Chemistry Unit 6 Most Imp MCQ Questions
Chemistry Unit 6 Most Imp MCQ Questions
Chemistry Unit 6 Most Imp MCQ Questions
(a) u (b) U= Ho
(d) u
(62] UPH, B.Sc. il year, IVh Semester - Chemistry Siddharth University
Q.7 How many NMR signals would be given by the compound (CH;),CHCH,CH, :
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2
Q.8 Which substance is taken as a standard for'recording chemical shift ?
(a) Dimethylsilane (b) Tetramethylsilane
(c) Trimethylsilane (a) Methylsilane
2.9 Among CH4,CçH CH,CH CN and CH,(CN)2, the magnitude of coupling con
stant lowest for
(a) CH,CN (b) CH(CN),
(c) CH, (a) CoH,CH,
Q.10 The pair of compounds which can be distinguished by NMR spectrosocopy are :
(a) CH,CH,0 and CH,0- CH, (b) CH,CH,CH,OH and CH,CH(OH),CH,
(c) CH,CH,CHO and CH COCH, (d) All of these
Q.11 The NMR spectroscopy is useful for the detection of:
(a) hydrogen bonding (b) aromaticity
(c) geometrical isomers (d) All of these
Q.12 Only one signal is present in the PMR spectra of:
(a) C,H4,C,HG (b) CH,CsHi2
(c) CGHig.C,H,0 (d) All of these
Q.13 How many Hertz does 1 ppm correspond to for an PMR spectrometer oper
ating ata radiofrequency of 60 MHZ and 100 MHz ?
(a) 6 Hz, 10 Hz (b) 60 HZ, 100 Hz M
(c) 100 Hz, 60 Hz (d) None
Q.14 A proton H, is coupled to four equivalent protons H, . The multiplicity and
the relative intensity of lines in the signal H, is:
(a) Doublet, 1:4 (b) Triplet 1:4:6
(d) Quartet 1 : 4:6:4
(c) Quintet, 1 : 4:6:4:1
PMR spectrum are : Ac
Q.15 The compounds showing only a single peak in its
Dibromoethane (IV),
etone (I), Ether (III), Methyl acetate (III),
Chlorobromoethane (V).
(a) I, II, IV (b) I, IIL, V
(c) I, II, V (d) II, I, V
PMR because aldehydic
Q.16 The aldehydic protonappears much downfield inthe
proton is
(a) Strongly shielded
(b) It lies in the deshielding zone of the carbonyl group
(c) It ocCors at 10 8 ppm (d) All of the above
Q.17 The actual value of nuclear spin depends on
(a) Mass number (b)atomic number
(c) Both (a) and (b). (d) Shielding effect
form of hydrogen
Q.18 Ifa proton is linked to some electronegative atom in the
bond, absorption willoccur :
(a) unchanged (b) upfleld
(c) downfield (d) can not say
uD4 B.SC. Il year, IVn Semester - Chenistry - Siddharth University (63]
o.19 Ifthe chemical shift on the &scale is 4.4, that on scale woule be :
(a) -4.4 (b) 1/4,4
(c) 5.6 (d) -5.6
Q.20 How many NMR signals are expected from the following compound :
(a) 5 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 3
Q.21 Acompound with molecular formula CoHp gave the following NMR Signals
singlet 3.32,3H ,singlet 7.75,9H . The structure of thecompound is :
CH3 ,CH,
(a) (b)
() ()
Q.22 Which of the following statements regarding NMR data of o-,m- and p
dibrombenzene is not correct ?
(a) o- dibromobenzene shows to peaks
(b) m- dibromobenze shows three peaks
(c) p- dibromobenze shows only one peak
(d) All the above statements are incorrect
Q.23 'Hc.rp have nuclear spin equal to :
(a) 1/2 (b). 1 (c) 0 (d) 3/2
Q.24 When the effective magnetic field experinced by the nucleus is less than that
of the applied field [Hr < H,] the nucleus is said to be :
(a) Deshielded (b) Shielded
(c) Relaxed (d) None
Q.25 In p-xylene, the ratio of methyl protons to ring protons Is 6 :4 while for
mesitylerne, it is
(a) 6:4 (b) 3 :2
(c) 9:3 (a) 6:3
(64) UPH, B.Sc. ll year, IVh Semester- Chemistry - Siddharth
26 Compound CHo0 gave PMR spectrum consisting of two groups of
:2. Other compound of
multiplets) with relative intensities int he rationi 3 area of 9 :1. Compound
the same formula exhibited two lines with relative
Q.42 In ethyl benze, ((O-CH)-CH, )the tau value for CH, proton willbe . .
than those of CH, protons
(a) lower (b) higher
(c) much higher (d) not Sure
Q.43 Outof the olefinic, aldehydic and aromatic protons, the decreasing deshielding
has the order :
(a) olefinic > aldehydic >aronmatic (b) aldehydic > olefinic > aromatic
(c) aromatic > olefinic > aldehydic (d) olefinic > aromatic > aldehydic
9.44 Which of the following solvents can not be used in NMR spectrocopy ?
(a) CCl4 (b) CS, (c) CHCIH, (a) (cCl,),C= 0
Q.45 The spin is an integer 1,2,3 .for anucleus having
(a) even number of protons and neutrons (b) odd mass number
(c) even mass number and odd number of protons M
(d) None of these
Q.46 NMR spectra are observed in ...egion
(a) radio frequency M (b) microwave
(c) uv/vis (d) X-rays
0.47 Write the number of signals and their multiplicities for the NMR spectrum of
the compound, ClF,C-CH,CI
(a) one, triplet (b) two,singlet
(c) two, triplets (d) None of these
Q.48 Fro two sets of protons for CH, -CH, -CO- part of an organic compound,
the vlaue of J for these two sets will be :
(a) different (b) same
(c) may be same or different (d) None of these
Q.49 The signal(s) for a compound like 4-CH, -CH, -B willbe :
(a) two triplets (b) two singlets
(c) one singlet (d) One triplet