S&S Demo Module

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Demo Module

S&S Designers: Benjamin Quiggins, Audrey Stolze

Module Author: Benjamin Quiggins

Beta Readers: Steve Mellifont, Audrey Stolze

Interior Illustrators: Kurt Ian Ferrer, Brigita Martin,
Audrey Stolze
Character Sheet Designer: Aaron Stolze

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)


T his is a special demo of Spaceships and

Starwyrms meant to take place in a single
four hour session and to showcase the basic
mechanics and feel of S&S.
This single-session adventure is a small part of a larger
tale. The party are members of various factions in the
Nacora Galaxy that are working together under the Galactic
Running This Adventure Coalition banner against an invading force of the Veerux
Before you begin the adventure, each of your players should
The players start on a ship that is theirs (the ship’s
choose one of the included pregenerated characters, or
character sheet is supplied with this demo, but a unique
build their own. When each player has a character sheet,
ship could be generated using funds equalling 30,000 cc).
a named character, and is familiar with their character’s
In their vessel, they are flying in to assist in the
abilities, you can begin.
destruction of a Veerux battle cruiser that is wreaking havoc
Be sure to ask each player if they have played 5th
among their allied forces. The battlefield is rife with danger
edition or another d20 system in the past. Players with 5th
and they will have to navigate their way through deadly
edition experience will be most familiar with the rules and
space and Veerux fighter ships to forcibly board the cruiser.
mechanics of Spaceships and Starwyrms. At the beginning
Once aboard, they will make their way to the primary
of each part of this adventure, you will need to lay out some
engine of the ship and sabotage its power systems. Then
of the specific rules of the game. The less familiar your
they have to escape from the now-helpless ship before their
players are with 5e, the more you will have to explain as you
allies decimate it or their foes fix it.
Though the adventure takes place over a single session,
You should have a pool of community dice with you so
it does have three distinct parts. In part one, the party flies
that players who do not have the appropriate dice will be
through the battlefield and boards the enemy vessel. In part
able to play.
two, they explore the vessel and find their target. In part
three, they destroy their target and escape.
For your ease, each of the parts has a few facets that
you can use or ignore depending on the time you have left
and how quickly your party of players is moving through
As you reach the later parts of this module, you will the adventure.
notice that there are no drawn maps. This module,
originally written for demo purposes, is intended
to take place in the theater of the mind, and the
descriptions of the rooms on the Veerux ship should
suffice for any instances of combat. However, if you
feel a physical map would be more effective for your
table, feel free to sketch one based on the room layout
described in Part Two of this module.

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

Adventure Hook The Nacora Galaxy
Each of the players, regardless of alignment, background, Just like a movie or book, this adventure is set in the larger
or faction, are a part of a galactic effort to push back the universe of the Nacora Galaxy. The evil Veerux Empire and
Veerux Empire. their invasions are just a small part of this massive place.
Who are the Veerux? When you lay out the conflict, The Nacora Galaxy is the base setting for Spaceships
focus on the enemies as well as what is happening. Be and Starwyrms. With a few name changes, this adventure
concise and make sure you explain the following: could take place in any science fiction setting that involves
• The Veerux hail from a galaxy beyond the Nacora space travel. It could be one you personally created or one
and if they gain a foothold here, it will cause untold from popular media, but it is most likely a setting that has
terror and death for the native peoples. both magic and technology in spades.
• They are a fanatical religious empire of humans Across the galaxy are many galactic powers, each of
that cannibalize non-human sentient species as part of which look after their own sectors of core and frontier
their religious culture. space. Beyond the frontier of the galaxy lies the Outer
A Team of Unique Individuals. The party is a Reaches. It is speculated that this region of space is home to
group of people from different factions within the allied the Veerux, along with other untold horrors.
forces. They have been chosen by their various factions While most citizens of the galaxy go about their
to come together on a single ship for this mission: fly into lives in a routine on their planet or space station, there
turbulent space, board the Veerux Command Cruiser, and are adventures lurking around every corner. Untamed
sabotage it before escaping. wilderness, lost cities, private laboratories, winding
cityscapes, and the unexplored void all are ripe for

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

Part One: Space Battlefield

A s you begin, explain to your players the

ins and outs of their new spaceship. It is
important to describe arcs as the unit of
travel for spaceships. You should ask each player about
their individual skills and where each of them wishes to be
border. For 3 players remove 1 fighter. The associated stat
blocks are included on the following page for easy of use
during the spaceship combat.
Each player rolls their initiative and combat begins.
As the round progresses, stress to the players that they’re
aboard the ship. constantly moving toward their target even while they do
It is important to make sure players understand battle with the nearby ships.
each part of the spaceship character sheet, as well as If all the enemy ships are destroyed or 2 rounds of
the potential actions each character can accomplish in combat pass, then the players have reached their target.
spaceship combat, given their skills and where they are on The pilots of the fighters have to land back in the main ship
the spaceship. and the pilot of the larger vessel has to initiate the boarding
Once that is settled, set the scene with by reading the process.
following passage or with a description of your own.

Space is usually an eerily serene void, but as you stare

out the forward viewing ports of your spaceship, it’s hard
to remember that. Flashes of light tear across the blackness
as various vessels blast deadly plasma at each other in a Veerux Fighter
dance of war. You know your destination lies at the center Tiny fighter

of that chaos. Base HP: 20 Base AC: 12 (Mark 0)

The screens pop up and you see video of the massive Body: 1 BP: 10
red and gold spaceship with giant boarding spikes and a Speed: 12 arc (+6 handling)
horde of fighter ships swarming around it. If it reaches Turn Value: 1 arc
the front line, the battle will turn against the Galactic Saving Throws: Dex +4, Int +3
Coalition. Skills: Piloting +10 (handling modified)
You can’t let that happen. Yours is a small vessel, but a Weapons (3): Shield Buster x2, Swivel Gun
powerful one. It can push through the thinnest part of the
Actions: 1 each turn
battle into enemy space. It’s a carefully thought out plan,
Attack with Shield Buster. Ranged Weapon
but terrifying nonetheless.
Attack; range 7 arc, one target, hit +4. 9 (1d12 + 2)
plasma damage (Deals double damage to barriers and
Before beginning the combat, describe the players’ can only attack barriers).
approach into enemy space. They can see the ship in the Attack with Swivel Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack;
distance, some 200 arc ahead of them. Their goal is to fly range 7 arc, one target, hit +4, 9 (1d12 + 2 plasma
the full 200 arc to the other side. Reaching that distance damage.
triggers the end of the spaceship combat.
This battlefield includes 4 Veerux Fighters, 1 Veerux
Border, and 1 Veerux Pioneer. For 6 players, add another
border. For 8 or more, add two additional fighters and the

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

Veerux Pioneer
Medium pioneer

Base HP: 40 Base AC: 15 (Mark III)

Body: 5 BP: 50
Speed: 8 arc (+0 handling)
Turn Value: 4 arc
Veerux Border
Small border Saving Throws: Dex +5, Int +5
Skills: Computers +5, Mechanics +5, Piloting +5
Base HP: 25 Base AC: 13 (Mark I)
(handling modified)
Body: 3 BP: 25
Speed: 6 arc (+4 handling) Developments (8): AI Core (16 INT), Brig, Cargo
Turn Value: 3 arc Hold, Meditation Chapel, Cryogenic Chamber,
Hangar Bay, Medical Bay
Saving Throws: Dex +4, Int +4
Weapons (4): Longshot x3, Void Missile
Skills: Computers +4, Piloting +8 (handling
modified) Actions
Developments (1): Brig Multiattack. The ship can fire three Longshots in
Weapons (2): EMP Pulser one turn or fire a single Void Missile.
Longshot. Ranged Weapon Attack; range 30 arc
Actions: 1 each turn
(disadvantage within 7 arc), one target, hit +5. 10
Boarding Spikes. The ship can make a piloting
(1d12+3) plasma damage.
check against the target’s piloting check. If it has a
Compact Void Missile (1/day). Ranged Weapon
higher check, then it attaches to the target ship and
Attack; range 30 arc, one target, hit +5, 23 (3d12+3)
begins cutting a hole to initiate boarding. The hole
force damage (has no effect on barriers or ships with
is complete in 2 rounds. The ship can be hacked to
active energy barriers).
stop the spikes or can be removed by colliding with
another ship (taking 10 hull damage and dealing 10
to the border and other ship in the process, DC 15
Dexterity (Piloting) check).
EMP Pulser. The ship fires a 5 arc cone. Other ships
caught in in the pulse have their electrical systems
stop working for 3 rounds. This means the engines
and weapons of the ship stop working. The barriers
remain active. When a ship is first affected, if the ship
has a creature with the Mechanics skill, that creature
can make a Wisdom (Mechanics) check against a DC
of 12. If they succeed, their ship ignores this effect. At
the end of each of the affected ship’s turn, a member
of the affected crew can attempt a mechanics skill
check against the DC to end the effect.

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

Part Two: Espionage

O nce the players’ ship is safely attached and

cloaked, the players can enter the enemy ship
through the sliced hull. They will be near their
target, but not quite there. Read the following to them
before continuing.
The Ship Map
The following is a room by room description of the area
of the ship that the players may explore. Rooms and areas
marked with a * are not required for the adventure, but can
be added as time allows. Each optional room is connected
to the additional objective the party can take.
From inside the ship you can feel the constant impact
1. Supply Room
of plasma against the outer barriers. Otherwise it is silent.
Around you are metal crates in varying sizes, each marked This is the area where the players’ boarding ship has cut
with the Veeruxian language. The air is chilly and you through. It is a quiet room where food and supplies have
realize that this must be a food storage space for the crew been stored. The party can investigate the area and crates,
of the vessel. in which they will find rations and basic supplies for space
Beyond that, the silver walls are covered in a deep red living. Nothing of particular value or interest is in this room
pattern. On the far end from your ship is the golden bronze except a small terminal. If this terminal is hacked with an
door and a computer terminal. Intelligence (Computers) check DC 10, players can acquire
a local map of the ship showing them exactly how far away
the engine room is. If you have made the optional objective
There are two possible tasks they can attempt to accomplish available, they will also be able to spot where that target
in this location depending on how much time you have in room lies.
the session. This part of the adventure culminates in the There is only one door that exists this room. It
sabotage and a battle in the engine block which is described leads to the main hall. It is locked and sealed, but a
in Part Three. DC 5 Intelligence (Computers) check, DC 10 Wisdom
Before delving fully into the ship dungeon, describe (Mechanics) check, or DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check will
some of the new rules options, like the updated cover open the door.
system and the Hack action. The party will need to take
2. Corridor
advantage of these rules to be as successful as they can.
As they enter, you should make their object clear. If When they emerge into the long hallway, the party can look
they have additional time, you can layer on extra objectives. down both ends. They are aware that the right branch will
• Main Objective: Reach the engines and disable them, lead toward the engine block.
then escape. The hallway itself is bare and sterile. Some distance
• Optional Objective: Break into the security room and down toward the engine block, the party will run afoul of a
disable automated defenses for the engine block. series of sensors. A 20 foot long by 15 foot wide section of
hallway has 4 sensors on alternating sides of the walls. If
the sensors are not disabled, they will alert the traps in this
When you begin this area, inform the players
area. This includes the 20 foot long and 15 foot wide shock
that they have a special magical artifact from the
panel floor and two automated gun turrets that will
Hanadarian Republic with them. This will allow them
unfold from the ceiling.
to complete a short rest in a single minute as opposed
The wall sensors, turret stat block, and shock
to an hour!
panel stat block are included at the end of this part.
When the turrets unfold, have everyone roll initiative. The

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

area the party is in has two piles of boxes that can provide Once the drones are destroyed, the party can use
cover, should they wish to take it. It should be kept in mind the computers in here to disable the additional security
that the shock panels run beneath that cover. protocols in the engine block. They can also watch a
At the beginning of each round, one shock panel turns security feed of the engine room and note that there are
on and another turns off. Two panels are on at any given four Veerux Engineers and two Watchers there that they
time. Creatures stepping onto a panel or caught on a panel will still have to deal with.
as it turns on take damage. The sensors and turrets can 5. Engineering
be hacked via the Hack action, but the shock panels can
only be disabled through a Wisdom (Mechanics) check or This is the primary engineering area of the ship. It has
Intelligence (Thieves’ Tools) check. numerous pieces of large machinery that make for excellent
Past the trapped area is a second forking path. Here, cover. It is protected by a mix of robotic protectors and
the path splits in two directions. Heading left will take them Veerux soldiers who double as engineers. If the optional
to the security room where the optional objective is located. objective is completed before arriving here, the robotic
Going right will take them to the engine room with their protectors are not a part of this combat. Otherwise, there
final encounter. are two Watchers and four Veerux Engineers (it may
be necessary to increase these numbers if the party is more
3. Security Office Door*
than 5 people. Alternate between adding an engineer and a
This fork of the path is an optional area. It includes watcher).
a security office for the engine block in this area. The The party can attempt to be stealthy. Their goal isn’t
hallway itself is not dangerous, but the door to the security necessarily to defeat the people and robots here, but rather
office is difficult to open. It requires a DC 10 Intelligence to reach the power cell chamber of the engine block and
(Computers) or Wisdom (Mechanics) check to open via the set explosives there on a timer. If the party can do that and
panel, or a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to physically safely leave without being noticed, they do not need to fight.
open. If the door is forced open in any way (including via The watchers, however, make this particularly difficult.
the panel), a plasma discharge will burst outward from the Once combat is met, they will have to defeat all the
door. foes in the room, as neither the Veerux nor the watchers
Creatures within 15 feet of the door will need to make will run from a fight. If the party set the time before they
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 plasma damage were discovered, pump up the urgency of the fight, as they
on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. The only have 10 minutes (each of which is 10 rounds) before
trap can be found with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) the engine blows. Mention that getting back to their ship,
check and disabled with a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) starting it, and escaping will require at least 5 minutes
check. If the check to disable it fails by 5 or more, the trap of their time. They can choose to set the timer to be less
triggers. than 10 minutes or even sacrifice themselves if that is
4. Security Office* their choice. As long as the bomb goes off the mission is a
Inside the security offices, two Drones and a Veerux
6. Engineering Power Cells
Soldier have been deployed because the door was forced
open. They recognize the invaders as non-humans and This area of the engine block contains the power cells where
attack. This combat should prioritize cover and clever the explosives need to be set. The party will have to open
tactics to confuse the drones. The office within has much these doors either by using an engineer’s key card (stolen or
in the way of cover: furniture, shelves, and other general looted from one of the engineers in this room) or by force.
office equipment. The drones, overwhelmed, will pick their The door requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Computers) or
targets at first at random and then focused on whichever Wisdom (Mechanics) check to open via the panel or a DC
character most recently damaged them. 25 Strength (Athletics) check to pry open.

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

Drone, Robot must be connected to a public or private network. For
Medium construct, unaligned
the purposes of the Hack action, this robot has engines,
Hit Points: 48 (6d8 +12) [10 barrier points] a plasma spear, a plasma cannon, and a plasma gun that
Armor Class: 13 can be affected.
Speed: 0 ft., Fly 50 ft. (hover) Active Barrier. The robot has 10 barrier points that
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA absorb only ballistic and plasma damage. If depleted, this
13 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) barrier will restore itself after 1 minute.
Saving Throws: Int +4 Flyby. The robot doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity
Skills: Perception +2 when it flies out of an enemy’s reach and doesn’t suffer
Vulnerable to thunder damage from disadvantage for making ranged attacks while in
Damage Resistances: necrotic, radiant melee.
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic Actions
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, Multiattack. The robot makes two plasma spear or two
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned plasma shot attacks.
Senses: infrared vision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 Plasma Spear. Melee Weapon Attack; +5 to hit, reach
Languages: Understands any languages programmed 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +3) plasma damage.
into it Plasma Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack; +5 to hit, range
Challenge: 3 (700 XP) 80 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +3) plasma damage.
Immutable Form. The robot is immune to any spell or Plasma Cannon (Recharge 6). Ranged Weapon
effect that would alter its form. Attack; +5 to hit, range 120 ft., two targets. Hit: 15 (3d6
Network Connected. In order to operate, the robot +3) plasma damage.

Watcher, Robot Network Connected. In order to operate, the robot

Small construct, unaligned must be connected to a public or private network. For the
Hit Points: 21 (3d8 +3) purposes of the Hack action, this robot has engines, video
Armor Class: 12 feed, alarm system, a plasma spear, and a plasma gun
Speed: 0 ft., Fly 30 ft. (hover) that can be affected.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Constant Video Feed. The robot is always recording
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) every sound and sight that it obtains as it patrols. These
records get backed up on the network and also in its
Saving Throws: Int +7
internal files.
Skills: Perception +7
Undesirables Database. The robot has a feature
Vulnerable to thunder damage
that allows it to store a large number of facial and vocal
Damage Resistances: necrotic, radiant
details for determining undesirables on a premises.
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, Actions
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Plasma Spear. Melee Weapon Attack; +4 to hit, reach
Senses: infrared vision 120 ft., x-ray vision 40 ft., 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +2) plasma damage.
passive Perception 17 Plasma Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack; +4 to hit, reach
Languages: Understands any languages programmed 80 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 +2) plasma damage.
into it Alarm. As a bonus action, the robot can set off any
Challenge: 1 (200 XP) alarms that share a network with it as well as making a
Immutable Form. The robot is immune to any spell or loud and visibly potent alarm sequence that can be heard
effect that would alter its form. from hundreds of feet away.

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

Soldier, Veerux
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Engineer, Veerux Hit Points: 33 (5d8 +5) [10 barrier points]
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 33 (5d8 +5) [10 barrier points] Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 12
Speed: 30 ft.
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
Skills: Perception +4
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
Senses: passive Perception 14
Saving Throws: Str +4, Dex +6, Con +6 Languages: Veeruxian
Skills: Computers +6, Insight +4, Perception +4 Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Senses: passive Perception 14
Languages: Veeruxian
Multiattack. The soldier can make two attacks on its
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
Inventions. The engineer is a 5th level inventor. Their
Plasma Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack; +6 to hit,
invention ability is Intelligence (Spell save DC 13, +5 to
range 180 ft./540 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12+4) plasma
hit with inventions). The engineer has 9 battery charges,
any 3 of which can be used before requiring a recharge
Plasma Bayonet. Melee Weapon Attack; +6 to hit,
(at least 1 minute of time). All inventions used mimic
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 +4) plasma damage.
the named spell as though cast with a 3rd level slot. The
engineer also has four gadgets prepared.
Gadgets: mending, message, poison spray, shocking
Inventions: burning hands, darkness, lesser
restoration, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shatter,
slow, vampiric touch
Custom Plasma Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack; +5
to hit, range 60 ft./180 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3)
plasma damage plus 8 (2d6) necrotic damage.

Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

Automated Turret Wall Sensor
Tiny object Tiny object

AC: 15 AC: 12
HP: 30 HP: 10
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic

A swiveling turret that is small enough to hang from the This basic motion sensor has a radius area of 10 feet around
ceiling or a wall. It fires plasma at targets it deems to be it with which it can sense vibrational disturbances in the
intruders or hostiles. Its Hack action DC is 10. It fires one air. It automatically succeeds at sensing these motion based
plasma shot each round. vibrations. It is nearly impossible to see directly. Its Hack
Plasma Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack; +5 to hit, action and Thieves’ Tools DC is 10.
range 100 ft./400 ft., one target, Hit: 12 (2d10) plasma
damage. Part Three:
Shock Panel
Large object Escape
AC: 15 More than anything else, this part of the adventure is
HP: 50 narrative. The party describes their jaunt back to their
Damage Immunities: Lightning, Plasma, Poison, ship. Once inside, their ship will start up and you mention
Psychic that the enemy vessel has made a lot of progress since they
Each panel is five feet wide and 15 feet long. There are four boarded. From the ship’s sensors they can tell that it has
them covering the hallway floor. Only two are active at a made it to the front line of the battlefield. Fortunately,
given time. Another at random turns on and one that is on your plan is complete and the party will make off from the
turns off. Each panel separately can be disabled with a DC enemy ship as the explosion happens, disabling it. As they
10 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. They will also shut off make their way back into friendly space they will watch the
after 1 minute if all the wall sensors have been destroyed or giant cruiser bombarded by Galactic Coalition forces and
hacked. destroyed.
Electric Shock. Creatures that touch a panel must At this juncture thank your players for playing. Remind
succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) them where they can purchase Spaceships and Starwyrms
lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on a as well as its upcoming modules. They can keep the
successful one. character sheets they chose as part of the adventure.


Charlie Fulla (Order #38739924)

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