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Chronicles of Arax

Solo Adventure Game

Chronicles of Arax
Shane Garvey
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Chronicles of Arax is copyright Crystal Star Games, 2011. All names and places are completely ctional and are not meant to represent any location or person, living or dead.

The world of Arax is a world lled with blood and battle, magic and monsters, slaughter and sorcery. It is a world where the weak are crushed and the strong survive, where those who are bigger and more powerful bully those who are weaker and more vulnerable. It is a world in need of a Hero, someone who can stand against the darkness and ght on behalf of the downtrodden. A Hero like YOU. Chronicles of Arax is a game where you, the reader, takes on the role of a Hero in the world of Arax. It is your job to ght against evil and injustice, to undertake various Quests to further the goals of good, and hopefully get some fame and loot in the bargain! But Arax is a dark and dangerous world, and death will await you at each turn. The ancient empires of men, dwarfs and elves are crumbling, beset on all sides by the dark hordes of the orcs, goblins, demons and the undead. The once magnicent elven forests, at one time beautiful, green and lush, are now withering and dying, the magically-crafted towers and wondrous tree-cities that lie within broken and shattered. Only the elven talent at manipulating mana, the magical force that permeates Arax, has stopped their race from being wiped out. The dwarven fortresses built high in the mountains of Arax are now overrun with goblins, who burrowed up through the earth and attacked from within the otherwise impenetrable fortress walls. One by one the fortresses fall and, although the dwarven courage and skill with weapons is legendary, even they nd themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of goblins pouring in to their homes. And humanity nd themselves sorely pressed on all sides, their cities and towns constantly raided and besieged. The barbaric orc tribes march down from the north, pillaging everything in their path. The necromantic legions from the southern desert kingdoms shamble forward, unrelenting in their march towards the human lands. Some humans even turn against their own, worshipping demonic powers in secret and plotting the downfall of their race from within. But all is not lost. Many Heroes have arisen in these dark times, men and women, human, elf and dwarf, each of them seeking to turn back the tide of darkness that threatens to engulf Arax. Will you be one of these Heroes?

What You Need To Play

There are a few things you will need to have handy in order to play the game. First and foremost is a copy of these rules. You may print these rules for your own use, and even give them to friends and family if you want. You will need a set of polyhedral dice. This means you need a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 (check out the glossary if you are not sure what this means). Some pens and paper are also necessary. You will need a copy of the character sheet found at the end of these rules as well. Finally, you may wish to purchase some premium content for Chronicles of Arax. This content, available for $1 each, includes things like new Hero types, new Quests, new tables and charts and much, much more. All of this is optional however; you can play the game simply with these rules!

In Chronicles of Arax, you take on the role of a mighty Hero who, in the face of utter darkness, stands up for the light by undertaking missions and adventures (known as Quests) that will hopefully aid the forces of light. Throughout Arax a Hero can come from any walk of life, be it a noble Knight, an elf Druid or a stalwart dwarf Stone Warrior. This rules manual includes one Hero type for you to play as: the Adventurer. Regardless of what type of Hero you choose to play as, each one has a set of numerical statistics known as characteristics. Each characteristic represents a different facet of your Hero, such as how good at ghting they are, how strong or smart they are, and so on. Each of these characteristics has a die type assigned to it, such as d4 or d6. The more sides the die has, the better. The characteristics are Fighting Skill, Magic Skill, Strength, Reexes, Endurance, Knowledge, Charm and Perception. FIGHTING SKILL This characteristic measures a Heros ability to ght in battle. The higher this score is, the more likely it is the Hero will hit and defeat any enemy he encounters. MAGIC SKILL This shows how good the Hero is with magical powers. It also governs the use of some magical and enchanted items. STRENGTH This characteristic shows how physically powerful the Hero is. A stronger Hero is able to do more damage to enemies in hand-to-hand ghting. REFLEXES The Reexes characteristic shows just how quickly a Hero can react. It also measures their agility and stealth. ENDURANCE This shows how tough a Hero is. A high Endurance die means the Hero can withstand more pain than a Hero with a low Endurance die. KNOWLEDGE This measures a Heros intelligence. The higher this characteristic is, the more likely it is the Hero will know something. CHARM The Charm characteristic is used when dealing with others. It is a measure of a Heros friendliness and charisma. PERCEPTION Finally, this characteristic shows you how sharp a Heros senses are. It governs sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch.

All Heroes have another score, Wounds. This is not represented by a die, but rather by a numerical score. A Heros starting Wounds score is equal to double the maximum roll on his Endurance die. For example, a Hero with Endurance: d6 would have 12 Wounds (maximum roll of 6, multiplied by 2 = 12). Your Heros Wounds score will change frequently during a Quest. If your Heros Wounds score ever reaches 0, your Hero has been killed and you must start again, with a brand new Hero. If you manage to regain Wounds during a Quest, you may never raise them above your starting score.

Jarn crept silently through the tunnel, the shutters on his lantern only opened a crack to give him just enough light to see by, but not enough that he would be spotted by any of the orcs that called these infernal caves home. Why the orcs had even come here he was unsure; normally, they would have just raided villages and towns on their way south, stopping only when they were defeated. Maybe it had something to do with this mage that supposedly led the orcs, he thought to himself. That was interesting in itself: if the rumours were to be believed, a human sorcerer had forsaken his own race and fled north, where he now led a band of orcs. It was said that the orcs in these caves were led by this sorcerer. Rounding a corner, Jarn suddenly came to a wooden door that barred his way onwards. Listening closely, he could hear a faint sound coming from beyond, but he couldnt make out what it was. He could either go on, risking whatever was beyond the door, or trek back the way he had come... the decision was easy. Trying the door handle, Jarn found it was unlocked. Slowly he twisted it and pushed the door open. To his relief it swung silently on its hinges, making not even the slightest squeak. Stepping inside, he surveyed the room. It was dirty and unkempt, and smelt of leather and sweat. A rickety wooden table stood in the middle of the room, a bowl of stew sitting in the middle of it, besides which lay a dirty wooden spoon. A mug of half-finished ale rested beside it. Lying on a pallet of straw was a sleeping orc, battle axe still held in its hand. It was snoring softly, drunk from drinking too much strong ale with its dinner. It still slept in its armour of studded leather. A small wooden chest rested at the feet of the sleeping orc and Jarns eyes were instantly turned towards it. His mind made up, he crept towards it, his mind imagining what might be within. This proved to be his downfall, for he didnt notice the upturned chair that lie in his way... With a crash, Jarn fell to the floor, mere inches away from the orcs face. Instantly it was alert, its hand tightening around the haft of its battle axe. Both Jarn and the orc leapt to their feet, weapons ready. Both knew that only one of them would leave this fight alive.

Playing the Game

Once you have chosen you Hero and got all your things together, it is time to play! The rst thing you need to do is choose a Quest to undertake. There is a short Quest in these rules, and more Quests will be available as premium content. With your Quest chosen it is time to begin. Quests will normally have 10 or more Encounters, each one numbered in order. When you begin a Quest, roll 1 d10 and go to the Encounter with the number rolled (for example, if you rolled a 7 you would go to Encounter 7). Once you know which Encounter to play, read through the Encounter and follow the instructions within. If you make it through the Encounter, you must move on to the next Encounter. Roll 1 d10 again, but this time add +1 to the roll. Continue doing this, add +1 to the roll for each previous encounter you have beaten (so, if you had already beaten ve encounters, you would add +5 to the roll). This continues until you make it to the nal Encounter of the Quest. If you beat this Encounter, you have successfully completed the Quest! Each Encounter can only be beaten once, so if you beat it, make a mark next to it. If you happen to roll this Encounter again, move on to the next Encounter along that you havent already beaten.

Many Encounters will call upon you to make a Test against one of your Heros characteristics. This will be written as make a Strength Test or make a Charm Test. In order to make a Test, roll the die associated with the listed characteristic (so roll your Strength die for a Strength Test, Charm die for a Charm Test, and so on). You will need to roll a certain number or higher in order to pass the Test. This number will be listed in the Encounter; it may be something like, make a Strength Test (4+). This means roll your Strength die, and if you roll 4 or more, you pass; if you roll 3 or less, you fail. What happens if you pass or fail will be listed in the Encounter.

Fighting Battles
Quite often you will be told to ght a battle against an enemy during an Encounter. Use the following rules to simulate the battle. Your enemy will be given a Fighting Skill and Wounds score in the text, as well as a special Damage and Armour score. You will need these when determining the outcome of the battle. 1. Roll your Fighting Skill, then roll your opponents Fighting Skill. If your roll is higher, proceed to step 2. If your opponents roll is higher, proceed to step 3. If the rolls are equal, return to step 1. You have hit your opponent! Roll your Strength die, adding any damage bonuses you get from equipment or skills. Now, roll your opponents Armour die. If your total is


higher, you have hurt your opponent: reduce his Wounds score by the amount you won by. If your total is lower, your opponent has shrugged off the blow and are unhurt. Go to step 4. 3. You have been hit! Roll your opponents Damage die. Then roll your Endurance die, adding any armour bonuses you get from equipment or skills. If your total is lower, you have been hurt: reduce your Wounds score by the amount your opponent won by. If your total is higher, you have shrugged off the blow and are unhurt. Go to step 4. If both your Hero and your opponent has more than 0 Wounds left, return to step 1.

you see that you are wielding a sword, with a damage bonus of +2. You add that to your roll for a total of 5. Next you roll the Goblins Armour die, getting a 3. You have the higher total by a score of 2, meaning the Goblin loses 2 Wounds, leaving him with only 1 Wound. As you are both still alive, you return to step 1 to ght again. DAMAGE AND ARMOUR BONUSES There are many different items of equipment that can provide damage and armour bonuses, the most common of which are weapons and armour. It is important to note that you can only claim damage and armour bonuses from one item of equipment at a time. For instance, if you had two items of equipment that provided a damage bonus, you could only claim one of these bonuses a time (obviously, you would take the higher one). The same goes if you have multiple armour bonuses: you can only claim one at a time. If you ever enter a battle without a weapon, you must deduct -1 from your damage.


EXAMPLE OF COMBAT You (Fighting Skill: d6, Strength: d6; Endurance: d6; 12 Wounds) are ghting a Goblin (Fighting Skill: d4; Damage: d6+1; Armour: d6; 3 Wounds). First you roll your Fighting Skill, scoring a 5. Next you roll the Goblins Fighting Skill, scoring a 4. As your roll is higher than the Goblins, you have hit it! Now you roll your Strength die, scoring a 3. Checking to see if you have any damage bonuses,

Completing the Quest

Once you have completed the nal numbered Encounter of your chosen Quest, you have successfully completed that Quest! Congratulations! Now it is time for your Hero to return home to rest and heal, and to spend any loot he may have acquired (see Equipment). Once the Quest is completed, return your Hero to his full starting Wounds score. You also gain Experience Points at the end of the Quest. You gain 1 Experience Point for every Encounter you beat during the Quest. Once you reach a certain number of Experience Points your Hero rises in Level, earning new abilities and skills in the process. The number of Experience Points you need to go to the next level is listed below. Level

Experience Required 0 10 20 35 50 70 100 130 170 220 300

The Adventurer
This section presents a Hero for you to use in your Quests. The Adventurer is a generic Hero that is perfect for a rst time player, or for someone who wants a Hero that is good at many things. There are some people in every society who live for the thrill of danger. Life in the cities or on a farm is so boring to these people, so pedestrian, that they would soon go crazy if they were forced to do it for any length of time. Luckily for these people (and unluckily for the rest of the world) Arax is a dangerous place, so there is plenty of thrills to be had. Adventurers are men and women who love to explore the wilder-lands of the world, delving deep into ancient ruins in search of treasure, or sneaking into enemy lands on a mission of great importance. They are highly skilled and they need to be, for where they go danger is only metres away. An Adventurer makes a great Hero for, while they are not really masters in any one area, they are good all rounders who have a reasonable chance at succeeding no matter the odds. CHARACTERISTICS An Adventurer begins with the following characteristics: FIGHTING SKILL:









d6 d4 d6 d6 d6 d6 d6 d8 12 STARTING EQUIPMENT: Sword (+2 damage bonus); Leather Armour (+1 armour bonus); Healing Potion (restores 1 d6 Wounds when used, one use only). Alternatively, begin with 35 coins and purchase equipment instead of using the starting list. ADVANCED ADVENTURERS As an Adventurer rises in level they gain special skills and characteristic increases. The following table shows what an Adventurer gains at each level. Level

Ability Special Skill Special Skill Fighting Skill d8 Reexes d8 Special Skill Special Skill Perception d10 Charm d8 Special Skill Special Skill

Special Skills
When an Adventurer gains a Special Skill, they gain one of the benets listed below. Roll 1 d10, twice, and consult the list of Special Skills below, choosing one of the Special Skills you rolled.. Your Adventurer now knows that Special Skill and gains all of its benets. If you happen to roll a Special Skill you already have, you may instead choose one from the list freely. 1.

DANGER SENSE Your Hero has an uncanny sixth sense that alerts him to danger moments before it happens. Reduce any Wounds your Hero loses by 1, down to a minimum of 1.





EVASION Realizing the danger of the situation, your Hero skillfully backs away and out of trouble. Once per Quest you may use this Special Skill to leave an Encounter. You do not count as beating the Encounter. LOCKBREAKER Your extensive training at exploring hidden areas and having to open locked doors and chests allows you to do this much more easily than others. You may add +1 to any dice rolls you make when attempting to open a locked door or chest. EXPLORER You have a knack at nding secret doors and hidden passages. You may add +1 to your Perception Tests when rolling to nd a secret door or passage. MIND TRICK Your way with words and your quick wit allow you to make friends with even the worst of enemies. Once per Quest, you may attempt to talk your way out of a battle instead of ghting. Make a Charm Test (5+); if you pass, you count as defeating the enemy. MONSTROUS LORE Your constant run ins with monsters and beasts has given you an extensive knowledge of how they operate, their strengths and their weaknesses. Whenever you have to ght a battle, you may rst make a Knowledge Test (5+). If you pass, you gain a +1 bonus to your Fighting Skill for that battle.

Blessed with a lucky streak a mile long, your Hero
puts this to good use when on a Quest.




Once per Quest, you may re-roll any one failed Test. TREASURE HUNTER You know how to nd even the best-hidden treasures. Others say you are lucky, but when asked you simply tell them you can smell gold. Whenever you nd some coins, you may add an extra 1 d6 to the amount found. TRAPMASTER As the trap is sprung, you manage to leap out of the way at the very last second! If you fail a Test as a result of a trap, you may re-roll the Test. WEAPON SKILL Your Hero has trained extensively with a particular weapon and can wield it with skill. Choose a weapon, such as a sword or spear. When you use this weapon in battle, add +1 to your Fighting Skill roll.

Bloodfyre Mountain
Bloodfyre Mountain is a short Quest, ideal for beginning players. It takes place on the northern border of the human lands in a small cave system. Recently you have been spending some time in the most northern city in human lands, Gibston. This town has been built and re-built over the years after suffering constant attacks from the orcish hordes of the north. The people are tough and hardy, and town defence is the first thing on their minds. It has come to your attention that a small band of orcs have taken up residence in the caves beneath Bloodfyre Mountain, a dormant volcano a days ride north of Gibston. Rumour has it that a renegade human sorcerer named Goraz leads them and that, over the years, he has amassed a hoard of treasure. You decide to investigate and ride out to the mountain. Upon arriving you enter one of the caves. Inside it is damp and dark...

1 - LOCKED DOOR You come to a locked wooden door. There appears to be no keyhole, so you try to bash the door down. Make a Strength Test (4+). If you fail, you get no further in this Encounter. If you pass, continue reading. The door flies open and you rush headlong into the room beyond. Unfortunately for you, the floor gives way beneath you, plunging you into a pit trap! Make a Reexes Test (4+). If you pass, you avoid the trap. If you fail, you fall into the pit and lose 1 d6 Wounds. Either way, continue with the next Encounter. 2 - SLEEPING GUARD Rounding a corner in the tunnel you spot an orcish guard sleeping at his post several metres up ahead. You decide to try and creep past. Make a Reexes test (3+). If you pass, you sneak past the guard and may continue with the next Encounter. If you fail, the orc wakes up and attacks you! Orc (Fighting Skill: d6; Damage d6+2; Armour: d8+1; 4 Wounds) If you beat it, you may take its sword (damage bonus +2) and 1 d6 coins. 3 - GUARD ROOM Ahead of you is the door to a room. Listening at the door you hear the sound of someone - or something - snoring. You open the door quietly and see a sleeping orc lying on a straw bed. At the foot of the bed is something that tempts you: a wooden chest. You decide to sneak in. Make a Reexes Test (3+). If you pass, you sneak in, open the chest and take the treasure within (2 d6 coins). If you fail, the orc wakes up and attacks you.

Orc (Fighting Skill: d6; Damage: d6; Armour: d8; 4 Wounds). If you beat it, you take the treasure in the chest.

Make an Endurance Test (4+). If you fail, lose 1 d4 Wounds from being violently ill. If you pass nothing happens. Continue with the next Encounter. 6 - PRISONERS

4 - DRUNK ORCS An unholy cacophony of noise can be heard from up ahead. Rounding a corner you spot two orcs singing and yelling at the top of their guttural voices, flagons of ale in their hands. They are very drunk and, upon seeing you, become very aggressive! You have no choice but to ght them, one after the other. Orc #1 (Fighting Skill: d6-1; Damage: d6+2; Armour: d8+1; 4 Wounds) Orc #2 (Fighting Skill: d6-1; Damage: d6+2; Armour: d8+1; 4 Wounds) If you beat them you may take their swords (damage bonus +2) and 2 d6 coins. 5 - LARDER You open the door to a small room and are immediately hit with the overpowering stench of rotting meat! You have found the larder of the orcs, and it makes you sick to the stomach.

You follow a passage that slopes further into the earth. Eventually you come to a set of iron doors, each of them locked. Looking through the grills in the top of the doors you realize this must be where the orcs keep their prisoners. Most of the prisoners are dead or dying, but one man tells you that if you free him, he will come with you. Make a Strength Test (5+) or Reexes Test (5+) to open the door. If you pass, you free the prisoner and he makes good on his word: for the rest of this Quest he will accompany you, adding +1 to your Fighting Skill. If you fail you cannot open the door. Continue with the next Encounter. 7 - UNDERGROUND RIVER The sound of rushing water gets louder as you head deeper into the mountain. Eventually you come to a raging river. The only way forward is to cross, so you wade into the cold, deep, fast flowing rapids... Make a Strength Test (4+). If you pass you make it across to the other side. If you fail, you make it across but not before being dashed on the rocks and losing 1 d6 Wounds. Continue with the next Encounter. 8 - STORE ROOM You come to a locked door and decide to try and open it. Make a Strength Test (4+) or a Reexes Test (4+). If you fail you cannot open it; continue with the next Encounter. If you pass, continue reading. The door opens to reveal a storage room of some sort. All manner of things are strewn around the room in a haphazard fashion, but you decide to search through it in the hopes of finding something useful. You nd 2 d6 coins and a battle axe (+2 damage bonus, cannot be used with a shield). You may also roll once on the Artifacts and Relics table.

9 - GREAT ORC As you are making your way down a tunnel you are surprised by a bellowing yell from behind you. Turning around you see a massive great orc charging at you! You have no option but to ght. Great Orc (Fighting Skill: d8; Damage: d8+2; Armour: d8; 4 Wounds) If you win you may take his battle axe (+2 damage bonus, cannot be used with a shield) and 1 d6 coins. 10 - ORCLINGS You enter a large, filthy chamber. At first you believe it to be empty, but then you notice movement. Two young orcs rush at you, attempting to rend you with their teeth! You must ght them one at a time. Orcling #1 (Fighting Skill: d4; Damage: d6; Armour: d6; 3 Wounds) Orcling #2 (Fighting Skill: d4; Damage: d6; Armour: d6; 3 Wounds) If you beat them, continue with the next Encounter. 11 - ARROW TRAP You have just opened a flimsy wooden door when suddenly you hear a click. An arrow comes flying out of the wall behind you, aiming straight for your head! Make a Reexes Test (5+). If you fail, lose 1 d6 Wounds. If you pass, you dodge out of the way of the arrow. Continue with the next Encounter. 12 - DEAD END? The tunnel you are following suddenly stops at a dead end. Or does it? Make a Perception Test (4+). If you fail, you nd nothing and must continue on to the next Encounter. If you pass, you nd a secret door that leads further into the mountain. Roll for your next Encounter twice, and choose which one you want to play.

13 - MAZE OF GORAZ You follow a series of tunnels for what seems like an age. They twist and turn, doubling back on each other and running every which way. Suddenly you come to an area that seems familiar... and then it dawns on you. You are in a maze! Make a Knowledge Test (4+). If you pass you navigate out of the maze. If you fail, you eventually nd your way out, but not before suffering from lack of food and water (lose 1 d4 Wounds). In addition, when rolling for Encounters, reduce the number you add to the roll by -3. 14 - ORC SHAMAN You enter a chamber filled with all sorts of weird things. Animal skulls (some of which you realize are human), body parts, and vials of foul-smelling liquid line shelves around a bubbling vat. Standing beside the vat is a grey-skinned orc who seems startled by your appearance. He quickly recovers and begins to chant in the language of magic. Roll 1 d6 to see what spell the orc shaman casts. d6





Effect Great pain begins to form in your skull, driving you to your knees. Lose 1d6 Wounds.

Aura of weakness You suffer a -1 penalty to your

Fighting Skill and Strength rolls

for this Encounter. Poison blade

The shaman magically imbues his staff with virulent poison. Any damage the shaman does during the battle is doubled.

You must then ght the orc shaman. Orc Shaman (Fighting Skill: d6; Damage: d6+1; Armour: d8; 3 Wounds) If you beat it, you nd 1 d6 coins, a staff, and may make one roll on the Artifacts and Relics table.

15 - FIGHTING PIT You enter a large chamber and immediately regret your actions. The chamber is filled with orcs and as soon as they see you they capture you. Stripping you of all their weapons, they usher you into a circle of orcs and in front of a great orc. He tells you if you beat him in combat he will let you live, otherwise you will be killed. You have no choice but to ght. However, you have none of your equipment and must remove it from your list of gear. Great Orc (Fighting Skill: d8; Damage: d8+2; Armour: d8; 4 Wounds) If you beat it the orcs let you go; you manage to grab one item of equipment before eeing (your choice). 16 - SECRET CHAMBER You enter a very dark room. If you do not have a lantern, you can go no further here; continue with the next Encounter. If you do have a lantern, continue. Your lantern lights the room enough for you to see that it is rather large, but mostly empty. A few empty bookcases line the walls, and moldy and rotting rugs sit on the floor. Make a Perception Test (5+). If you fail, you nd nothing and must leave the room (continue with the next Encounter). If you succeed, you nd a secret chamber behind one of the bookcases and within lies a prized treasure. Make a roll on the Artifacts and Relics chart. 17 - CHAMBER OF THE ORC CHIEF You enter a large chamber. The first thing you notice is the large, muscular orc who is berating his minions that cower on the floor beneath him. This must be some sort of chieftain or general. A second later, it notices you. Kicking its underlings out of the way, it draws a massive sword and advances towards you. You must ght it. Orc Chieftain (Fighting Skill: d8; Damage: d8+2; Armour: d8; 7 Wounds). If you beat it the orc underlings ee the area. You search the room and nd 2 d6 coins, a healing potion and a rune sword. 18 - TREASURE ROOM The tunnel ends at an iron door. The door is locked. Make a Strength Test (5+) or a Reexes Test (4+) to open the door. If you fail, move on to the next Encounter. If you pass, continue: The great iron door opens into a large, empty room. Something doesnt seem right... make a Magic Skill Test (4+). If you fail, move on to the next Encounter. If you pass, continue: You realize that the emptiness of the room is an illusion. Using your magical ability, you dissipate the mana hiding the contents of the room. When revealed, you are standing near a pile of treasure. You nd 5 d6 coins, and may make two rolls of the Artifacts and Relics table. 19 - PET DRAGON The tunnel you are following emerges into a massive cavern. Within it are piles of treasure: gold, gems and weapons are spread over the entire floor. But there is one other thing that catches your attention: the large dragon sitting on top of the pile of gold. The dragon is simply staring at you, awaiting your next move.

Goraz (Fighting Skill: d6; Damage: -; Armour: d6; 12 Wounds) If Goraz wins a round of battle, he deals no damage, but instead casts one of the following spells. Roll 1 d6 to discover which spell. d6




Arcane blast

Drain life


Effect A blast of mana hits you rmly in the chest. Lose 1 d6 Wounds. Goraz adds +1 to his Armour The sorcerer saps some of your strength and transfers it to himself. Lose 2 Wounds; Goraz regains
Wounds. 2 A aming blade appears in the sorcerers hands. He adds +1 to his Fighting Skill.

You are in great danger. You can attack it if you wish: Dragon (Fighting Skill: d12; Damage: d12+3; Defence: d12+3; 36 Wounds) But that is probably suicidal. You can also try to convince the dragon to let you past. Make a Charm Test (4+), Magic Skill Test (5+) or Fighting Skill Test (6+). If you fail, the dragon attacks and you must ght it. If you pass, you impress the dragon enough that it lets you continue through his cavern. If you ght and (somehow) beat the dragon, you nd 5 d6 coins and may make two rolls on the Artifacts and Relics table. 20 - GORAZ A plain wooden door opens to reveal a middle-aged man sitting behind a mahogany desk. His black eyes stare at you with burning hatred. Books line the walls, as does other arcane paraphernalia. You realize that you are looking at Goraz the Sorcerer. What took you so long? he asks before leaping to his feet. You have no choice but to ght Goraz.

If you win, congratulations! You have beaten Bloodfyre Mountain and completed the Quest. You gain 4 d6 coins and may make two rolls on the Artifacts and Relics table.

With the defeat of Goraz, the remaining orcs fled north, back to their barbaric lands. Bloodfyre Mountain remained uninhabited for some time, though people who travelled to the caverns reported it being haunted and refused to return. After thirteen months rumours began circulating that the caverns were once again inhabited. It was unknown whether these were just tavern tales or if there was some truth to them, but upon investigation it was found that the entrance to the caves had been blocked by arcane means. So far, no one has broken through the barrier in order to discover what is happening within Bloodfyre Mountain.

Your Quest is nished! Any coins, equipment, Artifacts and Relics you found during the Quest can be carried on to the next Quest, aiding your Hero on his or her next journey. Between Quests you have the opportunity to buy new equipment for your Hero. This can include things such as weapons and armour, but also miscellaneous stuff such as ropes, bandages and other items. Below is a brief list of equipment you can purchase using any coins you have. You can also sell equipment for half the listed value; for example, if you wish to sell a battle axe, you would get 5 coins for it. There is a limit to the amount of items you can carry, though. Your Hero may only carry a maximum of 12 items at any time (coins do not count towards this limit, but equipment, Artifacts and Relics do).

Equipment List


Battle axe


Pole arm



10 coins

6 coins

2 coins

25 coins

4 coins

15 coins

15 coins

50 coins

10 coins

30 coins

5 coins

3 coins

10 coins

3 coins

5 coins

Special Rules +2 damage bonus, cannot be used with shield +1 damage bonus +0 damage bonus +3 damage bonus, cannot be used with shield +1 damage bonus, cannot be used with shield +2 damage bonus +2 armour bonus, -1 Reexes +4 armour bonus, -2 Reexes +1 armour bonus +3 armour bonus, -1 Reexes When hit, roll 1 d6; on 6, ignore all damage. Restore 1 Wound, one use each Restores 1 d6 Wounds, one use only One use only. +1 bonus when climbing

Chain mail

Full plate

Leather armour

Plate mail



Healing potion



Artifacts & Relics

At times during a Quest, you may discover some magical or enchanted items that will be of enormous benet to your Hero. These items are known as Artifacts and Relics. When you are told to make a roll on the Artifacts & Relics table, roll 1 d10 and consult the following list. Your Hero gains whatever item or items you roll on the table. 1. RUNESWORD
This enchanted blade, created by both the elves and the dwarfs, has a +2 damage bonus. It also adds +1 to your Fighting Skill. 2. BATTLEHELM

Once standard issue to all human soldiers, a battlehelm adds +1 to your armour. This bonus is cumulative with other armour bonuses. 3.

Covered with enchanted sigils, the silver shield acts as a normal shield, but also decreases your opponents Fighting Skill by -1. 4. HEALING POTION

This draught restores 1 d6 Wounds. One use only. 5. CURE ALL

This draught restores all lost Wounds. One use only.



When a spell is cast your Hero, you may read from this scroll. If you do, the spell is dispelled without effect. One use only. 7. IVORY AMULET

This item restores 1 Wound per Encounter that you pass through. RING OF TELEPORTATION This simple iron band allows you to escape from one Encounter. You dont count as passing it. One use only. 9. ORB OF LIGHT

This crystal ball shines brightly, counting as a lantern with unlimited uses. 10. ONYX TALISMAN

The onyx talisman surrounds the wearer with a halo of mana, which gives you a +3 armour bonus.

Characteristics: A set of scores that dene what a Hero is and isnt good at. There are eight of these: Fighting Skill, Magic Skill, Strength, Reexes, Endurance, Knowledge, Charm and Perception. d4: A dice with four sides, numbered 1-4. d6: A dice with six sides, numbered 1-6. d8: A dice with eight sides, numbered 1-8 d10: A dice with ten sides, numbered 0-9. The 0 is counted as 10. d12: A dice with twelve sides, numbered 1-12. d20: A dice with twenty sides, numbered 1-20. Encounter: Quests are made up of Encounters, representing a different area of the Quest. Experience Points: A measure of how skilled your Hero is. Hero: Your character; you play as this person during a Quest. Level: A numerical value, ranging from 0 to 10, which indicates how powerful your Hero is. Quest: An adventure or mission your Hero undertakes. Test: A dice roll on a characteristic to determine if a Hero is successful in a situation or not. Wounds: A measure of how healthy a Hero is. If a Hero has 0 Wounds, they are killed.

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