BMS-T017 Issue 2 - Orion IOM Manual PDF

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Vertically Isolated Metal Enclosed Switchgear

Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
25kA, 12kV, 630/800/1250A

BMS – T017 Issue 2


Page 1 of 39

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Safe Working Practices ................................................................................................................... 6
3. Receiving, Handling and Storage .................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Packaging and Transportation ...................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Checking on receipt....................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Unpacking ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Handling - Lifting and Moving ....................................................................................................... 7
3.4.1 Vacuum Circuit Breaker ......................................................................................................... 7
3.4.2 Metal Enclosed Unit ............................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Storage .......................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.1 VCB - Dimensions and Weight ...................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Metal Enclosed Unit - Dimensions and Weight .......................................................................... 10
4.3 VCB - General Features ............................................................................................................... 11
4.4 Unit - General Features ............................................................................................................... 12
4.4.1 Circuit Breaker Compartment .............................................................................................. 13
4.4.2 Busbar Compartment........................................................................................................... 13
4.4.3 Cable Compartment ............................................................................................................. 13
4.4.4 Low Voltage Compartment .................................................................................................. 13
4.4.5 CT Compartment .................................................................................................................. 13
4.5 Ratings......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Reference to IEC Standards......................................................................................................... 14
5. VCB Operation................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Safety Indications ........................................................................................................................ 15
5.2 VCB Charging Operation ............................................................................................................. 15
5.2.1 Manual Spring Charging ....................................................................................................... 15
5.2.2 Electrical Spring Charging..................................................................................................... 15
5.3 VCB Closing Operation ................................................................................................................ 16
5.3.1 Manual Close........................................................................................................................ 16
5.3.2 Electrical Close ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.3.4 Closed Indication .................................................................................................................. 16

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5.4 VCB Opening (Tripping) Operation ............................................................................................. 16
5.4.1 Manual Trip .......................................................................................................................... 16
5.4.2 Electrical Trip........................................................................................................................ 16
5.4.3 Open (Trip) Indication .......................................................................................................... 16
6. Unit Operation .................................................................................................................................. 17
6.1 Position Selector Device.............................................................................................................. 17
6.1.1 Service Position .................................................................................................................... 17
6.1.2 Busbar Earth Position ........................................................................................................... 17
6.1.3 Circuit Earth Position ........................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Safety Shutters ............................................................................................................................ 18
6.3 Control Plug Arrangement .......................................................................................................... 18
6.4 Anti-Condensation Heater .......................................................................................................... 18
6.5 Padlocking Facilities .................................................................................................................... 18
6.6 Racking Facility ............................................................................................................................ 18
6.7 Racking Aid .................................................................................................................................. 19
6.8 Remote Motorised Racking......................................................................................................... 19
6.9 Safety Door Locking .................................................................................................................... 19
6.10 Safety Shutter Retainers ........................................................................................................... 19
6.11 Test Probes................................................................................................................................ 19
6.12 Operational Summary ........................................................................................................... 20
6.13 Remote Motorised Racking Operation ( Optional ) ................................................................. 21
7. Unit Installation................................................................................................................................. 22
7.1 Foundation Preparation .............................................................................................................. 22
7.2 Switchboard Erection .................................................................................................................. 22
7.3 Busbar Connections .................................................................................................................... 23
7.4 Earth Connection ........................................................................................................................ 23
7.5 Lotus Assembly & Cladding ( IAC Classification Only ) ................................................................ 24
7.6 Cabling......................................................................................................................................... 25
7.6.1 Control Wiring ...................................................................................................................... 25
7.6.2 High Voltage Cabling ........................................................................................................... 25
7.7 - Inspection After Installation ..................................................................................................... 26

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8. VCB Installation ................................................................................................................................. 26
8.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 26
8.2 Pre-installation Inspection .......................................................................................................... 27
8.3 Installation Checks ...................................................................................................................... 27
8.3.1 Mechanical ........................................................................................................................... 27
8.3.2 Electrical ............................................................................................................................... 27
8.4 Adjustments ................................................................................................................................ 28
8.4.1 VCB ....................................................................................................................................... 28
8.4.2 Installation Room ................................................................................................................. 28
8.5 VCB Positioning and Alignment .................................................................................................. 28
8.5.1 Primary Isolating Contacts ................................................................................................... 28
8.5.3 VCB Alignment ..................................................................................................................... 29
8.5.4 Shutter Operating Bracket and Shutter Operation .............................................................. 29
8.5.5 Earth Alignment ................................................................................................................... 29
9. Periodical Checking ........................................................................................................................... 30
9.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 30
9.2 Programme ................................................................................................................................. 30
9.3 Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 32
9.3.1 Operating Mechanism.......................................................................................................... 32
9.3.2 Control Circuit ...................................................................................................................... 33
9.3.3 Mechanical Interlock Devices .............................................................................................. 33
9.3.4 Power Elements ................................................................................................................... 34 Contact Erosion Measurment .......................................................................................... 35 Vacuum Interrupter Integrety test ................................................................................... 35 Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................... 36
9.3.5 Insulating Surfaces ............................................................................................................... 35
9.3.6 Insulation Integrity ............................................................................................................... 35
9.3.6 .1 Secondary Circuit ............................................................................................................. 35
10. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 36
10.1 Spare Parts and Accessories ..................................................................................................... 36
10.1.1 List of Spares ...................................................................................................................... 37

Page 4 of 39
1. Introduction

This manual contains the information necessary for the installation, operation, and maintenance
of the 25kA Switchgear, for use on “Systems Power Engineering Ltd Orion switchgear.

The instructions in this manual are given for information and guidance of appropriately qualified
engineers, and where applicable, must be considered in relation to the relevant National and
International Health & Safety requirements and subsequent amendments.
Conducting the correct routine maintenance of the switchgear will give the purchaser satisfactory
service. Use only specified spare parts for maintenance operations.
Designs are subject to improvement and consequently there may be small differences in detail
between the switchgear supplied and that described in the manual.

Pay special attention to the warning notes as indicated in this manual by the symbol


Improper installation or maintenance The switchgear elements described

of this product can result in death, in this manual are designed and
serious personal injury, and damage tested to operate within their
to property. nameplate ratings.

Read and understand these Operation outside of these ratings

instructions before attempting to may cause the switchgear to fail,
unpack, install, operate or maintain resulting in death, serious personal
the switchgear. injury, and damage to property.

Installation and maintenance should

be conducted by qualified personnel,
only after consulting the relevant
sections of this manual.

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2. Safe Working Practices

The switchgear supplied is equipped with a high speed, high energy operating mechanism.
Whilst it is designed with built-in safety interlocks to provide for safe operation, caution must
always be exercised when working on any element of this switchgear.


To protect the personnel associated with the operation and maintenance of this switchgear, the
following safe working practices must be followed:


Only competent persons, as defined in the Local Electrical Codes, who are familiar with the
installation and maintenance of medium voltage circuits and switchgear should be permitted to
work on this type of gear.


Strictly follow the information provided in this instruction manual.

Ensure that the personnel operating the switchgear have this instruction manual on hand.

Safety Interlocks

The switchgear is equipped with safety interlocking devices. Do Not attempt to defeat them.


Always remove the withdrawable type VCB from its enclosure before performing any
maintenance on the VCB and always follow protocol if working on the unit.

Do not work on the VCB with the closing spring charged. The closing spring must be discharged,
and the main contacts open before working on the VCB.

Do not work on the VCB while suspended from any temporary form of lifting means. All
maintenance work should be performed on a suitable surface.

Page 6 of 39
3. Receiving, Handling and 3.4 Handling - Lifting and Moving
3.4.1 Vacuum Circuit Breaker

3.1 Packaging and Transportation Before carrying out any lifting or movement of
the VCB, always check that the operating
mechanism spring is discharged, and that the
The switchgear is shipped in appropriate
breaker is in the open position.
packaging designed to provide maximum
protection during transportation, storage and The VCB is lifted via the two lifting brackets
handling phases. supplied. Figure 1 below shows the
positioning of the lifting brackets and sling /
Packaging is designed to be handled using a
chain dimensions. Every effort should be
sufficiently rated rope sling and overhead
made to minimise VCB swing or tilt.
lifting device e.g. crane or fork lift truck.
Ensure to remove the lifting brackets on
The switchgear is subject to complete factory
completion of the lifting operation. Lifting
acceptance tests and inspection before being
brackets inadvertently left on the VCB will
packed. To safeguard the switchgear, the VCB
cause obstructions during installation.
is packaged racked down, in the open position
with the main spring discharged.

3.2 Checking on receipt

On receipt, check that the packaging is

Make sure that all the materials described in
the shipping note are included in the supply.

3.3 Unpacking

Proceed to carefully remove all packaging

material. The materials used for packaging are
selected to minimise environmental impact.
Where practicable re-use the packaging
materials. Materials that cannot be re-used Figure 1. Lifting Method
should be recycled or disposed of in
accordance with current environmental
Never use a bushing as a means for pushing,
If any damage or irregularity is discovered on pulling or manoeuvring the VCB.
unpacking, notify the agent or supplier, as
soon as possible.

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3.4.2 Metal Enclosed Unit

The unit is lifted via the four lifting brackets supplied. Figure 2 below shows the positioning of the
lifting brackets and sling / chain dimensions. Every effort should be made to minimise swing or tilt.

Ensure to remove the lifting brackets on completion of the lifting operation. Lifting brackets
inadvertently left on the unit will cause obstructions during installation.

Maintain equal distance between lifting points as shown

Figure 2. Single Unit Lifting Method

3.5 Storage

If immediate installation is not required, the packaging must be properly replaced using the original
materials supplied. This will ensure maximum protection is obtained.

Outdoor storage is NOT recommended. Storage conditions should comprise of a covered, well-
ventilated, dry, dust-free, and non-corrosive atmosphere.

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4. Overview
4.1 VCB - Dimensions and Weight

Figure 3 shows the main dimensions of the 25kA VCB.

The weight of the VCB is 240 kg.

Figure 3. VCB Dimensions

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4.2 Metal Enclosed Unit - Dimensions and Weight

Figure 4 & 5 shows the main dimensions of the Unit.

The weight of the Unit is 600 kg.



Figure 4. Unit Dimensions


Figure 5. Unit Dimensions –AF IAC classification

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4.3 VCB - General Features

The VCB is for indoor installation only.

The VCB, as shown in Figures 5 and 6, is a

vertically isolated, horizontally withdrawable

The VCB utilises vacuum interrupters to

ensure compactness of design, long life,
reduced maintenance and environmental

The vacuum interrupters are mounted

horizontally within the VCB moving carriage in
single phase pole unit moldings, which also
provide the required dielectric properties and
mechanical rigidity.

The moving carriage includes the majority of

the switchgear panel interface components
i.e. self-aligning primary isolating contacts,
self-aligning secondary contacts, earthing
contact, shutter operating bracket and
interlock components.
Figure 5. Front View
The VCB fixed carriage contains the raise /
lower mechanism.

The rating plate provides information relating

to the VCB characteristics.

See VCB ratings Section 4.5 for particulars.

1. Operating mechanism cover

2. Push to close button
3. Push to open (trip) button
4. Locked / Free isolating handle
5. Signalling Device – Charged / Free Indicator
6. Operations counter (optional)
7. Open/closed indication
8. Manual charging access
9. Carriage Interlock
10. Anti-raise plate
11. Primary bushings
12. Shutter operator
13. Earth contact
14. Pole unit assembly
15. Phase barrier
16. Carriage with lifting mechanism Figure 6. Rear View (external covers removed)
17. Raise / lower device

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4.4 Unit - General Features

The Orion switchgear is of a completely metal clad construction which has been compartmented.
The panel comprises of five mutually separated compartments consisting of;

• Circuit Breaker Compartment • Busbar Compartment

• Cable Compartment • Low Voltage Compartment
• CT Compartment

The Orion panel is fabricated from high grade steel and assembled in the UK to meet current ISO
standards and ensure build quality. All components are picked prior to powder-coating to ensure
sufficient protection against corrosion and weathering.

Figure 7 – Unit Compartments

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4.4.1 Circuit Breaker The Busbars extend through each switchgear
Compartment cubicle throughout the length of the
switchboard and are fully extendable to both
the right and left.
The Circuit breaker compartment houses the
withdrawable vertically isolated vacuum
circuit breaker.
4.4.3 Cable Compartment
The vertically isolated, horizontally
Cable connections can be either bottom or
withdrawable VCB travels between two
top entry, standard lug or plug on
inherent guide rails which allows the VCB to
terminations. The cable compartment can
be transferred between Busbar earth, Cable
house a cast resin fixed pattern voltage
earth or the Service position.
transformer and oil filled surge arrestor.
Selection of VCB position is controlled
manually by selecting the desired position
prior to racking, the positions are arranged so 4.4.4 Low Voltage Compartment
that only one location can be accessed at any
one time. The low voltage compartment although
forming an integral part of the switchgear is
When racking, the VCB shutter operator
separate from ant high voltage zone.
engages with the shutter mechanism allowing
mounted to the LV compartment door are
the VCB’s spout bushings to engage with the
Indication lamps, push buttons, control
selected path. These shutters are pad lockable
switches, current transformer test blocks,
to prevent access to the fixed contacts while
protection relays and metering etc. Fuses and
maintenance procedures are being
Din-rail mounted equipment is mounted
internally within the low voltage
The front door of the compartment is compartment accessed through the LV
provided with a viewing window to observe compartment door.
the status of the circuit breaker without the
need to open the door.
4.4.5 CT Compartment
On our IAC classification switchgear, the door
also has an access point through which the
The CT compartment accommodates the cast
racking handle can be inserted to raise/lower
resin primary bushings which house plain ring
the circuit breaker. Our IAC classification door
CT’s suitable for protection, instrumentation
is also automatically interlocked in the service
and metering. CT arrangement and
position when racking (safeguarding the
specification are contract specific.
operator) and can only be disengaged once
the VCB is in a safe state and fully withdrawn
from the voltage source (isolated position).

4.4.2 Busbar Compartment

The Busbar compartment accommodates

horizontal busbars which are suspended and
clamped into cast resin spout insulators.
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4.5 Ratings

The 25Ka Switchgear has been certified to the ratings prescribed in Table 1.

Table 1. VCB & Unit Ratings

Description Ratings
Rated Maximum Voltage (Ur), (kV rms) 12
Power frequency insulation level withstand (kV), 1 min dry 28
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (BIL), (kVp) 75
Rated power frequency (fr), (Hz) 50/60
Rated continuous current (Ir), (A rms) 400/630/800/1250
Rated short time withstand current (Ik), 3 secs, (kA rms) 25 *
Rated peak withstand current (Ip), (kA) 62.5 *
Rated control voltage, DC volts 24,30,48,110
Rated symmetrical interrupting current (Isc), (kA rms) 25
Rated dc component (%) 50
Rated operating sequence O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO
Mechanical operating sequences, Class M1 2000
Operating temperature range, ᵒC -5 to +40
Relative humidity (%) 0-100
Maximum altitude above sea level, m 1000
IEC Classification (ARC Contained model only) AF 25KA 1s

Note: The VCB has been tested to IEC 62771-100 & IEC 62271-102
with an enhanced peak-withstand current of 75 kAp

Operation outside of the specified ratings may cause the switchgear to fail, resulting in
death, serious personal injury and property damage.

4.6 Reference to IEC Standards

The 25kA VCB complies with the following IEC standards:-

a) IEC 62771-100 High Voltage Switchgear and control gear - Alternating current earthing
b) IEC 62271-1 High Voltage Switchgear and control gear – Common specifications
c) IEC 62271-102 High Voltage Switchgear & Control Gear – Alternating current
disconnectors & earthing switches

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5. VCB Operation 5.2.1 Manual Spring Charging

To manually charge the closing spring, it is

5.1 Safety Indications necessary to repeatedly activate the charging
boss (22) by rotating clockwise until the
signalling device indicates the completion of
Should the requirement arise to conduct charging. A manual charging handle is
mechanical operations on the VCB outside of provided for this function. When fully
the switchboard, or with the protection charged, continual operation of the charging
covers removed, ensure to be careful of any handle is possible. However, the mechanism
moving parts. cannot be overcharged since the clutch
system is automatically disconnected from the
If any mechanical operations are stiff or main spring on completion of charging
blocked, do not force. Check mechanical operation.
interlocks to ensure that the operating The VCB cannot be closed until the main
sequence is correct. Please refer to Section spring is fully charged.
4.5 Table 1: VCB & Unit Ratings.
5.2.2 Electrical Spring Charging

5.2 VCB Charging Operation The VCB is fitted with a geared motor (23) for
automatic charging of the closing spring.
The VCB charging operation can be achieved
through both manual and electrical actuation. The geared motor automatically recharges the
The mechanism design is of the stored energy, spring after each close operation. If the power
spring operated type specifically for operating is cut off during charging, the geared motor
stops and automatically starts recharging
short stroke, high fault level VCB’S. The
when the power is re-instated. It is always
mechanism employs a powerful closing spring possible to complete the recharging operation
(21) as shown in figure 8, designed for the manually.
high vacuum interrupter loading
characteristics necessary for an enhanced
75kAp peak withstand capacity rating.
The mechanism uses most of the stored
potential energy of the charged compression
spring (21) to close the VCB. On closing, the
remaining energy is used to charge the
tripping springs (20) resulting in independent

Important note relating to the charging

Figure 8. Operating and signalling - charging
When charging ensure that the ‘Locked / 4. Locked / Free isolating mechanism
Free’ isolating mechanism is in the ‘Locked’ 5. Signalling Device – Charged / Free Indicator
20. Compression Springs – Opening (Tripping)
position as illustrated in Figure 5. 21. Compression Spring – Closing
22. Charging Input
23. Geared Motor

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5.3 VCB Closing Operation

This operation can only be carried out with 5.4 VCB Opening (Tripping)
the closing spring completely charged. Operation

5.3.1 Manual Close 5.4.1 Manual Trip

A facility to close the VCB manually is For manual opening (tripping), push the ‘push
available on the mechanism front cover by to open’ button (3).
means of a push button (2) providing the
5.4.2 Electrical Trip
following criteria is confirmed.
• The main spring must be fully charged. The VCB is electrically opened by applying a
• The mechanical interlock must be in the voltage to the shunt trip coil provided the
‘locked position’. secondary control circuit is ready to accept
the trip signal.
• The auxiliary plug and socket are engaged
through the umbilical. For a single electrical trip operation, opening
• The electrical supply must be connected times of no more than 30ms are to be
(contained within the mechanism is an expected for a nominal supply voltage. The
opening times stated are from initiation of
electrical solenoid that detects a valid trip signal to main contacts break.
electrical connection between the VCB and
5.4.3 Open (Trip) Indication

5.3.2 Electrical Close The opening function having taken place

is indicated by the signalling device ‘VCB
All VCB’s are supplied with an electrical
diagram specific to the contract and will show
the electrical interlocks involved before a
successful close signal is achievable.

For a single electrical close operation, closing

times of no more than 100ms are to be
expected for a nominal supply voltage. The
closing times stated are from initiation of
close signal to main contacts make.

Each VCB is also fitted with an anti-pump

feature which electrically inhibits any
possibility of a continuous closing signal
reclosing a VCB after a tripping operation.

5.3.4 Closed Indication

The closing function having taken place

open /closed indication’ (7).
is indicated by the signalling device
‘VCB open /closed indication’ (7). Figure 9. Operating and Signalling – closing
and opening (tripping)
Page 16 of 39
6. Unit Operation

6.1 Position Selector Device

6.1.1 Service Position

Put the actuator indicator rod ‘A’ of the

selector device to the SERVICE position
(Figure 10). Only aperture 2 is available to
accept the ‘Carriage Interlock’ (B, figure 10) of
the VCB.

The selector can now be locked if required

into the SERVICE position with a padlock in
the appropriate padlock receptacle.

If preferred, a padlock can also be fitted to

prevent access to other positions.

Figure 10. Selector device

6.1.2 Busbar Earth Position

Put the actuator indicator rod ‘A’ of the

selector device to the FRONT BARS EARTH
position (Figure 10). Only aperture 1 is
available to accept the ‘Carriage Interlock’ of
the VCB.

The selector can now be locked if required

into the Earth position with a padlock in the
appropriate padlock position.

If preferred, a padlock can also be fitted to

prevent access to other positions.

6.1.3 Circuit Earth Position

Put the actuator indicator rod ‘A’ of the

selector device to the CIRCUIT EARTH position
(Figure 10). Only aperture 3 is available to
accept the ‘Carriage Interlock’ of the VCB.

The selector can now be locked if required

into the Earth position with a padlock in the
appropriate padlock position. Figure 11. Carriage Interlock
If preferred, a padlock can also be fitted to
prevent access to other positions.
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6.2 Safety Shutters 6.4 Anti-Condensation Heater

During racking operations safety shutters will The anti-condensation heater are located at
automatically open thereby permitting access rear end of the panel in the Circuit Breaker
to the fixed contact bushing spout. Compartment.

When lowering the VCB, the safety shutters The anti-condensation heater reduces
will automatically close to cover the fixed humidity to prevent the formation of
contact bushing spout . moisture. This is achieved by circulation of air,
which makes the air temperature in the
Operations of these shutters are independent switchgear uniform.
of each other. Independent padlocks (if
desired) can be fitted to ensure no access is
granted to the unwanted fixed contact 6.5 Padlocking Facilities
bushing spout.
Both the Low Voltage compartment and the
Safety Shutter retainers are fitted to the unit VCB compartment handles have the facility to
to enable the safety shutters to be held open be padlocked.
for maintenance or testing purposes which
are automatically cancelled upon replacing
the VCB into the unit. Access ports through which the racking
handle is fed for lock/free and racking
operations while the CB chamber door is
6.3 Control Plug Arrangement closed have the capability to be padlocked if
The VCB is fitted with a removable umbilical
plug which connects the VCB’s electrical
control components to the fixed wiring of the As previously mentioned, the safety shutters
unit. and the Position Interlock assembly also have
a padlock facility.
Whenever the VCB is inserted into the unit,
the umbilical plug must be inserted into its
fixed socket prior to racking. Care must be 6.6 Racking Facility
taken to ensure the plug and socket aligns
correctly before fastening the clip. The racking handle has been designed with a
sliding grip which is to be inserted through the
front door before locating into the racking
Please note. Without the umbilical being
housing of the VCB.
attached, the VCB cannot be electrically or
mechanically closed due to safety features The racking access port can be padlocked to
inbuilt into the design of the Orion VCB. redistrict ingress.

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6.7 Racking Aid 6.10 Safety Shutter Retainers

As Previously mentioned, located on the left

Supplied with each unit is a triangular racking
aid designed to be inserted into the front of hand side of the unit are a set of safety
the unit to steady the racking handle when shutter knock offs/keeps. These have been
not located through the front door. This aid designed to allow easy access to the bushing
must be removed after use or it will inhibit spouts for maintenance and testing purposes
the closing of the door. only.

The knock offs/keeps and independent of

6.8 Remote Motorised Racking each other meaning access to undesired
bushing spout can be upheld with the use of
the padlock facility on the safety shutters.
The optional remote racking system provides
a means of remotely racking the Orion circuit
The retainers can be utilised by means of
manually operating the desired safety shutter
The circuit breaker can also be remotely and engaging the appropriate retainer.
operated ( Open & Closed ) from either a
In the event that the safety shutters are
dedicated control unit or from a provisional
inadvertently left open after maintenance or
remote pendant ( contract specific option ).
testing purposes, the safety shutters will
automatically be cancelled upon replacing the
VCB into the unit.
6.9 Safety Door Locking

Upon commencing racking of the VCB (Service 6.11 Test Probes

Position only), the door will automatically
mechanically lock and cannot be released
until the VCB is in a safe state and fully
isolated from the service position. Test Probes can be supplied, on request, as a
set of 3 Test Probes. These test probes are
Due to the importance of shutter operations, intended to be used to facilitate HV pressure
the VCB can be racked up with the door open. testing or fault-finding locations on circuits
However, it is intended that the door is to be and must never be used on live equipment or
closed following confirmation of shutter to earth down.
operations. (The door forms an integral part
of the IAC classification and failure to ensure
the security of the door will invalidate
Misuse of Test Equipment may
result in serious personal injury,
The door hasp will allow the door to be closed property damage or death.
but not released until the VCB has been fully
rack out of Service.

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6.12 Operational Summary

1. With the VCB fully racked down. Ensure the 9. Proceed to raise the VCB until fully
status of the VCB is Open, the Carriage engaged.
Interlock fully engaged into the VCB and the
lock/free mechanism is set to Free.
10. Withdraw the racking handle from the
racking port and reinsert into the
2. In the Circuit Breaker chamber of the unit, lock/free port of the circuit breaker
select the desired connection position compartment door (lower port) locating
(Busbar earth, Cable earth or the Service the hexagon drive into the lock/free
position). mechanism of the VCB.

3. Push the VCB into the unit and connect the 11. Engage the lock/free mechanism before
removable umbilical plug ensuring the plug removing the racking handle.
and socket aligns correctly before fastening
the clip. If the VCB’s springs are not charged,
12. The VCB is now locked and can be
the charging motor will start and charge the
electrically closed.
springs automatically.

4. Disengage the carriage interlock from the 13. If the VCB is situated in the service
carriage, engaging the appropriate aperture position of the unit, the VCB can be
opened and reclosed electrically by
of the selector device in the unit.
means of local or remote control.
However, access through the circuit
5. Insert the racking aid into the two breaker compartment door for manual
receptacles in the top of the circuit breaker operations is prevented by means of a
compartment door frame and pass through mechanical interlock.
the racking handle locating the sliding grip
securely in the boss before situating the
hexagon drive into the racking housing of 14. If the VCB is situated in either of the
earth positions of the unit, the VCB can
the VCB.
be either electrically (remote or local) or
mechanically closed. The VCB cannot be
6. Start to raise the VCB until confirmation of opened electrically.
shutter operations has been observed.
7. Withdraw the racking handle and racking aid To sustain AF IAC Classification, all
and close the circuit breaker chamber door processes regarding VCB operations must
securely. be conducted with the circuit breaker
compartment door closed and securely
8. Access to the racking port in the circuit
breaker compartment door (top port). As
with the racking aid, pass through the 15. The removal and isolation of the VCB is
racking handle locating the sliding grip conducted in reverse order as described
securely in the boss before situating the for engagement.
hexagon drive into the racking housing of
the VCB.
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6.13 Remote Motorised Racking Operation (Optional)

1. With the VCB fully racked down. Ensure the

status of the VCB is Open, the Carriage Once the racking operation is complete,
Interlock fully engaged into the VCB, and the the indication lamp will extinguish
lock/free mechanism is set to Free. confirming completion of operation.

2. In the Circuit Breaker chamber of the unit, 9. Insert the racking handle into the
select the desired connection position lock/free port of the circuit breaker
(Busbar earth, Cable earth or the Service compartment door (lower port) locating
position). the hexagon drive into the lock/free
mechanism of the VCB.

3. Push the VCB into the unit and connect the

removable umbilical plug ensuring the plug 10. Engage the lock/free mechanism before
and socket aligns correctly before fastening removing the racking handle.
the clip. If the VCB’s springs are not charged,
the charging motor will start and charge the
springs automatically. 11. The VCB is now locked and can be
electrically closed.

4. Disengage the carriage interlock from the

carriage, engaging the appropriate aperture 12. If the VCB is situated in the service
of the selector device in the unit. position of the unit, the VCB can be
opened and reclosed electrically by
means of a local or remote control.
5. Secure the remote racking umbilical to the
However, access through the circuit
socket located in the leg of the VCB and
breaker compartment door for manual
connect the other end to the socket in the
operations is prevented by means of a
unit ensuring the plug and socket aligns
mechanical interlock.
correctly before fastening the clips.

13. If the VCB is situated in either of the

6. Close the circuit breaker chamber door
earth positions of the unit, the VCB can
securely (Service Position Only).
be either electrically (remote or local) or
mechanically closed. The VCB cannot be
7. The VCB is now ready to be remotely racked opened electrically.
from either the designated control unit or
using the remote racking pendant. (Pendant
must be connected to unit prior to
To sustain AF IAC Classification, all
processes regarding VCB operations must
be conducted with the circuit breaker
8. Upon receiving a signal to raise, the VCB compartment door closed and securely
will automatically raise until engaged. fastened.
Confirmation of the racking operation will
be indicated on the control unit via a lamp.
14. The removal and isolation of the VCB is
conducted in reverse order as described
for engagement

Page 21 of 39
7. Unit Installation 7.2 Switchboard Erection

Prior to installation, all lifting brackets must

7.1 Foundation Preparation
be removed from both VCB and Unit.
It is important that the finished floor area is On Multiple unit assemblies, a spacer kit is
flat, and level. If the floor is not level, the supplied which requires fitting prior to butting
switchgear may be deformed during the units together. Evade misalignment of
installation, resulting in eventual malfunction units which may result in improper operation
of the equipment. of the switchgear. Units must align true,
square and flush to each other with no gap
Pay particular attention to the following
between. If required, irregularities in the floor
requirements for correct erection:
can be eliminated with the use of packing
• The panel must be placed on a flat and strips/shims beneath the switchgear.
level foundation without any foreign
materials causing problems. Foundation The removal of the Busbar and CT
channels or uni-struts may be used to Compartment covers along with the Cable
ensure this condition. Compartment cover will be necessary to
secure all connecting bolts between units.
• The level of the floor should be within +/-
0.5mm/m and +/- 2mm across the entire Note: All holes shared between high
width of the switchboard. voltage compartments must be
secured. No holes may remain open
• The area of the sub-station floor in front of between these compartments.
the switchgears must be flat and level so
that the VCB can be easily racked in and If foundation channels or uni-struts have been
out of the panel. Special cement with pre-installed in the floor, a minimum of M12
hardener should be used in these areas to set-screws and corresponding hardware must
prevent the cement from cracking under be used to secure to units to the floor.
the weight of the VCB. Alternatively, M12 masonry anchor bolts may
be used ensuring the height projecting from
• the base sheet is not in excess of 25mm.

Figure 12 . Unit Fixings

Page 22 of 39
7.3 Busbar Connections

Dependent upon the contract, extending

heritage switchgear or standalone new switch
boards, 630A and 800A busbar systems
typically comprise of a single busbar per
phase whereas 1250A busbar systems have
two busbars per phase.

Due to the unique design of the Orion unit

Busbar system, heritage switchgear can be
extended without the requirement of a
Busbar adaptor chamber. When connecting
the Orion to this type of switchgear, Busbars
must be connected in accordance with the
original manufacturers specification and
suitably protected.

When connecting, ensure busbar mating

surfaces are clean and clear of debris prior to
installation of busbars, on bare bar Figure 13. Busbar Connection
connections only, a thin film of contact grease
may be applied.

Panel to panel busbars fishplate are supplied 7.4 Earth Connection

which straddle the joint between busbars, on
end panels/short joints there is an additional The Orion Unit is fitted with an earth bar that
packing section that is required to be installed runs the length of the switchboard. The earth
which takes the space of missing busbar. bar runs internally through the cable
compartment. Links are supplied which must
Torqueing of Busbar bolt connections must be connected to each unit to form a
be strictly adhered to. All M10 Busbar fixings continuous path.
in the Orion must be tightened to a torque of
40Nm/29.5 ft lbs.

Page 23 of 39
7.5 Lotus Assembly & Cladding (IAC Classification Only)

The Lotus Assembly & Cladding is only applicable with our IAC Classification Unit. The Lotus
Assembly & Cladding was created to better safeguard the operator by creating a path for debris
away from personnel in the event of a catastrophic fault.

Due to height restriction of doorways, the lotus assembly has been created in manageable sections
which is intended to be built up on site once the unit is positioned.

Figure 14. Lotus Assembly & Cladding

Page 24 of 39
7.6 Cabling

7.6.1 Control Wiring

Terminals for the connection of auxiliary 7.6.2 High Voltage Cabling

control supplies and other external wirings
The power cable entry point is provided with
are provided in the Low Voltage
a removable gland plate and is located at the
base of the cable compartment. Standard
Blanking plates on each side of the LV cable entry is from the bottom although top
compartment (C of figure 15) may be entry is available if specified at the time of
removed for inter-panel wiring if full isolation placing the order.
of units are not desired.
Note: Power cables are only to be
The secondary cable entry for external control terminated after high voltage
cables and wiring is located on the top of the testing has been conducted.
LV compartment. (D of Figure 15). It is advised
that a cable gland is used to keep foreign The aluminium gland plate is removable to aid
matter out which may inadvertently interact with installation of the cable and should be
with sensitive control devices within the LV drilled and secured in accordance with the
compartment. gland manufacturers specification.

External control cables should not exceed If a gap is present between the power cable
200m, with greater lengths, interposing relays and the gland cover, it is advised that an
or optical fibre cables should be considered. application of sealing compound is used to fill
the gap to prevent vermin from entering the

The earthing conductors of the cable screens

must always be connected to the earthing bar
and should be routed in the shortest practical
distance possible.

Cables should be terminated vertically and

exposed live parts at cable terminations are to
be insulated with tape or suitable cable boot.
Cable supports are an optional item and if not
provided, ensure no excessive stress is
present at the cable connection by positioning
the cable lug opening at the same level as the

Refer to the instruction manuals supplied by

the manufacturer of the termination kits for
preparing the cable termination.
Figure 15. Control Wiring

Page 25 of 39
7.7 - Inspection After Installation

Check that the switchgears is installed in accordance with the drawings. The panels should be
securely bolted to the floor and all the external control and power cables correctly terminated.

Check the doors to ensure that it can be opened and closed smoothly.

Check that all bolts and nuts are securely bolted.

Note: Bolts and nuts are marked by manufacturer to enable detection of loose connections. If any
of these markings have shifted, re-tighten nuts.

Confirm that all inter-panel gaps are sealed.

Confirm that all exposed busbar connecting joints are fitted with insulation boots or taped

Confirm that no tools or loose parts are left inside any compartment and are Clear of any debris and
dust inside and outside of the panels.

Confirm all high voltage compartments are isolated from each other and all fixings present.

Confirm that the earthing links are correctly connected to the panel earthing bars and the earthing
bars to substation earth.

Confirm all relevant covers have been reattached, securely fastened and all applicable safety
warning labels are present.

Confirm all Circuit labels, shutter labelling and position indication is present.

Inspect all protection relays and meters. Check for zero setting of all indicating instruments and reset
if required.

8. VCB Installation
8.1 General

Care is to be taken during handling of the VCB to avoid bushing damage. Never use a bushing as a
means for pushing, pulling or manoeuvring the VCB.

The insertion and racking operations must always be carried out with the VCB in the open position.

Insertion and racking of the VCB must be gradual to avoid any mechanical shocks, which could cause
damage – never force against an interlock.

The switchgear should be placed into the substation and left for at least 24 hours for acclimatisation.

Correct installation is of prime importance. Instructions given must be carefully studied

and followed without compromise.

Page 26 of 39
8.2 Pre-installation Inspection

Before putting the VCB into service carry out the following inspection guidelines.

• Clean the VCB with a clean dry cloth focusing particular attention on the cleanliness of the
insulating parts.
• Check that the VCB is free from any loose or damaged parts, or further deformation caused
because of transport, handling and storage activities.

8.3 Installation Checks ‘Discharged’ signal and the indicator (7)

should display an ‘Open’ indication.
8.3.1 Mechanical
Ensure that the isolator mechanism shoot bolt
(4) can be turned to the ‘Free’ Position.
Refer to Figure 17. when following this
procedure. Repeat the above procedure several times to
ensure satisfactory mechanical operation of
Note – The isolator mechanism shoot bolt the VCB.
interlock (4) can be moved to the ‘locked’
position only when the VCB is lowered to the
‘Isolated’ position or raised to the ‘Service’
8.3.2 Electrical

With the VCB outside of the panel:

The VCB and unit is supplied fully factory
Ensure the VCB is in the open position. To tested. High voltage testing at 28kV (12kV
confirm check status of indicator (7). rating) has been carried out prior to despatch.
However, following transportation and before
Set the isolator mechanism shoot bolt (4) to installation, it is recommended that the VCB
the ‘Free’ position. has an additional power frequency HV
confirmation test. This test can be conducted
Raise the breaker into the service position and
at a reduced AC voltage of 22kV (12kV rating)
set the isolator mechanism shoot bolt (4) to
for one minute.
the ‘Locked’ position.
It is also advisable to conduct the following
Manually charge the mechanism until the
electrical functionality tests.
mechanism displays a ‘Charged’ indication.
On this model, the secondary plug board is of
Close the VCB by pushing the ‘push to close’
an umbilical design, consequently allowing for
feature (2). The indicator (7) should display a
direct electrical testing of the VCB outside of
‘Closed’ indication.
the panel. It is advisable that the secondary
Ensure that the isolator mechanism shoot bolt wiring connections are cross- referenced
(4) cannot be turned to the ‘discharged’ against the supplied drawing for correct
Position. positioning prior to testing.

Open the VCB by pushing the ‘push to open’ After satisfactorily conducting the above
feature (3). The indicator (5) should display a mechanical and electrical tests, the VCB is
ready for installation into the panel.

Page 27 of 39
8.5 VCB Positioning and Alignment
8.5.1 Primary Isolating Contacts

Prior to dispatch the VCB is checked for the

correct isolating contact engagement.
Isolating contacts must first be removed to
conduct the following checks.

The following procedures have been carried

out and can be repeated if required on site,
prior to installation, by qualified personnel
and the use of correct switchgear.

With the VCB is raised outside of the panel

and locked in the service position. A
measurement is taken from a designated floor
Figure 17. VCB Mechanical
plate to the contact tube as shown in Figure 8.
The height obtained is checked against the
8.4 Adjustments
specification of 1235mm +/- 2mm and verified
8.4.1 VCB as conforming.

The VCB is aligned in the factory to ensure

that the correct setting dimensions are
achieved. Therefore, it is not envisaged that
there will be a need to carry out any
modifications to the VCB accept minor
adjustments which are identified in Section

8.4.2 Installation Room

Areas affected by the passage of power

conductors must be protected against the
possible access of animals, which could cause
damage or abnormal service.

Figure 18. Height measurement

Page 28 of 39
Please read each of these sections 8.5.4 Shutter Operating Bracket and
fully before continuing as these Shutter Operation
checks are to be carried out in
unison. The VCB is fitted with a shutter operating
bracket (19). The bracket is factory set, it
8.5.3 VCB Alignment cannot be adjusted on site.

Ensure the position selector (Figure 10) has When raising the VCB, observe to ensure:
been selected for the appropriate position.
The bracket operates the shutters early
Ensure the VCB is in the ‘OPEN’ position (7).
enough and opens the shutters fully during
Ensure the ‘Locked / Free’ isolating rising of the VCB.
mechanism (4) is in the ‘Free’ position in
readiness for racking the VCB up into the The bracket operates the shutters as above in
panel. all the required positions.

Using the ‘Raise / Lower’ device (18),

gradually rack the VCB up, verifying that the
8.5.5 Earth Alignment
shutter operators (19).

It may not be possible to prove this in all When raising the VCB, ensure that the
positions due to access limitations. alignment of the earth allows for ease of
engagement of the fixed installation earth
The raising guide (19) has been factory set but contact.
if the Breaker is misaligned, the guide can be
altered by loosening the fixings and resting The earth is sent from the factory fastened
the guide. and should not require adjustment.

Figure 19. VCB Shutter Operation


4 - Locked / Free isolating mechanism

7 - VCB Open/Closed indication
13 - Shutter Operators
18 – Raise / lower device Figure 20. Earth Arrangement
19 - VCB Raising Guide

Page 29 of 39
9. Periodical Checking
9.1 General 9.2 Programme
Failure to inspect, clean and maintain the During normal service the VCB is virtually
switchgear can reduce switchgear life or cause maintenance free.
the switchgear to malfunction during service.
However, periodic inspections and testing are
Routine Inspection and testing should only be essential for the continued safe and reliable
conducted by qualified personnel. operation of the VCB. The routine inspection
and testing frequency and associated
Do not work on the VCB while in service. guidance are identified in Table 2 and are
intended to ensure the optimum ongoing
Always remove the withdrawable type VCB
from its enclosure before performing any
inspection, testing and maintenance. As far as the time intervals between checks
are concerned, it is advisable to comply with
Do not work on the VCB with the closing
the specifications provided in Table 2.
spring charged. The closing spring must be
discharged, and the main contacts open Factors that may trigger an increase in the
before working on the VCB. inspection frequency can include but are not
limited to:
Do not attempt to defeat any safety
interlocks. Frequent VCB operations
Do not work on the VCB while suspended
Loose hardware
from any temporary form of lifting means. All
Deformation or erosion
maintenance work should be performed on a
Discolouration of insulation
suitable surface.
Problems with operational checks
Conditions relating to the installation
Stand more than one metre away
from the VCB when testing for It is imperative that an established schedule is
vacuum integrity. At voltages up to followed and permanent records of all
the specified working voltages, the inspections, tests, maintenance, actions,
radiation emitted by the vacuum measurements and observations are
interrupter is negligible. However, documented and retained. Not only will this
above these voltages, radiation provide valuable historical information, it can
detrimental to personnel can be also be used to determine if the present
emitted. schedule is suitable.

Failure to follow any of these

instructions could result in death,
serious personal injury, and damage
to property.

Page 30 of 39
Section / Inspection Corrective
and Testing Inspection Item Acceptance Criteria
Frequency Method Action
Clean as
General cleanliness Clean Visual
Lubricate or
Smooth operation with no remove
Manual operation
excessive wear Functional cause and
Mechanism 7.3.1
- 1 year
Energy brake damper Free from oil leak Visual (Cannot
Deformation or No deformation or Visual /
cause and
excessive wear excessive wear Functional
Replace any
Closing and trip devices Satisfactory closing Functional defective
Wiring secure and no
Control Wiring Visual Repair
damage to insulation
Circuit - 7.3.2
Tighten or
1 year Terminals Tight Physical
Motor Operational Functional Replace
Tighten or
Hardware No loose or missing parts Physical
Lubricate or
Interlocks - 7.3.3 Interlocking devices Satisfactory operation Functional
2 years
Contact erosion <3mm Physical complete set
Elements -
7.3.4 Vacuum interrupters Replace pole
5000 ops / Integrity
Adequate vacuum unit
5 years test
Clean with
No dirt, distortion or
Visual lint free cloth
cracks on ceramic body
or replace
Clean with
Drive insulators No dirt Visual
lint free cloth
Clean with
Free of any accumulation lint free cloth
Pole Units Visual
Insulation - of dust, dirt or cracks or defective
2 years items
Clean or
Phase barriers No dirt, cracking or crazing Visual
Clean, retest
Secondary Circuit to 1kV test voltage Resistance or replace
Integrity - 7.3.6
ground Resistance >500 MΩ Test any defective
2 years

Table 2. VCB Inspection and Testing Programme

Page 31 of 39
9.3 Procedures
9.3.1 Operating Mechanism

To access the operating mechanism, undo the

four retaining screws on the side of the
mechanism and remove the mechanism

Figure 21 shows the operating mechanism


Conduct a careful general inspection of the

mechanism for any loose parts such as fixing
screws, nuts, pins and circlips.

Clean any dust deposits and remove any

foreign matter.

Check for excessive wear or damage to the

mechanism components.

Check the hydraulic energy brake damper (25)

for signs of oil leaks. The damper is designed
to absorb and damp shock impulses from the Figure 21. Operating mechanism construction
mechanism operation. Failure of the device
will result in the accelerated damage of 2. Push to close
3. Push to open (trip)
mechanism components. 4. Locked / Free isolating mechanism
5. Signalling Device – Charged / Free Indicator
Replace the mechanism cover securing the 7. VCB Open/Closed indication
25. Hydraulic energy brake damper
four screws.

Conduct several mechanical and electrical

mechanism operations as referenced in
Section 6. Check the closing time to verify that
it is in accordance with the value stated in
Sections 5.3.2.

Page 32 of 39
9.3.2 Control Circuit Ensure that the wiring is secure and there is
no damage to the insulation.
To access the VCB internal wiring, remove the
mechanism cover as stated. Check that the terminal connections are tight.

Refer to the VCB wiring diagram when Check that the control circuit hardware is
carrying out this procedure. A generic circuit fixed securely and there are no loose or
wiring diagram is shown in Figure 22. missing parts.

Replace the mechanism cover securing the

four screws.

Conduct several electrical switching

operations as referenced in Section 6. Check
that the charging motor is functional and the
electrical closing and manual trip operates

9.3.3 Mechanical Interlock Devices

It is important to periodically lubricate the

‘Locked / Free’ isolating assembly to ensure
the continued free actuation.

Plan view of auxiliary Lightly lubricate the interlock component

plugs and sockets assemblies (highlighted components of Figure
23) with 3-in-1 White Lithium Grease.

Manually operate the interlock devices

several times to allow the lubrication to work
into the key areas.

Figure 22. Typical VCB wiring diagram and


Figure 23. ‘Locked / Free’ isolating mechanism

Page 33 of 39
9.3.4 Power Elements provides the correct procedure for closing the
VCB. Contact Erosion Measurement
Any contact erosion can be determined by
measuring vacuum interrupter travel in both
The vacuum interrupters have a mechanical
open and closed states, the difference
endurance of 10,000 operations.
between these measurements represents
The number of permissible vacuum contact gap and contact erosion combined.
interrupter switching operations is relative to
Vacuum interrupters are factory set and a
the level of current interruption. This is
figure of each phase of the vacuum
illustrated in figure 17 and considers normal
interrupter travel can be referenced from
service conditions.
supporting documentation supplied with each
individual VCB.

The difference between the original figure

taken from first installation and the new
figure represents contact erosion.

The vacuum interrupter reaches the end of its

life when contact erosion reaches 3mm.

Figure 24. Vacuum interrupter life curve

Figure 25. Contact erosion measurement.

Use a set of callipers to measure the distance

Vacuum interrupter contact erosion is very between the vacuum interrupter base and the
minimal over time. A maximum limit of 3mm base of the copper clamp (*).
erosion is permissible. Figure 24 and
Note: There is no provision for in-service
associated text demonstrates how to measure
adjustments to compensate for contact
the extent of contact erosion.
erosion. If the erosion measured is 3mm or
In order to conduct the checks ensure that the greater on any single vacuum interrupter, the
VCB is in the ‘Closed’ position. Section 6 full set of vacuum interrupters must be
Page 34 of 39 Vacuum Interrupter Integrity Test Visual Inspection

The vacuum interrupters used in this VCB are Inspect and check the vacuum interrupter for
highly reliable interrupting elements. any accumulation of dust or dirt.
Satisfactory performance of these devices is
dependent upon the integrity of the vacuum 9.3.5 Insulating Surfaces
in the interrupter (in particular, internal, and
external dielectric strength). All these The maintenance of the insulation primarily
parameters can be readily checked by a one- consists of keeping all insulating surfaces
minute ac high potential test at 20kV ac. If DC clean. This can be done by wiping off all
is used, tests at 28kV dc and conduct separate insulating surfaces with a dry lint free cloth.
tests with fixed and moving contacts
connected to positive. Tightly adhering dirt can be removed with a
mild solvent or distilled water. Ensure
With the VCB open and securely sitting on the surfaces are dry before placing the breaker
floor or secured in a fixed position: into service.
Connect all top rear primary connections (VI Check to ensure that the pole unit assemblies
fixed contacts) together and to the high and drive insulators are free of any
potential test set lead. accumulation of dust, dirt, or cracks etc.
Connect all top front primary connections (VI Check the phase barriers to ensure there are
moving contact) together and earth down to no signs of cracking or crazing (network of
VCB frame Earth. lines or cracks).
Apply test voltage is small increments until 9.3.6 Insulation Integrity
desired voltage is reached. Secondary Circuit
Hold voltage for one minute. The integrity of the secondary circuit
insulation may be checked using AC high
Successful withstand of test voltage indicates
all interrupters have a satisfactory vacuum
level. Short all the wiring together on the plug
board excluding the earth plug and manual
After high potential is removed, an
close inhibit coil (located behind close
electrical charge may still be retained
actuator arm)
by the vacuum interrupters. Failure
to discharge residual charge will Clip the positive test lead to the plug board
result in electrical shock. where the short is connected

In the event of a breakdown in vacuum Clip the negative test lead to the earth pin
interruption, the defective interrupter must
be identified and replaced before placing Set the insulation resistance tester to 1kV
VCB in service, order a complete pole
Press the ‘Test’ button
assembly. Vacuum interrupter contacts are
sealed using fragile metal bellows and are Confirm that the resistance measured is >500
sensitive to excessive torque and handling. MΩ

Page 35 of 39
10. Maintenance 10.1.1 List of Spares

The list of recommended spare parts is shown

Any inspection and testing activity in Table 3 below.
that results in the requirement for
Table 3. List of spares
maintenance (repair or replacement of parts)
must only be carried out by SPEE Ltd
personnel or suitably qualified customer
personnel who have in-depth knowledge of Description Product Code
the VCB.
30-M-2016 30 VDC
Should any maintenance be carried out by the Charging
110-M-2016 110 VDC
customer’s personnel, responsibility for any Motor
220-M-2016 220 VDC
intervention lies with the customer.

24-TS-2016 24 VDC
30-TS-2016 30 VDC
48-TS-2016 48 VDC
10.1 Spare Parts and Accessories Solenoid
110-TS-2016 110 VDC
220-TS-2016 220 VDC

To identify spare parts and accessories refer

to the list of spares in Section 8.1.1. 24-CS-2016 24 VDC
30-CS-2016 30 VDC
When ordering, always provide the following 48-CS-2016 48 VDC
information: 110-CS-2016 110 VDC
220-CS-2016 220 VDC
VCB type
01-AS-2016 -
Serial number Switch

This information is available on the VCB rating

Replacement of any parts not included in the
plate and shown in Figure 19 below.
‘list of spares’ must only be carried out by SPE
Ltd personnel and in particular:

Operating Mechanism

Pole Units

Primary Bushings

Figure 26. Rating Plate Note

Please consult the terms and conditions of

sale withBrake
regards to warranty. SPEE cannot be
held responsible for any damages caused by
human error. Our warranty is not supported
for products purchased from a third-party

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