Multimedia Sensors Embedded in Smartphones For Ambient Assisted Living and E-Health
Multimedia Sensors Embedded in Smartphones For Ambient Assisted Living and E-Health
Multimedia Sensors Embedded in Smartphones For Ambient Assisted Living and E-Health
DOI 10.1007/s11042-015-2745-8
Abstract Nowadays, it is widely extended the use of smartphones to make human life more
comfortable. Moreover, there is a special interest on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and e-Health
applications. The sensor technology is growing and amount of embedded sensors in the
smartphones can be very useful for AAL and e-Health. While some sensors like the accelerometer,
gyroscope or light sensor are very used in applications such as motion detection or light meter, there
are other ones, like the microphone and camera which can be used as multimedia sensors. This paper
reviews the published papers focused on showing proposals, designs and deployments of that make
use of multimedia sensors for AAL and e-health. We have classified them as a function of their main
use. They are the sound gathered by the microphone and image recorded by the camera. We also
include a comparative table and analyze the gathered information.
1 Introduction
Currently, the developed countries are suffering a generational change. The population is aging
due to the low birthrate and the increase of life expectancy. This is mainly due to a change in
* Jaime Lloret
Lorena Parra
Sandra Sendra
José Miguel Jiménez
Instituto de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de zonas Costeras, Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia, 46730 Grao de Gandia, Valencia, Spain
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their lifestyle and the advances in medicine. Nowadays in Europe, around 17 % of the
population is over 65 and it is expected that this percentage will reach 30 % in 50 years
[50]. Elderly people usually have several health afflictions. The 85 % of them have at least one
chronic disease while 65 % suffer two or more chronic diseases [5]. The most common chronic
diseases in elderly people are hypertension, heart diseases, eye disorders, arthritis and diabetes
[5]. There are other impediments which are not directly related with chronic diseases and cause
some troubles in the daily activities of elderly people. The losses of hearing, vision or mobility
are also common problems in elderly people.
It is also important to know that most of elderly people (61 % of men and 71 % of women)
live alone or with his/her old partner [6]. The ones who live alone generally have more
accidents [58]. In fact, 30 % of them have one fall per year and the 50 % of them even suffer
more than one fall. Elderly people generally are in touch with their family members via
telephone calls and their families usually visit them once or twice per week [6]. The use of
mobile phones by elderly people is still low. In United Kingdom, more than a half of the
population between 65 and 75 years old has a mobile. However, this percentage decreases
down to 30 % in people over 75 years old [36]. The most frequent use of mobile phones by
elderly people is limited to receive calls and make calls when there is an emergency. So, we
can deduce that a great deal of elderly people is isolated of non-elderly people during most part
of their time. If these persons suffered a fall and they could not get up from the floor by
themselves, it could derive in many complications such as hypothermia, decubitus ulcer,
pneumonia or even, in the worst cases, the death [58].
The concept of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) was used for the first time in the European
Framework Program for research funding. Its aim is to improve the Quality of Life (QoL) of
people with special needs (like elderly and disabled people) by using different types of
technology. AAL, and concretely Health researches, can be a promising help for elderly
people by providing them more liberty, self-sufficiency and decrease the number of visits to
the doctor. The main functions for AAL are focused on monitoring services, recognition of
activities, people location [34], behavior detection and data collection [2]. To carry out these
purposes, several sensors and smart devices are generally used. The data of these devices
should be stored for further processing and for taking decisions when a problem has happened
[68]. These devices can be placed at home (known as Smart Home), in the body
(implementing wireless body area networks - WBANs), as wearable sensors, or even in the
phones (Smartphones).
The sensors at home are very useful; they can benefit people when they are at home. One of
the objectives of H2020 is to promote the active ageing, so it is expected that elderly people
will not be all the time at home. The WBANs are incredible useful to monitor the patients’ vital
signs. However, there are some problems with this technology because some elderly people are
reticent to wear them. The use of Smartphones to obtain information could help elderly people
for preventing some dangerous situations. In addition, they can be used in indoors and
outdoors and can be considered as non-annoying devices. The smartphones have several
embedded sensors such as Global Position System (GPS), gyroscope, accelerometer, magne-
tometer, temperature sensor and some more ones. The camera and microphone integrated in
smartphones are suitable to obtain information from the environment providing to the users the
useful data for taking decisions in an intelligent ambient. The use of smartphones for sensing
the environment can be considered as a new research field where several authors are devel-
oping new ideas. In this sense, E. Macias et al. presented a very complete survey [45] about
mobile sensing. We can also find some works focused on adapting the mobile sensors to AAL
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and e-health applications. S. Sendra et al. proposed [54] a smart collaborative system for taking
care of elderly and disabled people. The system uses the sensors embedded in the smartphones.
Other smartphones applications, which try to endow intelligence to the environments, are the
crowd control systems like the one developed in [32]. Finally, there exist other uses of mobile
phone for AAL such as the predicting the position and tracking a person using its mobile.
Several examples can be found in the literature [66, 69, 70].
Although nowadays, elderly people do not use the smartphones as desired, it is expected
that in 5 years about 95 % of people over 65 years will have one [8]. In the near future, the use
of 5G will increase the smartphone functions as well as the communication speed to send and
receive the data without undesired delays. This will also permit to send and receive higher
amount of data. Although, the truth is that 5G technology is not yet implemented, but there are
several works about algorithms and protocols for 5G phones [62]. One of main problems of
smartphones is their low storage capacity. For this reason, there are several applications that
give the possibility of storing the sensed information in the cloud. Sometimes, smartphones are
not capable to create a cloud computing network and collaborate actively, but this problem was
solved in [37] where R. Lacuesta et al. showed the design and deployment of a spontaneous
ad-hoc cloud computing network for mobile devices. The energy consumption is also an
important factor in the development of real implementations of AAL systems and e-Health
applications. The smartphones have limitations in terms of energy and the wireless connections
as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth consume a considerable amount of energy. There are also some
investigations focused on obtaining energy from the medium [67]. This is known as energy
harvesting. There is a work that listed some energy efficiency indicators taking into account
different VoIP codecs [21].
One of the main worries of elderly people about the use of smartphones for their monitoring
is the security of the gathered data [31]. In this research field, several works were focused on
creating secure protocols for mobile communications. An interesting proposal was developed
by D. M. Monteiro et al. in [47], where they proposed a secure protocol for NFC-Bluetooth
communications between mobile phones applied to cash credit transfer.
There are some studies carried out to know how elderly people will face to the use of
smartphones. We can read in [8] that elderly people agree to wear a smartphone and use it,
however, they are against replacing some medical visits by the use of smartphones [7, 53].
These studies also point that all elderly people do not have the same physical conditions to use
smartphones. People who have problems in manual dexterity or poor vision generally present
more problems. In order to help them, there are several applications which use the multimedia
sensors as the input information. It opens many possibilities to those people [20] with special
needs. In fact, the use of the camera and microphone embedded in the smartphone are very
common in other application areas. Cameras are used to recognize objects in museums, gesture
recognition, document recognition and so on [30]. Microphone is used for speech recognition,
for detecting the presence of conversation or even for detecting nonverbal cues. It is possible to
use microphones for people localization according to the ambient noise [30] or even to
recognize different kind of foods [33]. Another application based on the smartphone’s camera
is developed in [43]. In this case, during the record of a video frame, the application uses the
GPS to tag the video with geo-localized information. According to [21], one of the main
problems when using the smartphones’ camera is that the smartphone usually remains in the
pocket during long periods of time and the amount of data collected with the camera is very
high to be stored in the smartphone. This problem was solved in [44], where E. Macias et al.
proposed a semantic system where the video recorded by the mobile phone is tagged, so the
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video frames are sent jointly with some information about the place, environment, GPS
position, etc. to a server in real time without high packet delay variations.
Although several surveys have been published about different kinds of technologies for
AAL (like Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) [3], ambient intelligent techniques [1] for
WBANs [22] and even for mHealth using mobile phones for elderly people), none of them
mention the use of multimedia data [17]. There exist some surveys about the use of video
records for activity recognition and behavior detection [15, 51, 59], but there is no one specific
for smartphones. In the related literature, we have not found any survey about the use of
multimedia data from Smartphones for AAL systems and e-health applications. Because
different areas such medicine, informatics, telecommunications and computer science, are
involved in the development of these applications, it is difficult to know the information about
the number of available AAL and e-Health applications. For this reason, it is very important to
perform this analysis. It can help technicians and researchers to manage multimedia data for
AAL. Our survey is only focused on those works that use the embedded multimedia sensors in
the smartphones. So, we do not take into account those works that include multimedia devices
which are connected to the smartphones. This work is useful to compare the use of multimedia
technology with other kind of systems developed for AAL and e-Health.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In order to show the utility of this survey,
Section 2 shows some statistical data about the ages and gender using smartphones and the
main health problems of the population. Section 3 reviews the published works that make use
of the smartphones’ camera for AAL and e-health purposes. Section 4 includes the review of
the published works that make use of the smartphones’ microphone for AAL and e-health
purposes. A collection of different kinds of commercial Android applications that make use of
the smartphones’ camera or microphone are presented in Section 5. Section 6 compares and
analyzes the works included in previous sections. Finally, Section 7 presents our conclusion
and future work.
In order to contextualize our study, it is important to know the evolution of the usage of the
smartphones and which population sector is more affected by disabilities and chronic diseases.
This section shows several statistics regarding to the use of mobile phones as a function of the
population gender and their age. It also shows the percentage of smartphone operating
systems.. Finally, we are going to show some interesting data about the most common diseases
and disabilities.
According to a statistical study performed by the Pew Research Center’s Internet &
American Life Project in 2013 [56], the number of men with mobile phones is higher than
the women (See Fig. 1), although they are quite close. In addition, we can see that the highest
percentage of people using smartphones is between 18–24 and 25–34 age ranges (See Fig. 2).
In 2013, the most important fact was that the 18 % of people with 65 and older own a
smartphone. This measure was 13 % in February 2012).
Regarding to the smartphone and its operating system (OS), there are currently four main
OSs for smartphones and mobile phones: Android, Apple iOS, Windows Phone and
Blackberry. There are other ones such as Symbian, but the number of users that nowadays
choose this OS is very low. As we can see in Fig. 3 [24, 55], Android is the most used OS
(52 %) followed by Apple iOS (42 %). This is because Android is free and it is based on a
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modified version of the Linux kernel. This is an advantage for both the application developers
and the users, because it permits customizing the phones in order to maximize their functions
by simply installing an application.
On the other hand, disabilities affect hundreds of million people in the developed countries.
Around 10 % of the total world’s population, which are around 650 million people, is disabled.
Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the age of the population and the percentage of
population that suffer some disability [11]. The highest percentage of disabled people is given
in adults of 65 years old and older.
The main disabilities registered by the American population are shown in Fig. 5. As we can
see, one of the main problems related to disabilities is the people mobility and their difficulty to
carry out daily tasks. The highest percentage is registered for the difficulty of walking and/or
going upstairs or downstairs.
Elderly people, who are increasing year by year, present needs that must be
covered. According to the values shown in [6], the 81 % of women and 78 % of
men follow a medical therapy and even need medical examination once or twice a
month. In addition, elderly people frequently need medical assistance and, in general,
Percentage of users (%)
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Fig. 2 Population that uses mobile phones as a function of the population age
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they need to be hospitalized more than non-elderly people. They need several phar-
macology products and sometimes they could need caregivers at home. The needs that
should be covered are usually expensive, although sometimes they are partially
financed by public services. In United Kingdom, the medical costs due to elderly
people falls are almost $1.5 billion every year [13]. The average health care spent per
capita for people without chronic diseases is near to $800. However, the cost for
people with at least one chronic disease can reach $1,900every person. This value can
rise up to $11,500 when the number of diseases is five or more [5]. If the percentage
of elderly people is increasing at this rate, in very few years this cost will be difficult
to be assumed by some countries.
After analyzing the percentage of the population affected by chronic diseases and disabil-
ities, we believe that the use of new technologies, in particular the use of multimedia sensors
embedded in smartphones, can be a very useful tool to improve the autonomy and welfare of
this population sector.
Percentage of population (%)
20% 17%
10% 8%
Children under People 15 and People 21 to 64 Adults 65 and
15 older older
Population (million persons)
15 12
10 8.1 7.6
5 3.6
Difficulty Require assistance Vision difficulty Hearing difficulty Using a Alzheimer's,
walking/climbing of others with wheelchair senilty or
stairs everyday tasks dementia
The evolution of smartphones and specially their video cameras are becoming more and more
powerful which is fueling the emergence of new applications (some of them in e-health and
AAL scenarios). Smartphones can be used in many daily tasks and nowadays these applica-
tions are suitable for monitoring the state of the health.
In this section, we are going to present several applications and research works where the
camera of the smartphone is used. They are classified as a function of the parameter measured,
providing the principle of operation for each case.
The principle of operation of the camera to gather data about heart rate is related to the changes
of the skin color generated by the heartbeat. It can be done following next process. The LED
on the phone illuminates part of the fingertip (as it is shown in Fig. 6). The camera is able to
capture the color changes and relates them to the beats per minute.
J. Lee et al. presented in [40] a smartphone application to measure the pulse time used to
detect the Atrial Fibrillation (AF) in real time. The system is based on the use of the
smartphone’s camera which catches the heart rate fluctuations through the finger. The proposal
does not require any additional hardware. The only requirement is to put the powerful LED,
used as the camera flash, and the optical sensor, that is the camera, within fingertip. The
application is developed for iPhone 4S and tested with a set of 25 persons. The results are
statistically analyzed following three statistical methods, statistical methods consisting of the
Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD), the Shannon entropy (ShE) and the
Sample entropy (SampE), in order to assess heart rate variability. Authors have tried to achieve
a sensitivity of 100 % for iPhone data, reaching accuracies of 0.9844, 0.8494 and 0.9552,
respectively, for the three statistical methods.
D. Grimaldi et al. presented a solution to measure the photoplethysmography (PPG)
with a smartphone’s video camera in [26]. The system is a noninvasive way that
measures the temporal variation of the blood volume. This parameter is normally
measured with a pulse oximeter. Commercial devices use the light with red and
infrared wavelengths which is passed through the subject to a photodetector.
Because of the importance of this parameter, the application is able to detect any
wrong usage of the system, i.e., when the finger is not placed correctly. The person
should place the finger on the smartphone’s camera in the way that it covers both the
camera and the LED. The light passes through the finger and the camera detects the
illumination changes. These changes are generated by the volumetric change of blood,
for this reason, this method can be used to detect the PPG. To compute the PPG
signal, the authors proposed the use of a threshold related to the number of pixels,
although the authors advised that some other parameters such as different color
saturation of the video, different finger’s pressure on the camera or the movement
of the finger respect to the camera should be considered. Authors confirmed the
correctness and suitability of this application, comparing its results with the ones
obtained by an oximeter.
Heart rate variability is used to assess the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function.
Normally, this parameter is measured through electrocardiograph (ECG), although there are
problems to collect the big amounts of samples necessary for maintaining the statistical
validity between-subject psychophysiological comparisons. Bearing in mind these facts, J.
A. J. Heathers [29] proposed an alternative to ECG which involves the use of an optical pulse
sensor executed from a smartphone called smartphone pulse rate variability (SPRV). The
author proposed a set of rules to take the measurements composed by periods of rests and
controlled movements of arms and legs. Two experiments were performed to determine the
accuracy between ECG and SPRV. SPRV values showed a consistent positive bias, which was
successfully attenuated with correction. The system presents an accuracy of ±2 % for low-
frequency spectral power, and ±5 % for high-frequency spectral power, which are acceptable
values. Author concluded that this method has important advantages in terms of accessibility,
portability and cost over traditional laboratory systems for the provision of cardiac psycho-
physiological data.
M. J. Gregoski et al. developed in [25] an Android application to measure Heart Rate (HR).
The application is also based on the use of smartphone camera. The tests were performed by
14 subjects with ages between 20 and 58 where the HRs were collected simultaneously using
the 3 devices during 5-min periods while they were resting, reading aloud under observation,
and playing a video game. The results of the test bench were compared with a Motorola Droid
to ECG and Nonin 9560BT pulse oximeter readings during several movement-free tasks. The
results indicate that the Android HR acquisition software provides valid HR measurements.
Authors concluded that the lack of electrode patches or wireless sensor telemetric straps make
this application easier to use than others. Moreover, from the patient point of view, this method
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D. Lakens presented a new application to take heart rate measurements. In this case, he
performed a study to demonstrate how smartphones are able to measure the PPG through
the use of its digital camera. The results can be used to define the differences between heart
rates as a function of relived emotional experiences [38]. The test was performed by seventy-
four students (54 men, with an average age of 20) at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
After performing the test, author discussed the possibility of measuring a person’s HR using a
video camera placed at a distance of several meters. Author concluded stating that his
experiment demonstrates that smartphone PPG applications allow collecting reliable physio-
logical data and it is possible to collect plethysmographic signals when the camera is
positioned 0.5 to 1.5 m away from the person.
Many applications and systems used to process images are based on artificial neural networks
(ANNs). The process to design an efficient neural architecture is not an easy task because the
final performance depends on the learning phase. In the previous step to the development and
implementation of the system for visual pattern recognition, it is necessary to establish the
characteristics of the input variables and the results to be achieved in the output. From these
specifications, we can define both the learning phase and the test phase. Finally, the system
must be validated depending on the results obtained. If they are not satisfactory, we should
return to the design step to redefine some parameters. If the results are the desired ones, the
system is ready to be used.
The key to quickly dealing the problems and skin diseases such as melanoma and skin cancer
lies in the periodic review and early detection. For this reason, we can see a high emergence of
applications running on a smartphone that are able to detect and catalog spots and freckles on
the skin which could be harmful. The purpose of the application presented in [63] is to
catalogue and categorize melanoma screening. However, in order to accept the validity of these
e-Health tools, we should bear in mind some considerations such as the availability and
accessibility of such tools, their costs, target audience, and, when possible, information on
their efficacy.
A. Bourouis et al. [10] described an innovative development of a smartphone intelligent
system used to analyze the skin images to identify cancer. The system uses the smartphone’s
camera and an ANN algorithm to process the images. The mobile device had high processing
capacity to conduct the classification of skin images. The application is trained by using a
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) where 100 pictures of abnormal skin and 100 normal cases
were analyzed. The total error rate in this step was 0.00996279170 while the success rate to
detect normal image from abnormal was 96.50 %. Authors highlighted in their conclusion that
this system is a low cost mobile solution that can be used for patients who live in remote areas
and for poor and developing countries, because skin examinations can be made at any place.
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T. Wadhawan et al. proposed the use of a set of dermoscopic criteria widely used by
clinicians for melanoma detection and the Implementation of the 7-point checklist for mela-
noma detection on smart devices [65]. In this case, authors use a smartphone to implement
their proposal. Authors implemented an image processing system and pattern recognition
algorithms that are able to run with the limited resources of a smartphone. The application is
able to process the images in quasi real time to provide the classification results. Results show
that when this application is combined with a commercial dermoscope that provides proper
lesion illumination, the proposed system offers a truly self-contained handheld system for
melanoma detection. Authors concluded that these devices could be used in a clinical setting
for routine skin screening, or as low cost and portable assistive diagnostic device in under-
served areas. It can also be used in developing countries with limited healthcare infrastructure.
There are some diseases such as diabetes and cataract that can generate retinal blindness for
millions of people. The current methods for obtaining retinal images are expensive and,
sometimes, very problematic because these devices are not portable and it is needed a
specialist to manage them.
Considering these drawbacks, A. Bourouis et al. [9] present an innovative system based on a
low cost smartphone with an integrated microscopic lens. The mobile diagnosis application
uses an ANN algorithm for capturing retinal images and analyzing and identifying possible
retinal diseases. Authors developed the system for the Android operating platform. The
proposal is tested and verified using two medical ophthalmology databases for demonstrating
its capabilities. Results show that the system provides competitive retinal disease detection
accuracy rates bigger than 87 %. As authors explain, this kind of system allows patients of rural
and remote areas to have regular eye examinations and disease diagnosis. Authors discuss the
possibility of extending this system to analyze some other diseases where the diagnosis should
be performed through the image analysis, such as skin cancer detection. They also talk about
combining the results of these e-Health tools with healthcare systems and AAL proposals.
The relationships between lifestyle behaviors and health outcomes usually are based on self-
reported data. In addition, these data can be very useful for making a database of places where
we usually go and for detecting possible obstacles that can damage a person with visual
problems. To collect these data, we can use wearable cameras or the smartphone’s cameras
[27]. Figure 7 shows a typical scene where smartphone’s cameras are used to detect obstacles
and alert users by acoustic/vibration signals when there are obstacles.
Following this hypothesis, D. Kochanov et al. proposed an image guided localization
system based on predefined routes with the help of smartphones and image processing
techniques [35]. The system is based on the three-dimensional reconstruction images from
initial acquired images. The acquired images are sent to the database in order to calculate the
location and direction of the camera. The tests of this application show that it is more precise
than GPS-based localization systems. Author’s proposal is compared with previous research
works that presented errors below 3 m with a probability of 0.75 and below 18 m with a
probability of 0.9. Authors propose the use of their application for orientation and navigation
of visually impaired people, instead of the use of GPS.
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The use of smartphone’s microphone and headphones can provide great benefits in the field of
e-health and AAL. Some papers are related with this issue. We can classify these works based
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on their applicability. For example, there are studies developed in the field of monitoring to
establish diagnosis and in the field of rehabilitation to study sleep disorders or stress episodes.
This section is going to show some of the most important applications based on the use of
smartphone’s microphone and headphones.
Within this area, we can find very interesting proposals as shown below.
Chen et al. [16] proposed a prototype called Listen-to-Nose. It is a phone-based system that
can be used to collect reference data, so doctors can diagnose the cause of few symptoms
which are related to nasal problems. The Listen-to-Nose is an application that, by means of
sound patterns recognition corresponding to blowing or sneezing, can detect nasal symptoms
such as a runny nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing. The system can be divided in two parts; the
client-side and the server-side (see Fig. 8). On the client-side, the application records sounds
using the smartphone’s microphone and periodically classifies the audio data using an acoustic
recognition model. This model classifies sounds as blowing the nose or sneezing, and
discards other audio data such as silence and conversations. It also obtains contextual
information including location and time. This helps the system to detect when and
where the user experiences allergic reactions. On the server-side, the application
identifies the audio source (nose blowing, sneezing, or a mistaken event) and potential
associated symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose. Data are stored for later use to
enhance the accuracy of future events.
Alqassim et al. [4] presented the design and implementation of a user-friendly mobile
application called Sleep Apnea Monitor (SAM). It has been developed for multiple platforms
(Windows and Android). The application is able to monitor and detect symptoms of sleep
apnea using the smartphone’s built-in sensors. SAM allows users to know whether or not they
are likely to have sleep apnea before continuing with more expensive and advanced sleep tests.
The application sends to the doctors and sleep specialists patients’ records and allows them to
Data Classificaon
Transmission to server
Data Classificaon
Classified data
Model Training
confirm their initial diagnosis. It uses voice recording software and the mobile built-in
accelerometer to record the users breathing patterns and movements during their sleep. In
addition, using GSM, the application can determine the patients’ location. As Fig. 9 shows, the
recorded data is securely sent to a remote server using Wi-Fi or 3G connection. On the server
side, a statistic analysis of data is performed to assist in diagnosis patients’ condition. After
that, the results are securely sent back to the users’ phone and stored on the server’s database as
well. The database is accessible via a web server by the doctors with privileged access to users’
records. Finally, the system can be configured to send a text message to the user with the
outcome. The system was successfully tested following the performance and design require-
ments. The application and its functionality were verified using 55 samples with very
promising results.
Larson et al. [39] present SpiroSmart, a low-cost mobile phone application that performs
spirometry sensing using the built-in microphone. The smartphone’s microphone records the
exhalation. The procedure is as follows. The user holds the smartphone at approximately arm’s
length, breathe in his/her full lung volume and forcefully exhale at the screen of the phone until
the entire lung volume is expelled. Then, the application sends the audio data to a server which
calculates the exhaled flow rate by estimating models of the user’s vocal tract and the
reverberation of sound around the user’s head. Flow rate is estimated by calculating the
envelope of the sound as a function of time performing resonance tracking in the frequency
domain while white noise gain through linear prediction is measured. The authors concluded
that SpiroSmart is able to compute and provide flow rates and graphs similar to those
generated in home or clinical Spirometers. SpiroSmart is not intended to be a substitute of
clinical spirometry, but rather a home-based solution that can increase compliance and
monitoring through the convenience of a mobile phone. There are some limitations, for
example, inhalation measures are also recorded in clinical spirometry, but inhalation is
inaudible and hence it cannot be measured with SpiroSmart. Another limitation is that the
setting where the test is performed must remain relatively quiet. Finally, there is a decreased
accuracy in FVC (total expelled volume during the expiration) compared to other measures.
An interesting application is the proposal presented by Lu et al. [42]. They presented a system
called StressSense. It is a method for detecting the stress using smartphone microphones and
adapting universal models of stress to specific individuals or scenarios using Maximum a
Posteriori (MAP) adaptation scheme. StressSense achieves 81 and 76 % accuracy for indoor
and outdoor environments, respectively. StressSense can be implemented for Android phones
and runs in real-time. Unlike physiological sensors, microphones do not require contact with
the human body and are compatible with all mobile phones. Using a non-iterative MAP
adaptation scheme for Gaussian mixture models, authors demonstrated that it is feasible to
customize a universal stress model to different users and different scenarios using only few
new data observations with low computational overhead. Authors conducted an initial study of
cognitive load related stress in job interviews and outdoor job execution tasks. For neutral
voice, they used reading data. Then, they investigated three training schemes to model stress:
universal model, personalized model and speaker adapted universal model. To evaluate
StressSense, authors conduct three experiments using the dataset and stress models. First, they
evaluated the importance and effectiveness of different vocal features for different acoustic
environments. Second, they studied the success of stress models trained and tested in specific
scenarios, i.e., either fully indoors or fully outdoors. Finally, authors investigated the stress
classification performance under mixed acoustic environments. Each one of the StressSense
classification models evaluated in the paper presents tradeoffs in terms of training and the
burden of the users. Authors plan to enhance StressSense application using an adaptive
pipeline that uses the self-train model for speaker adaption and the supervised adaption model
for environment adaption.
There are several Android Applications for smartphone available in Google Play Store that use
the smartphone’s camera and/or microphone as a tool for AAL and healthcare. The most
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relevant examples will be cited in this section. We have tried to choose different types of Apps
in order to show the wide range of possibilities. We only cite one App for each parameter. A
review of healthcare App was done in [48], but this study was not focused only in AAL and e-
health applications based on a determined sensor. Our study is focused only in multimedia
applications that uniquely use the camera and/or microphone.
MedCam [46] This App is able to measure the breathing and the pulse rate of a user using
the smartphone’s camera. It uses the frontal camera. The screen shows the images
taken by the camera and two rectangles. The user must adjust the distance and
position of the smartphone in order to march the upper rectangle with his/her face
and the lower rectangle with his/her chest. Then, pushing the start button, the record
starts. After few seconds, the screen shows the breathing and the pulse rate. For
measuring the pulse, the App uses the camera to see the small changes of the
reflectivity in the face of user (each heart beat changes the reflectivity of the face
in 1 %). For measuring the breathingthe App analyzes the movement of the user’s chest. The
App has a size of 941kBthe. Current version is 1.12 and it has between 10,000 and 50,000
downloads. The average score is 3.5 with 79 votes. It is included in the category of Health &
Fitness and it is free.
Color detector [18] This App uses the smartphone’s camera to recognize the predominant
color in the captured image. This App is especially interesting for colorblind people or other
eyes disorders. Once the App is running, the camera image appears in the screen with a circle
that indicates the area of color to be guessed. After taking the photo, the screen shows the name
of the colors using words and the RGB values. The color is determined according to the main
RGB values of the pixels in the area. The App has a size of 68kB and the current version is
1.9.It has between 50,000 and 100,000 downloads with an average score of 3.6 with 526 votes.
It is included in the category of Tools and it is free.
Colorblind assistant [19] This App uses the smartphone’s camera to recognize the 5 main
colors of a photo. This App is especially interesting for colorblind people and other eyes
disorders. When the App runs, the image camera appears in the screen and shows the name of
colors according to the RGB values. The App has a size of 63kB. The current version is 2.0
and it has between 500 and 1000 downloads. The average score is 2.7 with 3 votes. It is
included in the category of Health & Fitness and it is free.
The vOICe for android [61] This App uses the smartphone’s camera to convert the images
into sounds offering augmented reality for blind. It uses treble or bass tones to indicate the
height of the captured object. With high or low volume indicates the clarity of it. The
App reads the image from left to right each second. Clear areas are identified by a
short beep, clear square solids by a sonic boom, and vertical grid as a rhythm. The
App is compatible with stereo headphones. It also includes a color detector, a GPS
and a compass that tells in loud the location and orientation. The App has a size of
1.6 MB, the current version is 1.84b and it has between 100,000 and 500,000 downloads with
an average score of 3.5. It has received 76,526 votes. It is included in the category of Health &
Fitness and it is free.
Multimed Tools Appl
Voice cam for blind [64] This App uses the smartphone’s camera to read in loud the English
words detected in a picture. The App has a voice guidance that helps to known the relative
position of the text to the camera. This guidance can be activated or deactivated with a button.
The number of words detected and the number or rows can be known pressing a button. The
App does not need Internet connection when it is running. The App has a size of 7.0 MB and
the current version is 2.0 1.It has between 10 and 50 downloads. Its average score is 3.7 with 3
votes. It is included in the category of Health & Fitness and it costs 0.70€.
Cardiograph [14] This App uses the smartphone’s camera and the flash to detect the heart
rate. The App relates the changes in the skin color with the heartbeat, using the flash for
illuminating the finger. The measure takes 10s and the heartbeats can be seen in the screen by a
graphic. Users can select the activity that he/she is doing in order to record the data in a profile.
Different profiles can be maintained in just one smartphone. This App can be very useful for
people with heart diseases or anxiety, or even for people with medication that could produce
arrhythmias. The size of App and its version varies depending on the smartphone. It has
between 10,000,000 and 50,000,000 downloads and an average score of 3.8 with 129,798
votes. It is included in the category of Health & Fitness and it is free.
MyEarDroid [49] This App uses the smartphone’s microphone to detect sounds and alert the
users about them. It helps people with hearing impairment. It can distinguish between different
types of typical sounds in home environments. The App alerts the user with vibration and
visual notifications about the detected sound. It compares the sound with a database of sounds,
which includes doorbell, telephone, intercom, alarm clock and alarms. The App offers the
possibility of recording his/her own sounds of doorbell, telephone, etc. to improve the results
and also incorporate them to the database. The App has a size of 3.8 MB. The current version
is 1.0.2 and it has between 1000 and 5000 downloads with an average score of 3.5 with 33
votes. It is included in the category of Health & Fitness and it is free.
Quit snoring [52] This App uses the smartphone’s microphone to detect snoring sounds
during the user is sleeping. It does not help to completely stop the snoring but it can help to
stop individual snoring episodes. The App shows the user how often and how loud he/she
snores thanks to the records of the sleep sessions. In the morning, a summary is shown in the
screen with the number of times the user snores and how loud the snoring was. It can also be
visualized with a graph. The App offers the possibility of delivering a small Bnudge^ when it
detects a snoring episode. This Bnudge^ is aimed to stop the snoring episode. The Bnudge^ can
be a vibration or an alarm sound. Users can choose which sound should be used from a
database or records their own sound. The snoring episodes can be heard after the sleep session.
The App has a size of 6.3 MB and the current version is 1.0.15. It has between 100 and 500
downloads with an average score of 2.8 and 8 votes. It is included in the category of Health &
Fitness and it costs 1.46€.
SnoreClock [57] This App uses the microphone to record the sleeping session in order to
know if there are snoring episodes or some sounds generated during the sleeping sessions. It
automatically stops when the battery level is low. This App can be helpful for people with
Multimed Tools Appl
respiratory problems or sleeping apnea. The App has a size of 2.1 MB, the current version is
1.9.5 and it has between 100,000 and 500,000 downloads. The average score is 3.8 with 1995
votes. It is included in the category of Health & Fitness and it is free.
Breath counter [12] This App uses the smartphone’s microphone to analyze the breath rate
of the user. When the App runs, it requests the user to breath normally near to his/her
smartphone during 30 s. Instantaneously, the number of breaths per minute is shown in the
screen. The user can save and share the data via Facebook, Stream or Gmail, among others.
The App also provides the typical values of breaths per minute at different ages. The App has a
size of 2.2 MB. It has between 1000 and 5000 downloads and an average score of 3.5 with 10
votes. It is included in the category of Health & Fitness and it is free.
6 Discussion
This section compares the works reviewed in the previous sections. We compare them in terms
of device used, kind of application and the number of application that uses each device as well
as the evolution of each technology. Finally, we present a brief discussion about the different
kind of commercial applications we have found for android OS.
First of all, it is interesting to show the elements used for developing the analyzed
applications. Fig. 10 shows that the element most used to develop applications for AAL or
e-Health purposes is the smartphone’s camera. It is used in the 67 % of applications and the
smartphone’s microphone in used in the 33 % of applications.
The number of papers published using the audio of video captured by a smartphones for
AAL or e-health applications along the years is shown in Fig. 11. The first contribution
appeared in 2010 and it used the smartphone’s earphones. The number of papers per year has
increased until 2012. However, the total number of contributions decreased in 2013. By
contrast, the number of contributions that uses the smartphone’s camera still increased.
Figure 12 presents the main purposes for AAL and e-Health applications that use the
smartphone’s camera. The most relevant purpose is aimed to people monitoring (45 % of the
applications). The diagnosis is the second application most used (33 %), followed by mood
recognition and rehabilitation training (11 %, each one). Figure 13 presents the main purposes
for AAL and e-Health applications that use the smartphone’s microphone or earphone. Again,
the main purpose is the users monitoring, with a percentage of 54 %. It is followed by
Fig. 10 Elements used for implementing different applications for AAL and e-Health applications
Multimed Tools Appl
Microphone Camera
Nº of papers
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Fig. 11 Variation of contributions per year that uses the audio and video of smartphones for AAL and e-Health
diagnostic purposes (31 %) and the mood recognition and rehabilitation training tools are only
used in the 7 and 8 % of cases, respectively.
We can also analyze the parameters that each application is trying to measure. Figure 14
shows the purposes when smartphone’s cameras are used. The hearth beat is the most
measured parameter (42 %), the diseases recognition is also an important topic. The 25 %
of these applications are specialized on skin diseases and 8 % of them on retina diseases.
Object recognition (8 %) and the location (17 %) are also present among these video-based
applications. The same analysis is performed for audio-based applications. Results are shown
in Fig. 15. The nose-related diseases is the most developed topic with a 37 %. The movement
of users is the second application most predominant over other applications (25 %). The breath
rate is as important as the spirometry with a percentage of usage of 13 % and finally, heart rate
is the lowest one with 12 %.
training tool
Mood 11%
Diagnosc Monitoring
33% 45%
Fig. 12 Main purposes for AAL and e-health systems based on smartphone’s camera
Multimed Tools Appl
Mood Rehabilitaon
recognion training tool
7% 8%
31% Monitoring
Fig. 13 Main purposes for AAL and e-Health systems based on smartphone’s microphone and earphones
Tables 1 and 2 present a classification of all reviewed works in Sections 2 and 3. Table 1
shows the papers classified according to the used sensor and the purpose of the application
such as monitoring, diagnostic or mood recognition, among others. Most of applications are
developed for monitoring purposes. Table 2 shows these works classified according to the
purpose of the application such as heart beat, breathing rate, skin diseases recognition, etc. The
purpose with most developments is the hearth beat followed by nose diseases. Obstacles
recognition and spirometry are the less developed ones.
Finally, in regard to commercial application, we found a total of 10 different kinds of
applications for AAL or e-Health purposes that uses the embedded camera and/or microphone
in smartphones. Most of these Apps are camera-based (6 out of 10 with a percentage of 60 %)
and only 4 of them are microphone-based (40 %). Their main purposes are shown in Fig. 16.
As we can see, most of these applications are designed to help blinds and for monitoring
different parameters such as pulse, breath rate and snoring. Regarding to the price, the 80 % of
the analyzed applications are free. Only 2 of them are paid and their price does not reach 1.50€.
Skin diseases
25% Locaon
Heart beat
42% Obstacle
[16] Listen-to-Nose MP ✓ ✓
[4] Sleep Apnea Monitor MP ✓ ✓
[39] SpiroSmart MP ✓
[23] iBalance-ABF MP ✓
[42] StressSense MP ✓
[40] Atrial fibrillation detection CM ✓
[26] Application to measure pulse in real-time CM ✓
[29] Provision of cardiac psychophysiological CM ✓
[28] Wearable Mobility Monitoring System CM ✓
[60] A real-time obstacle detection and CM ✓
[35] Image guided localization based on CM ✓
predefined routes
[25] Smartphone Pulse Rate Variability CM ✓
[38] Android application to measure CM ✓
Heart Rate
[63] Recognition of possibles melanomas CM ✓
[10] Intelligent system to analyze skin CM ✓
images to identify cancer
[65] 7-Point Checklist for Melanoma CM ✓
Detection on Smart Devices
[9] Android platform for retinal disease CM ✓
[26] 2011 ✓
[65] 2011 ✓
[28] 2011 ✓
[40] 2012 ✓
[25] 2012 ✓
[63] 2012 ✓
[4] 2012 ✓
[39] 2012 ✓
[16] 2012 ✓
[42] 2012 ✓
[48] 2012 ✓
[29] 2013
[60] 2013 ✓
[23] 2013 ✓
[38] 2013 ✓
[10] 2013 ✓
[27] 2013 ✓
[9] 2014 ✓
[35] 2014 ✓
When research works are compared with the real Apps, it is possible to see some similitudes. The
percentage of research works based on the camera use is 67 % while the real applications based on
the camera are 60 %. In both cases, most of these applications (real Apps or research works) are
based on the use of camera. As in proposals, in real mobile applications the main purpose is
monitoring. The percentage of real App for monitoring is 50 % where the 45 % of them use the
Fig. 16 Main purposes of Android App for AAL and healthcare that uses camera and/or microphone
Multimed Tools Appl
camera and 54 % of them use the microphone and/or earphones. However, proposals for diagnostic
establishment, mood recognition of rehabilitation have not yet been developed in real applications.
Moreover, there are a lot of real applications focused on increasing the quality of life of blind and
deaf people, but in the review of research papers we do not find any reference to that kind of
7 Conclusions
The ageing of population is a reality in many developed countries and many problems are
related to this fact. One of them is related to the special needs of these people. Too many
elderly people may cause that the current healthcare systems will be not sustainable. The AAL
systems and e-Health applications are possible solutions for these problems.
In this area, several mobile monitoring systems have been developed using different
technologies. The embedded sensors in mobile devices and smartphones can be used to bring
new solutions and applications to AAL scenarios.
Multimedia data are useful for different e-Health applications and AAL systems and platforms.
This paper has presented a survey on applications that use multimedia data from smartphones for
AAL and e-Health purposes. We did not find any previous work that analyzed this information.
Firstly, we presented several works where authors proposed AAL or e-Health applications based on
the smartphone’s camera. We grouped these applications according to their different topics as hearth
beat monitoring or skin diseases recognition, among others. The same study was performed for
AAL or e-Health applications based on the smartphone’s microphone and earphone. We also
presented a comparison with the data collected. Some analyses were discussed such as number of
contributions per year and the most used elements (camera, earphones or microphones). We also
presented several current commercial applications for Android smartphones that can be found in
Google Play Store.
When we performed this work, we observed that almost all published works used the
microphone or the camera, but not the combination of both (we found just one that used the
video and audio).
Our future work will be focused on developing systems that use both, the micro-
phone and camera. These systems may be more complete because of the use of both
multimedia sensors. Moreover, the fact of having several types of sensors measuring
the different types of parameters will allow us to build different sensor networks with
different purposes [41]. Furthermore, as this field is growing hugely, very soon the
research community will most probably need a new survey with the works published
in next few years.
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Multimed Tools Appl
Lorena Parra ( She was born in Gandía, Valencia (Spain) on Februery 22, 1989. She
received her degree of Environmental Science in 2012. She received her M.Sc of Environmental Assessment and
Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems in 2013 and a second M.Sc of Aquaculture in 2014. She is
working in her Ph.D. Her research files are focused on integration of new technologies for environmental
monitoring specially in underwater environments. She is author or coauthor of several papers in SCI journals.
She has been involved in several Program and organization committees of international conferences until 2014
Multimed Tools Appl
Sandra Sendra ( She was born in Gandia, Valencia (Spain) on February 27, 1985.
She received her degree of Technical Engineering in Telecommunications in 2007. She received her M.Sc. of
Electronic Systems Engineering in 2009 and her Ph.D. in electronic engineering (Dr. Ing.) in 2013. She is a Cisco
Certified Network Associate Instructor since 2009. She is author or coauthor of more than 60 papers in SCI
journals, peer-reviewed conferences proceedings, books and international book chapters. She is editor-in-chief of
the international journal BWSEAS Transaction on Communications^, guest editor several SI in International
Journals and associate editor in the international journal BNetworks Protocols and Algorithms^. She has been
involved in more than 100 Program and organization committees of international conferences until 2014. Her
research interests include saving energy techniques in electronic circuits, sensor deployment, WSN, UWSN and
the application of these technologies for environmental monitoring.
Jose M. Jiménez received his Degree on Computer Science Engineering in 1997 and his University Masters
Degree on Corporate Networks and System Integration and University Masters Degree of Digital Postproduction
from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). He was Professor since 2005 for that University and since
2011 in the Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering. He is a CCNP Instructor since 2004. He
worked as a network designer and administrator in several enterprises. He has several scientific papers in
international conferences, international journals with JCR. He has been involved in several programme commit-
tees and in organisation of international conferences. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, ad-
hoc and 2P networks, cloud computing, network security. He has worked in the private sector for 14 years
focused on design and management of corporative networks.
Multimed Tools Appl
Prof. Jaime Lloret ( received his M.Sc. in Physics in 1997, his M.Sc. in electronic
Engineering in 2003 and his Ph.D. in telecommunication engineering (Dr. Ing.) in 2006. He is a Cisco Certified
Network Professional Instructor. He worked as a network designer and administrator in several enterprises. He is
currently Associate Professor in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is the head of the research group
Bcommunications and remote sensing^ of the Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute and he is the
head of the BActive and collaborative techniques and use of technologic resources in the education (EITACU
RTE)^ Innovation Group. He is the director of the University Expert Certificate BRedes y Comunicaciones de
Ordenadores^, the University Expert Certificate BTecnologías Web y Comercio Electrónico^, and the University
Master BDigital Post Production^. He is currently Chair of the Internet Technical Committee (IEEE Communi-
cations Society and Internet society). He has authored 12 books and has more than 300 research papers published
in national and international conferences, international journals (more than 110 with ISI Thomson Impact Factor).
He has been the co-editor of 38 conference proceedings and guest editor of several international books and
journals. He is editor-in-chief of the international journal BNetworks Protocols and Algorithms^ and Ad Hoc and
Sensor Wireless Networks, IARIA Journals Board Chair (8 Journals) and he is associate editor of many
international journals. He has been involved in more than 320 Program committees of international conferences
and in many organization and steering committees. He led many national and international projects. He is
currently the chair of the Working Group of the Standard IEEE 1907.1. He has been general chair (or co-chair) of
27 International workshops and conferences. He is IEEE Senior and IARIA Fellow.