Absalan 2012

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J Assist Reprod Genet (2012) 29:11–14

DOI 10.1007/s10815-011-9647-0


Value of sperm chromatin dispersion test in couples

with unexplained recurrent abortion
Forouzan Absalan & Alireza Ghannadi &
Marjaneh Kazerooni & Rostami Parifar &
Fatemeh Jamalzadeh & Sahar Amiri

Received: 20 June 2011 / Accepted: 10 October 2011 / Published online: 19 October 2011
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract emphasizes the important of evaluating male factor by tests

Objective To evaluate and compare standard sperm param- such as SCD in addition to conventional sperm parameters.
eters and sperm chromatin integrity by sperm chromatin
dispersion test (SCD) in ejaculates from men whose Keywords DNA . Sperm . Recurrent pregnancy loss .
partners have a history of recurrent pregnancy loss and Sperm chromatin dispersion test
from control group of fertile men.
Methods Thirty couples with unexplained recurrent abor-
tion (case group) and 30 fertile couples (control group) Introduction
referring to Shiraz infertility center were included. Sperm
parameters were assessed in semen samples from two Recurrent pregnancy loss is defined as the miscarriage of
groups and then staining with SCD procedure. The results two or more consecutive pregnancies in the first or early
were analyzed by performing ANOVA and Tukey,s tests. second trimester of gestation [1]. The various etiologies like
Results In control group, nucleoids with big (65.93±2.35), chromosomal, anatomic, hormonal, immunological have
small (12.4±0.60) and without halo (11.6±0.50) showed been studied extensively in females with this problem but
significant difference with case group (41.40±1.43), (21.16± sperm characteristics have not been examined in detail till
1.11) and (23.26±1.10) respectively. In the RPL group now [2]. Some evidence suggests that abnormal integrity of
spermatozoa with high percentage of abnormal parameters sperm DNA may affect embryo development and possibly
(morphology and motility) was observed (p≤0.05). increase miscarriage [3]. However, these data are still very
Conclusion This study strengthens the current literature preliminary, and it is not known how often sperm defects
associating sperm quality with recurrent pregnancy loss, and contribute to recurrent miscarriage.
In 1999, Kobayashi and colleagues [4] demonstrated in in
Capsule Sperm quality is correlated with RPL and SCD test could be vitro fertilization cycles that low percentages of normal
a good and cost-effective method for detection of extreme degree of
DNA damage. sperm morphology were associated not only with lower
successful fertilization rates and pregnancy rates per cycle,
F. Absalan (*)
Department of Anatomical sciences,
but also with a greater risk for miscarriages even if embryo
Ahvaz Jundishapor University of Medical Science, transfer was successful. Carrell and colleagues [5] found
P.O. Box: 61357–15794, Ahvaz, Iran higher rates of sperm DNA fragmentation in couples with
e-mail: forouzan_absalan@yahoo.com recurrent early pregnancy loss following spontaneous con-
F. Absalan : A. Ghannadi : M. Kazerooni : R. Parifar :
ception. Similarly, Borini and colleagues [6] found higher
F. Jamalzadeh : S. Amiri early pregnancy loss rates in couples undergoing assisted
Shiraz—Human Assisted Reproductive Center, reproduction techniques, both by in vitro fertilization (IVF)
Shiraz, Iran and by conception with intracytoplasmic sperm injection
A. Ghannadi
(ICSI) when high sperm DNA fragmentation and abnormal
Islamic Azad University—larestan branch, morphology were present. A recent review by Puscheck and
Larestan, Iran Jevendran [7] suggests that the male contributes to recurrent
12 J Assist Reprod Genet (2012) 29:11–14

pregnancy loss due to genetic factors, semen factors, or due lines [10] and sperm morphology was analyzed following
to other factors such as age and sperm morphology may the Kruger strict criteria [11]. Sperm count was performed
reflect these underlying deleterious conditions. In addition, in a Neuberger counting chamber. After immobilizing the
DNA fragmentation and high DNA stainability have also cells with distilled water, morphology was evaluated by the
been correlated with both abnormal sperm morphology and Diffquick staining technique. Motility was expressed as a
recurrent pregnancy loss. In a very recent study showed that percentage of rapid and/or progressive spermatozoa.
[2] abnormalities of sperm DNA structure, high DNA
fragmentation and high DNA stainability (HDS), were not SCD test
correlated with IVF or ICSI fertilization rates, good embryo
rates or pregnancy rates, but did appear to be correlated Aliquots of 0.2 mL of fresh sample semen diluted in
higher post implantation spontaneous abortion rates. medium to obtain sperm concentrations that ranged were
With increase in number of infertile couples opting for between 5 and 10 million/mL. The suspensions were mixed
assisted reproduction techniques (ART), the decline in with 1% low-melting-point aqueous agarose (to obtain a
fertility potential and growing concern about role of male 0.7% final agarose concentration) at 37 º. Aliquots of 50 μL
factor in RPL, highlight the need for diagnostic techniques of the mixture were pipetted onto Coverslips were carefully
which could asses paternal germ cell DNA damage. covered, and slides were immediately immersed horizon-
Recently, a new method, the sperm chromatin dispersion tally in a tray with freshly prepared acid denaturation
test (SCD) was introduced for evaluating sperm DNA solution (0.08 N HCL) for 7 min. a glass slide precoated
fragmentation [8]. The SCD test is based on the principle with 0.65% standard agarose dried at 80º C, covered with a
that sperm with fragmented DNA fail to produce the coverslip (24 by 60 mm), and left to solidify at 4°C for
characteristic halo of dispersed DNA loop that is observed 4 min. The agarose matrix allows for work with unfixed
in sperm with non fragmented DNA following acid sperm on a slide in a suspension like environment. At 22°C
denaturation and removal of nuclear proteins. SCD test in the dark to generate restricted single- stranded DNA (ss
results have been shown to be highly correlated with sperm DNA) motifs from DNA breaks. The denaturation was then
chromatin structure assay (SCSA) that a very powerful stopped, and proteins were removed by a transfer of the
technique mainly on human sperm samples [9]. In addition, slides to a tray with neutralizing and lysing solution (0.4 M
this method is simple, less expensive and can be performed Tris, 0.8 M DTT, 1% SDS, 2 M NaCl, 0.05 M Triplex) for
in a short period of time. 25 min at room temperature. Removal of nuclear proteins
The main objective of this study was to prospectively eval- results in nucleoids with a central core and a peripheral halo
uate the predictive value of the SCD test to correlate DNA of dispersed DNA loop. Slides were thoroughly washed
dispersion with sperm parameters in recurrent pregnancy loss. twice in water for 5 min, dehydrated in sequential 70%,
90% and 100% ethanol baths (2 min each), and air dried. At
the end cells were stained with Wright and PBS (1:1) for
Materials & methods 10 min. After air dried, the degree of DNA dispersion was
assessed by bright field microscopy. A minimum of 200
Patient selection spermatozoa were evaluated by 2 different observers [8].

In this prospective study, 30 couples with recurrent

pregnancy loss and 30 fertile couples were enrolled at Statistical analysis
Shiraz—Human Infertility Centre between December 2010
and Jan 2011. All the participants were divided into two The results were analyzed by performing ANOVA and
groups: case group (n=30) consisted of the men whose Tukey,s tests, with p<0.05 considered as statistically
partners had≥3unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion significant. The mean and standard deviation (SD) was
at least than 20 weeks of gestation. Control group (n=30) also calculated for each value.
consisted of healthy men (with no known medical con-
ditions) whose partners with no history of pregnancy loss.
Semen sample
The comparison of semen analysis of RPL and the control
The semen samples of the two groups were collected by groups is shown in Table 1. On comparing the routine
masturbation after 2–5 days of sexual abstinence. After semen analysis in males of RPL group with the control
complete liquefaction of the sample, semen analysis was group, semen volume, count were within normal range in
performed according to World Health Organization guide- both groups. Sperm motility (56.31±2.30) and morphology
J Assist Reprod Genet (2012) 29:11–14 13

Table 1 Seminal parameters of 30 couples with spontaneous Table 2 Sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) data (mean±standard
recurrent abortion (Case group) compared to 30 fertile couples error of mean) from semen samples spontaneous recurrent abortion
(Control group) (case group) and fertile subjects (control group)

Semen parameters Control group Case group Semen sample % Big halo % Medium halo % Small halo % Without halo
(n=30) (n=30)
Control group 65.93±2.35 7.9±0.47 12.4±0.60 11.6±0.50
Ejaculation volume (ml) 3.01±0.23 2.58±0.18 Case group 41.40±1.43 * 8.50±0.63 21.16±1.11* 23.26±1.10 *
Concentration (×106/ml) 62.65±7.21 64.08±6.51 (n=30)
Progressive motility (a+b%) 64.26±2.82 56.31±2.30 *
* Significant difference with control group. (P<0.05)
Morphologic alterations (%) 26.73±1.88 51.56±1.40 *

* Significant difference with control group. (P<0.05) literature associating sperm quality with recurrent pregnan-
cy loss, and emphasizes the important of evaluating male
(51.56±1.40) were found to be significantly lower in the factor by tests such as SCD in addition to conventional
RPL group versus control group (64.26±2.82) & (26.73± sperm parameters. According to Kruger’s explain our
1.88) respectively (p≤0.05). semen analysis data showed that abnormal sperm morphol-
Determination of sperm DNA fragmentation was tested ogy has been associated with increased miscarriage rates
by SCD test using conventional bright-field microscopy. [13]. Hill et al. was successful in identifying an association
Four SCD patterns were established (Fig. 1): [1] sperm cells between increases in abnormal sperm morphology in
with large halos: those whose halo width is similar or unexplained recurrent miscarriage in comparison with the
higher than the minor diameter of the core; [2] sperm cells general population [14]. In addition, it was shown that in
with medium size halos: their halo size is between those couples with RPL, abnormalities of sperm parameters can
with high and with small halo; [3] sperm cell with small reflect DNA structure that may subsequently increase the
size halo: the halo width is similar or smaller than one third risk of early miscarriage even after successful conception,
of the minor diameter of the core; [4] sperm cell without a spontaneous and assisted [15–17]. On the other hand, DNA
halo. integrity analysis is a relatively independent measure of
Table 2 showed a substantial difference in the percentage semen quality that yields diagnostic and prognostic infor-
of positive SCD stained spermatozoa. In control group, mation complementary to, but distinct and more significant
nucleoids with big (65.93±2.35), small (12.4±0.60) and than standard sperm parameters.
without halo (11.6±0.50) showed significant difference Different studies on infertile patients and in patients with
with case group (41.40±1.43), (21.16±1.11) and (23.26± recurrent pregnancy loss have shown varying results
1.10) respectively. concerning the extent of sperm DNA damage.
Gopalkkrishnan et al. investigated the sperm quality in
greater detail, particularly looking at the sperm nuclei and
Discussion chromatin condensation. This group did found an associa-
tion with poor sperm quality and repeated early pregnancy
The relation between standard semen parameters and loss as measured by an increase in sperm nuclear vacuoles
recurrent pregnancy loss has been a controversial subject or abnormal chromatin condensation [18]. In 2008, Saxena
[12]. To evaluate the role of male factors in RPL we and colleagues demonstrated that sperm functional tests
examined the semen parameters and sperm DNA integrity were significantly lower in the RPL group [2]. Recently, a
thorough SCD test. This study strengthens the current new procedure for the determination of the DNA fragmen-
tation in human sperm cells, called the sperm chromatin
dispersion (SCD) test [8]. To date, there have been few
reports demonstrating the usefulness of SCD test in
recurrent pregnancy loss. In present study, higher percent-
age of sperm cells with high degree of nuclear dispersion
was found in the RPL patients. The SCD test is performed
by conventional bright- field microscopy, and it has been
shown recently that the SCD test results are highly
correlated with those from the SCSA [9], thus confirming
the validity of SCD.
It was shown that the SCD test could be a good and cost-
Fig. 1 Nucleoides from human sperm cells obtained with the SCD
procedure: Nucleoides with big halo of DNA dispersion (a), medium effective alternative to the SCSA. The discrimination of
sized (b), small (c) and without halo and degenerated different degree of DNA fragmentation is an interesting
14 J Assist Reprod Genet (2012) 29:11–14

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