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Calpro 300

(basic version – Calibrator control)
Calpro 300 Basic

Calmet sp. z o.o.

POLAND, 65-472 ZIELONA GORA, Kukulcza 18
tel.+48 68 324 04 56 fax+48 68 324 04 57
www.calmet.com.pl mail@calmet.com.pl
Calpro 300 Basic Manual EN 2019-06

1. PC Soft application 3
2. Hardware requirements and installation 3
3. PC Soft start up 4
3.1. Language setting 5
3.2. Communication with Calibrator set up 5
3.3. Setting impulse output parameters and sound signals 6
3.4. Functions 6
3.5. Status field of Calibrator 7
3.6. Operation field 9
4. Programming settings of U+I++f+P+Q+S 9
4.1. Symmetric source 9
4.2. Asymmetric source 10
5. Waveform programming 12
5.1. Harmonics programming 12
5.2. Interharmonics programming 14
5.3. Shape programming 16

2/16 Calpro 300 Basic Manual EN 2019-06 PC Software for C300B and CP11B Calibrator control (basic version) Calpro 300 Basic www.calmet.com.pl
PC Soft Calpro 300Basic is dedicated for control of Three Phase Power Calibrator and Tester
type C300B and Single Phase Power Calibrator and Tester type CP11B.
PC Soft Calpro 300 Basic (basic version of Calpro 300 software) enables:
• setting the voltage U, current I, phase shift , phase between voltages (for asymmetric circuit),
frequency f, active power P, reactive power Q and apparent power S in symmetric and
asymmetric circuit of connection,
• setting the wave shape of voltage and current with following functions:
o harmonics – setting the magnitude and phase of harmonics,
o interharmonics – setting the frequency, magnitude and phase of interharmonics,
o shape – selecting the wave shape of voltage and current,
• configuring of pulse output,
• control of calibrator’s outputs ON or OFF (operate / standby function),
• control of vector rotation direction and connection configuration.
PC Soft Calpro 300 TS (Test System), compared to the Calpro 300 Basic, in addition enables
automatic tests of electricity meters, protective relays, current transducers, current clamps and
measurement transducers. Calpro 300 TS aids analog and digital meters testing – customer data
base, devices, testing procedures and results data base, result table, diagram and report
PC Soft Calpro 300 PQ (Power Quality), compared to Calpro 300 Basic, in addition enables
programming of Power Quality parameters.


Minimum requirements for proper PC Soft operation are: PC Pentium III 500 MHz, with
memory RAM 128MB and graphic card resolution 1024x600. For PC Soft installation is required
10MB of free space on the Hard Disc (+ space for stored results, procedures etc.). Operation
system MS Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 type 32/64-bit. Calibrator is connected to the PC by the
interface RS232C or USB interface with converter USB  RS232C.
Installation version of Calpro 300 PC Soft is placed on the CDROM. In order to install
PC Soft, the CDROM should be placed into the CD drawer and installation software
Calpro 300 Setup.exe should be started. Installation software will copy all needed files and create
group and shortcut to the Calpro 300 in Windows Start Menu.

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To start PC Soft one should choose the shortcut to the Calpro 300 PC Soft in Windows Start
Menu and press left mouse button. On the computer screen will appear start window (Fig.3.1), which
contains the fields as follow:
1 tools bar of software with menu:
File (for opening, saving and creating new file, for printing and exporting to Excel of
measurement results and exiting the Calpro300),
View (for opening and closing status and tools bar),
Options (for setting language, communication and configuring of pulse output),
Help (information about software),
2 function field,
3 calibrator status field,
4 operation field,
5 communication status bar with information:
Calpro300 v.1.1.2 − version of the Calpro300 software,
S/N: 24108 − serial number of the connected calibrator,
Connected: COM10 − COM port number of the connected C300B calibrator,
Firmware v.4.1.8 − Firmware version of the connected C300B calibrator.

Fig.3.1. Start window of Calpro 300 PC Soft

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PC Soft Calpro 300 can work in many languages. Pressing the button Options→Languages in
start window tools bar (pos.1 Fig.3.1) will open the next window Languages (Fig.3.2) for language
selection. Number of available languages depends on the software version. After language selection
one need to confirm it by pressing the button OK.

Fig.3.2. Languages window


To set up communication between computer and calibrator one should press button

Options→Communication (or press button ) of the start window tools bar (Fig.3.1). It will appear
window Communication (Fig.3.3).

Fig.3.3. Communication window and Available C300 window

All transmission parameters of calibrator are set as a constant. The only one parameter which
can be changed is the number of serial port of computer. In order to change the port number one
need to select it from the list by pressing the button with the down arrow. If the case, where is not
known the number of COM port, the user should press the button to start searching of calibrators
connected to the PC computer (searching can takes a few minutes). After that the Available C300
window will appear with a list of the calibrators connected to the PC computer.
After pressing the button Connect the changes will be accepted and computer will try to
connect with Calibrator. If everything is correct there is displayed message: Connected.

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To set up parameters of the impulse output S0 one should press button Options→Preferences of
the start window tools bar (Fig.3.1). It will appear window Preferences (Fig.3.4).
1 field Output constant C for edition output constant C of pulse output,
2 field pulse/kWh for selecting unit of constant C: pulse/kWh, pulse/Wh or Wh/pulse for active
power P, imp/kVarh, imp/Varh or Varh/imp for reactive power Q and imp/kVAh, imp/VAh or
VAh/imp for apparent power S,
3 field Unit for selecting the power of a calibrator's pulse output: active power P, reactive
power Q or apparent power S,
4 field Stabilizing time for setting the time of output signal stabilization for Harmonics and
Interharmonics functions in Calpro 300 Basic and Autotest function in Calpro 300 TS,
5 field Sound enabling sounds signals in automatic procedures in Calpro300PQ and
6 buttons: OK for accepting and Cancel for cancelling changes.

1 2


Fig.3.4. Preferences window

Once configured pulse output will be saved in the program Calpro 300. To turn off the pulse output
set value 0 in the Output constant C field (Fig.3.4 pos.1).

Function field of start window (Fig.3.1 pos.2) enables to choose function as follow (Fig.3.5):
• function U I Phi f P Q S for setting the value of voltage U, current I, phase shift  (Phi),
frequency f, active power P, reactive power Q and apparent power S in symmetric circuit
(Symmetric) and phase shift between voltages in asymmetric circuit (Asymmetric),
• function Waveform for setting the wave shape of voltage and current with functions:
o Harmonics for setting the magnitude and phase of harmonics,
o Interharmonics for setting the frequency, magnitude and phase of interharmonics,
o Shape for selecting the wave shape of voltage and current,
• function Power Quality for setting up the parameters of Power Quality – function available in
software version Calpro 300 PQ (Power Quality),
• function Test system for automatic testing of electricity meters, protective relays, current
transducers, current clamps and measurement transducers. It aids analog and digital meters
testing – function available in software version Calpro 300 TS (Test System),
• function Customer for preparing Data Base of customers - function available in software
version Calpro 300 PQ (Power Quality) and Calpro 300 TS (Test System).

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Fig. 3.5. Function field


Status field of Calibrator (pos.3 Fig.3.1) presents the actual state of calibrator’s outputs (Fig.3.6)
and contains fields as follow:

1 field U - value of output voltage and field Range of selected ranges of channel L1, L2 and L3,
2 field I – value of output current and field Range of selected ranges of channel L1, L2 and L3,
3 lamps U and I – signalization of voltage and current output state. State Operate – grey lamp,
state Standby – red lamp,
4 switch On – selective turn ON/OFF of current and voltage output.
In Operate state the changing of switch On state from to empty field causes switching of
calibrator’s outputs to Standby state and the reverse change, i.e. from empty field to state
causes re switching of calibrator’s outputs to Operate state.
In Standby state the changing of switch On state does not change the state of calibrator’s
outputs to Operate state, but only enables for selecting of calibrator’s outputs, which will be
switched to Operate state after pressing Operate button (pos.12),
5 field  - value of phase shift in channels L1, L2, L3,
6 fields and − phase shift between voltages U1-U2 and U1-U3,
7 fields and − direction of vector rotation and type of connection,
8 field f – value of output signals frequency,
9 lamp Synch – signalization of synchronism with power net frequency,
10 lamps Waveform U I – signalization switching on of waveform in output voltage and current
and button . Mouse clicking on the button opens the window Waveform with table of
harmonics and of waveform shape visualisation for one repeating cycle of output signal
11 software button Standby – switches the calibrator output to the Standby state,
12 software button Operate – switches the calibrator output to the Operate state. To the Operate
state are switched only outputs, for which field On is marked ,

1 2 4 10 12 11

6 7 8 9 13 14
Fig.3.6. Status field of calibrator

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13 time counter field of Operate state. Counter is controlled by the Operate (pos.12) and
Standby (pos.11) buttons,
14 vector diagram of voltage and current in Operate state. Mouse clicking on the graph opens
zoomed vector diagram (Fig.3.8).

Operation field of the Waveform window (Fig.3.7) presents actual state of calibrator’s outputs
as a waveform for one repeating cycle of output signal and table with harmonics (Waveform window
view may be different depending on the programmed shape) and contains components as follow:


Fig.3.7. Waveform window

1 button tabs U1, U2, U3, I1, I2, I3 for selecting channel of the calibrator,
2 table with magnitude and phase shift of harmonics programmed in output signal,
3 buttons Oscilloscope and Harmonics – selecting mode of visualization pos.4,
4 field of waveform shape visualisation of the programmed signal,
5 coefficients field of programmed shape of signal:
• CF –crest factor,
• SF – shape factor,
• THD – total harmonic distortion,
• TDF – total distortion factor.

Vector diagram of voltage, current and power (Fig.3.8) presents actual state of calibrator’s
outputs and contains components as follow:

1 vectors U1, U2 and U3 of voltages in Operate state and vector UN of neutral voltage,
2 vectors I1, I2 and I3 of currents in Operate state and vector IN of neutral current,
3 resultant power vector indicator,
4 voltage vector scale,
5 current vector scale,
6 buttons for orientation change.

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Fig.3.8. Vector diagram of currents and voltages


Operation field of the start window (pos.4 Fig.3.1), depends on the selected function (pos.2
Fig.3.1) enables:
• setting the value of voltage U, current I, phase shift , frequency f, active power P, reactive
power Q and apparent power S (function U I Phi f P Q S Symmetric),
• setting the value of voltage U, current I, phase shift , phase shift between voltages, frequency
f, active power P, reactive power Q and apparent power S (function U I Phi f P Q S Asymmetric),
• setting the wave shape of voltage and current (function Harmonics, Interharmonics, Shape),
• setting the parameters of Power Quality (function Power Quality) available in version
Calpro 300 PQ,
• entering data to the Data Base of devices and measurement procedures, realization of automatic
tests, visualization of results, storage of results (function Test system). Entering data to the
Customer Data Base (function Customer) available in version Calpro 300 TS.


Function field of start window (Fig.3.1 pos.2) enables selection of functions:
• U I Phi f P Q S / Symmetric (Fig.3.5) for setting the values of three phase vector in symmetric
• U I Phi f P Q S / Asymmetric (Fig.3.5) for setting the values of three phase vector in asymmetric


Operation field of function U I Phi f P Q S / Symmetric (Fig.4.1) enables setting the values of
three phase vector in symmetric circuit and has fields as follow:

1 field – setting the value of output voltage and field Range. Setting the range to Auto
automatically set the optimal range for voltage setting,
2 field I – setting the value of output current and field Range. Setting the range to Auto
automatically set the optimal range for current setting,
3 field  / sin / cos – setting the value of phase shift or value of power factor cos (sin) with
sign selection L / C,
4 field f – setting the value of voltage and current frequency with the field Synch – selection
of synchronisation with power net frequency,
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5 fields P, Q, S – setting the value of single phase active, reactive or apparent power and
sum of them P, Q, S,
6 field Set POWER by change U / I /  / sin / cos – selecting the quantity which will be
changed during the power P, Q, S setting change,
7 field – selection of vector rotation direction for phases L123 and L132,
8 field – setting the value of phase−to−phase voltage. Field is active for calibrator’s
outputs configuration 3 Phase, 3 Wire and 3 Phase, 4 Wire,
9 fields Waveform U I – switching ON/OFF waveform in output voltage and current with field
RMS / 1RMS. Selected field RMS enables programming of voltage and current as the RMS
value of all harmonics including the first harmonic of output signal. Selected field 1RMS
enables programming of voltage and current as the value of the first harmonic of output
10 indicator – selection of decimal position under the setting value for change the value by
means of arrow buttons / ,
11 field Meter connection for selection of operating mode: 3 Phase, 4 Wire for controlling of
calibrator in star connection, 3 Phase, 3 Wire for controlling of calibrator in triangle (Aron)
connection, 2 Phase, 1 Wire for controlling of calibrator in single phase connection.
Selecting of operating mode effects on the output configuration and programming of the
12 button Enter – entering set values to the output of calibrator.

7 4
5 10

Fig.4.1. Operation field of function U I Phi f P Q S / Symmetric


Operation field of function U I Phi f P Q S / Asymmetric (Fig.4.2) enables setting the values of
three phase vector in symmetric circuit and has fields as follow:

1 field - setting the value of output voltage and field Range. Setting the range to Auto
automatically set the optimal ranges for voltage settings. Marked field All enables to set
the same values for three channels L1, L2, L3,
2 field I – setting the value of output current and field Range. Setting the range to Auto
automatically set the optimal ranges for current settings. Marked field All enables to set
the same values for three channels L1, L2, L3,
3 field  / sin / cos – setting the value of phase shift or value of power factor cos (sin) with
sign selection L / C. Marked field All enables to set the same values of phase shift or
power factor for three channels L1, L2, L3,

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4 field f – setting the value of voltage and current frequency with the field Synch – selection
of synchronisation with power net frequency,
5 fields P, Q, S – setting the value of single phase active, reactive or apparent power and
sum of them P, Q, S. Marked field All enables to set the same values of power for
three channels L1, L2, L3,
6 field Set POWER by change U / I /  / sin / cos – selecting the quantity which will be
changed during the power P, Q, S setting change,
7 field - selection of vector rotation direction for phases L123 or L132,
8 fields U12, U23, U13 - informing about values of phase−to−phase voltages,
9 fields UN, IN and Asym - informing about values of neutral voltage, neutral current and
voltage asymmetry coefficient,
10 fields Waveform U I – switching ON/OFF waveform in output voltage and current with field
RMS / 1RMS. Selected field RMS enables programming of voltage and current as the RMS
value of all harmonics including the first harmonic of output signal. Selected field 1RMS
enables programming of voltage and current as the value of the first harmonic of output
11 indicator - selection of decimal position under the setting value for change of value by
means of arrow buttons / ,
12 fields and - setting of phase shift between voltage U1-U2 and U1-U3,
13 field Meter connection for selection of calibrator’s outputs configuration: 3 Phase, 4 Wire
for controlling of calibrator in star connection, 3 Phase, 3 Wire for controlling of calibrator
in triangle (Aron) connection, 2 Phase, 1 Wire for controlling of calibrator in single phase
connection. Selecting of the calibrator’s outputs configuration effects on the output
configuration and programming of the calibrator,
14 button Enter – entering set values to the output of calibrator.

2 9
3 13

6 4
5 11

Fig.4.2. Operation field of function U I Phi f P Q S / Asymmetric

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Start window field of function (pos.2 Fig.3.1) enables selection of function Waveform for setting
the wave shape of voltage and current (Fig.3.5) with following functions:
• Harmonics – for setting the magnitude and phase shift of harmonics,
• Interharmonics – for setting the frequency, magnitude and phase of interharmonics,
• Shape – for selecting the wave shape of voltage and current.


Harmonics function (Fig.3.5) enables setting the magnitude and phase of harmonics (in range
specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual). Operation field of function Harmonics can work in
Oscilloscope mode (Fig.5.1) or in Harmonics mode (Fig.5.2) and contains fields as follow:

1 button tabs U1, U2, U3, I1, I2, I3 for selecting channel to set harmonics,
2 column No – number of harmonic with scroll bar,
3 column Amplitude [%] – setting the magnitude of harmonic in percent of first harmonic
4 column Phase [] – setting the phase shift of harmonic in degrees with reference to the
first harmonic,
5 fields for selecting channels in which harmonics will be programmed:
• U1 for all outputs – setting the same magnitude and harmonic phase shift in all
channels like in channel U1,
• U1 for U, I1 for I – setting the same magnitude and harmonic phase shift in all voltage
channels like U1 and setting the same magnitude and harmonic phase shift in all
current channels like I1,
• Individual – individual setting the magnitude and harmonic phase shift in each channel,
6 fields for selecting of programming function of harmonic magnitude:
• [%] – percentage programming of harmonic magnitude in [%],
• [V] / [A] + RMS – absolute programming of harmonic magnitude, in [V] for voltages
and in [A] for currents, related to the RMS setting of output voltages and currents
(pos.1 Fig.5.3). The specified value in RMS field should fulfill the below condition:
RMS  Max( Amp.Harm) 2 +  ( Amp.Harmn ) , where

n =2
Max(Amp.Harm) – maximum setting of harmonic magnitude,
Amp.Harmn – setting of magnitude for n-th harmonic,
• [V] / [A] + 1RMS – absolute programming of harmonic magnitude, in [V] for voltages
and in [A] for currents, related to the 1RMS setting of the first harmonic of output
voltages and currents (pos.2 Fig.5.3). The specified value in 1RMS field should fulfill the
below condition:
1RMS  Max( Amp.Harm) , where
Max(Amp.Harm) – maximum setting of harmonic magnitude,
7 field of waveform shape visualisation for one signal period (selected mode Oscilloscope
Fig.5.1) or bar graph diagram of harmonics (selected mode Harmonics Fig.5.2),
8 buttons Oscilloscope and Harmonics – selecting mode of visualization pos.7,

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9 coefficients field of programmed shape of signal:
• CF – crest factor,
• SF – shape factor,
• THD – total harmonic distortion,
• TDF – total distortion factor,
10 button Clear – for erasing set values of harmonics,
11 field Copy from – tool for copying set data from one channel to another,
12 field Improved quality to adjust a quality of the harmonics data,
13 button Load and progress bar 0% - 100% - uploading data of harmonics to the calibrator.

2 7

10 9


5 13
Fig.5.1. Operation field of function Harmonics in Oscilloscope mode
for percentage programming function of harmonic magnitude

Fig.5.2. Operation field of function Harmonics in Harmonics mode

for percentage programming function of harmonic magnitude

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Fig.5.3. Operation field of function Harmonics in Oscilloscope mode

for absolute programming function of harmonic magnitude

The maximum setting of the sum of several harmonics can not exceed the 100% of THD value.


Interharmonics function (Fig.3.5) enables setting the frequency, magnitude and phase of
interharmonics (in range specified in table 2.1 in calibrator’s user manual). Operation field of function
Interharmonics can work in Oscilloscope mode (Fig.5.4) or in Interharmonics mode (Fig.5.5) and
contains fields as follow:

1 column Frequency with f1, f2, f3 fields – setting the frequency of interharmonic in Hz,
2 column Amplitude with U1, U2, U3 (I1, I2, I3) fields – setting the magnitude of
interharmonic in percent of first harmonic magnitude,
3 column Phase with φ1, φ2, φ3 fields – setting the phase shift of interharmonic in degrees
with reference to the first harmonic,
4 button Interharmonics – selecting interharmonics for voltage U or current I,
5 field All – setting the same frequency, magnitude and interharmonic phase shift in all
voltage (current) channels like in channel U1 (I1),
6 field of waveform shape visualisation for one signal period (selected mode Oscilloscope
Fig.5.4) or bar graph diagram of interharmonics (selected mode Interharmonics Fig.5.5),
7 buttons Oscilloscope and Interharmonics – selecting mode of visualization pos.6,
8 coefficients field of programmed shape of signal:
• CF –crest factor,
• SF – shape factor,
• TID – total interharmonic distortion,
• TDF – total distortion factor,
9 button Upload – uploading data of interharmonics to the calibrator.

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Fig.5.4. Operation field of function Interharmonics in Oscilloscope mode

Fig.5.5. Operation field of function Interharmonics in Interharmonics mode

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Shape function (Fig.3.5) enables selecting the wave shape of voltage and current. Operation
field of function Shape (Fig.5.6) contains fields as follow:

1 button tabs U1, U2, U3, I1, I2, I3 for selecting channel to set wave shape,
2 button Sinus for selecting sinusoidal wave shape without distortion,
3 button Phase Fired for selecting phase fired wave shape,
4 button Triangle for selecting triangle wave shape,
5 buttons Burst 1, Burst 2, Burst 3 for selecting sinusoidal wave shape with voltage dips,
6 field for selecting channels in which Burst shape will be programmed:
• Burst for U – setting the Burst shape in voltage channels,
• Burst for I - setting the Burst shape in current channels.
In channels in which Burst shape is not programmed, sinusoidal wave shape is generated.
Field pos.6 is active for Burst function only,
7 field for selecting channels in which shape will be programmed:
• U1 for all outputs – setting the same shape in all channels like in channel U1,
• U1 for U, I1 for I – setting the same shape in all voltage channels like U1 and setting
the same shape in all current channels like I1,
• Individual – individual setting the shape each channel.
Field pos.7 is non active for Burst function,
8 field of waveform shape visualisation for one repeating cycle of signal,
9 button Load and progress bar 0% - 100% - uploading data of wave shape to the calibrator.

2 8


Fig.5.6. Operation field of function Shape

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