Is - 17079 CRMB

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भारतीय मानक IS 17079 : 2019

Indian Standard

रबड़ पररवर्ति् रबटुमन ( आर एम बी ) —


Rubber Modified Bitumen ( RMB ) ―


ICS 75.140

© BIS 2019

भारतीय मानक बयरयू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु शाह ज़फर मार्ग, नई िदल्ी – 110002
NEW DELHI-110002

May 2019 Price Group 3

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Bitumen, Tar and Related Products Sectional Committee, PCD 06

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the Bitumen,
Tar and Related Products Sectional Committee, had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related Product
Division Council.
Flexible pavement with bituminous surfacing is widely used in the country. Studies have revealed that properties
of bitumen and bituminous mixes can be improved / modified with the incorporation of crumb rubber (obtained
from scrap tyres) or natural rubber (latex). Use of crumb rubber in bitumen modification will help in controlling
the pollution created by the burning of rubber tyres. Similarly, use of natural rubber in bitumen modification will
be beneficial to rubber planters in the country.
Earlier, IS 15462 : 2004 ‘Polymer and rubber modified bitumen ― Specification’ covered both polymer and rubber
modified bitumen. The polymer modified bitumen (PMB) is obtained by incorporating virgin polymer in paving
bitumen. Rubber modified bitumen (RMB) is obtained by incorporating crumb rubber or natural rubber in paving
bitumen. PMB and RMB differ in composition, method of preparation and product performance. Therefore, it
was decided by the Committee to have separate specifications for PMB and RMB. Therefore, first revision of
IS 15462 covers only PMB.
IS 15462 : 2004 had three grade of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen (CRMB) based on their softening point,
namely, CRMB 50, CRMB 55 and CRMB 60. Similarly, Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen (NRMB) had three
grades based on their penetration value, namely, NRMB 120, NRMB 70, and NRMB 40. In the last decade, there
was no production/ demand for CRMB 50 and NRMB 120. Therefore, in this standard, only two grades of CRMB
(CRMB 55 and CRMB 60) and NRMB (NRMB 70 and NRMB 40) have been retained.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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IS 17079 : 2019

Indian Standard
This standard covers the requirements for When used as bitumen modifier, selected modifier shall
physicochemical properties and methods of sampling have the following properties:
and test of rubber modified bitumen (RMB) binders a) Compatible with bitumen,
for use in highways, other allied construction and
maintenance works. b) Resist degradation at mixing temperature ,
c) Capable of being processed by conventional
2 REFERENCES mixing and laying machinery,
The following standards contain provisions which, d) Produce required coating viscosity at application
through reference in the text, constitute provisions of temperature, and
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions e) Maintain premium properties during storage,
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to application and in-services.
revision, and parties to agreements based on this NOTE ― Homogeneity is very important for desired
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility performance of rubber modified binders and must be ensured
of applying the most recent editions of the standards by agitation/circulation before application of the proudest.
indicated below:
IS No Title
For the purpose of this standard, the definition given in
73 : 2013 Paving bitumen — Specification
IS 334 shall apply.
( fourth revision)
334 : 2002 Glossary of terms relating to
bitumen and tar (third revision) 5 CLASSIFICATION
1201 : 2004 Methods for testing tar and 5.1 The rubber modified bitumen (RMB) shall be
bituminous materials: Sampling classified into two types as given below:
( first revision)
a) Type A ― Natural rubber and SBR latex based
1203 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and (NRMB), and
bituminous materials: Determination
b) Type B ― Crumb rubber/treated crumb based
of penetration ( first revision)
1205 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and
bituminous materials: Determination 5.2 Type A and Type B shall be further classified into
of softening point ( first revision) two grades according to their penetration values and
softening point values, respectively, as given below:
1206 (Part 2) Methods for testing tar
: 1978 and bituminous materials: 5.2.1 Grades of Type A (NRMB)
Determination of viscosity: Part 2
a) NRMB 70 ― NRMB having penetration value
Absolute viscosity ( first revision)
between 50 to 90.
1208 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and b) NRMB 40 ― NRMB having penetration value
bituminous materials: Determination between 30 to 50.
of ductility ( first revision)
1209 : 1978 Methods for testing tar and 5.2.2 Grades of Type B (CRMB)
bituminous materials: Determination a) CRMB 55 ― CRMB having softening point value
of flash point and fire point ( first 55°C, Min.
revision) b) CRMB 60 ― CRMB having softening point value
9382 : 1979 Methods for testing tar and 60°C, Min.
bituminous materials: Determination
of effect of heat and air by thin film
oven test

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IS 17079 : 2019

6 REQUIREMENTS 1.15 ± 0.05. Crumb rubber shall contain no visible

non-ferrous metal particles and not more than
6.1 Material and Manufacture 0.01 percent (by weight) ferrous metal particles. No
rubber particle shall be retained on the 600 micron
6.1.1 The rubber modified bitumen (RMB), shall be
IS sieve.
prepared by blending suitable viscosity grade bitumen
or a feed stock (short residue) compatible with additives 6.2 The material shall be homogenous and shall not
at refinery or any other plant having adequate mixing foam, when heated at 170°C.
and blending facilities. In case, RMB is prepared using
viscosity grade bitumen, the later shall conform to 6.3 No mineral matter other than naturally present, in
IS 73. the ingredient material, shall be used.
NOTE ― Over the years, different types of materials have 6.4 Modifier shall not de-mix on heating at 170°C or
been investigated as additives for bitumen modifications.
Some of them, which have been trial tested in India and other
later during cooling.
countries are natural rubber and crumb rubber from used truck
6.5 The RMB of Type A and Type B, shall also
tyres etc.
conform to the requirements given in Table 1 and 2,
6.1.2 The crumb rubber shall contain moisture less respectively.
than 0.75 percent (by weight) and specific gravity

Table 1 Requirements of Type A Rubber Modified Bitumen (NRMB)

( Clause 6.5 )

Sl No. Characteristics Requirements Method of Test, Ref to

NRMB 70 NRMB 40 IS No. Annex

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) Penetration at 25°C, 0.1 mm, 100 g, 5 s, Min 50 30 1203 −
ii) Softening point (R and B), °C, Min 55 60 1205 −
iii) Flash point, COC,°C, Min 220 220 1209 −
iv) Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 15°C, 40 30 − A
percent, Min
v) Separation, difference in softening point, R and B, °C, Max 4 4 − B
vi) Viscosity at 150°C, Poise 2-6 3-9 1206 (Part 2) −
vii) Thin film oven test and tests on residue
a) Loss in mass, percent, Max 1.0 1.0 9382 −
b) Change in Softening Point, °C, Max 6 5 1205 −
c) Reduction in penetration of residue at 25°C, percent, Max 40 40 1203 −
d) Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 25°C, 25 20 − A
percent, Min

Table 2 Requirements of Type B Rubber Modified Bitumen (CRMB)

( Clause 6.5 )

Sl No. Characteristics Requirements Method of Test, Ref to

CRMB 55 CRMB 60 IS No. Annex

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

i) Penetration at 25°C, 0.1 mm, 100 g, 5 s 60-30 50-20 1203 −

ii) Softening point (R and B), °C, Min 55 60 1205 −
iii) Flash point, COC,° C, Min 220 220 1209 −

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IS 17079 : 2019

Table 2 ( Concluded )

Sl No. Characteristics Requirements Method of Test, Ref to

CRMB 55 CRMB 60 IS No. Annex

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

iv) Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 15°C, 60 60 − A

percent, Min
v) Complex modulus as (G*/Sin) as Min 1.0 kPa at 10 rad/s at a 64 70 15462 −
temperature, °C
vi) Separation, difference in softening point, R&B, °C, Max 4 4 B
vii) Viscosity at 150°C, Poise 4-8 6-12 1206 (Part 2) −
viii) Thin film oven test and tests on residue
a) Loss in mass, percent, Max 1.0 1.0 9382 −
b) Change in Softening Point, °C , Max 5 5 1205 −
c) Reduction in penetration of residue at 25°C, percent, Max 35 35 1203 −
d) Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 25°C, 35 35 − A
percent, Min
e) Complex modulus as (G*/Sin) as Min 2.2 kPa at 10 rad/s 64 70 15462 −
at a temperature, °C

7 SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR samples from individual containers shall be stored
CONFORMITY separately.

7.1 Lot 7.4 Number of Tests

In any consignment, all the containers of RMB of same 7.4.1 All the individual samples shall be tested for
category and grade from the same batch of manufacture softening point, elastic recovery, separation and
shall be grouped to constitute a lot. penetration.

7.2 The number of containers to be selected at random 7.4.2 For the remaining characteristics, a composite
from the lot shall depend upon the size of the lot and sample prepared by mixing together equal quantities
shall be in accordance with Table 3. of RMB from all individual samples taken from each
samples container shall be tested.
Table 3 Sample Size
( Clause 7.2 ) 7.5 Criteria for Conformity

Sl No. Lot Size No of Containers to

7.5.1 The lot shall be considered as conforming to
(No. of Containers) be Selected the requirements of this standard, if the conditions
mentioned under 7.5.2 and 7.5.3 are satisfied.
(1) (2) (3)
i) Upto 50 2 7.5.2 From the test results of compatibility (separation),
ii) 51 – 100 3 penetration and elastic recovery, the mean (X) and
iii) 101 – 200 4
range (R) shall be calculated. The following conditions
shall be satisfied:
iv) 201 – 300 5
a) (X + 0.6 R) shall be greater than or equal to the
v) 301 – 500 7
minimum specification limit specified.
vi) 501 and above 10
b) (X + 0.6 R) shall be less than or equal to the
maximum specification limit specified.
7.3 From each of the containers selected as in 7.2,
an average sample representative of the material 7.5.3 The composite sample when tested for the
in the container shall be drawn in accordance characteristics mentioned in 7.4.2 shall satisfy the
with the methods prescribed in IS 1201, taking corresponding requirements of the characteristics given
all the precautions mentioned therein. All these in Table 1 and 2.

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IS 17079 : 2019

8 PACKING AND MARKING c) Type and Grade of the material; and

d) Batch number.
8.1 Packing
Rubber modified bitumen of all types shall be suitably 8.2.2 BIS Certification Marking
packed in container (bulk, drum or bags) as agreed to Each container may also be marked with the Standard
between the purchaser and the supplier. Mark.
8.2 Marking The product(s) conforming to the requirements
of this standard may be certified as per the conformity
8.2.1 Each container of rubber modified bitumen shall assessment schemes under the provisions of the Bureau
be legibly and indelibly marked with the following: of Indian Standards Act, 2016 and the Rules and
a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark, if any; Regulations framed thereunder, and the products may
b) Month and year of manufacture; be marked with the standard mark.

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IS 17079 : 2019

( Clause 6.5 and Tables 1 and 2 )


A-1 SIGNIFICANCE AND USE A-3.2 Thermometer — Any standard thermometer

with range and accuracy equivalent to ASTM 63°C
This is a simple test intended to optimize dose of
shall be used.
additive in bitumen and also help in assessing quality
of RMB in laboratory. A-3.3 Scissors — Any type of conventional scissors
capable of cutting modified bitumen at the test
A-2 PRINCIPLE temperature.
The elastic recovery of modified bitumen is evaluated by
A 3.4 Scale — Any transparent scale of measuring up
comparing recovery of thread after conditioning for 1 h
to 25 cm with ± 1 mm accuracy.
at specified temperature and the specimen is elongated
up to 10 cm deformation in a ductility machine. This is A-4 PROCEDURE
intended to assess degree of bitumen modification by
the additives. The cross-section of thread shall be as A-4.1 Prepare the test specimens in a set of three
shown in Fig. 1. moulds as per dimensions given in Fig. 1 and condition
as prescribed in test method of IS 1208. Elongate the
test specimen at the specified rate to a deformation
of 10 cm at a rate of 5 ± 0.25 cm/min. Immediately
cut the test specimen into two halves at the mid-point
using the scissors. Keep the test specimen in the water
bath in an undisturbed condition for 1 h before testing.
A-4.2 After the 1 h time period, move the elongated
half of the test specimen back into position near the
A − 36.5 ± 0.1 mm fixed half of the test specimen so the two pieces of
B − 30.0 ± 0.1 mm modified bitumen just touch. Record the length of the
C − 17.0 ± 0.1 mm recombined specimen as X.
D − 10.0 ± 0.1 mm
E − 10.0 ± 0.1 mm
Calculate the percent elastic recovery by the following
Fig. 1 Design OF MOulD FOr elastic recOvery procedure:

Elastic recovery, percent = 10 – X × 100

A-3.1 Ductility Machine and Moulds — As per
X = length of recombined specimen.
IS 1208 and Fig. 1.

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IS 17079 : 2019

( Clause 6.5 and Tables 1 and 2 )



The separation of modifier and bitumen during hot B-3.1 Place the empty tube, with sealed end down in
storage is evaluated by comparing the ring and ball the rack. Heat the sample carefully until sufficiently
softening point of the top and bottom samples taken fluid to pour. Care should be taken to prevent
from a conditioned, sealed tube of polymer modified localized overheating. Pass about 100 g of the molten
bitumen. The conditioning consist of placing a sealed sample through IS Sieve of 200 mm diameter and of
tube of modified bitumen in a vertical position at 600 micron mesh size. After through stirring, pour
163 ± 5°C in an oven for a period of 48 h. It provides 50.0 g into the vertically held tube. Fold the excess tube
a reference for determining the relative separation over two times, and crimp and seal.
properties between different types of bitumen modifiers
and their respective bitumen’s. Modified bitumen’s B-3.2 Place the rack containing the sealed tubes in a
relative stability to separation under storage in static 163 ± 5°C oven. Allow the tubes to stand undisturbed
conditions is determined in heated oven storage without in the oven for a period of 48 ± 4 h. At the end of
agitation. the period, remove the rack from the oven, and place
immediately in the freezer at 6.7 ± 5°C, taking care to
B-2 APPARATUS keep the tubes in a vertical position at all times. Leave
the tubes in the freezer for a minimum of 4 h to solidify
B-2.1 Aluminum Tubes — 25.4 mm (1 in) diameter the sample completely.
and 136.7 mm (5.5 in) length blind aluminum tubes
B-3.3 Upon removing the tube from the freezer, place
(thickness of foil 1 mm), used to hold the test sample
it on a flat surface. Cut the tube into three equal length
during the conditioning.
portions with the spatula and hammer. Discard the
B-2.2 Oven — Capable of maintaining 163 ± 5°C. centre section, and place the top and bottom portions
of the tube into separate beakers. Place the beakers into
B-2.3 Freezer — Capable of maintaining 6.7 ± 5°C. a 163 ± 5°C oven until the bitumen is sufficiently fluid
to remove the pieces of aluminum tube.
B-2.4 Rack — Capable of supporting the aluminum
tubes in a vertical position in the oven and freezer. B-3.4 After thoroughly stirring, pour the top bottom
samples into appropriately marked rings for the ring
B-2.5 Spatula and Hammer — The spatula must be
and ball softening point test. Prepare the rings and
rigid and sharp to allow cutting of the aluminium tube
apparatus according to details given in IS 1205. The
containing the sample when at a low temperature.
top and bottom sample form the same tube should be
B-2.6 IS Sieve with 200 mm diameter and fitted with tested at the same time in the softening point test.
600 μ mesh.
Report the difference, in °C, between the softening
points of the respective top and bottom samples.

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Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: PCD 06 (12978).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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