Max. Marks : 70
General Instructions:
1. Answer all the questions from Q.No.1 and Q.No.3
2. Answer any Eight questions from Q.No.2.
3. Sketch the figures / tables neatly wherever necessary.
4. Usage of pencil apart from figures will be treated as
rough work.
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Question No.1 [9x 2 = 18]
(1.1) Find the particular integral of 4 y cos 2 x .
dx 2
(1.2) If A is a constant vector, prove that (i )div A 0 (ii ) curl A 0 .
(1.3) Find the equation of the sphere whose diameter is the line
joining the origin to the point (2, 2, 4) .
2 3 2i 4
(1.4) Prove that the matrix A 3 2i 5 6i is a Hermitian
4 6i 3
1 2
(1.5) Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix .
2 1
x 2 y 2 z 2 7 x 10 y 5z 12 0 are orthogonal.
42 x
(1.7) Evaluate by changing the order of integration in 2 dydx .
x2 y 2 z 2 7 at (1, 1, 2)
(1.9) Find the mass of a lamina in the form of the cardioid
r a (1 cos ) whose density at any point varies as the square
of its distance.
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Question No.2 [8 × 5 = 40 ]
(2.1) A horizontal boiler has a flat bottom and its ends are
semicircular. If it is just full of water, show that the depth of the
centre of pressure of either end is ( 0.7 total depth)
4 a 2 .
(2.3) Solve y tan x , by the method of variation of
dx 2
(2.4) Find the Eigen values and the corresponding Eigen vectors of
6 2 2
the matrix 2 3 1 .
2 1 3
(2.5) Find the distance of the point (1, 4,5) from the plane passing
through the points (2, 1,5), (0, 4,1) and (2, 6, 0) .
region defined by x 0, y 0, x y 1 .
(2.10) Find the moment of inertia of a solid right circular cylinder about
its axis.
Question No.3 [6 x 2= 12]
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