Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
-should be realistic
01 Planning must be
realistic 03 Planning must be
02 Planning must be
based on felt needs 04 Planning must
be start with
simple projects
Stages of Business Planning
Professor Philip Kotler
Unplanned Stage Budgeting system stage Annual Planning stage Strategic planning stage
At the start of the business, the owner- The owner-manager realizes the need to The owner-manager drafts an annual As the business enterprise becomes
manager is busy looking for funds, develop and use a budgeting system. plan. bigger, a long-range planning is
customers, materials and equipment. Estimated income is made to facilitate needed.
His entire attention is devoted to the the orderly function of the growing A. Top-down planning
daily operations of his business in his enterprise -provides the goals and let the
intense desire to survive. employee comply with it
B. Bottom-up planning
-encourages his employees to
participate in planning the goals and
Criteria of Effective Planning
The plan should state clearly its objectives.
The plan should state the policies which should guide people in
attaining the objectives.
Executive Summary
general statement of how you will
achieve the vision
statement of what needs to be
accomplished to achieve the mission
Components of Business Plan
Company Description
Divided in two parts
-industry sector where business falls into (retail, manufacturing, education, etc
ii. Competitor Analysis
-Strengths and Weaknesses of Identified Competitors
Components of Business Plan
Business Model
Components of Business Plan
Business Model
1. Value Propositions
a. What is the Product/Service? What customer’s problem does
it solve? Where does your business/product/service fits in the
value chain?
b. One sentence that best describes the business
c. Example: K-café is a social enterprise promoting livelihood of
Los Baños mothers by selling Kalinga-based products and
helping the community improve their health and increase
Components of Business Plan
Business Model
2. Customer Segments
a. Who will be your customers? Are they another business or
i. Their needs that the products/services are trying to
ii. What are the characteristics of the people who are
looking for my value proposition?
iii. What are the characteristics of those businesses?
b. Market size
i. Estimated number or size of the target market
Components of Business Plan
Business Model
3. Customer Relationships
a. How will the business interact with its customers?
4. Channels
a. avenues through which your customer comes into contact
with your business and becomes part of your sales cycle e.g.
b. how will the customer segment know the value proposition?
Components of Business Plan
Business Model
factors to be considered:
2. Demand pricing
-is a method of pricing where the firm sets prices based on buyer desires. The
range acceptable to the target market is determined.
3. Competitive pricing
-calls for price-setting on the basis of prices charged by competitors.
4. Markup pricing
-is a form of cost-oriented pricing in which the firm sets prices by adding per unit
merchandise costs, operating expenses and desired profit.
Components of Business Plan
1. Advertising aspects
2. Packaging
3. Public relations
4. Sales promotions
5. Personal sales
Components of Business Plan
Balance Sheet
-details of what business owns and its value. It presents the equity
contributions of owners and liabilities to creditors
CM ratio=Contribution Margin/Sales
CM ratio=.447949419
Contribution Margin per unit=Selling Price per unit-Variable cost per unit
Contribution Margin per unit=493
Components of Business Plan
Source of financing
-indicate where funds for the business will come from.