Abstract—This document discusses the design and Add and Divide block (Used to apply the voltage
implementation of a control mechanism for control of voltage regulation formula)
regulation by the use of capacitors acting as shunt
compensation. This document explians the design, the use of B. Problem
different blocks and calculation for capacitors. The result will When current passes through the transmission and line
show the graph of both the sending end voltage and receiving and goes into the load there is a voltage drop across the
end voltage for comparison.
transmission line which we can define as voltage regulation.
Keywords—Power integrated circuits, automatic voltage The formula for voltage regulation is as follows
control, power dissipation, reactive power control, power
system simulation, power transmission
V nl − V fl
Voltage Regulation = ∗100 (1)
V fl
In power systems there is voltage drop across the Where Vnl stands for voltage across the receiving side on no
transmission lines which happes because of the transmission load conditions and Vfl stands for voltage across the receiving
line resistance and inductance and load resistance and side on full load conditions.
inductance. This voltage drop is measured as voltage C. Solution
regulation. To deal this with this phenomenon we use
different methods. One such method will be used and The problem of voltage regulation can be fixed by a few
explained here which is the shunt compensation method , different methods such as
specifically using capacitors for compensation. The power
Shunt compensation
system and voltage control using capacitors will be simulated
on simulink and the method will be explained in this Synchronous condensors
Series compensation
Here we will use capacitors that act as shunt compensation
A. Selecting simulink blocks because they will be connected parallel to the load and
The list of blocks used in simulink simulation are as provide the load with the required amound of reactive power
follows. such that the voltage drop across the transmission will be
zero so that voltage regulation can also be zero.
Three-Phase Source (To act as voltage source).
D. Working of simulation:
Three-Phase Series RLC Branch (To act as short
The whole simulation will be explained with the setting of
Transmission line).
each of the block for maximum understanding.
powergui (used to make the simulation work).
The power to the whole power system comes form
Three-Phase Breaker (Used to switch between on and the three phase source which provides the power
off for loads and capacitors). system with 20kV of voltage and 50 Hz frequency
supply. The phase sequence is a-b-c and the angle
Function Block (Used to turn on capcitors by sensing between phases is 1200. The configuration of source
changes in the voltage regulation). being Yg meaing Y configuration with neutral
Scope and display blocks (Used for dispay of data). grounded.
voltage measurement (Used for the measurement of The supply gives power to the transmission line
line to line voltage). model which is represented by Three-Phase RLC
Branch block. The inductance of the block is 0.325
Three-Phrase Series RLC Load (Used as both load Henry and the resistance is 0.5 ohm. The inductive
and shunt compensation capacitor). reactance becomes 102.102 ohm.
Variable time delay (For simulation purposes). The line then goes into the circuit breaker that goes
into the Three-Phase RLC load block. The initial
Switch (Used to turn on different loads for
status of the circuit breaker is open. All three phases
demonstration purposes and to turn different capcitors
will be connected when circuit breaker gets
for demonstration as well).
connected. The switching time is set to external. The
RMS block (Used to convert voltage into RMS value) breaker resistance Ron is 0.01 ohm, the the snubber
resistnace Rs is 0 , the snubber capcitance Cs is set to
The breaker will be turned on by the switch block
which is linked with a toggle switch in which the
criteria for passing the first input is set to u2 >=
Threshold the value of Threshold being zero when the
toggle switch in off position. Simply turning on or off
the toggle switch during simulation will turn on or off
the circuit breaker.
There is another Three Phrase RLC load block
connected in pararllel with the original load block,
this block will act as the shunt capcitor. The block is
first connected with a circuit breaker with the
previously mentioned settings and it can be turned by
the matlab function block only, which will be C. Calculations for shunt capcitance:
discussed later on.
For the calculation fo shunt capcaitance we will first
This is in a way the basic circuit for the power system have to find the value of load angle by using the below
, now we will go into the measurement and switching formula
of capacitors when loads are switched.
There is a voltage measurement block connected to VsVr
PR = ∗ sin δ
the first and second line of the power source output X
before transmission line which measures the sending
side voltage. This block measures the voltage between After δ has been found we can find the Qc value by using
line to line. Then comes the RMS block which the following formula
converts the voltage into RMS value.
There is also a voltage measurement block on the Qc = QR – QL
other side of the transmission line which is used for
the measurement of the received voltge and it gets Where the formula for QR is
converted to RMS value in the same way as before.
Then both the voltage measurement blocks are
subtracted and then divided by the second block
QR = ( VsXLVr )∗ cos δ − VsXLVs
output. This is done in accordance with the voltage
regulation formula. Where Vs is the sending side voltage, Vr is the receiving
The value of voltage regulation can be seen on the side voltage, δ is the angle between receiving and sending
display or scope block. side voltage and finally XL is the transmission line
The value of voltage regulation then goes into the
variable time delay block which delays the voltage III. SIMULATION AND GRAPHS
regulation input from going into the fuction block by
5 seconds. The variable time delay block is set to Let us look at the grpahs of both sending and receiving
maximum delay of 10 seconds, initial output of 0 and side before and after shunt compensation. The values of
initial buffer size of 1024 and rest of the boxes are sending and receiving side voltage have also been
unchecked and zero. mentioned.
When load is 2MW
The output from variable delay goes into the function
block which is used to switch on different capcacitors
when different loads are switched on. It does this by
detecting the value of voltage regulation and
assigning the proper value of capacitors to
compensate this voltage regulation. The code will be
attached in the appendix section.
We also have some goto and from block that go into
the OR block which is basically used to keep the
capacitor on with a switch if desired. This is purely
for demonstration purposes.
All the block and their working in the circuit have been Vs = 2 x 10-4 V
explained , the diagram of the circuit is attached below. Vr before compensation = 1.777 x 10-4 V
Vr after compensation = 1.978 x 10-4 V
The capcitance that produces this decrease in Voltage
regulation is 500000 Var.
The capcitance that produces this decrease in Voltage
regulation is 2500000 Var.
When Load is 2MVar
When Load is 3 MW and 2.5 Mvar
There is some distortion but once the distortion is settled
the values are
Vr = 2 x 10-4 V
Vr before compensation = 1.104 x 10-4 V
Vs = 2 x 10-4 V Vr after compensation = 1.983 x 10-4 V
Vr before compensation = 1.133 x 10-4 V The capcitance that produces this decrease in Voltage
regulation is 3850000 Var.
Vr after compensation = 2.014 x 10 V-4
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