PFE IEEE Ray Marching VS Ray Tracing
PFE IEEE Ray Marching VS Ray Tracing
PFE IEEE Ray Marching VS Ray Tracing
Image rendering has greatly evolved since its creation,
images are much more advanced and are rendered faster.
This evolution is mainly due to two factors : better hardwares Fig. 1. First Ray Tracer rendering : the light source has been moved relative to
and new algorithms that allow to render more complex image the object. Pixelized rendering, but notice the light going through the opening
at a faster rate. of the object.
An example of such an algorithm would be Ray Marching Ray Marching is newer but a bit different from Ray
[1,3], as its aims is to simulate the flow of light and it is Tracing. While, in Ray Tracing, we look directly at the
more optimized than ray tracing, it allows the render of intersection between the ray and the object, in Ray Marching,
images with complex illumination faster than render using we march along the ray in order to find the object intersection
Ray Tracing. more precisely, thus allowing the rendering of complex object
surfaces. One example of such an a algorithm would be
The idea of Ray Tracing was first thought of during the Sphere Tracing [2].
16th century by Albrecht Dürer. He created a machine called
the Dürer’s door which used a thread attached to the end of a
stylus that an assistant moved in order to draw the contours
of an object.
After working on the comparaison between Ray Tracing
and Ray Marching, We can be certain about the fact that Ray
Tracing is better than Ray Marching when we work with
simple 3D objects.
[1] Jamie Wong, Ray Marching and signed distance functions, jamie-, 2016.
[2] Scratchapixel, Rendering Implicit Surfaces and Distance Fields: Sphere
Tracing,, 2016.
[3] Michael Walczyk, Ray Marching,
[4] A. Appel, Some techniques for shading machine renderings of solids,
[5] J. Turner Whitted, An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display,