Bending of Beam Lab 1 Report
Bending of Beam Lab 1 Report
Bending of Beam Lab 1 Report
1 Equipment 2
1.1 Beam’s material ans dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 1
Pier: 2 piers set with a distance of 1m. The Beam is fixed at the ends.
Load hanger: Situated on the center of the beam, it will be gradually loaded with weights.
Interface unit: It will be used for the deflection readings of the beam.
Chapter 2
When a beam bends under load, it creates internal forces and moments which are present
at every point along the beam. Considering the simply supported beam of length L, with a
point load W acting at mid span (Figure 2.1):
Due to symmetry, the vertical reaction forces must have equal magnitude W 2 .
When a beam is subjected to PURE BENDING, the beam will be deformed and the deflec-
tion takes the form of a circular arc as shown in the Figure 2.2 with a radius of R (measured
to the neutral axis of the beam). From geometry, the strain in the beam must be:
ε= (2.0.1)
When a beam is subjected to bending, there is a neutral axis where the strain is zero.
Above the neutral axis (where y > 0), the strain is negative, indicating compressive stress.
Conversely, below the neutral axis, the strain is positive, indicating tensile stress. The
curvature of the beam is related to the radius of curvature by the equation k = R1 , where k
is the curvature and R is the radius of curvature.
From the equilibrium considerations, the longitudinal tensile force caused by the tensile
stress due to bending must be equal and opposite to the longitudinal compressive force
caused by the compressive stresses due to bending.
ΣF = 0 = σ dA (2.0.4)
0= y dA = y dA (2.0.5)
The moment due to the bending stresses must be equal and opposite to the externally
applied moment M at the appropriate section, i.e.:
ΣM = σy dA (2.0.6)
M= y 2 dA = I (2.0.7)
as_I = y 2 dA (2.0.8)
= (2.0.9)
R = radius of curvature;
A = Area (m2 );
σ M E
= = (2.0.10)
y I R
Determine an expression for the maximum deflection under the load W for the uniform-
section beam shown in Figure 2.3:
W : The load (N );
3.1 Procedure
1. Measure the width and thickness of each beam to calculate its cross-sectional area
and moment of inertia
2. Set up two supports with a span of 1 meter and connect load cells to interface units.
Turn on the power.
3. Attach the beam in a simply supported state using a load hanger and dial gauge at
the mid-span, as shown in Figure 3.1.
4. Record the dial gauge reading with no load applied for each beam material in result
tables 1-3.
5. For the mild steel beam, apply a load of 30 Newtons in three equal increments (using
the load hanger) and record the dial gauge reading (deflection) at each load.
6. For each aluminum beam, apply a load of 9 Newtons in nine equal increments (using
the load hanger) and record the dial gauge reading (deflection) at each load.
3.2 Results 7
3.2 Results
The tables below show the readings compared to the theoretical values.
Load (N)
Gauge reading (mm) Theoretical value (mm)
0 0.00 0.00
10 3.79 3.78
20 7.71 7.55
30 11.72 11.33
Load (N)
Gauge reading (mm) Theoretical value (mm)
0 0.09 0.00
1 1.27 1.38
2 2.63 2.76
3 3.90 4.15
4 5.26 5.53
5 6.60 6.91
6 7.92 8.29
7 9.32 9.68
8 10.63 11.06
9 11.97 12.44
Load (N)
Gauge reading (mm) Theoretical value (mm)
0 0.00 0.00
1 0.47 0.50
2 0.96 1.00
3 1.49 1.50
4 1.99 2.00
5 2.49 2.50
6 3.00 3.00
7 3.51 3.50
8 4.00 4.00
9 4.52 4.50
The accuracy and reliability of the results obtained in this experiment may be affected
by several factors, including the following:
Firstly, the position of the beam on the supports may not have been exactly centered,
which could have resulted in inaccurate measurements of deflection and stress. While efforts
were made to align the beam correctly, there is a possibility that some degree of misalign-
ment occurred, which could have led to errors in the results.
Secondly, it is possible that the beams used in the experiment had undergone plastic de-
formation due to prior use. This could have affected their mechanical properties and led to
incorrect results. To mitigate this factor, only new or well-maintained beams were used in
the experiment.
Lastly, the depth gauge used to measure the deflection of the beam may have given false
readings due to calibration errors or mechanical defects. To minimize the impact of this
factor, calibration checks were performed regularly during the experiment.
Overall, while efforts were made to minimize the impact of these potential sources of error,
it is important to acknowledge that they could have affected the accuracy and reliability of
the results obtained. Nonetheless, the data collected in this experiment provides valuable
insights into the behavior of beams under bending loads and serves as a useful basis for
further analysis and study.
On the next page are presented the graphs depicting the bending moment, using both
the experimental data and the corresponding theoretical calculations.
As we can see from the tables the values from the experiment are similar with the
theoretical ones. For the Mild Steel bar we got an average percentage error of 1.94%. While
for the Aluminium bar 4.67 mm thick the error is 4.88%, a significant error. For the thicker
Aluminium bar the average error is 1.20%.