S&S Demo Module
S&S Demo Module
S&S Demo Module
S&S Designers: Benjamin Quiggins, Audrey Stolze
AC: 15 AC: 12
HP: 30 HP: 10
Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
A swiveling turret that is small enough to hang from the This basic motion sensor has a radius area of 10 feet around
ceiling or a wall. It fires plasma at targets it deems to be it with which it can sense vibrational disturbances in the
intruders or hostiles. Its Hack action DC is 10. It fires one air. It automatically succeeds at sensing these motion based
plasma shot each round. vibrations. It is nearly impossible to see directly. Its Hack
Plasma Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack; +5 to hit, action and Thieves’ Tools DC is 10.
range 100 ft./400 ft., one target, Hit: 12 (2d10) plasma
damage. Part Three:
Shock Panel
Large object Escape
AC: 15 More than anything else, this part of the adventure is
HP: 50 narrative. The party describes their jaunt back to their
Damage Immunities: Lightning, Plasma, Poison, ship. Once inside, their ship will start up and you mention
Psychic that the enemy vessel has made a lot of progress since they
Each panel is five feet wide and 15 feet long. There are four boarded. From the ship’s sensors they can tell that it has
them covering the hallway floor. Only two are active at a made it to the front line of the battlefield. Fortunately,
given time. Another at random turns on and one that is on your plan is complete and the party will make off from the
turns off. Each panel separately can be disabled with a DC enemy ship as the explosion happens, disabling it. As they
10 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. They will also shut off make their way back into friendly space they will watch the
after 1 minute if all the wall sensors have been destroyed or giant cruiser bombarded by Galactic Coalition forces and
hacked. destroyed.
Electric Shock. Creatures that touch a panel must At this juncture thank your players for playing. Remind
succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) them where they can purchase Spaceships and Starwyrms
lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on a as well as its upcoming modules. They can keep the
successful one. character sheets they chose as part of the adventure.