Indian Paper With Inst
Indian Paper With Inst
Indian Paper With Inst
model was built using the site mea- Upstream girder (with strain gauging on top and bottom of section)
sured cross sections. The additional Axial strain gauges Piezoelectric accelerometers in
plates at joints were also measured to vertical and lateral directions
at midspan and quarter span
arrive at the total dead weight of the U1' U2' U3' U4' U5'
bridge. The total mass of the bridge
was estimated to be 58 t.
The numerical model of the bridge was
created using ANSYS software version Displacement gauges
5.0.12 The individual members were in longitudinal direction
at roller
L0' L1' L2' L3' L4' L5' L6'
modelled as 3D beam elements with
geometric offsets as exactly measured Displacement gauges in vertical and lateral direction
from the site conditions. The element
Downstream girder (with strain gauging on neutral axis of section)
BEAM44 was used for modelling the
beam elements. In place of modelling Fig. 3: Instrumentation scheme showing critical sensor locations
Load case Locomotive static Wagon static Slow speed through run Design speed through run
Response quantity Numerical Site Numerical Site Numerical Site Numerical Site
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Displacement at
−9,6 −9,7 −13 −12,4 −14 −13,6 −14,1 −13,9
centre of span
Table 2: Comparison of responses—numerical model versus site data—displacement at centre span
Load case Locomotive static Wagon static Slow speed through run Design speed through run
Response Numerical Site Numerical Site Numerical Site Numerical Site
quantity (microstrain) (microstrain) (microstrain) (microstrain) (microstrain) (microstrain) (microstrain) (microstrain)
Strain in
117 122 147 165 161 173 164 180
Strain in
U1–U2 −162 −176 −223 −198 −232 −214 −233 −210
(top chord)
Strain in
L0–U1 −130 −131 −165 −154 −188 −169 −191 −176
Strain in
221 216 264 234 281 271 284 286
Strain in
flange 160 165 176 162 262 234 266 237
of cross
Strain in
top flange
−143 −138 −12 −18 −173 −180 −179 −167
of rail
Table 3: Comparison of responses—numerical model versus site data—axial strains
250 50
the exact loads of locomotives (6 axles
of 20,5 t) and the number of axles in an
200 0 average day.
150 −50 The traffic load details of the mea-
100 −100 sured strain time histories in the 48 h
continuous monitoring period were
50 −150
unknown. The loads coming on the
0 −200 bridge can generally be segregated
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 into:
(e) Time (s) (f) Time (s)
1. Locomotive axles
Fig. 4: Correlations of numerical model with site response
2. Wagon axles corresponding to empty
freight wagons
Mode number Frequency from numerical Frequency from site 3. Wagon axles corresponding to empty
model (Hz) estimates (Hz) passenger wagons
4. Wagon axles corresponding to brake
1 3,43 3,34
2 4,05 3,87 5. Wagon axles corresponding to loaded
3 5,92 6,18 freight wagons
4 7,52 7,28
Of all these, only the wagons cor-
5 8,78 9,34 responding to loaded freight are
6 9,92 9,95 unknown. The pattern of the response
data clearly indicates whether the
Table 4: Comparison of frequencies from numerical model with site estimates
train is a passenger or a freight train,
and also if it is loaded or empty. The
Train type Number of Number of Number of Number of load estimation procedure is thus lim-
trains locomotive axles trailing axles of trailing axles of ited to estimating the loaded freight
wagons brake van wagons.
Locomotives 5 48 — — As the numerical model was giv-
Passenger 45 288 2836 2 ing excellent correlation with the
Empty goods 8 54 1422 14 site data, it was used to estimate the
loads. This estimation was done by
Full goods 42 462 8646 78
first assuming the loads to be in a cer-
Table 5: Composition of traffic in 48 h continuous monitoring period tain range, and then changing them in
Stress Bottom chord First diagonal Vertical post Rail bearer Cross girder
cycle range Number Total Number Total Number Total Number Total Number Total
(MPa) fatigue life fatigue life fatigue life fatigue life fatigue life
30 987 523 559 309 2154
40 58 391 487 2584 386
50 20 640 26 227 3 361 0 86 52 136
60 0 59 0 0 103
70 0 6 0 0 0
Table 8: Fatigue computations as per BS 5400