Abel Demissie Final Internship Report 1

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Wachemo University Durame Campus

College Of Engineering and Technology

Department of Civil Engineering





ID No: R/ET-000014/10


October, 2021
Durame, Ethiopia


This document is prepared by Abel Demissie as a final internship report after Three months
internship at MENGISTU SHEWAREGA B.C and this report is my original work more over the
mentors of him also approved that; he complete the Three month internship report successfully
under my supervision.

Name : Abel Demissie

Signature: ___________

Date: _______________

Prepared By :Abel Demissie Page i



First of all I would like to thank „Almighty GOD‟ for helping me at every stage of my life, and
specifically for this internship, by protecting me from any accident in the site and generally by
giving wisdom and strength to accomplish this tough task.

Also, I would like to thank Wachemo University, Durame Campu,s College of Engineering and
Technology Department of Civil Engineering for preparing this internship opportunity to me.

Finally, I would also like to express gratitude to my supervisor engineer Gizechew Mengistu for
supervising and helping me in every step of the internship. I hope I will make you proud by being
the number one in my career and by succeeding in my career goals.

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Table of contents

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of contents ......................................................................................................................................... IV
List of table ................................................................................................................................................... V
Table 1 Equipment of Company…………………………………………………………………………………….16 ............. VI
List of figure ................................................................................................................................................ VII
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ IX
CHAPTER-ONE............................................................................................................................................... 1
1. The Background of Our Internship Hosting Company ............................................................................ 1
1.1 Brief history of the Company .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1. Objectives of the company ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. Vision of the Company ............................................................................................................. 2
1.1.2.Mission of the Company ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Main products or Services of the Company ..................................................................................... 2
1.4. Main Customers or End users of the Company .............................................................................. 3
1.6. Overall Organizational Structure and Workflow ................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2. OUR OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ................................................................................................. 9
2.1 How I get to the company .................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 The section of the Company I have been working in site ................................................................ 9
2.3 Work flow in the section .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 Sub-Structure Works............................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Formwork ......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Footing Pad Form Work ............................................................................................................ 13
2.4.1 Footing Pad Form Work ............................................................................................................ 14
2.5 Reinforcement work ........................................................................................................................ 15
2.5.1 Process of reinforcement work ................................................................................................ 15
2.5.2 Placement of reinforcement ..................................................................................................... 16
2.5.3 Concrete spacers: ..................................................................................................................... 16

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2.5 Concrete Work.................................................................................................................................. 16
2.6.1 Ingredient’s for concrete........................................................................................................... 17
2.6.2 Concrete work for footing Pad ............................................................................................... 23
2.7 Foundation (footing) columns ......................................................................................................... 25
2.8 Equipment’s use in construction site works.................................................................................... 26
2.8.1 Mixer ......................................................................................................................................... 26
2.8.2 Vibrator .................................................................................................................................... 27
2.9 FOOTING COLUMN FORMWORK ..................................................................................................... 27
2.10 Foundation ..................................................................................................................................... 28
2.11 Back Fill ........................................................................................................................................... 30
2.11.1 Back fill and compaction ....................................................................................................... 30
2.12 Grade beam .................................................................................................................................... 32
2.13 Hard Core ........................................................................................................................................ 33
3. THE OVERALL BENEFITS OF THE INTERNSHIP IN TERMS ....................................................................... 34
3.1 To Improve Practical skill ................................................................................................................. 34
3.2 To upgrade theoretical knowledge.................................................................................................. 34
3.3 To Improve Inter personal communication skill ............................................................................. 35
3.4. Team playing skill ............................................................................................................................ 35
3.5. Leadership skill ................................................................................................................................ 36
3.6 Ethics ................................................................................................................................................. 37
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 38
4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................ 38
1.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 38
4.2 Recommendations for the company ............................................................................................... 39
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 40
8. Previous year report samples .............................................................................................................. 40
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................... 41

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Table 1: Equipment of Company……………………………………………………...…………………………….16
Table 2 :grade of concrete............................................................................................................. 19
Table 3 :description grade,material of cocrete used,mixing ratio and size of boxes. ................... 21

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figure 1.1 :Bulk Excavation ......................................................................................................... 13
figure 1.2: Pit Excavation .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
figure 1.3: Lean Concrete under the footing pad .......................................................................... 15
figure 1.4: Formwork and footing pad ..........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
figure 1.5: concrete spacers........................................................................................................... 16
figure 1.6: concrete ingredient‟ ..................................................................................................... 18
figure 1.7 :gouge box .................................................................................................................... 20
figure 1.8: kg of cement ................................................................................................................ 20
figure 1.9: Isolated footing ............................................................................................................ 24
figure 1.10: Combined footing...................................................................................................... 24
figure 1.11:footing column ........................................................................................................... 26
figure 1.12: vibrator ...................................................................................................................... 27
figure 1.13: mixer...........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
figure 1.14: footing column formwork ......................................................................................... 28
figure1.15: Back Fill and Compaction ...........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
figure 1.16: Trench Excavation and Masonry Wall ......................Error! Bookmark not defined.
figure 1.17: Grade beam ..............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
figure 1.18: Hard Core ..................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

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B.C …………………? Etc



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This report is a report about the internship experience that I have under taken during the last
three months. In this report I have tried to list the overall aspects of the internship experience. I
have briefly summarized what is expected in the next chapters in this report.
In the first unit of the report, it provides information about the hosting company. It starts from
the brief history of the company and continues to listing of the projects the company has
undertaken from the time it has been established. Also in this unit we will find the missions and
visions of the company. I have tried to establish the organizational structure of the head office. In
second unit of the report it describes mainly about the overall internship experience mean how I
get into the company, activities of the company I have been working, material and methodology
used in the construction, data collection which is collected in my project and data analyzing
method used in the construction, the work flow of the section, the work task I have been
executing, procedures I have been using while performing my work tasks, how good I have been
performing my work tasks, challenges I have been facing and the measure I have been taken and
how the design and construction in terms of economy and safety. It third chapter I tried to
describe the overall benefits into details and tries to explain them. Finally, in the fourth chapter I
tried to conclude and recommend my internship program.

Keywords: ????

Prepared By :Abel Demissie Page IX




1.1 Brief History of the Company

The company is currently found on the way of constructing various buildings in Ethiopia.
The Company‟s head office is in Addis Ababa. It specializes in construction of multipurpose
buildings. The Company was established in 2003 E.C, owned and Managed by Engineer
Gizechawu Mengistu. During the first couple of starting years, the company was using
equipment‟s and materials such as Form work panel, excavator, dozer, mixer, etc. from
Emneta Endashewu PLC. But after years, the company owned a full range of equipments,
materials, skilled personnel and laborers.

The Company is heading to the top by launching different construction that have a
potential in leading the development of construction sector. With a strong vision and
commitment, it has so far served its customers with quality and satisfaction.
Currently The Company is a grade two building contractor, owned and managed by Engineer
Gizechaw. The company is mainly engaged in the construction sector and undertake
construction of Schools, governmental buildings, offices, residential buildings, universities,
colleges and other construction works.
The Company business has shown its development in a short period of time through
hardworking of the staff members of the company strengthening its capacity and presently
the company has an investment license with capital of 16,000,000 birr.

1.1.1. Objectives of the company

. Reduce urban unemployment and poverty.

. Promote development of the Private sector.

. Provide adequate housing both in terms of quality and quantity.

. Transfer of knowledge and skill to the construction industry.

. Promoting cost efficient housing construction technology.

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1.1.1. Vision of the Company

 To construct different infrastructures with acceptable quality.
 To expand different technologies for different sectors to fasten the development
of the country.
 To see the firm participating and accomplishing various levels of construction
services in the national levels by strengthing technical professionals.

1.1.2.Mission of the Company

 Motivating peoples for common development.
 Providing quality services to the society and ensuring continuous
improvement of the company in all aspects.
 Developing monitoring and implementing of new techniques and
methodologies for our company‟s financial management.
 To Play a leading role in the practice of engineering
profession,perform effectively through efficient and professional
 Constructing road accessory structures
 Constructing water supply schemes
 Constructing irrigation structures
 Constructing Real state houses

1.3. Main products or Services of the

MENGISTU SHEWAREGA B.C Building Contractor Company offers different purpose building
construction in all parts of the country including high rise buildings such as hospitals, universities,
schools, offices, residents and commercial Buildings.
 Generally Main products are:

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 Real estate and multipurpose buildings,
 Institutional buildings,
 Apartments,
 Residential building
 Commercial building
 universities

 Generally Main services are:

 MENGISTU SHEWAREGA B.C is systematically engage in a large area of
building construction development as summarized below;
 Building projects: high rise, universities multipurpose, commercial, complex residential
building and recreational facilities. In addition to that keeping customers first and make every
possible effort for satisfying their needs and expectations,
 Respecting and committed to community values are core services
 Act environmental friendly & participate in the development of community services,
 Accomplishing of projects on a given time interval,
 Civil and or structural design, Maintenance Management,
 Cost Estimating, Contract Administration,
 Pre investment studies,
 Regional development planning,
 Resources surveys,
 Technical feasibility,
 Construction Management and supervision,
 project management,
 Soil investigations,
 Topographic Surveys,
 Construction supervision and etc.

1.4. Main Customers or End users of the Company

The Enterprise has so many customers all over the country including governmental and non-
governmental sectors and some of them are listed below;
1. Governmental organization,
2. Non-Governmental organization and
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3. Individual and private sector.
1.The Governmental Organizations: The company of MENGISTU SHEWAREGA B.C
contractor has so many relations with the government starting from tax payment up to taking
contracts from the government in order to construct different building for different purposes.
2. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO): the company interacts with NGOs through taking
contracts and constructing.
3. Individual And Private Sectors: the company works with different non-governmental sectors in
the region and all over country. It takes contracts from these private clients, and works with other
non-governmental construction companies by taking sub contracts from these construction
 The company relate with private sector by building the following projects;
 Trade centers in different cities,
 Residential building such as different kinds of villas,
 Private business buildings in city centers

1.6. Overall Organizational Structure and Workflow

Mengistu Shewarega Building Construction Company is organized by a strong
management team and skilled man power that strive for the satisfaction of customers.
The company is pride in declaring that the projects handled by its management till date
are completed successfully, timely and at most satisfaction of our clients and

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Project Manager

Deputy General Manager

Secretary Legal advisor

Engineering Finance and Logistics and

department administration maintenance

Accounts Supply section


Purchase Transport
Central garage
Central store

Personnel Metal workshop

Chart 1:- Company organizational structure

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Project manager The project manager is the one who manages the whole project through the project
site organization. As a manager he divides the site in to manageable units and assigns a Forman or an
engineer in charge of the work depending on type and volume of work, giving a special attention to
avoid wastage of materials and resources while allocating resources.
Project management is the process of planning, organizing tracking progress, and managing tasks and
resources to accomplish defined objectives, usually within constraints on time, resources, or cost.
Planning is part of project management that helps to forecast work executed in the future in order to
allocate time, scope and budget of the project.
Site Engineer Control all the construction activities on the site starting from the very beginning. In
construction sites, depending on the schedule given by the project manager, the site engineer;
 Set out the site,
 Check the excavation and earthworks according to specification and drawings,
 Check the construction of all structural and finishing works, and Strictly follows the given
times schedule in order to avoid any delaying on the project completion time.
Office engineer Collect data by the surveyor, supervisor or data collector, from the site, then compile
analyze these data to prepare payments and take offs. He also makes reports to the project engineer
and makes detail drawings to be easy for construction and provide it to surveyor, Forman or any
concerned section.
The Consultant The consultant for the project is Consulting Architects and Engineers, which is a
level-one consulting office. Consultants work on the side of the client and they have the responsibility
of conducting necessary quality control mechanisms to make sure that the project is being constructed
as per design.
Quality control: is the process of making sure the quality of the work accomplished is not below the
required standards. This is obtained by visual inspections before any major activity like casting of
concrete is done, performing various tests, etc.
General Forman’s:- Acts as the agent‟s right hand man for the execution of the work at the field, his
duty is to keep the work moving ahead as the agent has planned it.

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Carpenter: - is a craft responsible for making wood structures for supporting different structural
components like beams and columns, formworks, and chip wood works.
Time keeper: - is the process of making sure that the project is going according to schedule. Any
contractor has the obligation of finishing the required work on the required time, unless so, the
contractor will be penalized as per the contract agreements.
Plumber: responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining pipes and other construction materials
used for water supply and waste water disposal.
Sanitary Engineer: - the sanitary work is carried out by a sub-contractor and the sanitary engineer
conducts the sanitary work carried out is as per the drawings and suggest (propose) constructive ideas
if there is any need to change the drawings.
Electrician: - carry out the electrical works for the temporary offices and install the electrical
conduits, wires, lighting protection and so on which relate to electrical installation of the new
Administrator: - administer the workers (employees), takes care of the employment of new workers
and checks the working performance and punctuality of the workers with the time keeper.
Store keeper: - store the site equipment, construction materials and controls the number of materials
that came in and out of the store.
Site supervisor
 Is assigned from the consultant group (Client side).
 Corrects and approves any design problems and changes.
 Make decision in work execution.
 Reports the whole activities implemented in month.
 Connect the contractors with the consultant group.
Casher /Purchaser/Finance: - takes care of monthly salary (fee) of the employees,
 Purchases material approved by the p. manager.
 Pays salary to all works.
 Generally, control all cash flows in the site.
Data collector
 Collects any data of work daily
 Reports them to the office engineer
 Prepares monthly summery report
Gang leader
 Control a group of daily laborers in specific activity.

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 Assigns the laborers to activities when essential.

Table 16 Equipment of Company

S.no Equipment Type Number
1 Sino track 2
2 Mixer 2
3 Foreland 1
4 Vibrator 2
5 Isuzu 1
6 Pickup 1
7 Compactor 1

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2.1 How I get to the company

An internship program is planned to create a good interaction between universities and industries,
and also create for student good opportunity to solving practical problems. Wachemo University
Durame Campus Colleague of Engineering and Technology Department of CIVIL Engineering gave me
internship request letter on July 2011 E.C in order to search hosting company. I did waste much time
to search a company which accepts my internship placement request letter. At last SILTE ZONE
CONSTRUCTION OFFICE accepted my internship request letter and I submitted acceptance letter to
Wachemo University Durame Campus Colleague of Engineering and Technology Department of
CIVIL Engineering. After completed fourth year first semester, I asked SILTE ZONE CONSTRUCTION
OFFICE but do not begins new construction work in the city then office engineer send us to
MENGISTU SHEWAREGA Building Construction B.C and this company accept us to work in its site I
began my internship on Monday Janouary /2013 E.C, firstly went to the office When I arrived, I
departed to site of MENGISTU SHEWAREGA Building Construction B.C , which is found around SILTE
ZONE development building. As a first day, I met Project Engineers, Site Engineers, Forman and
other staff members; through while I had introduced my selves to they and they introduced them
back. Then, I have been start visiting sites, observing current progress and recording some essential

2.2 The section of the Company I have been working in site

In construction mainly, there is three section or organs involved in the construction system. These
sections are client, consultant and the contractors. All these three sections have their own tasks and
activity that are expected from them to perform. In fact, I have been working with contractors.
As we know contractors are performing construction activity, and the supervisors will check
everything that going to be checked up. In my case I am on the side of contractor, I able to control
different tasks. These tasks are mainly reinforcement check-up, the concrete quality, dimensions of
different structure, form works and alignment of the structures, different reinforcement placement of
footing columns and footing pads. I look after the number of bars and its spacing including stirrup

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spacing. The concrete quality should be made in a good manner by controlling the mixing ratio of the
concrete. That is cement, sand and aggregate.

2.3 Work flow in the section

The work flow in the section is visually inspected by the supervisors. They get a general overview of
the state of materials and standards which are specified in the supervisor's guideline. If for the
instance in case of casting a slab one could visually inspect the cleanness of the panel, size,
arrangement of bar and distribution of the spacers used, and look for all sorts of things that would
seem to affect the bond between the reinforcement bar and concrete.

The dimension of a structural part, number, size and length of bars are clearly presented in
details of structural drawings. Before casting a beam, column or slab the supervisors will check the
correct interpretation of the drawings. Other than this the formwork spacing is measured in cases of
beams, the verticality of a column formwork and level of the bottom panel of a slab is checked in
order to verify the depth.

2.4 Work Tasks I have been executing and their procedures at the project site

The site work performed is divided in to two main parts. These are: - sub-structure work and super-
structure work. Super-structure remains above the ground floor surface and used for specific
purpose whereas sub-structure is below the ground surface it is called foundation used to transfer
the super-structure load to the soil or rock.

2.3.2 Sub-Structure Works

Preparation of the Project Site
This is the first stage in construction work. At this stage the site is prepared as follows:
 Clearing the site,
 Dewatering if any water exist,
 Preparing place for storing construction material,
 Preparing a haul road and other such things are done Site Clearance

The site first tobe cleared to remove an average of 20 cm top soil including grass, plants and rubbish
or any organic material. The purpose is to remove unnecessary/ dirty mateial from the site whose
presences may reduce quality the soil. Some times in some areas the excavated soil from the pits can

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not used as back fill unless the top dirty materials removed since excavated material can be
contaminated. In the site I was practiced totally the excavation was done by mechanical excavator. Setting Out

How to make a profile
 First the surveyor takes readings and put bench marks.
Method of surveying
1) Theodolite method
2) 3-4-5 method
3) Set builder
But in my site they use Theodolite method. The first task before the erection of any building is the
proper setting out. Setting out, which is a task of field surveyors, is a process of putting the
exact/actual form of the building from a plan or map provided to the ground. Given the site plan, the
surveyors will indicate the posterior column edges of the building‟s corners using pegs. Once these
point are indicated,the construction site has to be cleared any obstruction to the work. Following the
clearance bulk excavation will be held. In most cases bulldozers are utilized both for the site
clearance and bulk excavation at once. for the bulldozers to operate in an accurate manner they will
be given a minimum of 2 meter working space. Bulk Excavation

After the top soil is removed (completing site clearance) bulk excavation will take place. Its main
purpose is levelling the construction area (site).this is what is so shown in my site since the
topography of earth is highly varied by up and downs.

Figure1.1 bulk excavation

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2014 Pit Excavation

Pit excavation is an excavation for foundation footing in addition to the actual dimension 25 cm as
working space is excavated. Excavation is carried out by man power. We should carefull enough to
maintain exactrequired vertical and horzontal alignment to achieve these primary references use for
pit exavation.
 The footing is depending on the sub soil.
 If it is ordinary soil it increases its depth. As the hardness of soil increases the depth of the
footing decrease.

Figure 1.2 Pit excavation Cart away

The transporting of excavated soil from the site using trucks. It is the removing of unwanted
excavated soil embankments far away from the site and leveling by compacting Lean concrete (C-5)

In our site the lean concrete is layer of concrete spread under footing pad. The depth of lean concrete
is 50mm thick. In our site the ratio of cement, sand and aggregate in lean concrete is 1:4:6
respectively and the box size is 50cmx40cmx20cm.
Advantages of lean concrete
 It protects all sub-structure element from extra moisture
 It act like hard stratum
Lean concrete
 It prevents the soil particles that are present
under substructure from any relative movement.
 Level the surface of the ground

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I have informed this kind of concrete used under;
 Footing, Grade beam, Floor slab, Masonry foundation, Retaining wall etc. ….
 Notice that We are not use strip and bars for lean concrete FIGURE 1.3 L INE CONCRETE UNDER THE
 Tags of concrete.

2.4 Formwork
The formwork is a temporary construction material used as a mould for the structure. When the
working of formworks we performed or checked the vertical aliment of column formwork by using
plumb bob. Because the formwork is not levelled the footing column work will not correctly levelled.
And I observed mould oil should be applied to the formwork before it is used. The mould oil is used
to make the removal of formwork easy at the right time. The construction of formwork involves
considerable expenditure of time and material. When the concrete has reached a certain required
strength, the formwork is no longer needed and is removed.
The Operation of removing the formwork is commonly known as stripping. Commonly on site, water
impermeable coatings are applied to formwork. This coating prevents formworks from adhering to
concrete and makes the stripping easier. Wooden and steel are the most common materials used for
formwork construction.

Duration of formwork on structural element

a. For footing pad minimum 24 hrs.
b. For columns minimum 24 hrs.

2.4.1 Footing Pad Form Work

As it is the most critical phase and determinant factor for the whole construction of the building, its
construction requires a careful observation and needs several checks. The procedures commonly used
I. Made excavation up to a desirable soil type is found,
II. Transfer the pad corner spots from the suspended rope using a plumb bomb,
III. \
IV. heck that the transfer spots of the pad are perfect; this is checked by measuring diagonally,
V. Made a 50mm lean concrete before arrange the bars.

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Form work

FIGURE 1.4 Form Work For Footing Pad

2.4.1 Footing Pad Form Work

As it is the most critical phase and determinant factor for the whole construction of the building, its
construction requires a careful observation and needs several checks. The procedures commonly used
VI. Made excavation up to a desirable soil type is found,
VII. Transfer the pad corner spots from the suspended rope using a plumb bomb,
IX. heck that the transfer spots of the pad are perfect; this is checked by measuring diagonally,
X. Made a 50mm lean concrete before arrange the bars.

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2.5 Reinforcement work

When the reinforcement was work, we performed or checked the placement and diameter of the bar
and also we checked the spacing of stirrup and the numbers of bars with the specification of the
drawing. Reinforcing bars have different strength class and they are available in different diameters in
our project site. The bars of diameter of use in our site are 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm,
18mm,20mm,22mm 24mm are used. The maximum spacing of bars in our site is 200 m. Bars having
a diameter of 12mm and greater than 12mm are used in footing columns.
Bars are produced from factories industry with 12 m length. This 12 m length bar is also cut into
different pieces of required length. In our site, the length of the bar for each structure is calculated in
to its required length and the bars cutters cut each bar in to the required dimension for each structure.
but the required length of the bar is greater than the available bar length (12 m) then bars will be
overlapped them each other. The length of overlapping is a function of diameter of bars to be
overlapped. Overlapping in column is mandatory.

2.5.1 Process of reinforcement work

1. Cutting: cutting reinforcement bar using by bar cutter tools specified dimension.
2. Bending: banding reinforcement bar according to how they will be used.
3. Placing: placing of bar according to specifications.
4. Fixing: fixing the main bar using by stirrup and wire.


These are stirrups with diameter of 8mm. It is highly resistant to shear forces.

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The steel used in reinforced concrete consists of deformed bars, mostly of the deformed types, with
projection on their surface. The projected surface will help to develop a greater bond between the
concrete and steel. On our site as I have seen that reinforcement bars of different size in diameter are
used as per the structural design.

2.5.2 Placement of reinforcement

The placement of reinforcement has needs special attention. Among them:
 Spacers, which is produced from concrete has to be placed if it is necessary.
 Checked for the correct dimension and number of bar is used.
 Checked for levelness of the surface etc.

2.5.3 Concrete spacers:

Spacers Are used enough clear cover for the reinforcement bars. A minimum concrete cover shall
be provided in order to ensure:
 The safe transmission of bond forces.
 That spilling will not occur.
 An adequate fire resistance.
 The protection of steel against corrosion.


2.5 Concrete Work

Concrete is a composite construction material, composed of cement (commonly Portland cement),
aggregate (generally a coarse aggregate made of gravels or crushed rocks such as limestone or granite
plus a fine aggregate such as sand), water and sometimes a chemical admixture used either to
accelerate or retard the hydration process.
Concrete solidifies and hardens after mixing with water and placement due to a chemical process
known as hydration. The water reacts with the cement, which bonds the other components together,
eventually creating a robust stone-like material.

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In our site the concrete work is produced by mixing of cement, sand, aggregates from different grain
size and water without chemical additives.

2.6.1 Ingredient’s for concrete

 Aggregate:

 Consist of naturally occurring sand, and basaltic stone gravel.

 Should be clean, hard, strong, and sharp.
 Have to be free from excessive dust and harmful materials like iron, mica, shale…

 Sand

 Sand or fine aggregate to be clean river or pit sand of approved quality and consist of hard
core, dense durable uncoated rock fragments. And to be clear of impurity like dust mica and
organic matter.

 Cement

 Stored separately from other items.

 Should be free from dampness, due to whether or ground conditions.

 Type of cement should be selected; we use ordinary Portland cement.

 Water

 Should be clean and protected from contamination.

 Stored and distributed about the site in containers, vessels and through pipe.

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Cement Aggregate Water



Checking of Reinforcement Positioning

This is will be applicable in Avery stage after form work is takes place. The positioning of all
reinforcement shall be checked by the Engineer and no circumstances are concrete to be deposited
around any reinforcement that has not been passed.

The things that we should aware of

 Check the arrangement of reinforcement bars, lap length, and splice of the bars.
 Lap length :- min 40
 But in that site according to the consultant they use mostly 80cm for
 The splice
 Min. splice length is 30cm
 A negative bar is always spliced at the centre of span.
 A positive bar is always spliced at the support.
 Check Spacing of the reinforcement bars and stirrups: - they use according to the
 Check the hook of the stirrups and reinforcement bars
 Hook of stirrups: - the bend at the edge of the stirrups.
 It is mostly taken 50cm but in my site it is taken 100cm.
 Hook of beam bars: - if there is no beam that continued the hook is
Depth of beam – diameter of stirrup – concrete cover

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At least 24 hours notice shall be given to the Engineer of when reinforcement will be ready for

Checking of alignment of the footing pad, column, beam, and slab

 The column should align perfectly vertical. This can be checked by “tumbi ”( plum bob).
The column should align perfectly vertical. This can be checked by “wihalik” (horizontal leveling).
Checking of the quality of the construction materials
 Sand: - pimp at hand and inter to water. If it becomes mud it is not good but if it is
exposed it is good.
 Aggregate: - it is already tested in the quarry site where it comes from.
 Water: - Water fit for drinking is generally suitable for making concrete.
 Reinforcement: - in the site they use product of turkey and it is assumed to be good.
 Precast: - it is done by order around the place in some team.
- It may have some in-correction and they use large safety factor that
compensate to the imperfection.
Controlling the concrete mix ratio and production stages
1. Batching: I observed batching in our site is the process of measurement of cement, coarse
aggregate, fine aggregate and water for each operation of concrete maxing.
For practical concrete mixes, the cement, water and aggregates should be proportioned in such a way
that the resulting concrete has the following properties.
When freshly mixed, it is workable enough for economical and easy uniform placement but not
excessively fluid.
When hardened, it possesses strength and durability adequate to the purpose for it which it is
intended. From standards, it is common on site that the amount of ingredients used to make concrete
of different compression strength is known. For example; to make a one cubic meter of C-25
concrete, 1:2:3 proportion of cement, sand and aggregate is used.

Size of boxes s t r e n gt h o f c o n cr et e amount of cement

5 0 * 4 0 * 2 0 C - 2 0 3 2 0 k g / m 3
5 0 * 4 0 * 1 8 C - 2 5 3 6 0 k g / m 3
5 0 * 4 0 * 1 6 C - 3 0 4 0 0 k g / m 3

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A. Volume batching: This process is most widely used in construction in order to prepare mortar,
cement sand screed and concrete. It is used only batching sand, aggregate and water. Gauge boxes are
used for measuring the fine and course aggregate.


B. Weight batching: Weight batching is mainly used for packed products like cement because it is
most accurate or perfect method, cement is good example for this method.

figure 1.8 kg of cement

2. Mixing: The object of mixing is to make the concrete mass homogeneous and uniform in color and
consistency. All the aggregate particles should have a coat of cement paste and all the ingredients
should blend in to a uniform mass. The mixing is done either by:
A .Hand mixing: In our site used hand mixing is used for spacer when the materials used in this
mixing is cement and sand only.
B .Machine Mixes: In our site machine mixing is used for concrete works, like footing pads and
footing columns.
3. Transporting: Concrete should be transported to the place of deposition at the earliest without the
loss of homogeneity at the time of mixing.
In our sit use mortal pan for transporting concrete for ground level work and use chutes below ground
level for footing pads. Chutes are used to transportation of concrete below the ground levels. These
are made with metal with a slope.

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4. Placing: To achieve quality concrete the fresh mix should be placed with at most cares securing
the homogeneity achieved during mixing and the avoidance of segregation in transporting. Before
placing the concrete, the form work must be examined for correct alignment. The inside of formwork
should be cleaned and oiled before use to avoid any sticking of concrete with the formwork and
making their stripping off difficult.
5. Compaction of concrete: After concrete is placed at the desired location, the next step in the
process of concrete production is its compaction. The use of compaction in concrete is to avoid
segregation and void in concrete. The compaction of concrete can be achieved by hand (hand
compaction), compaction by vibration. In our site we use vibrator to compact concrete. Compaction
by vibration is the most common and widely used method of compacting concrete for any structural
6. Curing concrete: In a simple term curing is watering of concrete. Curing of concrete is necessary
to have strong concrete. Moisture is necessary for the proper hardening of concrete because the
chemical reaction that results in the setting and hardening of the paste takes place only in the presence
of water. If the concrete is cured to 21 days it will be strong enough the loads. But if it is not properly
cured it will create and loss its strength.

Table 3 description grade, material of concrete used, mixing ratio and size of boxes.

Concrete grade M a t e r i a l Mixing ratio Size of boxes ( cm3 ) N o t e

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C - 5 C e m e n t One bag - Used to protect structural concrete from damage

S a n d 4 b o x 40*50*20

Crushed Aggregate 6 b o x 40*50*20

W a t e r 55 liter -

C - 1 0 C e m e n t One bag -

S a n d 3 b o x 40*50*18

Crushed Aggregate 8 b o x 40*50*18

W a t e r 50 Lit. -

C - 1 5 C e m e n t One bag - Used for totally supported structural element.

S a n d 2 b o x 40*50*20

Crushed Aggregate 4 b o x 40*50*20

W a t e r 35 Lit. -

C - 2 0 C e m e n t One bag - U s e d f o r s l a b s

S a n d 2 b o x 40*50*18

Crushed Aggregate 4 b o x 40*50*18

W a t e r 30 Lit. -

C - 2 5 C e m e n t One bag - Commonly used grade of concrete.

S a n d 2 b o x 40*50*18

Crushed Aggregate 3 b o x 40*50*18

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W a t e r 28 Lit. -

C e m e n t One bag - Used for chemical and nuclear plant.

S a n d 2 b o x 40*50*16 Used for foundation footing.

Crushed Aggregate 3 b o x 40*50*16

W a t e r 2 8 l i t -

2.6.2 Concrete work for footing Pad

In our site, there are two types of footings these are: Isolated footing

These footings are sometimes known as column footings and are used to:
 Used to support individual column
 These footings are the most common type of foundation. It is constructed from concrete
and reinforcement bar. While, constructing footing locating the centre of the footing
column needs careful attention. Reasons why they choice this type of foundation Soil
bearing capacity almost good.

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Concrete casting of isolated footing

FIGURE 1.9 ISOLATED FOOTING Combined footing

Is A spread footing which supports two or more column Footings. These types are most frequently
used to support walls and columns, it is applicable where the soil pressure is weak and the structure
loads are heavy.
Since the site is windy site it needs structurally braced structure like shear wall is a double reinforced
structural used, to resist the lateral pressure like wind pressure.
 Combined footings are essential whenever


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2.7 Foundation (footing) columns

Alternatively, it is called sub grade to be differentiate it from elevation column. Foundation column is
a type of column which is totally underground and it is anchored to the pad/ footing. The
reinforcement bars for foundations columns are bended at their bottom end they are anchoring to the
The construction of foundation column wills proceeds after casting of the pad. The formwork will be
constructed to construct foundation column having the required depth and height. The only difference
of columns from other RCC structures is that the formwork for columns will be constructed after the
bars are in their positions, but other structures like beam, stair case, slab, etc., the formwork will be
constructed first and bares are placed over them.

After having constructed the form column is ready for the next work which is concrete work or
casting. The footing column of the concrete grade is C-25.

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Foundation column before casting Foundation column after casting


 In my site they use 1:2:3 ratio of concrete. The concrete grade different by box size.
Controlling of the placement of concrete
It is controlled to place the concrete with gradual vibration.

2.8 Equipment’s use in construction site works

2.8.1 Mixer
Mixer is used to have uniform mix concrete. The mixer has a part on which the components have to
add. Then they adding to rotating drum and the rotating drum mix the concrete. The quality of mix
depends on the numbers of revolutions which the drum rotates to the mix concrete. For the purpose of
operating the mixer, there will be a mixer operator. The operator control operations of the mixer,
workability of concrete by controlling volume of water to check the workability of concrete
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2.8.2 Vibrator
Vibrator is used to compact concrete mix and to avoid air voids in the concrete mix. The presence of
air voids in the concrete reduces the strength of concrete and when dry it will create cracks. In this
regard, vibrators are the essential equipment for every concrete casting.

FIGURE 1.13 Vibrator


The construction of column formwork is the most critical thing and simplest. It consists of sheeting
all-round the column periphery according to the specified dimension and braced strongly. We have to
check the followings before concrete are casted.
I. Centre to centre spacing
II. Vertical and horizontal alignment
III. The formworks dimension and the like

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Functions of form work can be generalized as follows.
 To support the reinforced concrete structure till gives its strength.
 To give the shape required for the concrete, for this purpose there are rectangular and
circular panels for casting concrete.
 To avoid loss of concrete file casting.

2.10 Foundation
The basic function of foundation is to transfer structural loads from building perfectly or uniformly to
the soil without any exceeding stress the load carrying of the ground or soil. Purposes of
 Reduction of load intensity- by increasing the area of contact, so that the total load divided by
the total area (intensity of load) doesn‟t exceed the bearing capacity of the soil.
 Even distribution of loads it means that foundations distribute the non uniform load of the
superstructure evenly to the sub soil.
 Safety against undermining - due to burrowing animals and water floods.

Type of foundation

There are two types of foundations:-

 Shallow Foundation- Its depth is equal to or less than its width(Df≤ B)
 Deep Foundation – Its depth is greater than its width (Df> B)

Types of shallow foundation are:-

 Wall or Continuous foundation

 Isolated foundation
 Combined footing
 Mat (raft) Foundation

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Among the shallow foundation I have seen isolated foundation which is spread square
Footing: - footings are like feet of human being in foundation. Your feet help you stand firm and
stable on the ground. You can imagine how difficult it could be if your feet were no there and the
same is true with footings.

Whatever the kind of the footing, their purpose for the structure are the same:-
 To make the structure stable against horizontal movement and overturning.
 To distribute the load of the super structure over a large area safely.
 To prevent differential settlement.
 Increase the stability of the structure as a whole.
Footing pad: - after lean concrete footing pad was laid. It is done with the dimensions from structural
drawings and the reinforcement details.
The footing pads I was observed in the site I was experience is:
 Reinforcement used was 16mm
 Quality of concrete used C-25
 Spacer is 50mm
 Minimum Pad depth 35cm
 Its width for the isolated footing pad is depend on the sub soil
 Work space is 25cm
Footing column: - foundation columns are vertical RC-members used to transfer loads from beams
and slabs to footing pad. Column can be square, rectangular, circular and any polygon in shape. The
footing column I observed in the site I was work is almost all rectangular in cross section with:
 Quality of concrete used c-25
 concrete cover 50mm
Stirrups were provided to protect from diagonal shear failure. Mostly 8-10 diameter deformed bar was
used with minimum spacing 10cm.

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2.11 Back Fill

2.11.1 Back fill and compaction Back fill around footing pad
In our site all internal back filling is done with a borrowed selected and approved materials. All
organic material such as piece of wood, roots, bushes, and black Cotton soils are removed from all
back fill material.
 All back filling to be in layer and compacted accordance with the standard technical
 Any material which after repeated compaction does not fulfill the requirement is removed and
other suitable material is replaced.
 The maximum layer of fill for one-time compaction does not exceed 20cm thickness in
accordance with the standard technical specification.
Then finally we have seen the Compaction. Compaction is necessary to considerably decrease
void space in the back fill of selected material. The soil fill should compact either by man power
or mechanical compactor. But in our site the compaction was by roller.

figure1.15 Back fill and compaction

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2014 Trench Excavation and Masonry Wall

Trench excavation is take place after backfill is carried out. It excavate at depth of 1m below the
natural ground surface also it serves as foundation for the masonry wall an excavation after the
footing column casted for masonry wall in order to prepared level surface to grade beam.

Masonry wall: - is a stone constructed in order to fill the trench excavation. Mostly it is preferred to
use igneous rock or igneous like rock because it should be strong enough to prevent the load from soil
pressure and water pressure (if any). Stone masonry is the art of building the structures in stores,
made up of stone and attached by mortar. The main purpose of masonry wall is supporting the
backfill from falling and preventing entry of water in to the foundation which may cause a serious
damage on the sub structure of the building.

figure1.16 Trench excavation and Masonry Wall

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2.12 Grade beam

It is a beam tighten the whole structure at the base that transfer load from the superstructure to
foundation column. It is the end of the substructure. Grade beam is a beam lying directly above
the trench wall as in the case of peripheral grade beam or those lying directly above the backfilled
soil as for the grade beams found inside the boundary of the structure. In my site it is rectangular
 Grade of concrete c-25
 Concrete cover 25mm
 Reinforcements used minimum 14mm
Stirrups used minimum diameter 8mm deformed bar with minimum spacing 10mm

Figure 1.17 Grade beam

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2.13 Hard Core

Hardcore is the name given to the infill of materials such as crushed and graded bricks, stone or
concrete, which are hard and do not readily absorb water or deteriorate. Hardcore should be spread
until it is level, then compacted using a mechanical vibrating plate or roller. The hardcore provides a
stable bed for the concrete slab; this hardcore bed is usually 100 to 300 mm deep.
The purpose of hard core is:
 To avoid contamination between the ground floor slab and back fill material.
 To transfer the load uniformly etc. I n our site hard core is laid with a 25 cm thickness, and
it is compacted using a hammer for levelling a stone.

Figure 1.18 Hard core

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3.1 To Improve Practical skill
During the stay of three months many practical skills have been done and it is important to improve
practical skill. Learning in class alone cannot bring change, but to change what we learn in to
practical site field such like is very necessarily.
Practical Skill
 Starting from profile leveling, How average depth is taken from the stretched ropes
 From average depth calculated how bulk excavation is done and carat way removed from
the site.
 Pad excavation for footing depending on design.
 Mixing ratio from concrete work
 Identifying diameters of bars without any calculation
 How finishing work is done

3.2 To upgrade theoretical knowledge

In day to day tasks it changed theoretical knowledge to practice.
During it change our theoretical knowledge to practical the theory in the class changed to work field
by remembering it or by referring different written materials to done it effectively.
Leaning in class and learning in field is also different to improve theoretical knowledge .In field
learning theoretical and practical knowledge gained together .This practical and theoretical gained to
gather can bring Lang lasting memory in the mind .Also it to understand those things that were not
clear from the class during learnt it.
This encourages to improve my theoretical knowledge.
It is also important place to read different written materials related to the field such as leaflets
prepared by the organization different written books (manuals)for the workers and internet in day to
day tasks to get important information. Supervisors also help to improve theoretical knowledge.
In general working place as noticed from internship is where both practical and theoretical knowledge
improved together. Theoretical knowledge improves practical skill and practical skill again bring new
thing to theoretical knowledge.

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3.3 To Improve Inter personal communication skill

As a member of the group in the organization there is communication between each member how to
work when to work and what to work
Inter personal communication was with supervisor and other staff members. The communication was
both verbal communication and written communication.
As interpersonal communication is the communication between two or more than two peoples,
during the stay of three months interpersonal communication is improved. Verbal communication was
used in day to day activities and theoretical knowledge gained by English was communicated and
clear communication has been taken place. So it is very important to improve interpersonal
Written interpersonal communication also is improved in internship. Weekly report to the supervisor
and general report to the university improve the written skill and the ability to communication by
writing .In general internship encourage the participator effective communicator and peace
interpersonal relation.
 Bring social interaction
 It helped to build up self esteem
 Improve speaking and listening skill
 To behave in proper manner
 Exchange views and knowledge

3.4. Team playing skill

Group production is always higher than individual work as noticed from internship .Most of work
in the site was by team and it is important chance to improve team playing skills such as:-
 High involvement in the team work
 Aware of what work to be done and how to do it by the team
 Cohesion and mutual assistance within the team
 How effective team resolve possible interpersonal conflict by itself
 How to find own role in the work to be carried out
 How to made decision through consent us in the team
As a result team playing skill provides solution to problem that requires variety of skills and
information or ideas. By considering the above advantage of team play skill it improved in every
activity of the site.

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3.5. Leadership skill

During the stay in the internship site, continuous process of directing and influencing the work related
activities of group members to ward accomplishment (achievement) of organizational goals has been
done. Leadership skill can be gained during continuous processes of this activity. The following
leadership function /skill can be gained from internship
 Ensuring sustainability of the activities in organization
 Initiation and conducing of change in the organization
 And be confident leadership in the fold
As a leader during our stay, we manage the time of the worker ,timely payment for workers, checking
the work done encourage good communication between workers, managing the mixing ratio of
concrete ,telling the error they did by leveling the box for the aggregate and sand

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3.6 Ethics
The moral value at every work place can be learned from the internship programs. This include
 Respecting person
 Respecting the norms &values of the workers
 Respecting not to harm the workers
 Promoting equal rights for the workers
 Good relation with all workers
 Reporting accurate data
 Punctuality
Interims of improving entrepreneur ships skill
The experience obtained has a great importance up on our life to chose and plan each of our figures
Being an intern student and became a knowledgeable in:-
 Selection of effective work with possible least cost and maximum gain
 Efficient use of time
 Reduce loss of material (resource management)
 Extend our mind to create different type of work

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1.1 Conclusion
The report detail was done on the site works, including (sub structure work and super structure
work) and office work in our construction company. I have been executing many interesting and
essential work tasks, which develop my practical skill. Most of the students are based on technical
course of education. But the student gets more knowledge in practice if they involve in internship
program because it is general laboratory to see cause and effect at the site and internship also
improve my communication skill, work ethics and cooperation collogues. Since internship opened
my eye to a whole new world of construction process and the professional life of an engineers.
Therefore, if the internship is continuous in this manner it plays a significant role in development of
our country.

The intern ship experience has helped out to:


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4.2 Recommendations

Based on I stayed in the company for internship practices, the following

recommendations are forwarded: During my internship stay in my hosting company I was able
to do construction of practices were done being made by contractors (contradicting the contract
agreement they signed), knowingly or unknowingly below are some of the technical errors I have
observed on the site.


the employers are motivated.

pay the employers salary on time, so the finance department should deeply
think and pay their salary on time.

they must use polite speaking in order to get good result from their workers.

dusts and moisture and finally it creates cracking in each part of the structure. Therefore, materials
should be stored in a suitable place. But there was a problem in my site.

sometimes they did not use proper mix ratio. Therefore, they should use the proper mix ratio. I
suggest that the company improve its output at the present by addressing the following mentioned
issues with respect production resources management large projects and by trying to double its
project performances and by regarding Safety and healthy rules and regulations the need for strong
structural department the need for efficient material utilizations, the need for defined role for staff

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1. Company‟s profile……………….Use correct Reference format
2. The record and personnel department
3. The Operation Manual
4. EBCS-2 1995, Ethiopian building code of standard.
5. Construction material handout.
6. Building construction handout of other universities.
7. Contract, Quantity survey/specification handout.

8. Previous year report samples

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1. CRAVAT: yoke; used to fix the formworks to gather in their position.

2. FERRO: is any bar that provide in any construction area that capable to resist tensile strength.
3. FERROYE :a person who bends bar reinforcement for any structural part of the construction.
4. GRILLA:-reinforcement used for the placement of footing.

5. KRACHARE-a wood boundary marking the dimension of the column and where the column
form work is inserted.
6. MODINO:-profile; used for setting out works.

7. SEBAGO:-string; used to maintain alignments.

8. SEGETO:-Steel saw.
9. STAFFA: - this is local name give to stirrups, used to resist shear failure and can hold the bars to
give required shape.

Prepared By Abel Demissie Page 41

10. TUMBI :( plum bob) an instrument used to check vertical alignment of columns and form works.
11. WUHALIK: a long transparent plastic pipe used for transferring measurements by reading the
water level. It is simply a piezometer.

Prepared By Abel Demissie Page 42

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