DLP (The Central Limit Theorem)
DLP (The Central Limit Theorem)
DLP (The Central Limit Theorem)
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sampling and sampling distributions of
the sample mean
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to apply suitable sampling and sampling distributions of the sample mean to
solve real-life problems in different disciplines.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies
Illustrates the Central Limit Theorem; (M11/12SP-IIIe-2)
D. Objectives
General Objective:
1. At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students will be able to achieve at least 90% proficiency
Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the concept of the Central Limit Theorem;
2. Identify the different real-life situations about central limit theorem
A. Reference
1. Ocampo, Jose M., Marquez, Wilmer G. Conceptual Math and Beyond Statistics and
Probability. Quezon City: Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc. 2016. Pages 110-118
2. Keller, Gerald. Business Statistics 2013-2015 Edition. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte
Ltd, 2013. Pages 124-132
3. Mendenhall, William, Beaver, Robert J., Beaver, Barbara M. Introduction to Probability and
Statistics 12 ed. Singapore: Thomson Asia Pte Ltd, 2006. Pages 263-274
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing the previous lesson/Presenting the new lesson 2 – Display proficient use of Mother
(What are you expected to demonstrate?) Tongue, Filipino and Emglish to
facilitate teaching and learning.
A. Daily Routine (The teacher uses of Mother Tongue
and/or Filipino, and/or English to
May I request everybody to stand? Let us start our day with a prayer. demonstrate a well-developed ability to
(Teacher will call a student to lead the prayer.) easily understand or ease in delivering a
You may now take your seat. (The learner will take their seats.)
Covid-19 Protocols
Do you have anything to ask or clarify our rules? What else can we add
to these rules?)
(I hope that as we study, we will always keep in mind these agreements
we have made)
Let us consider the same
population but this time we will
get a
sample with two members (n = 2).
The sampling distribution of the
sample means will have a shape .5 – Maintain learning environments that
shown in figure 2b. promote fairness, respect, and care to
encourage learning.
(The teacher promotes a supportive and
nurturing learning environment where all
learners feel accepted, encourages to
learn, and free to tale learning risks)
1. What do you notice in the shape of the histogram of the sampling
distribution of the sample means as the sample size increases? The
figure looks familiar, right?
As you read the Central Limit Theorem, you may notice that the
approximation is valid as long as the sample size n is large. But
how large is large? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to
this question.
The approximate value of n depends on the shape of the
population from which you sample as well as on how you want to
use the approximation. However, these guidelines will help.
. What is It
How do I decide when the sample size is large enough?
6 – Maintain learning environments that
nurture and inspire learners to
If the sampled population is normal, then the sampling participate, cooperate and collaborate in
distribution of x will also be normal, no matter what sample size continued learning.
you choose.
Real-life examples of Central Limit Theorem 1 – Apply knowledge within and across
Example No. 1 curriculum teaching area.
If we want to guess the results of an election, we may take a poll and (The teacher discuss/explains the
find that in our sample 58% of the people would vote for A instead of B. significance of central limit theorem)-
within the curriculum teaching area by
In order to know if this applies to the entire population, we can conduct
giving examples of a real-life examples
the sample poll again and again and guess who will win. about central limit theorem)
Group 1 – Science
Group 2 – Agriculture 1 – Apply knowledge within and across
Group 3 – Economics curriculum teaching area.
Group 4 – Research (The students discuss/explains the
significance of normal distribution)-
4. After 15 minutes each group will assign a leader to present their within the curriculum teaching area by
assign topic to be discussed in front. researching some real-life examples
where central limit was used)
Direction: Direction:
Complete the sentences based on the insights learned from the
discussions about central limit theorem
I. Evaluating Learning
The students will be going to answer the activity with a timer.
1. It is a distinct group of individuals, whether that group comprises a 6 – Maintain learning environments that
nation or a group of people with a common characteristic. nurture and inspire learners to
Answer: Population participate, cooperate and collaborate in
2. Refers to a smaller, manageable version of a larger group. It is a subset continued learning.
containing the characteristics of a larger population.
Answer: Sample
3. Defined as a balanced and proportionate similarity that is found in two
halves of an object
Answer: Symmetry
4. Is a graphical representation that organizes a group of data points into
user-specified ranges and is similar in appearance to a bar graph
Answer: Histogram
5. States that the distribution of sample means approximates a normal
distribution as the sample size gets larger, regardless of the
population's distribution.
Answer: Central Limit Theorem
The score they get on this task should not be given a negative
interpretation. The purpose of this task is to assess theperformance.
They can still do something to develop to improve your performance.
Prepared By:
STEM 3A Mathematics