COMOROS 01 Synopsis
COMOROS 01 Synopsis
COMOROS 01 Synopsis
Project Name ; 18 MW Heavy Fuel Oil Based load Grid Connected Engine Based Power
Generation Project With Associoted Tonk Farm & Electrical Evacuation System AI
Moroni, Union of Comoros;
I3harat Heavy ElecTrical~ Limited,
P:o.1C : MITCON ConsLlltancy and Engineering Services Ltd .
funding : Under LO(" rrom EXIM Bank India. USD41.60 Million
.2. 17--Q3--2O
15 Date of Approval of Contract by EXIM Bonk of India (contract copy)
3. 09-06-2015 Securities ABG submitted.
-' 4. 24-07-2015 l2 Schedule submitted Kick of Meeting with Client and Consultant,
,. 24-07-2015- Access to the Site effective dote of Contract Agreement. (Site change order file)
First Stone Laying Ceremony Successfully inaugurated 00 28'" July 2015 in
6. 28-07-2015 presence of Indian Ambassador from Madagascar, Vice-President of Comoros,
Power Ministry & other Dignitaries. (Site change order file)
It was mutually agreed between BHEL & OIA that inputs required for Basic Design
8. 15-08-2015 Engin~~rin9 will be submitted till IS'" August 2015. MOM of BHEL-Metrix-OIA
meetin ,
9. t9-Cl9-2015 Design Basis R~~ was prepared and approval received from client. (Site
Cha~(le order file J
, c
W. Oct 2015 Blanket Tax exemption from finance ministry of ComOfOS. '" e:~tj,Jl0s-f
, \ 0 .- £.
11. Oct 2015 Work permit for OIA has been received,
12. Oct 2015 Dar eSI~~laam Institute of Technology started Initial survey WOfk. (Site change
order file .
13. Oct 2015 land near Dambiwani village for the Project is pravided by client and site access
is ravided. ISite channe order filel
15. Nov 2015 Topographical and contour survey of 21 KV line of 35km. at 3 different locations is
completed. ISite change order file)
16 Nov 2015 ERr test at different locations is completed. And approved by MITCON OT. 7.).
2016 ISite change Ofder file)
17. 18-11.2015 GeogrOPhiCOI/~O,~d bearing Capacity survey work started r, Ihe month
November 201S. Site chon e order file of
lB. Nov20IS
Site office will be established after mobilization and approval 01 finol DOE.
20. Nov 2015 As per terms of Contracl Power and Water will be provided by Client. Which was
not given by them. (PPJ)
Nov 2015
21. Detail designing work up to 80 % is completed and balance work is under
progress end shall be completed based on Inputs from 8HELand Survey Report.
Nov 2015
22. The suppliersl Venders are identified and sholl be finalized in consultation with the
Nov 2015
The Client has appointed M/s Mitcon Consultant as a Consultant for the entire
The Consultant is conducting the supervision and monitoring the project progress.
25. Nov 2015 As a port of review they are conducting periodic progress meetings with OtA and
26. Nov 2015 Preliminary Design and Drawings are submitted to Client/ Consultant and the
same are approved b them.
27. Jon 2016 Geo Technical soil investigation Survey report has been approved by client
consultant in January 2016. (Site change order file)
28. 14Jan2016 Bod to bad Contract given to MIs Green Power International Pvt Ltd.
• Design Basis Report Prepared. Submitted & Approved by the Client &
client's consultant on following basis;- (Site change order file)
> Civil - Architectural Drawing.
29. March 2016 Plant Layout
Major BOQ at various activities are tinalized.
I > Electro-Mechonical_ P & ID Drawing.
Eiectrical SLD
BOQ at various octivities are finalized
30. March 2016 20 feet container for mobilized tor site office. (Site change order fiie)
32. March 2016 Government was negotiated with local villagers but foiled to convince.
Due to local villagers protest and political issue at old site domolmboini MIs OIA
33. March 2016 demobilized from the old site and has to keep resources idle including manpower
and machinery till the decision at new site. (addendum no-I)
The Client proposed voudjou exisling piant considefing the next best sile for
34. 08-08-2016 execution 18 mw HfO base power plant to mitcon vide letter dt.08.08.2016.
MITCON reverted vide leUer dt. 24 aug 2016 about addilionalland requirement
and tentolive lont la out.~(addendum no--l-;
35. 17.09.2016 No objection certificate was handed personally 10 OIA. (addendum no-I)
The new sife at voudjou was with full of brvshes and debris and unlevelled, During
36. Sept 2016 varfoUS meeting with QIA, GDC confirmed to handover clean, levelled site, but
the some was not happened. COnsidering delay in hondover. OIA has Carried
out the Cleanin and land levelling and back filin activities at their own end.
18.11.2016 Firsl Shipment 01 Machineries JCB Backhoe, Tractor & Trolley. Hydra etc (Site
change order file) ltr ref no- TO/20/COM/OIA/2016_17 DT. 06.01.2017
RE-designing of new site voudjou contains vesiculate volcanic fock & less so~
38. Dec 2016
thickness & formation i, highly porous oed need
10 deep excavation &
geotechnical report mention piling work to sustain high imposed of loads of
en ine.lfoddendum n0-11 .
Piling foundation are time consumable hence to avoid this ,OiA/6HEL consulted
39. Dec 2016
with geotechnicai expert in India. OIA proceed with extensive raft foundations to
strengthen the base soil for Which extra civil material Is required.
Custom clearance granted on 5.1.17 for First Shipment of Machineries. We also
40. 05.01.2017 request 10 expedite custom exemption Icr future shipments. ll, e~
Cleaning team assigned by employer lailed to clear due to non-payment
41. 15.02.2017 to vendor.
2. OiA intervened & comoleted the said activitv.
<2. 15.02.2017 Site cleaning work completed at new site dated 15'" Feb. 2017.
43. 03.03.2017
Electrical SLD & Plant Layout submitted to MiTCON for 0pPfoval.
2. Letter from SG for custom clearance on 24/04/2017
48. 24.04.2017 Geo-technicalsoil survey completed at new site dated 10"' Ap,'it 2017 & reports
approved doled 24'h APfil. 2017.
47. Alter receipt of Detailed Geological slJlYey report Addendum is submitted to
Power Ministry and Mitcon. [Ref GeologiCai expert repart.)
50 Ap,'iI2017 Site Office & water storage lacility work started by Mis GPI
56. 21.09.2017 Container Reached on 21.09.2017 Not yet Released. Custom is laking to long to
clear the contoiners. Due to whiCh Detention and demurrage charges are levied.
Compound Wall
All foundation comoJeled In the month 01 March 201?
59. 15.04.2019
Power house cable trench PCC & steel foundation work in under completed.
Chimney foundation RCC raft costing & storter laying completed and pedestal
61. 15.04.2019 steel fabrication is in progress.
62. 15.04.2019
Admin Building civil work completed balonce external plaster remaining.
OIA hod given letter regarding Notice for termInation of work under GCC Sub-
OJ. 15.04.2019 Clause 16.1 ot the contract for our invok:e Nos. 91002064. 400330 and 400331
dated 21.01.2019, 06.02.2019 and 11.02.2019 respectively Amount $368507.31
Ref letter No- 190/20/NOTICE/OIA/2019_20 DATED- 15.04.2019
. EXIM Bank of Indio hod given letter to OIA lTD for update on project progress. Ref
leiter no.GOILOC-15211 )/E-AF-COM/ 19/180 Dated.24.04.20 19
65. 03.05.2019 Reply from OIA ltd given letter to EXIM Bank of india for update on project
ress. Ref leiter nO.127/20/COR/OIA/2019_20 Dated.03.05.2019
66. 07.05.2019 EXIM Bank of India had given letter to OIA LTD for reply on projecl progress. Ref
leiter nO.GOllOC-152(lj/E-Af-COM/19/290 Dated.07.0S.2019
OIA had given letter to EXIM Bank of India for ComQ(Os Bank Guarantee and
J -67. 16.05.2019 again Request to release the payment pending since Feb 2019 with EXIM Bank of
India, WhiCh ;, Direct Impacting
flow 0'
work. leIter No~
192/20/EXIM/OIA/20 19-20, 194/20/EXIM/OIA/20 19-20
Exim Had given letter to OIA for disbursement payment $368507.31 holds on
68. 23.05.2019 advice 01 MEA Due to various reasons including inter-alia. non-submission of APG
& PBG, slow progress. Non submission of pwject implementation schedule. leiter
Ref No-GOllOC-15211 1/E-AF-COMl19/482
69. 25.05.2019 Government of Comoros had given leiter to Exim Bank of India for Release of
I nendinn Payment of J,368507.31 letler ref no- 2019/29/Co-PROHFO/DGEME.
~ OIA had giyen leiter to Former minister GOC for status of Comoros project
70. 03.06.2019
renardinn site chan e and new site allotted and various acli~i;like cleanina of
jungle,Geo survey wor~ and actually stalled of wor~ 20.04.2018 and smoothly run
til Feb 2019. letter no- 199/20/COR/OIA/2019_20
. -71. 04.06.2019 OIA had given leiter to MEA lor Response to the meeting regarding bank
auarantee.letter ref no-195/20/COR/OIA/2019_20
72. 13.06.2019 EXIM bank of Indio given letter to OIA for reason for payment hOlds, Leiter
throu hmailbodvdl.13.06.2019
73. 24.06.2019 EXIM B2~,,;~f In~~I, had given letter to OIA for lot 2 shipmenl clearance and
ovide o"eellm lemen/ation schedule, civil woo, APG&PBG etc.
OIA hod given letter to MEA for container clearing from customs and provide
_74. 29.06.2019
im~l~mentation schedule. ready for civil & ele~tro mechanic work to mobilise to
site. Llr No-200/20/COR/OIA/2019_20 DT-29.6.19
05. 12.07.2019 Notice 01 settlement between OIA & BHEL.
-76. 23.07.2019 OIA had given letter to EXIM for Delivery 01 shipmenl in 2 lots. Letter ref no-
136/82/COR/01A/20 19-20 dt .23.07 .19
r--n. 01.08.2019 GOC had given letter to OIA for Withdrawal
Leiter ref no- N 19-Q53/MEIEIETAPPG/SG
of Suspension
l78. 07.08.2019 Requesling for payment leIter given to GOC. letter ref no-200/20/COR/0IA/2019_
20 dl.07.08.2019)
• - 79.
GOC had given letler to OIA lor Renewal
Leiter Ref no- N 19-107/MEIElffiAPPG/SG
Reply given GOC for Requesting for Payment
Letter ref no- 227/10/COR/OIA/2019.10
01 Withdrawal of Suspension of Work
81. 04.10.2019 leiter 10 power Minister regarding Status 01 18MW HFO based pawer projecl
Leiter ref no-228/20/COR/0IA/2019 20
~- 82. 02.11.2019 Goc had given letter to lOB lor Extension of APG letter Ref no-n 2Oi9/25/CO-
83. 05.11.2019 Visil of vice precident of indio & paymenl reminder from GOC to MEA
leiter no- N 19-Q69/MEIEIETAPPG/CAB
OIA had given leffer to GOC Power Minister for STATUSOF 18MW HFO BASED
• 86.
EXIM bank of Indio had given reply on pending payment
Phase-) . Comoros to OIA letter no- GOILOC-DIA19!2S44
Reply to EXIM leiter no- GOllOC-0IAI9/2544
243/20/EXIM/OIA/20 19-20
of ROC.Ethiopia
Leiter no-
88. 05.02.2020 GOC had given letter to lOB for Extension of APG.
Letter no- N lO20/01/Co-ProHFO!OGEME.
~9. 18.02.2020 OIA has given letler to GOC for Waiver Demurrage charges
Leiter no-162/82/COR/OIA/20 18-19
90. 18.02.2020 OIA has given leiter to EXIM for assignment of the payments to atlas shipping pvt
ltd. Leiter no-159/82/EXIM/OIA/2019_20
9J. 29.04.2020 OIA hod Given instruction to MEA fO( direct payment to atlas shipping ltd
Letter no-I65!82/COMOROS/OINI021).21, 166/82/COMOROS/OIA/202().21
- 92. 10.06.2020 0" had Given instruction to MEA fO( Immediate Intervention needed f~
authorised pending payment direct payment atlas shipping.
93 24.08.2020 OIA had given letter to MEA for pending disbursement and execution under
tendaho. roc.comoros project. (moiled date-24.08.20)
1-94. 24.08.2020 OIA hod given letter to EXIM for direct payment to MIs Aflas Shipping lid.
Ref. : 242/20IEXIM/OIAl2019.20
Dale : 1S--Jan, 2020 ••••••••.••• "" ••• T'Irt.ICTIJM' ,IillI,NC>
building infrastructure
To, ,
Ms. Shilpi Goyal,
Manager, Unes of Credit Group,
Export Import Bank allndia,
7~ Floor, Office Block 1,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Dlehl-l10023.
Dear Madam,
We woold like 10 bring to your kind oolite thai our following bills are pending (Amounting
• to 3,68,507 USD) with EXIM 8ank since Feb 2019 ,l'A1ichare duly approved by Mis
Mitcon, their consultant and certified by Govt of Comoros, During the hon. C<lurt
mandated meeting held on 21'<1Jan, 2020 at level of MEA Delhi, it was specifically
revealed by the officials of Exim 8ank that they have taken a decision to slop all
payments to OIA under the project and accordingly ij was also slated that no payment
has been made by them to OIA since Feb, 2019 onward.
On account of withholding of payment by Exim Bank, invoices of services provided by
local vendors as well as material suppliers are pending. Somehow, we manage to
explain Ihe situation to these vendors for past one year but now if is very difficull fa
explain the reason for non-payment.
---- - ----
-- .-.
SUPPLY INV. 91002109
- ---~-
SUPPLY IN\!. 91002108 (fRt"& INS)
The abo~e issue has resulted into non-payment 10 Mis Alias Logistics lor the malerial of
BHEL. BHEL has flied a case in han. high court against OIA, Atlas Logistics and EXIM
Bank, We are facing ailihese problems as a consequence of non- payment by Exlm
Government 01 Comoros is also pursuing us lor restart 01 work. It is now beyond our
control to manage the situation and answer to government of Comoros and all Comorian
We humbty request EXIM Bank to release our with-held payment so thal we will honour
!he vendor's payment and restart the worl\.
Unite - Solidarite - Developpement
-_ ..~ _--
Le Vice Prisident
Moroni, '61 OCl:ID\5
• To
Directors of the Consortium
OIA lind BHEL compal'lies
Subject: Blanket Tax Exemption for OIA,BHEL & their Sub-contractors fur 18 MW Heavy Fuel
Oil Based Power Plant Project at Moroni, Comoros.
This is to inform you thai we are giving OIA-BHEl & their sub-contractors, the Blanket Exemption
from Custom/Import Duty, Import license Fees, VAT, CorporatelBusiness Profit Tax,
personallEmploymanl Tax including Social Security Contributions, Visa Fees, Contract RegiStration
I Fees, Labor license Fees or any nature whatsoever levied in Union of Comoros.
As Per the Para 3,1 (E) of the agreement entered into between Union of The Comoros and EXIM
Bank of India which provides for exemption from aU kinds of taxes and duties of any nature
whatsoever levied in the borrower's country for all the contractors and the sub-contractors
• "the borrower shall provide to EXIM Bank a confirmation to the effect that the Eligible Goods shall be
exempt from ell kinds of taxes and duties of any nature whatsoever levied in the Borrower's eounlfy
including all corporate! personeVvalue added taxes, impolt/custom duties, special levies and social
security contn'butions for temporary employees, deputed by the seller in relation to the execution of
I remind you that the Government of the Union of Comoros will respect as per the letters of the
undertaken and registered commitments on the contract signed between the two parties related to
the setting up of the heavy fuel power planfs,
Ministere de Ia Production,
de rEnvironnement, de l'Energie, de r10dustrie
et de rArtisarlat
[l:i>)'1 ;)JJ
.;JJ l..:.u..llJ
•..• ~ J~J
Dale: :t 7oloQJo1<>Jf
•I A
!\ous accordons au consortium OlA, BHEL at a lcurs sous-traitants, ]'autorisation de travailler sur Ie
site prevu pour la construction de llicenlrale a fioul [ourd, caruonnement au contra! signe avec
Comptanl sur volfe comprehemion, veuilkz accepter, Messieurs, mes smooe5 salutations.
Lrtt(r of Award
II "nH~"<i.';l~'~~1
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building infrClslruclure
_ worldwide_
Ref.: 190/20/NOTICE/OIA12019-20
Date: 15 April 2019
Mr. Yousuf Hamadi,
Scrretary General
Ministry of Economy
Eneq:(y. Industry, Crafts, Tourism. Investments, P1ivate Seclor.
Government of union of Comoros.
Subject: Nollee fOTSuspension of work under Gee Sub-clause 16.1
of the Contract
Dear Sir,
L KIndly refer to our Invoice Nos. 91002065. 400330 and 400331 dated
3. From the above wherein the Employer is expressly obliged "not to hold
and cause lU"l-necessary delay. In releasing the payment
authortzallons. it only stands lo reason that the payments will also be
received by us similarly. l.e., without holding and causing any un-
nC"cC"ssarydelay by anyone in the process. If the payments are
Rei"""" orr.t<: Col,•••I. ~
SOI.5O? O~ _. 4/D . C,,_ (;I"""iOlRo><I 1205, S'""J' on> (\ljlding. ,~, K•• t1.<tJI(;ww:b Mora
_~ 099.lndi. Now oe.;. 110OQI.lndi:l,
T~.: +~-2H67~ 500J fa<; -+91-22.282529131/li615
5001 fa .. -+91.11~ 1111 fa<; +9"'1-<13516321
building infrastructure
• 5. We, now, hereby issue this notice under Gee Sub-clause 16.1 of the
Contract and state that the work under the Contract will be suspend
on expiry of 21 days hereof unless the payments of the invoices are
received therebefore.
Exlm Bank'5 GOI-5upported line of Credit [lOC] of USD 41.60 million to the
Government of the Union of Comoros [GO-COM]: Contract between the
Consortium of Overseas Infrastructure Alliance [India] Pvt. Ltd" [OIA] and
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd [BHEL] and Ministry of Production, Environment,
Energv, Industry and Crafts [MPEEIAj, GO-COM for installation of 18 MW
heavy fuel oil base load grid connected el'lglne based power gcneration project
with associated tank farm and electrical cvacuatlun system at Moroni, Ul'llOfl
of Comoros valued at USD 36,983,414,61
We refer to our several communications dated February 08, 2019, February 19,
2019, March 01, 2019, r1arch 07, 2019, March 28, 201g and April 09, 2019 seeking
update on various action points identified duri~9 the review meeting held on February
05,2019. However, we regret to note that ~o firm / concrete actions have so far been
taken by OIA.BHELdespIte our rcgular follow-up.
2, Actions points noted during the reVIew meeting of February 2019 and
• observations raised by MITCON (PMC for the projed appointed by GO-COM] in the
monthly status reports of February 2019 and March 2019 are reproduced b<!low'
""'" 'fiT""",, : ""= "" """, 21 •• """, flfFl """'" ""= li'f", ..,. -m:. ~d _ <OJ 00'> 'tAl'>... : '.',2'2 -1'1'11'1(>00"""" : + 91. 1'9.1'9' 25)~ a
•••.od 00... CoW, "'" ,.*"';. 'h>' ~', IVnrkl,,,,,", (eM', C~ (,...., "">0<, _ ••. <00005 r:t.;<><,+9' .22,\'91' ,W,) I" +9' ,".2'216 ~\79
• Eve'" after taking two months' time for submissio'" of mo",thly milestones, (JIA
has submitted unsigned / unstamped monthly milestone schedule with a pre-
condition of timely receipt of material from BHEL. It appears that OIA has
submitted the schedule without consulting its Consortium partner.
• 1t may be noted that both the Consortium partners are jointly and severally
responsible to achieve the project completion by Octooer 2019.
• QIA ;md BHEL are once aaain advised 19 s.tJ_bmitthe firm schcd!~
~,,~P .md stamped) withoul..i'ny
with MITCON.
condition,,1 cl".uses in consultilW
Most of the action points noted in the review meeting of Febll.JarY05, 2019 still
remains unresolved in MrTCON's monthly status report of March 2019, We are again
reproducing M1TCON'smajor observations as under:
• Progress at site in February 2019 and March 2019 is comparatively slow in the
aosence of backfilling soil. Completion of Powerhouse building, Chimney
foundation, Radiator foundation, Workshop building, Treatment plant building
and other major civil work primarily depends on the availability of backfilling
soil. Hence, OIA nel!ds to arrange adequate amount of backfilling soil on war
footing basis.
• OlA is yet to mobilize electromechani<al erection team pending which nO
mechanical work can start at site. OIA to depute electromechanical erection
team immediately.
• Finalization of the transmission line route needs to be done on a priority oasis,
• •
otherwise It may affect the commissioning schedule of the plant.
Flooring in the tank fann area to be finished before start of tank fabrication
wor«.to enable completion of mechanical fabrication work.
OIA to arrange plumbing, electri<al and sanitary items in advance.
ActiVities related to road and drai'" WOrkneeds to be taken up.
• BHEl to review the space availability at site and requirement of DG Set panels
with respect to their erection s<hedule and accordingly plan the dispatch of the
• OIA to expecite ar.d immediately arrange following civil material:
" Cement
at Site
o BaQs 18.520 Ba s OIA to expedite
4 Cum
8 Cum
1 400 Cum
1,600 Cum '"'
, 20mm
Tor steel 10 MT 143 MT
27,000 Cum
5 Backfilling Nil OIA to ap~~nge
soil immedlatel .
Contillualioll ---. -. i[@r--
~tL.!li:.J",.cn fro"'--'l.QQve, the ilrrilnq{;J!'~lJU;,f a<leQI,atebackfillj,!Q...J;QiU\<
other civil "'at",[Oi!.!..-_a[l4-J:Ie~",~ m;mpowcr arC very critic,,1 for
i!!mlemeptatiQn of<;lj!:ct... However, the status of availability of above listed
material has not changed since last review meeting held on February 05, 2019.
CoGua_~.U.l!!2D::!issiQn bv QIA-BHQ
10% of contract value from reputed Indian Public Sector Bank needs to be
submitted by OIA-BHEL.
• Exim Bank had requested GO-COMto provide the renewed copies of Guarantees
[APG and PSG] submitted by OIA and BHEL. We understand that OlA-BHEL are
yet to submit the same to GO-COM,
o OIA-BHEl <'Ire il.dviscd to immediately :;!Jbmjt the copies of renew.!l(!
4, Given the above state of affairs, we are astonished to receive a copy of letter
from OIA sent to GO-COM giving !'Io.!)ee_ (lLS"$pel]s!.ofL.oL,,,or~ [copy enclosed at
Annexure] due to non-receipt of (layment by OIA. The above mentioned reasons for
withholding the disbursements were already conveyed to OIA. In this connection, we
reiterate that the reasons for withholding the disbursements are solely due to the
status of the progress of the (lroject and your non-complian~ of the terms of the
contract. OlA has time and again fail<,d to address the various actions points listed
above. Instead of working towards achieving the desired project progress, OIA is
5. It may be noted that the financial progrcs.s under the contract stands at USD
26.37 million [i.e. 71.30% of contract value) against the physic,i'l'l'rogress of 56%
only. Hence, the amount already disburS(!d i~ significantly larger tllan the physical
progress Of the project. It is also expected that the contractor will deploy it'> own
workrng capital for smooth execution of the contract and it cannot solely rely on the
money to be disbursed by the project authorities for execution of the contract.
6. In view of the foregoing, we once again request you to address our concems as
under in order to enable uS to process the disbursements under the contract:
, OIA-BHEL are once again advised to subm,t the Monthly targets of milestones
(signed and ~tamped) without any conditional clauses duly certified by MlTCON
, D1A.BHEL to immediately arrange for adequate backfilling soli & other Civil
material and necessary manpower for smooth imple.,-,entation of the project $0
as to achieve the deadline of October 2C19.
, In terms of the Contract Agreement signed between OIA-BH::L Consortium and
GO-COM,OIA-BHELto submit tile renewed copies of APGand PBGfrom reputed
lndian Public Sector Bank.
7. We hope that OIA-BHELwill withdraw the Notice for Suspensionof work and will
resolve the abOvementioned various action points at the earliest to expedite
implementation of the project.
'" ,,~
Assl. General Manager
• •
• •
: J"M"y }Ol')
0''"'''' ••••• ....., no" 1OU'""'t
buildlllg inlrH~IrII(;lure
M,_ Amlla Oa~g _ worldwkht_
A<silt,,~t G~"Nat ManneN
lines of Credil Group,
",po't-Import O"nk of India,
1" Floor, Office Clod I,
fa,t KidwalNaga"
New Delhi-110M]
• Subject
Plojoct with ASlOCI.tod Tank Farm & Elect,ical Evacuation Sy<lom al, Union or Comoro,;
Your letter N~, GOllOC-IS2(1)/E-AF-COM/19/180 dated 24 April 2019
1. II, you may be awa'e, the Contr'<l WaSoriginallyawa'ded to Ove"eal Infra\1lu(ture Alliance Iindia)
Pvt_Ltd. (OIA)as EPCcontracto" and wallater amended by client on the pretext 01 him Bank 01
India 10 include Rharat Hoavv Elec1,ical, ltd, (BHEL)to be a JOinl Partne" re1aining OIAa, tho load
Parlner and dividing the ,espect",e 'oles 01 OIAand BHEl. ConsNluonl~, the Co~t';'cI Niue wal
bilurcated bot ween tho two Partners and the advance, were given separately again,t tho re'Pective
gua'antee, (ABGand PBG)from the concerned Partners
2. The alo'c"id amendment wa, duly '"listed by OIAand it was e'plained to th~ him 8ank of India
(h.t such amendment wili pose several practical difficultie, in executing the Project. However,
iGnoringthe re,i,tance, the BHEl.nd EximBank, in tht'i, wisdom, fo'ced upon OIAthe amendmem
which i, ae,ainst the 'pjrit 01fPC contract.
3, You will app'''ciate that we can ,eque,t only to BlfH fGr their Implementaljon schedule a, joint
pa'tnN, howeve" we can't force them to ,ubmitthe ,.me to 11>.Kenee, we couldn't able to submit
the "hcdule on b~half 01 BHEl.Though in compli"nce with your leite, under re'ponse, BHEl,hould
have sh"red, 0" it, own, it, schedule with OIA,however, we have Once again a,ked them to submit
01tbe e"rije't 10 u, for forv,"rdin~ a combin~li proj"ct implementation ,chedule to you
"HH" II", q>lW",",,, "" ••."t "f r I". "r "i'" !, 'M' h"", I~.,." p,tlch,"i"f: 110"'0.1 IOt"llt ~, .•1d wh,:"
''''J",,,'d 1m tlo(' 1''''pnV' 0' 11,'11;<''';''1:U<lW"O"', ,h,P III iI"lili'dll~"liQ" owi"E I" tn" ""EO;"I:
pl~,.tion" ,ince I,"t 2 "'nn'!" w,' w,'". ,,,•.•ble {,' prn"",', ;" ~"d wh,'" 'cquired, ~," ;lrf' gOi"gon
IB,- 1,/tinE lh,. rn"1o'r jar
I~ thi, '''g."d W~ h""'ily ;"Io,m YOUIh,u our (I,,(UO M",h.,,,,,.i crew CQ",isting of 4{) nos. Jf~,~ady
to rnnhilile "lon~ will, ne(~"aryIOQI, .",,1 t,,,kl" ,", ,e'l"r,.d, However, owing 10 til" fan th~1 lXIM
B.n." currentiV holding bJc!; p,lvm~",\ 01O!A<i"ce Fcb,u,uy 2019 OIAil awaiting tloe relea<~ of 11\
p.vrr",n!1 a, well as to d~", it< swnd on th" payment mech.l"lsm, Pursu.nt to lhe clearance of Ihe
~ine Route
You will appreciote that the rouTe li".I'lalioT' will be done by clier and we ale continoously
following up with them.
payment ann the ra'/men! mechani,m Our [lecHo ~kfhani(al ,,~w shall {onlinue wl:h Its wo,k OVc(
lhe Project
Av.l"bility of Spa,e
With r"~Jrds to the i<sue of sulfkienT Sp"ete,the same hal been resoi,ed by shlltirlg the maleri.1 01
BHH 10 different place and he"ce. there shall be "0 con,lraint 01space for working,
Material Status
Wllh ,egards 10the Iialus of the materi,ll we hereby info,m you that ,equi5ite quantity of Tor steel
hal been lhippcd and currently il intran,it, Th~ re~LJI,pdcivilm.terlal fo' the purpose of romplelion
of the Projecllhall be purChased locally as and when r~qulred once the payment mechanism Is
confirmed bVthc BanI<.
A, mentioned by you in point no 5, we have recei,ed only U5D 11,80 Millionas per payment term, of the
contract onlV.which Is 44% of total disbursement to OIA,whereas the work completion is more than 56 %,
We fLJItherrequest for clarification wilh regards as to under who,e guidance the f,,,ther execution Coth~
Project ,holl take place, PMC. the Clicnl or the EXIMBank. Tile working of t"~ Project and the payment,
made there under I, mcnitor~d artd controlled bv him Bonk. hence, the Contract be amended wilh r~spect
!() th~ J/orementlon~d arld the,c.ftcr work to hp c;]rri~d 0'" LJI,dertl1~guldonce of him B.nk in order to
a'Joid J ny furlher conflict> between the Ihree ag~"ci",.
Hope thi, i"tter re,ol,es al!Ihe clarification, "' sought bVyou We herehV once .gain rcqUe5t you to release
our p"yrnent, which is pending since feb,u.ry )019 with VOll,;in<:~the payment hoiding i, dire<t1yimpacting
uur wurk 1'.1,'rt,'l you tu reie",e tile "me Jt the eod,c,t '0 that the work will continue rapidly.
.. .,
A""rlnE you of ou, kind co-operotion alwoys,
,"~;ki"gycu, ",'PU"~.((T,.: :
YOllr ,;0 INDIA ~
For ve - stru{t <iIlianee (India) Pot Ltd
n 'FRS£AS j~!'R~ST ~A ."''"..:~ NOlA) PRIVATElIMlfEt:
{Mob,: 8527093701, 9810551090]
Exim Bank's Gal-supported Line of Credit [LOC] of USD 41.60 million to the
Government of the Union of Comoros [GO-COM]: Contract for Installation of 18
MW power generatIon project at Moroni, Union of Comoros valued at
usa 36,983,414.61
We refer to our letter No. GOILOC-152(1)/E-AF-COM/191180dated April 24,
2019 in response to receipt of a copy of letter from OIA sent to GO-COMgiving Notice
of Sus ension of work due to non-recei t of payment bOlA. Exim Bank had CO!1veyed
various au tanding ISSUesfor withholding e IS ursemenLS aggregating USD
368,507,31 to OlA and had advised OIA-IlHEL to address concems for timely
completion of the project.
letter is placed below:
OlA's Resoonse;
• OlA has contested that initially the contract was awarded to OlA as a EPC
contractor and due to intervention of Exim Bank the contract was amended to
include BHELas a consortium partner of OlA even after OlA's resistance for the
• OlA has mentioned that they can oniy request ElHEL for implementation
schedule, however, OIA cannot force BHELfor the same. Hence, OIA couldn't
submit the schedule on behalf of BHEl.
ex1m Bank's Response.;We would like to bring the followings facts to the attention of
• Exim Bank had received a contract solely awarded to 01A for coverage under
the LOCfrom GO-COMin spite of the fact that the winning bid was submitted by
OIA in consortium with BHEl. In fact, the consortium was qU<llifiedto !:lid and
could secure the contract only on the strength of BHEL. Yet the consortium
""" ~ , "" """ ~"', 2' 111~. lWo <mJ< ~"liFl, _ m. ~ - '0000.5 ~Hl'iR, +9\_22-1'211 WXl 't.••• ,
Il<od Otfic. ; e ••.••• Q>, ~"""" Ih:r ?1, 'J/o;;Y\;j~""" Corb. ~ UIf< ""od<. _ - '0000.5 Inoo< +91.W-I'2119tnJ ""', .9'_W-I'218 ?5'~
arrangement with BHEL at bid stage did not feature in the contract award stage.
• Exlm Bank had also received a representation from BHEL that OIA has breach~
the tenns of the consortium agreement entered into between OlA and BHEL at
the time of submitting the bid documents.
• In view of the above, Exim Bank had taken up the matter with GO-COM
subsequent to which GO-COM had forwarded an a~ndment to the contract
wherein the contract was awarded to the consortium of OIA and BHEL.
• Hence, in view of the above facts, OIA'S contention that eXel;ution of
the project as a consortium was forced upon OIA Is baseless.
• Further, ~ing " lead memb<!r of the Consortium, OIA's statement that it cannot
manage to get the simple implementation schedule from its consortium partner
for the last more than two months reflects upon OIA's Inability to communicate
• •
with its consortium partner •
We reiterate that both the consortium partners are jointly and severally
responsible for completion of the project,
OIA and BHEl are once again advised to Immediately submit the firm
SChedyle (signed and stamped) without any condItional clauses In
cgnsu'tat!on with MUeON, PMe for the protect.
B. prolect Status;
Action points noted in the review meeting of February 05, 2019 still remains unresolve<!
in MITCON's monthly status report of March 2019 (copy enclosed).
i) Bac.kfilling Soil:
CIA's Respons~ OIA is purchasing backfilling soil locally as and when required for the
purpose of backfilling. However, due to political tensions owing to the ongoin(l elections
since last 2 months, OIA was unable to procure the same.
• tensions .
• alA was very well aware of the requirement of huge quantity of backfilling soil
(around 27,000 Cum) well before the political tensions started in the Comoros.
The above requirement was also noted In MITCON's earlier progress reports and
various review meetings. However, OIA falied to arrange the sufficient
backfilling soil dunng the period before the political tensions started In Comoros.
• OIA shOuld arrange the sufficient quantity of backfilling soil which is prerequisite
for completion of various Civil activities.
v) Matedal SWIllS:
alA's ReSP<HlSe.i OIA has informed that requisite qUilntity of Tor steel has been shipped
aod currently is in transit. The required civil material for the purpose of completion of
the Project shall be purchased locally as and when required once the payment
mechanism is confirmed by Exim B<lnk.
• OIA's Advance Payment Guarantee (APG) No. 054370117000041 amounting to
USD 614,958.92 is currently in force and another ABG No. 00007FG1SOOOOOll
amounting to usa 1,419,099.30 is expired. For renewal of the same, OIA is
awaiting return of the original ABG from GO.COM.
• With respect to Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG), GO.COM has agreed for
• • Accordingly, OIA Is advised to immediately Il!new the already expired APG and
the one which is going to expire on May 09, 2019. Further, in accordance with
the contract agreement signed with the GO-COM, OIA is also advised to submit
the PeG from a reputed Indian Public Sector B,3nk equivalent to 10% of OiA's
share of contract price.
OIA's respQE1S~ OIA has received only USD 11.80 million, which is 44% of total
disbursements of USD 26.37 million under the contract, whereas the work completion
is more than 56%,
Disbursements Status
• Being a consortium partner, OIA should not consider only its own disbursement
figure to compare with the overall physical progress of the project.
• As it can be seen from above table, the total financial progress under the
contract stands at USD 26.37 million [I.e. 71.30% of contract value] against the
physical progll!ss of 56% only.
• Even if we compare the disbursements made to OIA vil-a-viz its own share in
the contract, It works out to around 62.17% [I.e. USD 11.80 million disbursed
against USD 18.98 million of OrA's share in the contract] which is still more than
the physical progress of the entire project.
• Hence, the <lmount alre<ldy disbu~ed is l<lrger than the physical progress of the
project. We again reiterate that it is also expected that the contractor will
deploy its awn working capital for smooth execution of the contract and it
cannot solely rely on the money to be disbursed by the project authorities for
execution of the contract.
QI6:s.. Resoonse; OIA has sought clarification that under whose guidance the further
execution of the Project shall take place i.e. GO-COM, PMC or Exim Bank to avoid any
conflicts between the three agencies.
Exlro Bank's ResPOose;
• We are surprised to note that the above darification has been sought by OIA .
OlA is very well aware of the roles and responsibilities of each and every
stakeholder in the project. The maiO stakeholders in any LOC projects are
Project Implementing Authorities, PMCs, Indian Contractors, Borrower
Government, MEA and Exim Bank.
• Timely and successful implementation of the project through project monitoring
is common objective of ail the above stakeholders. There is no conflict amon<;)
these parties to achieve the common goal of successful project implementation
and completion.
• Hence, OIA is equally answerable to all the above stakeholders if tile desired
results are not aChieved by OlA.
" OlA-BHEL are once again advised to submit the Monthly targets of milestones
(signed and stamped) without any cooditional clauses duly certified by MITCON
latest by May 13,2019,
" OIA-BHEL to immediately arrange (or adequate backfilling soil & other Civil
material and necessary manpower for smooth implementation of the project so
as to achieve the deadline of October 2019.
» In tenns of the Contract Agreement signed between OlA-BHEL Consortium and
GO-COM, OlA-BHEL to submit tile renewed copies of APG and POOfrom reputed
Indian Public Sector Bank.
» OIA to submit the copy of withdrawal of 'Notice for Suspension of work" given
by OIA to GO-COM.
4. We hope that OIA-BHEL will resolve the abovementioned various action points
at the earliest to expedite implementation of the project.
Yours sinCereIY\J~
(Mrs. Meena Verma)
General Manager
> -------> ----------.,
Ref ; 194/20/EXIM/OIA/2019_20
Date: 20lhmay 2019
Power Generation Project with Associated Tank Farm &
Electrical Evacuation System At Moroni, Union of
2. Letter GOILOC-152(1)/E-AF-COM/l~Ul~ Dated April
3. Our Letter No. 192j20/CORjOIAj2019_20 Dated May
- Respected Sir,
• Weonce again request you to release our payment which is pending since Feb 2019
with Exim Bank of India, which is directly impacting our now of work. We request
you to release the same at the earliest so that the work can be resumed early.
or Comoros;
2. Letter GOfWC-152(ll/E-AF-COMj 19/ 180 Duted April
3. Our Letter No. 127{20jCORjOIA/2019-20 dated May
Respected Sir,
This is with reference \0 the meeting held at !\lEA,New Delhi on 15th May 2019
on the subject matter. We would like to thank you for the kind courtesy extended
to us,
As regards, submission of Advance Bank Guurantee and Performance Bank
Guarantee, the matter was discussed internally, and we wish to submit that our
stand remains the same as submitted earlier vide our letter dated May 03, 2019.
We hereby undertake that we shall submit I\dvance Bank Guarantee for the
unamortized advance of usn 1.1 Millionapprox. after return of original Bank
Guarantee from Govemment of Comoros. As regards to submission of
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)is concemed, we wish to submit that the
company has already submitted Corporate Guarantee in place of PSG in
concurrence with Government of Comoros. Further we would like to brinr, to your
kind attention thal after the scope matrix is divided in OIA and BHEL and after
adding the addendum our scope of supply is reduced and the amount of sen'ices
is increased. Also in supply portion transportation and Insurance shall be added.
To summarise the :'<arnein Numerical please go through the below mentioned
Particulars Transport & R~le~;i:n
Amount Actufll Supp!y
:nsurancc 10%
SU I 11145625.13 3225067 7920558
Service 7837789.47 783778.9'17
Total Contract
Valuc 18983414.6
The retention amount is equivalent to the amount of PAGof supply value.
We once again request you 10 release our payment which is pending since Feb
• 2019 with Exim Bank of India, which is directly impacting our flow of work. We
requellt you to release the same at the earliest so that the work can be resumed
It\i\h: OFI\UI,\
, '-"'dO N,,!<' (f"n. '",,,, [)<>Ii . , 10 C,))
to i '" ",.,~
[0!g] (.;;;;:- h"lf"" ,O'''''''''''''W''''
(0'1)rIO' 5O'i'l
;-~.{ . ..,1 ""'' <Jo(,,'<,""'.'~.•.•.••"
Exim Ba~k's GOI-supported Line of Credit [lOC] of USD 41.60 million to the
Government of the Union of Comoros [GO-COM]: Contract for i~stallation of 18
MW power generation project <It Moroni, Union of Comoros valued at
We refer to the review meeting held on May IS, 2019 at MEA to rev,ew the
I status of the captioned project being executed by Consortium of 01A-BHEL.
2. A~ you are aware, as per the advice of MEA, three disbursements aggr~ating
USD 368,507.31 in favour of OIA were kept on hold by Exim 8ank since March 2019
due to various reasons, including inter-alia, non-submission of Advance Payment
Gua;anlee [APG] and Performance Bank Guarantee [PBG], siow progress at site on
account of non-arrangement of adequate resources by OlA, non-submission of project
implementation schedule etc,
• 3. During the review meeting, It was decided that the disbursemeng shall be
released by Exim Bank Subject to OIA lulfilling the foliowing conditions;
4 In this connection, we are in receipt of your letter dated May 16, 2019 regarding
subrnis~ionof two APG~and a PBG.We note that OlA has maintained its stand thal it
shali renew APGs only after return of original APGs [already expired] from GO-COM.
further, with regard to the PSG,OIA hJS rminldl"ed ,l~ st~~d that it ha~ submitted a
Corporate Guarantee in piace of a PBGfrom a Bank with the (Q~Cl.lrrenceof the GO-
COM CIA has also Quoted a reference to ,ts lellf'r :Iated IIpril 15, 2019 addressed to
GC-CCMthereby givin(j NO:I(e of Suspension of work. We further note that your letler
is ,iiert about Mrangement of backfilling soil and eiectromechanical persornel a~d
utilization of fu~ds for future disbursements,
5 In continuation, we dre also In rece'pt of another lettf'r from OIA d~ted May 20,
~'"" ""'*"" , h: "'" ,"", ~, ,f "fu', "'" """" to: ,;,p" ..,. om, ~ - 'x em ''''''''' , +91 2'1 2'11) 'XIX _ , .91 .>'1'-1'916~\ ,.
,....., C'k~. «,~<<::J<-< e",,"9. flocr ~', '"'--"" ",>(1"C""", ("""""" C<If<""'dd<. ""--,,,,-,>
. '00 M ""'--"'< •• 9'-1'0-2'11) 'lIffJ r,. ,Q1.~1 W18 2S'?
COllli I1l1ution
2019 informing that OIA is plann'ng to visit Comoros in June 2019 to resolve the issue
of original APG in coordination of G0-COM.
6. Exim Bank had referred the OIA's allov" stand to MEA,In view of the decision
"' taken in tMe review me€ting of May 15, 2019 and as advised by MEA, we reiterate that
disbursements shall be released bV him Bank subject to OIA fulfillng the conditions
mentioned at pdra 3 above, Further, we place below the major <I,tion points noted
during the review meeting:
achieved which should be ce,tifted by MITCON.
Civil wo_rk:
• OIA was advised to immediately arrange for necessary material [includmg
backfilling soil, steel, cement, sand and aggregate] and manpower for civil,
electromechanical, stll.Jctural and fabrication work for smooth impl~mentation of
the project.
Gl@:il.nJ.!i:e:; ..SubmissIQn:
• OIA to submit renewed copies of two APGs and a PSG from Indian Public Sector
Bank as per its <ontract agreement with GO-COM,
o BHEL to submit a PSG from Indian Public Sector Bank as per its r.ontrilct
agreement with GO-COM.
llliEl;$.~ce SltllP'ly;
• Considering the site space con<;traints, BHEL to plan its balance supply in
tandem with the erection schedule.
p [(,lj!Xl.Sl.<llll£.Beport.;
o MlTCON to submit monthly status report of the project to aUstakeholders .
Yours sincerely,
IMeJ~a Verma]
General Manager
:lI1a.2021 Yahoo Ma, - Ro: Sdl,l.lioI1du projot <!toIII 00tMl1oOl,lfuel I"••"" aWl Comi>re.
, •
Re: Situation du projet de la centrale au fuellourd aux Comores
To: mangeshJ@eximbankindia,in
Gentil rappel.
Monsieur Ie Directeur,
Je prends !'initiative de vous ecrire, sans partager Ie message fl OIAet BHEL, car retat d'avancement du
projet se degrade et il est urgent de trouver une solution acceptable. Tout en soutenant les
• recommondations que vuus evez adresse iI OIA et BHEL (Calendrier, garanties baneaires, .. ) il est temps
de dlltendre 10situation en dllbloquanlles impayes pour perrnetlre de poursuivre Ie chantier et payer les
ouvriers. Les problemes actuels d'electricite aux Comares sont insupportables et Ia saule altemative
credible resle ce proiet de centrale au fuellourd. Les autorillls souhailent malntenant mettre en pale une
6-Quipequi fera Ie suivi des travauxjour par jour et faire un compte rendu au Gouvememen1. C'esl dans
l'inlert'!! du gouvemement de veiller au bon deroulement des lravaux car les autori""s ani fail confiance
aux 2 societes alors que les resultats ne sont pas;i la hauteur des attentes.
C'est pourquoi. ja vuus suggere de "desserer un peu I'elau ~ an faisanl preuve de soupJesse afin donner
une chance de reussile II notre proje\. Ce message ne doit pas eire considere comme un signe de
faibles"e mais plut~t oomme une volonte de progresser. J'espere que VOus serez sensible fl ce message.
OVREfDf Mu G,ri
Former Minister of Finances and Budget
Permanent Secretary of the Unit in charge of the Follow-up
the economic and financial reforms
PO 80x 2325 Moroni - COMORES
Mob :( 269) 338,30.82
FiU :(269) 773,90.40
E-mail ;a!
ID Skype : ilbou,oulJ.eidi
Kind reminder.
On Jull. 2019 at 4:58 PM, Mze Chci OUBEIDI <>
Mr. Director,
I take the initiative to write to you, without sharing the message to OIA and BHEL,
because the progress of the project is deteriorating and there is an urgent need to
• find an acceptable solution. \Vhite supporting the recommendations that you sent to
OIA and BHEL (Calendar, bank guarantees, etc.) it is time to ease the situation by
unblocking the unpaid bills to allow the work to continue and pay the workers. The
current electricity problems in the Comoros are unbearable and the only credible
alternative remains this hcavy fuel oil plant project. The authorities now wish to put
together a team that will monitor the work day by day and report to the
Government. It is in the interest oflhe government to ensure the smooth running of
the work because the authorities trusted the 2 companies whcn the results did not
live up to expectations .
• This is why 1suggest you "loosen the grip a little" by showing flexibility in order to
give our project a chance of success. This message should not be considered as a
sign of weakness but rather as a desire to I hope you will appreciate this message.
My best regards
()('BEW/ .'rl:;~<'h~j
Former Minister of Finances and Budget
Permanent Secretary of the Unit in charge 01 the FOllow.up
the economic and financial reforms
PO Bo. 2325 Moron; • COMORES
Mob ,( 269) 338.30.82
fa. :(269) 773.90.40
ID Skype : abou.oubeidi
RefNo: 199/20/COR/OiA/2019-20
0'VB<SfAS •••••• 11OJC:1IJIl:!. "'UIoIl<£
Date: 03.06.2019 building infrastructure
Po 80;<-2325
Moroni, Comoros
Dear Sir,
• We are in receipt of your email dated 25'h May 2019 rderred above and have
noted the points.
Here we would like to clarify that major delay in starting the project is due to
change in site. We have completed all basic civil requirements at old site, .but
because of local villagers' threat GCe has changed the site. The new site was
aUotted and hande<l over to us in January 2017. Thereafter, we started the
basic civil activity like cleaning of Jungle, survey work, etc. From gco-surve:.'
we came to know the weakness of soil and again the project got delayed for
more than six (0 eight months. Actual work started on 20'" April 2018 and
run smoothly till February 2019.
If such obstructions are coming again and again then it will be difficult to
complete the project in stipulated time. If running bills are hold up, then it is
difficult to maintain the cash flow at site. All commercial related issues can
be sorted out in parallel \\-ith the non-interruption of work. Hence, we once
again request you to write to Indian bank lOrelease our funds .
• The undersigned ""illvisit Comoros and will discuss all the points of additional
work with you in detail.
We once again assure you for the best and quick service at the Project.
Project Manager.
• As discussed during the meeting, we have forwarded our reply regarding Bank
guarantees to Exim Bank dated 16th May 2019.(Lctter is enclosed). It is further
slated that, the new elected President is taking oath shortly. The undersigned is
visiting Comoros by 15th of June 2019 and subsequently, we will discuss the
progress of the project and will search for the Original Bank Guarantee.
Hence, it is our humble request to }'OUto release the pending payment (USn 3.68
lacs pending since February 20191. The release of payments shall facilitate us to
restart the work at Site. GIN.:U65920MH1989PYC05'2900
From, Va 'g"sn j(l\hi < rcanges~.j('l1e,;ml;la""i~d',
W€ refer to our communications dat€d May 23, 2019 ,md Jun€ 13, 2019 seeking update on variOus
action points noted during the review meeting held on May 15, 2019 at MEA on th€ Comoros Power
project, We regret 10 note that we are yet to receive any update on the same,
Further, we are in receipt of a communication from BHEl inlorming that due to OlA's inability to pay 10
the freight forwarder, 2 shipments of BHEL dated 31.03.2019 and 19,04.2019 are yet to b€ released
from the Moroni port. BHEl has also stated that the demurrage @ usa 250 per day per container is
getting incurred on 35 containers.
In the interest of Ihe project, OIA is advised to immediat€ly arrange for clearance 01 BHEL's 2
shipment from Moroni port,
OIA-BHEl are once again advised to provide the latest update on the following action points:
Civil WQfJ.;,:.
• OlA was advised to immediately arrange for necessary material [including backfilling soil, steel,
cement, sand and aggregate] and manpower for civii, electromechanical, structural and
fabrication work for smoolh implementation of the project.
Guarantees SubmissiQ.!l<
o OlA to submit renewed copies 01 two APGs and a PBG from Indian Public Sector Bank as per its
contract agreement with GO-COM,
o BHEL to submit a PBG from Indian Public Sector Bank as per its contract agreement with GO-
6HEL'55UPpJy •.
• Considering the site space constraints, BHEl to plan its balance supply in tandem with the
€rection schedule,
• QlA to r""idc Bill of lad;ngs fOfthe la,12 ,hiprnc"!' mad. by IllfFI..
Mangesh Joshi
Lin~s 01C",dit Group
We also refer to GO-COM's communication dated May 27, 2019 agreeing with the reasons behind
keeping disbursements on hold and urging OIA-BHEL to take immediate actions on the various action
points noted during the meeting. We are yet to receive any update from OIA-BHEl on the same.
OIA-BHEL are advised to provide the latest update on the following action points:
• OIA was advised to immediately arrange for necessary material [including backfilling soil, steel,
cement, sand and aggregate] and manpower for civil, electromechanical, structural and
fabrication work for smooth implementation of the project.
Guarantees S.ubmission:
• OIA to submit renewed copies of two APGs and a PBG from Indian Public Sector Bank as per its
contract agreement with GO-COM,
• BHEL to s~bl""l\ a PSG 1-0"1 Inoian Pub';c Sector Bank as per It<; contract agreement w,th GO-
• Considering the site space constraints, BHEL to plan its balar,ce supply in t,mdem with the
erection scredule.
• OlA to p"wid. Ihe Ilil1 oil.""ing., 1<"Ihe I." 2 ,hil,en"tn' mack~)' HIl]-I..
Mangesh Joshi
Linos of Credit Group
WNWex"nba"~'nola in i>!fful"~,<'T'fT
(jll"-,, Bh,d•.r""er I
~~ fhr irr, Tfi ~ 'f'C' 7th 110('''.. \(ij;lC,nl R"'g Ro,d. Last
K "1,,.11 "'gar "~,,. Delhi 110 O"~
.() (Ii)S @+9111.24607738 [J ~1-86521073~
"bject: Re: Exim Bank's GOj-supported Line of Credit [LaC) of USD 41.60 million to the Government of the Union
Comoro~ (GO-COM]: Contract for jn~lallation
valued at USD 36,983,414.61
of 18 MW power generation
Sanjay tamba
Chefs messieurs,
Les autorites comorie'1'1es onl suivi avec beaucoup d'altenlion les echanges entre BHEUOIA e:
b:>m Ban~ Inde SUI Ie projet de mise en place de la cel1llale au fuellourd de 18MWH Nous
voudrons rappeler que cette centrale au fioullourd dont la convention de llnancement est signee
Ie 22 Fevner 2013 devalt etre livree en Janvier 2016
Naus sommes en Mai 2019, et flen n'indique que la centrale paurralt eire hvree a la fin de cet:e
Actuellernent Exim Bank Inde a bloque trois decaissements tlltalisant368 507,31 USD en faveur
de rOIA depuis mars 2019 pour dlverses raisons, et notamment la non-presentation de la garantie
de paiemert anticipe, la lenteur et I'absence de progres sur Ie site etla non presentation du
calendrier o'execution du proJet, entre autres raisons,
Ace sujet, les autorites comoriennes partagent entierement les raisons evoquees par Exim Bank
Par consequent, les autorites exhortent BHEL et OIA a respecter les recommandations lormulees
par Exim Bank Inde dans les meilleurs delais afin de faire avancer Ie projet.
.JPar ailleurs, meme si la centrale est mise en place, il reste encore 3 difficultes essentielles '
Dans une reunion de restitution, I'entreprise chargee des etudes du prajet (MtTCOM), s'est
declaree incompetent dans ce domaine Malgre I'insistance de la partie comorienne a chaque
reunion regroupant les parties prenantes, celte question a toujours ete reportee par les deux
societes alors que cela exige une etude prealable apres Ie deplacement du site de Oomoimboini.
les autorites estiment que la solution la moins couteuse et la plus liable consisterait a mettre en
place une petite centrale de desalinisation de reau de mer plutot que Ie transport d'eau en
II convient d'evaluer rapidementle cout financier de ces equipements, sachant qu'il reste
environ 4 millions de $ sur Ie proJet
Pour conclure, sans la resolution de ces difficultes, la centrale peut etre livree dans les delais
mais inoperantes.
Esperant que OIA et BHEL vont rapidement solutionner les problemes, recevez nos meilleures
Shr'V P q~stagi Sh' S. K. Grover
Chief hecullve Ofhcer General Manaser - lntemational CperatlQrs
Overseas I~fr~~lructure Alli~nce [!nd'aj Pvt. 6"3'a' Heavy fl<:'ctricals Ltd.
'co lnt<:,rnationaiOperatIons Div,sion,
1205, Sury~ Krran Bldg. Lodhl Road, New Delhi - 110003
19, Kasturba GandhI Ma'g [T"I: -;-91-11-41793393]
New Delhi - 110 001 [Email: ,,>,g'o bhel"']
[Tel, +91-11-4300 lIlt]
[Mob.: 8527093701, 9810561090]
[Email: y.cCU.l!.S.t.iJ9.L(ljJulall
Exim Bank's GOI-supported Line of Credit [LOC] of usa 41.60 million to the
Government of the Union of Comoros [GO-COM]: Contract for installation of 18
MW power generation project at Moroni, Union of Comoros valued at USC
We refer to the review meeting held on M<lY15, 2019 at MEAto review the st<ltus
of the captioned project b<:,ingexeCl.ltedby Consortium of OIA-BHEL.
• 2. As you are aW<lre,as per the advice of MEA,three disbursements aggregating usa
368,507.31 in favour of OIA were ~ept on hold by Exim Bank since March 2019 due to
various reasons, including Inter-alia, non-submission of Advance P<lyment GUilrilntee
[APG] and Performanc<:,Bank Guarantee [PBG], slow progress at site on account of non-
ilrrangement of adequate resources by OIA, non-submission of project implementiltion
schedule etc.
). During the review meeting, it was decided that the disbursements shall be released
by Exim Bank su')ject to OIA fulfilling the following conditions:
4. I~ this con~ection, we are in receipt of your letter d~ted May 16, 2019 regarding
• •
submission of two APGsand a PBG.We note that OIA has maintained its stilnd that it shall
renew APGs only after return of original APGs (already expired] from GO-COM. Further,
with regard to the PBG, OIA has mai~tained as stil~d that it has submitted a Corporilte
GUilrantee in place of a PBGfrom <I Bank with the COnCUrrenCe of the GO-COM. OIA has
also quoted a reference to its letter dilted April 15, 2019 addressed to GO-COMthereby
giving Notice of Suspension of work. We further note that your letter is silent about
arrangement of backfilli~g soil and electromechanicill personnel and utilization of funds
for future disbursements.
5. In continuation, we are also i~ receipt of iI~other letter from OIA dilted M<lY20,
2019 informi~g thilt OIA is planning to visit Comoros in June 2019 to resolve the issue of
original APG in coordination of GO-COM.
6. Exim Ba~k had referred the OIA's above stand to MEA.I~ view of the decision t"ken
In the review meeting of MilY 15, 2019 and as advised by MEA, we reiterilte that
disbu'sements shall be released by Exim Ban~ subject to OIA fulfilling the conditions
me~tioned at para 3 above. Further, we place below the m<ljor action poi~ts noted duri~g
the review meeting:
• OIA to submit renewed copies of two APGs and a PBG from Indian Public Sector
Ban~ as per its contract agreement Nith GO.COM,
o 8HELto submit a PBGfrom Indian Public Sector Bank as per its contract agreement
with GO.COM,
tin" Qf er",li'
<im"~cOOI.jPl;> Group
• ,
'.'", .•.'F,":'1-,'T{fu
71h 110<>'-
f'l1'[ >T"fo't
Ring R~"d
Kid" .•,
"t f.!<;cfT11002, (Ea'I)
~"" Delhi
I II! Ill.!
Copy of letter No. GOILOC-152[1]/E-AF-COMj19j482 dated May 23, 2019 for information
Former Minister of Fina~(es and Bucget
Permanent Secret3ry of t ~e Unit in charge of the Follow-up
The economic and financlill reforms
Po Box.2325
Moroni, Comoros
[Tel: +26976430041 338 30 82)
[Filx: +26977390 40}
[Email: QURe.jiJQC!).QU.lall.Wm
~\ioUO\!.b",ldi@gJ)'iill,!;:om; mol 5J5,,;1'@9 ma'(.~O!D)
Copy of letter No. GOILOC-152[lj/E-AF-COM/19j482 dilted May 23, 2019 for informiltion
Mr. K. L. Ganju
Consulate General [Hony.)
Union of Comoros
27-28, Ground Floor
Copy of letter No. GOILOC-152[1)/E-AF-COMjl9j482 dated May 23, 2019 for information
P.O. Box 1787, Antananarivo
[Phone: 00-261-20-2264439, 2223334)
[Fax: 00-261-20-2233790/2226081)
[Email: ilmQ.i.i..J.aI.YR@mea.Q.O
ln; !1fK,-il",nariy~(dlm."'.",,-gQyjn1
Copy of letter No. GOILOC-152[1}/E-AF-COMj191482 dated May 23, 2019 for information
S~rl. S C~lnpau Nga,hte
Undp.rSeu"~J-y [DP.A-!]
Development Part""rship Ad"'tni~t'dt;O""
I~mistry of Ex~erna!Affal's
R. No, 3100. J"w~harlal Nel1ru B~dWarl
23 D Janpatl1, New Delhi-l10011
[Phone: 011 49015420]
[Fax: 011 49015464]
[Email: ~(I.k<!,gov.,n,
*** •• *•••• *••• *.***.**.*~*~******~*.*.*.* •••• **.*.*.*************
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on accounl of this c-maiL If you have rcreivcd lhis communicalion m ~rror, pleast' delet~ or destroy all
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4Ii.* •• *•• *•• *•••• *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *•• *•• **.* •• * •••
Heavy Fuel Oil Dased ulIld Grid Connecl",d Engine Based Power
Generation Project with AssOciated Tank "'arm & Electrical
Evacuation System at Moroni, Union of Comoros
Subject : Reply for mail dated 26'" JUIl",'2019
His Excellencyl
In trailing :tr.ail, you promise for container c1l'aring from Customs will
be taken care, Hut we are following the same from 15th May 2019 still there
lS no response from Customs. In bel ween Project Manager arrived on 13th
June 20 I9 and subsequently he {LIsafollowing fOTIt with higher authorities
of customs nnd finance ministry but nothing is moving till today. Kindly look
into the matter and hdp us to get Ihe containers f~"m Customs.
For your trailing mail we woul::! like to share realities for your kind
3) OIA must submit renewed copies of 1\':0 APGs and a psG from the Indian
Public Sector Bank, in accordance with its contract with GO~COM_
Advance Bank Guarantee;
As requestcd by Indian Bank of India, we have to return the original
bank Jl:Uatantee (ABC) which already submitted TOGcwcrnment of Comoros.
Once the bank gets the oriRinai copy we will get the renewed bank guarantee
• (ABO) .
Date: 12,7.2019
Mr. VPRu~tagi
Chief Executive Officer
OverseaslnfraSlructure Alliance (India] Pvt. Ltd,
501-502, DIAHouse, 470 Cardinal Gradous Road,
Chakala, Andhe'l East, Mumbai-400099
Subject: Notice for settlemenl 01 Issues In lerms of Clause No. 34,2 of the Consortium Agreemenl
Oated 16.4.2014 between Oharal Heavy Electrlca!s Limited (OHEt) And OVeneas Infraslructure
Atnance (I) Pvt Ltd (OIA)
Proleel: 18 MW Heavy Fuel Oil Base toad Grid Conneeled Engine Based Power Generation Project
at Moroni, Comoros (the Project)
Consortium ~r"ement dated 16.4.2014 (Consortium Agreement) and Contract Agrumenl No.
003jMPEEIAj2014 dated 18.09.2014 and Amendment daled 11.03.2015 {the Contrael)
Deaf 5ir,
• In Hne with the lerms of the above mentione<l Consortium A8reement and the Comrael, OIA ;~
entrusted with the re~po",ibility 01arranging shipmenlS If/om Indian Port to project site in Comorosl
and Insurance of the Project equlpmenl supplied by BHELAs per Clause No•. S,], 20.7 and 20.S of the
Consortium Agreement. OIA has to (I) engage such personnel and perform such services as maybe
required the,efore (ii) bear all technical, linandal and other costs, e'pense~ and .(i.ks as,ociated with
such 5hipment, Ireight chargel and insur~nce iIfld (iiil provide information, documents and other
necessary inputs in a time bound manner 10/ completion of the f'rojeet as pe, contractual schedule.
Earlier this year, OIAarranged Conlainer I.hipments 01project material of BHELworth US$2,90S,924/-
in two Lots on 31- March, 2019 and 19" April, 2019 Irom JNPT, Mumbal. for both the above
,hipments, OIAengaged MIs Atlas 5hipping services Private Ltd, (Atlas) as their freight forwarder and
informed BHELvide email dated 29.01.2019 to coordinate with Alia, for executing the shipments.
8otl>the above ""ipmems we,e handed to Atlas althe designated Container Freight Station (US)
~n Mumbai in accordance with the booking details .provided by Alias. However, even after fapse of 3
mOMhs and an intense foliow up, OIAh•• not handed ave, the Billof Ladings (aLs) 01above ~hipments
Moreover, OIAhas fa,led tota.e marIne ,"surame for the project mate"al wh"h sa,led on 19 4 2~"
, dfffh
Due to this contravention of OIA.BHU h.d to take insurance for the project material and inwr CO$t
of ~ 2.08,484/.,
As original Bl.sare required to be submitted .Iong with invoice~ for issue of payment authorization
certificates by customer and further for of payment by EXIMBank, SHU is unable to realile
payment of materi.1 worth 20 Cr. In the ab~ence of original Sl.s of above shipments,
Further, OIA has to pay an amount of ~19,04,31O.45/- to SHEl on account of demurrage charges
incurred on ~tor'ge of DGsets at Mumb.i port last year due to delay in arranging of vessel by OIA.E-
maH dated 13.06.2018 (Annuure-A) from OIA, regarding acceptance of demurrage charges is
Due to tne aforesaid infractions of OIA, SHEl has suffered losses .nd liabilities which .re continuing
lill date. There is thus, an urgent need to settle the issues thaI have .ri~en and In terms of Clause 34.2
of the Consortium Agreement, OIAis put to notice to amicably settle the below Issues:
1. Provide Billof ladings for Ihe last 2 shipments (31" March, 2019 & 19" April, 2019) fOMwiln.
2. Make payment of ~ 19,04,31O.45j. On account of demurrage charges required to be paid by
• OIAalong with tne olher applicable costs, interest, expenses Incurred by SHU forthwith,
3, Make payment of tne premium amount of ~ 2,08,484/. In respect 01 marine IMurance to
SHU along with Ihe olher applicable costs, Interest, expenses incurred by SHELforthwith,
4, Other contractu.lli.bilitles suffered by SHU on account of warranty, safely, merchantability
of equipment due to prolonged storage, LOetc.
In case OIAdoes not settle as above, SHELwill be forced to exercise further contractual remedies as
per Clause 34,2 of the Consortium Agreement, This notke is without prejudice to 8HEL'~other rights,
which BHH Is entilled to under the Consortium Agreement and Contract Agreement andlor under
any applicable law,
15 K.Grover)
General Manager
International Operations
Enclosure: Annexure.A
Mr. NLChalUrvedi.
Vice President. Ri~k& Compliance
Ritu Raj Arya
Dear Sir
We hereby accept the demurrage on account of the points detailed below. Please pay to facilitate shipping of the D
G Sets (Diesel Engines, Alternators and AVRs)
G 5rinivas
Dear Sir,
As agreed, demurrage with regard to DG Sets lying at Mumbai port due to delay in
arranging vessel by OIAis to be paid by OIA.Approximate amount has already been shared
vide trailing email dated 31'1 May, 2018. As understood that demurrage is to be paid by
shipper and third party payments are not taken by port authorities, in this regard OIAmay
please provide debit acceptance to BHELso that the amount can be paid to port
authorities. Further, OIAto immediately issue a cheque of demurrage amount in favour of
IEl to settle the accounts.
Dear Sir,
• We acknowledge the receipt of your Notice for Amicable Settlement dated 12 July 2019, in
connection ""ith the shipments in 2 loIS. In response to the aforesaid Notice, we shall like to
respond as under:
I. After your handing over of the shipments to our nominated freight forwarder in 2 lots on
dated 31 March 2019 and 19 April 2019 respectively, we were compelled to suspend, by
our letter no. 190/20/NOTICE/OIA/2019-20 dated 15 April 2019, the Contract under
GCe Sub-ciause 16.1 of the Contract for non-payment of our IM.oice nos. 91002065,
400330 ••nd 400331 dated 21 January 2019, 6 February 2019 and II February 2019
respectively. Copy of the Notice of Suspension dated 15 April 2019 is enclosed herewith.
2. The ••roresaid suspcnsion continues even today as the ground of suspension stands
• unmitigated. It is for this reason, no further Contrllet e}tecution, including the delivery of
the shipments, can be performed by us,
3. Moreo"",r, a dispute has arisen between us and the said freight fonvllTdcr with respect to
the amounts due to it and for it \vrongfully ••.ithholding deliveries of various shipments
including yours, because of which we are put to huge fmuncia1 los""s as our other
shipments ate unlikely to be accepted by the respective Employers. It is for the dispute.
the freight forwarder is wrongfully withholding delivery of various shipments including
-- _.-
building infrastructure
IS a Central Public Sector Undertaking, we may authorize you to have your shipments
delivered at site and coll~t the re!C'o'antBLs from the freight forwarder by directly making
payment of freight forwarding charges perlaining to your shipments. We, on our part,
shall be happy to authorize even Exim Bank to reimburse such payment to you by
deducting the amount from our invoice that v.illbe submitted by us towards the shipment
charges 10be claimed under the Contract with the Employer.
• Yours faithfully,
Enol: As above
• 3. EXlMBank ofIndia CIN~U65920MH1989PTC052!100
The Secret~rv Gener~t
Mr. P. M~heshw~ri
OIA House Andheri
Mumbai India
Contractual Agreement No, 003/MPEEIA/2014 dilted 18-09.2014 with amendment no,l dated 17-03-
2015 between Government of Comoros and O,I,A (Oversea, Infrastructure Alli~n(e Pv! ltd. Mumbai
By the Contractu.1 Agreement, the Comori.n Government and your company n~med OIA have agreed
on the construction of ~ heilvy-fuel oil power stiltion, which is scheduled for completion by end of
September 2019,
This h~, surprised u, gre~t1y that suddenly work hil' stopped without any notice .nd work preview.
However, The Company OIA during the contr~ct term, committed to complete the work in september
Since this ;s a very important plant lor u, we ;n,i,t that work ,hould restart ils soon as pos,ible,
It should be noted that the Minister of the Economy, the Energy is ready to do everything to honor the
contractual commitments of the Comoros. but wishes to see the immediate restart of the ,ite,
We dare to hope that the OIA will take into the account the importance accorded to thi, plant by the
Comorian ,ide.
Plea,e accept Mr, Director General, expre5Sion of my highest consideration accomp. nied with my
thanks to you for issuing an order to resumption 01 work.
Consul General of India at the Union olthe Comoro
""",••.•••••.•••_"""" "",roc,
Ref No: 200 /20 J COR lOlA! 2019.20 building infrastructure
Date: 07.08.2019 _worldwide_
Mr. Said Ahmed Said loihl,
Secretary General,
Moroni, Comoros.
Dear Sir,
With reference to your letter no MEIEIETAPPGjSGdated 01/08/2019 we thank you for Ihe
intervention in this matter we are pleased to resume our execution work at site with the
hope that realisation of running bill payments will be released from Exlm Bank.
However, we hereby bring to your notice that we were forced to suspend work as even
after several correspondem;es our payments were held by blm bank which resulted into
short of cas.h flow As y<lUwill understand that without p~yments progress at site will be
Her:ce, we hereby once asain request you a:iv:te E~im Bank to release our payment
• Wilh Regards,
tiN.: U65920MH19B9PTt05zg00
- - -
Unit~ • SoI;o.o'rtO• D+wlopp<'m.nt
~ _<J.o~- '-">..J
Secretariat General
uSN:,itain Gb,
Mr P. Maheshwarl,
• Subjeel:
OIA House Andheri,
~umbai. India.
Dear Mr r Maheshwarl
By mail from 01-08-2019, wc have expressed our womlennentto see a sudden stop without
notice of the work for the construction of the hea~:y fucl plant whose completion is scheduled
for September 2019.
Givcn the impoltance we attach to this plant, we reiterate our desire to see the work resume
• urgently in order to avoid the Wlfortunate COl1sequen~s that the Comorian Government is
likely to incur with consequent delay in the implcmentation of the project.
It should be recalled that the Minister of the Economy and Energy is willing to do evcf)1hing
to honur thc contractual of the Comoros, but wishes to sce the immediate restart ufthe SiIC.
We dare to hupe that the OIA will take into account the importance accordcd to this plant by
thc Comorian side.
Un"'" <1<,Como, ••. M"isle!. "" rE~, "'" _MMleMS" "" rEne<gio.
<lo!'\nttoglOlion~.du r_,
$I rArti.,.,at. B.P,!l! Mo',,";. rei, In 52 0'5, [moil; mlne(ot!Om ••
<:M"1mU ~"'LWa
Ref No: 227120ICORlOIA/201g.20 building infrastructure
Date: 23.09.2019
Mr. Said Ahmed Said Toihir
Moroni. Comoros,
Refetl'nce : Contract No. 003/MPEE1A/20l-t dated 18,09.2014 along with Amendment no,
1 dated 17.03.201S for Selting up 18 MW He"Vi' Fuel all 8ased Load Grid
Connected Enginl! llasl!d Power Generation Project wilh Associated Tank Farm
Dear Sir,
We are trying to restart the project by pursuing Exim Bank. We have requested Exim Bank 10
conduct all stake holders meet along with Mitron as early as possible.
• With Regards,
Ref No: 228/20/CORjOIAj2019-21
Date: 04.10.2019
""'.,'''' ••••
building infrastructure
Power Minister,
Moroni, Comoros
•• Subject
His Excellency,
: Status of 18 MW HFO Based Power Project
The original site given by GOe was :<t Dombowani and the pre bid site visit
was done at this site. After aw;'tr<iing the project we had conducted the
Geological and Topographical survey. Oil this sur..•.
ey basis we had compkted
detailed Plot plan and detailed design and engineering. Major civil work was
designed and quoted according to this site, Due to some villagers issues, the
site was shifted to Vadjou adjacent to existing power plant. In this process we
have lost three years,
After allotting the new site we have ':'.-Jt recdved the clear site till further six
months as it was covered with forest. S:>finally we ourselves have
started cleaning and clearing the sl~e, Agnin we h,w"" condu;;~~:Su ey
;{UI;",,,"i; . """"!:
work and in the month of April 2017 we received the soil sw~'t1i~.-irt. ..t~.
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building infrastructure
which it was mentioned that the soil bearing capacity was very poor and not
to withhold the Heavy engine loads. por which we had gone ahead with the
guidance of MITCON,BHE:Lsoil expcrtfl and external Geological soil experts
for alternate method of civil foundations, which was then to be approved by
Exim Bank as it attracted additional cost. Ultimately the project was started
on 20thAprll 2018. All civil machinery and skilltd manpower were mobilized
from India and with the help of local :<emiskilledand unskilled manpower we
,,- have commenced the work from May 2018, The work was going on smoothly
under the supervision of Local Project coordinator and Mitcon Civil engineer.
We faced civil raw material problem and limitations from time to time but with
the help of GOC officials we overcame them.
As you are aware, to run the project smootl-tly, not only we require manpower,
machine!)', raw material but also smooth cash flow, Cash flow was
interrupted from Dec 2018. Despite which we havc continued the work up to
March 2019. From Feb, 2019 we are following up with Exim bank for the
pending payments. We have also explained them that this is not the final
payment and if there are certain commercial issues those can be sorted out
simultaneously. Arter approval of GOe and their PMC MITCON, the payment
was hold up since Feb, 2019. Only then we have given work suspension
notice. We humbly request Officials of the GOC to intervene the SItuation and
speak with Indian Government officials to release the blocked payment and
not to withhold the running bills so that the work should not suffer.
""""w.s •••••••ll'tIJCT\M IoUW'GE
building infrastructure
As mentioned earlier our major work is civil foundations and erection of all
Equipment supplied by BHEL. Hence performance guarantee for the work to
be executed by us is not needed.
.e • Already most of the civil muteri:J.!is shipped from India except Cement
as it is having self-life which \';e send as and when require. Regarding
local civil material, please see that the r<lwmaterial will be available
smoothly at most reasonable cost, We will procure the same us and
when require at site progressively_
• Please see that the materi~l redchectat Comoros port should be cleared
fast from Customs as thi!, is tax exempted project.
• Regarding Performance we must am~nd the Contntct
to wave of the PSG duuse for OIAP0rllOllas I'"eare associated only for
civil eOl1stnlC1ionand erection work for which performance Bank
Guarantee is not require.
~J<S "'lWtRl.iCMf
building infrastructure
Once again we request your good self to follow up with Exim Bank of India for
our pending payments so that the work will commence soon. We are very
thankful for the support extended by your officials and hoping the same in
Project Munager.
jj \>",.1I.;AJ\ ~~
UNION DES COMORES :..,..z • ~ • l.llo J
.~I .,).1', ,41~jlIJ ,lJU,!1'J')'
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.._ ....~..-...•.•_ ..-
Direcllon Gimera\e de l'Energla, des Mines
et de l'Eal!
...- .
Rer ••.••nce: Contract Ab'TeC~n<l\lmI. 003tMPEElAI20 14 dated 18.09.20 \4 & Amendment :\0. I dalcd
17.03.201~EX1M Bank Approval No, GOILOC-152[l] dated 05.06.2015
II ;. to be recalled thaI on behalf of Overseas Infrastructure Alliance (India) P'1, Ltd., )'Qur bank has
issued the above mentioned guarantee in favour of uS for amount ofUSD 614,958.92 (US Dollars Six
Hundred and Fourtcen Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Eight point Ninety Two only) after
",duction which is expiring on 07.11.2019 .
• :-low we her by instruct you to extends the validity of the guarantee for extra three months beforo expiry
of the said guarantoc
. YoorsSinccrcly
I,e Mitlillre
1" Moroni STIINov~mber 2019
N'jQ- Q cc~lMElf;IHA1'I'G/CAB
Secretary (Economic relations)
DCM Sir.
On behalf the Government of Comoros I would like to thank you ~o\lr eonli&UOussupport,
\V~ highly appreeinte your willingness. to suppcrt Comoros in the path of self.",liant in ""Crg~
We ',,-,uid Ilk~ 10 dmw )'ow' "!\1:]11i<:m in !he n.:t,,,dc'il 18 MW HFO based Power ProjcCl
\Il1Mr~{ling~!Moroni by lIldin ,:on\J,"l1iesalA nnd BllEL, through y(}urfinancial,'
• C"".!nti;tion is on hold at site since Moo:h 2019 while major ~ivil work. "uppl)' of all ke-y
",'il "nd eiO'C.ui""l~'luipmcn!'. h,we been eUnll'leted, ~xpec!ations were that the phlJlIcould
I", ,-"""pieted hy the end of year :019 but du~ to e,"aill rca""''' oU! hope. fad~'I!_
Due to dday in ~~"llt"i.siLln of thi, Ig M~' HFO ha""d Po" .•r PI""t we un: forced to del"")1,\
on til.r",,,1 general;"" ,urplicd ••••.
i\lt COSilyillll"'uw! diesel "I,ieh has ",suIte<! io !h<I,,-'Clor
t.;;<lg plac"d un<kr huge r,,,anci.l strain. w~ik the Comori,m Slnl"" pn<.:ke!sare ban:ly dccp
~"m.~h \I>.ubsidi:<e the shurlf"lI.
We have been informed lhal poyment flow. wen: intetTUpledby EXIM BanK sill"" December
2018. We re<:ommond immediate release of usn 368507.31 to OIA for which pa~ment
authorizations have been provided to EXIM Bank from Our .ide. This will enable to resume
tile work at site immediately. Cenain commereial issues like Bank Guarantees can be sorted
alii simultaneously by the Government ofCo,"oros with the conl'"ctors.
We "'"" v"ry 'h""ki,,1 to your coopermion and rely On you to achieve Our cl\tl'llY ~oal. by
compJetinlllhe planl '" ye", 2020,
Plea", iCttpI OUIhighesl con.ideration.
• , "
'., 'I'
.'VIini,; ;;;0( F~':"ig"x\ tTairs, Internal ienal
Cooperntioo. Charge Irn:.,th<:> Diasp"ra
• •
Ref No: 239/20ICORIOlA/2019-20
As you are aware thai, we have suspended Ihe above referred Contract with a letter dated
15 April 2019, due to non-payment of our running bills. Since then we are following up with
the Miniury of External Affairs of India, Export Import Bank of India and Power Ministry of
Government of Comoros for releasing our due payments to enable us to restart the work at
the earliest. We also know that from your end, Government of Comoros is also persuading
MEAto release our paymenl~.
• We were having lol~ of hopes when your good ~elf and HE. Mr, Ganju met officials of Exim
Bank of India and MEA on your recenl viSitto India during 30'" Ocl,2019 But till date no
payment released from Exim Bank of India,
Meanwhile, the materials (BHEt & OIA}shipped from India during March 2019 have reached
Moroni, but due to non-payment to the shipper they are not relea~ing the material and it is
attracting detention and demurrage since May 2019. This position was timely informed to all
concerned officials. BHELhave filed a suit in Honourable high court Delhi against OIA,Atlas
corporation and Exim bank for above shipped material. We are facing 101 of problem in this
matter at every level for no fault at our end. Youwillappreciate that this serious problem has
generated on account of non-payment by EximBank, dishonouring the contractual payment
toroo< ••• 0_ R••• 't< ••• 0"'"
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I ------------------------
I, I
""' ••••••••••• "OUC:JIJl( "lWOC[
building infrastructure
htellency, You have put your best efforts 10 get our paym!'nt problem resolved from him
Bank and MEA but still no result and the uncertainly continues on following critical issues:
• When our pending payments will be cleared (Which are pending since feb, 2019)
• ASsurance of our future running bills payments.
You wm appreciate that without getting any confirmation on above iSSues, it is extremely
difficult for us to reMart Ihe work •
According 10 Ihe terms of contract 21 days after the Suspension notice, the contract can be
terminated but considering our good relations and realising that there is no mistake on the
part of Government of Comoros, we have not opted for the same. It may be noted that due
to thi~ huge time loss we are afraid that the warranty of the major equipment might be
expired and thi~ is aiarming situation.
Keeping all the above fa(t~ in view, we humbly request Government of Comoro~ to take a
firm step to relolve this issue so a~ to get the work restarted soon.
We are attaching few recent photographs of site whi(h ~hows the detorlation of site due to
prolong delay of work.
With Regards, _,_
For,Shrikant Karekar.
Project Manager.
I Ref. : 242120/EXIMIOIN2019_20
Date : lS"Jan, 2020
•••••• ........,_ -'lli\IlO.
building infrastructure
To, •
Ms, Shilpi Goyal,
Manager, Unes of Credit Group,
Export Import Bank of India,
7" Floor, Office Bloc/( 1,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Diehl -110023.
1. Contract Agreement No. 003JMPEEIA/2014 dated 18
September 2014 logeliler with Amendment No.1 dated 17
March 2015 and Addendum No, 01, No, 17410NP_
MEEIATISPAFISG dated 21 October 2017
2, Contractor's nolicevide Jetter no. 1901201NOTICE/OIAl2019-20
dated 15 April 2019 for suspenskm of work under GCCSub-
clause 16,1 althe Contract;
J. Lelterlo Exim bank (196120/EXIM/OIA/2019_20 dated
24111 May, 2019.
4. Letter to Hen, Power Minister (239!20ICORlOIN2019_20)
daled 09.01.2020 with a copy to Exim Bank.
Dear Madam,
We would like to bring to your kind nolice thaI ourfollowirtg bills are pending (ArnounUng
• 103,68,507 USD) with EXIM Bank since Feb 2019 ,which are duly approved by Mis
Milcon, their consultant and certified by Gal'! of Comoros. During the han. Court
mandated meeting held on 2"<1Jan, 2020 allevel of MEA Delhi, il was specifically
revealed by lhe officials of Exim Bank that they have laken a decision to stop all
payments 10 CIA underlhe project and accordingly il was also stated that no paymenl
has been made by lhem to alA since Feb, 2019 OIlW3rd.
On accounl of withholding of payment by Exim Bank, inllOices of servk:es provided by
local vendo~ as well as male rial suppliers are pending, Somehow, we manage 10
explain the situation 10 these vendors for past OIle year but now it is very difficult 10
explain the reason for nOll-payment.
seRVIcE lNV.400331
24Z38S.OO 368507.31
• - ----- '-----------
SUPPLY INV"'-91oo2109" T .
SUPPLY INV. 91002108 (FRT&INS)
The above issue has resulted into non-payment to Mis Alias LogisUcs for the material of
BHEL. BHEL has filed a case in hon, high court against CIA, Atlas Logistics and EXIM
Bank. We are facing all these problems as a consequence of non- payment by Exim
Government of Comoros is also pursuing us for restart of work, It is now beyond our
control to manage the situation and answer to govemment of Comoros and all Comorian
We humbly request EXIM Bank 10 release our wilh-held payment so that we will honour
the vendor's payment and restart the work.,
Mumbai - 400 099
• 2. On the matter of releasing pending payments for the Tendaho Sugar Factory
lTSfJ- Phase I in Ethiopia, as specifically reguested in your said letter dated lanuary
6, 2020, we draw your attention to the Follow-up Review meeting held on May 29,
2019 at the office of Ministry of Extemal Affairs, where the OIA representative had
confirmed that out of the total mobilisation advance of USD 53.61 million disbursed
to OIA, an amount of USD 20.88 million IU5D 11.50 million with OIA and USD 9,30
million with sub-contractors, as verified by the project management consultant) was
lying unutilised with OIA and sub-contractors under the TSF _ Phase II.
3. You are also aware of the decision that the TSF - Phase II. as originally
envisaged and conceptualized, is not a viable proposition and should not be
proceeded with. Should the Ethiopia Sugar Corporation (ESC) choose to re-purpose
the unutilized LOC earlier intended for TSF - Phase II, the utilization shall be in
accordance with the revised IDEAS guidelines,
0I'Ii<t, Ct/'Itf. eo. ~"'9.
""'i'lU, ¥i - 400 00, ~'+91-12-1217
'I'fl, l1lil~,fim'lilII'lTl <R~,
'<R~ m,
Floor21. II'OrIdTrod!:CO'>1I,"C<x11r>n, C<il. ~•• Od<.Ml.011boi.400 005 Pi'lorlr; , 91.2\'.21117oo:xl fdX +91-2\'-2I11S
4. In the light of the above. MOf-DEA is of the view that the excess advance
payment of usa 20.88 million lying unutilized with OIA is required to be recovered
and the same has been communicated by Exim Bank to the Government of Ethiopia.
5, You may further note that the Ministry of External Affairs has advised that as
the refund of the excess fund of approximately usa 20,BB million held by OIA is
pending. as also since OIA has failed in implementation of some other projects
including transmission line in Republic of Congo and Diesel Power Generation Plant
in Comoros,further disbursements by Exim Bank to OIA may be put on hold.
Pleaserefer to the minutes of the review meeting dated May IS, 2019 wherein JS-
DPA had instructed that the disbursements to alA will be released by Exim Bank
• subjed to OIA fulfilling the following conditions:
I. Submit the renewed copies of two APGs and a PBGfrom a reputed Indian
Public Sector Bank as per its contract agreement with GO-COM.The same has
not been complied till date,
11, Arrangement of backfilling soil and electromechanical personnel by alA to
resume the work at site. The same has not been complied till date.
III. OIA to provide execution plan for the remaining work in order to understand
the utilization of funds for future disbursements The same has not been
complied till date.
As the pre-conditions agreed to. as above, have not been complied with by OIA, we
are unable to release the payments.
(6) Project for augmentation of water sl,Ipplv schemes of Dar ~.L~alaam and
Cha!inze regions in Tanzania: pending p.ayment of usn 78,S6.8.8!1.
As per our records, no payment is pending with Exim Bank. You may like to recheck
with the Project Authority and advise specific bill details that are pending for
{e) Project for design, engineering, supply, instailation, testing and commissioning
Please refer to the minutes of the several meetings held with OIA on February 25,
2019, September 12, 2019, October 18, 2019, and December 23, 2019, inter-alia
advising OIA to arrange I provide the fOllowing:
Further, as you are aware, the Terminal Date 01 Disbursement [TOO) under the Line
of Credit has expired, and extension of same is under consideration of the GOI.
8. Trust the reasons for non-release of payments stands clarified, In the C<lSCS
Comoros and ROC, where the concerned parties h<lve agreed to rele<lse of payments
subject to compliance with agreed pre-conditions, you are requested to ensure full
compliance at the earliest to enable us to consider your request for release of the I
With best regards,
Yours faithfully,
• \J\""'~
{Meena Verma)
General Manager
Ref. : 243120/EXIM/OIAf2019.20
Date : 21~ Jan,2020 tN •••••• ",WIJl<XT\IOI(.IUIUiCt
building inrrastru~lure
Ms. Shilpi Goyal,
Manager, Lines of ered~ Group,
Export Import Bank of India,
7" Floor, OffICe Block 1,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Olehi -110023.
March 2015 and Addendum No. 01, No, 1741ONp •
MEEIATfSPAF/SG dated 21 October 2017
2. Contractor's nolice vidll !Iljtllr nn l!lWOJNnTlr:F /OIAI7019-'20
daled 15 April 201S for suspension of work under GCe Sub-
clause 16,1 of the Contract
3. Our leller for clariIicaUon127/20ICORIOIN'2019-20 dated 03
May, 2019.
4, Our leUer for clarificalion192mICORIOlAf2019-20 dated 16
May, 2019.
5. ll:!lll:!r \0 Exlm bar,k (24212QJEXIMI()IA/201~-:.N dated
16'" JAN, 2020.
6. letter no. GOllOC- alA 19/2544 Dated 16 JAN, 2020.
01 Exim Bank regarding pending payment to alA in respect of
projects in Ethfopia, Comoros, Tanzania and RepublicofCongo.
• Dear Madam,
This is with reference to lelter (No GOILOC. OIA1912544 Dated 16,01.2020) of Exim
Bank. In this regard we would like 10clarify that we are not in agreemenl with your
statement made at point 1'10.5in the above mentioned leIter. Il stales that alA has failed
in implementation of Comoros Energy generation project. Whereas we have given a
suspensfon notice in the month of Apr15, 2019 (Ieller no. 190120!NOTfCE IOIA/2019.20)
for holding back Ihe approved running bill payments. Hence, we are in total
disagreement 'Nith your slatemen!.
In fae(, we have 'Millen several mails for restarting the project and the same has been
conveyed by Government of Comoros 10 you. We once again request you to honour the
Pending bins as they are r;otthe final bilfs but the running bills, so !hat we can restart the
\IIOl'k which has been delayed since a very long duration.
In response to your point no 7A we have given our jusbfication through our earlier letters
no. 127/20/CORIOIAl2019.20 dated 03 May, 2019 and our leUer no. 192120/CORIOIN
2019-20 dated 16 May, 2019. For your reference both JeUersare enclosed with this !eller.
• We once again request your good self to release the balance payment as reQuested in
our letter no. 242120IEXIMIUIAllUl!l-ltJ dated 1ija. Jan, :lUW and also assurance for
future payments so that we restart the work.
With Regards,
Subject: !«quest for E1te""ion or Ad_ Pa~m.ol Gllaraow No. W701 11l1OOO41daled 10.11.2017
It is 10 bf: r«aUtd that on bf:half ofO •.• rseu Infrastruclure Amanc. (India) Pvt. Ltd., ynur
baok has wuod lh. abov. "'.nlionoo guarln". in (a'"onr o( u. for amounl of USD 614,'}58.92
(US Dolla •• Si. Huodud and Fourt..,o Thous.and :'\';0. Hundud nod Fifly Eighl poinl r..iody
Two only) dtu rnIuclioo •• bid. i. up;r;ng 00 05.01.1010.
• Now we bon by ;oOlrucl you 10"-ltnd. lh. validi!)' of lb. : ••.•l':IInl..,(or •• tra tbl"N monlh. blfo •.••
"piry urIbe said guanlntee
buildmg infrastructure
LlurS; •.
A, )'0\1.'" ."."'. 1\1\;1,Sh;rpin~ Send""" Pti, ~h; Limi"•.d (AS~PL) lI.lS ""t dcli,,,rtd ,1>1:foU""i,,!!
shil>lTlCn'S00 a«nul11 "fl~;1 earlier d" •• from " •. "hie" 1\0 "C," "".lIk I" 1")' .s "c. in lUm. an:
"<ll y.llill~ "111<I"" I"'~""'"l' f''"1l }'OU .nd lhe cx«lIlioo "lldor tIK Com •.••l h•• b<"n ''''1'''",1.-<1,
111'181880162 BHEL Shipnwnl 74.'Hll)l)
, - - :U,I~t~1
. ----~----
</It: (~I
~H(I1,:III'! Ill'lNIKKlII7K
111'1X lXX11l7~
1.:lK.""1 twJ
, 10 :SOJ.11"9
, ,
Ill' I Xl H~IJlgl
I --------.
HIIE! \1"1"'''''11 :.I:.~_;II.I~1
ll""~,~r. ASSPl i. """ "l'""",bk 10 "d;"cr IIICshipmeliTs (0 )"11 "m,'iM~ )"" hoiI' ,hom <e<1"~
1he ,,~i\Cf "~IIhe l)"mll""S. ('h"!!,,, th:lt "'~) "" le,iN ~ Ih. 1'<,,, "<Ilh''fIl,e, ~I .\l"M,i "" Un:
"fo,"",id ,l,ip""'lll>. -Ihi, ,IeI' ;, \CI)' <flOCi.,!h' .~ doh,'c') of lh •. ,hip"'""'ls. "hieh an: quilc crilk~1
forII", pr,,~'< c"ml'l~,i"n,
In ,"i.,," "r Ih. ab.wo. "0 'oq"." ~"Illu oM'l"u, g(~..J"frrw in _",in~ II,. "ai" .•.$<I1h.3.,11>0
.hipmcna CM "" rloli,crcd ,,, )'n" a, .arl)"a'po«il>l •.'"g )"0".
Yours £';lhf"II).
(Pum.I"","", Mahesh",.,i)
Wbol. Time m"""or
Ref.: 159/82/EXI:-'1/01,\/201'J
Dale: ] Ii FebnlaI)' 1020
2(J ~Ufr
lI'oU>fAS 1O'la$ """""",
building infrastructure
Meen•• Verma
C;~n"fal \lanager
Export';,nport 13arlkof India
Office Block, Tower L 7-:><Floor.
Adjacent to Ring Road,
Kidwai :'\agar (East),
X,.•w Ddhi, I 10 023
• Subject:
Dear Madam,
As-<;igomcmof the pa}'T1lentsto Atlas Shipping Services Private Limited
As you life awarc, Atlas Shipping Scrviccs Pri"ate limited (ASSPLI ha" not delivered
the shipment comaining 7 (Seven) Containers belonging to Sharat H<:al)' I':lectricals
l.imited IBHELI h.lflded over to ASSPL for shipping to the GO\"('rnment of Comoros
(Coq through us on aee01lnl of their earlier dues from Us. You are also aware, oUr
It has led to a dispute bctwl'en BHE/., and 1ISand accordmgly SHEL has instituted
proc~dings i.e. O.M.p,m (CO.\lM,) 403/2019 b<:fore the Hon'bl •• Delhi High Court,
Dorin;: the proceedinl(s. the Hon'ble Court referred the mlltler for mediltTion by Mr. ,I.
P Sen!:h. Senior Counsel, wh'ch after se"eral m•.•.• tings l'''cntuaUy conduded without
any rl'sOlution. Thereupon, the Honble COUrt, once again referred the malter for
rcsolution through the Bonble Secreta')', Ministry of External Affairs. Go\'crnment of
ASSI'L is nut agee<:"!>l,,to releose the BH8L shipment until the maximum possible
amoum l>llyable to them ~. Os is sl'cured, though agains, such payment sccllril)'. they
arc agreeable to deli"er imml'di"tl'iy both the shipments to the site of (Joe i.e, Ihe
shlpml'llt containing 7 (Sevenl Containl'CS !>e1011gllgto BIIEL and the shipment
contain"'g 5 (Fi\'e) COntainers of STeel supplil,d by u,..
In this ba<'kdrop, WI' have agreed To assign all the paymCnt againsls our following
invoices to ASSPL by wuy of reSolUTion(,( the dispute "'lth BHEL and the problem of
nOll-delivery to tho: GoC so thut BHF.L and the proj•.••..
' of CaC do nol suffer for the
dispute bet"'''"n ASSPL and Us: _
j'"T"'" Invoic:e
i -Re.nark-
tl 21.01.2019 91~2065 i Supply
2_- 06.oI.;?OJ2
400330 Service 32 70232 AUlh"ri~<:,d
3 lL02.2019 93420,00 bllt
1 400331 Sen'icc
242.385.00 pending
with E.'l:im
91.002101 : SupPly ,,[Sted
91002107 Shipment Charl'C$
6 19.04.2019 91002108 (SHELl
7 25.02.2019 77 929.28 1
91002071 Pendin!; with
8 16.04.2019 12,918.92 '
009/19. M/TeON for
20 II mroval
We, therefore, request you to rdease the afor••said paymclIls tu Atlas Shipping
Services Pril'il1C Limiled lind oblige in the inter"s! of the project.
ThankinR you,
Your" faithfully.
• (j)
Whole Time Dlreetor .
I ~~~"""'"~~'-"
L: ',W'
Copy: I. Atlas Shipping Servic~ Private Limited
2. Bhaml Hea"y F:ll'Clrkals Limited
From: Purushotam Maheshwari !mailto:p.mahe~hwari@oialliance_coml
Sent: 08 July 2020 17:00
To: JS <>
Cc: Ashish K S Arya <>;Shyam Shukla <shyam,>;Sampat
Jagdale <sampat.jagadale@oialiiance,com>;Ovijeet Das <>
Subject: Disbur$cment under Comoros Project
Joint Secretary,
Ministry of External Affairs,
Government ofIndia (Gal),
New Delhi,
• Dear Sir,
• In this regard, it may be worthwhile to point out that the implementation plan
was also discussed in our meeting at MEA on 17 March 2020. During the March
meeting, we explained that there was no significance of any implementation plan
unless it is unambiguously linked to the payments, which are either not
approved by the Consultant or not authorized by the Employer or not disbursed
by Exim bank as per the Contractual payment terms. It is for this reason, we
requesled MEAjExim Bank to (1) assure us that the payments will be disbursed
within 45 days from submission of our Invoices, and (2) release the payments
directly to the sub-contractors, for which the necessary assignments were made
and shared with Exim Bank. However, we have not received any assurance till
date despite our repeated communications on the subject vide our letter dated
30 March, 29 April, 30 April and 10 June 2020. Copies, one each, of the said
four letters are enclosed as Annexure-1 collectively.
1. Sinee 2006, OIAhas been awarded several Contracts under Gol supported
LOCand each of the Contracts containing advance and payment terms has
been duly approved by Exim Bank. And, we have never been paid any
advance in excess of the agreed amount, nor have we been paid any sums,
which are not backed by the supplies or services made/rendered by us,
certified by the Consultant, authorized by the borrower country and finally
vetted by Exim Bank and even permitted by MEA,whenever Exim Bank has
chosen to seek MEA'spermission. Therefore, any misgiving of OIAavailing
more payments than due to it as per the Contracts and vetting of Exim
Bank is only unfounded.
2. There is hardly any significance in the suggestion that if OIA makes the
payment to ASSPL, Exim Bank can disburse the withheld payments to OIA
3. We would like to bring to your notice that in the Contracts, the payment
procedures are well specified, wherein, any invoice raised to the client has to
be approved by the PMC appointed by the Employer or by the Employer
itself before it is paid by Exim Bank, regretfully, it is not so happening in the
case of ROC project.
We shaH remain obliged to you for your kind act as requested above.
Thanking you,
With regards,
(Purushottam Maheshwari)
Enclosed.: As above
"""""" ••••••• """""" "'lWOCl
building infrastructure
• Subjed:
Cm.fOROS POWER PLANT PROJECT _ Direcl payment to MIS Atlas Shippiog Pvl. Lid,
Honorable Sir,
We refer me.::tingal MEA in your pre",ncc on 17'" March.20W. Purpose of Ihe meeting was to discu"
and sireamline future methodology 10 complete the projeCI under execulion by OlA in different
Duringthe meeting we have reslaloo that we have no objection ifEXIM Bank m1,kesdired payments
10sub conlractors of concern project in Ihe inieresl of complelioo of project. Since Atlas shippiog has
agl't.'e<llorelease the malerial, we have proposed 10pay them dire.:lly 10gellhe amicable solution aod
recieve Ihe crucial project ,hipmeot up to site location,
Funher, we have requesled EXlM bank via our leiter reference 159IS2lEXIM/OlN2019-20 to release
direct paymeots to MIS Atlas shipping as MIS Alias shipping has agreed to deliver Ihe material up
to site localion ooce Ihey gel payment surely from EXIM Bank. Also, a confinnation of same has
beco filed by MIS Alia, to Hon. High Coun of Delhi. Copy also shared 10EXIM Bank oflnllia.
Subsequently, we are following up with EXTM ballk. bill neither they are taking decision I" make
paymeot to MIS Allas shippiog nor clarifying the situatioo to os, This briogs the enlire scenari" to
stand Slill,
For yow: ",ferenC<',herewith. we recall lhe &criesof evenls ,ince project was put on hold.
1. Our three invokes aggresating to usa 368 507.32 duly authorized by the representatives of the
Government of Cam or OS,pending for disbursement since February 2019
2. We unde~tand that, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Comoros has written a letter to
~cretary Economic Affairs ,MEA and requested 10 release the p.yment to OtA in August 2019
3, Despite of constant follow up, payment was not released
4. Hold 01 due and dully approved payment by EXIM bank has disrupted Ihe project cash flow that led
the dispute between SHEl, Atlas shipping and OIA.
S. Consequently, Atlas ha, refus~ to deliver the project shipment belonging to BHU
6. Later BHELhas instituted proceeding~ before the Hon. High Coun of Delhi
7. On the instruction of Hon. High coun 01 Delhi, all party meeting held at MEA Delhi, under your
leadership on 16'" January 2020
8. Even this meeting has produced no amicable resolutiontothe problem and project is suffering badly
besides legal complications.
9. In the interest 01 project OIAhas requested to EXIMBank in writing to release the payment toAII.s
shipping directly via letter referred as above
Sir. as you are aw~rc, there is publio health emergency of internation~l concern due to novel coronavirus.
There is no denying the faels and the magnitude of the problem. All commercial activities are stopped. Due
to this all are suffering, our company also facing unprecedented and severe financial crisis. ConsC<luently,
there are no reVenue coming in anymore and yet there are overheads to be catered and banking obligations to
be met. We can not survive without your support during this harsh time. Our engineers an: still at site in
Comoros and facing health issues as some Indians have al,o been detected corona sufferer. Hence our priority
i, 10 get the materia! of BHEL rdca!.cd from port at the earhest which is possible only when Exim Bank moves
fast in giving comm;tment to atlas for release of their payment as per our requeSlletlCr. We ,hall caU our
• engineers hack to India to prolect them from this corona prohlem. once they arc able to ensure the safety of
material at site.
We are following with EXIM wilhout any success. hence, request you to please intervene in Ihi.I matter and
instruct EXIM Bank 10 relea'e the direct payments to Atla, ,hipping without further delay.
Looking forward for your kind support and assuring you of our best attemion all the times.
Yours Sincerely.
, ,{ ,~{, ." ':4:''Z'
• building infrastructure
J:"iB, 2119 B Wings
~tlnlstry or Elterna! Affairs
G(m~rnmentor India
I. COMOROS Contract refc'l:nce Agreement No. 003!MPEEIAl2014 daled 18
September 20141ogelhl:f with amendment No. I d311:d17 March 201$ and Addl'11dum
No. 01, No. 11-410/VP MEEIATISPAFISG dated 21 Oclober21J17.
2. CONGO Contract reference Agreement No. 2012.16!PRlAOlDGGT dated 25 SlOP,
3. mojl dated 30th March 2020 addressed 10 Shri Pankaj Kumar singh with a oopy to
yourself about discussion, taken ploce during meeting held m your level on 17th march
,2020and also subsequent follow up cor~l"'ndance by OIA.
Rl"Ipceled Sir.
Please refer meeting held at MEA in )'our loadership on IT" MMch,lG20 in re'pe~t or
projects to discuss and streamline futule methodology t" eomplele them under "".xulion
1»'OlA in dilTen:nt counllies. PI~ also refer mail d.uo:d30th March 2020 scnl by OIA
confirming dcdsiooslakro in the s.aidmeeting.
Sin_'" lhen "'-': arc followinc ~arious "lU~~
here in India wilh EXIM b;mk and al ~ilC 1('
conlinuo works in lho projccts. Herewilh we •••.c>uldlike to put facts before ynu Oncounlry
Iproject specific
Our approved p"ytncnt IlUtnris.atioosa", 1)1ogwith EXIM and we ho\'o already given In
wriling Oul con",n! to EXIM Bank 10pay directly to Alias Shipping. We fail 10undcrstand
why EXIM bank is laking so long lime \0 take !he decision,
Further""C 'HlUld like to inform you that our engineer> an:: stuck at COMOROS sile and
'W arc under prscssurc from their f;uniJies to evacuate them.
We wanted mal shipment should be stored a1safe place before our cnginocrs leave the sile.
We request you to please intervene and ask EXIM Bank 10release the paymCfltor eonfintl
to Atlas beforeelosc of the month of J~ne w thaltimel~ we can plan the activities.
In ease Exim Bank do J\(Jttake allove action timel~, lben we wuuld nol be able lOconlinoe
and will be furted \0 leave the sile and b~ 30th J~ne we will can back o~r team.
In projecl Ruml Electrificalioo ofCongu, sile "<:Irkwas cootinued by uur I""al "'am ewn
ineum:nl pandemie situation.
We Ill"<'pleased to inform yoo that all the conSlnJclion work al another 33 KV Gamlloma-
Ongogni line of around 50 Km hll.l I:>ecncompleted and lioe "'1\$ .ueces,fun)'
commissioned on 18th May 1020. Work on a new 33 KV line Boondzi Allembe i, onder
Our Indian Sob Conlr.octors for O)'<l-Mossaka line (MIS Excc:lsoor<:eIntcrnalional) and
Djambala- Lckana line{ MIS Alliance Trading) are wailing for internatiorllli flight to
~';\lme so that. lhey send teilln. ll>""tart the wo,k.
We ",fer Our discussion during meeting held at 17th "'larch 2020 in }<:IUrpresence when:
it was discussed \hal pmgressive invoke< ,hould be paid in 4~ da)lS from the date of
submission 10 Ihe DGOT and in casc of dela)', proportionate lime eXleosioo should be:
alluwed. hrther Ihe pay'ment of the invoices win nol be link,,) or delayed by E"im
Bank/MEA for any =n including 0tJ .coounl of any olher projCOtmot",r <;(lnn<:<:lcd
OIA. We have \\'rinen a IClltl"10 MEA and 10 DGGT Ref. No. : 1641ll2IRDC-
REJOIA!2020-21 Date: 14.04.2020.
In Ihe letter we have requested a line of acknowledgcmcnllo canlinn above understanding
from your ,ide as wdlllS from CONGO side. Conlinnalion would be helpful for OIA to
p=d wilh extr.l effo<ts On all fronlS. So far we havenol recievcd any reply.
We requesl yoo to please inSUlJet your team to provide a confinnalion on the sam~
understanding. We are facing exlreme diffICulties 10 run the site in currenl environmenl
and without support from authorities like yOU, EXlM Bank and DGGT CONGO, we
would be nol ahle to sustain further and would be forced. 10call back our team hy 30th Jut>C
Looking furwill'l! for your kind SUPp<lrtand IISSUl'ingyou of our best allenlioo all the times.
(Purw;hottalll Mabcshwari)
O¥ERSUStomlmutTLOll! "'<.Wa
Date : 24th August 2020
Shri Shridharan Madhusudhanan
Joint Secretary (DPA-l)
Ministry of External Affairs,
Government of India (001).
New Delhi,
Dear Sir,
Please refer our last letter dated 3'" july, 2020 sent to JS MEA on the above subject.
We take this opportunity to "'peat that under Tendaha (Phase-I, Civil and Spares), RoC &
Comoros Contracts being executed by us 1.Ulder the Gol supponcd LoCs, there au
disbursements to us, whieh a", duly authorized by the respective Employers long time
before. Despite various rcpresentutions to Exporl-lmpon Bank of India (Exim Bank) and
Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), these disbursements have been withheld by Exim Bank,
, the rcasan of withholding on the advice of MEA, which has rcsulted into the
project execution under the aforesaid contracts being stalled. To overcome this stalemate, a
meeting taok place at MEA on 17 March 2020 at our instance. During the meeting, certain
•••"•••••0'.,." ,'!' &
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-Y"'2. The future disbursements must not be withheld for any reason, whatsoever, and the
disbursements under one Contract must not be linked with any other projects.
/3. MEA10 authori7.e Exim Bank to make the payment to Atlas Shipping Services Private
Ii! Limited(ASSPL)in terms of the lcttcr of assignment issued by us on 18 February 2020 to
Exim Bank, so that the shipments withheld by ASSPLwith respect to Comoros project
are deliveredat site and the concerned legal proceedings initiated by BHELare closed.
It was agreed by MEA in the aforesaid meeting that necessary instructions will be
passed on to &tim Bank for moving ahead as suggested so as to overcome this
4. The Claim cum Variation proposal to be submitted. based on the details to be obtained
from the concerned sub-contractor, in case of RoC Controct to be expedited for
~ agreement and approval, so that the execution goes unhindered.
Besides lhe proposals, we also requested the MEAl Exim Bank, in the very same meeting.
that !.hedisbursements under Tendaho (Phase-I, Civiland Spares Contracts) should not be
withheld for the reasons which are not related to the works executed.
In continuation to the above, we attended a meeting at the level of Chief General
Manager in presen"e of conecmed General Manager of Exim Bank in Mumbai on 13th
August, 2020 and briefed them about all the above developments. They said that they lire
awaiting for necessary instructions in respect of all the above matters from MEAand they
willabide by instructions immediately after their receipt.
•••• ,.. •• QIr •• ,
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I --,,-----------------------------------
O'<VUUI NfWl1llI;1'\OIlt
building infrastructure
It is in this situation that we request you to confinn the aforesaid proposals and release the
withheld disbursement under Tendaho (Phase-I, Civil and Spares Contracts) and of Comros
project as detailed above, so that the project executions under the respective Contracts can
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Ovcneas Infrastructure Alliance (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pumshottam Maheshwari)
Whole time Director
Enc:losed: As above
0'4Itl<U •••••••'""""'"' _
building infrastructure
Dale: 24.08.2020
KJdwai roo'agar (Ea'l)
New Delhi
Subject: COMOROS POWER PLANT PROJECT - Direct payment to MIS Atlas Shipping 1'\'1. Ltd.
This is in reference to our m!!€ting with CGM in your presence on 13th August, 2020 in Exim Ban~ office.
Mumbai wherein we briefed you about our di$Ulssions at the level of MEA on 17th March,2020 and
commtlllicalions mad!! thereafter.
Please also refer our leller dated 30th april, 2020 addlessed to CGM him Bank Delhi.
• We would like to bring to your kind notice that we have requested EXlMbank via our 1IIIIIIrreference
1S9j82/fXIMj01N2019-20 to release direct payment~ for Comoros power plant project to MIS Atlas
shippil'l9 as MIS Atlas shipping has agreed to deliver the material up to site location once they get
payment surety from fXJM Bank. Also, a confirmation of same has been fiJed by MIS Atlas to Hon. High
Court of Delhi.Copy also shaled to EXlMBank of India.
Sub,equently, we are following up with fXIM bank, but nllither they are taking decision to make payment
to MIS Atlas nor clarifying the situation to us. This brings the emire scenario to stand still.
For your rclerenClI, herewith, we recall the series of events since project was put on hold.
1. Our three invoices aggregating to U5D 368 507.32 duly authorized by the representatives of ttle
Govllrnment of Comoros. pllnding for di5bursement since February 2019 ",...
R~_ orra: torpor•• 0lI;00:
I<.K s.;.-.lro~GIIC.IIP.oo:I .n,Sosr.KnoEluiOOJ. l!l.__ ~
A_ IE;UJTu;. ':Oll!l!l,hloo _ 00tl.1I0 00'. reo.
't<, o!l'.ll-lli~~Fl< ~'.Z!.ms 1\Ie'MTS~1 ToI;-91.'\-IJOO
111'Fn o!ll."~1 IJZl
building Infrastructure
2. We understand that hon.Minister of Foreign AHairs , Government of Comoros has written a letter in
August 2019 to Secretary Economic Affairs .MEAand requested to release the payment to OlA
1Despite regular follow up, payment has nOI not been released by him Bank.
4. Hold of due and dully approved payment by EXIMbank has disrupted the project cash fiow that led
the disptlte between BHEt, Atlas shipping and OlA.
• 5. Consequently, Atlas has refused to deliver the project shipment belonging to BHEL
6. tater BHEt has instituted proceedings before the Han. High Court of Delhi
7. On the instruction of Han. High Court of Delhi, all party meeling held at MEA Delhi on 15th January
8. Even this meeting has produced no amicable resolution to the problem and project is suffering badly
besides legal complications.
9. In tll€ interest of project alA has requested EXIM Bank in writing to release the payment to Atlas
shipping directly l'ia lett!!r referred as above
10. During meetings and recent discussions with MEA,we understand tflat MEA has no objection to
make direct payment to Atlas Shipping .
In view of above we request you to p!c.:lse intervene in this matter and instruct your concern team 10
• release direct payment to Atlas Shippin9 so that project can be r~tarted.
looking forward for your kind support and assuring)'(lU of our best attention all the times.
Whole time Director
' .. Respondents
Respectfully Showeth
• goodsto destination.
exercising its lien Over the subject matter goods lill ils dues ilre
afe as under:~
•• ...
lll. Cost of transportation,
charges (as on
container hire
) and other dues
Totnl 8,64,95,820.26
• 91002065 32,702.32
I. 21.01.2019
06.01.2019 400330 93,420.00
... 11.02.2019 400331 242,385.00
• 7,
from its lien within such time as may be determined b)this
• may kindly direct respondent No.3 to make its stand clear with
further orders which this Hon'ble Court may deem fit and prop;:r in
Prayed accordingly.
yoocsh Shann a
o .
Date.: _ Authorised RepresentaL",'d'
Place New Delhi S . sPvt ..
Atlus Shipping ervlccd ,'No.2
Respoll en
Disbu~ment Of Payments
Shrikanl Karekar,
Project Manager
• Comoros,
___ ...••__.~.,____
" ..•• ~ ".",_,