Daylighting in Achitectue Preview
Daylighting in Achitectue Preview
Daylighting in Achitectue Preview
Edited by
Published for the Commission by: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd
This publication has been prepared in The Third Solar R&D programme of the Commission of
the European Communities, Directorate General XII for Science Research and Development,
within the DAYLIGHTING Action co-ordinated by A. Fanchiotti, University di Roma.
Publication arrangements have been made under the VALUE Programme (programme for the
Dissemination and Utilisation of Community research results) within the Research Dissemination:
Energy-Efficient Building project of the Commission of the European Communities DG XIII.
Publication No. EUR 15006 EN of the Commission of the European Communities, Scientific
and Technical Communication Unit, Directorate General Telecommunications, Information and
Innovation, Luxembourg.
© ECSC-EEC-EAEC 1993 Brussels and Luxembourg. First published in 1993. Reprinted 1998.
Moved to print on demand 2001
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
without permission from the publisher.
ISBN 1-873936-21-4
ISBN 9-781134253-70-8 (ebk)
Neither the Commission of the European Communities nor any person acting on behalf of the
Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained within.
Edited by Baker N.V., The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of
Cambridge, Fanchiotti A., University di Roma, 'La Sapienza', Dipartimento di Fiscia Tecnica,
Steemers K.A., Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd, UK.
Cover Photo — Stansted Airport Terminal. Architect: Foster Associates, Photo: Martin Charles
The material presented in this publication has been collected and developed within the
framework of the European Concerted Action Programme on Daylighting. All those who have
contributed to the project are gratefully acknowledged.
Main authors:
H. COCH (ETSAB, Spain)
M. DE WIT (TUE, Netherlands)
W. DORING (RWTH, Germany)
M. GRANT (ABACUS, United Kingdom)
S. LOS (IUAV, Italy)
T. MAVER (ABACUS, United Kingdom)
N. PULITZER (Synergia, Italy)
G. STOER (Philips, Netherlands)
A. TENNER (Philips, Netherlands)
M. VIO (IUAV, Italy)
L. ZONNEVELDT (TUE, Netherlands)
Experts of the
A. LOHR (Germany)
J. PAGE (United Kingdom)
Programme Manager
at the Commission:
Assistant editor:
The following groups have participated in the book's research and contents:
The editors gratefully acknowledge the use of photographs and diagrams from the following sources:
The Courtauld Institute - figure 1.3; The Dulwich Picture Gallery - figure 1.16
D.Hawkes - figures 1.9, 1.11, 1.24, 1.39; William Heinemann Ltd. - figure 1.33
Judges Postcards Ltd - figure 1.2; Leicester University Press - figure 1.22
Pilkington Bros. PLC - figure 1.34; Sir John Soane's Museum - figures 1.30, 1.31;
A.Tombazis - figures 1.1, 1.38, 1.44. The Architectural Review - figures on pages 11.10, 11.11, 11.12 ;
A&U Publishing Ltd - page 11.15; CONPHOEBUS - page 11.13;
St Martins Press - page 11.8; Van Nostrand Reinhold - page11.14.
Natural light has always played a dominant role in architecture, both to reveal the
architecture of the building and to create a particular atmosphere, as well as to provide the
occupants with visual comfort and functional illumination. The optimal use of daylight in
buildings was, at the time of cheap energy, often seen as a superfluous design constraint.
Illuminance deficiencies in the building were corrected with artificial lighting. The oil crisis
and subsequent increase in energy prices, and now the even greater awareness of the impact of
energy production on the global environment, has given an impetus to energy-conscious
With the growing interest in energy-conscious design in general and solar architecture in
particular, the importance attached to energy use for artificial lighting in the non-domestic
building sector has grown as well. It is estimated that about half of the energy used in non-
domestic buildings goes to artificial lighting. Waste heat from luminaires in winter may
contribute to heating, but in summer energy is often wasted getting rid of surplus heat from
luminaires by means of air-conditioning systems. No wonder that daylighting has become, next
to passive solar heating and passive cooling, a major topic in energy conscious design, and
therefore, a major issue in the Commission's Solar Energy and Energy Conservation R&D
In an emerging design technology such as daylighting, it seems prudent to start by
assessing the state-of-the-art. To this end a team of 25 European experts, whose names are
listed in the acknowledgments, have worked together to collect, select, evaluate and sometimes
further develop the material from which they finally drafted the contents of this book. Their
work represents a significant achievement.
Meanwhile, the Commission's effort to make progress with the development of the
technology has continued. Research projects are under way in three domains :
• availability of daylighting data
• further development of daylighting design and control technology
• development of daylighting components.
However, the design of new buildings which make increased use of daylighting will not
stand still pending the development of new strategies. This book provides designers with an
essential tool; one which will be strengthened in the future as the results of current European
research become available.
Theo C. Steemers
Commission of the European Communities
Lamps 6.1
Control Gear 6.11
Luminaires 6.11
Luminaire mounting systems 6.16
Glossary GL.1
A Sky Type Probability A.1
B Daylight Availability B.1
C Survey of Light Measuring Instruments C.1
D Guide to Scale Models D.1
E Survey of Control Systems E.1
F Review of Design Tools F.1
G Review of Computer Codes G.1
H Survey of Artificial Skies H.1
Index IN.1
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The Scope of this Book visually exciting daylighting design. The cultural
This European Reference Book on Daylighting traditions involving daylighting design in
is the first concrete achievement of the Commission architecture have always been very important in
of the European Communities R & D programme on Europe, and we must make sure the situation remains
daylighting. It attempts to bring together, on a the same. We also have to bear in mind, when
European-wide basis, existing knowledge on considering indoor functional aspects of daylighting
systematic daylighting design. It includes discussion design, that buildings are seen both from the outside
on the interrelationships between daylight design and and from the inside. The daylighting design exerts a
artificial lighting design, and the significance of their big impact on the external appearance of buildings.
controlled interactions for the saving of energy. Few Daylighting design also throws up many town
works can claim to be comprehensive and at the planning issues. Architects therefore have a key role
same time balanced. This reference book is the result in sustaining and developing the cultural aspects of
of contributions from researchers across Europe and daylighting. Only some of the architectural issues
inevitably represents the particular interests and needing to be addressed have been explored. The
viewpoints of individual research groups. Thus it importance of daylighting morphologies in relation
does not set out to be a comprehensive design to practical design has been highlighted. Advances in
handbook, rather a review of current European computer science, and daylight modelling (some
research, which has an overall aim of serving the recent European advances are described in this book)
design community. are enabling architects to "see" on the computer
The energy economics of daylighting are screen for themselves, the modelled quantitative
inextricably mixed with the energy economics of the results of their daylighting decisions, expressed in
associated artificial lighting systems and their perceptual terms. These advances should help span
controls. The economics of daylighting have an the gap between building science, illuminating
energy aspect and a productivity aspect. Good engineering and architectural design.
daylighting of work spaces helps promote efficient
productive working, and simultaneously increases Historical Background
the sense of well being. However, energy Organised knowledge about good daylighting
conservation should never become the sole concern practice for buildings has a very long history in
of daylighting design to the exclusion of perceptual Europe, and the Romans were pioneers. For example,
considerations. good daylighting practice is discussed in the classical
Daylight indoors is provided for people. writings of Vitruvius. Above all he stressed the
Daylight design therefore has to respect their visual importance of properly considering window
perceptual needs. Designers need to understand what orientation. What was written in Roman times still
conditions enable people to see well and has a considerable relevance for today, but we now
comfortably. Human visual comfort, considered from have at our disposal a far wider range of glazing
the daylighting point of view, is multidimensional. It materials with which to tackle daylighting tasks.
is not enough simply to provide the appropriate While the actual techniques used for summer
illumination levels. Direct and reflected glare must cooling have altered, the challenge of providing good
be controlled. Patterns of contrast must be daylighting without excessive solar gains in the
appropriate.There is therefore a current need to find overheated season remains. In surviving Roman
better ways of integrating perceptual, physical structures still in use, like the Pantheon in Rome, and
scientific and engineering approaches, taking proper the excavated residential buildings at Pompeii, we
account of the new advances in materials relevant to can still today perceive the nature of historic
daylighting design. daylighting solutions, which differed in the religious
and domestic context.
Architectural Aspects The Romans too provided the first legal structure
While this book is mainly about the science of for safeguarding rights of light in existing properties
daylighting design, great importance should be against unacceptably adverse adjacent
placed on the architectural quality resulting from developments.Their practices anticipated the
complex town planning requirements we need today intuitive design, especially in situations involving
to safeguard daylighting and sunlighting standards in innovation. A combination of art and science is
contemporary urban development. needed. This book points the way towards these
Before effective artificial lighting became sounder architectural approaches. While it draws on
available, it was particularly important to get the the past, it also points towards the new opportunities
daylighting design right. In northern Europe, presented by scientific advances, for example, the
shortage of daylight, especially in winter, made it development of new "intelligent" window systems,
necessary, when glass became reasonably affordable, like electrochromically "smart" windows whose
to provide relatively large windows, and to secure transmission properties can be controlled electrically.
good daylighting penetration by use of high ceilings It will be necessary to develop new daylighting
and open plan forms. In the southern countries of design, and artificial lighting control procedures to
Europe, the dominating need to control summer deal with such developments in new materials.
overheating in conjunction with more adequate Architects will also need to learn how to handle the
winter daylight, led to very different window impacts of these novel glazing materials on the
designs, and the use of very different plan forms. The external appearance of their buildings.
courtyard plan was found to provide very amenable
solutions. The sunlight was interreflected into Green Issues
buildings from appropriately placed external Daylight, by displacing electric light use,
surfaces, rather than allowed to penetrate directly. reduces carbon dioxide emission and, in turn, the
Vegetation covering the courtyard was often greenhouse effect.The European nations are
used to regulate and soften summer daylighting, committed to the control of global warming, and
which is otherwise harsh. It also helped to control impacts on the ozone layer, as well as policies for
overheating. In winter, the leaves dropped off, giving saving energy per se. Thus energy savings achieved
more usable daylight and useful passive solar heating by better daylight design are doubly important. We
gains. An integration of thermal microclimate design must therefore regard better daylighting design of
and daylight design was achieved. Southern Europe buildings as playing an ecological role, in addition to
also produced specific daylight inventions, like the its other contributions, like saving energy, improved
Venetian blind, to help in the processes of daylight work performance and increased human well being.
and thermal control. Additionally we have to study, in more detail, how
i mproved daylighting design can reduce air
Daylighting in the 20th Century conditioning cooling loads, and so reduce the air
The development of styles of architecture in the conditioning plant sizes, and hence the volume of
20th century, that were neither very environmentally CFCs associated with them, in addition to making
conscious nor very energy conscious, tended to substantial savings in lighting and cooling energy
overlay the earlier European traditions of daylight consumption.
design, which previously had reflected year round
needs in climatically sensitive ways. The availability Systems and Components
of cheap fluorescent electric lighting tended to While we have reasonable knowledge of the
accelerate the neglect of daylighting design. This led daylighting properties of simple unshaded windows,
on to an architectural impoverishment of our this book fills the gap in our knowledge of more
European cultural tradition of daylighting design, complex apertures or "daylighting pass through
embodied in great traditional styles based on the elements" as they are called. The opening is often not
interaction of form and daylight; for example, our a simple hole containing glass in a thin wall. There
Gothic cathedrals, and above all, in the masterly use are the various blinds, overhangs, side fins etc used
of daylight in our Baroque buildings. Many buildings in practice to control daylighting and overheating.
of the period between 1945 and 1975 especially must Some of these devices are fixed. Others are
be judged as failures in daylighting design terms, moveable and controlled, sometimes by hand,
when compared with historic solutions. sometimes automatically. These "devices" are often
Fortunately many of the most successful modern used in combination, and linked in with glazing
European architects have always resisted the materials with special transmission characteristics,
contemporary tendency to ignore the visual richness for example, reflective glazing. Complex
offered by the creative use of daylight in their components are a very typical feature of window
buildings, but even the most perceptive still have to design solutions for the hotter European climates.
assimilate new opportunities, for example new The courtyard itself can he thought of as a sort of
glazing materials like reflective glasses, prismatic external component.
glass systems and so on. They have to resolve There is therefore a need to think in terms of
successfully any inherent difficulties and avoid the "system daylighting performance" of building
pitfalls, like excessive heat gain in summer. This is components, and this book has attempted to
easier said than done. There are always latent risks in systematically classify and characterise building
daylighting components. This is of greatest energy use of artificial lighting is linked to outdoor
importance in the case of innovative and complex lighting levels in a complex way. The problem has a
systems. behavioural aspect, as the building occupants are
For example one of the disadvantages of often the controllers of adjustable shading systems.
daylighting in rooms with vertical clear windows in Comfort aspects of the control problem are
one wall alone, is the sharp drop in illumination as certainly very important, and there is considerable
one moves back into the room. Advances are now evidence that, where automatic shading control has
being made by changing the light distribution been based on an over-simplistic approach,
characteristics of window components and the considering energy factors alone and ignoring
glazing materials incorporated within them. Such human comfort , the results have not been very
changes can help achieve a better internal acceptable. It is no use having an energy efficient
distribution of daylight in a side lit room. building filled with unhappy workers. Only some of
Redistribution can help reduce the need for artificial these control issues have been considered in this
light in the deeper parts of the building. book, and there is still a long way yet to go.
Daylighting devices like light shelves can protect
the occupants close to the windows from the direct Educating Architects and Engineers
rays of the sun and, at the same time, make some of Many architects all over Europe are making
that sunlight available at the back of the room for decisions without expertise or support, which will
daylighting purposes, by interreflection between the crucially effect the daylighting performance of
top surface of the light shelf and the ceiling. More buildings. Planners too are shaping our cities
advanced optical systems can provide daylighting at without a sound understanding of the implications of
greater depths in building, so helping to reduce plan, section and site layout for the environmental
cooling loads due to day-time electric lighting use. In performance of the urban tissue. Fundamental
the past, quantitative design methods for such building characteristics such as these dictate the
systems were lacking. This book contains new environmental performance for the building's
research based studies to help improve design of lifetime.
such systems. One of the major obstacles to progress is the
Knowledge of the lighting properties of present lack of knowledge on the part of lighting
materials, especially glazing materials, is very engineers of the principles of good daylighting
i mportant for daylighting design. New glazing design. This makes it difficult for them to work
materials, like holographic films and prismatic effectively with architects on the new approaches
systems, are emerging. Work is proceeding on which integrate, through the use of controls, natural
various kinds of "smart windows" with controllable light and electric light. Too easily, in this situation of
transmission properties. We need reasonably precise ignorance, engineering design slips back to the
knowledge of their optical properties to decide on adoption of simple artificial lighting solutions totally
appropriate designs. unrelated to daylighting needs.
This book presents work on simple methods for In the final analysis, progress will be determined
characterising the lighting properties of materials, by the quality of the daylight design education of
i mportant in daylight illumination studies. designers and planners, and by the availability of
Additionally basic design methodologies have been appropriate design tools, and local climatic
enlarged. New studies, based on modelling, are infoimation in forms helpful for practical design and
presented for assessing the performance of window town planning control. Simple graphic tools relating
light shelves and for considering the daylighting of to norms and standards are valuable and necessary,
atria, an increasingly important field in view of the especially for the early stages of design. With
popularity of atria solutions in contemporary progress in information technology, wider use is
European architecture. being made of computer based design tools of
different levels of complexity. This book has
Human Factors and Controls attempted to review current practice in both these
There is a growing awareness in wider fields of areas.
building science that it is crucial to take account of
the effect of occupants, when considering the Daylighting in Architecture, A European
performance of buildings. For example the shading Reference Book
of windows interferes with daylighting indoors. Daylighting in Architecture is aimed at the
Adjustable shading devices are sometimes operated architect and engineer who wants to acquire an in-
for visual control reasons and sometimes for thermal depth understanding of the principles of daylighting
control reasons, and sometimes for both. When design. The contents of this reference book are also a
blinds are lowered in hot weather, the daylight is good indication of the current scientific and design
often reduced to such an extent that the electric lights support work of the European countries. After an
are put on. So, in buildings with shading systems, the introduction which briefly reviews the historical
development of daylighting design, "Light and A major role of this reference book is to provide
Human Requirements" sets out the physiological and design guidance. "Evaluation and Design Tools"
psychological background to the visual process in provides a review of techniques, simplified tools and
relation to design considerations. "Daylight Data" computer codes, including physical models tested in
considers the sky as a light source, describing new artificial skies.
statistical approaches to describing real sky The interaction of daylight and its displacement
luminance distribution. This approach reflects the of artificial light, and other energy uses for heating,
growing use of computer based tools for daylight cooling and ventilation is investigated using the
calculation and simulation, and represents a major simulation model ESP and is described in "Integrated
step forward from the average and standard (CIE) Energy Use Analysis". A series of case studies in a
sky. very concentrated format are described in "Case
"Photometry of Materials" deals with precise Study Analysis". This chapter presents a systematic
photometric descriptions of material surfaces, an approach to morphological analysis - the
important issue in modelling reflected light both morphological box - which enables the daylighting
quantitatively and for image simulation by extended of a building to be described in terms of a few
CAD graphics techniques, as typified by the Genelux parameters.
model. New transparent materials such as Extensive appendices provide data on sky types
holographic films, optical fibres and aerogels are also and illuminances, photometric instruments, surveys
described in this chapter. of design tools, computer codes, and lighting control
A systematic taxonomy of window systems is systems, and a directory giving the location of
given in 'Daylighting Components". Typologies artificial sky facilities in Europe. Finally a glossary
under the two building types, schools and offices, are gives definitions of descriptive words and
presented and the role of the atrium in daylighting is photometric terms and parameters.
dealt with in some detail. The application of
materials such as holographic film and components Conclusions
such as light shelves is also described. The various discussions, which took place on the
The energy saving of daylight use is directly way to producing this book have proved extremely
related to the artificial lighting that it displaces. The fruitful. These have produced some consensus about
degree to which artificial light is displaced is not what we know already, and what we need to know
only dependent upon the availability of daylight but for the future. The discussions have tended to throw
also on the switching and control system. These up the complexities of the issues, and the dangers of
topics are dealt with in the two chapters "Electric taking too narrow an approach to the daylighting
Lighting" and "Control Systems". design of window systems. Much has been achieved,
"Light Transfer Models" presents the but all the contributors realise how much more there
background to the mathematical description daylight is still to be done before we can achieve a fully
transfer from the sky to the room. Direct scientifically-validated European-wide approach to
illumination, reflection and transmission are daylighting design based on a combination of
described and calculation models, including ray- climate, human comfort, human visual performance
tracing and simplified analytical methods, are and energy analysis.
Daylighting Evolution and Analysis 1.1
Chapter 1
Figure 5 - Oriel window in the Master's Lodge at It was in spinning and weaving that we see most
Queens' College, Cambridge (16th Century). The impact on building design. The need for light would
elaboration of the window indicated the importance have meant that production was crucially dependent
of the people who dined adjacent to it. upon prolonging the availability of daylight to a
maximum. It must be realised that in the 15th
Century the real cost of artificial light (in relation to
Even before industrialisation, there were certain the cost of living) was about 6000 times (per lumen)
indoor activities that made real technical demands on more than today.
daylighting. Writing, printing and painting all would
have needed good light and, with only primitive
artificial lighting available, there would have been a
heavy reliance on daylight.
Figure 9 - Hardwick Hall (Architect: Smythson, Figure 10.- Casting plate glass in the 18th Century.
1597) "More glass than wall", built in Derbyshire, There then followed the laborious task of grinding
UK, for the Countess of Shrewsbury. The glass was and polishing. Although mechanised, this remained
made using sand and timber from the estate, by glass in principle the only way to make large sheets of
makers from the continent. perfect optical quality, until the invention of the
Float process, by Pilkington in 1959. The floating of
the molten glass on a pool of molten tin ensured that
brick mullions. It was also due to method of the surface set optically smooth and flat without
manufacture, the crown glass technique, which polishing.
produced panes of small size. Obviously the high
cost of glass was also a constraint - the cottage
homes of the rural peasant would still have their the framing and metal work and in the increasing
windows protected by oiled cloth or parchment. size and quality of glass panes. At the beginning of
From an early age, institutional interventions this period the sash window was introduced,
such as Regulations and Taxes have influenced the probably originating in the Netherlands.
design of buildings. Both the Netherlands and Britain
have had taxes which have directly affected window
In Britain a window tax, introduced in 1697,
paradoxically led to an increase in window size. This As in many other aspects of building, it was the
was due to the tax being applied to the number of Industrial Revolution that brought the most rapid
windows rather than the total glass area. The tax had changes in both the requirements and the solutions
sufficient financial impact to prompt building owners for daylighting. Firstly, the technology made great
to brick-up windows, and even to erect new strides forward. New techniques for glass production
buildings with bricked-up, arched recesses, awaiting were devised; cylindrical blown glass enabled
the time when either the abolition of the tax, or the relatively large sheets of moderately good optical
increased wealth of the owner, would permit glazing quality to be made, without resorting to the
to be installed. Some grew tired of waiting almost expensive process of casting and polishing. Not only
two centuries for the tax to be dropped, and painted did glass become relatively cheaper, and available in
fake windows in the recesses in deference to larger panes, but major improvements were made in
architectural composition. In the Netherlands a tax the framing technology. This largely stemmed from
on street frontage led to the Flemish narrow gable- the use of iron for glazing bars, together with cast
fronted house. The relatively narrow span between iron trusses and columns. A whole new architecture
structural cross walls freed the gables from structural of light and air was born.
function allowing very large areas of glazing, For more than two centuries, horticulture had
providing light deep into the building. It is made its own particular demand on daylighting.
interesting to speculate how this feature of large Before the days of fast or refrigerated transport,
windows has persisted, even in modern Dutch fruits and vegetables had to be grown on site. Social
domestic architecture, even though the technical status was enhanced by the presence of table exotica
origins no longer apply. such as the banana, peach and orange. The tender
During this pre-industrial period steady progress nature of these fruits made them quite unsuitable to
had been made in the technology of windows, both in the northern European climate unless protected by
Daylighting Evolution and Analysis 1.5
Figure 20 - A view across the north,facing glazed Figure 21- Lack of planning constraints resulted in
wall of the Burrell Gallery near Glasgow (Architect: buildings packed closely together, as typified by
Gasson) shows the use of sidelighting for sculptures. these streets in Paris at the end of the 19th Century.
More sensitive artwork is placed further into the These squalid conditions eventually prompted the
centre of the plan where the environment is more adoption of planning laws which explicitly protected
closely controlled. rights to daylight and sunlight.
greater understanding of the principles involved in 1874. In response to concern for eye health and the
deterioration due to light offers a fresh insight into avoidance of myopia, he states that "lighting from the
the extent and form of control that is necessary. New side, especially the left side, is of such great
architectural opportunities arise that allow a balanced importance as properly to have a material influence
approach and a greater freedom in daylighting over our plans". He goes on to give rules of thumb -
design. "a classroom is only well lit when it has 30 square
inches of glass to every square foot of floor space"
(about 20% glass to floor area). We must interpret
DAYLIGHTING IN UK SCHOOLS this rule bearing in mind the dismal condition of the
urban atmosphere, heavily polluted by coal fires, and
In Britain, prior to the Education Act of 1870, the fact that artificial light was still an expensive
schools provided for the children of the wealthy had luxury.
been well funded. The modest densities of But he was also aware of the issue of visual
occupation did not stretch the environmental design comfort. In discussing the desirability of sunlight in
skills of the architect unduly, and the model lay the classroom he writes - "It is well known that the
somewhere between the country house and the rays of the sun have a beneficial influence on the air
college or seminary. The provision of the Act to in the room, tending to promote ventilation, and are
make education compulsory for all suddenly created to a young child very much what they are to a flower.
a huge demand for school buildings, and for them to Acting on this known fact, the builders of some
accomodate much larger numbers of children within schools have sought to secure as much sun as
more constrained budgets. possible, and produced results of light and glare
This in turn created the need to heat, light and painful in hot summer weather, either to teachers or
ventilate large classrooms, at very low running cost. pupils or both". He goes on to give guidance on the
This requirement was interpreted in almost moralistic appropriate orientation of windows.
terms. The provision of light and air in schools The Victorian schools in Britain made a
(noticeably absent in the squalid housing prevalent in determined move towards deep plans. Light for the
most of the cities, and in many of the workplaces) central hall was "borrowed" light over the top of the
became a driving force in the evolution of school tall classrooms located in the perimeter zone.
design, right up to the present day.
Early progress in daylighting design is illustrated This compact planning suited the crowded urban
in a book on "School Architecture" written by E. R. site, and the educational objective of centralised
Robson, Architect to the London School Board, in control through head teacher, teachers and assistants.
1.10 Day lighting in Architecture
Figure 26 - Daylight model in an artificial sky, Figure 28 - Yately Newlands Infants School
testing the reduction of glazing area and the use of a (Architect: Hampshire County Council) was an
rooflight, during a refurbishment of 1970s system- important step away from the system designs of the
built school. 1970s The absence of a ceiling permits rooflighting
(Architect: E. Cullinan, Daylighting: B. Ford) to illuminate the white painted spine wall, providing
very even illumination to the teaching spaces.
1.12 Daylighting in Architecture
architects' work led to much richer envelope design and aesthetic criteria for daylighting. Many of these
giving greater opportunity for natural daylight and examples are a product of EC support, and have
ventilation. Yately Newlands was the first of a whole benefitted from of daylighting design tools and
series of schools built by Hampshire C.C. with technologies which are described in this reference
energy conservation on the agenda. As architectural book.
tastes moved firmly away from modernism, the
adoption of a more traditional vocabulary, with a
more varied envelope design, provided more THE ANALYTICAL APPROACH
opportunity for well distributed daylighting. But,
despite this trend, in most cases daylighting did not The traditional approach to daylighting design
receive special design effort. Daylight was seen as a has, like most other elements in building design,
bonus, part of the ambiance of the building, but not been by precedent and experience. Probably until
part of the functional brief. well into this century, "daylighting design" would
Global issues have recently re-focused attention not have been identified by the architect as a
on both energy use and environmental quality in particular topic. Window design was closely related
buildings. This concern has been directed towards a to architectural style, the window being such a
range of building types including schools and we can dominant visual feature of the building. Technical
now find examples all over Europe where conscious limitations and construction practice also influenced
design effort has been applied to meet both technical the design.
Although they depended greatly upon precedent
and example, that did not prevent some 19th Century
architects being very systematic and consciously
experimental. Sir John Soane was a good example of
this. Practising at the beginning of the 19th Century,
he combined his passion for collecting objects of
antiquity and paintings with an experimental
approach to daylighting design. At his private
museum at his home in Lincoln's Inn, London, many
fascinating examples can be seen. Looking down on
the roof of the main museum, one is struck by the
resemblance to an experimental area of a 19th
Century building research station ! (See figure 17).
His most well known gallery design is the Dulwich
Gallery, already described. His imaginative approach
did not stop at gallery lighting - the famous Breakfast
Room at Lincoln's Inn incorporates mirrors and
interreflected light to achieve a complex lighting
North South
Figure 29 - This school, La Vanoise College, Figure 30 - Sir John Soane's Breakfast Room 1812.
Monderne, France (Architect: P. Barbeyer, Innovative use of concealed roof lighting, reflected
Daylighting: M. Fontoynont), has an advanced light and mirrors provided light to this internal
daylighting system, well suited to the sunny alpine room.
climate of the Savoie region.
Daylighting Evolution and Analysis 1.13
It is interesting to speculate just how close Soane Thus daylight was still regarded as the main
came to the use of analytical methods. He built many source of lighting in buildings, with artificial lighting
models and it is tempting to suggest that he would use only at night. Buildings still adopted relatively
have used them to give a subjective impression of shallow plans and lightwell forms. This emphasis on
appearance under daylit conditions. However there daylighting generated a strong incentive to develop
is no evidence in his many writings that Soane used daylighting design aids, and this inevitably led to the
any mathematical treatment to support his interest in development of methods of prediction.
daylighting. It is interesting to note that the current
state of knowledge of photometry in the early 19th
Century had not reached a stage where even the
definition of Daylight Factor was possible, since
illuminance had not yet been defined. And it was
another 50 years before an instrument for measuring
light intensity was invented.
What is certain is that Soane's watercolourist
Gandy developed great skill in depicting daylight in
his interiors, ensuring that daylight was high on the
list of design priorities. We have already seen that
the particular functional requirements of galleries
and museums had prompted some of the earliest
analytical work, as typified by Cockerell and Seager
in their work which led to gallery sections for the
Tate and the National Galleries in the UK at the Figure 32 - The plan of County Hall, London,
beginning of the 20th Century. This period showing the shallow plan of courts and lightwells.
represented the beginning of a period of technical (Architect: Knott, 1908)
development in daylighting design which brings us
up to the postwar, pre-fluorescent period.
The Waldram Diagram permitted the vertical Figure 35 - The BRS Daylight Protractor. The solid
edges of windows or obstructing buildings to be angle of the visible sky subtended to the reference
plotted as vertical lines. Horizontal edges were point is measured from the plan and section of the
plotted as curves, by reference to guide lines known room. In this case the scale of the protractor is made
as "droop lines". Other approaches to the same non-linear to account for the sky luminance
problem included the so-called "pepper-pot" distribution and glass transmittivity.
diagrams after Pleijel. Here the sky is represented in
stereographic projection and the weighting of the
daylighting contribution is indicated by the density The Internally Reflected Component requires a
of dots. different and more complex treatment. Prior to
Perhaps the best know graphical tool is the BRS Fruhling's work in 1928, the effect of reflected light
Daylight Protractor developed by the Building had been ignored with the design effort being applied
Research Station in the UK. to direct skylight. This attitude was probably
appropriate when dark natural finishes were
common, and a logical way of dealing with the grime
resulting from the contemporary artificial light
• sources. The recognition of the significance of
, •
reflected light was a major step towards modern
• . • • •
daylighting; almost all limiting cases for sidelighting
• • ,: .• ' •• :. °
now involve the manipulation of the Internally
.• •• • . • .
• Reflected Component (IRC), mainly for the purpose
. • •
. •
of reducing the variation of Daylight Factor caused
by the strong geometric dependence of the Sky
Mathematical treatments had to strike a balance
between modelling the complex interreflection
between room surfaces, and a formula which gave
useful accuracy with a minimum of input data. A
Figure 34 - Pleijel's "pepper-pot" diagrams. Each successful compromise was the Split Flux Method.
dot represents 0.1% Sky Component. The advantage This considered light which originated from outside
of this system is that the geometry is not distorted, ground reflection onto the ceiling and upper wall,
thus permitting sunpaths to be superimposed on the separately from that which originated from above the
same representation of the obstructions and the horizon, but reached the work-plane via reflection
window aperture. from the floor and subsequently the ceiling. Evolution and Analysis ...15
300 300
We can see then that the recent intensification of
200 200 interest in global environmental issues which has
focused interest on reducing energy use in buildings
100 100
has in turn strongly supported a return to the use of
0 daylight in non-domestic buildings. There is also
(a) delivered energy (b) primary energy growing support for daylight, stemming from a
III heat & hw ;3.1 retrigeraton fans & pumps
Chapter 2
Visual Perception
Visual perception is an essential part of the
cognitive process. Cognitive activities, important for
the understanding of complex systems, constitute a
central issue of current scientific research (1).
We can recognise within the field of cognitive
research, and therefore in the study of perception, Figure 1 - A cognitive metaphor (Esther).
t wo contrasting positions: one considers the
cognitive process as a problem-solving activity,
2.2 Daylighting in Architecture
We can say that this system is determined more The world is thus a given constraint to a designer
by internal computations than by information flows which can only be described as a fact, distinguished
coming from outside. But it presupposes that one from the other modifiable world that must be
must suspend the concept of the objective external prescribed, and becomes a matter of choice and
world. Instead of having a system that projects the responsibility, and a question of value.
world in which it is living and interacting, we have a The world described within the design
system that through its closure is producing a world. programme, representing the uncontrollable part of
The world as we look at it is, in this sense, more the the design problem, follows the language of physics
result of a cumulative historic construction based on in the description of site and skies, and that of
our experiences than an objective scene projected on biology in the description of the eye and its
a tabula rasa, freed from all the preconceptions of behaviour. The world described in the design
previous knowledge. process, meaning the controllable part of design,
Comparing the two concepts, Varela defines follows the language of architecture.
those systems which are determined from the outside
as heteronomous (they correspond to the former Parameters and Variables of the Design System
position), and those systems whose behaviour is Synthetically, the designer's task consists of
determined from the inside as autonomous (they choosing the controllable causes and adjusting them
correspond to the latter position) (4). in such a way that, under the circumstances defined
This implies that the colours and shapes of by the uncontrollable causes, desired effects are
objects we see are determined not only by features of obtained. These desired controllable effects (the
the light we receive from these objects. We should luminous performances of the built environment)
understand that these experiences of shapes and constitute the architect's goal, whereas it is in
colours correspond to a specific state and pattern of choosing and adjusting the controllable causes (the
activity of the nervous system. This is demonstrated shapes of apertures in the building envelope) that the
by the fact that we can correlate the names of colours architect exercises discretion.
with states of neuronal activity, not just with To clarify the fundamental design distinction
wavelengths. What states of neuronal activity are between the uncontrollable and the controllable parts
triggered by the different light perturbations are of the environment, it will be convenient from now
determined in each person by his, or her, individual on to talk of measures of the system, which is what
structure and not only by the features of the an architect does when using terms such as
perturbing agent. We do not see the "space" of an luminance or brightness. Let us then define:
external world; we live our field of vision. We do not • design variables as measures of the controllable
see the "colours" of that world; we live our causes, the design configurations or the
chromatic space. The circularity which connects architectural types;
action and experience, the inseparability between a • independent variables as measures of the
particular way of being and how the world appears to uncontrollable causes (the site skies) and effects
us, tells us that every act of knowing brings forth a (the eye's responses to light stimuli);
world; every act of knowing a lit built environment • dependent variables as measures of the
brings forth an architectural world. controllable effects (the luminous environment).
Everything seen is seen by someone, whose The handling of a building's parameters must be
competence in visual language allows their luminous driven by considering the effects/consequences to
world to be distinguished. What is shared is the improve the visual environment of the building. In
language, not the world, and as language brings forth order to control these effects/consequences one must
its world we tend to mistake one thing for the other. know how visual perception operates and what
The circularity taking place in visual perception is requirements are necessary to improve the visual
not a subjective one, it belongs to a linguistic built environment.
In the interpretation of an architectural
knowledge of the luminous environment, one can DESIGN CONSTRAINTS
consider the distinction between a part of the world
whose state should be modified and another whose The Human Eye
state should be preserved. The part not within design Vision is a whole perceptual system. One sees
control becomes a constraint, the context of design, the environment not just with the eyes, but with the
on which one has to base the part under design eyes - in the head - on the shoulders - of a body -
control. The former part becomes the uncontrollable that moves about. Vision does not have a seat in the
variable, about which a designer must obtain all the body in the way that the mind has been thought to be
needed information to prepare the design seated in the brain. We look at details with the eyes,
programme. The latter part becomes the controllable but we also look around with the mobile head, and
variable on which decisions must be taken. we go on looking with the mobile body. The
Light and Human Requirements 2.3
perceptual capacities of the organism do not lie in because of the concentration of cones. The ability to
discrete parts of the body but in systems with nested discriminate among wavelengths of light is believed
functions. to be due to a combination of photo-chemical and
From a strictly physical point of view, the neurological processes. Signals from three cone
human eye is a complex sensory organ which types are coded in the retina and the lateral
converts the light energy it receives from the spatial geniculate body (in the brain) into chromatic and
and temporal relationships of objects in visual space achromatic information. The chromatic information
into electrical signals for processing by the brain. is a result of a subtraction of incoming signals, while
The human eye system can be considered as being the achromatic information (luminance) is a result of
structured into two specialised interacting sets of an additive mechanism.
components (Figure 2). The outputs of the middle and long wavelength
• the optic components (cornea, crystalline lens, cone systems (receptor levels) are summed to
pupil and intra-ocular humours) provide luminance information; the short wavelength
• the neural components (retina and optic nerve). cones are believed to contribute negligibly to
luminance information.
Chromatic information is derived from defining
differences in the output of the three cone systems
and the combined perception is a mixture of the
chromatic and achromatic channels (Figure. 3).
Figure 2 - Horizontal cross-section through CONES CONES CONES
human eye.
1 ciliary ligament, 2 iris, 3 lens, 4 cornea, 5 choroid,
6 sclera, 7 vitreous body, 8 retina, Figure 3 - A model of the biological colour vision
9 macula lutea, 10 optic nerve, 11 blind spot system.
Human visual perception is based on the Luminance (cd/m 2 )
existence of contrasts of light and shade and contrast
of colour. The term contrast is used in both a
physical sense and a perceptual sense. It involves the Figure 6 - Visual acuity against task luminance for
assessment of the difference in appearance of two or surround fields of different angular subtends.
more parts of the visual field seen simultaneously or The luminance of the task and surround
successively, for example brightness contrast, colour areas were equal (7).
contrast, successive contrast in dynamic lighting
situations involving movement.
Optic nerves from the two eyes follow the paths to Vision and Age
the visual cortex. At the optic chiasma, fibres from half Visual performance decreases from the late
of one retina cross to join fibres from the corresponding twenties onwards. Old eyes have reduced visual
half of the other retina at the lateral geniculate body. The acuity because of yellowing of the lens; they require
ability of the brain to perceive the images from both more time for adaptation, a higher illumination level,
eyes as a single image is called binocular vision (vision and an optimum contrast of the visual task to achieve
by one eye alone is called monocular vision). The visual the best visual performance (Figure 7) (8).
fields of the two eyes overlap to some extent (5).
Light and Human Requirements 2.5
the winter seasons in the polar regions, can also dominated vision. The peak response then occurs at a
manifest itself as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) wavelength of 507 nm. This visible portion is a
where a general lethargy and depression may set in at function of the sensitivity curve as shown in the
the onset of winter. Of particular significance to the graph of Figure 8 (10).
architect, this effect could be present in occupants of
deep-plan artificially lit buildings where, although spectral luminous efficiency
adequate for visual tasks, the artificial illumination is 1.0
insufficient to trigger the necessary physiological
0.8 munommummumm
The Physics of Light 0.6 111111111111=1111111111111111111111111111
In describing the optical parameters of the visual 0.5
system we will distinguish light as physical energy, 0.4 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
light as a stimulus for vision, and light as information 0.3
0.2 sear suuirrsimss
for perception.
The human environment is exposed to a wide 0.1
variety of natural and man-made energy sources that 0
emit energy within various bands of the 04 05 0.6 0.7
wavelength (.1m)
electromagnetic spectrum. Radiant energy
propagates through empty space at great velocity.
Such energy can he treated either as particles or as Fig. 8 - The visible spectrum and colour perception:
waves, but it travels in straight lines or rays. normal vision (unbroken line) and vision adapted to
The human eye, considered as a photo-chemical low illuminance levels (dashed line)
device, can only perceive light with wavelengths
between about 380 nm and 770 nm. Precise limits
cannot be set because they depend on the intensity Often people are inclined to think about lighting
reaching the retina and the visual acuity of the design, and for that matter buildings, in terms of a
observer, black and white visual environment. It is important
to consider the importance of colour as the
TABLE I - The optical radiation spectrum characteristic of light by which a human observer
may distinguish the difference between two
Category Wavelength Action structure-free patches of light of the same size and
Range[nm] shape. Furthermore, colour can affect human tension,
brain-wave function, heart rate, respiration, and other
functions of the nervous system.
Ultraviolet: Light and pigment create similar visual stimuli.
UV-C 200-280 Germicidal Pigment colour is usually specified in terms of three
UV-B 280-315 Actinic (tanning) characteristics: hue, value and chroma. Coloured
UV-A 315-380 Ocular Effects light is described by three analogous terms: hue,
brightness and saturation.
Visible 380-770 Light, Vision Hue defines the basic colour. Dominant hues
include red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Value or
Infrared: brightness is the subjective sensation of reflectance
IR-A 760-1400 Thermal only or brightness, the light or dark appearance of a
IR-B 1400-3000 colour. Chroma or saturation is the intensity of a hue
IR-C >3000 (11). The Munsell system of colour specification
enables any colour to be identified in terms of the
above three main attributes of colour that are
significant for a designer.
The light-adapted eye has its greatest sensitivity The term "colour temperature" relates the colour
at 555 nm, which, when expressed in terms of of a completely radiating (black body) source at a
perceived colour, is in the green-yellow region. The particular temperature, to light sources whose colour
sensitivity to red light beyond 700 nm is very low. match such a body. The qualities of light emitted by
The perceptual sensitivity of the eye to violet heated objects depend on the temperature of the
radiation with wavelengths below 400 nm is also radiating object and this fact is used to describe the
very low. colour of light. The perceived colours of "black
Under conditions of very low illumination, the bodies" at different temperatures depend on the state
eye, after a period of time, adapts to give an of adaptation of the observer (Figure 9).
enhanced response based on rod- as opposed to cone-
Light and Human Requirements 2.7