Liu et al. assessed the potential utility of miRNAs as biomarkers and Conclusion
highlighted certain promising candidates for liquid biopsy approach in
the diagnosis and management of breast cancer that may optimize the In conclusion, this Research Topic highlights the importance of
patient outcome. They highlighted how some miRNAs, including miR- liquid biopsy approach in revolutionizing cancer precision medicine.
21 and miR-155, were found to play an important role in breast cancer The key findings discussed herein demonstrated the increasing
progression as well as in breast cancer management. significance of the multi-omics and multi-markers analysis for the
Similarly, Palmieri et al. assessed the diagnostic performance of identification of new biomarkers, which may prove useful for diagnosis,
cell free DNA analysis for the detection of KRAS mutations in non- prognosis and management of cancer patients.
small cell lung cancer, compared to tissues, through a meta-analysis
and systematic review. The analysis of 40 studies including more
than 2,800 NSCLC patients revealed that the detection of KRAS Author contributions
mutation in cfDNA has an adequate diagnostic accuracy and might
be a valid alternative for molecular analysis when tumor biopsy or EF: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing–original draft,
cytological specimens are not available. Project administration, Supervision, Writing–review and editing.
Di Sario et al. highlighted the importance of an integrated multi- MS: Conceptualization, Validation, Writing–review and editing,
omic, multi-analyte approach of liquid biopsy in the research of Project administration, Writing–original draft.
novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers for cancer as well as in
the monitoring of the course of the disease.
Finally, Zhao et al. focused their attention on ctDNA analysis for Funding
prognosis prediction in Chinese newly diagnosed follicular lymphoma
patients with interesting results. The most commonly mutated genes The author(s) declare that no financial support was received for
were CREBBP, KMT2D, STAT6, CARD11, PCLO, EP300, BCL2, and the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
TNFAIP3. Patients with detectable ctDNA mutation tended to present
with advanced stages. In particular, Progression-Free Survival resulted
shorter in patients with KMT2D, EP300 and STAT6 mutations. Acknowledgments
Beyond nucleic acids, the presence of Circulating Tumor Cells
(CTCs) has been acknowledged as an independent prognostic marker We deeply thank all the authors and reviewers who have
in various solid tumors, including breast, colon, and prostate cancer. The participated in this Research Topic.
prognostic value was demonstrated 20 years ago by Cristofanilli et al.
(2004) and Gaforio et al. (2003) in breast cancer patients (Gaforio et al.,
2003; Cristofanilli et al., 2004). Recent approaches have aimed to Conflict of interest
comprehend the biology of these CTCs. Consequently, the assessment
of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) allows for repeated sampling to identify The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
the genomic instability of the tumor. Identifying EGFR and KRAS absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
mutations is crucial in guiding the treatment of non-small cell lung construed as a potential conflict of interest.
cancer (NSCLC) patients undergoing EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors The author(s) declared that they were an editorial board
and colorectal cancer patients receiving anti-EGFR therapy, respectively. member of Frontiers, at the time of submission. This had no
The comparison of mutations between CTCs and corresponding primary impact on the peer review process and the final decision.
or metastatic tumor tissue has generated significant interest.
Meanwhile, Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) circulating tumor-derived
endothelial cells (CTECs), and tumor-educated blood platelets (TEPs), Publisher’s note
considered as carriers of molecular information shed by tumors, have
gained attention due to their potential in providing valuable genetic and All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
proteomic data for cancer diagnostics and monitoring (Mehran et al. and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
2014; Liu et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021) Including examples of these organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
different LBs, widely present in plasma, urine, ascites, and other body reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
fluids, broadens our understanding of liquid biopsy technologies and claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
their applications in diverse cancer types. endorsed by the publisher.
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