Q4 English 9 Week 1 Day 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 English (Day 1)

Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Date Submitted: April 26, 2023


The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types
serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use the features
of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and
indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.


The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal and
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and
Dramatic Conventions.

At the end of 60-minute lesson, the students must be able to:
a. Explain the importance of judging the relevance and worth of ideas.
b. Identify relevant information and evidence from a text.
c. Evaluate the concept of “claim and supporting details” in a reading text.
d. Analyze examples of judging the relevance and worth of ideas from a text.
e. Utilize the skills acquired from the lesson to judge the relevance and worth of ideas in other


A) TOPIC: Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas

a. English MELC
b. Learners Material

a. Textbook or educational handouts on evaluating information and claims
b. Pictures of different types of bias
c. Blank sheets of paper for student reflection



Good morning, Class! : (All students) Good morning, Ma’am.

How are you today? Did you sleep well last night? : (All students) We’re fine Ma’am.

It’s good to hear that you had enough sleep. If that’s

the case, can I expect your active participation today? : (All students) Yes, Ma’am.

Thank you.


Let me remind you of our classroom rules.

1. Be on time
2. Observe cleanliness
3. Sit properly
4. Raise your hand if you have questions
5. Listen attentively

Are we clear on that class? : (All students) Yes, Ma’am.


Before we begin, let us ask guidance of almighty God

and let us enlighten our mind to completely understand
the lesson. Student A would you lead the prayer? : (Student A will recite a prayer)
“Heavenly Father, we come before you
today to ask for your guidance and
wisdom as we begin this class. We ask
for your help in understanding the
material and retaining the knowledge
we will learn. We ask for your
protection as we engage in discussions
and activities. Please bless our teachers
with the strength and patience they need
to lead this class. We trust in your
provision and love, and we pray all
these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Thank you, student A, for leading the prayer.


It seems that some of your classmates is not attending

our class. Please tell them to attend the class regularly.
Oh well, miss secretary, kindly check the attendance.
Thank You! : Ms secretary: Yes Ma’am.


Before we proceed to our discussion, let us first

have an activity. Yes, Ma’am.

This activity is called unlock me! All you must do is

unlock the words that describe the meanings below by
replacing the numbers into alphabets.

For example:

It is the parts of something written or spoken that

immediately precede and follow a word or passage and
clarify its meaning.

3 15 14 20 5 24 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 2 23 24 2 26
2 5

What do you think is the answer, class? Ma’am, the answer is CONTEXT.

That’s correct! Context is the parts of something

written or spoken that immediately precede and follow
a word or passage and clarify its meaning.

Are you ready, class? Yes, ma’am.

You may start, now.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 2 23 24 2 26
2 5 VALU E

1. usefulness; worth
22 1 12 21 5
2. aim or purpose R E LEVAN C E
9 4 5 1 19

3. important to the matter at hand JUDGMENT

18 5 12 5 22 1 14 3 5

4. the ability to come up with sensible conclusions C LAR I TY

10 21 4 7 13 5 14 20

5. state of being simple and understandable

3 12 1 18 9 20 25


At the end of 60-minute lesson, the
Now, let us go through judging the relevance and worth students must be able to:
of ideas. f. Explain the importance of
judging the relevance and worth
Before we proceed to our discussion, let us first read of ideas.
our objectives. Kindly read student A. g. Identify relevant information
and evidence from a text.
h. Explain the concept of “claim
and supporting details” in a
reading text.
i. Analyze examples of judging
the relevance and worth of ideas
from a text.
j. Utilize the skills acquired from
the lesson to judge the relevance
and worth of ideas in other texts.

Thank you for reading. To keep track of our goals for

today, I will post this on the board.


Literature as one of its purposes, makes people

learn from the ideas. Ideas are thoughts that are
expressed around us through the different materials we
encountered. These ideas are presented through verbal,
printed or digital form. As a 21st century learner, you
must know the importance of finding worthy materials.
This is especially appreciated when the literary piece
has ideas that are sound and that can be applied in the
reader’s own life. Thus, literature is seen as especially
valuable because it is relevant to you as the reader. Ma’am, how can we judge the solid the
ideas and how sound the judgement of
In order to find value in literature, readers first an author is?
judge how solid the ideas are and how sound the
judgement of an author is.

To do that, you can carefully read the article to

determine the quality of the ideas and the author's
judgment. In this manner, you can evaluate the author's
ideas for their value and applicability, the logic behind
their arguments, and the impact of their presentation. In Yes, Ma’am.
order to increase the trustworthiness of a source, you
can also gauge the author's level of competence.
Ma’am, Judging the relevance and
Do you understand, class? worth of ideas is important because it
helps us to identify the best ideas that
Very good! Now, what do you think is the importance can help us achieve our goals. It also
of judging the relevance and worth of ideas? helps us to avoid wasting time and
resources on ideas that are not useful or
relevant to our goals.

Very good! Judging the relevance and worth of ideas is

important because it helps us to choose the best ideas
that can help us achieve our goals. In addition, it In addition to what my classmate said,
prevents us from wasting time and resources on ideas Ma'am, it aids us in seeing potential
that are unnecessary or unrelated to our objectives. faults or problems with a concept before
we devote excessive time or resources
How about the others? to it.

Good job!  it helps us to identify potential problems or

issues with an idea before we invest too much time or
resources into it.

When evaluating the applicability and value of the

concepts contained in the materials, we should keep the
following in mind: First, note important information
or facts;
Everybody, please read the following steps in Second, gather evidences;
evaluating the applicability and value of the concepts Third, validate the source of
contained in the materials. information and the information
itself by comparing the
information from other valid
Fourth, check the organization
and clarity of ideas, and
Lastly, examine the
appropriateness of the language

Ma’am, I think identifying information

Thank you for reading. Why do you think that there is a and evidence from the material
need to identify the information and evidence from the presented is important because it helps
material presented? Will it contribute on how we judge us determine the credibility and
the relevance and worth of ideas? reliability of the source. It also helps us
evaluate the accuracy of the information
presented and whether it is relevant to
your research or not.

Well said! We need to identify the information and

evidence from the material presented because we need
to do know if the sources of facts are credible and
reliable. It will also help us to determine whether the
author has used reliable sources to support their claims
or not. This can help us avoid using unreliable sources Yes, Ma’am.
in your own research and ensure that your work is
based on accurate and credible information.

Do you understand, class?

Moving forward, let us evaluate the concept of “claim

and supporting details” in a reading text.

Evaluating the concept of “claim and supporting de-

tails” in a reading text involves identifying the au-
thor’s claim or main idea and the supporting details
that are used to back it up.

The claim is the author’s central argument or point of

view, while the supporting details are the evidence
that is used to support it.

To evaluate this concept, you can ask yourself ques-

tions such as:

 What is the author’s claim or main idea?

 What evidence does the author use to support their
claim? Ma;am, why do we need to answer
 Is the evidence relevant and convincing? these questions?
 Are there any counterarguments or alternative per-
spectives that are presented?

Very good question! Class, by answering these ques-

tions, you can gain a deeper understanding of the au-
thor’s argument and evaluate its effectiveness. Yes, Ma’am.

Is it clear to you, class?

Very good! If that’s the case, let us practice what you

have learned today by analyzing examples of judging
the relevance and worth of ideas from a text.


Read the essay below and Answer the questions

comprehensively and write your answer in your
activity notebook.

Let us all read and discover the story, Develop Good Yes, Ma’am.
Study Habits. Let us now begin and read the story. Are
you ready class?

Develop Good Study Habits

During the past few years, students who

maintain good study habits are becoming fewer and
fewer. Social activities become more important than
staying at home and study. Believe me; developing
good habits these days are hard. With all the cool new
stuff around, who wouldn’t want to skip studying and
go explore this stuff?
You may have had the habit of “play first
before pay”. Students these days consider studying as
hassle, even though we’ve been lectured on how
education is important to us. You may have realized
that it’s time to develop good study habits, unless of
course, you’re not studying anymore. Development
takes time, especially when you’re trying to replace an
old habit with a new one, as it turns out, developing
good study habits from your former ineffective study
habits will be considered as a rehab.
When developing good study habits, you have
to set time for everything.
Plan a daily schedule. With all the activities
you need to do such as assignments and projects, you
can’t just remember them. Writing them down, and
planning when to do it will be the most effective way
to remember things. Even though you have a skill in
remembering all those things, doing them in all one
shot will only bring mediocre results. Also, taking
notes with readable font because if you can’t read
your notes, it’s pretty much useless.
Notes are important; it helps you survive
surprises tests, even not so surprising ones. If you’re
going to develop good study habits, you should make
a habit of organizing your notes, and flipping over
them every once in a while. Another effective thing to
do with your notes, is to color code them. You can
code them for each subject for example.
Also keep in mind to have a place for them.
Making a schedule also helps students’ main problem
– procrastination. Procrastination has been the biggest
problem of high school students nowadays. A project
will be given a month before, but we do it a week
before the deadline which only causes a very stressful
week. Just as I have said, you should make it a habit
of planning your activities that way you know when to
do things. Yes, school is very stressful. But with good
study habits, you can survive. Although some habits
might affect your health, a very common one is
staying up late. Balance is the key to everything. A
sufficient amount of rest should equal to a sufficient
amount of studying. If one side overtake the other, it
would result to disaster. Too much studying is just as
bad as too much playing. We also need to mind our
bodies. Our bodies are the Holy Spirit’s temple. Thus,
we must take care of it, to avoid abusing it.
High school students consider their high
school life as stressful. The fact is, it’s not really that
stressful. We only lack consciousness of balancing our
time. Time is everything. It passes by, and it’s gone.
Every second that passes is God’s gift so we should
use it wisely. Developing good study habits not only
gives you excellent grades but is also helps you with
stress management. With the habit of carefully
planning your activities, you’ll be able to organize
your thoughts every time.

1. What is the essay all about?

2. What information have you gathered from the
3. Which among the ideas you are willing to adapt in
your studies? Why?

Are you done, class?

It is good to hear that, the, let us answer the

comprehensive questions. Ma’am, the story is all about developing
a good study habit. It tackles about how
Number 1, What is the essay all about? hard it is to set study habits and how
will it benefit the students.

Ma’am, it talks about the current

situations of students with and without
Very good! How about the others? study habits.

Good job! The selection is all about how developing a

study habit influences the lives of the students. It goes
through the pros and cons of setting up a study habit.
For that matter, let us give your classmates a Good Job
Ma’am, developing good study habits is
Okay, let us proceed to the question number 2, What essential for students of all ages.
information have you gathered from the essay? Students can learn to focus and stay on
task by forming a regular study routine,
improving their productivity and
academic performance. Good study
habits also help students develop a
sense of responsibility and
independence, preparing them for the
challenges of college and beyond.

Very good! You have really paid attention to the details

of the story.
(Students answer may vary)
How about for question number 3? Which among the
ideas you are willing to adapt in your studies? Why?

Excellent work, class! I appreciate your cooperation

and willingness to share your thoughts on the narrative
as well as your main takeaway. It really shows your
interest in our discussion.


Going back to our first activity, all the words that we

have unlocked are important and is connected in
judging the relevance and worth of ideas.
Ma’am, it is crucial to evaluate the
Again, what is the importance of judging the relevance relevance and value of ideas since it
and worth of ideas? enables us to recognize the most crucial
points and arguments in a text or
speech. It also enables us to assess the
caliber of the justification and
supporting data. We may decide what to
believe and how to act more wisely by
evaluating the relevance and value of
ideas. For critical thinking and
successful communication, it is a
necessary talent.

Very good! In order to judge the relevance and worth

of ideas, we need to evaluate the evidences and ideas
presented. In connection to that, why is there a need to
identify the information and evidence from the material Ma’am, I think identifying information
presented? and evidence from the material
presented is important because it helps
us determine the credibility and
reliability of the source. It also helps us
evaluate the accuracy of the information
presented and whether it is relevant to
research or not.

Well said! Identifying the information and evidences

from the material presented will help us to helps us
determine the credibility and reliability of the source.

How do we evaluate the concept of “claims and Ma’am, to evaluate this concept, we can
supporting details?” use the following questions that we
have discussed earlier.

 What is the author’s claim or

main idea?
 What evidence does the author
use to support their claim?
 Is the evidence relevant and con-
 Are there any counterarguments
or alternative perspectives that
are presented?

Very Good, class! We can use these questions to fully

analyze if the claims and supporting details on the text
or selection presented is relevant.

Now class, based on our discussion, how can we use

our knowledge in judging the relevance and worth of Ma’am, it’s important to be critical of
ideas presented in our daily lives? the ideas presented to us and not just
accept them without questioning their
validity. By doing so, we can make
informed decisions and form our own

Very good! Any other hand? Ma’am, another way is to ask yourself
questions such as: Is the idea supported
by evidence? Is it logical? Does it make
sense? Is it consistent with other things
I know?

Well said! How about the others? Would you like to

share your insights? Ma’am, judging the relevance and
worth of ideas presented in our daily
lives will help us in a way that we will
be cautious of the things that we acquire
in our daily lives.
Very Good! All your answer is correct. For that matter,
give yourself 5 claps.

I hope that this unit has given you a better

understanding of the concepts covered and the
importance of evaluating information and claims.
Remember, it is important to assess the credibility of
the source, analyze the evidence used to support the
argument, and determine the overall value of the idea.
Additionally, it is important to consider any potential
bias when evaluating information or claims and its
implications for judging ideas.

We now have the tools necessary to evaluate

information and claims critically and make informed




DIRECTION: Read and judge the text below by filling in necessary information in the
table. Write your answer in your activity notebook.


Darren C. Blanche

Advancement is a product of constant change from different aspects of life, and now as
technological progression becomes more powerful, it creates innovations continuing to
global revolution and as a proof of this humanoid existence like Humanoid Sophia from the
Hanson Robotics empowers movement of technological reforms development.
The intriguing introduction of Sophia last 2016 went viral and now as released
statement of the company Hanson Robotics including the mass production of humanoids in
the midst of pandemic COVID 19 will create a betterment especially in the healthcare
Importance of technological recreations in the midst of pandemic makes a progress
pointing in different institutions with high risk of transmissions like healthcare institutions.
“I can help communicate, give therapy and provide social stimulation, even in difficult
situations,” Sophia says on Hong Kong lab tour.
This modernization of massive creation of development creates hope, pasting a long
term effect during and in post pandemic times, also Hanson believes that aside from
healthcare institutions humanoid robots can also be part of different industries like retails
and airlines which will totally be with. The growth of technological industries now in
pandemic era boost improvement on different inventions like these robots, whereas humans
can live with the advance products of technology. Modern- day innovations prove that
human intelligence has a wide variety of concepts, upholding into a conclusion of passing
it as an artificial intelligence that will sold soon as it starts.

If you could decide, do

What is the text all about? Are these ideas relevant you think investing on
What are the ideas nowadays? Why or Why these robots would really
presented by the author? not? help mankind? Why or
Why not?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


Secondary School Principal IV

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