood through people's interpretation. This view is more likely to emphasise
qualitative methods such as participant observation, focus groups and semi-
structured interviewing.
are deductive. are inductive.
involve the researcher as ideally an objective, impartial require more participation and involvement on the part of the
observer. researcher.
may focus on cause and effect. focuses on understanding of phenomena in their social,
institutional, political and economic context.
have the drawback that they may force people into have the drawback that they focus on a few individuals, and
categories, also it cannot go into much depth about may therefore be difficult to generalise.
subjects and issues.
While reality exists independently of human experience, people are not like
objects in the natural world but are subject to social influences and processes.
Like empiricism and positivism, this emphasises the importance of explanation,
but is also concerned with the social world and with its underlying structures.
Inductive and deductive approaches
At what point in your research you bring in a theoretical perspective will depend
on whether you choose an:
is more usually linked with an interpretive approach. is more usually linked with the positivist approach.
is more likely to use qualitative methods, such as is more likely to use quantitative methods, such as
interviewing, observation etc., with a more flexible experiments, questionnaires etc., and a highly structured
structure. methodology with controls.
does not simply look at cause and effect, but at people's is the more scientific method, concerned with cause and effect,
perceptions of events, and at the context of the and the relationship between variables.
builds theory after collection of the data. starts from a theoretical perspective, and develops a hypothesis
which is tested against the data.
is more likely to use an in-depth study of a is more likely to use a larger sample.
smaller sample.
Sampling techniques
Sampling may be done either:
On a probability basis – that is, each member of a given population has an
equal chance of being selected, as when your population is the
workforce of an organisation, and you select members from it:
o On a random basis – a given number is selected completely at
o On a systematic basis – every nth element of the population is
o On a stratified random basis – the population is divided into
segments, for example, in a University, you could divide the
population into academic, administrators, and academic related.
A random number of each group is then selected.
o On a cluster basis – a particular subgroup is chosen at random.
On a non-probability basis – the population does not have an equal chance
of being selected; instead, selection happens according to some factor
such as:
o Convenience – being present at a particular time e.g. at lunch in
the canteen.
o Purposive – people can be selected deliberately because their
views are relevant to the issue concerned.
o Quota – the assumption is made that there are subgroups in the
population, and a quota of respondents is chosen to reflect this
Useful articles
Richard Laughlin in Empirical research in accounting: alternative approaches and
a case for "middle-range" thinking provides an interesting general overview of the
different perspectives on theory and methodology as applied to accounting.
(Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Volume 8 Number 1).
D. Tranfield and K. Starkey in The Nature, Social Organization and Promotion of
Management Research: Towards Policy look at the relationship between theory
and practice in management research, and develop a number of analytical
frameworks, including looking at Becher's conceptual schema for disciplines and
Gibbons et al.'s taxonomy of knowledge production systems. (British Journal of
Management, vol. 9, no. 4 – abstract only).
Case study.
Grounded theory.
Ethnographic and observation.
Action research.
Note it is possible, and indeed desirable, to use more than one method: this is
called triangulation and has the benefit of being able to enhance the validity of the results.
How large will your sample be? What will your unit
of analysis be?
The sample refers to the subset of your population (the total group you wish to
investigate). The sample should be sufficiently large to be representative of the
population as a whole.
The unit of analysis is the level at which the data is aggregated: for example, it
could be a study of individuals as in the women manager studies quoted above,
of dyads, as in a study of mentor/mentee relationships, of groups (as in studies of
departments in an organisation), of organisations, or of industries.
1. reliability.
2. validity.
3. generalisability.
4. transferability.
This is about the replicability of your reseach and the accuracy of the procedures
and research techniques. Will the same results be repeated if the research is
repeated? Are the measurements of the research methods accurate and
consistent? Could they be used in other similar contexts with equivalent results?
Would the same results be achieved by another researcher using the same
instruments? Is the research free from error or bias on the part of the researcher,
or the participants? (E.g. do the participants say what they believe the
management, or the researcher, wants? For example, in a survey done on some
course material, that on a mathematical module received glowing reports – which
led the researcher to wonder whether this was anything to do with the author
being the Head of Department!)
How successfully has the research actually achieved what it set out to achieve?
Can the results of the study be transferred to other situations? Does x really
cause y, in other words is the researcher correct in maintaining a causal link
between these two variables? Is the research design sufficiently rigorous, have
alternative explanations been considered? Have the findings really be accurately
interpreted? Have other events intervened which might impact on the study, e.g.
a large scale redundancy programme? (For example, in an evaluation of the use
of CDs for self study with a world-wide group of students, it was established that
some groups had not had sufficient explanation from the tutors as to how to use
the CD. This could have affected their rather negative views.)
Are the findings applicable in other research settings? Can a theory be
developed that can apply to other populations? For example, can a particular
study about dissatisfaction amongst lecturers in a particular university be applied
generally? This is particularly applicable to research which has a relatively wide
sample, as in a questionnaire, or which adopts a scientific technique, as with the
Can the research be applied to other situations? Particularly relevant when
applied to case studies.
are deductive. are inductive.
involve the researcher as ideally an objective, impartial require more participation and involvement on the part of the
observer. researcher.
may focus on cause and effect. focuses on understanding of phenomena in their social,
institutional, political and economic context.
have the drawback that they may force people into have the drawback that they focus on a few individuals, and
categories, also it cannot go into much depth about may therefore be difficult to generalise.
subjects and issues.
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