ISKRA DPM MC740 Parameter List Drawing

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Communication Port

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended

1: Click "Change Settings"
1 Communication Port Master Communication Port Com 1 until Com 32 2: Select "Serial" Com 2 Depend on Master Com Port
3: Select Communication port
2 Bits per second Data transfer rate 1200 until 115200 1: Select the baud rate 115200 19200

Parity 1: None 2: Odd 1: Select the parity

3 1 1
3: Even
4 Data bits Byte of data 1: 7 2: 8 1: Select the data bits 2 2
5 Stop bits Stop period of the transmitter 1: 1 2: 2 1: Select the stop bits 1 1
6 IP Address Numerical label assigned to each device 1: Insert the IP address for the Master
7 IP Port IP port for the device 9999999999 1: Insert the IP port for the commucincation device 10001 10001

Communication protocol for Modbuss 1: Modbus TCP 1: Select the Modbus communication either to
8 Protocol 1 1
2: Modbus RTU RTU or TCP
9 Response timeout (sec) Time in seconds for communication to disconnect 1 until 20 1: Insert the time 0 10
10 Communication Port Master Communication Port Com 1 until Com 32 1: Insert the Communication port Com 2 Com 2
11 Communication Port Master Communication Port Com 1 until Com 32 1: Insert the Communication port N/A N/A
12 Communication Port Master Communication Port Com 1 until Com 32 1: Insert the Communication port N/A N/A
1: C2 - Transmitter
13 Device Device that will used for communication 2: C100 - Gateway 1: Select the device N/A N/A

14 Communication Port Master Communication Port Com 1 until Com 32 1: Insert the Communication port N/A N/A
15 Bits per second Data transfer rate 1200 Until 9600 1: Select the baud rate N/A N/A

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended (Range)
1 Scan the network Scan the network that connected to the Master 1: Click the " Scan the network"
2 Browse ethernet devices Scan the ethernet device that connected to the Master 1: Click the "Browse ethernet devices"

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1 Type Type of Digital Power Meter Multifunction Meter MC740 Multifunction Meter MC740
2 Serial Number Digital Power Meter serial number Depends on the Digital Power
Meter used
3 Software version Software that used in the Digital
Power Meter
4 Hardware version Type of hardware version D
5 Accuracy class The accuracy of the Digital Power 0.2 (voltage and current) N/A
Meter 0.5 (Power)
The input voltage that can be
6 Calibration Voltage (V) 500 N/A
calibrate by the Digital Power Meter

Automatic Digital Power Meter

7 Calibration Voltage Auto Range Yes N/A
calibrate the input voltage
The input current that can be
8 Calibration Current (A) 5 N/A
calibrate by the Digital Power Meter
Automatic Digital Power Meter
9 Calibraton Current Auto Range Yes N/A
calibrate the input current
The supply that power up the Universal 48-276V AC,
10 Power Supply N/A
Digital Power Meter 20-300V DC
1: RS232 & RS485
Communication port that can be 2: Ethernet & USB 1: Select the communication
11 Communication configure in the Digital Power Meter port 1 2
3: Ethernet & USB & RS485
4: USB
12 Language pack Language used in the software Standard language pack N/A
1: Analogue output
2: Pulse output
3: Tariff input 230V
4: Relay output 230V 1: Select the I/O to be
13 Input/Output 1-4 Configure the I/O port N/A N/A
5: Analogue input configure
6: Digital input 230V
7: Pulse input
8: Watchdog output 230V
14 Calibration date The calibration date N/A N/A
15 Last Configuration date The last configuration date N/A N/A
16 Last Upgrade date The last upgrade date N/A N/A

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1 Description Describe the type of Digital Power Meter Multifunction Meter MC740 Multifunction Meter MC740
2 Location Name of site location Depends on the site name
1: 8 period (0.16s by 50HZ)
2: 16 period (0.32s by 50HZ)
Average interval for measurements 3: 32 period (0.64s by 50HZ)
3 Average interval 1: Select the interval 4 4
on communication and LCD 4: 64 period (1.28s by 50HZ)
5: 128 period (2.56s by 50HZ)
6: 256 period (5.12s by 50HZ)
Money currency for the energy Depend on country money
4 Currency 1: Insert the money currency EUR
consumption calculations currency
Displays temperature 1: Select the suitable
5 Temperature Units measurement in selected measuring 1 1
temperature units
Displays date in selected format 1: DD.MM.YYYY
6 Date format 1: Select the date format 1 1
7 Date and Time Real time clock N/A N/A
Choose source for RTC 1: No synchronization 1: Select the time synchronise
8 Time Synchronization source 1 Depend on Master requirement
synchronization 2: Ethernet NTP source
1: (GMT) Greenwich Mean
Times (London) 1: Select the time zone location
9 Time zone Time zone for the instrument location 2: (+1.00) European Central 1 1
for the transducer
Automatic clock adjustment at
10 Auto Summer/Winter time summer/winter time changing's
1: Disabled 1: Select the Time constant
Maximum demand calculation mode 2: Thermal function (min)
11 Maximum demand calculation 3: Fixed window 2 2
and constant 2: Select the maximum demand
4: Sliding window calculation
1: Manual reset
2: Day reset
Maximum demand measurements
12 Maximum demand reset mode 3: Week reset 1: Select the reset mode 1 1
reset mode
4: Month reset
5: Year reset
1: Manual reset
2: Day reset
Minimum and Maximum
13 Min/Max reset mode 3: Week reset 1: Select the reset mode 1 1
measurement reset mode
4: Month reset
5: Year reset
Minimum secondary current required
Starting Current for for normal calculation of the power Min: 0 1: Insert the minimum
14 PF and PA (mA) factor and total power angle secondary current value 20 20
Max: 100
(noise reduction)
Minimum secondary current required
Starting Current for all Min: 0 1: Insert the minimum
15 for normal calculation of all current 2 2
Power (mA) Max: 40 secondary current value
and all power (noise reduction)
Minimum secondary voltage required
Min: 0 1: Insert the minimum
16 Starting Voltage for all Power for normal calculation of all current 0 0
Max: 16 secondary voltage value
and all power (noise reduction)
Min: 1 1: Insert the minimum
17 Starting Voltage for SYNC (V) Voltage synchronization with current 5 5
Max: 16 secondary voltage value
1: Percent of RMS 1: Select type of harmonic
18 Harmonics calculation Harmonics absolute calculation 1 1
2: Percent of 1st harmonic calculation method
Reactive Power & Energy Defines the reactive power and 1: Standard Q^2 = S^2-P^2
19 reactive energy calculation method 2: Displacement method 1: Select the calculation method 1 1

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1: 1b - Single Phase
2: 3b - 3 Phase 3 Wire
3: 3u - 3 Phase 3 Wire
Type of Device connection to the 1: Select the type of electrical
1 Connection mode Unbalaced 5 5
electrical network network connection
4: 4b - 3 Phase 4 Wire
5: 4u - 3 Phase 4 Wire
Primary voltage of the voltage Min: 0.1 1: Select the primary volatge
2 Primary voltage (V) 230 Depend on the site requirement
transformer (network voltage) Max: 1638300 for the voltage transformer
Secondary voltage for voltage Min: 0.1 1: Select the secondary volatge
3 Secondary voltage (V) 230 Depend on the site requirement
transformer Max: 16383 for the voltage transformer

Primary current (A) Primary current of the current Min: 0.1 1: Select the primary current for the current Depend on the site requirement
4 5
transformer Max: 1638300 transformer
Secondary current (A) Secondary current for the current Min: 0.1 1: Select the secondary current for the current Depend on the site requirement
5 5
transformer Max: 16383 transformer
Voltage measurement for analogue Min: 12.5 1: Insert the phase to neutral
6 Used Voltage range L-N (V) 250 Depend on the site requirement
output and alarm setting Max: 500 secondary value
Current measurement for analogue Min: 0.3
7 Used Current range (A) 1: Insert the value of current 5 Depend on the site requirement
output and alarm setting Max: 13

Frequency nominal value Network nominal frequency Min: 10 1: Insert the nominal frequency
8 50 50
Max: 1000 value
Defines if wrong connection warning 1: Yes
9 Wrong connection warning 1: Select either Yes or No 1 1
is displayed on instrument display 2: No
Defines the energy flow direction 1: Normal 1: Selected either Normal or
10 Energy flow direction 1 1
between generator and consumer 2: Reverse Reverse energy flow direction
Reverse current directions to change 1: Selected either Normal or
1: Normal
11 CT Connection the sign of power and energy Reverse energy flow direction 1 1
2: Reverse

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1: Device Address: 1 -247
2: Bits per second: 2400 - 1: Insert the device address 1: 33 1: 33
115200 2: Insert the baud rate 2: 115200 2: 9600
1 Communication parameters Device communication parameters 3: None 3: None
3: Parity: None, Even, Odd 3: Choose the parity
4: Data bits: 8 4: 8 4: 8
4: Choose the stop bits
5: 2 5: 1
5: Stop bits: 1 - 2
Read only information about device
2 MAC Address N/A N/A
mac address
1: Automatic(DHCP) 1: Choose either automatic
3 IP Address Unique device address in the IP network 1 2
2: Enter IP Address (DHCP) or enter the IP Address

The physical connector on a device enabling the connection to be made Min: 1 1: Insert the local port
4 Local Port 10001 10001
Max: 65535
Subnet mask is used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to Min: Depends on the Master requirement
5 Subnet Mask 1: Insert the subnet mask
Gateway address is the gateway that connects separate network segment (LAN, WAN or
6 Gateway Address N/A N/A

7 NTP Server NTP server name for device time synchronisation N/A N/A

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended

LCD display contrast Min: -10

1 Contrast 1: Insert the contrast value -3 -3
Max: 10
1: Disable
Back light intensity LCD display intensity 1: Choose either disable or insert
2 2: Min: 1 10 10
the contrast value
Max: 10
Defines the time in minutes for the instrument to get into Min: 1
3 Saving mode (min) 1: Select the value 1 1
energy saving mode (backlight off) Max: 60
Defines the demostration cycling periods for Min: 1
4 Demo cycling period (sec) 1: Insert the value 4 4
measurementson the LCD display. Max: 60
1: Voltage
2: Phase to Phase voltage
3: Current
4: Real Power
5: Reactive Power
6: Apparent Power
7: Power Factor Cap/Ind
8: Power Angle
Programmable custom screen for up to three measuring 9: Phase Angle 1: Choose the custom screen
5 Custom screen 1-3 Voltage, Current, Power Voltage, Current, Power
parameters. 10: Energy 2: Select the parameter
11: Energy Cost
12: Frequency
13: Temperature
14: THD-I
15: THD-Up
16: THD-Upp
17: Dynamic demands
18: Reset demands

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1: Create a New Password
Password Level 1 enables you to 2: Re-enter Password for
1 Password - Level 1 change Date and Time to make Reset Confirmation
operation 3: Password can be remove by
clicking " Remove password"
1: Create a New Password
Password Level 1 enables you to 2: Re-enter Password for
2 Password - Level 2 change all available device setting and Confirmation
resets 3: Password can be remove by
clicking " Remove password"
1: Disable the password if no
Defines the time in minutes for the 1: Disable need a password
3 Password locks time (min) instrument to active password 2: Min: 1 2: Select the lock time for 5 5
protection. Max: 60 activation Password locks

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1: Tariff 1
Active tariff selectors 2: Tariff 2
1 Active Tariff (fix, tariff input or tariff clock) 3: Tariff 3 1: Select the Tariff N/A N/A
4: Tariff 4
5: Tariff clock
1: 1 mWh
2: 10 mWh
Common energy counter resolution 3: 100mWh
Common Energy Counter defines lowest energy digit when 4: 1 Wh
2 1: Select the resolution 4 N/A
Resolution individual counter resolution is set 5: 10 Wh
to 1 6: 100 Wh
7: 1 kWh
8: 10 kWh
Exponent for the lowest energy cost Min: -6 1: Insert the value of counter
3 Common Energy Cost Exponent -2 N/A
to be calculated for energy counters when counter divider is set to 1 Max: 3 divider
Exponent tariff for calculation: Min: -6 1: Insert the value tariff price
4 Common Tariff Price Exponent -2 N/A
Tariff price = Price * 10^Exponent Max: 3 exponent
The price for 1 kWh active energy in selected tarif: Min: 0 1: Insert the the price for the
5 1 kWh Price in Tariff 1-4 Tariff price = Price * 10^Exponent 10 N/A
Max: 65500 selected tariff
The price for 1 kvarh reactive energy in selected tarif: Min: 0 1: Insert the the price for the
6 1 kvarh Price in Tariff 1-4 Tariff price = Price * 10^Exponent 10 N/A
Max: 65500 selected tariff
The price for 1 kVAh apparent energy in selected tarif: Min: 0 1: Insert the the price for the
7 1 kVAh Price in Tariff 1-4 Tariff price = Price * 10^Exponent 10 N/A
Max: 65500 selected tariff

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Counter 1-4
1: Disabled
2: Total Absolute Active
Energy (Wh)
3: Total Absolute Reactive
Energy (varh)
4: Total Absolute Apparent
Measured Energy Energy and quadrant setting for the selected counter Energy (Vah) 1: Select the measured energy
1 6 N/A
5: Import Active Energy (Wh) value
6: Export Active Energy (Wh)
7: Import Reactive Energy
8: Export Reactive Energy
1: 1
With Individual counter Resolution is possible customize 2: 10
this counter reolution by multiplying "Common counter 1: Select the individual counter
2 Individual counter Resolution 3: 100 10 N/A
resolution" by chosen scle factor (x1_ x10000). resolution value
4: 1000
5: 10000
1: Tariff 1 1: Tick and Untick the checkbox
2: Tariff 2 if active tariff and unactive 1,2,3,4
3 Tariff Selector Defines tariffs where counter is active N/A
3: Tariff 3 tariff respectively
4: Tariff 4

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Tariff Clock
1: Monday
2: Tuesday
3: Wednesday
1: Tick and Untick the checkbox
Weekdays with the same cost 4: Thursday
1 Day group 1-4 if to active and unactive the 1,2,3,4,5 N/A
management rules 5: Friday
days respectively
6: Saturday
7: Sunday
8: Holiday
Years season where different cost 1: Tick the Not Set checkbox if
management rules of present. The did not to set the date
1: Not set
2 Start date of the season 1-3 season starts with the selected start 2: Tick the Set check box if want N/A N/A
2: 1 Years Calender
date and ends with start date of the to set a date and input the set
next season. date
1: Rule No. 1
Tariff rules for the day Cost management rules for the 2: Rule No. 2 1: Select the number of rules to
3 1,2 N/A
group 1-4 selected season and day group 3: Rule No. 3 used in the Tariff calculation
4: Rule No. 4

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1: Tick the Not Set checkbox if
Year days (holidays) with the special did not to set the date
Holiday date 1-20 1: Not set
1 cost management rules 2: Tick the Set check box if want N/A N/A
2: 1 Years Calender
to set a date and input the set

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Analogue Output

Parameter to be transformed onto

1 Output parameter 1: Select the parameter for analogue output N/A N/A
analogue output

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Analogue Output

Parameter to be transformed onto

1 Output parameter 1: Select the parameter for analogue output N/A N/A
analogue output

1: 1mA
2: 5mA
3: 10mA 1: Select the output range for the
2 Output range Defines the range of analogue output N/A N/A
4: 20mA parameter selected
5: 1V
6: 10V

Defines the output signal form and 1: Select the expression that
1: Linear suitable with the site
3 Output signal optional breakpoints of the analogue N/A N/A
2: Quadratic requirement
2: Put the value for X and Y

1: 1 period (0.02s by 50Hz)

2: 2 period (0.04s by 50Hz)
3: 4 period (0.08s by 50Hz)
4: 8 period (0.16s by 50Hz)
Average interval for analogue Averages interval for measurements 1: Select the average interval that
4 5: 16 period (0.32s by 50Hz) N/A N/A
output on analogue output suitable with the calculation.
6: 32 period (0.64s by 50Hz)
7: 64 period (1.28s by 50Hz)
8: 128 period (2.56s by 50Hz)
9: 256 period (5.12s by 50Hz)

No Setting
No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Pulse Output
1: Alarm output
2: Energy counter 1
Assigned output Energy counter or alarm output connected to selected output 3: Energy counter 2 1: Select the assigned output Depend on site requirement
1 1
4: Energy counter 3
5: Energy counter 4
6: Tariff clock
2 Number of pulses Number of pulses per energy unit for pulse output N/A N/A
3 Pulse length (ms) Pulse length for pulse output in milisecond N/A N/A
4 Tariff Selector Defines tariff where pulse output is active N/A N/A
1: Alarm group 1
1: Tick and untick the checkbox
Defines the Alarm groups, which are applied to the alarm 2: Alarm group 2
5 Enabled Alarm groups for active and unactive the N/A N/A
output 3: Alarm group 3
alarm group
4: Alarm group 4
1: Normal
2: Normal inverse
3: Latched
4: Latched inverse
6 Output signal Alarm relay output signal form 1: Select the output signal form N/A N/A
5: Pulsed
6: Pulsed inverse
7: Always ON
8: Always OFF

No Setting
No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Relay Output 230V
1: Alarm output
2: Energy counter 1
Assigned output Energy counter or alarm output connected to selected output 3: Energy counter 2 1: Select the assigned output Depend on site requirement
1 1
4: Energy counter 3
5: Energy counter 4
6: Tariff clock
2 Number of pulses Number of pulses per energy unit for pulse output N/A N/A
3 Pulse length (ms) Pulse length for pulse output in milisecond N/A N/A
4 Tariff Selector Defines tariff where pulse output is active N/A N/A
1: Alarm group 1
1: Tick and untick the checkbox
Defines the Alarm groups, which are applied to the alarm 2: Alarm group 2
5 Enabled Alarm groups for active and unactive the N/A N/A
output 3: Alarm group 3
alarm group
4: Alarm group 4
1: Normal
2: Normal inverse
3: Latched
4: Latched inverse
6 Output signal Alarm relay output signal form 1: Select the output signal form N/A N/A
5: Pulsed
6: Pulsed inverse
7: Always ON
8: Always OFF

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Analogue Input
1: DC Current
Input Type Defines hardware type of analogue input 2: DC Voltage 1: Select the type of input source
1 N/A N/A
3: Resistance/Temperature for the hardware used

1: Put the value into measuring

parameter unit
Defines sensor characteristic for the measurements on analogue input 2: Insert the Description
2 Sensor Characteristics N/A N/A
3: Put the ohm value
4: Put the exponent value and
click "OK"

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Watchdog Output

Output signal When in Normal operation, watchdog relay will be active 1: Normal Operation 1: Select type of signal output
1 N/A N/A
2: Manual Activation

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
1: Manual reset
2: Day reset
1 Alarm statistic reset Alarm statistic reset mode 3:Week reset 1: Selest the reset mode for alarm 1 N/A
4: Month reset
5: Year reset

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Alarm group

MD Time constant (min) Time constant for Thermal mode maximum demand for alarm group Min: 1 1: Put the maximum demand time
1 15 N/A
Max: 255 constant value
Compare time delay (sec) Defines delay time between satifying the limit condition and activation Min: 0 1: Put the compare time delay
2 0 N/A
Max: 900 value
Hysteresis (%) Defines alarm deactivatin hyteresis Min: 0 1: Put hyteresis value
3 0 N/A
Max: 10
1: Normal response 1: Select for the alarm response
4 Response time The setting defines response time for alarm 1 1
2: Fast response time
5 Alarm 1-32 Alarm parameter, value, condition and action for alarming N/A N/A

No Parameter Name Description Range Step Default (Range) Recommended
Reset energy counter E1 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
1 Set selected counter value to zero 2 2
2: No Yes or No
Reset energy counter E2 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
2 Set selected counter value to zero 2 2
2: No Yes or No
Reset energy counter E3 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
3 Set selected counter value to zero 2 2
2: No Yes or No
Reset energy counter E4 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
4 Set selected counter value to zero 2 2
2: No Yes or No
Reset energy counter E1 Cost Set energy cost of the selected counter 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
value to zero 2: No Yes or No
Reset energy counter E2 Cost Set energy cost of the selected counter 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
6 2 2
value to zero 2: No Yes or No
Reset energy counter E3 Cost Set energy cost of the selected counter 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
7 2 2
value to zero 2: No Yes or No
Reset energy counter E4 Cost Set energy cost of the selected counter 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
8 2 2
value to zero 2: No Yes or No
1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
9 Reset MD values Set maximum demand value to zero 2 2
2: No Yes or No
Reset last period MD Set maximum demand last period to 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
10 2 2
zero 2: No Yes or No
At synchronization a momentary
interval is interrupted, and the
11 Synchronize MD calculation of MD is continued at next 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
2 2
period of the window 2: No Yes or No
( sub window)
Set measurement of maximum and 1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
12 Reset Min/Max values 2 2
minimum to zero 2: No Yes or No
1: Yes 1: Select the reset mode either
13 Reset alarm statistics Clear the alarm statistics 2 2
2: No Yes or No

30107 30108 U1 30150 30151 Reactive Power Phase L1 (Q1)
30109 30110 U2 30152 30153 Reactive Power Phase L2 (Q2)
30111 30112 U3 30154 30155 Reactive Power Phase L3 (Q3)
30113 30114 Uavg (phase to neutral) 30156 30157 Apparent Power Total (St)
30118 30119 U12 30158 30159 Apparent Power Phase L1 (S1)
30120 30121 U23 30160 30161 Apparent Power Phase L2 (S2)
30122 30123 U31 30162 30163 Apparent Power Phase L3 (S3)
30124 30125 Uavg (phase to phase) 30164 30165 Power Factor Total (PFt)
30126 30127 I1 30166 30167 Power Factor Phase 1 (PF1)
30128 30129 I2 30168 30169 Power Factor Phase 2 (PF2)
30130 30131 I3 30170 30171 Power Factor Phase 3 (PF3)
30136 30137 Iavg 30172 Power Angle Total (atan2(Pt,Qt))
30140 30141 Active Power Total (Pt) 30174 Ф1 (angle between U1 and I1)
30142 30143 Active Power Phase L1 (P1) 30175 Ф2 (angle between U2 and I2)
30144 30145 Active Power Phase L2 (P2) 30105 30106 Ф3 (angle between U3 and I3)
30146 30147 Active Power Phase L3 (P3)
30148 30149 Reactive Power Total (Qt)


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