Fork Lift - Risk Assessment - Example
Fork Lift - Risk Assessment - Example
Fork Lift - Risk Assessment - Example
Site or area being assessed: Shop Floor Date of assessment: Assessor: Next review date:
Fork Lift
Identified Hazard Risk Rating Control measures or Observations and Action Date Date
safeguards in place: recommendations to improve required by: action action
Risk Number
Level of Risk
potential to and Who could be by:
cause harm) harmed:
Likelihood (Probability) 5 = Very likely to occur/has Occurred 4 = Probable 3 = Possible 2 = Remote 1 = Improbable Severity (Consequence) 5 = Fatal Outcome 4 = Major Injury (Reportable under RIDDOR) 3 = Three
Day Injury (as determined in RIDDOR) 2 = Minor Injury (First Aid Treatment only) 1 = Accident/Incident where no injury occurs
ACTION LEVELS - Very High >=15 Immediate: High 9-12 Urgent Medium 7-10 Short-term requirement: Low 5-6 Planned when possible: Trivial 1-4 For consideration
Risk Assessment
Site or area being assessed: Shop Floor Date of assessment: Assessor: Next review date:
Fork Lift
Identified Hazard Risk Rating Control measures or Observations and Action Date Date
safeguards in place: recommendations to improve required by: action action
Risk Number
Level of Risk
potential to and Who could be by:
cause harm) harmed:
Likelihood (Probability) 5 = Very likely to occur/has Occurred 4 = Probable 3 = Possible 2 = Remote 1 = Improbable Severity (Consequence) 5 = Fatal Outcome 4 = Major Injury (Reportable under RIDDOR) 3 = Three
Day Injury (as determined in RIDDOR) 2 = Minor Injury (First Aid Treatment only) 1 = Accident/Incident where no injury occurs
ACTION LEVELS - Very High >=15 Immediate: High 9-12 Urgent Medium 7-10 Short-term requirement: Low 5-6 Planned when possible: Trivial 1-4 For consideration
Risk Assessment
Site or area being assessed: Shop Floor Date of assessment: Assessor: Next review date:
Fork Lift
Identified Hazard Risk Rating Control measures or Observations and Action Date Date
safeguards in place: recommendations to improve required by: action action
Risk Number
Level of Risk
potential to and Who could be by:
cause harm) harmed:
Likelihood (Probability) 5 = Very likely to occur/has Occurred 4 = Probable 3 = Possible 2 = Remote 1 = Improbable Severity (Consequence) 5 = Fatal Outcome 4 = Major Injury (Reportable under RIDDOR) 3 = Three
Day Injury (as determined in RIDDOR) 2 = Minor Injury (First Aid Treatment only) 1 = Accident/Incident where no injury occurs
ACTION LEVELS - Very High >=15 Immediate: High 9-12 Urgent Medium 7-10 Short-term requirement: Low 5-6 Planned when possible: Trivial 1-4 For consideration
Risk Assessment
Site or area being assessed: Shop Floor Date of assessment: Assessor: Next review date:
Fork Lift
Identified Hazard Risk Rating Control measures or Observations and Action Date Date
safeguards in place: recommendations to improve required by: action action
Risk Number
Level of Risk
potential to and Who could be by:
cause harm) harmed:
Likelihood (Probability) 5 = Very likely to occur/has Occurred 4 = Probable 3 = Possible 2 = Remote 1 = Improbable Severity (Consequence) 5 = Fatal Outcome 4 = Major Injury (Reportable under RIDDOR) 3 = Three
Day Injury (as determined in RIDDOR) 2 = Minor Injury (First Aid Treatment only) 1 = Accident/Incident where no injury occurs
ACTION LEVELS - Very High >=15 Immediate: High 9-12 Urgent Medium 7-10 Short-term requirement: Low 5-6 Planned when possible: Trivial 1-4 For consideration