keya: keye (qäye) (A), (qee'ee) (O) place outside the compound
or village where animals are grazed; neighbourhood
H.... Keya sub-district, cf Kaya 10/39 [Ad]
(centre in 1964 = Gedid)
H.... Keya Gebriel sub-district (-1997-) 10/39? [n]
HD... Keya Kolako (in Menz & .. awraja) 09/39? [Ad]
The primary school in 1968 had 271 boys and 26 girls in grades 1-5,
with 3 teachers.
HCC11 Keyafa (K'eyafa), see Key Afer
HDM42 Keyafer Mikael (K'eyafer M.) (church) 09°28'/39°35' 09/39 [Gz]
south of Debre Birhan, cf Key Afer
?? Keycha Sisa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po]
?? Keyit (visiting postman under Debre Birhan) ../.. [Po]
JDJ43 Keykey 09°26'/41°55' 2152 m 09/41 [Gz]
mountain south of Dire Dawa
HEE34c Keyu (Keyou) 11/38 [+ Mi]
A small village about 90 km west of Dessie, on the right bank of the Berki stream.
Oil shale occurs in the neighbourhood.
[Mineral 1966]
KCP84 Khair Debin (Chair D., Cair D.) 08°01'/46°08' 739 m 08/46 [WO Gz]
JDE59 Khansaha Au Yahiye (area) 08/44 [WO]
JDE79 Khansaha Harbodle (area) 08/44 [WO]
HFF80 Kharsaba, see Kerseber
khor, ravine or watercourse
?? Khor el Otrub
(A pass probably on the Sudan side but mentioned in connection with the
British bombing of Metemma in July 1940 and the fighting at Gallabat Fort.)
JDG08 Khora, see Kora
HDD91 Khorke, G. (hill) 09/37 [WO]
HCA76 Kiafe (Chiafe) 06°07'/35°21' 1810 m 06/35 [n Gz]
HFF60 Kiat (Qi'at) (with rock-hewn church Maryam) 14/39 [x Ad]
(centre in 1964 of Azeba sub-district)
"A 2½ h de Bahera ou à 4 h de Nebelèt. Très belle basilique hypogée, avec 3 coupoles
dans la nef centrale, un écran de presbyterium, des bonnes peintures, des portes axoumites
en bois sculpté, un arc triomphal exceptionnel par son arc double à croix sculptée."
[Sauter 1976 p 162]
text Ruth Plant in Ethiopia Observer, early 1973 no 1 p 47-48 with plan and drawing
[Camerapix 1995]
?? Kibish 05/35? [Mi]
A river running to lake Turkana. There is indicated
0.5-1.5 grams of gold per cubic metre within a limited area.
[Mineral 1966]
HEM51 Kibkib (K'ibk'ib, Qibqib) 12°18'/39°31' 2380 m 12/39 [Gz q)
It was found necessary to move them, because superstitious people used to take bits of
bone and pieces of cloth from the King's coffin and use them as charms."
"On the south side of the church, in the floor of the Kidist, is the tomb of Abuna Za
Yohannes, covered by a stone slab. A memorial in stone is let into the wall beside it, with
a simple design of the top of a Bishop's staff. The south window of the Kidist Kidisan is
openwork of wrought iron in squares of a similar design to that on the stone, and both are
doubtless the work of Europeans."
"There are at Kebran twelve pillars of dark-red worked stone, ornamented at the top and
with arches between. The pillars are at least 25 feet high and are built in a circle
surrounding the Kidist Kidisan; they are narrow, square, and graceful and make an
impressive bit of architecture. The Memhir said that the number twelve was chosen to
represent the Twelve Apostles. Some of the arches are giving way and look very
dangerous, and the building is in need of immediate repair."
"In the churchyard is a separate thatched belfry, the supports being rough branches of
trees. Here we saw three kinds of bell, one a rough-cast metal bell with a bold inscription
in Giz embossed round it, -- There were also two stone bells made of pairs of narrow
slabs of rock -- slung by creeper-stems to wooden frames. A round pebble lies on the top
of the stone and is used as a striker, and when sounded the bell gives out two notes as
each stone is struck in turn."
"A third kind of bell is composed of three wooden clappers, merely shaped timber boards.
The middle board is the largest and is tongue-shaped and about 4 feet high by 2 feet wide.
Two slightly smaller clappers are loosely bound by ropes of creeper-stems to the front and
back of the middle board through two holes, one on each side. The middle board has a
stout handle, and a man can make a clapping noise by shaking the whole concern."
"Many paintings on linen adorn the walls in the church, and they are of good colour and
tone. One is of St. George and the Dragon, and there is also one of Iyasu I lying in
Heaven with Christ standing over him, and his riflemen all round him. There are said to
be large stacks of books in the library at Kebran, but there was so much to see that I had
no time to examine them. They were taken there for safety by other churches on the
mainland during the various Muhammadan invasions and have never been returned."
"We re-embarked and poled the tankwa round the island westward to see the Church of
Mado Mariam, built on a little promontory at the north-west corner. We found a small,
poor building in which services are only held on occasions such as the Feast of Mariam,
when a monk is brought over from Zegi, as a priest is not allowed to officiate unless he
happens to be a monk as well."
Cheesman citing Budge: Tekle Haymanot I (reigning 1706-1708) was murdered by
conspirators and was buried on Kebran.
[R E Cheesman, Lake Tana & the Blue Nile, London 1936 p 151-155]
picts J Leroy, Ethiopian painting, (French ed. 1964) London 1967 pl I painting from
Kibran Gebriel of the Entry into Jerusalem, pl XXIII archangels painted on door
of the holy-of-holies, pl XXIV painting of Virgin and Mikael also from Gebriel;
Merian Monatsheft: Äthiopien, Hamburg Oktober 1966 p 35 archangels as above;
G Hancock et al, Under Ethiopian skies, London 1983 (1987) p 90 bell
at Kibran Gebriel monastery church;
Äthiopien (topurist guide) 1999 p 165 metal and stone bells
1940s British forces coming from the south passed in April 1941.
"I remember a long, wooded valley with a few recently-built villas, the beginning of a
new Italian settlement named Adola. It was rumoured that Italian mining engineers had
discovered gold in the vicinity, and that various minerals abounded in the neighbouring
mountain ranges."
[MacDonald 1957 p 196]
"After 1941, a gold-mine at Adola in Sidamo became a steady booster of the royal coffers.
In 1944, for instance, the official revenue figure from Adola came to nearly a fifth of total
government revenue. Appropriately enough the name was changed to Kebra Mangest
(Glory of the State). In the public vocabulary, however, 'Adola' remained, signifying
terror both in the forcible recruitment of labour and in the conditions of penal servitude
that prevailed in the labour camp."
[Bahru Zewde 1991 p 200]
/1943:/ "We dropped down through attractive, park-like country and some dry forest to
Adola, the source of most of Ethiopia's gold. Here we spent a night or two so as to attend
the market, where I met for the first time crowds of Jam-jams, wearing their distinctive
leather tam-o'-shanters."
[D Buxton, Travels in Ethiopia, London (1949)1957 p 91]
/tam-o'-shanter = a tight-fitting Scottish cap or braided bonnet/
1946 In May/June 1946 a one-month tour of Ethiopia was made by four Swedish experts from
the bank, mining and construction sectors. One project that was discussed was a railway
from Addis Abeba to Adola.
[V Halldin Norberg 1977 p 201]
Swedish geologists worked for a while at Adola about 1946-1952. This group of five
(Dahlström, Tenne, Bexell, Eriksson, Bernström) kept their prospecting for gold rather
secret and they had no second contract period.
The hospital had one doctor and 40 beds in 1949.
1950s The Swedish traveller Sid Roland Rommerud visited Debre Zeyt, probably in 1951 or
1952. He was told by the Swedish pilot Håkan Svedberg that "our most enjoyable long
flights are the gold transports. We fly gold sand from river beds in the south-east /Adola
or Kibre Mengist not mentioned by name/ every fortnight. The gold is weighed using
Maria Theresa coins, behind closed doors with armed guards, and the representative of
the bank also has a pistol. As a rule we transport about 200 kilograms of pure gold each
[S R Rommerud, Östafrikansk safari, Sthlm 1952 p 83-84]
"Adola is the only gold field now being worked on a production basis, and this largely
with convict labour. Some US$ 300,000 was spent on mining machinery for the Adola
operation, in an effort to double the output obtainable by traditional hand digging
methods, but obstructionism in high places, lack of spare parts for the machinery at
Adola, and dissent among the foreign staff assigned to the operation have combined to
bring the whole plan to nought. There was no evidence, five years after the installation of
modern equipment and the 'mechanization' of the operation, that gold production in
Ethiopia was any greater than it had ever been. In the period 1945-50 this was about
50,000 crude troy ounces per year. If anything, it appears that production has fallen to half
or less than half of its former level, judging by the records on gold entering the Ethiopian
Treasury. Certainly there were no gold exports from Ethiopia in 1953-55, whereas in the
period 1945-50 such exports averaged more than 60 per cent of total production."
[E W Luther, Ethiopia today, (Oxford Univ. Press) London etc 1958 p 135-136]
Around 1957 there was no telephone line to Kibre Mengist but a radio station
for telegraph connection.
Sub-province Governor of Jemjem awraja in 1959 was Fitawrari Inqu Silassie W.Y.
1960s The Ethiopian government built a 500 m wide and 1100 m long landing strip about 8 km
south-east of Shakiso. This airfield can be used throughout the year. In Shakiso there is
also /in the 1960s/ a hospital with 80 beds and housing for engineers, physicians, and
other employees.
"The gravels in gold placers are composed of sterile quartz, quartz mineralized with gold,
quartzites, amphibolites, and, rarely, of granites which are usually decomposed to clay
and sand. The amount of gold is entirely proportionate to the amount of amphibolite in the
gravel of the placer."
"The gold originates from the quartz inclusions occurring in amphibolites and talc-
chlorite-tremolite schists. Systematic geological mapping and prospecting for gold has
been carried out in order to determine the geological structures with respect of the
distribution of gold."
Gold production in the Kibre Mengist field from manual labour in 1955-1965 varied from
400 to 2,000 kg annually. There were renewed efforts at surveying in 1959 and at
prospecting in 1960-1961. The area in which traces of gold occur covers about 10,000
square kilometres.
[Mineral 1966 p 160 & others]
"Even in the 1960s much secrecy still obscures details of mining -- One foreigner, a
former overseer at Adola, informed the author that in the 1940s the labourers were paid
Eth$ 2 for each Maria Theresa ounce of gold which they washed -- The majority of
Ethiopians prefer not to discuss Adola and indeed know little about it. -- Gold is flown
from Adola partly by civil aircraft and partly by military flights. This, and the fact that the
flights are not scheduled, forbids calculation of the total weight of gold transported."
[Greenfield 1965 p 327-328]
A new road between Kibre Mengist and Shakiso was built around 1960.
An agreement to import machines from Rudnap in Yugoslavia for mining work at Kibre
Mengist was signed in July 1961. The value of the transaction was about half a million
Eth. dollars.
In 1962 there was an all weather road from the north and
a dry weather road southwards to Negele.
Postal hand stamp had spelling KEBRE MENGIST around 1963.
The telephone line to Kibre Mengist was in operation by 1964.
The 120 km road from Negele to Kibre Mengist was improved from 1966
by the Highway Authority and the work was fully completed by August 1968.
It was decided in 1966 that the Ministry of Interior would design
a master plan for Kibre Mengist, without engaging external consultants.
Serravalle G. & Franzetti C. Pte. Ltd. Co. /with what connection to the
gold mining?/ in 1966 had a sharehold capital of Eth$ 70,000.
Population 6,595 as counted in 1967.
By 1967 there were 28 telephone numbers. Those on personal names were
11 of Ethiopian Christian type, 4 of Moslem type and Fraval Giovanni seemingly
the only European.
Ras Biru primary school in 1968 had 657 boys and 402 girls,
with 17 male teachers and one female.
A church school had 68 boys and 24 girls in grades 1-2,
with 2 male teachers.
Ras Biru W. Gebriel junior secondary school in 1968 had
132 male and 54 female students in grades 7-8, with 6 teachers (Ethiopian).
Kibre Mengist had the southernmost centre of community development
in Ethiopia.
1970s There was a Norwegian mission station of NLM. Newly arriving there in 1970
were Urpo Sakari Kyyhkynen (b 1939) with agricultural education
and nurse Terttu Kyyhkynen (b 1941).
New arrivals to NLM in 1972 were builder Kyösti Kalevi Jokimies (b 1940)
and nurse Anneli Orvokki Jokimies (b 1943).
Money paid for students' work in Finland in January 1974 was used through the Finnish
mission for building students' housing at some places in Ethiopia, among them Kibre