A Programmable High-Speed Pulse Swallow Divide-by-N Frequency Divider For PLL Frequency Synthesizer
A Programmable High-Speed Pulse Swallow Divide-by-N Frequency Divider For PLL Frequency Synthesizer
A Programmable High-Speed Pulse Swallow Divide-by-N Frequency Divider For PLL Frequency Synthesizer
Abstract- The implementation of a high-speed pulse swallow synthesizers. One of the key parts is the programmable
frequency divider for a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) frequency divider. In this dissertation, an example of programmable
synthesizer, using a 0.18,.m CMOS technology and operating
divide-by-N divider for a communication processing system
with a 1.8V power supply, is described. The frequency divider is
used as a scalable programmable divide-by-N frequency divider.
is designed, whose input frequency ranges from 750MHz to
It employs a divide-by-8/9 dual-modulus prescaler, two 2.2GHz. The divider implements frequency demultiplication
programmable counters, and a control circuit necessary for the of the input signal from 120 to 400 through software
time sequence and operation of the division. In the pulse programming. It provides a stable clock edge of the required
swallow frequency divider, the divider circuit is attractive for frequency for the PLL frequency synthesizer and meets the
the large range of programmable divide ratio from 120 to 400
requirements of configuration, broadband and
since the architecture is based on using an original design of
multi-frequency output eventually.
D-type Flip-Flop (DFF) with synchronous number-set and clear.
Post-simulated results show that the programmable divider's
operation frequency is from 0.75 GHz to 2.2 GHz with steep
pulse output wave-form , providing a stable clock edge of the
required frequency for the PLL frequency synthesizer. DIV IDER IN SY STEM
The divide-by-N frequency divider is in the feedback
Keywords- pulse swallow frequency divider, the large range of
loop of the Phase-locked Loop frequency synthesizer, thus it
programmable divide ratio, original design of D-type Flip-Flop,
PLL will largely influence the performance of the whole system.
As is shown in Figure.1, the internal structure of the
I. INTRODUCTION frequency divider is composed of three parts: a divide-by-8/9
dual-modulus prescale divider, a 3-bit programmable S
In the past ten years, with the growing development of counter (frequency divider) and a 6-bit programmable P
techniques in computer, communication, digital TV, G PS, counter (frequency divider). It is a typical structure of a
radar, navigation, aero-space, and telecontrol measure, there programmable frequency divider. The dual-modulus prescale
has been an increasing demand for frequency stability, divider adopts a pulse swallow technology to improve the
frequency spectrum purity, frequency range and number of working frequency of the programmable divider. This
output frequency in frequency source. In order to improve technology combines the dual-modulus prescale frequency
stability of frequency, one of the popular methods to generate divider with a low speed stored program controlled
frequency of high quality is the Phase-locked Loop ( PLL) frequency divider to form a stored program controlled pulse
frequency synthesizer. Frequency synthesizer is a crucial unit swallow frequency divider with a higher speed.
in modem electronic system [1,2], which generates one or
many frequencies from one frequency source. Frequency The working principal of the divide-by-N frequency
synthesizer is widely applied in areas of information industry, divider is described as follows: C8-CO are the 9 inputs to set
for example large-scale digital system such as the frequency divider with a range from 120 to 400. The bits
microprocessor and video image processor, baseband of CO-C2 input the S frequency divider directly, and the bits
sampling circuit and analog front-end circuit in the of C3-C8 are used to set the P counter. At the beginning, the
communication system, etc, and its market has been growing divide-by-8/9 dual-modulus prescale divider is at a kind of
explosively. high-mode state (divide-by-9), the input signal FVCO is
divided by 9 and output via FOUT, and the S and P counters
The development of the applications of PLL frequency count the output of FOUT simultaneously. When S impulses
synthesizer brings an increased demand for configurable, pass, the S counter reduces to 0, and the output of the S
wide-band and multi-frequency output PLL frequency counter via port CO changes to a low level from a high level.
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2010 International Conforence on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)
Thus the S/9 dual-modulus prescale frequency divider swifts circuits equivalent to some switchers to lock up the signal
to a low-mode state (divide-by-S), then the P counter and stop the S counter from working after it counts the period
continues to count. After a period of P-S impulses, a high of S and wait the next signal LOAD to stimulate it and make
level impulse is output to initial the P counter. S counter and P it work again.
counter start to count again, and S/9 dual-modulus frequency The kernel module of the two parts is the D flip-flop
divider goes to the original state to start the next new cycle. which can be set and clear synchronously. Its working speed
The frequency dividing ratio of the divide-by-N frequency has a crucial importance to the whole counting circuit. The
divider is S P+S. contemporary D flip-flop does not have the function to be set.
I -J
Do l i SCO
And the most widely used D flip-flop is the TSPC D flip-flop
among the varies kinds of D flip-flops reported [4,S]. As is
D, shown in Figure.S, it is a conventional TSPC D flip-flop. This
r-- D,
LAOD design shown in Figure.6 is original to add some gates on the
foundation of the TSPC D flip-flop to enable it to be set and
clear at a high level.
C L-- �
£; D,
g. D, liP
C. D;
C, D, QN
C, D, D.o--_--+
Figure 1. The Scheme of Divide-by-N Divider Structure CLKo--�-+-I
are connected with the NOR will be locked up, and the last 3 S
D flip-flops make up a divide-by-S divider; when SEL is at a
high level, the NOR is unlocked, and then all of the gates and
flip-flops compose the divide-by-9 divider.
Figure.6. DFF with synchronous number-set and clear
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2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)
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C --v J::�
j � rp a,
"'-'" -;::L>-
_ s
Q � �
�:l ID Ij QNl
Figure 3. The S Counter
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2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)
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