CTU Admissions Conditions 2022

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Conditions for the admission to the Informatics Bachelor

degree study programme for the Academic year 2022/2023

1. Preamble
1. This document sets forth the conditions for the admission to the full-time form of the Informatics
Bachelor degree study programme (“Informatics BDSP”) conducted in the English language
at the Faculty of Information Technology (“FIT”) of the Czech Technical University in Prague
2. The admission to the Informatics BDSP is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Coll., Higher
Education Act, as amended, and these Conditions.

2. Basic information about the Informatics BDSP

Degree programme name: Informatics
Degree programme
code: B0613A140030

The maximum number of

admitted students: 150 Students
Specializations: • Information Security
• Computer Engineering
• Computer Networks and Internet
• Computer Systems and Virtualization
• Computer Science
• Software Engineering

Form of study: Full-time

Language: English
Nominal length of study: 3 years
Degree: Bakalář (Bc.)

3. Application procedure and deadlines

1. The admission procedure is managed by the Admission Committee appointed by the Dean.
2. An Applicant enters the admission procedure by performing the following steps:
a. filling out and submitting a completed electronic application form at the portal
https://www.prihlaska.cvut.cz. The application can be filled out from January 1, 2022 to
March 31, 2022,
b. paying the fee for the admission procedure (850,- CZK) through the portal
https://www.prihlaska.cvut.cz, or transfer to the bank account of FIT (see Section 7 for
c. delivering all required documents to the FIT's Office of Study, either by email, post or in
person (see Section 4 for details and for the address of the Office of Study).
3. The deadline for completing these steps is March 31, 2022. Applicants are strongly
encouraged to perform these steps as soon as possible to allow the Faculty’s administration
to process the applications on an ongoing basis.

Czech Technical University in Prague tel.: (+420) 224 359 827 ID 68407700
Faculty of Information Technology tel.: (+420) 224 359 836 VAT NO. CZ68407700
Thákurova 9 www.fit.cvut.cz/en
160 00 Prague 6 https://pririz.fit.cvut.cz/en
Czech Republic
4. Documents to be submitted by post, email or in person
1. Two signed copies of the Study Contract. The form is available online at
https://www.fit.cvut.cz/en/student/forms. All required fields must be completed.
2. Applicants who have already completed their Secondary/High School Education at the time of
submitting the application should attach photocopies of the official documents that:
a. demonstrate full completion of Secondary/High School education, and
b. indicate studied subjects and obtained grades, and
c. indicate the subjects and results of the Graduation Exam (if applicable).
The above requirements can be usually fulfilled by submitting an appropriate combination of
the following documents:
d. Secondary/High School leaving Certificate, and/or
e. official Secondary/High School Transcripts, and/or
f. Annual Grade Reports from all years of the Secondary/High School, and/or
g. Graduation Exam Certificate.
3. Applicants who are studying in their last year of Secondary/High School at the time of
submitting the application should attach photocopies of official documents that indicate
subjects studied so far and grades obtained.
The above requirement can be usually satisfied by submitting the following documents:
a. Annual Grade Reports from the last three completed years of the Secondary/High
School, and
b. a Mid-Term Grade Report from the current year, and/or
c. official Secondary/High School transcripts.
4. Applicants who are studying in their last year of Secondary/High school at the time of
submitting the application will be required to submit documents that prove successful
completion of their Secondary/High School studies later, at the registration into the Informatics
BDSP at the latest.
5. A photocopy of the Applicant´s passport (open on the page with his/her photograph and
identification data).
6. With the exception of native English speakers, Applicants shall attach a photocopy of a
certificate that demonstrates their proficiency in English comparable to or exceeding the B2
level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
This requirement can be satisfied by submitting documents that include, but are not limited to,
the following:
a. FCE – First Certificate in English, or
b. IELTS score 5.5 and above, or
c. BEC 2 – Business English Certificate 2, or
d. STANAG 6001 – level 2, or
e. TOEFL paper-based test score 513 and above, or
f. TOEFL CB score 183 and above, or
g. TOEFL iBT score 65 and above, or
h. TELC (The European Language Certificates) - Certificate in English Advantage (B2), or
i. TELC – B2 English for Business Purposes – B2, or
j. TELC – B2 English for Technical Purposes, or
k. International ESOL and Spoken ESOL – Communicator, or
l. Pitman Intermediate (Level 2) – Intermediate First-Class Pass – B2 Vantage, or
m. Czech State Examination in English (Basic or Higher Level), or
n. a document showing that English was the teaching language at the Applicant’s
Secondary/High school.

7. If applicable, Applicants can also submit documents that prove their success in Nation-
/Countrywide Secondary/High School Competitions/Olympiads in Informatics, Mathematics,
Physics, or Life Sciences.
8. Optionally, Applicants are encouraged to submit documents proving significant personal
achievements or professional or academic excellence in Informatics, Mathematics, Physics,
or Life Sciences.
9. At the registration into the Informatics BDSP, Applicants must present the originals of all
submitted documents for verification.
10. All documents that are not in Czech, Slovak, or English should be accompanied by a certified
translation into Czech, Slovak, or English. A photocopy of the translation should be sent by
post or email, the original should be presented at the registration into the Informatics BDSP.
11. The required documents should be delivered by post (it is recommended to use traceable
mail), email or submitted in person to the following address:
Office of Study
Faculty of Information Technology
Czech Technical University in Prague
Thákurova 9
160 00 Praha 6 – Dejvice
Czech Republic
Email: bachelor-admissions@fit.cvut.cz

5. Admission Mathematics Test and Interview

1. In the given year FIT organizes a remote online admission test of Mathematics and remote
online interview in English. If an Applicant is resident in the Czech Republic during the
test/interview period of time he/she can conduct the test and interview in person at FIT after
agreement with the Admission Committee. The rules described below apply to the remote
2. Applicants are expected to have a good command of spoken and written English. The level of
spoken English is assessed during online interviews with the members of the Admission
3. The technology enabling the online admission test and interview is a PC with a camera and
microphone and a web browser supporting the WebRTC technology (recommended browsers
are Chrome and Firefox). It is the responsibility of each Applicant to set up this technology on
his/her site. All the details will be sent to the Applicants by e-mail.
4. The tests and interviews will take place within the period of April 19 - 29, 2022. Between the
period of April 4 -14, 2022, the Applicant and the Admissions Committee will mutually agree
upon the exact date and time of the online test and interview using email, phone calls, Skype
sessions, or any other means of electronic communication.
5. During the Mathematics Test the Applicant cannot leave the room and must remain seated in
camera view and avoid any communication with anyone except for the Admission Committee.
6. The Mathematics Test consists of answering multiple-choice questions in Moodle and it takes
50 minutes. It is a closed-book exam, no electronic communication tools (mobile phone,
notebook, PDA, etc.) are allowed, no calculators are permitted.
7. The maximum number of points that can be achieved in the test is 100.
8. The topics of the questions in the test are as follows:
a. Number sets: natural numbers, integers, rational, real and complex numbers.
b. Algebraic expressions: polynomials, rational functions, exponentiation by an exponent
that is a rational number.

c. Equations: linear and quadratic equations, equations containing rational powers,
logarithmic, exponential and goniometric equations, equations containing an absolute
d. Inequations: linear and quadratic inequations, inequations containing rational powers or
an absolute value, goniometric inequations.
e. Systems of linear equations and inequations.
f. Functions: linear, quadratic, goniometric and exponential functions, logarithms and
powers. Domain of a function and basic properties (periodicity, monotonicity, etc.).
g. Arithmetic and geometric sequences and its sums.
h. Analytic geometry: coordinate systems, points, vectors, equations for planes and
straight lines, angles, scalar products.
i. Combinatorics and basic probability: permutations and combinations, binomial theorem.
j. Mathematical logic: validity of declarative statements, deductive reasoning.
k. General study aptitude.
9. After the Admission Test a 15-minute interview with the given Applicant will take place.
10. The interview starts with self-introduction of the Applicant (background, study and work
experience). The interview is then focused on the motivation of the Applicant to study
Informatics at FIT.
11. An Applicant will be preliminarily admitted to the study if he/she:
a. fulfils the conditions of the CTU Admission Procedure Rules, and
b. passes successfully the English interview, and
c. obtains at least 60 points from the Admission Test or is a successful participant of
a Nation/Countrywide Secondary/High school competitions/Olympiads in Informatics,
Mathematics, Physics, or Life Sciences.

12. Further Applicants satisfying conditions 11. a) and 11. b) may be preliminarily admitted to fill
the capacity of the Study Programme in the order of the Admission Test results.

13. The Applicants will be announced of the preliminary admission/non-admission decision by May
16, 2022, followed by the official confirmation.

6. Other arrangements
1. A necessary condition for preliminarily admitted Applicants to be fully admitted is the payment
of Tuition Fee of 64 000 CZK for the first semester to the bank account of FIT, see Section 7.
The successful Applicant will be asked to pay this fee in the email with the preliminary
admission decision.
2. The Tuition Fee must be paid no later than June 17, 2022.
3. Upon receipt of the Tuition Fee payment to the bank account, FIT will send by post to the
successful Applicant:
a. an official letter of admission with further information about registration into the
Informatics BDSP and about starting studies at FIT, and
b. admission confirmation for the Czech Embassy in the Applicant’s Country, and
c. one signed and stamped copy of the Study Contract.

4. Admitted Applicants can book their accommodation in the CTU Student Dormitories at
https://www.suz.cvut.cz/en/documents and will receive confirmation. Provisional date for
starting of accommodation is from September 12, 2022.

7. Fee payments
1. The Admission Procedure Fee is non-refundable.
2. The Tuition Fee is non-refundable, except for serious circumstances that prevent the admitted
Applicant from registration (such as failure to obtain the visa to the Czech Republic). In such
cases, the Applicant should submit a request and supporting evidence to the Dean who then
decides about returning the fee.
3. The Tuition Fee does not cover accommodation, food, transportation, books, medical
insurance, or other personal expenses.
4. All payments should be made by wire transfer, credit card, or by another payment method
supported and approved by FIT. All transaction fees and charges associated with the payment
shall be borne by the Applicant.
5. The payment of Tuition Fees are preferably by credit card: Use FIT's payment gateway at
https://app.fit.cvut.cz .
6. Payments by wire transfers: Transfer the money to the following account. Always use the
instruction for international payments so that FIT receives the full amount.
Account holder: FIT CVUT
Thákurova 9
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Account No.: 43-4999220217

IBAN: CZ23 0100 0000 4349 9922 0217

Bank name and address:

Komercni banka a.s.
Stefanikova 22
150 47 Praha 5
Czech Republic

Communication: Applicant’s name and date of birth (DDMMYYYY format)

8. Registration into the Informatics BDSP

1. The classes start on September 19, 2022.
2. Admitted Applicants must appear in person at FIT's Office of Study from June 30, 2022 to
September 9, 2022, in order to register into the Informatics BDSP. Exact details will be
published on the FIT's public web page and specified in the admission letter.
3. Applicants who cannot attend the registration during this time due to serious reasons must
inform the FIT's Office of Study by e-mail to bachelor-admissions@fit.cvut.cz or by post to the
address above. For such Applicants, another registration date will be arranged individually.
Applicants who fail to attend the registration into the Informatics BDSP and fail to inform the
FIT's Office of Study will not be registered.
4. If the Applicant is unable to register by October 10, 2022, he/she cannot start the study.
5. If the Applicant cannot start the studies for reasons beyond his/her control, he/she may be
admitted to study the following Academic Year without the admission test and the interview.

9. Concluding remarks
1. Data filled in the https://www.prihlaska.cvut.cz application and application attachments must
be true and complete. False or incomplete data can result in rejection of the application during
the admission procedure and if discovered after the registration into the study programme by
possibly exclusion from the studies later on.
2. Within the first year of studies the Applicants must complete the process of the official
recognition of their Secondary/High School education by the Czech Republic (nostrification).
The process requires more documents than this admission procedure. Applicants are urged
to assemble all the necessary documents before arriving in the Czech Republic.
3. Due to sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council and the Council of the European Union
citizens of North Korea are not eligible to apply.
4. In the case of external objective circumstances, FIT may amend the terms set out in these
Conditions, stating that FIT is required to publish the change on the FIT’s public web page and
by e-mail to applicants who have already applied.
5. In case of any questions, comments, problems, or requests, Applicants are welcome to send
an e-mail to bachelor-admissions@fit.cvut.cz.

10. Reservation of changes

In case of external objective circumstances, the Faculty may change the deadline for submission
of the application according to Article 3, paragraph 3, deadlines for delivery of annexes
according to Article 3, paragraph 3, and deadlines related to registration of study according to
Article 8, provided that the Faculty is obliged to inform about the change in the public part of the
Faculty's website and by e-mail to Applicants who have already submitted an application.

Prague, 26. 10. 2021

doc. RNDr. Ing. Marcel Jiřina, Ph.D.

Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology

Approved by the FIT Academic Senate

on October 26, 2021
Ing. Daniel Vašata, Ph.D.
Head of the FIT Academic Senate

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