Role of Liquid Biopsies
Role of Liquid Biopsies
Role of Liquid Biopsies
Liquid Biopsies
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Liquid biopsy is a non-invasive method for detecting intact cancer cells or material released
into body fluids (such as blood and urine) by tumors and/or metastatic disease. It is also known
as fluid phase biopsy or fluid biopsy, and it entails the sampling and examination of non-solid
biological material, primarily blood. Liquid biopsy markers (LBMs) are cancer biomarkers that
include circulating tumor nucleic acids (ctDNA and ctRNA), circulating tumor cells (CTCs),
for detecting and monitoring cancer biomarkers. The circulating tumor (ctDNA) and cell-free
(cfDNA) subpopulation of ctDNA are detected in exosomes in the blood produced by tumor
cells. Traditional biopsy procedures are mainly utilized for cancer-like disease diagnosis and
mutations and tumors over time. It's also used to check for effective cancer treatments.
that uses biofluids like blood, saliva, and urine to detect cancer cells with minimal invasiveness.
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) transfer the molecular payload from donor cells to receiver cells and
Fluid biopsy techniques identify the elements in a sample from malignant cells that release
biomarkers and other information such as cell fragments and dead cells or tumor cell necrosis.
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) prostate screening is one of the most well-known circulating
protein indicators for cancer diagnosis. Free DNA is utilized to examine liquid biopsies. Cell-free
DNA (cfDNA) is released from tumors and inflammatory tissues during necrosis or apoptosis.
Tumor-derived DNA isolated from plasma can be used to detect mutations in the BRAF proto-
oncogene, KRAS and serine/threonine kinase V600E ( De Rubis et al.,2019). Using circulating
tumor cells, tumor DNA, and other protein markers, a liquid biopsy can help detect and monitor
actionable RASSF1A mutations in lung cancer patients. In several cancer types, including lung
cancer, mutations in EGFR, PIK3CA, BRAF, KRAS, HER2, ALK, PDGFR, and KIT may be
found in circulating tumor DNA. Furthermore, circulating tumor DNA can be exploited with high
specificity and sensitivity. Early on, liquid biopsies based on ctDNA are employed.
Liquid biopsy for mutation detection and monitoring aids in delivering vital information
about a diagnosis, sensitivity, and linked disorders. Tumor mutations must be assessed and
monitored during lung cancer treatment. Patients with specific mutations have a terrible prognosis
and suffer from severe sickness. Precisely identify mutations that necessitate particular treatment
Liquid biopsies require a small amount of blood, urine, or stool. Patients with specific
mutations have a terrible prognosis and suffer from severe sickness. Precisely identify mutations
that necessitate particular treatment options. Liquid biopsies require a small amount of blood,
urine, or stool. Liquid biopsies are less intrusive and provide a reduced procedural risk to the
patient than surgical biopsies, resulting in a potentially less expensive sample collection. Liquid
biopsies can also be done regularly to assess treatment success and/or tumor progression, allowing
for better therapeutic decision-making. As a result, liquid biopsy technology can provide a more
complete picture of disease while also overcoming the spatial limitations of a tissue sample taken
from a single lesion within a single anatomic site ( De Rubis et al., 2019). Cell-free DNA is
hypothesized to be released from a cancer cell during apoptosis (programmed cell death) or
necrosis (cell death). It can be found in blood and other body fluids such as urine, cerebrospinal
fluid, pleural fluids surrounding the lungs, and saliva, or it can be found in extracellular vesicles
called exosomes. To determine the cell origin's genome or epigenome, 14 cfDNA is examined for
Liquid biopsy uses cell-free DNA from the blood. cfDNA opens up new possibilities for
identifying and treating infectious diseases like Tuberculosis. They've become an important
biomarker for quick and non-invasion detection in prenatal, transplantation, and oncology, and
they have the potential to reliably detect a wide range of infectious illnesses, including
Tuberculosis. Using cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in liquid biopsy to detect and treat clinical
infectious diseases brings up new opportunities(Han et al., 2020 ). The successful application of
the cfDNA sequencing test results in accurate non-invasive microbiologic confirmation of this
fastidious organism in less than a month, compared to traditional AFB culture. By detecting
cfDNA in blood and urine, Mycobacterium tuberculosis cfDNA (PCR-based techniques) assists
procedures) are used to identify cfDNA in blood and urine specimens to diagnose illness. The
results of the mcfDNA sequencing test are used to examine patients with tuberculosis infection.
confirmation of this fastidious pathogen more than one month faster than traditional AFB culture
in invasive Mycobacterium chimera infection cases (Han et al., 2020). Even if the patient had
due to Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) installation show that liquid biopsies are a less invasive
diagnostic and monitoring tool for Tuberculosis. Liquid biopsies are an appealing biomarker for
TB detection,
Liquid biopsies are increasingly being used to determine what genetic changes or
mutations a tumor has, to inform treatment selection for patients (personalized oncology), to
monitor whether treatments are working and if the minimal residual disease is present after
treatment, and to monitor if cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Liquid biopsies have the
Two areas with potential benefits include cancer screening and early detection. Liquid biopsies
may detect genetic abnormalities early, allowing for better therapy and outcomes. In the
diagnosis and treatment of advanced cancer, liquid biopsy has shown to be a suitable reference
value. (Kirchner & Jung) (2018) Compared to tissue-based testing, a liquid biopsy revealed
tumor genetic changes with a sensitivity of 0.7, specificity of 0.69, a positive predictive value of
Liquid biopsy is a simple, quick, non-invasive, and repeatable sample procedure that can
dynamically reflect changes in tumor gene expression profiles and serve as a solid foundation for
customized cancer therapy and early detection. The current accepted diagnostic biomarkers for
screening cancer patients are circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and circulating tumor cells
(CTCs). Additional components of liquid biopsies with diagnostic potential include tumor-
One of the significant issues in liquid biopsies is the lack of consistency in techniques.
Every technique stage has inconsistencies, from the material used to extract DNA (plasma vs.
serum) to the tools to quantify tumor-associated genetic mutations (digital PCR, NGS,
BEAMing). Multiple techniques are used to preserve and collect samples (blood, plasma, serum,
or DNA) and extract DNA(Jung, 2019). Otherwise, there is a danger of false-negative or false-
positive liquid biopsies. Complex biological data must be created and verified in studies that can
deeper understanding of cancer biology and biomarkers. CTCs and ctDNA are often unsuitable
for analysis; therefore, using liquid biopsies for cancer screening and early detection is difficult,
Because a patient's fluids are widely available, liquid biopsies are a less stringent
technique of examining the body for various disorders than traditional biopsy methods, allowing
for more general use. It's an exciting new field of study promising better early cancer detection,
Before referring a patient to an oncologist, liquid biopsies provide a new dimension to the
primary care physician's role in cancer screening and diagnosis. The minimally intrusive nature
of ctDNA profiling enables the diagnosis of malignancy at a microscopic level before radiologic
detection, saving time, money, and risk. Cancers and infectious diseases usually diagnosed late,
such as lung cancer and Tuberculosis, could be detected with a ctDNA assay. Tissue biopsies
reveal a more limited image of each specific malignancy than previously assumed, and
concurrent liquid biopsies may offer our patients beneficial, lower-morbidity therapy options.
Liquid biopsies for ctDNA have numerous uses during cancer treatment, including dynamic
recurrence months before clinical relapse. This might return cancer surveillance to the general
internist's practice until a patient's unique tumor marker resurfaces or evolves through repeated
Cowling, T., & Loshak, H. (2019). An overview of liquid biopsy for screening and early
De Rubis, G., Krishnan, S. R., & Bebawy, M. (2019). Liquid biopsies in cancer diagnosis,
Han, D., Li, R., Shi, J., Tan, P., Zhang, R., & Li, J. (2020). Liquid biopsy for infectious diseases:
Jung, A., & Kirchner, T. (2018). Liquid biopsy in tumor genetic diagnosis. Deutsches Ärzteblatt
Martins, I., Ribeiro, I. P., Jorge, J., Gonçalves, A. C., Sarmento-Ribeiro, A. B., Melo, J. B., &
Carreira, I. M. (2021). Liquid biopsies: applications for cancer diagnosis and monitoring.