Lect 1 PDF
Lect 1 PDF
Lect 1 PDF
Bit lamps are objects used to display the ON/OFF states of the PLC memory bits (like
IX0.0.0, QX0.0.3, MW3.7, etc.) and HMI memory bits ( like HX3, HW4.5, etc.).
Bit Switches:
These type of switches are used to set the ON/OFF states of the PLC memory bits ( like
MX1, MW4.9, QX0.0.5, etc.) and HMI memory bits ( like HX3, HW5.6, etc.).
The Momentary Type Bit Switch behaves the same way the Normally Open pushbutton
behaves. The normally open pushbutton takes ON state ( logic 1) as long as its actuation area is
pressed, once the actuation area is released, it returns back to its normal OFF state (logic 0).
The momentary type bit switch makes its address logic equal to “1” as long as it is under
pressure, once the pressure is released, the bit switch address returns back to its “0” logic.
The Alternative Type Bit Switch behaves the same way the two states Selector Switch behaves.
The two states selector switch has two positions. At one position breaks the circuit and at the
other position joins or closes the circuit. The alternative type bit switch also takes one of two
states ( positions). It can be only found under either the ON state ( joining state) or the OFF state
( breaking state). Once it is clicked, it inverts the states of its address.