IoT For Disabilities
IoT For Disabilities
IoT For Disabilities
Abstract: Taking care of the elderly is difficult, improvements for people with special needs, for
especially when they have chronic diseases. It's example, can help them with their daily activities
difficult to focus and address the challenges and thereby improve their quality of life. This may
experienced by differently-abled persons, especially be accomplished with the help of well-adapted and
if our patient is visually, audibly, or vocally unique IoT technology for this type of person;
disorderly. The project's goal is to design and nevertheless, while we can anticipate these scenarios
implement a wearable device solution that is simple, soon, their execution today constitutes a significant
quick, accurate, and cost-efficient; through the technological leap. From a more technical
benefit of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept with standpoint, we can state that what is required is:
a mobile application to facilitate the patient's
caregivers. In this project, there are two cases, 1) The data acquisition system senses changes
wherein in both cases, the patients are diagnosed in the physical status of things; that is
with Alzheimer's disease, where they will be subsequently saved and communicated.
wearing a health band to detect and record their 2) Embedded systems provide the potential
health vitals and allocate their position. The first one for things to communicate and interact to
is that the Alzheimer’s patient is audibly and vocally achieve a primary goal for a user
impaired. There is an implemented program within application, along with nanotechnology, to
the wearable band and the mobile application to communicate and interact to achieve a
detect the voice and convert speech-to-text (SST) primary goal for a user application.
and convert text-to-speech, in which the speaker 3) Use a cost-effective method such as RFID
outputs the speech. In the second case, the patient technology and face recognition to link
has lost the sense of sight. There are two solutions, ordinary objects and technologies to the
face recognition using a camera and the third eye Internet.
using an ultrasonic sensor. 4) Create software that hides heterogeneity,
such as hardware and operating systems,
Keywords: IoT, Atmega Microcontroller, from the application layer.
Healthcare System, wearable Device, Alzheimer, 5) A series of data analyses, big data, and
Deaf-Dumb-Blind people, speech recognition, face semantic-based enablers enables obtaining
recognition, third eye, mobile application. information from enormous datasets.
6) Finally, applications that connect people to
The technologies that support the Internet of
Things are making significant progress in major IoT
technical sectors, becoming more accessible,
available, and diverse every day, enabling quicker
expansion of the things connected via the Internet.
These technological advancements provide human
and machine data communication capabilities,
opening a new universe of diverse ways to
communicate. Businesses and institutions use the
underlying IoT technology to improve their internal
processes and services. IoT technologies are
growing into new application fields as we move
closer to a fully connected world. Technical
2. LITERATURE 2.4 Blind
According to the World Health Organization
2.1 Disabled people study, there are 285 million people with vision
Disabled persons used to have a lot of difficulties impairment, 39 million of them are blind, and 246
going about their daily lives and million people have impaired vision [7]. With the
accomplishing anything. Over one billion people are progress of contemporary technology, there is a
believed to live with a disability, which equates to range of solutions for the mobility of visually
around 15% of the world's population. Year after impaired and blind people that is accessible.
year, the number of people living with impairments Electronic Travel Aids (ETAs) is the name given to
rises, also, as the rise of chronic ailments. As a these devices (ETAs). The ETAs contain sensors
result, a special needs person's family is torn that warn the blind of impending danger through
between leaving them alone or going out alone. [1] noises or sensations. The development of Electronic
Traveling Aids has increased the safety and self-
confidence of the blind [8] [9].
2.2 Alzheimer’s disease
3. Previous works
Alzheimer's disease AD is the most frequent
cause of dementia and a degenerative brain illness • The Raspberry Pi serves as the device's
[2]. According to the World Health Organization, support system, connecting the camera,
the number of persons with dementia is expected to microphone, speaker, and LCD display.
The device is useful for blind people
quadruple in the next 30 years [3]. Around 50
because the camera takes a picture of the
million individuals are estimated to be living with
document and the output is in audio format
dementia at this time. WHO estimates that by 2050, through the speaker, the audibly impaired
the number will have risen to 152 million. [4]. because the microphone takes the spoken
Furthermore, one new case of Alzheimer's develops words as input and displays them as text on
every 33 seconds, resulting in 1 million new cases the LCD display, and the vocally impaired
every year [4]. According to several pieces of because the user types the message in the
research, the inability to identify familiar faces has LCD and the speakers output it as audio
generally been referred to as the underlying memory [13].
impairment in Alzheimer's disease. Deficits in both • Smart home control systems use wireless
anterograde episodic memory of faces and modems and the internet to allow humans
retrograde semantic memory of famous people are to operate their home electrical items such
both present in Alzheimer's disease, it is assumed to as televisions, lights, and fans using simple
be the cause of difficulty recognizing recognizable voice commands. This system will allow
faces [5] [6]. people with disabilities to turn on and off
electrical equipment without moving [14].
2.3 Deaf and Dumb • For handheld GPRS modules that require
data transmission and data processing
Hearing loss affects almost 5% of the world's multitasking, an embedded design is used.
population or 466 million individuals [7]. Hearing AVR is used to retrieve sensor data and
loss that is disabling is defined as a loss of more than wirelessly transfer it to handheld embedded
40 decibels (dB) in the better hearing ear in adults devices or specially built blind mobile
and more than 30 dB in the better hearing ear in phones [15].
children [8]. Deaf persons might communicate using
sign language. However, this approach is inefficient
because the abled person does not need to master
sign language to communicate effectively. Another
disadvantage of adopting sign language is that both
parties must be visible. The drawback of ineffective
communication between deaf and hearing people is
addressed by our suggested solution.
Microcontroller, voice recognition module, GSM
Module, and Cloud Server form the basis of our
system. Our system's mobility is improved by using
the AVR Atmega.
4. DESIGN 4.2. System Architecture
4.1. Proposed System The wearable gadget is intended for health
We must go through a series of steps to reach our
desired system. Wi-Fi/GPS/GSM
Speaker Camera
Pharma Micro-
phone Atmega LCD
Nurse Vibration
Sensor Ultrasonic
re sensors
A wearable device, a linked app running on the monitoring and assisting people with disabilities.
user's smartphone, and a cloud server service are all Our solution consists of five main phases: firstly,
part of the usual system architecture. Figure 1 shows a biomedical kit with sensors, Wi-Fi/GPS/GSM
an example of a wearable system architecture, in module that will be utilized to track the patient's vital
which the architecture can be both simpler and more signs and location. Secondly, a voice recognition
complicated than the one displayed. Some advanced microphone that will convert speech-to-text, will be
navigators used by mountain hikers, for example, used for people with hearing loss to communicate.
link directly to a GPS, eliminating the need for a Also, the device contains a speaker to output verbal
smartphone. On the other hand, a physical activity sounds that have been created by transforming text-
tracker might provide data to an insurance company to-speech conversation. Thirdly, ultrasonic sensors
to improve health problem prediction and are known as the third eye for people with blindness.
personalize insurance rates for a specific consumer. Finally, a vibration sensor that will vibrate to inform
The functionality is divided over many devices with the patient that the circuit of speech recognition is
varying capacities, which influences the design. It operating. Lastly, the Atemga microcontroller
is critical to examine the usability of individual receives collected data from the sensors and the
devices and their "interusability" [10]. That means modules, which will process it before uploading it to
the creation of a usable experience across several a database, where it will be kept and retrieved at any
devices. In addition, these designs have a physical time via the mobile application.
space distribution of system nodes. As a result, both
human and technical limitations exist. The context
must be carefully examined during the design phase
to optimize the user's engagement. Consider the
wireless network visibility range as an example of
the first sort of constraint. To optimize the
interaction with a user, an example of the second
type of restriction must carefully consider the
context of the design.
4.3. Software system three pages: the first contains the patient’s general
information, the second contains the diagnosis and
The software part of our system will include a prescription, and the list will display the recordings
database to collect all the acquired data from the which will be updated as soon as the medical team
patient, and a mobile application used by the member opens the application.
medical team to access this data.
4.4. Hardware system
A. Database
A database is a collection of data that is The various components to be used in the
specifically structured so it can be easily accessed or system are:
edited. It can be created for any type of data that
needs to be stored for future use or reference. In our A. AVR-Atmega
case, the database will be used to save any data
regarding the person. From the complete personal AVR-Atmega is a microcontroller developed by
history to the constantly updated person’s Atmel for many applications as an embedded
recordings. system. They have adapted an 8-bit RISC single-
chip microcontroller to the Harvard architecture and
There exists a special type of database called a use on-chip flash memory for program storage. The
real-time database designed specially to contain GPIO pins available on the board, shown in Figure
information that is needed for real-time processing 3, are used for input/output purposes and can be
to handle workloads whose state is constantly and programmed as needed. The proposed system uses
quickly changing. There are many ways to design a AVR-Amega32. The AVR-Atmega and the IoT
database such as; Microsoft Azure and Amazon web have proven to be pioneers in innovative technology
services (AWS) but in our project, we are going to in health care.
use Google’s Firebase service to design our real-
time database. B. Temperature Sensor
Google’s Firebase can be easily configured to
The LM35 sensor was used to measure
the mobile application through the android studio.
temperature. It is designed to measure temperature
For our system, it will be an easier and more
using a temperature proportional analog output.
efficient choice since we will be designing android
mobile applications to access our patient’s data. The temperature sensor outputs a voltage signal
Inside firebase there are two types of storage proportional to the Celsius temperature. The LM35
systems, firstly is the Firestore database which more sensor is the ideal Kelvin-calibrated linear
closely resembles a standard database with some temperature sensor because it does not require a
optimizations for mobile applications, the other is a large constant voltage to be removed from the output
real-time database that can be updated instantly by to obtain a reading in degrees Celsius. These great
any data uploaded through the application or the features of the LM35 sensor make it very easy to
wearable device, such as recordings, prescriptions, connect to any type of circuit.
or a piece of general personal information about the
patient. C. Heart-rate and SpO2 Sensor
B. Mobile application The MAX30100 is a sensor that combines pulse
Mobile applications are a new and quickly oximetry and a heart rate monitor. It detects pulse
developing Segment of the global Information and oximetry and heart rate signals using two LEDs, a
Communication Technology. They are easy, user- photodetector, improved optics, and low-noise
friendly, inexpensive, downloadable, and able to run analog signal processing. The IR LED emits infrared
on any platform. Therefore, we chose it to be our rays, which are reflected off the surface. The voltage
user interface. that passes across the resistor increases as the
Our mobile application will include a registration intensity of the light beam increases. The tip of the
page used to enter new patients and members of the index finger is placed on the sensor to determine
medical team. An administrator will oversee heart rate. The LED will begin blinking in time with
assigning patients to each physician or nurse in case the pulse as soon as the circuit detects one. The
there are several of each. Next, each member of the output is delivered to the microcontroller, which
medical team will have a page specific to them measures the patient's heart rate in BPM and blood
where they can access the information that pertains oxygen level.
to them for each of their patients. This will include
D. Camera Module of roughly 10 Amp that will keep our system
running for 56 hours. The vital signs data log from
The ESP32-CAM module is a cost-effective and the kit will be collected by the AVR-Atmega
powerful platform that requires you to develop microcontroller, which will subsequently be
intelligent projects with a microcontroller. This uploaded to the real-time firebase database. On the
module sends data through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. microcontroller, high-level and low-level alarms for
The ESP32 has a dual-core 32-bit processor clocked all vital signs, as well as a fall detection system, will
at 80, 160, or 240 MHz the microcontroller has a be installed to alert the medical staff instantly if any
unique cable to connect to the camera, a slot for a strange readings occur. All the data collected from
microSD memory card, and the ESP32S chip itself. our wearable devices, such as the patient's history,
The image is saved in JPEG format on the SD card. diagnosis, and prescription, will be available to the
A UART to USB adapter is required to connect the medical team in charge of the case via the mobile
module to your computer. Thanks to a application user interface.
microcontroller that operates at a low-level protocol,
the camera can receive and analyze images of Alzheimer's patient's family will allocate the
objects that reside in the room. For that reason, this patient's location using the GPS/GSM module. The
module is as popular as the ESP8266 or GPS module will collect the calculated parameters,
ESP32CAM. This module consists of a cable for a the longitude and latitude position, and send them to
direct connection to the camera sensor. The camera the mobile application through SMS using GSM.
sensor has a wide-angle lens with a viewing angle of 5.2. Deaf and Dumb
160 °.
A. Deaf Module
E. Voice Recognition Module
When a person calls the patient by his name, the
Voice Recognition Module that incorporates an wearable band in the patient’s hand will start to
excessive sensitivity microphone. It is simple to vibrate now of hearing their name using a speech
govern and helps as much as eighty voice recognition microphone. Therefore, the patient will
instructions at once. Around seven voice enable the STT to work and communicate with that
instructions may want to work on the equal time. person through the mobile application as shown in
Any sound of any language (English, Arabic, the diagram below Figure 9. The wearable device
French) can be skilled as a command. Users want to also will notify the person with some critical words
familiarize the module first earlier than letting it that he needs to listen like:
apprehend any voice command. Speech recognition • Dangerous if any dangers threaten his life.
modules are used in lots of programs along with
• Prayer for the prayer time.
domestic automation for humans with special needs.
• Phone if someone calls him or any kind of
F. Vibration Motor
Since he is an Alzheimer’s patient, he also needs
is a low-cost vibration motor. The PWM controls to hear some words like:
the vibration intensity of the sensor, which can
easily convert electrical signals into mechanical • Medicine reminds him to take the
vibrations. Wearable devices suitable for medicine.
manufacturing vibration-sensitive interactive • Food to remind him for food time.
products vibrate and call small vibration motors. It • Exercise to remind him to do some
serves as an inaudible indicator. If the input is high, exercises.
the motor will vibrate as it receives signals from the
speech recognition module. STT App
Audio Display
5. Proposed Scenarios
Mic Text Display
5.1. Healthcare and Alzheimer’s Disease
6. Results