Chap2 Gena
Chap2 Gena
Chap2 Gena
Mostly Gena is played after farmers collected their harvest in a flat field in the afternoon until
the time the sunsets.
First two team leaders will be appointed and a pair of players will secretly give a different secret
name themselves and they will tell this secret name to the appointed team leaders and the leaders
will select the players with that given secret name. The players will form a team in that way only
if the two teams are from the same villages and/or „Kebeles‟.
The game will be a high competition between two monasteries, areas such as the upper village
and the lower, between „kebeles‟ and those married and single. But the game has no limit of the
number of players in the old times by which a player comes in and comes of the playing field.
On the other hand, in some instances when a player is not able to continue the game due to
injuries team leaders or referees will be informed and another player may then be allowed to the
game as a substitute.
Players use a stick which has a curved part on its edge to kick, to roll and shoot the „Rur‟ (a
small ball like object used in „Gena‟ cultural game). Players dress a short trouser that comes
above their knee, a cloth which goes round their waist named «Dig» when they play.
In some areas when the game is held, team leaders will be accompanied with four border
defenders .The end of the game will then be either in a goal score or a point.
The game of „Gena‟ had been played in different forms. For example:-
A. as a form of „qurquz‟ (the form of a game played by shooting everything including the bodies
of opponents)
1. When there were special holidays they usually play the Shooting by fully picking the
„Rur‟ from the surface.
2. When people celebrate the rule of law they demonstrate with playing the game through
Shooting after controlling the „Rur‟ with a hand.
3. „Mucch‟ will be played if the players agree to play by sweeping the ball including their
4. „Qurquz‟ on the other hand follows rules and it is played by rolling the ball like object of
the game called „Rur‟.
The following is a common proverb to show that the game is a game for all. This is the
proverb. “There is no master and servant in the game of „Gena‟ and master will not be
anger on the game of „Gena‟”. Players will not show revenge and create danger to their
As the game shows progress the play ground is limited to have a length of 300 meter and
a width of 200 meter. The goal (culturally named „Lew’) will be recorded as a score when
it passes the specified border.
The game of „gena‟ is expanded and widely played in the regime of Emperor Minilik.
Studies disclose that adults used to sing and dance after the game walking through
different areas.
„Gena‟ at the moment becomes the most loved game in the world and became one of the
Olympic Games.
2.2 Meaning
The game of „Gena‟ contains 1 goal keeper and 9 players in the field having a total of 10 players.
The game of „Gena‟ is all about scoring the „Rur‟ which is made of plastic/stick/ or defending
the object from entering their goals. Players kick, pass the „Rur‟ to each other and roll and score
it to the goal.
Rule one the playing ground/field/
Article 1: The size and content of the playing field
1.1 The length of the field of „Gena‟ playing ground is 90-100 meter and its width is from 45
to 50 meter. The field should be prepared through a smooth level that could easily enable
the „Rur‟ to roll without difficulty on the ground.
9.2 The field of one team is the area from its goal to the mid-line (mid-field line of the field).
10.2 „Qurquz‟ is used after a goal is scored to start the game by the Capitan‟s (Team leaders of
the two teams). This is a place where the game starts and restarts after a goal („Lew‟) is
12.2 The metal bars of the goal have a circular area of not more than 15 CM and not less than
10 CM.
12.3 The goal has a net which is prepared from garments. And the net is fixed with a sideline
bar 50 cm away from the goal bars.
12.4 The goal is located at the middle of the back side lines of the playing field.
B = 1M
C = 50 cm
Article 13: the place where the corner flags are placed
13.1 Corner flag will be placed in all four corners of the playing field
14.2 Only team leaders, coaches, massaging professionals and substitutes are allowed to sit in
this area.
A A= 1 m
B= < 25 cm
C= <10 cm
D = 1M
E = 40 cm
F = 25 cm
Article 18 Substitutes
18.1 One team will register 5 substitutes and can replace them either one by one or all
of them at once
18.2 substitutions are allowed following the report of the coach to the referee who
registers goal scores and this referee will give sign to the main referee in the field
for the entry allowance. The substitute player will come in the field after the other
player leaves.
18.3 A player who is substituted once is not allowed to come again in the field.
18.4 All players could be replaced with the 5 substitute players except with the one
penalized with a red card.
18.5 All players who are valid according to the referees could join the team and play
the game until the maximum numbers of players reach 10.
Rule Five
Identifying the winner of the game and about stopping the game
Article 25 The duration of the game
25.1 The game has a total time of 60 minutes divided into two half times and 10
minutes break after the first 30 minutes half time.
25.2 A time wasted during the first half will be added before the stoppage of the first
half and if there are wasted minutes on the second half, time will be added before
the end of the second half too.
Article 26 Extra time and identifying the winner
26.1 The winner of „Gena‟ cultural game will be identified by the number of goals at
the end of the stoppage time. A team that has more goal than the other will win
the game.
Rule Eight