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Sanket Bhagwat patil.

st st
MMS 1 year 1 sem
Roll no. - 2224039

Submitted to – Dr. Irfan

Standalone Balance Sheet
(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee)

As of As of
March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 5 559,088 555,676
Capital work-in-progress 5 10,715 12,831
Right-of-use assets 34 360,750 348,369
Goodwill 6 739 739
Other intangible assets 6 778,642 669,100
Intangible assets under development 6 16,708 232
Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 7 341,288 335,133
Financial assets
- Investments 7 150,243 150,154
- Other financial assets 10 16,831 16,905
Income tax assets (net) 10,760 14,206
Deferred tax assets (net) 11 164,486 158,386
Other non-current assets 12 60,117 115,021
2,470,367 2,376,752
Current assets
Inventories 4 8
Financial assets
- Investments 7 7,904 37,443
- Derivative instruments 8 316 28
- Trade receivables 13 25,390 31,782
- Cash and cash equivalents 14 2,995 9,928
- Other bank balances 14 290 437
- Loans 9 49,710 15,669
- Other financial assets 10 209,782 196,700
Other current assets 12 81,787 108,724
378,178 400,719
Total assets 2,848,545 2,777,471
Equity and liabilities
Equity share capital 15 27,950 27,460
Other equity 761,348 746,141
TOTAL EQUITY 789,298 773,601
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities
- Borrowings 17 943,258 899,088
- Lease liabilities 322,112 299,986
- Other financial liabilities 18 34,202 74,291
Deferred revenue 23 12,529 13,906
Provisions 19 2,304 2,205
NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,314,405 1,289,476
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities
- Borrowings 17 90,823 44,989
- Lease liabilities 54,060 60,011
- Derivative instruments 8 176 430
- Trade payables
- total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 21 195 702
- total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises 21 251,449 222,248
and small enterprises
- Other financial liabilities 18 69,338 111,488
Deferred revenue 23 50,339 42,520
Provisions 19 208,893 201,566
Current tax liabilities (net) 194 415
Other current liabilities 20 19,375 30,025
744,842 714,394
Total liabilities 2,059,247 2,003,870
Total equity and liabilities 2,848,545 2,777,471
The accompanying notes 1 to 42 form an integral part of these Standalone Financial Statements.
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bharti Airtel
Limited For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
Chartered Accountants
(Firm’s Registration No: 117366W / W-100018)
Vijay Agarwal Sunil Bharti Mittal Gopal Vittal
Partner Chairman Managing Director & CEO
Membership No: 094468 DIN: 00042491 (India and South Asia)
Place: Gurugram, India Place: Puglia, Italy DIN: 02291778
Place: Gurugram, India
Soumen Ray Pankaj Tewari
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Date: May 17, 2022 Place: Gurugram, India Place: New Delhi, India
Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; except per share data)

For the year ended For the year ended

March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021
Revenue from operations 23 706,419 643,259
Other income 14,228 23,879
TOTAL INCOME 720,647 667,138
Network operating expenses 24 169,693 151,205
Access charges 32,309 85,647
License fee / Spectrum charges 84,623 67,899
Employee benefits expense 25 15,940 16,645
Sales and marketing expenses 26 31,497 20,649
Other expenses 27 21,449 21,373
TOTAL EXPENSES 355,511 363,418
Profit before depreciation, amortisation, finance costs, 365,136 303,720
exceptional items and tax
Depreciation and amortisation expenses 28 245,924 219,975
Finance costs 29 141,458 118,167
Loss before exceptional items and tax (22,246) (34,422)
Exceptional items (net) 30 20,096 150,230
Loss before tax (42,342) (184,652)
Tax (credit) / expense
Current tax 11 - (1,312)
Deferred tax 11 (6,092) 68,636
(6,092) 67,324
Loss for the year (36,250) (251,976)
Other comprehensive income
Items not to be reclassified to profit or loss:
- Re-measurement (loss) / gain on defined benefit plans 25 (33) 3
- Tax credit / (charge) 11 8 (1)
Other comprehensive (loss) / income for the year (25) 2
Total comprehensive loss for the year (36,275) (251,974)
Loss per share (Face value: `5 each)*
Basic and diluted loss per share 31 (6.53) (45.95)
*Basic and diluted loss per share for the previous year has been retrospectively adjusted for the bonus element in respect of the Rights Issue made
during the year ended March 31, 2022 (refer note 4(iv)).

The accompanying notes 1 to 42 form an integral part of these Standalone Financial Statements.
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bharti Airtel
Limited For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
Chartered Accountants
(Firm’s Registration No: 117366W / W-100018)

Vijay Agarwal Sunil Bharti Mittal Gopal Vittal

Partner Chairman Managing Director & CEO
Membership No: 094468 DIN: 00042491 (India and South Asia)
Place: Gurugram, India Place: Puglia, Italy DIN: 02291778
Place: Gurugram, India

Soumen Ray Pankaj Tewari

Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary
Date: May 17, 2022 Place: Gurugram, India Place: New Delhi, India

Bharti Airtel Limited 243

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

Standalone Statement of Changes in Equity

Standalone Statement of Changes in Equity
(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated otherwise)

Equity share capital Other equity

Reserves and Surplus Equity
No. of Share- Total
Business Debenture of foreign
shares Amount Securities Retained General based Capital Total equity
restructuring redemption currency
(in '000) premium earnings reserve payment reserve
reserve reserve convertible
reserve bond
As of April 1, 2020 5,455,557 27,278 492,042 413,856 22,752 16,313 7,500 579 30,430 3,542 987,014 1,014,292
Loss for the year - - - (251,976) - - - - - - (251,976) (251,976)
Other comprehensive income - - - 2 - - - - - - 2 2
(net of tax)
Total comprehensive loss - - - (251,974) - - - - - - (251,974) (251,974)
Transactions with owners
of equity
Issue of equity shares on 36,470 182 21,699 - - - - - - - 21,699 21,881
preferential basis (refer note
4 (xii))
Employee share-based - - - - - - - 689 - - 689 689
payment expense
Exercise of share options - - - - 57 - - (407) - - (350) (350)
Dividend paid - - - (10,911) - - - - - - (10,911) (10,911)
Transfer of debenture - - - 7,500 - - (7,500) - - - - -
redemption reserve to retained
Integrated Report and Annual Financial Statements 2021-22

earnings (refer note 16(e))

Adjustment on account of - - - 16,313 - (16,313) - - - - - -
Indus-Infratel merger (refer
note 4(ix))
Common control transaction - - - (26) - - - - - - (26) (26)
As of March 31, 2021 5,492,027 27,460 513,741 174,758 22,809 - - 861 30,430 3,542 746,141 773,601
Loss for the year - - - (36,250) - - - - - - (36,250) (36,250)
Other comprehensive loss (net - - - (25) - - - - - - (25) (25)
of tax)
Total comprehensive loss - - - (36,275) - - - - - - (36,275) (36,275)
Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements
Bharti Airtel Limited

Standalone Statement of Changes in

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated otherwise)

Equity share capital Other equity

Reserves and Surplus
No. of Share-
Business Debenture
shares Amount Securities Retained General based Cap
restructuring redemption
(in '000) premium earnings reserve payment rese
reserve reserve

Transactions with owners

of equity
Issue of equity shares, net of 392,288 490 51,736 - - - - -
expenses (note 4(iv))
Employee share-based - - - - - - - 645
payment expense
Exercise of share options - - - - (23) - - (565)
Common control transaction - - - (311) - - - -
As of March 31, 2022 5,884,315 27,950 565,477 138,172 22,786 - - 941 30,4

The accompanying notes 1 to 42 form an integral part of these Standalone Financial Statements.

As per our report of even date For

and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bharti Airtel Limited For
Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
Chartered Accountants
(Firm’s Registration No: 117366W / W-100018)

Vijay Agarwal Sunil Bharti Mittal Go

Partner Chairman Ma
Membership No: 094468 DIN: 00042491 (In
Place: Gurugram, India Place: Puglia, Italy DI

Soumen Ray Pa
Chief Financial Officer Co

Date: May 17, 2022 Place: Gurugram, India Pla

Bharti Airtel Limited 245

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

1. Summary of the Company and its product

ANS - The Telecommunication Industry is booming and has

immense potential for investment in India. India has witnessed
exponential growth in Telecommunication services especially in
the last decade. It is further expected to soar in the next few
years. Since the Indian economy was opened to the private
sector in 1990, the industry has matured from initial euphoria,
to subsequent despair, and then hope in recent times in the
wake of the move of revenue sharing. Telecommunication
seqfor bears a close relationship with GDP growth of the
country. The Indian market is still in the developing stage and
the country can expect to witness a robust rate of growth as
India's economy expands and continue to grow at a high rate
over a next few years.
The major players in Indian Telecommunication Industry are
Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Reliance communication, Tata and BSL.
The project on Telecommunication industry with focus on
Bharti Airtel highlights the important issues that have been in
the lime light since the very long time. The report captures the
history and Indian scenario, industry structure, market share of
different companies, important regulatory bodies, analysis of
future challenges of telecommunication industry etc. This
report also focuses on the strategic approach by Bharti Airtel to
stand strongly in the competitive telecom market. Artel's
marketing strategies are analyses using various models like
SWOT analysis, BCG Matrix, Ansoff's matrix, porter's five forces
etc. The outcomes of these models are analysed to find out the
various aspects like companies position and competitors
position in the market. The report also analyses the different
strategic options available to the company under the different
market condition.
In India, the company's product offerings include

Bharti Airtel Limited 246

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

2G, 3G and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed line

services, high-speed home broadband, DTH, and enterprise
services including national & international long-distance
services to carriers.
Bhartiya Airtel India is the second largest provider of mobile
telephony after Jio and the second largest provider of fixed
telephony in India and is also a provider of broadband and
subscription television services. It offers its telecom services
under the Airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal.

 Easy Payments
 Prepaid. Airtel.

 Post paid Airtel.

 DTH. Airtel.

 Data Card. Airtel.

 Gas. Airtel.

 Water. Airtel.

 Electricity. Airtel.

 Broadband. Airtel.

2. Authorized Capital: Quantity, types of shares, and

ANS - authorized share capital is ₹29,555,980,000(29.55cr)
and its paid up capital is ₹5,492,027,268 ( ₹5,4.92 Cr ).

Equity share capital is 27,950/- cr

Other equity capital 761,348 /- cr

Bharti Airtel Limited 247

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated otherwise)

3. Issued & Subscribed Capital: Quantity, face value per

share, types of shares, and the total amount

ANS – ISSUED capital – 29,421 /-

Subscribed Capital – 27,950 /-
Shares nos - 392,287,662/-
Face value – rs.5

4. Name of shareholders holding more than 5 % of total

shares in the company: Quantity and percentage of
each shareholder

Details of shareholders holding more than 5% shares in
the Company -

As of March 31, 2022

Bharti Telecom 2,109,641 35.85%
Pastel Limited 814,327 13.84%
Indian Continent 355,593 6.04%
Investment Limited

Bharti Airtel Limited 248

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated


5. Take any one item from "Non-Current Liabilities" and

explain its nature, type of borrowing secured /
unsecured, etc.
Provisions Non Current liability is 2,304 Cr
Examples of Noncurrent Liabilities Noncurrent liabilities include
debentures, long-term loans, bonds payable, deferred tax
liabilities, long-term lease obligations, and pension benefit
obligations. The portion of a bond liability that will not be paid
within the upcoming year is classified as a noncurrent liability

6.Anyone item from "Current Liabilities" and explain its

Financial current liability
Borrowings 90,823 Cr
Trade Payables Cr
Lease Liability 54,060 Cr
Other Financial Liability 69,338 Cr
Current liabilities are a company's short-term financial
obligations that are due within one year or within a normal
operating cycle. Current liabilities are typically settled using
current assets, which are assets that are used up within one

Bharti Airtel Limited 249

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated


7. Anyone item from "Other Equity" and explain its

ANS- Other Equity 761,348 Cr

The item Other equity includes capital investments (such as

holdings in international organisations) that are not part of
portfolio or direct investments

8. Calculate the Book Value of Shares and Earning Per

Share (EPS)

Total income
EPS= X 100
Total no. of shares

= X 100

= 0.13121 X 100
EPS = 13.121

BOOK value of share = Total equity

Total no. of share

Bharti Airtel Limited 250

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

= 789298000
= 134.135

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated


9. Profit Before Tax (PBT), Profit After Tax (PAT), Profit

Before Interest & Tax (PBIT), and Profit
Before Interest & Depreciation) (PBITD) from Profit &
Loss Statement

 Profit Before Tax (PBT) = 365,136 CR

 Profit After Tax (PAT) =

 Profit Before Interest & Tax (PBIT)= PBT+FC

=365,136 + 141458
PBIT = 506594 CR

 Profit before interest & depreciation =

=365,136 + 141458 + 255982
= 506594 + 255982
PBITD = 762576 CR

Bharti Airtel Limited 251

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated


10. Calculate ratios

a. Percentage of Total Equity to TFE and Debt to
b. Profit Ratio considering PBT & PAT

ANS- TFE (Total fund employed) = Total equity + Total non -

= 789298 + 1314405
TFE = 2103703

A. Percentage of Total Equity to TFE = Total equity

X 100
= 789298
X 100

= 0.375194 X 100
= 37.5194 %

B. Debt to TFE = Debt

X 100

= 1314405
X 100

Bharti Airtel Limited 252

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

= 0.6248054 X 100
= 62.4805 %

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated


Profit Ratio considering PBT & PAT

Total income

= 365,136
X 100

= 0.50667 X 100
= 50.667802 %

(All amounts are in millions of Indian Rupee; unless stated


11. Name of the Audit Firm, name of the auditor, and

date of the report.
Deloitte Haskins and sells LLP Chartered accountants As on
dated 31 March 2022.

Bharti Airtel Limited 253

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

12. Name of the Company Secretary

ANS- Pankaj tiwari , Company secretary of bhartiya airtel

13.Name and designation of the authorities of the

company whose names are written on the
Balance Sheet
ANS- Sunil Mittal - chairman
Vijay Agrawal - Partner
Gopal vittal - Managing director & CEO
Soumen Roy - chief financial officer

14. Name of Stock Exchanges where the company is

Bombay Stock Exchange and National STOCK exchange
where this company has listed.

15. Date to last Annual General Meeting

ANS - 31 Aug 2021

16. The market value of shares of your selected

Company on the BSE website www. with opening, closing, day high, and day
low (mention date of your readings)

Bharti Airtel Limited 254

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

on 2nd april opening is RS. 745.15 High is 753.00 and low is

742.75 & closed on RS. 743.45 in bombay stock exchange.

16. The market value of shares of your selected

Company on the NSE website with opening, closing, day high, and
day low (mention date of your

on 2nd april opening is RS. 752.15 High is 753.00 and low is
742.05 closed on RS. 749.00 in Natinal stock exchange.

Bharti Airtel Limited 255

Corporate Overview Management Discussion & Analysis Statutory Reports Financial Statements

18. Write your overall analysis of the company in three

to four lines with your recommendations about the
company from a management perspective
Bharti Airtel is a leading telecommunications company in India
with a strong market presence in Africa and South Asia. The
company has been focusing on expanding its digital and mobile
services to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving
telecommunications industry. To sustain its growth, Airtel
should continue to invest in new technologies and strategic
partnerships while optimizing its operational efficiency to
improve profitability. Additionally, the company can consider
diversifying its revenue streams by exploring new business
areas such as e-commerce or fintech.

Bharti Airtel Limited 256

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