As at As at
Particulars Note 31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 3 7,178 6,189
Capital work-in-progress 3 915 1,020
Goodwill 4 17,316 17,316
Other intangible assets 4 27,885 27,900
Financial assets
Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint venture 5 981 981
Investments 6 2 2
Loans 7 392 339
Other financial assets 8 714 715
Non-current tax assets (net) 9D 1,118 1,115
Other non-current assets 10 279 199
Total - Non-current assets (A) 56,780 55,776
Current assets
Inventories 11 3,812 4,031
Financial assets
Investments 6 4,510 2,811
Trade receivables 12 2,690 2,735
Cash and cash equivalents 13 609 586
Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents mentioned above 14 6,607 3,836
Loans 7 37 35
Other financial assets 8 1,416 1,391
Other current assets 15 603 612
Assets held for sale 16 12 12
Total - Current assets (B) 20,296 16,049
TOTAL ASSETS [(A) + (B)] 77,076 71,825
As at As at
Particulars Note 31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
The accompanying notes 1 to 50 are an integral part of these standalone financial statements
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of Board of Directors
Revenue from operations 25 60,469 59,144
Other income 26 973 640
TOTAL INCOME 61,442 59,784
Cost of materials consumed 27 17,791 19,229
Purchases of Stock-in-trade 28 11,544 11,968
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and 29
(8) (53)
Employee benefits expense 30 2,782 2,665
Finance costs 31 302 101
Depreciation and amortisation expense 32 1,097 1,030
Other expenses 33 14,170 11,703
TOTAL EXPENSES 47,678 46,643
Profit before exceptional items and tax 13,764 13,141
Exceptional items (net) 34 (89) (62)
Profit before tax 13,675 13,079
Tax expenses
Current tax 9A (3,446) (2,922)
Deferred tax charge 9A (115) (195)
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (A) 10,114 9,962
The accompanying notes 1 to 50 are an integral part of these standalone financial statements
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of Board of Directors
(Rs in Crores)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2024 31st March, 2023
Profit before tax 13,675 13,079
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation expenses 1,097 1,045
Loss / (Profit) on sale of property, plant and equipment 17 (102)
Contingent consideration true up for business combination - (2)
Fair value gain on financial liability on acquisition (37) -
Finance income (551) (425)
Dividend income (176) (118)
Other non operating income - Fair value gain on investments (246) (97)
Interest expense 285 101
Profit on sale of brand rights - (60)
Movement of provision towards litigation (159) -
Inventory written off net of Provision/ (write back) for Inventory 155 176
Bad debts/ assets written off net of Provision/ (write back) (9) (34)
Transaction cost on acquisition - 2
Mark-to-market gain on derivative financial instruments (8) (8)
Cash generated from operations before working capital changes 14,043 13,557
Adjustments for:
(Increase)/ decrease in Non-Current Assets (28) (13)
(Increase)/ decrease in Current Assets 170 (1,099)
(Increase)/ decrease in Inventories 77 (332)
Increase/ (decrease) in Non-Current Liabilities 144 (115)
Increase/ (decrease) in Current Liabilities 773 696
Cash flows generated from operations 15,179 12,694
Taxes paid (net of refunds) (295) (3,068)
Net cash flows generated from operating activities - [A] 14,884 9,626
Redemption/ maturity of term deposits (having original maturity of more than 3 months) 6,313 2,425
Note: The above Standalone Statement of Cash Flows has been prepared under the ‘Indirect Method’ as set out in Ind AS 7, 'Statement of Cash Flows'.